Datetime Parameter Problems

Jun 20, 2007

Hi everyone

I have been reading another thread about this subject, but didn't get much useful info from it.

I have a datetime parameter on my report that is set to today() by default.

I use the User!Language to ensure that dates are formatted correctly (my end-users are Danish, Spanish, English)

Everything works fine on the preview tab, but when I access the deployed report through a link to the report server on a HTML-page the formatting of the date becomes US-style. This leads to further problems, as the report can not be processed because another format is expected (probably due to the User!Language settings on the report - in my case Danish).

I need to find a solution, that does not remove the dynamics of being able to run in different language settings (I saw in the other thread that one solution could be to hard code a statement with a specific language setting - that is not an option for me).

Hope someone can help

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DateTime As One Parameter

Aug 28, 2006

I have this question in one gridview: InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [Member] ([IC], [FirstName], [LastName], [Gender], [Birth], [Telephone], [Mobile], , [Address], [Postcode], [TimeOfRegistration]) VALUES (@IC, @FirstName, @LastName, @Gender, @Birth, @Telephone, @Mobile, @Email, @Address, @Postcode, @TimeOfRegistration)"If I want to insert into TimeOfRegistration with "System.DateTime.Today",can I have some expression to replace the "@TimeOfRegistration" in the SQL query? (<%#      %>???Maybe?) If cannot, in the parameter control below, can I put it this way to achieve it?  <asp:Parameter Name="TimeOfRegistration" Type=DateTime DefaultValue="<%#                    %>" />If so, how to put it?  Thank you very much! 

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Datetime Parameter

Mar 18, 2008

Hi, I need help please.

I have two tasks.
1. SQL Execution task to output a variable which must be a datetime value "2007/12/31 00:00:00.000"
Variable name: Test
Value Type: Datetime
Value: 2007/12/31 00:00:00.000

2. Then in my OLEDB source i want use the parameter:
I have setup the parameters for QRY = 0 (Test)
QRY: WHERE WT.ApplyDtm = ?

I have two problems to this:
1. How do i know that my first task is bring back a value of datetime
"2007/12/31 00:00:00.000"
2. In my QRY i have to put the parameter within '' , I tried '?' but
it maons.
The QRY should run: WHERE WT.ApplyDtm = '2007/12/31 00:00:00.000'

Please Assist!


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? Datetime Parameter Issue

Sep 16, 2005

I'm using a sproc to insert the time (Now()) into a datetime field.  Somehow the time "seconds" are not making it into the field.  For example, the variable grabs the value of Now() - "9/16/2005 01:58:15 AM" to insert into the field.  But when I view the records, the datetime value is "2005-09-16 13:58:00.000".What am I doing wrong?Thanks for your help!LynnetteHere is a snippet of the code and the sproc:Dim recDate As DateTime = Now()cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@DELastChg", SqlDbType.DateTime)).Value = recDateALTER         PROC usp_AddTmpFLSAfromPT  @dtWdate datetime,  @whereString as varchar(255),  @DEuser as varchar(30),  @DELastChg datetime
DECLARE @strSQL as varchar(2000)
SET @strSQL ='INSERT INTO tmpFLSAEmpInfo( Emp_Number,  PT_ID,  Emp_Division,  Emp_Dept,  --Emp_DeptInfo,  Emp_Supervisor,   Emp_Location,  Emp_Union,   Emp_SG,  Emp_Shift,  DEusername,  DELastChg,  WrkDate)SELECT  Employee2.Emp_Number,  Employee2.[ID],  Employee2.Division,  Employee2.Job_Dept_Code,  Employee2.Job_Supervisor,  Employee2.Loc_Name,  Employee2.[Union],  Employee2.Sched_Group,  Employee2.Shift,   ''' + @DEUser + ''',   ''' + CONVERT(varchar, @DELastChg) + ''',     ''' + CONVERT(varchar, @dtWdate) + '''
FROM Employee2WHERE ' + @whereString

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Filtering Datetime Parameter

Sep 21, 2013

We can use LIKE '% ...%' for character string search but how can we do the same thing to a datatime parameter like '2013-09-20 13:34:43.098'?

