Language : VB.NET
Database : MSSQLserver2000
i have developed a tool to compare two databases, but it is taking long time to compare. First it will take the whole table into main memory(order by primary key). Same procedure for table2 of second database. Then it will start comparison by taking row by row. i tested with one third party tool, which is taking only 2 min to compare 800000 records of a table. My tool is taking 1 hour,40 mins to do that. Is there any other optimized method?
I need to compare two tables and output everything that doesn't match. The tables are joined by the "domainname" column, and I need to output everything in both tables where the "domainname" doesn't match. Any ideas?
I am using SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. One table contains field docdate having format dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:yyyy. Here hours & mins are also required.
I am working on VB6.0. User will input date on form in format 'dd/MM/yyyy'. I just want to check this with SQL Server date considering only dd/MM/yyyy.
How could I tell the performance difference between two queries:
One is: select * from table where Lower(colomnname) = 'value'
The other is: select * from table where colomnname = 'value'
Basically the difference is in lower() function, how much this function will affect the query performance. Is there a formal way to test it out, or by any logic. Thanks, Mike
I am trying to compare developer edition and Express edition. I almost purchased the developer edition and wanted to compare it with other editions. no info to be found. Would greatly appreciate it, if someone could direct me to a resourse that shows this comparision.
ps.The product comparision page doesnt show developer edition.
1) Crystal Reports provides extensive parameter support. The types of parameters supported are: single value, multi-value, and range value (e.g. Start date to End date), or a combination of all three. 2) SSRS parameters only support entry of a single value. It doesn't support multi-value parameters or range parameters. For example, the user can't be presented with a list of Employees and select more than one for reporting on. Doing so requires writing custom code and writing more complex SQL queries
My question is concerned with the three columns below (customerID, RepairDate, CompletedRepair (Yes or No). The column name "CompletedRepair " is blank initially. I need to update the CompletedRepair column with this logic below:
- A customer comes to our store to fix their car, if we fix their problem on the first time and they don’t return later for this same issue, then the •CompletedRepair column = Y
- If a customer needs to come back to our store to re-fix the same issue within 7 days windows based on the RepairDate on the previous transaction then •On the last return transaction: CompletedRepair = Y (example: RepairDate =6/12/2006) •On all previous transactions: CompletedRepair = N (example: RepairDate =6/8/2006, 6/9/2006, 6/10/2006)
- If a customer needs to come back to our store to re-fix the same issue but out of the 7 days windows based on the RepairDate then •On the last return transaction: CompletedRepair = Y (RepairDate =6/12/2006) •On the previous transaction: CompletedRepair = Y (RepairDate =6/1/2006)
Every time customer comes to for car repair shop for a new issue or an old issue, we create a new repair transaction in our SQL db. The update on the "CompletedRepair " column will be run every day. Today's records will be run against with last 7 days records (based on Repair Date) to check when customer has been really fixed: the last fix counted Y, the previous fix counted as N but comparison in only 7 days. In other words, a repair today is considered as a completed repair when comparing with last 7 day repairs but it might become not a completed repair if this same customer would come back within next 7 days for the same issue.
The CompletedRepair column is dynamic column and is updated daily by using the logic above.
Below is the expected outcome after we update the Completed Repair column:
CustomerID Repair DateCompleted Repair
ab1 06/12/06 Y ab1 05/28/06 Y ab1 05/18/06 Y ab105/15/06 N ab1 05/12/06 N
Initially 5/12/06 had Y, when 5/15/06 transaction came, it took the Y and made the 5/12/06 become N. The 5/18/06 transaction did the same to 5/15/06 transaction, made itself Y and converted 5/15/06 into N. The 5/28/06 is Y because comparing with 5/18/06, it is out of 7 days window. The 6/12/2006 is Y because comparing with 5/28/06, it is out of 7 days window.
ab2 06/02/06 Y ab2 05/28/06 N ab2 04/19/06 Y ab2 04/14/06 N
The 4/14/06 transaction initially was Y, it became N when new transaction on 4/19/06 came. Same thing with transactions on 5/28/06 and 6/2/06
ab3 05/11/06 Y ab3 03/29/06 Y ab3 03/23/06 N ab3 03/12/06 Y
The 3/23/06 was Y, when new transaction on 3/29/06 came, it became N and the new transaction is Y. The 5/11/06 is Y because comparing back to 3/29/06, they are out of 7 days window.
ab4 05/11/06 Y
This ab4 customer came to fix her car only one time and don't come back. We supposed the fix was sucessfully and so we mark the CompletedRepair as Y.
