DateTime :: To_CHAR :: Change Week Start

Dec 28, 2007

So I need to select and average a whole bunch of data by week. Currently, I group by:


and select using


to summarize by week.

Since the first day of the year was a monday, it sets the weeks as monday-monday. I need to set the weeks to be Thursday 7pm to Thursday 7pm. How can this be achieved? Thanks.


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How To Get Starting Datetime(monday) Of The Week And Ending Datetime Of The Week(sunday)

May 2, 2007

hi friends,

how to get the date of the first/last day of the week in sql...

can any one help me



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DateTime :: To_CHAR :: DATEFIRST

Dec 31, 2007

 So I need to select and average a whole bunch of data by week.  Currently, I group by:GROUP BY TO_CHAR(m.ENDTIME, 'IW')
and select using
to summarize by week.
Since the first day of the year was a monday, it sets the weeks as monday-monday.  2008 will start the week on Tuesday.  I need to set the weeks to be Thursday 7pm to Thursday 7pm.  How can this be achieved?  I'm not sure if datefirst is the answer.  Can it accept decimals?  Is there another way to do this?
I'm placing this query into a SqlDataSource selectcommand.  Unfortunately I do not have the option of building a stored procedure.  Thanks.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Get Week Numbers From Dates - Saturday Being Start Of Week

Sep 17, 2015

i have the following table I need to select dates grouping them by weeks, my week start is Saturday to Friday

datevalue datetime NOT NULL
, numericvalue INT NOT NULL
INSERT INTO weekdays (datevalue, numericvalue) VALUES


The output should look like this

362015-09-01 00:00:00.000
362015-09-02 00:00:00.000
372015-09-07 00:00:00.000
372015-09-08 00:00:00.000
382015-09-12 00:00:00.000
382015-09-13 00:00:00.000
382015-09-14 00:00:00.000
392015-09-19 00:00:00.000

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Transact SQL :: Start Week Of The Month For A Given Week

Jul 23, 2015

I need a Select sentence that return me the first week of the month for a given week.

For example If I have week number 12 (Begins 2015/03/16 and Ends 2015/03/22) I need that returns 9, I mean Week number 9 wich is the first week of march (having in mind @@DATEFIRST).

I only need give a week number of the year and then returns the week number of the first week of that month.

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Start Of Week Function

Mar 19, 2005

I wrote the following function to find the start of week date for a given date and a given start day of week.

For example:
If the day passed is Saturday, 2005-03-19, and Sunday is the start of the week, it returns: 2005-03-13 00:00:00.000

If the day passed is Monday, 2005-03-14, and Sunday is the start of the week, it returns: 2005-03-13 00:00:00.000

If the day passed is Monday, 2005-03-14, and Monday is the start of the week, it returns: 2005-03-14 00:00:00.000

Does anyone have a simpler algorithim for start of week that they care to post?

Edit (2006/4/15):
Posted a companion function F_END_OF_WEEK, on this topic:

There are other Start of Time Period Functions posted here:

There are other End Date of Time Period Functions here:

create function dbo.F_START_OF_WEEK
-- Sun = 1, Mon = 2, Tue = 3, Wed = 4
-- Thu = 5, Fri = 6, Sat = 7
-- Default to Sunday
Find the fisrt date on or before @DATE that matches
day of week of @WEEK_START_DAY.
declare @START_OF_WEEK_DATEdatetime
declare @FIRST_BOWdatetime

-- Check for valid day of week
if @WEEK_START_DAY between 1 and 7
-- Find first day on or after 1753/1/1 (-53690)
-- matching day of week of @WEEK_START_DAY
-- 1753/1/1 is earliest possible SQL Server date.
select @FIRST_BOW = convert(datetime,-53690+((@WEEK_START_DAY+5)%7))
-- Verify beginning of week not before 1753/1/1



