I have a table VisitLog
pkey customer_id
pkey user_id
Given both id's, I need a report that will list the visit interval. Assuming the rows are entered in ordered.
the result should just display a single column with rows filled with date difference.
Date Format in example below is dd/MM/yyyy
I created one stored procedure to update the date difference in the table . in this table i have dt1,dt2,dt3... column and diff1,diff2... I wanted to find the difference between dt2 and dt1, and dt4 and dt3 and put it in separate column.
When I compiled the stored procedure, it did not show any error. But when i execute, it shows the error:
Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string.
set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go ALTER procedure [dbo].[autopost1] as begin declare inner int
need help on update from one table to another like this this is my first table
111 aaaa
15/03/2008 21/03/2008
222 bbbb
02/05/2008 09/05/2008
333 cccc
03/04/2008 15/05/2008
333 cccc
29/04/2008 07/07/2008
444 dddd
01/05/2008 02/05/2008
444 dddd
09/05/2008 19/08/2008
555 EEE
09/07/2008 09/08/2008
666 fff 10/09/2008 12/09/2008
1 this is my second table to insert into !
i need to insert to another table like this single row for each day from start_date TO END_DATE check each employee add row for each day insert all employee one after one
ID fname new_date val_holiday ----------------------------------------------------
question need help how can i use this code below not for insert i need it for update another table but only if exist the link to the code in this FORUM http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/AddPost.aspx?PostID=3208536&SiteID=1&Quote=True
Adam Haines wrote:
Since you have such a dependency on dates and date calculations, you should implement a calendar table. A calendar table will make calculation such as this much more simplistic.
Calendar table link http://sqlserver2000.databases.aspfaq.com/why-should-i-consider-using-an-auxiliary-calendar-table.html.
Note the calendar table I use is a little different than this one. The only thing you will need to change is isodate to dt.
Now the code to get the results you need:
Code Snippet declare @t table( id int, fname char(4), Start_Date datetime, End_Date datetime, val_holiday int ) insert into @t values (111, 'aaaa', '3/15/2008', '03/21/2008', 1 ) insert into @t values (222, 'bbbb', '05/2/2008', '05/9/2008', 3) insert into @t values (333, 'cccc', '04/3/2008', '05/15/2008', 4) insert into @t values (333, 'cccc', '04/29/2008', '07/07/2008', 1 )
select id, fname, cal.ISODate, val_holiday from @t t1
inner join Calendar cal on cal.isodate >= t1.start_date and cal.ISODate <= t1.end_date
I am trying to build a DIM table using a source table that has the following setup...
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[APPL_STATUSES]( [APPLICATIONS_ID] [varchar](10) NOT NULL, [POS] [decimal](10, 0) NOT NULL, [APPL_STATUS] [varchar](5) NULL, [APPL_STATUS_DATE] [datetime] NULL, [APPL_APPLICANT] [varchar](10) NULL) GO
What I am trying to do is to break out the APPL_STATUS_DATE into a STATUS_START_DATE and an STATUS_END_DATE in a new table. I also need to be able to update the STATUS_END_DATE based on the previous day's date. Like so...
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[APPL_APPLICANT_STATUSES]( [APPLICATIONS_ID] [varchar](10) NOT NULL, [POS] [decimal](10, 0) NOT NULL, [APPL_STATUS] [varchar](5) NULL, [STATUS_START_DATE] [datetime] NULL, [STATUS_END_DATE] [datetime] NULL, [APPL_APPLICANT] [varchar](10) NULL) GO
I have table "Clients" who have associated records in table "Mailings" I want to populate a gridview using a single query that grabs all the info I need so that I may utilize the gridview's built in sorting. I'm trying to return records containing the next upcoming mailing for each client.
The closest I can get is below: I'm using GROUP BY because it allows me to return a single record for each client and the MIN part allows me to return the associated record in the mailings table for each client that contains the next upcoming 'send_date'
SELECT MIN(dbo.tbl_clients.client_last_name) AS exp_last_name, MIN(dbo.tbl_mailings.send_date) AS exp_send_date, MIN(dbo.tbl_mailings.user_id) AS exp_user_id, dbo.tbl_clients.client_id, MIN(dbo.tbl_mailings.mailing_id) AS exp_mailing_idFROM dbo.tbl_clients INNER JOIN dbo.tbl_mailings ON dbo.tbl_clients.client_id = dbo.tbl_mailings.client_idWHERE (dbo.tbl_mailings.user_id = 1000)GROUP BY dbo.tbl_clients.client_id The user_id set at 1000 part is what makes it rightly pull in all clients for a particular user. Problem is, by using the GROUP BY statement I'm just getting the lowest 'mailing_id' number and NOT the actual entry associated with mailing item I want to return. Same goes for the last_name field. Perhaps I need to have a subquery within my WHERE clause?Or am I barking up the wrong tree entirely..
