I'm quite new to SQL Server and I have a pretty naive question.
I have a table called Company that has a field called Renewal date. I have a task that needs to be run on the first of every month to gather all companies that have Renewal Dates coming up in the next 180 days. The Renewal Date is a datetime field in Sql Server. Is there a way I can have this accomplished.
I have a question on date manipulation functions and CASE statements
My sql is passed the following parameter's and performs a select using a manipulation on these date param's to get a start and end date range depending on the conditions;-
monthColHeader = eg 'Feb 2015' defaultStartDate and defaultEndDate filterStartDate and filterEndDate.
These are my conditions;-
if defaultStart and End = filterStart and End use monthColHeader for the date range if defaultStart and End != filetrStart and End AND the month/year of filterStart and filterEnd match then use the filterStart & End month/Year with the monthColHeader to get the date range if defaultStart and End != filetrStart and End AND the month/year of filterStart and filterEnd DON't match use filterStart Day and monthColHeader for our start date and monthColHeader for our end date.
When I say use monthColHeader I mean like this;-
(r.dbAddDate >= (CAST('@Request.monthColHeader ~' AS DATETIME)) AND r.dbAddDate < DATEADD(mm,1,'@Request.monthColHeader ~'))
This sql works for converting say 'Feb 2015' to '2015-02-01' & '2015-02-28'....
I have two tables TableA and TableB as shown in the example below. I will have to Update TableA based on the data in TableB. If a member in TableB has an EmployerId different from the one in TableA where the EffectiveDate in TableB between the EffectiveDate and ExpirationDate in TableA, then it should void the row in TableA and create rows as shown in the example below (Please refer to the 1st record and the last three records).
I would like to get some suggestions on how to do this efficiently. I am not looking for queries, but I need some ideas...
I have a table with one column as a date field in the form of mm/dd/yyyy and I would like to create a new column on a report as 'Days Open' using the column with random dates in the past and subtracting it from the current system date. Can anyone provide any assistance. I'm very new to SQL Server. I know in Oracle u can use 'sysdate'
I need to to get the result of the function GETDATE and converted to a simpler "mm/dd/yyyy" format in order to compare the results to another date in a table. In ACCESS the function DATE returns the format of 'mm/dd/yyyy' since I need to work with date ranges without a need for this application 'HH:MM:SS'
I have try 'TRANSFORM(GETDATE,'mm/dd/yyyy') but I keep getting errors.
I am not sure what I am doing wrong? Any help is appreciated since I need to work in SQL Server 2000.
Given any date, how can I change that date to be one of the next 3 year cycle dates. These are the fixed cycle dates (always on Sep 1 on those set years) 9/1/1997 9/1/2000 9/1/2003 etc.
For example, if the supplied date was January 4, 1998, it would convert to September 1, 2000 October 31, 2000 -> September 1, 2000 Decemb 12, 2005 -> September 1, 2006 January 1, 1995 -> September 1, 1997
I have data from an OLE DB connection in a Dataflow. This data has a datetime column. I am trying to use a derived column object to add new date data to the destination column in the destination table. I would like to change the data in the datetime column, add some time to the value and add as a new column in the destination. The expression I am trying to use is " DATEADD(Hh, 6 , datevalue). " SSIS doesnt like this expression as the datevalue data is a column. How would I accomplish this task using SSIS?
Greetings All, I was hoping that someone might be able to help me withthe following issue:table ddl:create table exchange(exchangefrom varchar(6),exchangeto varchar(6),exchangecode varchar(6),datemfrom datetime,dateto datetime,exchangerate decimal(28,10))The data in this table under normal conditons will look like:select *from exchangeUSD EURO GL 01/01/2004 01/31/2004 .7523453111USD GBP GL 01/01/2004 01/31/2004 .5384966123USD EURO GL 02/01/2004 02/29/2004 .7523492111USD GBP GL 02/01/2004 02/29/2004 .6004972023My task is to calculate the days delimeted by the start and end date ofthe period which is simple enough:select exchangefrom, exchangeto, exchangecode, datemfrom, dateto,datediff(d, datemfrom, dateto)from exchangeHowever due to circumstances beyond my control the dateto field maycontain a null instead of a valid end date!! YIKES:select *from exchangeUSD EURO GL 01/01/2004 01/31/2004 .7523453111USD GBP GL 01/01/2004 NULL .5384966123USD EURO GL 02/01/2004 02/29/2004 .7523492111USD GBP GL 02/01/2004 02/29/2004 .6004972023My solution to correct the data is to populate the missing end datewith the (start date -1 day) of the next period. However, I am notsure how to do this with SQL? E.g) from the example directly above therow: USD GBP GL 01/01/2004 NULL needs to be updated to:USD GBP GL 01/01/2004 01/31/2004 and this can be done bylooking for the next period (USD GBP GL 02/01/200402/29/2004) that follows and subtracting from its start date 1 day (02/01/2004 - 1 day = 01/31/2004) and that will give me the appropriateend date.If anyone has any insight into solving this problem I would be verythankful.Regards, TFD.