-- Sample function calls

select dbo.F_START_OF_WEEK(getdate(),default) -- Returns Date for Sunday

select dbo.F_START_OF_WEEK(getdate(),1)-- Returns Date for Sunday
select dbo.F_START_OF_WEEK(getdate(),2)-- Returns Date for Monday
select dbo.F_START_OF_WEEK(getdate(),3)-- Returns Date for Tuesday
select dbo.F_START_OF_WEEK(getdate(),4)-- Returns Date for Wednesday
select dbo.F_START_OF_WEEK(getdate(),5)-- Returns Date for Thursday
select dbo.F_START_OF_WEEK(getdate(),6)-- Returns Date for Friday
select dbo.F_START_OF_WEEK(getdate(),7)-- Returns Date for Saturday

select dbo.F_START_OF_WEEK(getdate(),0)-- Returns NULL
select dbo.F_START_OF_WEEK(getdate(),8)-- Returns NULL

Edited 2005/4/9:

I thought I would also post an alternate way of doing the Start of Week instead of using the F_START_OF_WEEK function. These queries demo doing the Start of Week inline in a query, and use a similar algorithm to find the start of week, but the start day of week is hard coded.

I posted two versions. The first version is simpler, but it has a minor flaw that returns a false result if the start of week would be before 1753/1/1. For the vast majority of applications this would not be a problem. In the second, the algorithm is modified slightly to cause it to overflow if you pick a date that would result in a start of week before 1753/1/1. Note that the F_START_OF_WEEK function returns a NULL in this situation.

The demo queries use the F_TABLE_NUMBER_RANGE that is posted in another thread in order to generate dates to demonstrated the results:

-- First demo query for Start of Week
-- Returns bad result if the start of week would be before 1753/1/1
Sun = dateadd(dd,(datediff(dd,-53684,a.DATE)/7)*7,-53684),
Mon = dateadd(dd,(datediff(dd,-53690,a.DATE)/7)*7,-53690),
Tue = dateadd(dd,(datediff(dd,-53689,a.DATE)/7)*7,-53689),
Wed = dateadd(dd,(datediff(dd,-53688,a.DATE)/7)*7,-53688),
Thu = dateadd(dd,(datediff(dd,-53687,a.DATE)/7)*7,-53687),
Fri = dateadd(dd,(datediff(dd,-53686,a.DATE)/7)*7,-53686),
Sat = dateadd(dd,(datediff(dd,-53685,a.DATE)/7)*7,-53685)
DATE = convert(datetime,number)
) a

-- Second demo query for Start of Week
-- Modified to cause an error instead of returning a bad date
-- if the start of week would be before 1753/1/1
Sun = dateadd(dd,((datediff(dd,-53684,a.DATE+7)/7)*7)-7,-53684),
Mon = dateadd(dd,((datediff(dd,-53690,a.DATE+7)/7)*7)-7,-53690),
Tue = dateadd(dd,((datediff(dd,-53689,a.DATE+7)/7)*7)-7,-53689),
Wed = dateadd(dd,((datediff(dd,-53688,a.DATE+7)/7)*7)-7,-53688),
Thu = dateadd(dd,((datediff(dd,-53687,a.DATE+7)/7)*7)-7,-53687),
Fri = dateadd(dd,((datediff(dd,-53686,a.DATE+7)/7)*7)-7,-53686),
Sat = dateadd(dd,((datediff(dd,-53685,a.DATE+7)/7)*7)-7,-53685)
DATE = convert(datetime,number)
) a


View 20 Replies View Related

Start Date Of The Current Week

Feb 17, 2006

Can anyone explain the result of the sql statement

Select DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk, 6,getdate()), 6)

Can we use this to get the start date of the current week always???

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Start Of The Week Of Current Quarter

Oct 2, 2014

I am trying to always get the start of the week of the current quarter in my criteria

This is the statement for the current quarter
Dateadd(qq, Datediff(qq,0,GetDate()), 0)

This is the statement for the current week

How to calculate from the start of the week of the current quarter...

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How To Determine Day Of Week From Datetime Data Type

Feb 16, 2001

Our reporting group would like to generate reports based on day of the week. Is there a function or other means of determining the day based on data in a datetime field? Thanks for any assistance in advance.


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Transact SQL :: Get Week Number From DateTime Field?

Aug 21, 2015

Any easier way to do what I am trying, without having a table with all the dates and week numbers.

Scenario: Week number of a DateTime Field where the year does not start on January 01<sup>st</sup> but April 1<sup>st</sup> to 31 Mach.