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Report Parameter DateTime

May 13, 2008

I have drop down Date Range(Last Month,Current Month and Custom)..
We need to set the values in our From Date Report Filter and To Date Report Filter.
We gave the Date Parameter Value in Condition to the Date Range Selected Value.
But the value always remain as on First Load of Report.

Is there any way i can set values in datetime text box..

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DateTime Parameter With NULL Value

Apr 8, 2008

I have a report with datetime parameter which is required to be optional (there should be an option not to select this parameter which would cause in not narrowing result of this report by this parameter).

I used datetime parameter (to have the calendar control for selecting date) for which I enabled NULL value. The result is that next to this parameter there is a checkbox "NULL" which allows to send NULL as a value of this parameter. Everything is fine except for the prompt: "NULL"... Is there a way to change it? I would see there something like "Empty" or "Not selected", which would be understandable for users of the report.

Or is there any other way to send an empty date as a value of this parameter? (Setting some unusual value like 1/1/1900 for empty date is not sufficient as the empty value shouldn't appear in the parameter control).

Thank you,

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SP Datetime Parameter Problems

Jun 21, 2006


 StID tinyint NOT NULL ,
 StDate datetime NULL ,
 Amt float NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_TestTable_Amt] DEFAULT (0),

And After i'll create insert SP useing 'CREATE STORED PROCEDURE WIZARD'
Sp name:'insert_TestTable_1'
And Pass Some Parameter values

Exec insert_TestTable_1 1,getdate(),50.25

--gives Error
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Line 1: Incorrect syntax near ')'.

waht is that problem need help..

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Problem With Datetime Value As Parameter Value

Mar 20, 2006

Hi all,

I created a stored proc that has input datetime parameters (begindate and enddate), I tried the command: exec storedproc '20060320'
in the query command part in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and
it works but when I try to create a report dataset using the stored
proc and execute it using value 20060320 it does not work. I even try using '20060320' and "20060320" as the value and it did not work also. I received the following error:

TITLE: Microsoft Report Designer


An error occurred while executing the query.

Failed to convert parameter value from a String to a DateTime.



Failed to convert parameter value from a String to a DateTime. (System.Data)


String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. (mscorlib)





Anyone have any idea on how can I solve it or go about it?? Thanks in advance.


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Default DateTime Parameter

May 21, 2008

I am trying to set the default date in my datetime parameter to yesterday's date, so the user does not have to select using the datepicker calendar. I am using Visual Studio 2005.

I put the following code into the Report Parameters non-queried default values function line, but it adds the timestamp to the date.

=DateAdd(€?d€?, -(WeekDay(Now()))+1, Now())

How can I get yesterday's date to default but without the timestamp?



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Format Of Datetime Parameter

Mar 27, 2008

I have datetime parameter but SSRS used mm/dd/yyyy format.
How can I change to dd/mm/yyyy format ?

in dataset I used convert(datetime,@dateparam,103) but I get error if I select for example 14/03/2008
"The value provided for the report parameter 'dateparam' is not valid for its type

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Set NULL To Datetime Parameter

Dec 14, 2006

Hi All,

I have a problem while trying to set "NULL" value to my datetime parameters.

I have two datetime parameters (AllowNull=True) on my report. (BeginDate and EndDate)

it works fine in preview mode in reporting design.

The problem occurs, if I try to set an emtpy value to these parameters in my application.

The code looks like;

Dim repParams(1) As ReportParameter

repParams(0) = New ReportParameter("BeginDate", String.Empty)

repParams(1) = New ReportParameter("EndDate", String.Empty)


ReportParameter method requires String parameters. If user set any datetime value, I am sending "String.Empty" value to my paramaters in order to set them as NULL. But I am getting "rsReportParameterTypeMismatch Error."

How Can I set NULL value to these parameters from application?

Thans alot in advance.

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Problems Passing Datetime Parameter To SQL

May 11, 2006

I'm developig an ASP.NET application and I'm trying to pass a datetime parameter into my stored procedure.  The procedure is very simple "SET @sqlMessage = @parameterPassed" I have the @sqlMessage setup as out OUTPUT parameter and I'm trying to see what I get.  So far no go.  The datetime value is of type string, and it was retrived from a datetime column in an SQL database.  Any ideas.

