Database Reporting Tool Needed

Apr 20, 2006

I need software that will write a report on the following items that I can have prepared to show our auditors. Any suggestions ??? OUr databases are SQL*Server 2000, SP 3a / SP4

1) database consistency checking
2) re-indexing
3) shrinking
4) allocation of growth boundaries
5) backup routines
6) disk space
7) table space
8) processing speed

Thanks so much,

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Primary Key Search Tool Needed

Dec 29, 1998

I need to search through a database that has a large number of tables to see if each table has an index that is based on the
primary key. I need this information in order to determine whether I can setup database replication or not. I believe all tables
involved with a replication need to be indexed on the primary key. Does anyone know of a stored procedure or command file that
will provide this information for me in a timely manner? I've used the sp_pkeys stored procedure but it is very time consuming
running this against one table at a time.

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Needed To Connect Remote DB By Client Tool (Enterprise Manager)

Dec 28, 2005

Here is what I knew: usr/pwd, Domain, Server and Database.
How to set Enterprise Manager, then can I connect to DB ?

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Reporting Services ReportServer DB Reporting - 3rd Party Tool ?

Jan 15, 2007

HI There

We are required to gather certain information regarding reporting services.

Which reports were requested, by whom , how long did they run for, what parameters were passed etc etc.

I see that the system tables do provide some of this information, is there a 3rd party tool or something we can use to gather all this type of information for us?

This is for reporting services 2000 and 2005.


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Does Anyone Know Of An T-SQL Reporting Tool

Oct 7, 2002

Does anyone know of a T-SQL Reporting Tool that can be attached to either SQL 7 and/or 2000 databases.
I am looking for something similar to the Oracle 'Discoverer' tool.

The requirements are that users be able to create there own reports using a GUI with the minimum of prior knowledge of T-SQL.

Thanks in advance for any replies.
David Goodman.

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XML Output For A Reporting Tool

Feb 17, 2004

I put a similar post on experts-exchange....

What I am looking to do is create a reporting framework that uses SQL Server and outputs as XML (only because that could be consumed by various clients).

I also want to create title, subtotals, etc., and even page breaks of I can.

I want to do this all in T-SQL so new reports can be added by DBA's rather than have the developer re-code, re-compile, re-distribute, etc.

I think on the DB side it would be as easy as creating a table that is a 'catalog' of available reports with their names, etc., and a set of stored procs that would run the reports.

Has anyone ever done anything like this, or in some better way?


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Looking For SQL Agent Reporting Tool

Apr 3, 2001

I'm looking for a tool that can read the SQL Agent tables and generate a chart or graph of when jobs are scheduled. This could be used to determine when a job can be scheduled without interfering with other jobs, or to determine
where a maintenance window might exists.

The chart could be for a particular day, or week or month. It could be for a single database or all databases on a server. The tool could also read job history and display a graph of execution time (with success and failure displayed in different colors).

I don't know of anything like this in existence. I've looked at the stored procs supplied with SQL Server that help generate the data for the Enterprise Manager's GUI. I see thinks like the job schedule frequency information hardcoded in the stored procedure, instead of table driven. That's scary!

SQL Probe software is cool, but it doesn't do the reporting I'm looking for.

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Looking For A Reporting Tool For Sql Views

Jul 20, 2005

Was wondering if anyone knew of a tool that you can point to a view inthe database and it graphically (or even in text) determines thedependencies. At the moment I am manually going through a swag ofviews and putting them in visio org chart but there must be a betterway !

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Reporting Configuration Tool

Aug 29, 2007

I installed 2005 advance... install said all OK. I go to Reporting Configuration tool, try to set Report Server Virtual Directory,
set new to default... says number of errors 0 but the crashes with the "... and has to close" No details as to what the error is
and when I retry I cannot click on Report Manager Virtual Directory. Any Ideas?

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Any Free Reporting Tool You Recommend?

Nov 6, 2006

dun need sophisticated interactive reports, but just simple basic rigid reporting will do :D

looking for a simple tool for my end users. Crystal Reports a bit overkill.....

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Reporting Services Configuration Tool

Jul 11, 2007

Hello all

I am trying to configure reporting services using the Configuration Tool. I get all checks green except for Encryption Keys (Blue), Initialization (Grey), and Email Settings and Execution Account (both Yellow). I am not too worried about the yellow and blue ones because I have read that other people have the same, but I was wondering how to make Initialization available to configure. I am running SQL Server 2005 - Standard Edition.

Thanks for the help,


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Reporting Services Configuration Tool

Jul 12, 2007

we just got the new server windows 2003 server, sql server 2005

- i use remote desktop connect to the server.

- i made the report services for testing,

the problem is I can't not published report.

i check the report services configuration tool.

(the page is gray. also warning come "no report server were found on
the specified machine" detail invalid namespace)

what shoul i do?