Issue: A week always starts on a Monday so if the 1<sup>st</sup> is on Tuesday, the first week is Tuesday – Sunday, if the 1<sup>st</sup> April is on Friday, the 1<sup>st</sup> week is Friday – Sunday and 7 day periods from there.

TABLE [dbo].[DailyCanx](     
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1)
NOT NULL,     
[DateCancelled] [datetime] NULL


I could create a table with all the start date and end dates of all the week numbers but I think there must be a better way. using SQL Server 2008 R2.

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Reporting Services :: Change Order Of The Day Of Week Names In Parameter Drop Down List In SSRS?

Aug 26, 2015

I have a requirement to show Day of week in parameter drop down list in different order, actual order is Monday to Sunday (Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday) in DayOfWeek dimension in cube.

But my requirement is to show Friday to Thursday(Friday,Saturday,Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday) in DayOf Week parameter drop down list and report table. How I can get this requirement done.

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How To Change AutoNumber Not Start From 1

Jul 23, 2005

I have a table with structure below :Table_A{PGradeID int IDENTITY(1,1),PName varchar(20)}If I delete all records on Table_A, and then fill some records,PGradeID will no longer start from 1 anymore, everybody knows that. Howto change it so PGradeID will start from 1 after all records wasdeleted?Thanks b4Resant

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Can't Start SQL Server If I Change The Domain To Workgroup

May 8, 2008

Hi folks,

For the past couple of days, I have been trying to get my SQL Server to work with Distributed Views. I am created linked servers, linked server logins, set XACT Abort ON.

I am successful in running a select against the distributed view, but was unable to run an "INSERT"

When I try a simple insert, the query took 3:14 minutes. Then I get an error message like:

Server: Msg 7391, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' was unable to begin a distributed transaction.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: New transaction cannot enlist in the specified transaction coordinator. ]
OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'SQLOLEDB' ITransactionJoin::JoinTransaction returned 0x8004d00a].

I have checked that MSDTC is running and configured under a domain account on both machines - running sQL 2000 and win2K

I have been unsuccessful still after tinkering for several days. I have checked my network configurations and noticed that when I try to ping the other machine by name, I don't get a response. I can only get a response to a ping when I enter the IP address directly.

Could this be a problem? Also, I noticed that for some strange reason, whenever I ping from either machine it is showing an external IP - always the same one no matter which computer name I try to ping. Something like instead of the that I expect.

Finally, I thought that problem was possibly due to incorrect Active Directory configuration. I tried to remove both machines from the domain by changing them to a workgroup "TEST" instead of the domain.

When I restarted the PC, I am unable to start SQL Server. It shows the Red Stop sign. When I try to start it, it gives an error like: Service could not start because one or more dependencies failed.

When I add the machine back to the domain, SQL server starts working on reboot.

Can anyone help me please.


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SQL Unable To Start After Login Account Change

Jul 25, 2007

I have a SQL 2k5 ent. 64 bit on Windows 2003 Ent x64 edition.

The sql server was running fine under localsystem account. Recently I changed the service account to a local user (part of users group in windows) and implemented permissions according to KB article 283811. (have imlpemented the same on many other sql servers without issue).

However, the SQL services are not starting up and I am seeing the following errors in the errorlog.


2007-07-25 12:36:55.90 spid11s Server name is 'HBCARPROD'. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

2007-07-25 12:36:55.90 spid13s Starting up database 'model'.

2007-07-25 12:36:55.90 Server Error: 17182, Severity: 16, State: 1.

2007-07-25 12:36:55.90 Server TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x5, status code 0x51.

2007-07-25 12:36:55.90 Server Error: 17182, Severity: 16, State: 1.

2007-07-25 12:36:55.90 Server TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x5, status code 0x1.

2007-07-25 12:36:55.90 Server Error: 17826, Severity: 18, State: 3.

2007-07-25 12:36:55.90 Server Could not start the network library because of an internal error in the network library. To determine the cause, review the errors immediately preceding this one in the error log.

2007-07-25 12:36:55.90 Server Error: 17120, Severity: 16, State: 1.

