Database Column Encryption

Jun 3, 2001

We are planning to store the pin number in a sqlserver table. This column has to be encrypted and stored in the database. As new records are added this column needs to encrypted automatically. Please advise me of any tools.

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Column Level Or Database Level Encryption/decryption....

Jan 16, 2008

I want to perform column level and database level encryption/decryption....
Does any body have that code written in C# or VB.NET for AES-128, AES-192, AES-256  algorithms...
I have got code for single string... but i want to encrypt/decrypt columns and sometimes the whole database...
Can anybody help me out...
If you have Store procedure in SQL for the same then also it ll do...
Thanks in advance

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Column Encryption

Jul 20, 2005

How to encrypt a column in a table (i.e. which might contain passwords)?

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Column Encryption

Nov 27, 2007


I'm trying to encrypt an existing column in my Sql server 2005 Database. The column is a vachar field. How should i go bout with encrpting it without doing any changes in my application code. Neither changing the type of the column field to be encrypted.


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Encryption Of Column

Mar 1, 2007


Is there any possible way, that while I transferring a table from another table, I can specifically encrypt a column? Is there any step on how can I do this?

Need Help Badly


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Column Encryption Questions

Dec 15, 2006

With SQL Server 2005 encryption:

1. Is it possible to encrypt a column "in place" - or do we always need to create a new varbinary column to hold the encrypted column? Some products (NetLib Encryptionizer) seem to be able to encrypt an existing column in place.

2.If you encrypt an existing column to a new varbinary column, it it customary to then ALTER the table and delete the existing plain-text column?


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Column Encryption In Sql Server 2000

Jun 23, 2004

Are there any UDf's or Xtended stored procs available in sql server 2k that can encrypt a column that has the CC #'s or do I need to purchase a 3rd party tool ?


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Column Security - Encryption Suppport?

Apr 17, 2001

There is a very sensitive table that holds a very sensitive field (i.e. a person's salary). I have a requirement to programmatically encrypt it when the value is stored (I can do that quite easily in the VB client app), but there are times when a suitably 'sa' user should be allowed to perform a SELECT of the table and to view the salary field in the clear.

I think a SQL2000 user-defined function can do the job. The catch is that the client is running SQL 7 and he will only upgrade 'over his dead body', or words to that effect.

Appreciate any ideas you can give!

Cheers & TIA

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SQL Security :: Encryption On Varchar Column?

Nov 26, 2015

Is there any way i could apply encryption on a varchar type column without changing its datatype to varbinary.

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Column Encryption In SQL Server Compact Edition?

Mar 29, 2007

I know that it is possible to encrypt data fields in SQL Server 2005, but I can't find anything about data encryption in the Compact Edition. Is this possible?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Restoring A Database Even If No Database Or Backup Encryption

Sep 3, 2014

I did tried the encryption on server "A" for database "AdventureWorks2012". Then I tried to restore to server "B". There was the certificate issue, and I thought "of course : it's encrypted ! Let's deactivate it". So here I go "ALTER DATABASE AdventureWorks2012 SET ENCYRPTION OFF".I look at sys.databases : not encrypted.I backup using no encryption, I verify using msdb.dbo.backupset : not encrypted.

I move my backup to my other server where encryption was never configured (so no certificate, nothing...), and I have the error :
Msg 33111, Level 16, State 3, Line 1

Cannot find server certificate with thumbprint '0xFA130E58C999C4919B8975999C83A75A403B11D8'.
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Column Level Data Encryption

Jun 17, 2015

I need to encrypt some column level data in multiple tables in SQL server 2014. I've never tried encryption in SQL server 2014. How can I achieve it?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Using Column Encryption With Symmetric Keys

Jun 25, 2015

I am trying to implement the column encryption on one of the tables, have used the below link as the reference and got stuck at the last step.

[URL] ....

I have completed the following steps so far.


WITH SUBJECT = 'A label for this certificate'

IDENTITY_VALUE = 'a fairly secure name',

[Code] .....

