iam having some strange problem. iam searching for records between from date and todate. this query works well except these conditions
a) if i give input say fromdate-2/2/2007 and todate-8/2/2007, the query goes for infinite execution time(pls note the difference between twodates is less than or equal to 6 months)
b)whereas if i give fromdate-2/2/2007 and todate-10/2/2007, the query works fine.(more than 6 months interval) seems strange for me.
pls if anyone came across these kind of errors and solved pls help me. Thanks in advance
My goal is to select values from the same date range for a month on month view to compare values month over month. I've tried using the date trunc function but I'm not sure what the best way to attack this is. My thoughts are I need to somehow select first day of every month + interval 'x days' (but I don't know the syntax).In other words, I want to see
Select Jan 1- 23rd feb 1-23rd march 1-23rd april 1-23rd ,value from table
ID varchar (contains alphanumeric values,not unique) Territory (combined with ID unique) Total_Used int can be null Date_ date (date of the import of the data) ID Territory Total_Used Date_ ACASC CAL071287 2014-06-01 ACASC CAL071287 2014-08-01 ACASC CAL071288 2014-09-01
[Code] .....
Now the problem,per month I need the most recent value so I'm expecting
how to write a query to get current date or end of month date if we pass year and month as input
Eg: if today date is 2015-09-29 if we pass year =2015 and month=09 then we have to get 2015-09-29 if we pass year =2015 and month=08 then we have to get 2015-08-31(for previous months we have to get EOMonth date & for current month we have to get current date).
Hi,I have a simple table called events, which lists the start and end dates of events. I'm using a calendar control that queries the db for events, but at the moment it does a check for every day by passing in the day. (Very inefficient) What I'd like to do is pass in the current month, and get a set of rows that have an event which is in that month. It sounds easy, but I'm a little confused about what to do if the event starts current month -1 and ends currentmonth +1 I obviously need to return results like these also.
I need SQL to determine what the date range for the previous month was, ie Start date 11/01/01 for 11/30/01. The results will populate a drop down box for user queries.
i want to convert any credit card numbers in creditcardtable to an obfuscated format such as:
4332 3423 5423 5428
And convert it to
HOWEVER, it will only do it if the order is older than 3 months old. Only 90 days/3 months max
how can i do that? when i use where crcdate<90...it gives me error.. can anyone help me?
I have an Orders table which has the following fields:
OrderID (PK, int, auto increment, not null) CustomerID (FK, int, null) PaymentDate (datetime, null) UserID (uniqueidentifier)
(and other irrelevant fields)
Basically, for a specific PaymentDate range (29th July 2014 - 26th August 2014, inclusive) I want to select all orders where they only appear once in the orders table based on the CustomerID, so I only want to know about them if they have a paid order (decided by PaymentDate not being null) in that date range, but also taking into account if they have ever had a paid order outside of that date range. I'll also be joining on to the aspnet_Users table to get the username assigned to that order.
We have some requirement in PowerBI reports. Here we have a table and having Date, Events columns. Below is the sample data..we are creating a measure to calculate the average of the event count for month.We need a measure for calculating Average of Event count per month= sum(Events for a month)/numberofdays in the month.Example for January month : sum(343423)/31 (31 number of days in January)
When we write this measure using DAX query in Excel we are getting semantic error.Tried sample formula : Average:=SUM([Events])/EOMONTH([EventDate],1)
writing this DAX command for measure.After having this data ready, we are creating PowerBI reports on this data.
We have a issue with a MDS server that have been over us for a couple of days, the original error msg from SQL Server Engine is the one "The query processor could not produce a query plan" but the ones we get on the Excel-Addin are "Sequece contains no elements" or "The value cannot be null" T
• Using Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3393.0 (X64) for 6months on this server without issues
• Two weeks ago we started to have 2 errors: "Sequence Contains No Elements" | "The Value Cannot Be Null"
• We are using the last version of Excel Add-in
• We try to reinstall the MDS feature
• If I backup/restore MDS database to other server it works
• We updated to SQL 2012 SP2 + CU4 but the error persisted ...
Looking at the MDSTraceLog we are routed to the this msg
SQL Error Debug Info: Number: 8624, Message: Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor could not produce a query plan. For more information, contact Customer Support Services., Server: bbdvsql03inst01, Proc: udpMetadataEntityGetDetailsXML, Line: 28
At line 28 udpMetadataEntityGetDetailsXML is calling udfMetadataEntityGetDetailsXML … and here is where we stopped
** Error found when try to get data from a entity using Excel add-in ** =================================== Sequence contains no elements ------------------------------ Program Location: at Microsoft.MasterDataServices.AsyncEssentials.AsyncResultBase.EndInvoke() at Microsoft.MasterDataServices.ExcelAddInCore.AsyncProviderBase`1.EndOperation(IAsyncResult ar)
*Before* I actually call up Microsoft SQL Customer Support Services and ask them, I wanted to ping other people to see if you have ever ran into this exact error
"Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor could not produce a query plan. For more information, contact Customer Support Services."