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SQL Service Reporting Tool - Designer

Oct 19, 2007

Is there something called SQL Service Reporting tool - "the Designer" is this product different then the Reporting Services that comes with SQL Microsoft Server standard edition?

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Query/Reporting Tool For SQL Server Tables

Oct 6, 2005

Just a general question about any recommendations for a third party tool that would allow setting up a data-dictionary against SQL Server tables and a user could go in and build their own queries, reports. Perhaps they could save their query/report definitions for reuse. Other nice to haves - ability to output to PDF and export to XLS. Would prefer web interface, but can consider desktop as well. Any immediate recommendations?


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Tool To Write RDL For Sql Server Reporting Services

Nov 20, 2005

We've just rolled out Reporting services at our organisation, and the users love it. However, it's giving me a headache because, as the only developer in the company and as I have VS.NET, I'm the only one who can author the reports.

Does anyone know of a third party provider that has written a report writing tool with a straight forward UI ( a bit like the access report writer for example) that I can deploy to some users and let them run riot? It's the kind of thing that I expect someone will have done as a pet project, if anyone knows of a freeware version that would be even better.

I'd be very grateful for any pointers.


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Error Trying To Open Reporting Configuration Tool

Aug 3, 2007

I just installed SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and reporting services (followed the video tutorial). Whenever I try to open the Reporting Configuration Tool, it gives me the following error:

SQL Server 2005 Reporting Configuration Tool has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvience.

My only options are to Debug or Close.

I'm not sure why I am getting this error. Can anyone help?


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To Include Image In SQL Server 2005 Express Reporting Tool

Mar 13, 2007

Hi, I have a field in database that keep the image location. How to display the image in the report ?
Any idea.

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Reporting Services :: Report Designer Tool Box Items Missing

Aug 10, 2015

I have a project with SQL sever reports in it. During a test upon returning to the VS 2013 Professional interface, the tool box area still had the previous information displayed and never returned to what should be there for the report design tools.I restarted VS, and the toolbox no longer looked like it did before. Specifically, the datatable tool among others was missing. I was unable to "refresh" the datatable after making changes to it.

I opened other Reports in design mode, and the tools did not show up for those either.The Report Items in the toolbox does contain things like Pointer, Text Box, Line and so forth.

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Error Received In Sql Server Reporting Services Configuration Tool When Changing Encryption Key.

Nov 6, 2007

I've SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 configured on my system, but now I'm NOT Able to start the report server. I get this error on http://<serverurl>/Reports/Home.aspx:

The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access sensitive or encrypted data in a report server database. You must either restore a backup key or delete all encrypted content. Check the documentation for more information. (rsReportServerDisabled) (rsRPCError) Get Online Help

The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access sensitive or encrypted data in a report server database. You must either restore a backup key or delete all encrypted content. Check the documentation for more information. (rsReportServerDisabled)
Key not valid for use in specified state. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8009000B)

I don't want to loose any data. Please help me resolving this error.

FYI, I've modified the SQL Reporting Services account LogOnAs info, in Properties of "SQL Server Reporting Services (MSSQLSERVER)" Service, in Windows Service Managment.

Earlier I had .useraccount as username, I modified it to domainnameuseraccount. And then suddenlt everything broke for reporting server.

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SQL Server Reporting Services Help Needed!

Mar 14, 2007

Hi Gurus
Currently we are using SQL Server Reporting Services on top of our client data warehouse. Almost all the reports deployed on the report production server are executing Stored Procedures (behind the scene).
Can anyone tell me how can I query Report Server database to get a list of reports and the stored procedures being executed by these reports?

Early Thanks,
Salman Shehbaz.
Database Administrator
Xavor Corp.

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Web Based Reporting - Suggestions Needed

Jul 20, 2005

I want to create a web browser based MIS suite to use our data held onSQL 7. We have Dreamweaver and Crystal Reports available but I want toknow if these are suitable or if there are any recommendations forsomething I can pick up quickly.It will be simple reports based on complex queries (I can handle mostof this in SQL 7), don't need fancy graphs, just plain boringfinancial reports are what I need to produce.Obvious things I need to create are combo boxes and list boxes forselections. My background is more Delphi/VB and SQL than web basedstuff, so please let me know any recommendations or good places tostart looking.ThanksRyan

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SQL Server Reporting Services Help Needed!

Mar 14, 2007

Currently we are using SQL Server Reporting Services on top of our client data warehouse. Almost all the reports deployed on the report production server are executing Stored Procedures (behind the scene).
Can anyone tell me how can I query Report Server database to get a list of reports and the stored procedures being executed by these reports?
Early Thanks,
Salman Shehbaz.
Database Administrator
Xavor Corp.

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Query Help Needed For Reporting Services

May 13, 2008

I have a process that stores a machine status every 2 minutes in a bit field of an SQL database. Running = True, Stopped = False. I am trying to build a report that shows the percent run time every hour. This information would be the count of Trues divided by the total count for each hour. I can select and group the data on the hour but I can either count() the total number of readings or count() the number of readings where the status is true. How do I collect both pieces of information in the same data collection?

