Database Maintenence Plan

Nov 16, 2007

I need to create sql 2005 standard maintenance plan for system and user databases and database maintenance plan should include Reorganize index task, full backup task, maintenance cleanup task(for backup files), history cleanup task.

What should be the tasks order ? please let me know....I have to complete this on 8 servers by 11/16/2007 10 AM PST

In sql 2000 database maintenance plan, any rebuild index task is there ??

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SQL Maintenence Plan And Database Backup Fails

Jan 8, 2008

Hi everyone,
I am running SQL 2000 SP3. I have one maintenence plan that is backing up one database and that is working fine. I am trying to create another maintenence plan for another database but the job does not execute and it gives me errors. Both SQL server and the agent uses 'local system account' to run the service. I have tried changing this to a domain account to see if it fixes anything. Also on the jobs, the job owner is a domain account. Below are two erros I am getting when running the jobs.
BackupDiskFile::CreateMedia: Backup device 'D:SQL Backups....mybackupfile.bak' failed to create. Operating system error = 3(The system cannot find the path specified.).

BACKUP failed to complete the command BACKUP DATABASE [Database_Name] TO DISK = N'D:SQL Backups....mybackupfile.bak' WITH INIT , NOUNLOAD , NOSKIP , STATS = 10, NOFORMAT

Any help would be appreciated.


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Maintenence Plan Questions

Aug 18, 2004

I wanted to know at what time should I be scheduling the data optimization and data integrity jobs? Will these jobs hinder performance? If so then I should probably schedule the jobs after work hours.

Also, we were not going to use the backup/recovery jobs that sql server offer, we have our own backup software. So, will the data integrity or data optimization job affect backups? Should I perform these jobs before or after backups?


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Problem With MSSQL 2005 Maintenence Plan

Mar 25, 2008


I am facing a problem with MSSQL 2005 maintenance plan. I created a plan which takes full backup of all the db€™s and in the same plan I added a clean up task which is suppose to clean all the files older that 1 day.

To gain compression I converted this plan to lite speed. Now the problem is Backups are running fine but the clean task is not cleaning old files. The job runs fine without fail.

Any body who has faced similar problem please let me know if have the solution ?

Thanks in advance.


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Maintenence Plan Backup Schedule Doesn't Work

Sep 6, 2005

I am running the latest MSDE with the SQL Server 2000 client tools on
Windows 2K Server on my production server. I have a simliar setup on my
development machine except it is running Windows 2K (non-server). I
have the same issue on both machines (I am wondering if it is related
to the structure of the database). When I open Enterprise Manager,
connect to the server, navigate to the Management folder, and add a new
management plan, I experience the following error.

I create a management plan that includes nothing but a complete
database backup (i.e. no reorganization of index pages, logging, etc.).
I set the backup schedule to occur every Sun at 12:00AM and hit OK.
Sometimes I get the following error :"Error 8114: Error converting data
type int to tinyint" sometimes not. Either way, though, the same thing
happens, the schedule for the backup is not saved. If I reopen the
management plan and go to the "Complete Backup" tab, there is no
schedule in the schedule box.

I have found this link:

Which appears to be the same issue that I am having, however, there is
no resolution there. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas.


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SQL Server 7 Preventive Maintenence

Feb 26, 2001

Hi All

I had some weird problem in my production server few days back, not SQL Server related problem, it's WIN-NT problem. I am thinking of doing preventive maintenance every month. While I am doing preventive maintenance what are important steps I need to take care. Your comments are really appreciated.

Thanks in advance


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Need Advice On Database Plan. Thank You.

Dec 16, 2005

Hello,I am working on a web site which will use SQL 2005.I am planing my first SQL database and I am looking for advice.1. There will be two types of users: students and professors.2. Both users types will have login information.   (Username, Password, AccessLevel)   3. The remaining information on students and professores is different.   Student (Name, Email, Phone, ...) / Professor (Name, Email, Phone, Subjects, ...)4. Professors can publish documents.   Each document has some info (Type, Title, Description, ...)My plan in this moment is to:A. Create the tables Students, Professors, Login and Documents.B. Students table would be connected to Login table.   Professors table would be connected to Login table and Documents table.C. The field [Type] in documents table should include the type or   should I create a table DocumentsTypes where I add codes for each type.   I have seen this. What is the advantage?Can someone give me some advice?Thank you Very Much,Miguel

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Database Maintenance Plan

Mar 12, 2002

Hi there,

We are using a database maintenance plan to backup and reindex our db's. Up until the end of last month this was working perfectly - however now it has stopped deleting the old backups (even though we have checked 'Delete files over 1 day old').

Does anyone have any ideas as to why they are now being deleted - and how we can remove them automatically - has something been corruped? Would it be a case of creating a new maintenance plan?

thanks in advance,

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Database Recovery Plan

Jan 24, 2001

Hi everyone,

I am trying to implement a plan for a SQL7 database that is used by the company I work for. Having read the SQL manuals I have come to the following conclusion:

I want to do a complete backup of the database at midnight and do a transaction log backup every 30 minutes between 7am and 7pm. I am hoping this will allow me to 'undo' any user mistakes and roll back the database changes to the last transaction log backup.

