Database Diagram Support Objects Cannot Be Installed...

May 24, 2007

I can't make a diagram on our server(Win2003 x64,SQL 2005 Enterprise x64 sp2 3054).

I have tried to login as an admin and create a new db, but get the same message -

'Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because this database does not have a valid owner. To..'

Also tried to make a diagram from the ReportServer db.

Any suggestions?

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Database Diagram Support Objects Cannot... Attaching Sql 2000 Db To Sql Server 2005

Jan 3, 2006


I've seen threads concerning this problem. I have followed the prescribed steps to fix the problem. I've set the db owner to sa, I've set compatibility to 2005. Still I can't get the diagram to function.

Can anyone out there help me?

Thanks, Bill

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How To Create The ER Diagram For SQL Server Database Objects

Dec 15, 2006

Hi,I have to prepare an ER diagram for the objects in my SQL Serverdatabase. I have used the option "DIAGRAMS" in EnterPrise Manager ofSQL Server 2000. It is creating the diagram for the selected tables(but the diagram contains only the table which i have selected. It isnot displaying its depended tables). But i am not able to export it toany of the flat file like MS WORD or paint. I want this diagram to beuploaded to one Flat file and send to my customer for his reference.Could anyone suggest me how to create the ER Diagram for the SQL 2000database and export it to a flat file.Thanks for your help in advance.-Rao

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Sql Server 2005 Diagram Support

Mar 30, 2006

For some reason, when I try to access a database diagram on our new 2005 SQL Server, I get the following error msg:
"Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because this database does not have a valid owner"
It then goes on to instruct me to either use Properties > Files or ALTER AUTHORIZATION to change the database owner.
Well, I've done that - and it clearly shows that there is an owner of the database, but even if I log in as that owner, the error msg continues to come up everytime I try to access Diagrams.
I found a post to run the following stored procedure which will set the sql server compatability level:
EXEC sp_dbcmptlevel database_name, 90
After running that in the query window of Management Stduio, I get the following msg below on the Messages tab:
"DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator."
I then try to create a new diagram again, and I get the same initial error (at the top of this post).
What do I need to do in order to create a DB diagram?

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Not Able To Create A DB Diagram In SQL Server 2005. No Menu Option For Creating A DB Diagram??

Apr 23, 2007

I have created a database with several tables. I want to create a database diagram to show the relationshipbetween the tables. Below are the steps from the SQL Server 2005 documentation on how to create a database diagram. The problem is that when I right click on the Database Diagrams folder I am only given two options. They are:"Working with SQL Server diagrams" and "Refresh"There is no menu choice to create a new database diagram. Can anyone tell me what the problem here is?
To create a new database diagramIn Object Explorer, right-click the Database Diagrams folder or any diagram in that folder.
Choose New Database Diagram on the shortcut menu.
The Add Table dialog box appears.
Select the required tables in the Tables list and click Add.
The tables are displayed graphically in the new database diagram.

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Database Diagram

Dec 31, 2006

I am working through a book about setting up a database, though i'm doing it slightly differently, using a sql server database on a remote server rather than the local sql server express database shipped with visual studio.
everything has been going fine until i've reached a part where they want to add a database diagram to the existing database. they talk about right clicking the database diagram node, and selecting add, but for some reason there is no database diagram node, so i can't do it this way. the book also says using the data>add new>diagram from the menu, but when i do this i either have no diagram option (when i have no table opened) or else the diagram option is greyed out and unselectable (when i have a table opened).
 any ideas on how i can add a database diagram?

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Database Diagram

Apr 27, 2001

How do u print the database diagram...basically is there any process that can generate the database diagram from the database which is already existing with the referential integrity...

Any resources where i can look for the same.



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Database Diagram

Nov 13, 2000

Hi All,

How to get the Database Diagram to a separate file like .doc or some formats.


Seenu. S

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Database Diagram

Oct 13, 2000


Can anyone tell me about the storage of Database Diagrams. I want to know where these diagrams are stored in SQL Server? If it is in System table, which table and how to copy these diagrams into another database?