2007-07-25 12:36:55.90 Server SQL Server could not spawn FRunCM thread. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows event logs for information about possible related problems.


I have gone through the but everything mentioned here seems to be there. I understand this is some permission issue. Just not able to find it out. Can anybody help?

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Create A Datetime Dimension Table With Start And End Dates

Jul 12, 2006


I want to create a table that has a datetime column, data type=datetime and I want the date to start form 01/01/2004 00:00:00 to 01/01/2008 00:00:00 the increment will be by minute like

01/01/2004 00:01:00

01/01/2004 00:02:00

01/01/2004 00:03:00 and so on up to 01/01/2008 00:00:00

I will use this time dimension in bussiness objects.

please provide me with the SQL sript to do this.

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To_char Sql Equivalent

Feb 15, 2007


What is the sql equivalent of to_char?

Here is a line of code I am trying to fix.


Is there anything else in this line of code that I might need to change?



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Power Pivot :: Cumulative Total For Current Week Days And Previous Week

Nov 30, 2015

We are trying to compare our current calendar week (based on Monday being the first day of the week) with the previous calendar week. 

I'm trying to produce a line chart with 2 axis:

- x axis; the day of the week (Mon, Tues, Wed etc - it is fine for this to be a # rather than text e.g. 1 = Mon, 2 = Tues etc)
- y axis; the cumulative number of orders 

The chart needs two series:

Previous Week. The running count of orders placed that week. 
Current Week. The running count of orders placed this week. 

Obviously in such a chart the 'Current Week' series is going not going to have values along the whole axis until the end of the week. This is expected and the aim of the chart is to see the current week compares against the previous week for the same day. 

I have two tables:

Orders TableCalendar Table

The calendar table's main date column is [calDate] and there are columns for the usual [calWeekNum], [calMonth] etc. 

My measure for counting orders is simply; # Orders: = countrows[orders].

How do I take this measure and then work out my two series. I have tried numerous things such as adapting TOTALMTD(), following articles such as these:

- [URL] ...
- [URL] ...

But I have had no luck. The standard cumulative formulas do work e.g. if I wanted a MTD or YTD table I would be ok, it's just adjusting to a WTD that is causing me big issues.

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To_char('YYYY') Problem!!

Apr 16, 2007

I am trying to list all projects managed by technicians who joined in the year 2005 or later. the techno column is in both tables(test_technicians & test_projects) and the projno is only in the test_projects table. Whats wrong with my coding? I keep getting an error message that the FROM statement is in the wrong place

SELECT techno, projno Tstartdate
TO_CHAR(Tstartdate,'YYYY') AS Tech Start Date
FROM test_technicians, test_projects
WHERE test_technicians.techno = test_projects.techno
AND TO_CHAR(Tstartdate,'YYYY') >= '2005';

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SQL Server 2008 :: Get Week Ending Date Given Week Number

Apr 9, 2013

How can I get Saturday's date given the week number?

This is my week number, SELECT DATEPART(WEEK, DATEADD(MONTH, +3, ApptDt2)). I need to get Saturday's date from this week.

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Oracle's TO_CHAR, What In SQL Server 2005?

Nov 22, 2006


In oracle i use the following sentence TO_CHAR(Table1.DateIn, ,'mm/yyyy') within a query. I need how to replace this for using it in SQL Server. I tried to use the SQL Server CONVERT function but nothing work. Could you help me?

Thank you in advance,


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Create A Yesterday, This Week, Last Week Calculated Member

May 23, 2007

Hi all,

I'd like to add a yesterday dimension member to a new dimension, like a "Time Utility" dimension, that references the second last day of non empty data in a cube.

At the moment, I'm doing this:

Code Snippet

create member [MIA DW].[DATE TIME].[Date].[Yesterday]
as [DATE TIME].[Date].&[2007-01-01T00:00:00]

select [Measures].members on 0,
non empty [DATE TIME].[Date].members on 1
from [MIA DW]
But the [yesterday] member does not seem to belong to [DATE TIME].[Date].members?

So I guess there's two questions:

1) Can I have a new empty dimension which contains all these special members like "Yesterday" or "This Week" and "Last Week" (these last two obviously refer to a set of Dates)

2)How come the Yesterday member is not returned by the .members function?