The questions I have are:

1) By backing up the transaction log every 30 minutes, will this then give me the ability to 'roll back' the database to the last time the transaction log was backed up (i.e. 30 minutes max) ?

2) How do I load the transaction log back in ? (i.e roll the database changes back). A simple Restore operation (with truncate ???)

3)Am I totally confused or on the right track ?



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Database Maintenance Plan

Dec 1, 2005

Hello, everyone:

I have a Database Maintenance Plan that back up some databases and delete old backup files that more than two day. Can any one have idea which action is first, backup or delete old files?



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Database Maintenance Plan

Mar 24, 2004

Overview of my database: size - 45 GB, Full Recovery Mode, Log shipping ever 15 minutes; Full Backup nightly; Optimization and integrity checks on Sunday night.

The Database takes a transactional log every 15 minutes and ships it to our failover database. Usually these are small logs and are executed in matter of seconds.
On sunday night there is a problem. The optimization job (part of DB maintenance plan) runs for 3 hours and during this time the transactional log backup continues to runs and takes close to 4 hours of complete. When the tran log completes its close to a 30 GB file and this is causing problems with space and shipping. This also causes the failover server to be out of sync and at times we have to re setup log shipping.

Does anyone know if there is a way to get around this problem. Appreciate all help and comments.

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Database Maintenance Plan

Nov 16, 2007

I need to create sql 2005 standard maintenance plan for system and user databases and database maintenance plan should include Reorganize index task, full backup task, maintenance cleanup task(for backup files), history cleanup task.

What should be the tasks order ? please let me know....I have to complete this on 8 servers by 11/16/2007 10 AM PST

In sql 2000 database maintenance plan, any rebuild index task is there ??

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SQL Server 2008 :: Is Only One Plan Is Kept For One Query In Plan Cache

Mar 14, 2015

Is only one plan is kept for one query in plan cache?

i heard generally hash is created for a query and plan is search with this hash.

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Database Maintenance Plan Restore

Apr 24, 2002

I have in production, the database maintenance plan that runs the nightly backups. I want to restore this to a completly different server I am setting up for testing. What is the best way to restore a backup on one server (that was done using the maintenance plan) to another server? I tried just mapping a drive and then forcing a restore, however, I got some error message about an ID or something. Maybe I need to do it through query analyzer and there is an easier way to force it? thanks!

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SQL Server - Database Maintenace Plan

Jul 13, 2000


Our Database Maintenance Plan has stopped backing up the database. I can manually backup the database but the plan does not work. We tried creating a new plan but the new plan is not backing up either. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thank you for your help!

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Database Maintenance Plan Wizard

Apr 8, 1999

I ran the Maintenance Plan Wizard and created 2 plans, one for the system databases and one for the User databases. While running the wizard I was asked if I wanted to configure an operator to e-mail reports to.

Once that operator is selected, how can you change it without recreating the maintenance plan?

This is separate from an operator that can be configured within each job.

C. Fischer

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Database Maintenance Plan. How Does It Work?

Dec 9, 2001

I am using Database Maintenance Plan to run backups. But I am quite short in disk space. So I declared to remove previous backups to release disk space. Still have problem when writing backup file onto the hard drive. I suspect that SQL first tries to complete backup and put in on the disk and only after that removes old file. Could not find any tips in BOL or elsewhere in what order this all goes - backup - then removal or removal - then backup. If anyone know I would be very happy for the rest of my life.

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Database Maintenance Plan Failed

Mar 4, 2002

Hi all-

I have a database maintenance plan set up to run for user databases. The integrity checks job for a user database failed today with the error 'error 7919 Repair cannot be processed, db must be in single user mode' . I have scheduled the job to run once every week. Is this a bug in sql server 2000? I thought that the db is placed into single user mode when the integrity job starts. Please advise.


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Database Maintenance Plan Wizard

Apr 15, 1999

When i was going to run the Database Maintenance Plan Wizard on one of my databases, i received the following warning:

"Database 'HGB' is over 400MB in size. It is not recommended that you run the Database Maintenance Plan Wizard on databases exceeding this size. Do you still want to continue?"

My database has 1GB data space, with 757MB free and 341MB log, with 211MB free. What´s the matter on having too much free space? I thought that was good...

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Failing Database Maintenance Plan

Jan 17, 2005

Hi there,

I have a Database maintenance plan (DMP) that always fails!
The plan reorganises data and index pages and checks database integrity.
The plan covers several databases, and it always fails on the same database.

The error message (in the DMP history) is the following: "[Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 01000)] Error 0: This server has been disconnected. You must reconnect to perform this operation."

The odd thing is that the DMP is locally executed, so I don't see why the network could be an issue here.

Thank you for your time!


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How To Check Database Maintenance Plan?