Can any one tell me the difference between single value parameter and multi value parameter ? Also please explaing with some examples( not only with technical words)..
We are trying to do some utilization calculations that need to factor in a given number of holiday hours per month.
I have a date dimension table (dimdate). Has a row for every day of every year (2006-2015)
I have a work entry fact table (timedetail). Has a row for every work entry. Each row has a worked date, and this column has a relationship to dimdate.
Our holidays fluctuate, and we offer floating holidays that our staff get to pick. So we cannot hard code which individual dates in dimdate as holidays. So what we have done is added a column to our dimdate table called HolidayHoursPerMonth.
This column will list the number of holiday hours available in the given month that the individual date happens to fall within, thus there are a lot of duplicates. Below is a brief example of dimdate. In the example below, there are 0 holiday hours for the month of June, and their are 8 holiday hours for the month of July.
I have a pivot table create based of the fact table. I then have various date slicers from the dimension table (i.e. year, month). If I simply drag this column into the pivot table and summarize by MAX it works when you are sliced on a single month, but breaks if anything but a single month is sliced on.
I am trying to create a measure that calculates the amount of holiday hours based on the what's sliced, but only using a single value for each month. For example July should just be 8, not 8 x #of days in the month.
Listed below is how many hours per month. So if you were to slice on an entire year, the measure should equal 64. If you sliced on Jan, Feb and March, the measure should equal 12. If you were to slice nothing, thus including all 15 years in our dimdate table, the measure should equal 640 (10 years x 64 hours per year).
I require outputting the date difference between two date's if it is greater than 7(DateDiff(day, DateAdd(day, t.[Started], Nxt.started), (t.[started])) > 7).I get incorrect syntax on my operator.What is the correct code?
I would like to be able to search by a single date, @StartDate, or by a date range , between @StartDate and @EndDate. I am having a hard time with the logic on this for a report in SSRS.
Hi I wanted to get difference between this two dates '12-31-2001','01-01-2002'). 1 day 0 month 0 year. Do we have any date function to get like this or we need write our own function stored proc?> Any advice please?.
I have 2 dates in the following format mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM.
I would like to measure the difference between 2 dates (Date1 and Date2). When I use the following expression "DATEDIFF(d, Date1, Date2)" I get a value without decimals. How can I have a value in days with decimals like e.g. 5.38? If you calculate this using Excel you get decimals behind the comma.
INSERT @CallDetail SELECT 12123, 1, '11/30/2007 10:41:34 AM' UNION ALL SELECT 43555, 1, '12/1/2007 11:21:23 AM' UNION ALL SELECT 65322, 1, '12/18/2007 04:12:34 AM' -- 65322 is the current calldetail id
INSERT @Call SELECT 111, 1, 12123 UNION ALL SELECT 112, 2, 12123 UNION ALL SELECT 113, 2, 12123 UNION ALL SELECT 123, 1, 43555 UNION ALL SELECT 134, 1, 43555 UNION ALL SELECT 143, 1, 65322 UNION ALL SELECT 145, 1, 65322 UNION ALL SELECT 154, 2, 65322 UNION ALL SELECT 185, 3, 65322
Select * from @Call Select * from @CallDetail
EXPECTED OUTPUT-- For CallType 1 EmpID 1 LastCallDate Yesterday Duration 12/1/2007 12/17/2007 16 days
-- For CallType 2 EmpID 1 LastCallDate Yesterday Duration 11/30/2007 12/17/2007 17 days
-- For CallType 3 (There was no CallType 3 made earlier by Empid 1) LastCallDate Yesterday Duration - 12/17/2007 0 days
Have a table that list item#, date the standard cost went into effect and the standard cost. How do I find the difference in StdCost on the last EffectiveDate and second to last EffectiveDate. 5.59 (01/05/2015) minus 5.81 (09/29/.014) = -.22.
I have a table containing following Columns plus other columns: Start Date 04-01-2002(mm-dd-yyyy) varchar(10) Start Time column 09:30:30(hh:mm:ss) varchar(8) End Date 04-05-2002(mm-dd-yyyy) varchar(10) End Time column 09:45:30(hh:mm:ss) varchar(8)
1]We want to create a view for Report Users So that they could just select the other columns and difference in start Date/time to End Date /Time. 2]The Difference in time should be based on Business Day. i.e. Saturday & Sunday should be excluded. & 3]Each business day is defined as 8.00 am to 5 .00pm ( 1 Business day = 9 hrs) 4]The time is stored as 24 hour clock.
