Database Maintenance (SQL Server 2000)

May 4, 2006

Could someone here clarify the difference between replication and mirroring?

What I want to do is to be able to make a back-up of my database to a different computer, what are the things I need to do? Is it replication or mirroring?


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Order Of Database Maintenance Plans (SQL 7/2000)

Jul 20, 2005

I want to know if there is a "best-practice" for setting up DatabaseMaintenance Plans in SQL Server 7 or 2000. To be more specific, I wantto know the order in which I complete the tasks. Do I completeoptimization first, then integrity checks, then translog backup, thenfull backup??? OR is there a better order which should be used?Should I ALWAYS backup the transaction Log before I complete a fulldatabase backup, and if so, why??If someone can help, it would be great.....

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SQL Server 2000 Maintenance

Jan 1, 2007

Hi Dear Friends

I have the sql server2000 that I have installed it on the windows server 2000

My server has 4 GB of RAM but i now can use only 2 GB of RAM.

How can i adjust the server for using total of RAM.

Best Regards Ahmadreza.

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Tempdb Maintenance - SQL Server 2000

Dec 14, 2006

Can someone please explain what the tempdb database is responsible for in SQL Server 2000. The database and log file has grown extremely large and I cannot backup this table for some reason. Thanks.

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Sql Server 2000 Table Maintenance

Jul 23, 2005

sql server 2000I am currently maintaining a table that contains 30 Million+ records,30 columns, and 11 indexes and will double within the next six mouths.The application that accesses this table, mainly for read onlypurposes, runs without any problems. We have begun using Crystalreports and are now having problems. When we create reports thataccesses the large table our server has significant performance dip.The application begins to time out and the reports take a very longtime, even with simple selects on indexed field.I have began looking into partitioning the large table on its key fieldand creating a partition view. But from what I have read this willonly help if we key on the partitioned field. And all other searcheswill actually take a little longer.Archiving old data is not an option. All the data is being usedAny suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.Rick

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SQL Server 7.0 Database Maintenance.

Feb 13, 2001

After looking through the archives at database maintenance steps used by others, I have decided on the following steps for each of my SQL Server 7.0 databases. I have set up a maintenance plan where they would execute in the following order for each database, if the preceding step is successful. If the preceding step fails, the job quits.

dbcc checkcatalog ('master')
dbcc checkdb ('master')
backup database master to master_dump with init, name = 'ASP Master dump'
dbcc dbreindex ('master', '', 70)
dbcc shrinkdb ('master', 10)

Now my questions...

1. The checkcatalog, checkdb, backup database, and shrinkdb commands appear in blue in SQL Server 7.0 to seemingly indicate they are commands. However, the dbreindex command is black. Does this mean that it is not recognized as a valid command? If so, why not? It is shown as a valid command in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.

2. The value of 70 in the dbreindex command was the value shown in sample code in the Microsoft Knowledge Base. However, the Knowledge Base does not give any guidance on whether this is a good value or not. How should I make a decision on what value to use? The value of 10% for the shrinkdb command is also just a sample value from Microsoft. How does one know what value to choose?

If anyone thinks this is a poor selection of maintenance steps, please let me know that also.

Joe Meyer

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RS SQL Server Database Maintenance

Sep 18, 2006

I'm researching on how to maintain RS SQL server database or what is the best way to maintain ReportServer and ReportServerTempDB? Should I go for the automatic shrink facility of SQL Server? Any suggestion? Thanks.

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SQL Server Database Maintenance Wizard

Feb 13, 2002

I've heard from several sources that there are issues using the maintenance wizard with 7.0 & 2000 databases. I'm looking for information to either support or refute this. Can anyone help?

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Setting A Maintenance Plan For A SQL Database In The SERVER

Jun 10, 2007

I learned how to make SQL database BACKUPs through Maintenance Plans in SQL server 2005 in my own computer.
So my question is: When I finally would be deploying my ( 2.0) web site in a distant real server, how could I set a Maintenance Plan there ?

