I have a datetime field in a table and I have to insert this datatime data into antoher table. In my insert statement I convert the datetime field into varchar and then insert it into the second table.
The date field in the original table is : 2/2002/13 3:58:12 PM
but in the destination table i get: 2/2002/13 3:58:00 PM
I lose the seconds in the conversion, i think
Whats the best way to preserve to the datetime field during transfer?
Hi, Basically the above is a very common requirement, please comment on my solution which I've arrived at by searching through the web; -
In summary I have used 3 SSIS components these are "Flat File Source", "Derived Column" and "SQL Server Destination".
1) File Connections Manager Editor 1.1) Within File Connections Manager Editor; - Name the data type e.g. "INTERCHANGE_NET_APP_DATE_SRC" and assign a type to the data type e.g. string[DT_STR]
1.2) Click on the Preview button to ensure the expected text is assigned to the expected data type.
2.4) Select "database timestamp [DT_DBTIMESTAMP] " as Data Type.
2.5) Within the Mappings tab of the SQL Destination Editor have; - Input Column as INTERCHANGE_NET_APP_DATE and Destination Column as INTERCHANGE_NET_APP_DATE.
Please comment on the above, I will then pass on my suggestion to Microsoft.
I'm trying to extract some data from a table in oracle. The oracle table stores date and time seperately in 2 different columns. I need to merge these two columns and import to sql server database.
I'm struggling with this for a quite a while and I'm not able to get it working.
I tried the oracle query something like this,
this gives me an output of 20070511 23:06:30:000
the space in MM : SS is intentional here, since without that space it appread as smiley
I'm trying to map this to datetime field in sql server 2005. It keeps failing with this error
The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data
I'm struck with error for hours now. Any pointers would be helpful.
i do have date problem in sql server, i m using DD/MM/YYYY date format, & passing it to insert & update stat...& compairing it with data in table, which is not working properly, how to convert dd/mm/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy or yyyy-mm-dd hoping for solution soon, thanx murli ......
I'm searching on a smalldatetime field in SQL Server so a typical value would be 09/21/2005 11:30:00 AM. I have a search form which offers the user a textbox to search by date and unless they enter the exact date and time, no matching records are found. Of course I want I all records for a given day to be returned. This is how I'm doing it now. Thanks. Dim dteDate_Requested As String = txtDate_Requested.Text If dteDate_Requested <> "" Then strSqlText += " Date_Requested='" & dteDate_Requested & "'"End If
HI everyne, I have a varchar field in one table, which contains data in the form '010706' and I want to convert this to date datatype to 01/07/2006 (Jan 07, 2006). When I just import the data to the other table it gets converted to 7/6/2001, how can I convert it right? Please help.
I wonder whether any of you can help me with a bit of code that you may have already had to execute??
I have a SQL database logging activities and a load of information in a mdb file that needs to be imported.
Unfortunately the data in the SQL database is in the format yyyy-mm-dd and the data in the mdb file is in dd/mmmm/yyyy.
When i run a DTS to import the data the new rows are imported as they were YYYY-dd-mm.:mad:
example: data logging as 2003-08-10 2003-08-11
imported data from last week arrives as 2003-01-08 2003-02-08 2003-03-08 etc
how can i manipulate the data in SQL to reverse the day and month numbers for Aug 1st to Aug 8th??
I have tried changing the mdb data format but that doesnt make a difference. I dont understand DTS enough to know whether it is possible there :confused: and my SQL skills dont rise to the challenge - yet!! :o
I have one column that is a datetime, and another that is an INT which represents seconds. i cannot figure out how to subtract the seconds from the datetime column. sorry, i'm still kind of new to this TSQL. I get this error:Server: Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime.
when i try to do this select dateColumn - IntColumn from Table
so i think there must be a way to make sql know that IntColumn is actually seconds. thanks
Format 1 - char(5) - Example - 10305. 1 indicates century,03 indicates year and 05 indicates month. The day is not stored. So this is 2003,May 1
Format 2 - char(7) - Example - 1030525. 1 indicates century,03 indicates year, 05 indicates month,25 indicates day. 2003,May 25
I want to convert the above two formats to SQL Server smalldatetime and I only need the DATEPART. The date needs to be in the format mm/dd/yyyy. The default day would be 01 when the day is not specified.
If the format is 00305 then the 0 indicated 19th century. So this is 1903, May 1.
priya writes "select convert(smalldatetime,'09/06/2006') is working
select convert(smalldatetime,'13/06/2006') it shows an error The conversion of char data type to smalldatetime data type resulted in an out-of-range smalldatetime value.
I have a SQL database where the dates appear in the format "733433". If you convert in the "Select" statement, it's fine. You can use the day, month, year concatenated in an excel expression, converts fine. As an expression in reporting services, I receive an error. An help is appreciated.
I need help with date conversion from character data. In SQL 2000 we used a Date Time Conversion task
I do not see how to do this in SQL 2005 SSIS. I tried a data conversion task to a database timestamp and this is what I got:
[Data Conversion [383]] Error: Data conversion failed while converting column "date_time_stamp" (47) to column "Copy of date_time_stamp" (396). The conversion returned status value 2 and status text "The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data.".
Here is a sample of the input data I'm trying to convert.
My source is flat file and my destination is SQL SERVER 2005 using SSIS TOOL.
In my source file i got a date column which is in ISO standards ex: 20050131
I have taken source flat file data type as database date [DT_DBDATE] and in
destination table i declared data type as datetime.