Max(Time) As Time_M,
Count(Running) As Count_T
FROM Compact10
Group by DatePart(mm,Time), DatePart(dd,Time), DatePart(hh,time)
Order by DatePart(mm,Time) desc, DatePart(dd,Time) desc, DatePart(hh,time) desc

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Windows Firewall Port Needed For Reporting Services 2005

Jan 4, 2007

Leon writes "I am trying to connect to a W2K3 Server's 2005 Reporting Server through my laptop's (WXP Pro SP2) SQL Server Management Studio.

I turned Port 1433 on in the server's Windows Firewall and was able to connect to the server's database engine from my laptop, but I have to turn Windows Firewall on the server off completely to be able to connect to the Reporting Server.

I have tried all the ports listed for SQL Server in the Microsoft documentation (TCP and UDP), but they seem to have no effect.

Can anyone tell me which port or ports I need to turn on in the server's firewall so that I can access Reporting Services through my laptop's SSMS?

Thanks in advance.


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Help Needed !!!! The Colors Used By A Bar Chart In SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services.

May 3, 2007

I have created a linked report in which I have two screen:
First Screen: Clicking on the bar of particular country the details of that particular country should be visible (the second screen)

Second Screen: When I clicked on a bar. All the count values are very well correct. In first chart Count of values under one bar "Pending decision"(yellow) was 337 for a country and in second screen its 337 again(shown in light green bar).
<!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->
Problem: My problem is to make it sure that the colors that the first screen is having for particular status (as shown in the legend) should remain same in second screen also. For example for a status say "pending decision" the chart is using yellow color, so in screen two as well it must be shown with yellow color and not with lany other color. Can anyone help me in this context. Is there any way to customize colors used by bar chart. Please note that the question is not about using appropriate color scheme(palette) the question is how to "capture/ Re-use/ customize/ pass as a parameter" the colors used by a bar chart in SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services.

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Reporting Services :: Parameters Needed For Connection And Again At Report Run-time

May 5, 2015

In VS2008 SSRS, when creating a dataset, only the name of the stored procedure was required.  When populating the dataset, VS prompted for the parameters, whether or not there were any.  In VS2010, the name of the stored procedure is not enough if there are parameters.When creating a dataset in Visual Studio 2010 for databases and stored procedures in SQL 2012, I must provide (what should be) run-time parameters to obtain a field list and then to preview the report. 

So the embedded dataset looks like this (wherein the only parameter is a password): exec dbo.spu_procedure1 @PW='999'.This works well and as expected during report design and development.  But 999 must be provided at run-time by the requester, and not in the dataset definition.  If I remove the parameter in the dataset's exec string before deploying the report, the field list is cleared and the report is unusable. So I cannot overcome what seems a contradiction: necessary to obtain a field list, but "yet-to-be-provided" when the user selects the report.

By keeping @PW='999' in the dataset specification, the user cannot override the parameter and automatically has a password to view the report.  

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SQL Database Administration Tool

Jun 26, 2005

Does anybody know of an open source script I can download that will enable me to manage an SQL database? I basically need to access and modify the database from any machine that may not have SQL Enterprise Manager Installed. I was thinking of writing my own script to do this but I assumed that there is probably already one out there.

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Database Comparison Tool

Feb 2, 2001

I am looking for a database comparison tool/utitlity that does db comparisons, generates reports and has the provision to do the updates.

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Database Management Tool

May 24, 2005

Hi All,
I installed sql server 2005 express edition beta 2. which come as part of visual studio 2005 beta 2.
Please tell me which administration tool i have to use to manage my database.



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Database Documentor Tool?

Sep 21, 2007

Hi everyone!

Does anyone have any database documentor tool to upload?

I need to create a report of tables (with columns) for my database (sql server).

Thanks in advance!

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Database Design Tool

Feb 5, 2008

Hi Guys,

I am not sure this is the right section to post this in, but ModelRight ( is releasing a new version of its database design tool that supports SQS 2005/2008. I think the tool provides many advantages over the existing tools (deep SQS support, excellent UI, easy to use, etc).

Currently ModelRight is looking for SQS beta testers. If you want to participate just please go to the website and download the latest version.


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Does Anyone Know Of A Tool That Allows A SQL Server Database To Be

Jul 3, 2006

Does anyone know of a web based tool that allows a SQL Server databaseto beadminstered from the Internet? (in php)

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Database Diagrams Tool

Jun 26, 2006

When I use the sql 2005 "Database Diagrams" tool for the first time I always get the message: "The Database does not have one or more of the support objects required to use database diagramming. Do you wish to create them?"

1. Does anyone know what the " support objects" referred to are?

2. Why SQL doesn't automatically create these support objects for me? (e.g. do they require a lot of hard disk space so they shouldn't routinely be created?)

3. Is there any way to make Sql automatically create them?

If you can address any of these points I'd appreciate it.



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