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SQL Server 2014 :: Maintenance Plan Not Visible Under Database Engine After Import

Aug 13, 2015

I have a query. Here are the steps:

1. I created a maintenance plan using Visual Studio 2013 (nothing fancy pretty basic)
2. Using ssms 2014 I imported it (the dtsx file) under the Integration Services and it appeared there successfully
3. I connected to the Database Engine again using ssms 2014 - my expectation was to see it under the Management > Maintenance Plans folder but it was not present.

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Check Database Integrity In Maintenance Plan Not Working In SQL Server 2005 SP2

Apr 13, 2007

I installed SQL Server 2005 Enterprise, then SP1 and then SP2, Maintenance Plan worked. But if I installed SQL Server 2005 Enterprise and then SP2 directly (skipping SP1), the Check Database Integrity in Maintenance Plan was not working. The error message is as follows:

Executed as user: DomainSqlServiceAccount. Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility Version 9.00.3042.00 for 64-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved. Started: 10:56:21 AM Could not load package "Maintenance PlansTest Plan" because of error 0xC0014062. Description: The LoadFromSQLServer method has encountered OLE DB error code 0x80004005 (Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.). The SQL statement that was issued has failed. Source: Started: 10:56:21 AM Finished: 10:56:21 AM Elapsed: 0.047 seconds. The package could not be loaded. The step failed.

Other tasks like Rebuild Index seem to be fine. SP2 is supposed to be inclusive. Does anyone have any ideas on why this is happening.



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SQL Server 2008 :: Changed Database From Full To Simple - Maintenance Plan Failing

Mar 6, 2015

One of my programmers changed their database from full to Simple recovery. Saw that my job that backs up the Full Recovery mode databases failed, so I moved that database to my Simple database backup job plan and removed it from the Full Recovery job. I am unable to remove the db from the Transaction Log task on the Full Plan because when I try to edit that job "Databases with Simple Recovery will be excluded"

My transaction log backups are still failing with the following error: "The statement BACKUP LOG is not allowed while the recovery model is SIMPLE. Use BACKUP DATABASE or change the recovery model using ALTER DATABASE. BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.Just want to remove that database so my Full Recovery backup job does not try to back it up.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Failed Task In Maintenance Plan Not Being Reported By Database Mail

Apr 29, 2015

I have inherited a server on which is a maintenance plan with two subplans on different schedules. In each subplan there are Execute T-SQL tasks with scripts for index rebuilds. Each task is set up with a Completion arrow to the next task and a Failure arrow to a Notify Operator Task. I was asked to add a task for index rebuilds to a specific subplan for a specific database, which is what the other tasks also do. I discovered that my task was failing but the others were fine. No notification was sent about my task failing even though the job is marked in MSDB as a failed job. I have sent a test email using the "Send Test Email..." option when right clicking Database Mail in SSMSand I receive an email so I know Database Mail works.

I set up a test job to model the index job that I can't get notifications from. I have two T-SQL tasks that just select the top row from a small table. The first task has a syntax error that I did so it would fail. I have a failure arrow to a Notify Operator Task and a Completion arrow to another T-SQL task with no syntax error which has a Success arrow to a Notify Operator task. As expected, when I execute this job I receive one failure email and one success email.

The only other troubleshooting step I know to try is to add a Notify Operator task before my failing task. That Notify Operator task will hopefully fire to tell me that the previous step was successful. I am not having problems with the other steps so I was just thinking I would try to get the subplan to send me a success email about one of the steps that has been working fine.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Configuration Of Maintenance Plan For Full Database And Log Back Up

Jul 9, 2015

I was trying to configure maintenance plan to take nightly full database backup and Log backup. I was trying to configure it like in attached file. Any links that i can follow and configure as in attached file.

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SQL 2000 Maintenance

May 6, 2001


I am just getting started with SQL 2000 Server, and we have our database online, and starting transfer all the data from ACCESS to SQL 2000.

Need to know what type of maintenance I need to do to keep the data clean on SQL.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Maintaining 2000 Maintenance Plans Using SQL 2005

May 4, 2007

Calling all those that use Maintenance Plans.

There are some perculiar goings on happening on my servers. Plans across servers have been doing funny things like dumping back ups in different folders, some jobs have been hanging, so on and so forth.