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How To Change Datetime Format

May 31, 2007

how to change datetime format.
i want to store datetime in my table as yyyy-mm-dd.
can it be done??

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How To Change Datetime In Cyrillic Without Parsing

Mar 13, 2015

I am struggling with SQL Server 2008 database in cyrillic language I try to Load data with ETL. But, both of the datetime columns' value are shown as 4015-01-01 as of 2015-01-01.How can i load data in Regular datetime format without parsing the column?

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How To Stop Week Hours To Continue To Next Week

Jan 29, 2014

I am adding week hrs using while loop , but it can continue next week hrs also.

I can get every week start hrs while update @tem1 table

12902014-01-29 00:00:00.00009:3019:1556001
12902014-01-28 00:00:00.00009:0018:4555802
12902014-01-27 00:00:00.00009:0018:455585583
12902014-01-25 00:00:00.00008:0010:0012004 -- week end
12902014-01-24 00:00:00.00009:1718:4554105
12902014-01-23 00:00:00.00009:1918:4654606
12902014-01-22 00:00:00.00009:1718:4754507
12902014-01-21 00:00:00.00009:1618:3552608
12902014-01-20 00:00:00.00009:1818:555435439

My loop statement

while(select MAX(wrh) from @tem1 where wrh = 0) < 1
update @tem1
set wrh = (select toaccount from @tem1
where reportdate = (select min(reportdate) from @tem1 where wrh = 0))+(select max(wrh) from @tem1)
where wrh = (select max(wrh) from @tem1 where wrh = 0 )
and reportdate = (select min(reportdate) from @tem1 where wrh = 0)

this is the result while executing loop statement .

129029 Jan 201409:3019:15008:0009:20024:00065:54
129028 Jan 201409:0018:45008:0009:18016:00056:34
129027 Jan 201409:0018:45008:0009:18008:0009:18
129025 Jan 201408:0010:00005:0002:00045:00047:16 -- week end
129024 Jan 201409:1718:45008:0009:01040:00045:16
129023 Jan 201409:1918:46008:0009:06032:00036:15
129022 Jan 201409:1718:47008:0009:05024:00027:09
129021 Jan 201409:1618:35008:0008:46016:00018:04
129020 Jan 201409:1818:55008:0009:03008:0009:03

How to update only that week hrs , don't continue next week...

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How To Get Data Untill Last Week From The First Week Of The Year

Apr 29, 2008

In my reports I am extracting the data of number of people joined in all the weeks of the year. And in one of reports I have to extract the data of the number of people joined until the last week from the first week. I am trying out all the logics but nothing is working for me as such. Can any one help me with this issue??????

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Convert Week Number To Date Of 1st Day Of That Week...

Feb 2, 2008

I'm looking for a way to convert the [week number, year] back to the date for the 1st day of that week.

Example (assuming DATEFIRST has been set to 1) : Week 3, 2008 = January 14, 2008

Is there a SQL function that will do this?


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Nov 6, 2004


i am trying to convert the following oracle sql,

into a MSSQLServer sql query.

Could you help me to get the equivalent of the above query in sqlserver.

PS: i tried using the following query, but i cannot get the month equivalent as 01/02/03/04 instead i get january/febrauary/march, etc

AS "Month Name"
(ms sqlserver)
The above query gives output as "6November2004174837"

what i need as result is "06112004174837"

Follow your DREAMS...

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DB Design :: Cannot Change Datetime Default Data Type

Nov 17, 2015

Ilve install sql server 2012 in my pc and i want to change datetime default format. How can i do this and please i dont want to take the result from select convert() or select cast or something like this. I ve want to take the format i want writing query select datecolumn from table. 

Now the format i have is: 2015-11-16 09:04:00.000

And i want this format: 16.11.2015 09:04:00

Is any way to convert automaticaly by select only column? or can i change at all once? or must write function to when i select the column can change automatic ? or another thing, i ve see in column properties something like formula. In computed column specification in formula i wrote this: 

((CONVERT([varchar](10),getdate(),(104))+' ')+CONVERT([varchar](10),getdate(),(108)))

And I take the format i want automaticaly but i get the current date for all rows and i cant edit or insert that column anymore. So, how to change the format of date time but no from select query.

