Datatype Query

Mar 20, 2008

Hi i have a table where the week number is held in it as a tiny int. I can't change this tables datatype.

But i can change the lookup table coulmn as am using a an expresstion to create it.

I'd like to know what datatype i can assign my new week_no column so it will join up with my other week_no column its currently set as a tinyint.

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Datatype Conversion Query

Mar 17, 2005

Have a simple question -

Will it be possible to convert a varchar data type column (having values that are numbers or null only) to a numeric data type column having the number values and the null values not being replaced by 0.

Col A Col A
(varchar) (int or numeric)
123 123
124 124
NULL 0 <expected blank>
125 125

I tried using CAST(Col A as int) and it converts the NULL to 0. Will
CAST(ISNULL(ColA,'') as int) work? The reason for this requirement is the value 0 will give different meaning to the data. Any insights will be appreciated.

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Way Of Segregating Data Based On Datatype Using Any Query?

Oct 22, 2013

Is there any way of segregating data in sql, based on data-type using any query?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Varchar Datatype Field Will Ignore Leading Zeros When Compared With Numeric Datatype?

Jan 28, 2015

Need to know if the varchar datatype field will ingore leading zeros when compared with numeric datatype ?

create table #temp
code varchar(4) null,
id int not null
insert into #temp

[Code] .....

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Numeric Datatype To Ssis Variable Datatype Conversion Problem

Apr 24, 2008

Good afternoon,

I have an issue with an ssis variable datatype.

The scenario is as follows:

I have a stored procedure:

PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_newTransaction]

@sourceSystem varchar(50),



insert into scn_transaction (sourceSystemName) values(@sourceSystem);

SELECT @txOut = @@identity

Whose purpose is to perform an insert into a table and return me the identity value of the inserted record, which I'll then use throughout the rest of my package. The identity column in the inserted table is numeric(18,0).

I execute the stored proc with the following sql with an OLE DB connection manager:

exec sp_newTransaction ?, ?

The first parameter is a string variable from earlier in the package, and the second is the output parameter. I have the following parameter mappings to the execute sql task:

User:ystxId output numeric 1 -1
User:ourceSys input varchar 0 -1

The proc is correctly called, and the row insesrted, however I get a type conversion error when SSIS attempts to map the return parameter to my package variable... I've tried all sorts of combonations, and can't seem to get it to execute.

At one point I wasn't returning a numeric, but rather an int from the stored proc, and all was well until I went to use the variable in a derived column later in the package, and the type was converted quite incorrectly (a 1 was 77799789080 or some such), indicating a type conversion error likely related to the encoding of the number.

I'd like to keep the datatypes as numeric and make ssis use those - any pointers are greatly appreciated as to what type my package variable should be to allow proper assignment of a sql server numeric type to it.

Thanks much,


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Query DateTime DataType For Current Or Future Events

Oct 12, 2006

I have a sql server express 2005 database with a table named Events with a column named Date (datetime datatype).  I want a query that will display all rows that are either current or future but not past.  I suspect there is a simple way of doing this.  As a Newbie searching archived threads this is what I have come up with so far.  I determine the number of days from present:SELECT DATEDIFF(day, Date, GETDATE()) AS NumberOfDays FROM EventsThis yields number of days from present with positive numbers in the past and negative numbers in the future.  Thus setting a WHERE clause to <= 0 would limit my results to present or future events.  Something like this:SELECT * FROM EventsWhere DATEDIFF(day, Date, GETDATE()) AS NumberOfDays <= 0The error message states: "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AS'"This feels like a clumsy way to approach this problem, but I have to start where I am.Any suggestions on how to proceed will be greatly appreciated.

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Simple SQL Query (To Neglect Time From DateTime DataType)

Nov 23, 2005

we have a table like thisOrderNo OrderDate1 2005-11-04 01:12:47.00022005-11-19 04:26:54.00032005-11-16 11:03:23.00042005-11-21 15:58:37.00052005-11-24 21:45:04.000what will be the sql query, so that the Result look like this.only to neqlect the time factor from datetime data type .OrderNoOrderDate1 2005-11-0422005-11-1932005-11-1642005-11-2152005-11-24

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SQL Query - Use Date Format Data And Match It To MS-SQL's Datetime Datatype?

Apr 12, 2007

Need some quick help here.. The data I got from the text file use the "04/11/2007" date format and the StockDate in MS-SQL use the datetime datatype.