And I think it's occuring after modifying SQL Server 2000 plans with SSMS. It's so intermitent, it's hard to put my finger on exactly when it's happening. It may have not even been reported yet. Fixing the anomolies are achieved by recreating the jobs (a matter of unticking and ticking the boxes in the Maintenance Plans).

In SQL 2000, if you create more than 1 schedule on a job that was itself created using a maintenance plan, SQL Server returns a message along the lines of "Dude, do this and weird things might happen". The message doesn't say what exactly, just that it can no longer guarentee the integrity of the plan. And indeed, weird things does happen, I tested it once.

I'm guessing this is a similar problem, but has not yet been pinned down. Has anyone come across this when using SSMS to maintain 2000 plans.

At this stage, I would like to point out that this is not a slagging off Maintenance Plans thread... I'm looking in the direction of anyone who's name starts with the letter Kristen or Tara


"It's Saturday night; I've got no date, a two litre bottle of Shasta, and my all-Rush mix tape... LET'S ROCK."

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Backup Maintenance Plan - Best Practices For SQL 2000

Jun 24, 2007

I was once told that I was not to use the GUI to setup a maintenance plan. What the person said was that I needed to setup a different plan to do each tab of the GUI instead of going through the tabs and making sure the times do not overlap.
Has anyone ever heard of this or is this an old wise tale told by only one person?
I am using version 8 of SQL on XP machines with 8 connections to that database and need to back up the database, clean it up and everything the GUI has, so teach me the correct ways and tell me why, thanks!

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SQL 2000 Maintenance Plan And Multi-step Jobs

Mar 9, 2006


I'm working with SQL 2000 and am just learning about Maintenance Plans (MP). They seem convenient, but after some time, I'm wondering if they're the best approach long-term. Here are my experiences.

Using the MP Wizard, I created a plan with tasks from all the dialogs:

- Optimize database
- Check integrity
- Backup database
- Backup transaction log
- Write a report

I was puzzled to find 4 jobs were created, each with just 1 step, and staggered starting times. I expected to find 1 job with 4 steps. So, brimming with confidence, I did just that. I combined all 4 into 1 job, deleted the 3 other MP created jobs, and checked for any job-specific details in the code. However now when I open the MP, I get this pop-up:

"One or more of the jobs created for this plan has had additional steps added to it. It is not recommended that jobs created by the maintenance plan be modified in any way."

Okay, fair warning. Yet it appears the job and all steps run successfully, both on demand, and on a schedule. So now I'm wondering if jobs always need a MP. If I don't mind working with xp_sqlmaint syntax, it appears the only thing I'm giving up is the MP history. But I expect job history and '-WriteHistory' will minimize that loss.

I searched BOL, this Forum, and Google, and found a couple articles. One author preferred the ease of the Wizard, another preferred the control and added features of T-SQL, but both created a MP in their examples. So I'm hoping some experienced DBAs can advise.

If I create a job with multiple steps, and no MP, are there important things I give up or problems I create?
Is this approach a bad idea in SQL 2005?

At this stage, I don't need replication or other advanced features. Just simple database maintenance.

Thank you,
- Martin

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Db Maintenance Plans On SQL 2005 And Dbs In 2000 Compatibility Mode

Nov 15, 2007

Hi All

I€™m having a problem setting up maintenance plans on one of our SQL 2005 servers but first here€™s a bit of back ground.

The server is a Virtual machine running win2k3R2 SP2 server std and SQL 2k5, A supplier arrived to install and app on the server when discovering there app didn€™t work with 2k5 they seem to have set the 2 dbs on the server into 2k compatibility mode and set the entire SQL install to think its a 2000 install. (I€™m not sure how this is done all I can see is the wrong version number in management studio) The problem this is giving me it that the folder in management studio for Database Maintenance Plans is no longer under the management folder instead it under a sub folder called Legacy (which is how management studio seems to deal with all registered 2000 instances) and as such a can no longer right click and create new database maintenance plans is there any way around this or will I have to setup my backup job manually?

Ohh and have the supplier shot at dawn

Thanks All


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Maintenance Plans (2000), Remove Files Older Than, And Network Shares

Sep 21, 2007

We have some to-disk backups scheduled on our 2000 Enterprise machine - nightly fulls, hourly logs - that go to a network share located on another machine. They were originally stored directly on the same machine as SQL Server, but we changed them to a remote destination within the past few weeks. This works okay, but despite having the maintenance plan set to remove files older than 2 days, old files don't seem to be removed. Understandably, this gets to be a problem when the backup disk becomes filled.

