Date Conversion In SQL Server 2005

Apr 25, 2008

Hello Everyone, thank you for taking the time to read my post. I'm creating a view in SQL Server 2005 to base a report on Crystal Reports XI. I've been trying to figure out how I can convert a date field in the format YYYYMMDD to MM/DD/YYYY. I'm not quite sure about the steps I need to take to accomplish this since I'm pretty new to this. The date is stored as an Int on the database, and I've tried converting it directly to the DATETIME data type like this: CONVERT(DATETIME, datefield,101) but I'm getting an error saying illegal data type conversion. Thanks a lot for your help, I really appreciate it.


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Flat File Text Date Conversion To SQL Server Date Comments And Suggestions

Mar 12, 2008

Basically the above is a very common requirement, please comment on my solution which I've arrived at by searching through the web; -

In summary I have used 3 SSIS components these are "Flat File Source", "Derived Column" and "SQL Server Destination".

1) File Connections Manager Editor
1.1) Within File Connections Manager Editor; -
Name the data type e.g. "INTERCHANGE_NET_APP_DATE_SRC"
and assign a type to the data type e.g. string[DT_STR]

1.2) Click on the Preview button to ensure the expected text is assigned to the expected data type.

2) Derived Column Transformation Editor
2.1) Assign Derived Column Name, e.g.

2.2) Select <add as new column> within Derived Column.

2.3) Enter the conversion Expression, e.g. ; -

Since the above conversion is such a common task I suggest that Service Pack 3 of SQL Server 2005 delivers the following functionality; -


2.4) Select "database timestamp [DT_DBTIMESTAMP] " as Data Type.

2.5) Within the Mappings tab of the SQL Destination Editor have; -
Destination Column as INTERCHANGE_NET_APP_DATE.

Please comment on the above, I will then pass on my suggestion to Microsoft.

Thanks in advance,


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SQL Server Date Conversion

Sep 30, 1998

Any ideas on converting integer to a proper date format in SQL server.

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Date Conversion In SQL Server

May 17, 2007

Hi folks,

Here are the fields I have

eventDate = smallDateTime 2005-12-12 00:00:00
eventTime = varchar(20) 1:00:00
newEventDate = dateTime [desired result: 2005-12-12 1:00:00]

When I run the following script:
update healthEvent
set newEventDate = cast(substring(convert(varchar,eventDate,120),1,10 )+' '+eventTime as DateTime)

I get "Syntax error converting datetime from character string." error.

Any ideas why?



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Oracle To Sql Server Date Conversion

Mar 12, 2008

Hi Gurus,
I need to convert this statement to sql server.
SELECT to_date('24-08-2007 13:11:12','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),to_date('24-aug-2007 13:11:12','dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') from dual

can anyone help please.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Serial Date Conversion

Nov 4, 2014

I am in need of converting serial date to regular date ie...735510.40461 and only need the hours, minutes and seconds, I have used the examples I've seen on different forums,

DATEADD(d, -1, DATEADD(m, DATEDIFF(m, '1900-1-1', getdate()) + 1, '1900-1-1'))

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SQL Server 2014 :: Clarion Date Conversion

Oct 7, 2015

The database for our software stores dates and times in clarion format. I'm trying to write some custom reports in T-SQL and I need to convert these dates but it's giving me a lot of trouble. How do I query the dates and times and have the results shown as a "regular" date/time? Below is what I have so far which is really the very beginnings of this report. Basically on the results/output I need the ClarionDate and ClarionTime to be shown as typical date/time columns. I did some research on my own but I'm having a hard time grasping this. I believe they have to be pulled into a temp table and then converted?

FROM dbo.History A1
JOIN dbo.SysEvents A2

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Using VB 6.0 And SQL Server: Date Causes Datetime Conversion Error

May 10, 2008

I'm using a VB 6.0 front end with a date variable
that throws a SQL 2005 datetime conversion error in the following UPDATE query:

SET Feild1 = 'VBVar1', Field2='VBVar2'
WHERE MydateField = 'VBdateVar'

I'm guessing that I probably am missing some appropriate method for passing the date datatype variable to SQL

Can anyone help me


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Transact SQL :: Server Date Format Conversion

May 12, 2015

I am facing an issue

1:- From Source system ,I am getting dates like --- 


As per my requirement, I need to convert this time to dates like 

1:- 2014-Q3  ---   last day of quarter 3 of 2014 .  
2: 2014 -02 -- last day of feb 2014

Converting such format  to the dates I expect...