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DataBase Diagram

Apr 17, 2008


i Created DataBase diagram in Sqlserver2005. Now i want to save as a file.Is there any way to save as a file ? or any Alternative Method.
Please Help Me.

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Database Diagram

May 13, 2008

I have taken database diagram from my Sql Server 2005.
I copied this on word, but size it is showing is very small.
I used all the zoom options provided in Sql Server, but it is not clear.
Please guide me how to do this

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Database Diagram

Mar 31, 2007

i am trying to create a database diagram but this error appears. what does this mean and what should i do? tnx

This database does not have a valid dbo user or you do not have permissions
to impersonate the dbo user, so database diagramming is not available.
Ensure the dbo account is valid and ensure that you have impersonate
permission on the dbo account.

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Database Diagram

Jul 20, 2005

Is there any benefit as far as performance for creating a databasediagram in SQL Server 2K?Just wondering...lq

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Database Diagram

Dec 28, 2005

How to programmatically work with Database Diagram object:
create, drop, add/remove tables...

Thanks, Sergey.

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After I Create A Database Using Database Diagram In SQL Server7,there's Nothing To See In 'd

Jun 10, 2001

I am a beginner in learning SQLServer 7.And I learn it by using its own help file.
The only problem troubles me is that after I do some options in database diagram,there's nothing happen.And then no matter what I do,database diagram panel is always blank.

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Advantages Of Database Diagram

Jun 22, 2007

What is the advantages/disadvantages of using Database Diagram and link all the tables in MS SQL Server Management Studio versus letting the application check and link the different tables at run time? Currently, I do not have all my tables linked in a Database Diagram. I do everything at run time in my application code behind. What are the best practices? Which is easier or perhaps more secure?

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Copying A Database Diagram

Sep 5, 2007

Hi, I have a database diagram on my sql server 2005, how can i copy that diagram to my pen drive so that i can build the database using that diagram on another computer...well the bottom line is i want to copy the datbase from one computer to another. thanksVishal 

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Printing A Database Diagram

Dec 6, 2007

All --
Please help.
I am having trouble printing a database diagram.
When I do, I get junk artifacts on the page on each table, shaded areas that obscure part of the picture.
I get these results when I print with Adobe Acrobat 8 Standard and when I print to my HP4200N laser printer.
Is there a required driver or something?
Please advise.
(I apologize but this is the only good place I could find for this post-- if you have any hints for other locations then please post links.)
Thank you.
-- Mark Kamoski

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What Is Database Diagram, Catalog?

Oct 20, 2000

Hi Everybody,

Can anybody tell me what is Database Diagram or Object Diagram?. I have seen this word in one of the questions in this Discussion Board.

And also anybody can say what is Catalog?. One of my friend saying it is nothing but Master DB. Is it so?.

tks in advance,

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Migrating Database Diagram

Jan 22, 2003


Is it possible to export or migrate the database diagram into a file or different database. If so Please tell how this can be done.

John Jayaseelan

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How To Generate Database Diagram?

Apr 7, 2008


I want to create a empty database with a existed database.

I create all the tables with script that is generated with takes -> generate script command.

I do not know how I can cope the existed database diagram to the empty database.Please give me a idea.

Thanks for your help.


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Cannot Open Database Diagram

Feb 13, 2006

I attached a SQL express database created on another computer on another SQL express instance running on another computer. When I tried to open a database diagram previously created i receive the following error:

"Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because this database does not have a valid owner. To continue, first use the Files page of the Database Properties dialog box or the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to set the database owner to a valid login, then add the database diagram support objects."

I must mention that in the attached database the server login is mapped to the databse as db_owner role. So what's the problem ?

Any suggestions ?


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Database Diagram Printing

Oct 19, 2007

Using SQLServer 2005 Express Ver 9.00, the Database Diagrams print with what looks like page borders overlapping on top of the field names. I have to document my database layouts in printed format and...this bug is not helping any!!! I've seen other posts around town so I know its not an issue with my installation, but a known and reported bug. Anyone know of when a Fix will take place, or is there a workaround?


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Recovery :: ER Diagram Of Database

Aug 6, 2015

i've a task to creating ER diagram to stream database.can i have the sample diagram. should i provide you the structure of database.