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Integration Services :: Change Datetime Format Of Variable

Jun 12, 2015

I am using Execute sql task in my SSIS package, and I am trying to make the following query:

Select max(sqlid) from archive.dbo.Archivebbxfbhdr
where timein <= ?<o:p></o:p>
Where ? is my input parameter variable migration_start which is a datetime.<o:p></o:p>

My issue is that variable name migration_start which give me default format of 6/11/2015 1:26 AM

But I expecting to get in 2015-06-11 01:26:22.813 format.<o:p></o:p>

How I can I change the datetime format of my variable to be (yyyy/mm/dd)hh:mm:ss)?<o:p></o:p>

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Using CAST Or CONVERT To Change Data From String To Datetime?

Apr 16, 2014

i am trying to take a field that has part of a date in it, so I have to parse it out as follows:

SUBSTRING(a1.Field1, 3, 2) + SUBSTRING(a1.Field1,5,2) + '20' + LEFT(a1.Field1,2)

This is because a date of 04/16/2014 will show as 160416 in the first part of the field I need to parse it out of, thus becoming 04162014.

From there I then need to convert this "date" into a legitimate SQL datetime type, so that I can then run a DATEDIFF to compare it to when the record was actually entered, which is a separate field in the table, and already in datetime format.

When I use the below statement, I am getting the message that, "Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string."

CAST((SUBSTRING(a1.Field1, 3, 2) + SUBSTRING(a1.Field1,5,2) + '20' + LEFT(a1.Field1,2)) as datetime)

I also tried CONVERT(datetime, (SUBSTRING(a1.Field1, 3, 2) + SUBSTRING(a1.Field1,5,2) + '20' + LEFT(a1.Field1,2)), and got the same message.

how I can parse that field, then convert it to a datetime format for running a DATEDIFF statement?

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Date Of First Day Of Week For Current Week

Jun 6, 2006

seriously now

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Convert Getdate To Week And Day Of Week

Aug 15, 2006

I have a query that run every day to update a summary table which has week number and day of week. what I currently do is delete all records from the summary table and then summarize all the data availabe from four tables adn then populate the table daily. I want to know if I can run the update query to run only for the week number and day of week depending on getdate. Can I do this?

Please help..

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ISO Year Week Day Of Week Function

Jan 18, 2006

Function F_ISO_YEAR_WEEK_DAY_OF_WEEK returns the ISO 8601 Year Week Day of Week in format YYYY-W01-D for the date passed. W01 represents the week of the year from W01 through W53, and D represents the day of the week with 1 = Monday through 7 = Sunday.

The first week of each year starts on the first Monday on or before January 4 of that year, so that the year begins from December 28 of the prior year through January 4 of the current year.

This code creates the function and demos it for the first day, first date+60, and first date+364 for each ISO week/year from 1990 to 2030.

drop function dbo.F_ISO_YEAR_WEEK_DAY_OF_WEEK
create function dbo.F_ISO_YEAR_WEEK_DAY_OF_WEEK
returns the ISO 8601 Year Week Day of Week
in format YYYY-W01-D for the date passed.

declare @YearWeekDayOfWeekvarchar(10)

--Format to form YYYY-W01-D
@YearWeekDayOfWeek =
right('00'+convert(varchar(2),(datediff(dd,a.YearStart,@Date)/7)+1),2) +
YearStart =
-- Case finds start of year
whenNextYrStart <= @date
whenCurrYrStart <= @date
-- First day of first week of prior year
PriorYrStart =
-- First day of first week of current year
CurrYrStart =
-- First day of first week of next year
NextYrStart =
--Find Jan 4 for the year of the input date
) aaa
) aa
) a

return @YearWeekDayOfWeek


-- Execute function on first day, first day+60,
-- and first day+364 for years from 1990 to 2030.