My understanding is that the "04/11/2007" will default to the 04/11/2007 12:00 am" format in MS-SQL.

So, when I use the sql query, how do search only for the date part of the data in MS-SQL and match it to the data from text file? I tried this SQL Query below.

SELECT RawID FROM tblPurchaseRaw WHERE VIN = '" & sVin.ToString.Trim & "' AND StockDate = '" & dStockDate.ToString.Trim & "'

That way, if I get a row then I know the data is there. If I don't get a row then I know the data is not there.

Bold: I get it now. It is all automatic as MS-SQL does it automatically...

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Problem Inserting Sql Query Into Database Float Datatype Field Using SQL Transaction

Aug 22, 2006

I have this problem of inserting my query into database field. My code is as of below.
The @AVERAGESCORE parameter is derived from
Dim averagescore As Single = (122 * 1 + 159 * 2 + 18 * 3 + 3 * 4 + 0 * 5) / (122 + 159 + 18 + 3 + 0)
and the value returned is  (averagescore.toString("0.00"))
However, I have error inserting the averagescore variable into a field of datatype float during the transaction. I have no problems when using non transactional sql insert methods. What could be the problem?
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To arraySql.Count - 1
myCommand = New SqlCommand
Dim consolidatedobjitem As ConsolidatedObjItem = arraySql(i)
myCommand.CommandText = sqlStr
myCommand.Connection = myConnection
myCommand.Transaction = myTrans
With myCommand.Parameters

.Add(New SqlParameter("@AVERAGESCORE", consolidatedobjitem.getaveragescore))

End With
Catch ex As Exception
End Try 

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Convert Char Datatype To Datetime Datatype

Sep 17, 2003

Database is SQL Server 2000

I have a field in a table that stores date of birth. The field's datatype is char(6) and looks like this: 091703 (mmddyy). I want to convert this value to a datetime datatype.

What is the syntax to convert char(6) to datetime?

Thank you in advance.

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Modify Nvarchar Datatype To Datatime Datatype

Mar 14, 2008


I imported a table from Accees to SQL 7 with data in it.
I need to modify one of the datatype columns to "datetime" from nvarchar.

I tried to convert it manually, in SQL Server Enterprise Manager tool, but it gave me an error.

I also tried, creating another column "DATE2-datatype:datetime" and updating the column with the old one.

UPDATE users SET DATE2 = DATE.. But it also faild,..

How can I modify the column?

Thank you.

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Converting INT Datatype To BIGINT Datatype

Dec 15, 2005

HI,I have a table with IDENTITY column with the datatype as INTEGER. Nowthis table record count is almost reaching its limt. that is totalrecord count is almost near to 2^31-1. It will reach the limit with inanother one or two months.In order to avoid the arithmentic overflow error 8115, we would likechange the datatype from INT to BIGINT. we hope this will solve ourproblem.How do I approch this datatype conversion?. Since the data count ishuge, that leads to a long down time of database.we need better approach or solution for this problem?. kindly give mea better solution that will reduce the total downtime of the productiondatabase.?.Regards

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Text Datatype Vs Nvarchar Datatype

Feb 25, 2008

Hi guys..

i have so doubts in my mind and that i want to discuss with you guys... Can i use more then 5/6 fields in a table with datatype of Text as u know Text can store maximu data... ? acutally i am trying to store a very long strings values into the all fields. it's just popup into my mind that might be table structer would not able to store that my amount of data when u use more then 5/6 text datatypes...

and another thing... is which one is better to use as data type "Text" or "varchar(max)"... ?
if any article to read more about these thing,, can you refere to me...

Thanks and looking forward.-MALIK

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Which Datatype Should I Use?

Jan 26, 2006

I have a USERS database table with a column called IsValidated.  It identifies if a user has been validated.
I'd like to know which datatype would be the most efficient for this column.
Our DBA made it a varchar(1) column.  Would using int be better?
Please advice.

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What Datatype??

May 14, 2006

I have a message box or multiline textbox on my form and I am storing into an SQL DB. I currently have it as a VARCHAR, but that doesn't seem to store the carriage returns. Do I have to store them as a nvarchar, text, ntext or something else to make the returns show? I am pulling them out of the DB and showing them in a label where I replace the with a <br>.
tempMessage = Dr("Message")
message.Text = tempMessage.Replace("", "<br />")

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64 Bit Datatype

Nov 23, 1998

Is there a datatype that I can use to store a 64 bit unsigned int? I'm using SQL 6.5. Was thinking of using the standaed Interger datatype.

