Deadlock Problem In SQL Trigger Urgent
Aug 22, 2006
Hello Db experts,
Recently I am facing a problem as, I have a trigger on table1 in after insert
event. When i tried to insert data on table from 4 different source deadlock problem for causing trigger fire. Whenever I removed the trigger no dead lock occured. Can any one help me to handle this deadlock problem.
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Feb 8, 2000
Can I use the Create Trace Wizard to trace the cause for a deadlock....I have created a new Trace , so in the couse of today if I encounter a deadlock will I is this indicated....Please do let me know as I am using this for the first time.....
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Jun 25, 2007
I am doing an update to set a field value = anothe field value (in thesame table) where it is not supplied. I'm handling this in thetrigger, but am getting deadlocks.Do you see anything wrong with this that would cause deadlocking?ALTER TRIGGER [trg_myTable_UPDATE]ON [dbo].[myTable]AFTER UPDATE,INSERTASSET NOCOUNT ONBEGIN TRANSACTIONUPDATE ASET A.MarketID = A.SiteIDFROM myTable AINNER JOIN INSERTED BON A.UID = B.UIDWHERE B.MarketID IS NULL;IF (@@ERROR <0)BEGIN -- if...then for error handlingRAISERROR 20000 'trg_myTable_UPDATE Update Trigger Failed.Transaction aborted.'PRINT 'Unexpected Error Occurred!'ROLLBACK TRANSACTIONENDELSECOMMIT TRANSACTION
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Aug 12, 2006
a trigger need to insert or update record at the other table in high traffic environments
however, the deadlock happens; ie, a trigger running twice at the same time want to need to insert record at the table.
i trid to change isolation as SERIALIZABLE or REPEATABLE , but i cannot solve the problem. i guess the "while loop" affects the result because i try to cancel the loop and execute smoothly.
? How to solve the deadlock???
i used the following commands to change isolation level:
begin transaction
commit transaction
the code are as follows:
declare setskuCursor cursor
for select item, quantity from invset where sku = @sku
open setskuCursor
fetch next from setskuCursor into @invsetitem, @invsetqty
while @@fetch_status = 0
select @balsku = sku, @opendate = opendate from invbal where sku = @invsetitem
if (@balsku is not null)
if @txdate <= @opendate
update invbal set slsqtynow = slsqtynow + @itmtxqty * @invsetqty where sku = @invsetitem
if @txdate > @opendate
update invbal set slsqtynxt = slsqtynxt + @itmtxqty * @invsetqty where sku = @invsetitem
INSERT INTO INVBAL (SHOP, SKU, OPENDATE, SLSQTYNOW) VALUES (@shop, @invsetitem, @bizdate, @itmtxqty * @invsetqty)
fetch next from setskuCursor into @invsetitem, @invsetqty
close setskuCursor
deallocate setskuCursor
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Mar 10, 2000
Let's say I have a trigger on my orders table.
When this fires a query is done on the customer table to get some values
and put some order/customer data into an audit trail table.
In one period of time, it appears that the trigger did not put the data into the separate table. No known reason.
Suspicion: What if the customer table were locked by some process when the trigger fired. Maybe the trigger was chosen as a deadlock-victim.
?? I guess I need to check for @@ERROR during the trigger and do something. Any suggestions? I think I can raise the priority of my trigger to "win" during a deadlock.
If trigger activity is chosen as a deadlock-victim, can the trigger make another attempt to complete it's activity?
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Aug 20, 2001
Hi, I have no idea what i'm doing wrong: Tried to gather more detail information about Deadlock (error # 1205) set the trace flag 1204 - ON (tried 1205 - ON as well) nothing happend, still the same message outgoing "Your transaction (process ID #13) was deadlocked with...." with no any detail.
If anybody met the same problem before, HELP please.
Maybe the information goes to some place other than Error Log file?