I would have searched the forums myself, but at this moment in time, search is broken :(
If anyone has run into this error before, what conditions would exist that this could happen? That is, if I can sniff this out with suggestions from the community, I would be happy to do so.
It is an oddity because if I alter a couple subqueries in the where clause [ i.e., where tab.Col = (select val from tab2 where id='122') ]to not have subqueries [hand coded values], then the t-sql result is fine. It's not as if subqueries are oddities... I've used them when appropriate.
fwiw - Not a newbie t-sql guy. ISV working almost daily with t-sql since MS SQL 2000. I have never seen this message before...at least I don't recall ever seeing it.
Thanks in advance for other suggested examination paths.
I have to produce a report to calculate no of days based on user input start date and end date.
say for eg: in the tables I have emp name user 'Phani' started work from - EStart 20/11/2014EEnd 10/01/2015 - total days --datediff within his work period he did different roles:
PhaniMarketing (prSt Date) 20/11/2014prE date (28/11/2014) Total 9 days PhaniAdmin (prSt Date) 29/11/2014prE date (20/12/2014) Total 22 days PhaniCRM (prSt Date) 20/12/2014prE date (10/01/2015) Total 22 days Total days 53 Days for this :
HOW CAN I USE Case statement to calculate days for given start date and end date. I have to include all three totals, 1 for Job dates, 2, subjobs dates, 3 cal of days for a requested period.
In my database . Some to the dates has been stored wrongly . for example 03/04/2008 to be stored in database . But in my database it was stored as 04/03/2008 . like this i have more that 100 records . How can i change this to correct format using query . Guide me urgent .
I have tried and attached the computed results and also expecting results.
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpExam1')IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tmpExam1 IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpExam2')IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tmpExam2 IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmpExam3')IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tmpExam3
1 is with only one field: numerator 2ed is (for example) sales information.
I need to export (using SP) the sales information with unique numerator per line. So, I need to get the value from table 1 (numerator), I need to promote the numerator by 1 for every line, and I need to update the first table (numerator) (as i need to keep it updated for the next run).
At the next run I need to get again the updated numerator from the first table, and so on...
I need a query to produce permutation combination.
declare @t2 as table (tab varchar(100)) insert into @t2 values ('V') insert into @t2 values ('VL') insert into @t2 values ('1099') insert into @t2 values ('VOI')
declare @t1 as table (tab varchar(100)) insert into @t1 values ('I') insert into @t1 values ('U') from the above I need following output (attached output),
How I can get the desired result using query. I don't want any
'@' variable in the result. DECLARE @ST AS varchar(10)='AA' DECLARE @desc AS int=8 DECLARE @STID AS int=4 DECLARE @PP AS int=63 DECLARE @SS AS int=22 /* Desired Result */ Update #RT Set ST='AA', desc=8, STID=4 Where PP=63 and SS=22
I'm using an SqlDependency so I'll get an alert when the data under a query changes. When the query does not meet the criteria spelled out here http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aewzkxxh.aspx then I immediately get a SqlNotificationEventArgs event with the "Invalid" note. This is good.
I would like to know that a query is invalid before I try it with my ASP.NET application. Is there a sproc I can give to my SQL developers so they can test that they haven't used any stuff that would invalidate SqlDependency? What I'm hoping is that there's already a system sproc which could be called...
Hello All, i have three textboxes in a page and i want fill those textboxes with the date, month,year respectively..... i have a datecreated column in discount table in a mm/dd/yy format ...how to extract the date, month, year from this format and put the value in textboxes..? Any help.. Thanks.. Anne
hi need help to solved date calculation for next month i explain i have table employee and the employee insert into table the holidays the date start >>>> to date end now i need to create a view only for next moth , in this view i need to see only the relative dates for the next month if the dates is not for the next month i don't need to see it
like this example 09/07/2008 > 09/08/2008 (is not for next month) like this example 10/09/2008 > 12/09/2008 (is not for next month)
555 EEE
09/07/2008 09/08/2008
666 fff 10/09/2008 12/09/2008
in this example i need to see only the relative dates for next month only in the view
333 cccc
01/05/2008 15/05/2008
333 cccc
01/05/2008 31/05/2008
tb_all_holiday before
111 aaaa
15/03/2008 10/05/2008
222 bbbb
02/05/2008 31/05/2008
333 cccc
03/04/2008 15/05/2008
333 cccc
29/04/2008 07/07/2008
444 dddd
01/05/2008 02/05/2008
444 dddd
09/05/2008 19/08/2008
555 EEE
09/07/2008 09/08/2008
666 fff 10/09/2008 12/09/2008
1 VIEW_all_holiday after -next month only
val_holiday sum_day_next_month
111 aaaa
01/05/2008 10/05/2008
222 bbbb
02/05/2008 31/05/2008
333 cccc
01/05/2008 15/05/2008
333 cccc
01/05/2008 31/05/2008
444 dddd
01/05/2008 02/05/2008
444 dddd
09/05/2008 31/05/2008
all the time i need to see only the relative dates for the next month only
I am trying to SUM a column of ActivityDebit with current Calendar_Month to a Column of Trial_Balance_Debit from Last Calendar_Month. I am providing Temp Table code as well as fake data.
===== IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#MyTrialBalance','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #MyTrialBalance CREATE TABLE #MyTrialBalance ( [Trial_Balance_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED NOT NULL, [FISCALYEAR] [smallint] NULL,
[Code] ....
Here is my Query I am trying but not working. I cant figure out how to doo the dateadd for correct column.
SELECT A.Trial_Balance_ID,A.ACTIVITYDEBIT --SUM(A.ACTIVITYDEBIT + B.Last_Trail_Balance_Debit) AS New_TB FROM (SELECT [Trial_Balance_ID], [Calendar_Month],[ACTIVITYDEBIT] FROM Mytrialbalance WHERE actindx='48397' AND ACTIVITYDEBIT='820439.78000' )A INNER JOIN (SELECT [Trial_Balance_ID],DATEADD(MM, -1,Calendar_Month)AS Last_Month FROM Mytrialbalance) B ON B.Trial_Balance_ID=A.Trial_Balance_ID
"Error: 8624, Severity: 16, State: 1 Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor could not produce a query plan. For more information, contact Customer Support Services."
I have traced this to an insert statement that executes as part of a stored procedure.
INSERT INTO ledger (journal__id, account__id,account_recv_info__id,amount)
There is also an auto-increment column called id. There are FK contraints on all of the columns ending in "__id". I have found that if I remove the contraint on account__id the procedure will execute without error. None of the other constraints seem to make a difference. Of course I don't want to remove this key because it is important to the database integrity and should not be causing problems, but apparently it confuses the optimizer.
Also, the strange thing is that I can get the procedure to execute without error when I run it directly through management studio, but I receive the error when executing from .NET code or anything using ODBC (Access).
I have this report that I am trying to create, below is my statement. My problem is that the billing address and provider address is in the same field. I wanted to create another column as I did called “BillingAddress1? so that I can have the Prodider address on the same line as the billing address, is this possible? How does it work?
Here is an example of my data.
I want to keep the Provider office in the provider column which is fine(300 Community Dr), but I want to have the billing address (P.O. Box 5200) to be in the Billingaddress1 column on the same line as the provider address. Can this be done? Even though we are working from the same field?
Select Distinct p.pro_id1, p.PRO_TAX1 as "TaxID", p.Pro_XTYP as "ProviderType", p.Pro_XTYP as "ProviderTypebill", p2.Pro_XTYP as "ProviderTypebill", p.PRO_Office as "PracticeName", p.Pro_Lname as "ProviderFirstName", p.Pro_Fname as "ProviderLastName", p.Pro_sys as "System affiliate Field367", --v.val_desc, p.pro_pcs as PCS#, p.pro_spec1 as "Specialty1", p.pro_spec2 as "Specialty2", p.pro_spec3 as "Specialty3", p.pro_spec4 as "Specialty4", p.pro_degree as "ProviderDegree",
p.pro_addr1 as "ProviderAddress1", p2.pro_addr1 as "BillingAddress1",
p.pro_addr2 as "ProviderAddress2", p2.pro_addr2 as "BillingAddress2",
p.pro_city as "ProviderCity", p2.pro_city as "Billing Address2",
p.pro_state as "ProviderState", p2.pro_state as BillingState,
p.pro_zip as "ProviderZip", p2.pro_zip as "BillingZip",
p.pro_phone as "ProviderPhone", p.pro_fax as "ProviderFax", p.PRO_BTAG --pro2.PRO_BTAG ---Need Billing address, billing city, billing zip
FROM dbo.pro p JOIN pro p2 ON p.pro_id1 = p2.pro_id1
Hi all,I have a SP that is passed a date, and then need to do a test of some data returned from the DB by getting the passed Date, finding out its month, and then using the BETWEEN clause to get all rows from teh DB where their date falls between the 1st and the last (28th, 30th, 31st) of the month contained in the Date that is passed to the SP. I currently have the following SQL in my WHERE clause to get the first day of the month, but it seems long-winded. Is there a smaller, smarter way of getting it...DATEADD(MONTH, +1, DATEADD(MONTH, -1, @RequiredMonth))ThanksTryst