Example by using the function

EXEC OpenKeys

-- Encrypting
SELECT Encrypt(myColumn) FROM myTable

-- Decrypting
SELECT Decrypt(myColumn) FROM myTable

When I ran the last command :

-- Decrypting
SELECT Decrypt(myColumn) FROM myTable

I get the following error :

Msg 257, Level 16, State 3, Line 2
Implicit conversion from data type nvarchar to varbinary is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.

Where will I use the convert function, in decrypt function or in select statement?

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SQL Security :: Encryption 2005 - User Defined Function For Encryption And Decryption

Oct 7, 2015

I have created two user defined functions for encryption and decryption using passphrase mechanism. When I call encryption function, each time I am getting the different values for the same input. While I searching a particular value, it takes long time to retrieve due to calling decryption function for each row.

best way to encrypt and decrypt using user defined functions.Below is the query which is taking long time.

                     WHERE dbo.DecodeFunction(column) = 'value'

When I try to use symetric or asymetric encryption, I am not able to put "OPEN SYMETRIC KEY" code in a function. So, I am using PassPhrase mechanism.

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SQL Security :: Enforcing Unique Constraint On A Column Encrypted With Cell Level Encryption?

May 11, 2015

I want to enforce a unique constraint on a column which must be encrypted in MSSQL 2005 using Cell Level Encyption (CLE).

    CREATE CERTIFICATE ERCERT WITH SUBJECT = 'A cert for use by procs'

[Code] ....

The output makes it obvious why the constraint has 'not' been enforced.

    1 | 0x00703529AF46D24BA863A3534260374E01000000328909B51BA44A49510F24DF31
    2 | 0x00703529AF46D24BA863A3534260374E01000000773E06E1B53F2C57F97C54370FECBB45B
    3 | 0x00703529AF46D24BA863A3534260374E01000000C9EDB1C83B52E60598038D832D34

But, how do I work around this?

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Database Encryption

Aug 2, 2007

  i am trying to encrypt my  database using dbEncrypt software.The encryption provides role based access ot the database.In that case developer can not call any stored procedure of that database. These two are conflicting things. Can anyone suggest me a way so that i can access the stored procedure through my code by checking the roles from the front end. is it possible??
Please reply soon.

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Database Encryption

Aug 1, 2007


i want to encrypt my database(sql server2005) fully. Can anyone suggest me any third party tool or any other method.

Please its urgent.

Thanx in advance:(

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Database Encryption

Aug 7, 2007


I am trying to encrypt my database using some softwares, For that i have to install the software and encrypt database accordingly, i have a querry that will my database remain encrypted if i uninstall the encryption software??
The software i am using are dbEncrypt,Netlib,XP_Crypt,Rsa Bsafe.



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Encryption Of Sql Database

Jul 20, 2005

is there a way to encrypt a propriatary database so that it may not betampered with except for those who hold the key?

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Encryption Of The Whole Database

Jun 26, 2007

Hello I just want make sure: There is no encryption of the whole database.I assume this, because I have found only the themes "encryption for connections" and "encrypted columns"Why this question:

A lot of customer ask for this (maybe without further knowledge)
We've got a merge replication with offline laptops.
So, if one of this laptops get lost, it would calm people if the data were encrypted.I'd be very thankful for a fast reply, as my boss is in a meeting with such customers.Kind regardsAline

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Encryption Of SQL Express Database

Oct 26, 2006


Could you help me how could I encrypt an SQL Express database with a password?

The lines I currently use:

ssconn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=True;"

CreateDatabase = "CREATE DATABASE i ON (NAME = i, FILENAME = '" & ssceconfilename & "')"
Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand(CreateDatabase, ssconn)

I intend to encrypt the whole database structure so that nobody could see in.

I managed to do the encryption with SQL CE 2.0, but how to do it with express?

Thank you!