DT= convert(varchar(10),DT,121),
select DT = getdate()union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'1990/01/01') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'1990/12/31') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'1991/12/30') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'1993/01/04') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'1994/01/03') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'1995/01/02') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'1996/01/01') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'1996/12/30') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'1997/12/29') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'1999/01/04') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2000/01/03') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2001/01/01') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2001/12/31') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2002/12/30') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2003/12/29') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2005/01/03') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2006/01/02') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2007/01/01') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2007/12/31') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2008/12/29') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2010/01/04') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2011/01/03') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2012/01/02') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2012/12/31') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2013/12/30') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2014/12/29') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2016/01/04') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2017/01/02') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2018/01/01') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2018/12/31') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2019/12/30') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2021/01/04') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2022/01/03') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2023/01/02') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2024/01/01') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2024/12/30') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2025/12/29') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2027/01/04') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2028/01/03') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2029/01/01') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2029/12/31') union all
select DT = convert(datetime,'2030/12/30')
) a

Function Test Results:

---------- ----------- -------------- ---------------
2006-01-18 2006-W03-3 2006-W11-7 2007-W03-3
1990-01-01 1990-W01-1 1990-W09-5 1991-W01-1
1990-12-31 1991-W01-1 1991-W09-5 1992-W01-1
1991-12-30 1992-W01-1 1992-W09-5 1992-W53-1
1993-01-04 1993-W01-1 1993-W09-5 1994-W01-1
1994-01-03 1994-W01-1 1994-W09-5 1995-W01-1
1995-01-02 1995-W01-1 1995-W09-5 1996-W01-1
1996-01-01 1996-W01-1 1996-W09-5 1997-W01-1
1996-12-30 1997-W01-1 1997-W09-5 1998-W01-1
1997-12-29 1998-W01-1 1998-W09-5 1998-W53-1
1999-01-04 1999-W01-1 1999-W09-5 2000-W01-1
2000-01-03 2000-W01-1 2000-W09-5 2001-W01-1
2001-01-01 2001-W01-1 2001-W09-5 2002-W01-1
2001-12-31 2002-W01-1 2002-W09-5 2003-W01-1
2002-12-30 2003-W01-1 2003-W09-5 2004-W01-1
2003-12-29 2004-W01-1 2004-W09-5 2004-W53-1
2005-01-03 2005-W01-1 2005-W09-5 2006-W01-1
2006-01-02 2006-W01-1 2006-W09-5 2007-W01-1
2007-01-01 2007-W01-1 2007-W09-5 2008-W01-1
2007-12-31 2008-W01-1 2008-W09-5 2009-W01-1
2008-12-29 2009-W01-1 2009-W09-5 2009-W53-1
2010-01-04 2010-W01-1 2010-W09-5 2011-W01-1
2011-01-03 2011-W01-1 2011-W09-5 2012-W01-1
2012-01-02 2012-W01-1 2012-W09-5 2013-W01-1
2012-12-31 2013-W01-1 2013-W09-5 2014-W01-1
2013-12-30 2014-W01-1 2014-W09-5 2015-W01-1
2014-12-29 2015-W01-1 2015-W09-5 2015-W53-1
2016-01-04 2016-W01-1 2016-W09-5 2017-W01-1
2017-01-02 2017-W01-1 2017-W09-5 2018-W01-1
2018-01-01 2018-W01-1 2018-W09-5 2019-W01-1
2018-12-31 2019-W01-1 2019-W09-5 2020-W01-1
2019-12-30 2020-W01-1 2020-W09-5 2020-W53-1
2021-01-04 2021-W01-1 2021-W09-5 2022-W01-1
2022-01-03 2022-W01-1 2022-W09-5 2023-W01-1
2023-01-02 2023-W01-1 2023-W09-5 2024-W01-1
2024-01-01 2024-W01-1 2024-W09-5 2025-W01-1
2024-12-30 2025-W01-1 2025-W09-5 2026-W01-1
2025-12-29 2026-W01-1 2026-W09-5 2026-W53-1
2027-01-04 2027-W01-1 2027-W09-5 2028-W01-1
2028-01-03 2028-W01-1 2028-W09-5 2029-W01-1
2029-01-01 2029-W01-1 2029-W09-5 2030-W01-1
2029-12-31 2030-W01-1 2030-W09-5 2031-W01-1
2030-12-30 2031-W01-1 2031-W09-5 2032-W01-1

(43 row(s) affected)


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