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Database Diagram In MSSMSE

Aug 19, 2006

after creating database in MICROSOFT SQL SERVER MANAGEMNET STUDIO EXPRESS, when i right click on diagram node, a menu appears with these 2 options :

1- working with sql server diagrams

2- refresh

how can i make a new diagram unless there is no such thing there?

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Forum Database Diagram / Design

Jun 4, 2008

Can any body send me a database diagram/design or sample database....

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Save Database E-R Diagram To File

Jul 12, 2001

I was wondering if it is possible to save the database E-R diagram to file in
MS SQL server 7?


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Creating Database Diagram For Master

Oct 11, 1999

Is there any way to create a database diagram for Master or MSDB in SQL 7.0?

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Express - Database Diagram Error

Feb 27, 2006

Installed adventure works..and when creating a database diagram giving a message says that it does not have valid owner.

The adventure works database is in SQL 2005 compatibility mode.

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Database Diagram Set Cardinality On Join

Sep 14, 2006

sql server 2005
sql server mangement studio

Hi I am using the databse diagrammer to create a database.
creating the tables and fields is no problem but there seems to be a lack of choice with joins and I cannot see how to set cardinality.
any help appreciated.


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SQL Server 2005 Database Diagram

Jul 30, 2007

Hi, guys. i tried to create a diagram for a database in SQL Server 2005.

After creating the diagram, there were no relationships indicated among the data. Why did this happen?

I've tried to create the diagrams on 2000 version with same database, it did list out all the relationships but why not 2005?

M i K e

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Script For Transfering Database Diagram