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Debugging And Datetime Parameter Modification

Nov 23, 2007


I'm wondering about datetimes modification while debugging. I've a backup of a db debugging searching for some answeres. Problem is I have to asume it's one month back in time, so when I get the value from some date functions, if I after that modify the date value displayed for the parameters (debugging with vs pro 2005) will it be my modified values that it uses when those variables are used? It seams like it, but I'd like to be 100% sure.


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Newbie Datetime Parameter Problem

Jan 29, 2007

Hi, I have setup start date and end date parameters, however when my select gets the results from between the dates, if the dates are both set to today, no results are produced. I think its because I need to add a day to the end date parameter. How can I do this?

Thanks, Dan

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DateTime Parameter Format Issue?

Nov 26, 2006

Hi All:

I create a report with a DateTime parameter, i would love to use DD/MM/YYYY this format, but it doesn't work . it works when i change to usa datetime format ,YYYY-MM-DD,

any helps are appreciated.



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Datetime Parameter / Report Viewer

Apr 2, 2007

I have a .net 2.0 web form with a report viewer control (RS 2005) and have hard coded the report server and path. The report has two date time parameters that have a default value set up. When the user clicks the calendar icon to change the date range, the page refreshes without displaying the calendar... I don't remeber having this problem in the past. The parameters function fine in Report Manager. Any idea what could be causing this?

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Filter Multivalue DateTime Parameter

Apr 16, 2007

Hi all,

I am using stored procedure dataset. i tried filtering the dataset values with the parameter of type datetime.I am able to view and select multiple datetime value from the list. but its not filtering the values.

i changed the parameter datatype to string but it works only for the first value

(parameter. <pname>.value(0)). if i filter with the array value (parameter. <pname>.value) am getting error (Failed to evaluate Filter expression).

I guess the problem with datatype. Pls help me if anyone have idea about this.

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Issues In Passing Parameter (datetime)

Jan 3, 2008

Hi Everyone,

The SSIS is behaving very strange to me in the below scenario (Do excuse me if that€™s the behavior, I might not be knowing).

What I€™m doing is,

Step 1: Select Max(Date_Created) from Table1 -> I€™m storing the result in a parameter named Max_Date_Created.

The above one returns the value as : 2008-01-01 10:10:10.874

Step 2: Update Control_Table Set Last_Updated_Date = ? -? I€™m passing the parameter for updating the control table.

Step 3: Select Last_Updated_Date from Control_Table

To my astonishment, it returns the value as 2008-01-01 10:10:10.000. Shouldn€™t it be 2008-01-01 10:10:10.874?

The above implementation taking me for the duplication entries in the table. How to get milliseconds also? Why it€™s rounding?

Any suggestions please?


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Is There A Way To Default DateTime Parameter To Blank?

Jul 13, 2007

I have a visible DateTime parameter on the Report that I would like to make optional.

When I open up the report and try to run it without specifying the date I get a validation error that parameter is required. If I set default value to null - it works, but I have to check for both '' and NULL in my query:

StartDateTime >= @StartDate OR @StartDate='' OR @StartDate IS NULL

I tried setting default parameter using expression
but I get an error that
'Default Value' of parameter 'StartDate' doesn't have expected time.

So the question is can I set DateTime parameters' default value to blank?

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Datetime Report Parameter Default Value

Jul 10, 2007

Issue 1:

I have a report parameter StartDateTime. I set the default value to Now(). When I go to preview, the StartDateTime parameter is empty and its been locked. I am not even able to set it to different value in preview.

Can anyone help me how to set the datetime parameter to default value(Now).

Issue 2:

I have a stored procedure which takes StartDateTime parameter. Whenever the report refreshes using autorefresh interval, the startdatetime should default to Now. Right now the startdatetime defaults to whatever the value is there before i hit view report. how to do that using stored procedure.

Thanks fro your help.

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UK Datetime Parameter Problem SQL 2005 RS

Feb 17, 2006


I am having a problem with the DateTime parameter option in SQL 2005 reporting services.

Note that Server, workstation and database are set to British/English (UK) date/time localisation (dd/MM/yyyy) for example 25th December 2005=25/12/2005.

I create a simple query with a parameter on a datetime column and set the report parameter to Data type: DateTime in the report parameters dialog.