Is there any obvious reason why this option wouldn't work against a network share? I've checked the directory permissions, and the SQL Agent domain account should have no trouble deleting the files.

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Database Maintenance

Feb 14, 2000

I am looking for opinions of setting up a database maintenance plan. I want to know if it is safe to trust the wizard and let it set up all of the jobs, or if it is better to write your own procedures to handle backups and maintenance as in 6.5. All sugestions and opinions are welcome. Thanks.

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Database Maintenance

Feb 2, 2000

For SQL server 7.0, is it necessary to schedule database maintenance plan on a regulare basis? I know it is necessary for SQL server 6.5.
Su Ge

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Database Maintenance

Apr 12, 1999

SQLMaint is run once a week for the following a database on SQL 6.5. The following is the information for the database when I see it through the Enterprise Manager:

Data Size 650 MB
Data Space Available 0.00
Log Size 360
Log Space Available 359.99

The following is the syntax built by the DATABASE Maintenance Wizard:

SQLMAINT.EXE -D CATS -CkDB -CkAl -CkTxtAl -CkCat -UpdSts -RebldIdx 100 -Rpt E:MSSQLLOGCATS_maint.rpt
It runs once a week and takes about 40 mins and runs successfully. Last it run was 4/11/99 at 2:00 AM

The result set I get from sp_spaceused is as follows:

database_name database_size unallocated space
CATS 1010.00 MB 273.96 MB

reserved data index_size unused
------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------
753710 KB 280360 KB 426494 KB 46856 KB

What I don’t understand is how come the data space available shows 0 in Enterprise Manager? Shouldn't SQLMAINT, which is run once a week, allow for correct information to be reported?

Could someone please explain.

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Database And Log Maintenance

Jul 20, 2005

Running SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition SP3. The database is alsoused by Microsoft Project Server 2002 and also has OLAP views, so thedatabase is being used to view/run cubes in the Analysis Manager.What is the best way of shrinking the database size and its log file too?Is there an automatic way to do this with a maintenance plan or i haveto manually run a SQL statement periodically?What are the best practices?I have a database that the size of it is 260megs and now the log file isover 800megs...Everytime i run the following:BACKUP LOG DBName WITH TRUNCATE ONLYDBCC SHRINKDATABASE (DBName, 10, TRUNCATEONLY)When running it, i get the following 2 records returned:DbId FieldId CurrentSize MinimumSize UsedPages EstimatedPages7 1 32304 128 28152281527 2 160 128 160128I don't know what the above 2 records mean. I am also concerned if i shouldbe running that statement or not.Also concerned as to why the Windows Server 2003 (Enterprise Edition)always creates a CRITICAL error in the Application event viewer with EventIDnumber 17055, source being MSSQLSERVER and the description of the event:18278:Database log truncated: Database: DBName.If it's a critical error message, then what i am doing is bad? Am i damagingmy database?Within like 7-10 days of running the above statement, the log file becomescloseto 1 GB again! How can i find out what causes the log file to grow that big?Is it beingcaused by running some OLAP views or what? The db has about 20 usersconnected to itusing an ASP web aplication as the front-end, and MSP Professional 2002 alsoto connectto the Project Server 2002 (which uses the same database as the aboveDBName).I would appreciate any help.Thank you very much

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Database Maintenance

Oct 15, 2007

I have been looking through the data files directory for my databases and noticed that the log (ldf) files of some of the databases are from 2GB to 4.5GB where as the data files are under 500MB. If I shrink the log files what affect does this have on the database? Should I be setting up regular shrink jobs on the log files?

Any help would be very much appreciated.