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Oct 18, 2004

I am trying to convert a NVCHAR datatype to a DATETIME data type is that possible???

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Nov 16, 2005

lakshmi writes "i want to store more than 8000 chars in varchar field.what can i do?"

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Oct 19, 2006

Hello Harish,

The data type is a varchar(10)

The Loan Number looks something like this:




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About Datatype

Feb 12, 2007

fathima writes "what data type is used to store unlimited content in sql server.
Actually i need to store a text book
pls reply i need it for a proejct work."

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Feb 28, 2007

what date type is bet used when there is some occaions the user may enter 2.5 etc

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Bit Datatype

Aug 22, 2007

i have a field in table x withe datatype bit.
if i store say value 64. it will store it as 1. then if i store another no. say 43 and so on.
then how do i retireve those values from table. say i want ot retrieve 64 the how will sql recoginze i want to retireve 64 as it is stored as 1 in the datafield

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What Datatype To Use For PK?

Jul 23, 2005

Over the years I have always used the decimal(18,0) as the datatype forprimary keys. Aside from the number of significant numbers involved,would BigInt type be better for performance or is decimal(18,0) still okay.--Don VaillancourtDirector of Software DevelopmentWEB IMPACT 416-815-2000 ext. 245fax: 416-815-2001email: Join Bytes! <>web: http://www.web-impact.comWeb Impact Inc. <>This email message is intended only for the addressee(s) and containsinformation that may be confidential and/or copyright.If you are not the intended recipient please notify the sender by replyemail and immediately delete this email.Use, disclosure or reproduction of this email by anyone other than theintended recipient(s) is strictly prohibited. No representation is madethat this email or any attachments are free of viruses. Virus scanningis recommended and is the responsibility of the recipient.

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Jul 23, 2005

I am using Visual Studio .NET 2003 with SQL Server 2000. I am trying toinsert the date and time into a SQL database by using hour(now). I amhaving a hard time trying to figure out which datatype to use in SQL tostore this value. I have tried using datetime, char, nchar, text andnothing seems to work. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!Regards, :)Christopher Bowen

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Sql Datatype Help

Sep 13, 2005

hello,i m having a problem with the sql does not accept 0(zero)asthe first number in the integer field.whenever i insert 01 it takes itas 1.similarly for 02 and so on till 09.i want 01. can anyone suggesthow to get.i m doing this on sql server.does sql server support?is thisthe problem of sql server?

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The Datatype

May 17, 2006

hello !I got some problems here. I have an attribute that determines the unitof something,e.g. the size of using "mm" , the length of using "seconds"and something others may using "n-page", so ,which data type should Iuse. the "nvarchar" or others?thank you very much!*** Sent via Developersdex ***

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Sql Datatype

May 27, 2007


Supposed the variable @number calculated and resulted as 0.75. I declared it as a FLOAT but it keeps giving me '0'.

Set @number = 6/8

I get the zero result. What datatype should I use for the correct result ?



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May 20, 2008

Hi guys

What are alpha values and what datatype stores them.

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SQL Datatype Issue

Aug 30, 2006

Hi,Sorry if this isn't the right forum...I'm getting a "System.ArgumentException: Column requires a valid DataType" on the following line of code: dcUserAnswer.DataType = System.Type.GetType("SqlTypes.SqlInt32") I'm using SQL Server 2003 & ASP.NET 1.1  Thanks,Jens 

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Datatype Problem

Sep 14, 2006

Hi Everyone, In C# file: bool abc;  (it is working)But in sql file:  (bool is not working. What datatype should use for bool in the sql file?)CREATE TABLE sb_payment_history ( sb_dispensing bool NULL       <================ not working because bool is not known. )GOThanks,May

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DataType Money

Dec 28, 2006

Please i need to display the money column in DataBase in an page but i get something like this 786.0000 how can i format it so that i get something like 786.00

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'Image ' Datatype

Apr 5, 2007

Hi,I created a table with one column being that of an 'image' data type. The problem is I don't know  how to insert an image into that column. Pleas Help.

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How To Use The Image Datatype!

Mar 21, 2004

Can someone tell me how to store word file or other format files in sqlserver 2000?

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