Dec 2, 2005

Hello, everyone:

How to check the function of a Database Maintenance Plan? For example, I want to check how how many databases are backed up in this plan. Thanks


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Database Maintenance Plan Without Using The Wizard

May 2, 2008

Hi everybody,
I need a way to create a database maintenance plan in SQL Server 2000, without using the wizard. So, I am looking for a way to create this plan either using TSQL or (even better) using VB6 code (maybe by using SQLDMO library). I want the end-user of my vb6 application to decide for the options of the plan (like scheduling or backup directory). Does anybody have any sample vb6 code for doing this?
Thanks in advance.

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Can't Find My Database On Maintance Plan

May 29, 2008

I created a Daily and Weekly Maintenace Plans when I check my backups I notice that one of my databases was not being back-up. I then try to create a Maintenace plan for tha particular database only but I can't see it on my list of databases to back-up. Any help would be appreciated on creating a daily and weekly plan for these particular database.

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SQL 2005 Database Maintenance Plan

Nov 16, 2007

I need to create sql 2005 maintenance plan for system and user databases which includes Database integrity check and Rebuild index tasks but these two things should happen at different times. Is it possible to schedule these two tasks at different times under single database maintenance plan, if so please let me know...

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Creating New Database Maintenance Plan

Nov 16, 2007

when i right click to create a new maintenance plan. (no maintenance plans exist yet). I get this error.

The action you attempted to perform on a remote instance of SQL Server has failed because the action requires a SQL Server Component that is not installed on the remote computer. To Proceed, install SQL Server 2005 Management Tools on the remote computer and try again.

What am i missing.

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Database Maintenace Plan Location

Dec 18, 2005

Hi again,I have setup a maintenance plan schedule, my question is; can I create anadditional plans located on another network location ?In my attempts the only locations displayed are those on the current server.thank you

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Sql 2005 Database Maintenance Plan

Nov 16, 2007

I want to create sql 2005 maintenance plan which includes Database integrity check and Rebuild index tasks but these two things should happen at different times. Is it possible to schedule these two tasks at different times under single database maintenance plan, if so please let me know...ASAP

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Setting A Maintenance Plan For A SQL Database In The SERVER

Jun 10, 2007

I learned how to make SQL database BACKUPs through Maintenance Plans in SQL server 2005 in my own computer.
So my question is: When I finally would be deploying my ( 2.0) web site in a distant real server, how could I set a Maintenance Plan there ?

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Do We Have Restart The Server If The Database Maintainence Plan Changes?

May 3, 2002

We changed the database maintainence plan, after changes do we have to restart the server in order to effect the new changes.

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Weird Problem With Database Maintenance Plan....

Jan 6, 2004

Weird problem with Database Maintenance Plan....

I will mention this problem I am having with one our servers. This server has several databases and four maintenance plans that schedule the backup, integrity and optimizations.

Now for only one of these plans, the rest of the plans are identical, on this server when I select the option "Perform these tests before backing up the database or transaction log" in the "Integrity" tab and save it, it does not stay selected. By that I mean, if I go back to the maintenance plan properities and check if the option is selected, it shows that it is not. While I had just selected the option a moment ago and saved it.

I realized this when the integrity jobs did not run before the backups as they used to. So, somehow this option got unselected and cannot be selected anymore.

On another server, there are three maintenance plans and all of them have the same problem. No matter what I do, I cannot save the plan with that option.

To give you guys some background, I already SP3 applied to all these SQL2000 servers running on Windows 2000. Also, these plans used to work fine before. For sometime, I have had some problems like these with my local installation of SQL server but not on our production boxes. Now it seems like the problem has propogated to them too.

Has anyone come across anything like this. Any help or direction would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Maintanence Plan - Backup Database Task

Jun 2, 2008

Hi Guys!

I am trying to create a 'scheduled back up database task'maintenance plan which has an option to 'overwrite backups' but with also the "Create a backup file for every database" option checked. Does anyone know how to do this?

Thanks Guys.

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DB Maintenance Plan SQL 2005 On 6300+ Database

Mar 25, 2007

Hi,We have a SQL-cluster with over 6300 databases, most of them prettysmall in size and usage.For this reason all these databases are on auto-close ( Otherwise SQLwould need many many gigabytes ).We've recently upgraded to SQL 2005 because of the Management Studio,because the EM is unusable on a SQL-Server with lots of databases.But whenever you choose 'all user databases' or 'all databases' in anyof the DB Maintenance task, MSSQL begins starting up every databasewhich takes about 30 minutes. Until then, you cannot use your Studioanymore.My question : is there a possibility to avoid this behavior, it shouldnot go and check all those db's, just add my task.PS : Detaching these databases is not an option ...Thanks in advance,Sven Peeters

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Database Not In View In New Maintenance Plan SQL 7 (options)

Nov 23, 2006

I recently migrated my database to SQL2005 from SQL7.  It was simply a restore from a backup and was cake.

But now when I go to run a new maintenance plan I do not see my database.

I found that the database options are set to SQL7.  If I change it to SQL 2005 I see the database.

What impact will this have on my data?

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