For e.g. Start Date Start TimeEnd Date End Time Desired Output 04/01/2002 10:00:0004/01/2002 3:30:00 0 Days 5:30 Hrs 04/01/2002 16:00:0004/02/2002 10:45:00 0 Days 3:45 Hrs 04/01/2002 09:00:0004/03/2002 10:45:00 2 Days 1:45 Hrs 04/05/2002 16:30:0004/08/2002 9:45:00 0 Days 2:15 Hrs****** ******In last case as 04/06/2002 & 04/07/2002 were Saturday & Sunday ,hence excluded.So the difference of time is just 2:15 hrs
Can you please give me a suggestion/pseudo code/logic on how I might do this? We cannot use cursors as we want to make a view.This is for SQL Server 2000
Hi, I have a BETWEEN query (at least I think that's what it will need), but with a difference.
Normally you would specific a field which was BETWEEN two set variables
ie. {fieldname} BETWEEN 1 AND 3
However I need mine the other way round.
I have a series of records which have a startdate and enddate held against them.
When a user submits a new record to the db, I need it to check that the starting and ending date range doesn't overlap any of the existing start-end date ranges that exist.
In order to do that I'm trying to build a query which takes in the incoming startdate variable and see if that is within any of the existing start-date-enddate dates ranges of the existing records, and then same for the incoming endate. I actually want the ones that are going to cause a problem to appear...
I;m sure there is a pretty easy way of coding this, but I'm struggling to get my head round it.
how do you determine the date difference between the current record and the next record. i want to use the enddate on record 1 and calulate the time it took the next occurance to happen (start time) on record 2? and so forth.
I have a field called 'LOG_COMMENTS' in a table named T_PRODUCTION_WORK_LOG.
In the 'LOG_COMMENTS' whenever a request is placed on hold comments are added by the application, such as 'Status changed from Open to On Hold' and 'Status changed from On Hold to Open' along with a 'LOG_DATESTAMP' field. A request can go on and off Hold multiple times, how do I determine the days a request is On Hold?
I know I can use the sql function DATEDIFF ( datepart , startdate , enddate ), but how do I account for the possiblity that the request was On Hold more than once? And how would I get LOG_DATESTAMP' times for 'LOG_COMMENTS' that contain 'Status changed from Open to On Hold' and 'Status changed from On Hold to Open''?
I have here a query which delivers me the user data from the last month. The problem what I have is, if employee have more then one rows in this month, they will be also deliverd. But exactly this is not needed. I need only the last record from last month.
As you can see, PSNR=364 has two rows and i need only the row from last month and last date.Maybe we can use Field PFLFDNR as counter. get only one row for every employee?
How would you create a column which displays the difference of two other columns in SQL? For example, column C=column A – column B. My idea is that when ever data enters column A and column B, column C should show the difference of the two automatically. A, B and C are datetime columns. I'm looking at setting up an 'after' trigger on the table. Is there a better approach? Thanks.
I am having a table where i have the following columns where the date format is dd/mm/yyyy Purchase Description From_Date To_Date------------------------------- --------------- ----------------Desktop 2/2/2007 2/3/2007Mouse 2/1/2007 28/1/2007Laptop 5/1/2008 15/3/2008Speaker 4/1/2008 21/1/2008 My requirement is i need to create a stored procedure which will look for the from_date and to_date values. If the difference is more than 30 days that record should get deleted automatically. How to write the stored procedure? Please provide me with full stored procedure Thanx in advance
I have two columns in my table. Both the columns contains datetime datatypes. I need to write a stored procedure which will calculate the date difference between the two columns and if it exceeds more than 5 days then that record should get deleted. How to do it?Thanx
The below code works fine to measure the difference in days between two dates. However, there is an additional business requirement to subtract week-ends, and holidays, from the equation. Any ideas on how to accomplish this task, and leverage the below, existing code? Thanks in advance! (SELECT ABS((TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(" & ToFieldDate & "),'yyyymmdd') - TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(" & FromFieldDate & "),'yyyymmdd'))) FROM DUAL) AS Measurement "
we are creating script file like below on everyday and I need to find difference between previous script and current script. I can use dos(FC ) command to diffentiate between two file. But How I can differentiate for date itenary file which are generating everyday.
I have already seen stored procedures that can calculate a difference in dates, excluding the weekends. Any extension of such a SQL query to exclude not only weekends, but other dates as well. We have a table of "holidays" (not necessarily standard holidays), and I am wondering if there is a way to exclude them from the calculation.
I would like to calculate difference between end_date and current date in Months.And also how we can calculate the sum of difference in months between start_date and end_date for each ID?
CREATE TABLE datedifference ( id INT ,start_date INT ,end_date INT ) INSERT INTO datedifference VALUES (10,20091202,20100629) INSERT INTO datedifference VALUES (20,20071202,20090330) INSERT INTO datedifference VALUES (30,20051202,20101031)
My requirement is i need to create a stored procedure which will look for the from_date and to_date values. If the difference is more than 30 days that record should get deleted automatically. How to write the stored procedure?