I'm trying to use SQL for data warehousing using dates for manipulating data. As SQL doesnt have date, just timedate, and if I want to compare 2 dates to obtain someones age ( ie date - date of birth = age ) I have to use a TIMEDIFF or equivelent. This is REALLY annoying. Is there anyway to use just dates without having to code extra?
Does SQL ignore the time part of a datetime column - ie can I just do a date manipulation without concerning myself with the time ( assuming the time is NOT default at 00:00:00 for every entry ) or am I stuck with treating the field as a complete datetime? It may seem a dumbass question, but as I have to do a lot of date manipulations, it is essential to know.
I am working on an application which uses DTS to move data into temporary tables. I would like to be able to rename/relocate the source file in order to maintain a historical reference. The process which creates the source file is not flexible at all. Is there a way to manipulate the file's name and/or relocate the file by using SQL Server.
Hi,I recently installed SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition (9.0.1399) andI have problems on queries concerning system file manipulation...For example, when I try to increase the Log File of MSDB database :ALTER DATABASE msdbMODIFY FILE(NAME = 'MSDBLog',SIZE = 50MB)This query never terminates...All SQL queries for database creation never terminateCREATE DATABASE EASYSHAREON PRIMARY(NAME = EASYSHAREData,FILENAME = 'D:AQSACOMDATAEasyshareEasyshareData.mdf',SIZE = 200MB,MAXSIZE = 1000MB,FILEGROWTH = 100MB)LOG ON(NAME = EASYSHARELog,FILENAME = 'E:AQSALOGEasyshareEasyshareLog.ldf',SIZE = 100MB,MAXSIZE = 300MB,FILEGROWTH = 50MB)Would someone have an idea of what happens...I'm running on Windows 2000 Server...ThanksPatrick
I am wishing to * take a table of data into a C# CLR procedure and store it in an array * take a second table of data into this procedure row by row, and return a row (into a third table) for each row (and this returned row is based on the data in the array and the data in this row).
I am new to CLR programming, and pulling my hair out at the moment. I€™m sure that what I€™m trying to do is simple, but I am not making any progress with the on-line help and error messages L. I have now described what I am trying to do in more detail, firstly in English, and then in a T-SQL implementation that works (for this simple example). I€™m looking for the C# CLR code to be returned €“ containing preferably two parts: * the C# code and * the CLR code to €˜make it live€™ Since I am not sure where my coding is going wrong. (I think it should be possible to read in the one table, and then loop through thte second table, calculating and returning the necessary output as you do the calculations...
Problem in English Consider a situation where there are three tables: DATATABLE, PARAMETERTABLE and RESULTSTABLE.
For each row in PARAMETERTABLE, I will calculate a row for RESULTSTABLE based on calculations involving all the entries form DATATABLE.
I am wishing to do this in a C# CLR for performance reasons, and because the functions I will be using will be significantly more complex, and recursively built up.
The values of the results table are calculated as the sum (for i = 1 to numberofrows) of (Parameter1+i*parameterb-datavalue)^2 Which leads to the values shown.
T-SQL Implementation
-- Set up database and tables to use in example
USE master GO
sp_configure 'clr enabled', 1 GO
USE QuestionDatabase GO
CREATE TABLE ParameterTable (ParameterNumber INT NOT NULL, ParameterA REAL NOT NULL, ParameterB REAL NOT NULL) GO
CREATE TABLE ResultsTable (ParameterNumber INT NOT NULL, ResultsValue REAL NOT NULL) GO
--Initialise the Tables
INSERT INTO DataTable (i, DataValue) VALUES (1,12.5) INSERT INTO DataTable (i, DataValue) VALUES (2,10) INSERT INTO DataTable (i, DataValue) VALUES (3,14) INSERT INTO DataTable (i, DataValue) VALUES (4,17.5)
INSERT INTO ParameterTable (ParameterNumber, ParameterA, ParameterB) VALUES (1, 10, 2) INSERT INTO ParameterTable (ParameterNumber, ParameterA, ParameterB) VALUES (2, 11.7, 1.1)
-- The TSQL to be rewritten in C#, to produce the Output as hoped
INSERT INTO ResultsTable (ParameterNumber, ResultsValue) SELECT ParameterNumber, SUM((parametera+i*parameterb-datavalue)*(parametera+i*parameterb-datavalue)) AS b FROM DataTable CROSS JOIN ParameterTable GROUP BY ParameterNumber
-- Output as hoped
SELECT * FROM DataTable SELECT * FROM ParameterTable SELECT * FROM ResultsTable
-- which produced
1 12.5 2 10 3 14 4 17.5
1 10 2 2 11.7 1.1
1 20.5 2 18.26
-- but I hope to do the same with something like:
CREATE PROCEDURE GenerateResultsInCLR(@i int, @r1 real, @r2 real) RETURNS TABLE (i int, r real) EXTERNAL NAME ***.***.***
EXEC GenerateResultsInCLR
This is a simple example, that can be easily written in T-SQL. I am looking to develop things that are recursive in nature, which makes them unsuited to T-SQL, unless one is using cursors, but this becomes very slow when the parameter table has 1m records, and the data table 100k records. This is why the datatable must be read in once, and manipulated many times, and the manipulation will need to be in the form of a loop.