Jul 20, 2005

I've been trying to get the scripts posted earlier to the group byClay Beatty to work properly. Using the three components he posted, Ihave managed to get a new SP generated. However, when I paste thisscrip into a new copy of the original database (different name, samestructure as a test), I get an Invalid Object Name for the temp table#PersistedVariables.Has anyone run into something like this before? Or used the scripts Imentioned successfully? Help would be appreciated. The resultingsection of code causing the error is posted below. This is running onSQL-Server 2000.Tim PascoeCREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Create Diagrams] AS-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Database Diagram Reconstruction Script-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Created on: 2004-07-19 11:54:43.327-- From Database: CABIN-- By User: dbo---- This SQL Script was designed to reconstruct a set ofdatabase-- diagrams, by repopulating the system table dtproperties, inthe-- current database, with values which existed at the timethis-- script was created. Typically, this script would be createdto-- backup a set of database diagrams, or to package up thosediagrams-- for deployment to another database.---- Minimally, all that needs to be done to recreate the target-- diagrams is to run this script. There are several options,-- however, which may be modified, to customize the diagrams tobe-- produced. Changing these options is as simple as modifyingthe-- initial values for a set of variables, which are definedimmediately-- following these comments. They are:---- Variable Name Description-- --------------------------------------------------------------------- @TargetDatabase This varchar variable will establishthe-- target database, within which thediagrams-- will be reconstructed. This variableis-- initially set to database name fromwhichthe-- script was built, but it may bemodified as-- required. A valid database namemust be-- specified.---- @DropExistingDiagrams This bit variable is initially setset to a-- value of zero (0), which indicatesthat any-- existing diagrams in the target-- to be preserved. By setting thisvalue to-- one (1), any existing diagrams inthe target-- database will be dropped prior to-- reconstruction. Zero and One are theonly-- valid values for the variable.---- @DiagramSuffix This varchar variable will be usedto append-- to the original diagram names, asthey-- existed at the time they werescripted. This-- variable is initially set to take onthe-- value of the current date/time,although it-- may be modified as required. Anemptystring-- value would effectively turn off thediagram-- suffix option.--------------------------------------------------------------------------SET NOCOUNT ON-- User Settable Options------------------------Declare @TargetDatabase varchar (128)Declare @DropExistingDiagrams bitDeclare @DiagramSuffix varchar (50)-- Initialize User Settable Options-----------------------------------SET @TargetDatabase = 'CABIN2'SET @DropExistingDiagrams = 0SET @DiagramSuffix = ' ' + Convert(varchar(23), GetDate(),121)--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END OF USER MODIFIABLE SECTION - MAKE NO CHANGES TO THELOGIC BELOW----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Setting Target database and clearing dtproperties, ifindicated------------------------------------------------------------------Exec('USE ' + @TargetDatabase)IF (@DropExistingDiagrams = 1)TRUNCATE TABLE dtproperties-- Creating Temp Table to persist specific variables-- between Transact SQL batches (between GO statements)-------------------------------------------------------IF EXISTS(SELECT 1FROM tempdb..sysobjectsWHERE name like '%#PersistedVariables%'AND xtype = 'U')DROP TABLE #PersistedVariablesCREATE TABLE #PersistedVariables (VariableName varchar (50)NOT NULL,VariableValue varchar (50)NOT NULL)ON [PRIMARY]ALTER TABLE #PersistedVariables ADD CONSTRAINTPK_PersistedVariables PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED(VariableName) ON [PRIMARY]-- Persist @DiagramSuffix-------------------------INSERT INTO #PersistedVariables VALUES ('DiagramSuffix',@DiagramSuffix)GO-- Insert a new dtproperties row--------------------------------INSERT INTO dtproperties (objectid,property,value,uvalue,lvalue,version)VALUES (0,'DtgSchemaOBJECT',null,null,null,0)DELETE #PersistedVariablesWHERE VariableName = 'NextObjectid'INSERT INTO #PersistedVariables VALUES ('NextObjectid',Convert(varchar(15),@@IDENTITY))Declare @NextObjectid intSELECT @NextObjectid = Convert(int, VariableValue)FROM #PersistedVariablesWHERE VariableName = 'NextObjectid'UPDATE dtpropertiesSET Objectid = @NextObjectidWHERE id = @NextObjectidGO-- Insert a new dtproperties row--------------------------------Declare @NextObjectid intSELECT @NextObjectid = Convert(int, VariableValue)FROM #PersistedVariablesWHERE VariableName = 'NextObjectid'INSERT INTO dtproperties (objectid,property,value,uvalue,lvalue,version)VALUES (@NextObjectid,'DtgSchemaGUID','{EA3E6268-D998-11CE-9454-00AA00A3F36E}','{EA3E6268-D998-11CE-9454-00AA00A3F36E}',null,0)GO-- Insert a new dtproperties row--------------------------------Declare @DiagramSuffix varchar (50)SELECT @DiagramSuffix = Convert(varchar (50), VariableValue)FROM #PersistedVariablesWHERE VariableName = 'DiagramSuffix'Declare @NextObjectid intSELECT @NextObjectid = Convert(int, VariableValue)FROM #PersistedVariablesWHERE VariableName = 'NextObjectid'INSERT INTO dtproperties (objectid,property,value,uvalue,lvalue,version)VALUES (@NextObjectid,'DtgSchemaNAME','CABIN Detail' + @DiagramSuffix,'CABIN Detail'+ @DiagramSuffix,null,1)GO-- Insert a new dtproperties row--------------------------------Declare @NextObjectid intSELECT @NextObjectid = Convert(int, VariableValue)FROM #PersistedVariablesWHERE VariableName = 'NextObjectid'INSERT INTO dtproperties (objectid,property,value,uvalue,lvalue,version)VALUES (@NextObjectid,'DtgDSRefBYTES','2502','2502',null,12)GO-- Insert a new dtproperties row--------------------------------Declare @NextObjectid intSELECT @NextObjectid = Convert(int, VariableValue)FROM #PersistedVariablesWHERE VariableName = 'NextObjectid'INSERT INTO dtproperties (objectid,property,value,uvalue,lvalue,version)VALUES (@NextObjectid,'DtgDSRefDATA',null,null,cast('0' as varbinary(10)),12)GO---SNIP----

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Error When Creating Database Diagram

Apr 16, 2008


I'm using Visual Studio 2008 and i guess the sql server comes with it is the 2005 express version. So, my problem is: when i try to create a new database diagram on a new .mdf database, i get the error "Invalid String Class".
I believe this has something to do with some unregistered dlls, but i dont know how to solve...
Any help?

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