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Nov 10, 2015
Is there a way to send out an email woth deadlock information (victim query, winner query, process id's and resources on which the deadlock occurred) as soon as a deadlock occurs in a database or at instance level?I currently has trace flag 1222 turned on. And also created an alert that send me an email whenever a deadlock occurs. but it just says that a deadlock occurred and I log into sql server error log and review the information.
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Mar 6, 2007
Posted - 03/05/2007 : 01:58:00
Hi pals,
I need one trigger for Auditing purpose.Currently we are using SQL Server 2005.
I have gone thru some articles on DDL trigggers but iam not able to get good info.
Frns, Need a trigger which can track all ddl's on all tables in the current database in an
audit table. It should include dropping tables,altering tables ... I should'nt allow
both these activities. The action performed must be tracked in the following table.
create table audit_ddl
login_user varchar(20),
login_time datetime,
table_name varchar(50),
action_performed varchar(200) -- Entire ALTER/DROP SQL stmt the user issued issued must be tracked here.
Can any senior DBA can help me out.
Thanks & Regards,
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Jul 12, 2007
Dear Sir,
Hello I Need To Know ABout Trigger
What Is The Trigger ,and i need to Make Example On the Trigger that
I Have Two Table,Employees, Department
i nedd to make Trigger That when i make insert into the Employees Table ,
The No-of Employee Column on the Department table will increase
With My Best Regard
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Jul 12, 2007
Dear Sir,
Hello I Need To Know ABout Trigger
What Is The Trigger ,and i need to Make Example On the Trigger that
I Have Two Table,Employees, Department
i nedd to make Trigger That when i make insert into the Employees Table ,
The No-of Employee Column on the Department table will increase
With My Best Regard
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Jul 12, 2007
Dear Sir,
Hello I Need To Know ABout Trigger
What Is The Trigger ,and i need to Make Example On the Trigger that
I Have Two Table,Employees, Department
i nedd to make Trigger That when i make insert into the Employees Table ,
The No-of Employee Column on the Department table will increase
With My Best Regard
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Feb 21, 2002
Hi Guys,
I have a database replicated to another database in a remote server.
We have a trigger in one of the tables in remote Database(replicated), which will fire as soon as there is an insert into this table. This trigger is maintaining the business logic. This trigger will insert the records into another table depending on what kind of information obtained from the new row(which was replicated).
Problem is, since we are using replication ( it uses bcp internaly), the trigger is not firing. I some how wanted to add these new records to the other table (automated). Can you guys please advice me on how to implement this.
I appreciate your help
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Jan 10, 2001
There are two table table A and table B , if something is updtaed in
table A , the same should reflect in table B, i wrote a trigger upwhen i modify any thing table A it does not reflect in table B could any one guide me through this....
Here is the Update trigger i wrote :
CREATE TRIGGER [updbacklog] ON [testbacklog]
Update test1backlog
Set test1backlog.WorkOrderNumber = inserted.WorkOrderNumber
, test1backlog.SalesOrderNumber = inserted.SalesOrderNumber
, test1backlog.CustPONumber = inserted.CustPONumber
, test1backlog.Status = inserted.Status
, test1backlog.Comments = inserted.Comments
, test1backlog.TargetCompletionDate = inserted.TargetCompletionDate
, test1backlog.ActualCompletionDate = inserted.ActualCompletionDate
, test1backlog.IsCommercialReportRequired = inserted.IsCommercialReportRequired
, test1backlog.WorkOrderType = inserted.WorkOrderType
, test1backlog.CustomerName = inserted.CustomerName