I am having a field 'Flight Route that holds hyphen delimited character sequences.
My requirement is like this:
If the flight route is:
i.e. 'whenever a sequence repeats,only one appearance of that sequence should be displayed.The field Flight Route has to be updated with this replaced string.
I was wondering if you guys might give me some advice on how best to handle a particular scenario i'm struggling with. I have a client that basically wants web-based-update access to their sql server database. Specifically, for a group of users to be able to access a page where they select a record for editing. the caveat is that no two users should be able to pull up the same record at the same time. Originally I would have thought there was some easier record-locking-mechanism I could exploit within sql server or ado.net itself, but I haven't been able to come up with anything.. so this is my current approach: The page they use starts-out with basically a blank form. there are custom-built paging controls at the bottom of the screen. they click page-forward to begin and a stored procedure is ran to select a record and update a field on that record to indicate "in-process". when they finish editing the record - or page on to the next record without updating - another stored procedure is ran - updating/resetting the status field on the record appropriately. The entire page is encapsulated within an ajax.net updatepanel. The entire page has caching disabled. This works well in conjunction with the first page being blank. if they get out of the app and try to get back in by clicking the back button - all they can do is get to the first (blank) page. A piece of javascript window.onunload clicks a button on the page that releases the record they currently have selected in the event of a re-direct, clicking back, etc.. it appears to work with everything except a window close. in that case, i have a stored procedure running periodically on the server that checks how long a record has been selected - and if it exceeds the time indicated - resets the record as to allow it to be re-selected later. In the event of session timeout, they are redirected to another page that tells them their session has timed-out (and since the window.onunload fires - it takes care of releasing the record if they have one on the screen). The concept seemed to be working well until I started multi-user testing. Now it seems as if two users time it perfectly - they are actually able to both select the same record. it happens pretty rarely, but it does seem to happen. I'm guessing this has to do with how my stored procedure is structured - possibly allowing a tiny-enough window between the record being selected for editing - and the update running to actually status the record as in-process (2 separate sql statements within the one stored procedure). I believe I also have a found a second quirk in my approach where something is causing the window.onunload event to fire twice in some strange situations.. but that's more annoying/confusing from a logging standpoint than anything.. I've read where people say to ensure you dont update a record that's already been updated - that you should compare the fields before you actually perform the update and ensure they haven't changed since you selected it.. but to me that doesn't solve anything.. if two people select the same record and both spend time working on it - the person that tries to update last has just wasted their time. I've also toyed with the idea of maintaining a separate table in the database to hold the keys to the currently selected records and use that to keep multiple people from selecting the same record - but honestly i dont know if that approach is any better than what i'm doing now. anyway, I was just curious if you guys had any advice in regards to how you'd handle a request like this.. or if you see any obvious problems/fixes with my current approach.. I would greatly appreciate any info you could provide- thanks-
Is there any way, to query the above table which returns me all the 1's inside col3 until it finds any other number than 1 + the previous row preceding the 1 for eg., my 1st set would be 1IN NULL 2FOR1 2nd set would look something like this 3Small 4 4World1 5Hj 1 6NJ 1 7Welcome1 3rd set 8So4 9We1 10Are1 4th Set 12OIJIOJPOJPJO7 13OIJOIJ1
Have an XML file that i load in to a Dataset. works fine, it builds its own scheme perfectly. I loop through that data to load a check list which also works wonderfully. two questions based on that. 1) can i add a column after the fact? I want to basically update the the info in the dataset to store if the record was checked in the check list. if not, i can manipulate one of the already defined columns, but i would rather not. 2) what is the best way to update data with in the dataset? Never really done anything but pull data from one. how do i locate the correct row to update ("select name from tbl where name = " + checklist.items[index].tostring(); update row)
sorry for the fairly basic question. i appreciate the help. Justin
I am using the follwing query for extracting the country name and city in a COLUMN [Destination Name] in Destinations table. The Data in the table looks like:
CANADA - Toronto United States- ARIZONA France Argentina United States (USA)- ARIZONA ........ ........