I think that I would need to use SQL cursor or case statement for this but I really don't know how to start. Please advice and help me out. Any ideas and suggestion are really appreciated! If you need more information, please let me know!
I am working on a technical design of data integration ETL package which will be moving data from SQL Server Source to DB2 destination. I currently have two options, when moving data to DB2(IBM AS400). I can call a AS400 Stored Procedure, and pass in the data to the stored procedure, and perform the insert processing within the AS400 environment or I could do inserts from SSIS in a DFT and write individually to AS400 tables. My question is from a performance and good practice perspective, which method should I move forward with. I need a possible list of pros- and cons when using AS400 Sproc vs using SQL within SSIS? I would really appreciate response from individuals who have done something similar in the past. Thanks a lot and I am really looking forward to responses.
I have the following insert statement in place:Insert WPHPayments(constituentID, constituentName, campaignYear, fundID, fundDescription, dateAndTimeEntered, amount)Select gt.constituentID, gt.constituentName, gt.campaignYear, gt.fundID, gt.fundDescription, gt.dateAndTimeEntered, gt.amountFrom GTPROCENTERFUNDPAYMENTEXTRACT gt, WPHExtractWhere gt.constituentID = WPHExtract.wph_constIDI want to insert all of the values that are in the GTPROCENTERFUNDPAYMENTEXTRACT table that have the same constituentID that as the records in the WPHExtract table. Am I just missing something becasue the syntax is showing that everytihing is correct however there is nothing comming back in the result set. Thanks in advance everyone. Regards,RB
We replicate a SQL2000 database (DataBaseA) to a SQL2000 database (DataBaseB) by using the Restore function and hasn't change its logical name but only the physical data path and file name. It is running fine for a year. We use the same way to migrate the DataBaseB to a new SQL2005 server with the Restore function and the daily operation is running perfect. However, when we do the Backup of DatabaseB in the SQL2005, it just prompt the error message
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The backup of full-text catalog 'DataBaseA' is not permitted because it is not online. Check errorlog file for the reason that full-text catalog became offline and bring it online. Or BACKUP can be performed by using the FILEGROUP or FILE clauses to restrict the selection to include only online data. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)
Please note we left the DataBaseA in the old SQL2000 server.
Please help on how we can delete the Full-text catalog from DatabaseB so we can do a backup
I have database on localhost and i want to show this data on my website. I want to create a database online and want to sync with Local Host. Can it be possible syncing data automatically after some interval?
yes,I have an error, like 'The database file may be corrupted. Run the repair utility to check the database file. [ Database name = SDMMC Storage Cardwinpos_2005WINPOS2005.sdf ]' .I develope a program for Pocket Pcs and this program's database sometimes corrupt.what can i do?please help me
Greetings, I have just arrived back into the country (NZ) and back into ASP.NET. I am having trouble with the following:An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file (file location).../Database.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share. It has only begun since i decided i wanted to use IIS, I realise VWD comes with its own localhost, but since it is only temporary, i wanted a permanent shortcut on my desktop to link to my intranet page. Anyone have any ideas why i am getting the above error? have searched many places on the internet and not getting any closer. Cheers ~ J
I have a problem when i restore my .DAT_BAK file. I am getting error like "The backup set holds a backup of a database other than existing database. Restore Database is terminating abnormally".
I tried by using
And also i tried like
When i use like this,
RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = 'D:DATAMYTEST.DAT_BAK'. I am able to get the output as LogicalName, PhysicalName, Type, FileGroupName, Size, etc.
From the (Walkthrough: Creating Stored Procedures for the Northwind Customers Table, I copied the following sql code:
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'SelectCustomers' AND user_name(uid) = 'dbo')
DROP PROCEDURE dbo.[SelectCustomers]
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.[SelectCustomers]
SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactName, ContactTitle, Address, City, Region, PostalCode, Country, Phone, Fax FROM dbo.Customers
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'InsertCustomers' AND user_name(uid) = 'dbo')
SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactName, ContactTitle, Address, City, Region, PostalCode, Country, Phone, Fax FROM Customers WHERE (CustomerID = @CustomerID)
==================================================================================== I executed the above code in my SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE) and I got the following error messages:
Msg 911, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'NORTHWIND'. No entry found with that name.
Make sure that the name is entered correctly.