On preview or after deployment the following behaviour is observed.

Selecting 1st February 2006 in the datetime picker control populates the date parameter entry field with

01/02/2006 = 1st February 2006 (the correct UK format as expected)

When View Report is clicked the datetime parameter field magically changes to


So forcing the datetime values to US format MM/dd/yyyy, the report runs OK but does not return data restricted to the required date.

If we select 25th February 2006 the datetime parameter field populates with

25/02/2006 = 25th February 2006 (the correct UK format as expected)

When View Report is clicked the datetime parameter changes to 02/01/2006 and an error is displayed

An error occurred during local report processing.

The value provided for the report parameter X is not valid for its type.

Is there a solution to this?



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Pop-Up Calendar For DateTime Parameter Type

Aug 29, 2007


We have noticed that the calendar months in the Pop-Up Calendar option, based upon month word length, will shift in size and this will cause the left and right arrows to shift. For example, 'May' is much shorter than 'December'.

My user is complaining because she cannot quickly move from one month to another without having to reposition the mouse over the navigation arrow.

Is the Calendar feature working as designed?

Thank you,

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Optimizing Stored Procedure With Datetime Parameter

Nov 23, 2005

Hi,When I pass a date time parameter the stored procedure takes about 45seconds, when I hard code the parameter it returns in 1 second. How canI rewrite my stored procedure?@createddatelower datetimeWHERE dbo.tblCaseHistory.eventdate > dateadd(d,-7,@createddatelower )AND dbo.tblCaseHistory.eventdate < dateadd(d,-6,@createddatelower ) (45seconds)vs.WHERE dbo.tblCaseHistory.eventdate > dateadd(d,-7,'11/15/05') ANDdbo.tblCaseHistory.eventdate < dateadd(d,-6,'11/15/05') (1 second)thanks for your help,Paul

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Display Only The Date Part Of A Datetime Parameter

Apr 29, 2008

I have a datetime user inputted parameter on a report. I want to display it on the report without the time part.

ie. it displays

4/8/2007 12:00:00 AM

I want just to display the date part

Is this possible?

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Trouble With Calendar Control For Datetime Parameter

May 4, 2007

I'm creating a report with a Datetime parameter. There's no available values, so the calendar control comes out automatically when I run/preview the report. Now, when I select the date in my calendar control, say for example I select 2/5/07 (2nd of May) and run the report, it gives me data from 5th of Feb. Can anyone help me with this date format problem ???

Not sure if it's related to my problem, I did edit the language tag in the XML source code of my report to have en-AU so that the dates field is showing in the correct dd/mm/yyyy format.

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Data Validation For Datetime Parameter In SSRS

Aug 29, 2007


I wanted to know more about validation of SSRS parameters. I have a simple report which has a parameter called startdate of DateTime datatype. The datetime parameter in SSRS takes manual input as well. So, the user can enter any junk value. I want to ensure that the input parameter is in correct format and I want to display an error msg when the format is incorrect. My report has the following VB code for validation:

Public Function Validate( ByVal startdate As String) As Boolean
If IsDate(startdate) = True Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function

And my report has a textbox which has the expression property set to;

the textbox on the report has to display if the entered date is valid or not.

But, when i enter an erroneous date, SSRS doesn't render the report and throws a generic error. This happens even before the code written for validating the parameter executes.

Also couldn't find a way to disable the manual input for the datetime parameter. Even that would solve the problem.

Another alternative was to make the startdate parameter as string, but i want the calendar control button to be provided for the user.

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Failed To Convert Parameter Value From A String To A Datetime

Nov 1, 2007

Hi I am having this problem. I have created a stored proc that uses dynamic sql. Now this works fine when I use it in Query Analyzer.