The folowing query is producing the required results upto soem extent but without using -1 in subtracting the one value of CHARINDEX. The error is:
Server: Msg 536, Level 16, State 4, Line 1 Invalid length parameter passed to the substring function. The statement has been terminated.
QUERY ----- select
Left( Destinations.[Destination Name], charindex("-", Destinations.[Destination Name])-1 ) as test into temp2 from destinations
CAN ANYBODY HELP me in extracting the city an dcoutry name. I also want to delete the name in () like (USA).
I have a table that has about 12 fields and 700000 records. My client is going to send me 4 fields out of the 12 fields (1 of them will be primary key) in a text format. What is the best way I can get them updated in the table?
I was given a script that was supposed to take a name field that was separated by commas and normalize it into last, first and middle name. My data looks like below in one fieldname called longname
I am trying to break the string that looks like this
2007-05-06 07:36:21.28 server Copyright (C) 1988-2002 Microsoft Corporation. 2007-05-06 07:36:21.28 server All rights reserved. 2007-05-06 07:36:21.28 server Server Process ID is 292.
into three separate strings to look like this
col1 col2 col3 2007-05-06 07:36:21.28 server Copyright (C) 1988-2002 Microsoft Corporation. 2007-05-06 07:36:21.28 server All rights reserved. 2007-05-06 07:36:21.28 server Server Process ID is 292.
I was able to separate the above string into two columns, but can't figure out how to put the rest of the string into the third column.
I am trying to break the string that looks like this
2007-05-06 07:36:21.28 server Copyright (C) 1988-2002 Microsoft Corporation. 2007-05-06 07:36:21.28 server All rights reserved. 2007-05-06 07:36:21.28 server Server Process ID is 292.
into three separate strings to look like this
col1 col2 col3 2007-05-06 07:36:21.28 server Copyright (C) 1988-2002 Microsoft Corporation. 2007-05-06 07:36:21.28 server All rights reserved. 2007-05-06 07:36:21.28 server Server Process ID is 292.
I was able to separate the above string into two columns, but can't figure out how to put the rest of the string into the third column.
How i m Manipulate String , I have (ABC,XYZ,EFG) this string know i want to break this string 1 by 1 and modify and then rearrange in same form ang Get
Hi I have a field which is a file path like 'C:avde8393948.txt'
I want to separate them into folder and filename now the filename is always the same length, so i can use RIGHT to get the filename, but i prefer a method that from the right detects the 1st occurance of and everything after is the filename,
as begin SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @DEBIT_ID INT DECLARE @CREDIT_ID INT DECLARE @servicedamount decimal(18,2) declare @bal_Serviced_Amt decimal(18,2)
[Code] ....
table is like this ------------------------ DEBIT.ID, DEBIT.ACCOUNT_NO,DEBIT.SERVICED_AMT,CREDIT.ID,CREDIT.TRAN_AMT,CREDIT.SERVICED_FLAG,credit.Serviced_Amt 1456050866223983.0006418110.000300000.00 1456050866223983.0006419110.000500000.00 1456050866223983.0006447110.0002800000.00 1456050866223983.0006510110.0003100303.00
[Code] ....
I need result, I have to subtract
Using with cursor. It will check row by row , i have written stored procedure , but flag is not updated .
The logic is like the min(effdt) as effdt, min(effdt) - 1 as expdt of the next id2 from the source. Nut the problem comes when the same ID2 comes later after a different id2, so just a group by on id1, id2 does not suffice. If it is the last record then the expdt is that month's end date. Can someone throw me some light on what kind of logic I should be using to accomplish this.
I would like to drop the leading 0x on a binary value so I can do abitwise operation.Here is simplified code:select right(0x88186000,8)I expected to get back 88186000, this was not the case. The commandreturned some wierd characters.Am I missing something?
We have some rows that we need to do some tricky string manipulationon.We have a UserID column which has userid entries in the formatfirstname.lastname and i need to change each entry tolastname.firstnameCan this be done by some script?Thanks so much for your help.Sid
I am having problem in string manipulation in SSIS - Derived Column Transformation. I am trying to extract the OU names from Active Directory objects into a SQL table.
Assume that a distinguish name (DN) of an object as below: CN=John, Doe,OU=Users,OU=SubOU,OU=ParentOU,DC=domain,DC=company,DC=com
How can I manipulate the above string so that I get: ParentOU/SubOU/Users