Database Backup On Task Schedule Every 1 Hour

Sep 24, 2013

I want to take a sql server 2005 database backup on task schedule every 1 hour is that possible.

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Backup The Database Every Hour

Nov 28, 2007

Hi ,

I want to backup the database per hour but not fully only the change that has been made from last one hour.Every hour I want the update data base is it possible.


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Database Design For Schedule Task

Apr 13, 2008

Hi there

I am trying to copy what is happing in "Schedule Task" on Windows and put into database design below. It's a denormalisation though.

What is the better way to handle this schenario such as DAILY, WEEKLY AND MONTHLY TASK? I did try put into normalisation by adding extra table called ScheduleDetail which holds DAYS and MONTHLY but it's more complicated.

Anyway .. I am waiting your comment or anything.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[glb_Schedules](
[ScheduleID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[ScheduleGroupID] [bigint] NULL,
[ScheduleTypeID] [int] NULL,
[StartTime] [smalldatetime] NULL,
[EndTime] [smalldatetime] NULL,
[Length] [int] NULL,
[IsMonday] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_glb_Schedules_IsMonday] DEFAULT ((0)),
[IsTuesday] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_glb_Schedules_IsTuesday] DEFAULT ((0)),
[IsWednesday] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_glb_Schedules_IsWednesday] DEFAULT ((0)),
[IsThursday] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_glb_Schedules_IsThursday] DEFAULT ((0)),
[IsFirday] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_glb_Schedules_IsFirday] DEFAULT ((0)),
[IsSaturday] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_glb_Schedules_IsSaturday] DEFAULT ((0)),
[IsSunday] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_glb_Schedules_IsSunday] DEFAULT ((0)),
[IsJanuary] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_glb_Schedules_IsJanuary] DEFAULT ((0)),
[IsFebruary] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_glb_Schedules_IsFebruary] DEFAULT ((0)),
[IsMarch] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_glb_Schedules_IsMarch] DEFAULT ((0)),
[IsApril] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_glb_Schedules_IsApril] DEFAULT ((0)),
[IsMay] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_glb_Schedules_IsMay] DEFAULT ((0)),
[IsJune] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_glb_Schedules_IsJune] DEFAULT ((0)),
[IsJuly] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_glb_Schedules_IsJuly] DEFAULT ((0)),
[IsAugust] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_glb_Schedules_IsAugust] DEFAULT ((0)),
[IsSeptember] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_glb_Schedules_IsSeptember] DEFAULT ((0)),
[IsOctober] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_glb_Schedules_IsOctober] DEFAULT ((0)),
[IsNovember] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_glb_Schedules_IsNovember] DEFAULT ((0)),
[IsDecember] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_glb_Schedules_IsDecember] DEFAULT ((0)),
[DateCreated] [datetime] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_GLB_ScheduleDetails_DateCreated] DEFAULT (getdate()),
[LastDateModified] [datetime] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_GLB_ScheduleDetails_LastDateModified] DEFAULT (getdate()),
[IsActive] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_GLB_ScheduleDetails_IsActive] DEFAULT ((1)),
[ScheduleID] ASC

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How Can I Schedule Backup Of Whole Database Annually Without Using Replication?

Sep 20, 2001

Is there any method that I can use to backup the whole database to another database without using replication? I have to backup it every half year. Can I do something like setting schedule to run to "Database Backup" module in sql server?


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How To Schedule A Database Backup In SQL Server Agent Jobs?

Jan 7, 2008

I want to schedule a database backup using SQL Server Agent Jobs how can i do this?

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Schedule Backup Of Specific Database While Only Saving The Last 7 Days In Repository

Apr 15, 2008

Hello to all members.
I am using SQL Server 2005 std edition 32 bit
The database is configured in compatibility mode to sql server 2000
The backup mode for the database is configured as simple

With SQL Server Agent I am running schedule task of the backup script

The question is:

I would like to save only the last 7 days in repository.
This means that when the 8th days has become then the 1st day backup is deleted.
in the 9th day the 2nd day backup file is deleted.
and so on

I am using the the T-SQL BACKUP DATABASE command with the following arguments:

I am in situation that the command above only append to the backup file and without deleting the expired backup days.

What I need to change in the parameters that the script will delete the expired backup days.

Thanking in advance everyone who assist.

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Schedule Database Backup And Delete For Server Express 2014

Jul 30, 2015

I would like to auto daily back up for all databases on a SQL Server Express 2014, and keep back up of last 30 days.

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Schedule Backup Of Specific Database While Only Saving The Last 7 Days In Repository

Apr 19, 2008

Hello to all members.
I am using SQL Server 2005 std edition 32 bit
The database is configured in compatibility mode to sql server 2000
The backup mode for the database is configured as simple

With SQL Server Agent I am running schedule task of the backup script

The question is:

I would like to save only the last 7 days in repository.
This means that when the 8th days has become then the 1st day backup is deleted.
in the 9th day the 2nd day backup file is deleted.
and so on

I am using the the T-SQL BACKUP DATABASE command with the following arguments:

I am in situation that the command above only append to the backup file and without deleting the expired backup days.