=============================================================================================================== I know I recreated the NORTHWIND Database from a different Database before and I did not do anything for the entry in sysdatabases. How can I change the entry in sysdatabases for database 'NORTHWIND' now? Please help and advise.
I recently added a new user to my database. Now I want to delete that user, but I keep getting the error above. What do I need to do to delete my recently added user?
We have a SQL database that uses Active Directory with Windows Authentication. Can users that are members of the Active Directory group that has read/write access to the SQL database create ODBC connections to access the database directly and update the data? They dont have individual logins on the server. They are only members of the Active Directory group that has a login?
I had to to relocate the database log file and I issued an Alter database command but by mistake I put a space in the file name as below. The space is at the beginning file name. Now I am unable get the database loaded to SQL Server. The database has 2 replications configured, so deleting and re-attaching the database means the replication needs to be re-configured. Is there an alternative way to issue a command to update the database FILENAME ? Not sure if this can be edited in master database (sys files).
I created the db with the attached script and I am able to access ituntil I reboot the server. I've tried enabling flag 1807 via the SQLserver service and the startup parameters of the instance. In allcases the database always come up suspect after a reboot. There wasone instance where I was able to recover, but I am not sure how thathappened.Does anyone have an idea of how I can reboot the server without thedatabase becomming suspect?USE MASTERGODBCC TRACEON(1807)GO--DBCC TRACEOFF(1807)--DBCC TRACESTATUS(1807)GOCREATE DATABASE ReadyNAS ON( NAME = ReadyNAS_Data,FILENAME = '\NAS1NASDiskSQL ServerReadyNASReadyNAS_Data.mdf',SIZE = 100MB,MAXSIZE = 20GB,FILEGROWTH = 20MB)LOG ON ( NAME = ReadyNAS_Log,FILENAME = '\NAS1NASDiskSQL ServerReadyNASReadyNAS_Log.ldf',SIZE = 20MB,MAXSIZE = 100MB,FILEGROWTH = 10MB)
I downloaded and ran AdventureWorks.msi into my SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE) one year ago.But I did not know how to attach it to my SSMSE then. Last week, I deleted it from the "Add or Remove" of Control Panel and I downloaded the new AdventureWork.msi and installed it my SSMSE. Today, I tried to use the Database Explorer of VB 2005 Express for the first Stored Procedure programming. I clicked on AdventureWorks.mdf and I got the following error: One or more files do not match the primary of the database. If you are attempting to attach a database, retry the operation with the correct files. If this is an existing database, the file may be corrupt and should be restored from a backup. Cannot open user default database. Login failed. Login failed for user 'CENADe1enxshc'. Log file 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataAdventureWorks_Data_log.ldf' does not match the primary file. It may be from a different database of the log may have been rebuilt previously. Please help and advise me how to correct this problem.
I have installed 2 SQL Server 2005 Express sample databases from 2 books, ASPnet 2.0 and ADOnet 2.0. The ASPNETDB.MDF was shown in App_Data and Database Explorer, but not in the SQL Server Management Studio Express. The AdoStepBy Step database created by a ConfigDB.exe was displayed in the Management Studio, but not in the App_Data, or Database Explorer.
Is this the way SQL Server 2005 runs the 2005 databases for SQL Server 2005 Express only? Or also in SQL Server 2005?
I am setting up SQL audit on sql servers in my environment based on requirement. I want to create database specifications ASAP database created. I tried DDL trigger but Audit doesn't support triggers. So I created audit specifications on model database. the only problem with this is every specification created on new database with same name.database specification name includes newly created database name or other methods to create database specifications on newly created databases.
I am new to SSIS. I have been struggling with this for the past one week. I have a weird task. I need to import several tables from one database to a different server with a new database name. We need to do this at the end of every year. The main problem here is that the number of tables varies every year. You may not have all the tables as last year or may have more tables. So I need to create a dynamic task that takes care of this every year without changing the package.
I have performed the following tasks **
1. Create a new dynamic database. ( I have used Execute SQL Task to do this) 2. Copy all the table structures ( I have used Execute SQL Task to do this)
3. Import Data. This is the main problem. I was trying to create a dynamic connection string with variables as suggested in several forums but I finally came to know that this cannot be done if the table structures are different as the metadata cannot be refreshed at runtime.
4. The final step to create a process to validate the data (the count from each table for both source and destination. I think this can be done with Sql task.
What is the best method to do this? My DBA does not like “Transfer SQL Objects Task” or “transfer Database Task”. I would like to create this as a dynamic process.