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Encryption Of SQl Express Database

Oct 26, 2006


Could you help me how could I encrypt an SQL Express database with a password?

The lines I currently use:

ssconn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=True;"

CreateDatabase = "CREATE DATABASE i ON (NAME = i, FILENAME = '" & ssceconfilename & "')"
Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand(CreateDatabase, ssconn)

I managed to do the encryption with SQL CE 2.0, but how to do it with express?

Thank you!

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DB Engine :: No Database Encryption Key Is Set

Jul 15, 2015

I'm a newbie to SQL and I inherited a 2008 R2 Sql server with about 20 different databases on it.  I've noticed that more than half of the databases are encrypted and I was looking to encrypt the rest but for some reason I am unable to do so.  I'm assuming I already have a master key created but when I go to Options of the DB and change Encryption Enabled from False to True I get and error, "Cannot change database encryption state because no database encryption key is set."  How I could use my existing key to encrypt the databases or would I have to create a separate key for each db?

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How To Implement Encryption Into Database

Jun 4, 2015

I'm currently learning how to implement Encryption into my SQL database, and I've run into something I don't know how to explain or understand. I'm working on creating a set encryption for a set of columns in a database, and I don't know how to figure out what size the VARBINARY column needs to be. After some trial and error, I've noticed that a clear text of 9 characters needs 68 varbinary characters, 100 cleartext=148 varbinary, and 254 cleartext= 308 varbinary characters. How is the minimum number of varbinary characters calculated? 

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Database Backup With Encryption

Jun 7, 2007


I want to backup my database at regular intervals and encrypt it. Also I want to verify the back up. How do I do it?

I want the back ups to run every fortnight.


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Encryption And Database Restore

Mar 14, 2006


Can anyone help?

I have a database using encryption with symmetric keys created using asymmetric keys.

I backed up this database and restored it on another machine along with the service master key.

I can read the encrypted data fine. But all the encrypted stored procs that are associated with the application that uses the data cannot read the data, they just return Nulls.

If I regenerate all the encrypted stored procs from script they work fine again.

Is there a way to restore the database without having to regenerate all the encrypted procs??

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Encryption Of Fields In Sqlserver Database

Dec 20, 2000

i need to know how to encrypt a field in the sql server database.
I want to hide some text field in a user defined table.
thanks in advance.

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SQL Server Database (Field Encryption)

Mar 17, 2000

Does anyone know how to encrpyt a field in a table created in SQL Server Database.

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Data Encryption And Database Restores

Jan 16, 2008

Data encryption and database restores.
1. When using data encryption on a 2 node active/passive cluster does it make any difference which server the sqlserver is running on when encrypting or dcrypting data?
2. When restring a database to a different server with encrypted data is the data decrytable or is it lost?

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How To Force Encryption On A Per-database Or Per-user Basis

Oct 30, 2007

I would like to force only certain users on certain databases to use encrypted connections for accessing our 2005 SQL Server. I've found a clunky way to do it, via registering a login event notification and using the kill statement. However, that's ugly, and I don't think there is any guarantee that the event will always fire before an evil client could get off a few evil commands. Is this supported, or is the only supported feature the forceencryption option, which is server-wide?

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SQL 2012 :: Applying Encryption On Database - Showing Error

Sep 22, 2014

How can I create encryption on database ?. When I try to apply encryption on my database then it showing error message below....

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SQL Server 2008 :: Encryption / Decryption On Mirroring Database

May 4, 2015

I have created mirroring... one of the column is encrypted on mirror database and I can see the decrypted result when I do query when I actually logged into server (through remote connection) but when I use the same query through using SSMS from my laptop the query result come as the column is not decrypted,

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How To FAST And EASY ENCRYPTION ALL Stored Procedure In My MS-SQL Database ?

Jun 16, 2006

My MS-SQL 2000 Database have 50 more Stored Procedure .How to FAST and EASY ENCRYPTION ALL Stored Procedure in my MS-SQLDatabase?

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