Now when I try to use this in Reporting services it gives me the error:
Failed to generate fields for the query
Check the query syntax or click refresh on query toolbar.
Failed to convert parameter value from a string to a datetime

My sotred proc is as:


CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[rptDetailedAuditsIssued]


@param1 varchar(50) ,

@param2 varchar(50),

@param3 varchar(50),

@param4 datetime ,

@param5 datetime




declare @strSQL varchar(500)

set @strSQL = 'SELECT * FROM v_DetailedAuditsIssued WHERE '

if @param1 <> ''


set @strSQL = @strSQL + 'strRegion = ' + @param1 + ' AND '


if @param2 <> ''


set @strSQL = @strSQL + ' strTaxTypeCode = ' + @param2 + ' AND '


if @param3 <> ''


set @strSQL = @strSQL + ' strAuditType = ' + @param3 + ' AND '


set @strSQL = @strSQL + ' (dtmIssuedDate BETWEEN '''

+ CONVERT(nvarchar(30), @param4, 101) + ''' AND '''

+ CONVERT(nvarchar(30),@param5, 101) + ''')'

exec (@strSQ


When I run

rptDetailedAuditsIssued '','','','1/1/2000','1/1/2001'in query editor it runs fine. But gives me that error every time I run it in SSRS. I think I got this problem but in earlier cases I used to set the param values to null in Repservices and it worked but its not working this time. This time it stops complaining but does generate any fields.

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Gurus, Is It Possible To Pass A DateTime Parameter To A Subreport

Feb 27, 2007

Is it possible to pass a DateTime parameter from a master report to a subreport. I have managed to pass a string, but when i pass a DateTime parameter some error regarding its type is thrown. Please point me in the correct direction. Many Thanks.

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Passing DateTime Parameter To Subreport (Error)

Feb 21, 2007

Hi guys,

I have managed to pass a string parameter form the main report to the subreport with no problems, but when i try and use the same method to pass a datetime type, i am issued with the following error messase:

"[rsErrorExecutingSubreport] An error occurred while executing the subreport €˜SubReportName€™: The value provided for the report parameter 'MasterDate' is not valid for its type."

I cant see why it work for strings, but not for datetime. Any suggestions will be very much appreciated

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RsReportParameterTypeMismatch - When Passing DateTime Parameter To Drill Through Report

Jul 13, 2007


I have two reports in my project. One is summary and the other is drill through. In Summary report I have StartDate and EndDate Parameters which are DateTime type. Language settings on my workstation are set to Canadian English, and so are in the IE. When I deploy the reports to the Sharepoint WebParts based reporting portal, the reports run fine individually. However, when I try to drill through from summary report to the detail report, the following error is displayed, where the StartDate is 13/07/2007 (Canadian format dd/MM/yyyy):

The value provided for the report parameter 'StartDate' is not valid for its type. (rsReportParameterTypeMismatch)

Why do the reports run fine individually? Obviously something is wrong with Report Server processing the parameters, that it converts the date format to US English only when passing parameters to drill through report. This problem is eliminated when I change the language settings to US-English on my workstation.

Any ideas how can this be fixed, if at all? It would certainly be not feasible to have all the users change their settings from Canadian to US-English.


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Reporting Services :: DateTime Parameter With NULL Value Is Default

Jul 4, 2015

I have a report with datetime parameter which is required to be optional (there should be an option not to select this parameter which would cause in not narrowing result of this report by this parameter).

I used datetime parameter

@daTo (to have the calendar control for selecting date) and check on "Allow Null" value. Here is default Value.

I've also tried to set DefaultValue expression was "=Nothing".  

IN my query of data set, here is the part I use the parameter @daTo
 ... Where (@daTo IS NULL OR TRUNC(@daTo) >= TRUNC(pe.start_time) ....

But when I run the report, I got below error:

ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected DATE got NUMBER

I think it @daTo value actually not null so it try to TRunc the value

I don't know how to set null value default in my report.

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Passing Datetime Variable To Stored Proc As Parameter

Jun 12, 2006


I'm attempting to pass a datetime variable to a stored proc (called via sql task). The variables are set in a previous task where they act as OUTPUT paramters from a stored proc. The variables are set correctly after that task executes. The data type for those parameters is set to DBTIMESTAMP.

When I try to exectue a similar task passing those variables as parameters, I get an error:

Error: 0xC002F210 at ax_settle, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "exec ? = dbo.ax_settle_2 ?, ?,?,3,1" failed with the following error: "Invalid character value for cast specification". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

If I replace the 2nd and 3rd parameters with quoted strings, it is successful:
exec ?= dbo.ax_settle ?, '3/29/06', '4/30/06',3,1

The stored proc is expecting datetime parameters.

Thanks for the help.


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