What I need to change in the parameters that the script will delete the expired backup days.

It is too much work when working with Database Maintenance Wizard.
lets take a scenario that I have 10 database.
I would like that each database will backup into seperate file.
I need to create 10 * 7 Maintenance plans.

I have created a directory with the name SDBbackup.
Now under the directory SDBbackup I have created 7 directories (1,2,3,4,5,6,7).
Each directory is for Sunday=1 , Monday=2 , and etc.

It's very much work if I need to accomplish it with Database Maintenance Wizard.

This is why I am asking a specific question regarding T-SQL.

Thanking in advance everyone who assist.

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Log Is Going To Backup Itself Every One Hour ,WHY?

Jul 23, 2004

Hi all,
We have many messages in SQL server logs that say 'Log backed up:Database:COM,creation date(time):2003/03/26(19:41:58),first'
why is this message appeared every one hour?

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SQL 2012 :: Schedule Backup / Copy Backup And Rename To Other Folder

Dec 29, 2014

I'm looking to schedule a maintenance plan for my databases which I have done.I'd like this database to be copied to another folder and the name altered to include the file name and the current date time stamp.Is this possible in the scheduled maintenance plan?

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Backup Database Task

Jun 14, 2006


I am trying in the Back Up Database Task to set the Value of SelectedDatabases via Expression.
Is there any way?



SQL Server 2005 SP 1 + Hotfix

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Maintanence Plan - Backup Database Task

Jun 2, 2008

Hi Guys!

I am trying to create a 'scheduled back up database task'maintenance plan which has an option to 'overwrite backups' but with also the "Create a backup file for every database" option checked. Does anyone know how to do this?

Thanks Guys.

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Catching Errors In SSIS Backup Database Task

Aug 28, 2006


In my SSIS package, I have a backup database task. When I run the package with DestinationAutoFolderPath set to a folder ("Network Service" account has full permission on this folder) and DestinationCreationType set to Auto, the task works just fine creating a backup with its own name. (similar to database_date<count>).

But what I want is in my front-end I am allowing the user to specify the name of the backup file. So I want the task to create the backup file in the name I supply. I set the DestinationCreationType to manual and in the application code added the DestinationManualList with the path from the UI.

Now the pacakge runs fine but does not take any backup. There is no errors as well. If I set the FailPackageOnFailure and FailParentOnFailure to true, then I am getting the DTSExecResult.Failure but I am not getting the actual error from the backup database task.

Am I missing anything here?

Thanks in advance,

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Error When Showing Editor For Database Backup Task

Oct 12, 2007


I drag the database Backup Task from the toolbox and double-click on it, it shows this error:

Cannot show the editor for this task.

Additional information

Method not found: 'Void Microsoft.SQLServer.Management.DatabaseMaintenance.TaskUIUtils..ctor()'.

What is the prob with this?


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Schedule Task

Feb 2, 2000

is it posible to change a file name usinging schedule task??
I used this syntax
Exec xp_cmdshell "REN
E:Elsie_DB_db_dump*.* E:Elsie_DB"

Is there another way of doing it??

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Schedule Task In Sql?

Apr 20, 1999

Does anyone know of any way to schedule a task using only transact sql, or is using Enterprise Mgr the only way to do this?

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Schedule The Task

Sep 21, 2006

I want to schedule the task using contro panel schedule task item.

I want to run two package in sequence. If the execution of one gets over then other should start.

I have configured the execution detail in BAT file.

I know how to schedule the task. But can anyone please suggest me how to schedule the task in sqeuence i.e. execution of BAT file in sequenece (one after other).

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Schedule Task Not Stopping

Jan 16, 2001

I've been running SQL Server for 5 years now and have not seen the following.

We have a scheduled night run task where we do various maintenance functions as well as print out the issued insurance policies for the day. All indications are that the run completed except that I did not get an email notification of success or failure.

When I went to enterprise manager, under jobs the night run seems to be stuck in the mode of "Performing completion actions". I cannot get it our of this mode back to "Not running". Trying to stop the task has no effect.

Any ideas/suggestions??

Thanks in advance.

Mike Byrd
Information Systems Manager
Texas Windstorm Insurance Association
Austin, Texas

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Schedule Task Problem

Jan 15, 1999

Hi All, I am using SQL Server 6.5 for our database server. We will run couple schedule tasks in the SQL Server everyday.
One of the task that will call a BATCH file in C:. In this batch file, it will copy some files, and zip then. Then It iwll launch
the Internet Explorer, and run a ASP program. In the ASP program, it will send out a E-Mail and then close the browser. It
works fine until this Monday. The "Schedule Task" runs on time, and do the "copy" & "zip". But it will not launch the IE,
stuck on there. I check the IE that is launched but it runs in the background. The ASP program is not running too. I used the
"notepad" instead of the IE. The result is that the batch file runs, and the "Schedule Task" will finish. But the "notepad" didn't launch.
If I just "double click" the batch file, it runs fine. So the problem is between the SQL server "Schedule Task" and the WINDOWS NT, I guess.
Has any one has a clue, please tell me. Thanks.