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Conversion Of Oracle Date Time To Sql Server Date Time In SSIS

Jun 30, 2007

This is driving me nuts..

I'm trying to extract some data from a table in oracle. The oracle table stores date and time seperately in 2 different columns. I need to merge these two columns and import to sql server database.

I'm struggling with this for a quite a while and I'm not able to get it working.

I tried the oracle query something like this,



this gives me an output of 20070511 23:06:30:000

the space in MM : SS is intentional here, since without that space it appread as smiley

I'm trying to map this to datetime field in sql server 2005. It keeps failing with this error

The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data

I'm struck with error for hours now. Any pointers would be helpful.


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SQL Server 2012 :: Conversion Failed When Converting Date

Oct 30, 2014

I have been trying to convert datetime but keep getting this error(Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.It works just fine if I don't use execute sp_executesql,.

DECLARE @tablename AS nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @ParameterDefinition AS NVARCHAR(100)
DECLARE @startdate datetime


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Date Function - Conversion Failed When Converting Date And / Or Time From Character String

Mar 18, 2014

I have the following

Column Name : [Converted Date]
Data Type : varchar(50)

When I try and do month around the [Converted Date] I get the following error message

“Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.”

My Query is

month([Created Date])
FROM [FDMS_PartnerReporting].[Staging].[Salesforce_MarketingReporting]

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Transact SQL :: Due Date - Conversion Failed When Converting Date And / Or Time From Character String

Nov 16, 2015

SELECT * ,[Due]
  FROM [Events]
 Where Due >= getdate() +90

This returns the error: Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string

Why would this be? How to cast or convert this so that it will work? 

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MySQL To SQL Server 2005 Conversion Table

Mar 20, 2007

Does anyone know of a reference site where I can find a reference table to get a better idea of data type conversions that I should be using?

I have a MySQL 5.0 database which had a lot of tables (mostly empty) that I already have gotten transferred to SQL Server 2005. However, I am suspicious of some of the data type conversions that SQL Server did.

I would really like a good web site to bookmark to help me with this if there is such a reference. Can anyone help?

If not, the most specific example I have right now is a MySQL column that is expecting to accept currency and the MySQL data type is "Double". SQL Server 2005 translated this as a "float" data type. I normally use a "decimal" data type.

- - - -
- Will -
- - - -

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SQL Server 2005 DTS Conversion, Activex And MSDASQL

Mar 29, 2006

Hi all

I am migrating some DTS2000 packages to SSIS via the migration wizard. However there is an activex script in each DTS that connects to an AS400 to retrieve record count for integrity checking. Under SQL server 2000 this worked fine but now it errors with "The OLE DB provider "MSADSQL" has not been registered" how do i get this to work i suspect its because this is a 32 bit dll and my new system is a 64bit sql server on windows 2003. The odbc driver for the as400 has been installed also. The script is as follows:

dim cn 'sql connection
dim rs 'sql recordset for the insertion of new as400 records
dim insertstr 'sql insert string
dim rs1 'sql recordset for the insertion of new as400 records
dim insertstr1 'sql insert string

set cn = createobject("ADODB.Connection")
set rs = createobject("ADODB.Recordset")

Function Main()
'set up connection for sql
cn.commandtimeout = 3600 'timeout in seconds %sqlserver05%, %user%, %password%

'populate temporary table in sql with recordset from as400 odbc
insertstr1 = "Insert into db.dbo.%table% select 'table name',a.* from openrowset ('MSDASQL','DRIVER={Client Access ODBC Driver (32-bit)};SYSTEM=%system name%;UID=%username%;PWD=%password%','SELECT count(*) from %table%') as a"

set rs1 = cn.execute (insertstr1)

'close all objects
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
End Function

Does anyone know how i change this to work under sql server 2005. i need to resolve this quickly in order to deliver a project on time. Many thanks


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Database Conversion From SQL Server 2005 To 2000 Is Not Working

Aug 1, 2006

hello friends,
i am facing a problem in SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. The database created in the SQL Server 2005 Express is when opened in SQL Server 2000, it changes the data type of all the columns of all the table to text type. can anybody help me?