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Sql Server 2000 Installing Database On New Sql Server 2000

Oct 30, 2007

Problem description

There are two sql servers with the same database in different locations with replication running on them. Users in the two locations insert or update date on there own database through an ms access application . The data are replicated to both servers.
Someone wanted a copy of the database and they dropped replication, but users continue to modify and add data on both servers and so replication could not be back again without merging the two databases as one again and restarting replication.
My job was to merge the databases and make replication work and after allot of work all is fine.
I copy and attached the database on my pc that I set up as a server and did the job. Then I went back on both servers that had replication running before I attached the database and set the subscriber and publisher and all was fine to that point.
The database has six groups with permissions on them and many database users on each location. Both the groups and the users show on the database.
I create a new login and user and I add him to the groups to get the permissions.
Now back on a user pc I login with the new user name run the ms access application and try to add some new records, but I get errors that I cannot insert null values to two of the fields in several tables in the database.
This was not happening before and the database was recording the values in those fields namely the user name and the date that the new record was created.
After some reading I found out that I might need to set the groups and permissions on the views and tables from the beging but Im not an expert.
Any ideas?
Thanks allot

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Database Maintenance Plan

Mar 12, 2002

Hi there,

We are using a database maintenance plan to backup and reindex our db's. Up until the end of last month this was working perfectly - however now it has stopped deleting the old backups (even though we have checked 'Delete files over 1 day old').

Does anyone have any ideas as to why they are now being deleted - and how we can remove them automatically - has something been corruped? Would it be a case of creating a new maintenance plan?

thanks in advance,

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Database Maintenance Troubleshooting

Mar 26, 2001

SQL Server 7.0 with SP 1
Database maintenance job is failing
with error about being unable to delete old backup file.
I can manually delete the file with no problem.
This occurs randomly, maybe once a week.
Any ideas on what's wrong, and how to fix it?

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Database Maintenance Issue

Jul 28, 2000

I want to know database maintenance issue when there are many databases in a machine. The number of database will be 50~80. We'll use SQL 7.0. In Sql 7.0, I heard that there is not so much maintenance issue.

Wisepost Inc.
Chris Song

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Database Maintenance Plans

Sep 15, 1999

Hi, I'm new to SQL 7 (and fairly new to SQL Server), can anyone help with these basic questions on database maintenance plans generated by the wizard:
(1) Scheduling - can SQLServer handle say a REORG running at the same time as a backup against the same database? This should never happen, but what will happen if say a backup is due to start before a REORG has finished? To try & simulate this 'problem' I've run REORGs and backups at the same time & have yet to encounter errors I presume SQL locking handles this OK.
(2) Database integrity checks - (a) any comments on the wisdom of checking 'repair any minor problems'? Anyone had any problems with this? (b) While integrity checks are running do they take enforce a consistent view of the data? (I think this is probably the case as my reading of books online indicates that DBCC takes shared locks for the duration)
(3) Backups - does the 'VERIFY INTEGRITY' option have any impact on the live database? (My reading of RESTORE VERIFYONLY indicates it doesn't)

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Database Maintenance Plans

Mar 18, 2003

What is the recommended schedule for SQL Server maintenance plans that perform database integrity checks and optimizations?

Also, more specifically, how often should we be re-building our indexes?

Thanks for your help.

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Database Maintenance Job Fails

Apr 21, 2003

I have several Maintenance jobs that keep failing. They
are , Integrity Checks, Index rebuild, and Update
statistics. I keep getting a similar error on all three. I
have pasted it below. None of my other SQL 2000 servers
have any problems. I have tried changing the database
options in question. The error I keep getting is as

Microsoft (R) SQLMaint Utility (Unicode), Version Logged
on to SQL Server 'DAPHNE' as 'CDCNorm' (trusted)
Starting maintenance plan 'FSPRD84A Integrity Checks' on
4/21/2003 10:20:59 AM
[1] Database FSPRD84A: Check Data and Index Linkage...
[Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 1934:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]DBCC failed
because the following SET options have incorrect

The following errors were found:

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]DBCC failed
because the following SET options have incorrect
** Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 8 secs **

End of maintenance plan 'FSPRD84A Integrity Checks' on
4/21/2003 10:21:07 AM
SQLMAINT.EXE Process Exit Code: 1 (Failed)

Any suggestions?

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Database Maintenance Plan

Dec 1, 2005

Hello, everyone:

I have a Database Maintenance Plan that back up some databases and delete old backup files that more than two day. Can any one have idea which action is first, backup or delete old files?



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