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Schedule Task Failure In SQL 6.5

Mar 12, 2001

I am having a problem with the scheduled task I am running. There had been an error message 5702 which says "The SQL Server is terminating this process". I don't understand what this means. And if I try to force the job to run, it says that the SQLExecutive service is not running on the particular server. And this prevents the task from being run. But when I try to check for the said service, it is running. I don't know what is happening here. Please help me.

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How To Schedule A Task In Vista

Oct 20, 2006

Hi All,

Is Vista get rid of the task scheduling? We can schedule a task easily through the Scheduled Task under control panel, but I cannot find similar stuff in Vista.

Can anyone tell me if schedule a task is still available in Vista? If yes, where can I do that?

Thakns in advance!


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Can't Schedule Backup

Dec 3, 2004

Hello All,

I using sqlserver 6.5 and I am trying to schedule a backup and I get this error message, how can I resolve this? This is the error message I am getting:

"The SQLExecutive service is not currently running on this server. This prevents task backup-master from being run."

Thanks in Advance.

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Schedule Backup

Mar 14, 2007

In sql server 2005 i have created a maintenance plan to backup a database.
Where do i schedule this backup to run every day please?

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Schedule A Backup

Nov 21, 2007

what is the best way to schedule a bakcup in sql
i'd like it to be a complete backup not an append.

Is there anyway to schedule it to each day backup to a directory for that day?

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Backup Schedule

Mar 7, 2006

SQL server 2005 is installed but can not schedule a backup job.
In the maintenance plan when selecting a new maintenance plan or maintenance plan wizard an error is produced which is:
'Agent XPs' component is turned off as part of the security configuration for this server.
I can see that the SQL Server Agent (Agent XPs is disabled). When trying to start this by right clicking on it in object explorer, the error message is 'unable to start service SQLAgent$SQL2005 on server serverName'. Service Logon failure

How can I scedule a back up job on this server?

Any thoughts please?

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Urgent Help Needed Regarding Schedule Task

Dec 22, 1998

Hi every one,

I have a stored procedure which activates a task when ever that sp is called.
and this procedure gets out of the loop.

the task get started running.

Is there any way in Sql server that the same stored procedures should wait until the Task finishes and return a code either 1 or 0 for success or faliure of the task.

Help is greatly appericated

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Unable To Schedule SQL Backup

Jan 2, 2001

Hi all,

On my server running SQL7.0 with SP2, I try to backup my database to a file.
All works well if I run the backup manually, but when I use the schedule option, when I close the Backup properties window and open the window again, the schedule is gone...
Does anyone of you know how to get this working?

Thanks in advance,


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Need Help In Deleting Backup Schedule

Aug 18, 2000

I created a backup device and then scheduled a recurring backup of one of my SQL databases for SMS. I right-clicked on the database name and chose All Tasks | Backup and set a daily schedule.

Now I want to delete the whole thing and use Database Maintenance Plans instead. The backup device never showed up in Management | Backup so I deleted the backup files (and devices?) from NT Explorer. The backups still occur, I'm guessing, because I never deleted the Schedule. How do I get these backups to stop?

P.S. Forgive me if this is an elementary questions -- I am new to SQL.


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Encrypt/hide Paasword In Task Schedule Under EM?

Mar 8, 2000


I am running an application on mssql 6.5, sp 4 on NT 4.0.

We routinely chnage paswords for the sa login. One loophole for users to
learn the sa password is in scheduler tasks underr EM when a task is
added to run under cmdexec, the password is written in text under the -P

1) Is there any way to encrypt the password there or does any one have a
stored procedure or function to do s?

1) Which executible, if any, runs the scheduled tasks under EM? Is this
part of EM or is there any specific executible that runs the scheduled

Any information oyu can provide or suggestions you cna make will be


David Spaisman

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Network Drive Not Available In Backup Schedule

Oct 24, 2000

I am setting up a backup on one of my DB's and the network drive does not appear as an location that I can backup too. Only the C drive is present. However, on the server I do have a drive mapped to the network drive, so it should be available. Has anyone encountered this issue before?



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Schedule Restore From Backup Deivce

Sep 29, 1999


I am trying to schedule a daily task to restore the latest backup from a BackupDevice that contains multiple backups. The command to restore is "Load DBName from BackupDevice". Does anyone know how to restore the most current backup from the Backup device?

Thank you for your help.

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Sql Server 2005 Backup Schedule

Mar 14, 2007

In sql server 2005 i have created a maintenance plan to backup a database.
Where do i schedule this backup to run every day please?

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Schedule Backup Of Data/log Files

Sep 5, 2006

Is there an equivelant to the SQL Server Agent in SQL server express edition? If not, how can I schedule the backup of the data/log files?


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