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Problem Inserting Integers And Date In A Sql Server 2005 Datatable Row And Selecting It Afterwards Based On The Date

May 4, 2007

I have soma code that inserts 7 parameters in a database ( a date, 6  integers).
I also use a self incrementing ID but the date is set as primary key because for each series of 6 numbers of a certain date there may only be 1 entry.  Moreover only 1 entry of 6 integers is possible for 2 days of the week, (tue and fr).
I manage to insert a row of data in the database, where the date is set as smalldatetime and displays as follows:  1/05/2007 0:00:00 in the table.
I want to retrieve the series of numbers for a certain date that has been entered (without taking in account the hours and seconds).
A where clause seems to be needed but I don’t know the syntax or don’t find the right function
I use the following code to insert the row :
command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Date", SqlDbType.DateTime, 40, "LDate"));
command.Parameters[6].Value = DateTime.Today.ToString();
and the following code to get the row back (to put in arraylist):
“SELECT C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 FROM Series WHERE (LDate = Today())?
 WHERE LDate =  '" + DateTime.Today.ToString() + "'"
Which is the correct syntax?  Is there a better way to insert and select based on the date?
I don’t get any error messages and the code executes fine but I only get an empty datatable in my dataset (the table isn’t looped for rows I noticed while debugging).
Today’s date is in the database but isn’t found by my tsql code I think.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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SQL Server 2005 Evaluation Edition Conversion To Fully Licensed Version

Nov 30, 2006

We downloaded and installed the trial software of SQL Server 2005 Enterprise edition a month ago. We have purchased a fully licensed version of SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition and would like to apply the licensed version to our workstation clients since their SQL software will eventually expire. Our SQL Server is not an issue since we purchased a new Server and installed the new licensed version of SQL on it.

Is there an easy way to accomplish this or is an uninstall & reinstall of SQL on every workstation required?



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Date Conversion

Aug 6, 2005

i do have date problem in sql server, i m using DD/MM/YYYY date format, & passing it to insert & update stat...& compairing it with data in table, which is not working properly, how to convert dd/mm/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy or yyyy-mm-dd
hoping for solution soon, thanx
murli ......

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Date Conversion

Sep 21, 2005

I'm searching on a smalldatetime field in SQL Server so a typical value would be 09/21/2005 11:30:00 AM.  I have a search form which offers the user a textbox to search by date and unless they enter the exact date and time, no matching records are found.  Of course I want I all records for a given day to be returned.  This is how I'm doing it now. Thanks.
Dim dteDate_Requested As String = txtDate_Requested.Text
If dteDate_Requested <> "" Then   strSqlText += " Date_Requested='" & dteDate_Requested & "'"End If

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Conversion To Date

Feb 17, 2006

HI everyne,
I have a varchar field in one table, which contains data in the form '010706' and I want to convert this to date datatype to 01/07/2006 (Jan 07, 2006). When I just import the data to the other table it gets converted to 7/6/2001, how can I convert it right? Please help.

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Date Conversion

Mar 19, 2001

Hello All,

I need help in converting a date. What i'm looking for is date in format of mm/yyyy.

Thanks in advance.

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Date Conversion

Nov 27, 2001

I need to import a text file into a table by using DTS.

How to convert a text date to smalldate type ?


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Date Conversion

Aug 11, 2003

Hi all

I wonder whether any of you can help me with a bit of code that you may have already had to execute??

I have a SQL database logging activities and a load of information in a mdb file that needs to be imported.

Unfortunately the data in the SQL database is in the format yyyy-mm-dd and the data in the mdb file is in dd/mmmm/yyyy.

When i run a DTS to import the data the new rows are imported as they were YYYY-dd-mm.:mad:

data logging as

imported data from last week arrives as

how can i manipulate the data in SQL to reverse the day and month numbers for Aug 1st to Aug 8th??