When i start debugging i am getting an error saying that data conversion is not possible.
Can you please help me out how to solve the problem, what data types do i need to take in source and destination and is there any necessity of using Data Conversion Transformation.
I have a table with about 20,000 records that have a date field, stored as a datetime in the database like '8/28/2006 8:42:14 AM'. The dates range from March 2004 to current. What I would like to do is retrieve the dates in that format (month year) and put them in a dropdown. I have this so far:SELECT DISTINCT DATEPART(month, dte_date) AS Expr1, DATEPART(yyyy, dte_date) AS Expr2 FROM myTable ORDER BY DATEPART(yyyy, dte_date), DATEPART(month, dte_date)And the query returns the information that I want, but I can only bind one field to the dropdown. I was thinking that if I return the results a single expression (concantenate?) then I could bind that to the dropdown. I'm not sure as how to go about this. Also, the month returned is numeric and I would rather have the name of the month returned (like "July" instead of "7"). Thanks in advance to anyone who helps me.
I'm trying to insert a date, I don't want the current time. It would be ok if it was 12:00:00. I have tried using the below bold area, but I get an error that the conversion is not correct. Any ideas? INSERT INTO tblpayments (rec_ID,client_ID,tranDate,tranAmount,DateEntered,EnteredBy) SELECT rec_ID,client_ID,Convert(varchar(5), GETDATE(), 10) AS TranDate,Tranamount,DateEntered,EnteredBy
I'm setting up a website for a new employer and their existing database. The table I'm using has a Time field in it that captures the date and time of the record. I'm trying to tie that field into some label controls and can't seem to figure out how to convert the time to just a date. I tried Format(TimeColumn, "MM/DD/YYYY") which does nothing but put my intended formatting as the label. What do I need to do to convert the time to just a date?
Hi: here i am giving one example with Emp table and fields ssn,empjoindate
I have a table with field empjoindate as varchar(10).I need number of employees joined between 12/23/01 and 01/04/02.I ran this query using select ssn from EMP where convert(varchar(10),empjoindate,101) between '12/23/01' and '01/04/02'.it is not fetching any data.
I have some tables in which we store integer values for the week and year(by using the datepart function on datetimes). My problem arises because I need to let users be able to query this table based on dates they enter. However, I am having no luck in being able to convert these integers back into valid dates. I would like users to be able to enter something like '6/1/2000' as a start date, and '7/1/2000' as an end date. Then the query would pull all weeks in between. No luck, and I'm thoroughly confused. Is this method of storing dates as ints just plain stupid? thanks. jason
I am having a problem bulk copying in a text files date data into a MS SQL Server 7 database.
The text file information comes from our mainframe which uses the date "01/01/0001" to represent a NULL date value. I cannot change the front end process that generates the date. I need to correct the problem before inserting it into the MS SQL Server 7 database.
When the BCP bulk copy program processes this date, it turns it into the date "01/01/2001".
What I need to do is change the process so that when the date value "01/01/0001" is processed, it changes the value to NULL on the import into the MS SQL Server 7 database date field. Using the approach that I search the database after the BCP has completed will not work because there are true dates that exist that have the value "01/01/2001".
Does anyone have any ideas on the most efficient way I can do this?
I have a very large table with about 15 "date" fields that were imported as text from a flatfile. I need to convert these fields to dates. The format that they are currently in are like this "12/31/99".
What is the easiest way to convert these fields to dates?
I am having a problem bulk copying in a text files date data into a MS SQL Server 7 database.
The text file information comes from our mainframe which uses the date "01/01/0001" to represent a NULL date value. I cannot change the front end process that generates the date. I need to correct the problem before inserting it into the MS SQL Server 7 database.
When the BCP bulk copy program processes this date, it turns it into the date "01/01/2001".
What I need to do is change the process so that when the date value "01/01/0001" is processed, it changes the value to NULL on the import into the MS SQL Server 7 database date field. Using the approach that I search the database after the BCP has completed will not work because there are true dates that exist that have the value "01/01/2001".
Does anyone have any ideas on the most efficient way I can do this?
I have a function which works that converts getdate() to a 8 character string. I have tried others ways but this one works OK. However the more I look at it the more I think a more efficient way has to exist. Any ideas greatly appreciated. Here is my approach
declare @order_date char(8), @year char(4), @month char(2), @day char(2) set @year = cast(datepart(yyyy,getdate()) as char(4)) if datepart(dd,getdate())<10 set @day = '0'+cast(datepart(dd,getdate()) as char(2)) else set @day = cast(datepart(dd,getdate()) as char(2)) if datepart(mm,getdate())<10 set @month = '0'+cast(datepart(mm,getdate()) as char(2)) else set @month = cast(datepart(mm,getdate()) as char(2)) set @order_date = @year + @month + @day select @order_date
Hello Can someone help please? I'm using SQL Server 7 and trying to update a table containing over 250,000 records. I have a character(8) (CHARDOB) field representing dates of birth in the form YYYYMMDD and would like to update my datetime field (DOB) using a simple update command like:-
but get the message:-
Server: Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 1 The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value. The statement has been terminated.
The strange thing is that this works on a small dataset but crashes and burns on larger ones. I have tried different CAST and CONVERT options to transform the data into the correct format. I have tried a stored procedure, DTS transformations and execute SQL task in my DTS package without success.