I have tried changing the mdb data format but that doesnt make a difference. I dont understand DTS enough to know whether it is possible there :confused: and my SQL skills dont rise to the challenge - yet!! :o


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Date Conversion

Oct 29, 2003

I have a datetime field in a table and I have to insert this datatime data into antoher table. In my insert statement I convert the datetime field into varchar and then insert it into the second table.

The date field in the original table is : 2/2002/13 3:58:12 PM
but in the destination table i get: 2/2002/13 3:58:00 PM

I lose the seconds in the conversion, i think

Whats the best way to preserve to the datetime field during transfer?


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Date Conversion Help

Mar 6, 2002

I have one column that is a datetime, and another that is an INT which represents seconds. i cannot figure out how to subtract the seconds from the datetime column. sorry, i'm still kind of new to this TSQL. I get this error:Server: Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime.

when i try to do this
select dateColumn - IntColumn from Table

so i think there must be a way to make sql know that IntColumn is actually seconds. thanks

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Date Conversion ?

Jan 19, 2004

Is use this stored procedure.
This is the error mesage: "Syntax error converting datetime from character string"

Please help me !

Alter Procedure "Selectie_Date_Tabel" (@datainceput datetime, @datasfirsit datetime,@Grupa AS nvarchar(20))


set nocount on



DECLARE @keyssql AS varchar(1000)

SET @keyssql = 'SELECT * FROM View2'
+ @NEWLINE + 'WHERE [Cod grupa] = ' + CHAR(39) + @Grupa + CHAR(39)
+ @NEWLINE + 'AND ([Day] BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(DATETIME, @datainceput , 120) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(DATETIME, @datasfirsit , 120) +')'

EXEC (@keyssql)

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Date Conversion Help

Jan 28, 2004


I have my dates in DB2 source in two formats -

Format 1 - char(5) - Example - 10305. 1 indicates century,03 indicates year and 05 indicates month. The day is not stored. So this is 2003,May 1

Format 2 - char(7) - Example - 1030525. 1 indicates century,03 indicates year, 05 indicates month,25 indicates day. 2003,May 25

I want to convert the above two formats to SQL Server smalldatetime and I only need the DATEPART. The date needs to be in the format mm/dd/yyyy. The default day would be 01 when the day is not specified.

If the format is 00305 then the 0 indicated 19th century. So this is 1903, May 1.

Any help is appreciated.



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Date Conversion

Apr 25, 2008

Hi am trying to convert my date from the date times stap to
this format 250408

I've tried this : select convert(varchar,getdate(),112)
but the result am getting is '20080425'

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Sql Date Conversion

Jun 15, 2006

priya writes "select convert(smalldatetime,'09/06/2006') is working

select convert(smalldatetime,'13/06/2006') it shows an error
The conversion of char data type to smalldatetime data type resulted in an out-of-range smalldatetime value.

why it shows an error"

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Date Conversion

Feb 6, 2008

I have a SQL database where the dates appear in the format "733433".
If you convert in the "Select" statement, it's fine. You can use the day, month, year concatenated in an excel expression, converts fine. As an expression in reporting services, I receive an error. An help is appreciated.

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Date Conversion

Apr 4, 2006

I need help with date conversion from character data. In SQL 2000 we used a Date Time Conversion task

I do not see how to do this in SQL 2005 SSIS. I tried a data conversion task to a database timestamp and this is what I got:

[Data Conversion [383]] Error: Data conversion failed while converting column "date_time_stamp" (47) to column "Copy of date_time_stamp" (396). The conversion returned status value 2 and status text "The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data.".

Here is a sample of the input data I'm trying to convert.

input data example - 2006-03-07-14.42.34

Any ideas? .

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Date Conversion

Mar 16, 2006


My source is flat file and my destination is SQL SERVER 2005 using SSIS TOOL.

In my source file i got a date column which is in ISO standards ex: 20050131

I have taken source flat file data type as database date [DT_DBDATE] and in

destination table i declared data type as datetime.

When i start debugging i am getting an error saying that data conversion is not possible.

Can you please help me out how to solve the problem, what data types do i need to take in source and destination and is there any necessity of using Data Conversion Transformation.

If, so please tell me how to do.

With Regards

Satish D

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