, test1backlog.Attn = inserted.Attn
, test1backlog.CustAddr1 = inserted.CustAddr1
, test1backlog.CustAddr2 = inserted.CustAddr2
, test1backlog.CustAddr3 = inserted.CustAddr3
, test1backlog.City = inserted.City
, test1backlog.State = inserted.State
, test1backlog.Postal = inserted.Postal
, test1backlog.Customer = inserted.Customer
, test1backlog.Address = inserted.Address
, test1backlog.ShipDate = inserted.ShipDate
, test1backlog.Carrier = inserted.Carrier
, test1backlog.Waybill = inserted.Waybill
, test1backlog.CanBeShipped = inserted.CanBeShipped
, test1backlog.PlannerCode = inserted.PlannerCode
, test1backlog.rowguid = inserted.rowguid
from inserted join test1backlog on inserted.WorkOrderNumber = test1backlog.WorkOrderNumber
and test1backlog.SalesOrderNumber = inserted.SalesOrderNumber
and test1backlog.CustPONumber = inserted.CustPONumber
and test1backlog.Status = inserted.Status
and test1backlog.Comments = inserted.Comments
and test1backlog.TargetCompletionDate = inserted.TargetCompletionDate
and test1backlog.ActualCompletionDate = inserted.ActualCompletionDate
and test1backlog.IsCommercialReportRequired = inserted.IsCommercialReportRequired
and test1backlog.WorkOrderType = inserted.WorkOrderType
and test1backlog.CustomerName = inserted.CustomerName
and test1backlog.Attn = inserted.Attn
and test1backlog.CustAddr1 = inserted.CustAddr1
and test1backlog.CustAddr2 = inserted.CustAddr2
and test1backlog.CustAddr3 = inserted.CustAddr3
and test1backlog.City = inserted.City
and test1backlog.State = inserted.State
and test1backlog.Postal = inserted.Postal
and test1backlog.Customer = inserted.Customer
and test1backlog.Address = inserted.Address
and test1backlog.ShipDate = inserted.ShipDate
and test1backlog.Carrier = inserted.Carrier
and test1backlog.Waybill = inserted.Waybill
and test1backlog.CanBeShipped = inserted.CanBeShipped
and test1backlog.PlannerCode = inserted.PlannerCode
and test1backlog.rowguid = inserted.rowguid
Thanks a lot in advance.
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Sep 17, 2006
Hi .... This is my problem .....
I have two table with the same structure (ID, DATE_1, DATE_2).... PLANS and AUD_PLANS. I need to create a trigger (FOR INSERT) that do the following things:
In PLAN table i have the next row: (1234, '01/01/2006', '30/01/2006'). I need to capture these values to compare with the row to insert. How can i do this?
I try this into de Trigger Code ....
Select @FECHA_1_ANT = P.DATE_1, @FECHA_2_ANT =P.DATE_2 from PLANS P inner join INSERTED I on P.ID = I.ID
But the values for @FECHA_1_ANT and @FECHA_2_ANT are the same that the values to insert.....
Please help me !!!!!
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Oct 4, 2000
I need to write a referential integrity trigger. I have two tables called Table1 and Table2. In both the tables i have common column called FieldA.
Now i need to write a trigger, whenever i updates Table1 this trigger automatically needs to update a FieldA in Table2.
Can anyone give me Code or suggestions , how to write this trigger. I am new to triggers.
Thank you!
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Oct 4, 2000
I need to write a referential integrity trigger. I have two tables called Table1 and Table2. In both the tables i have common column called FieldA.
Now i need to write a trigger, whenever i updates Table1 this trigger automatically needs to update a FieldA in Table2.
Can anyone give me Code or suggestions , how to write this trigger. I am new to triggers.
Thank you!
I know how to write a normal insert , update, delete triggers and using help from books online.. SO pls do it in useful.
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Feb 16, 2007
I want a stored procedure to run everytime the batch Status field is set to 'Released'
CREATE TRIGGER [CSITSS].[tdecker].[FB401BV_TRIGGER] ON [CSITSS].[dbo].[Fbbatch] FOR UPDATE [Status]
DECLARE @Batch int
EXEC @RC = [CSITSS].[tdecker].[GLP_FB401BV_BATCH] @Batch
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi AllI have a question about generating dynmamicly If Update() statement in My db, there is a table that holds some column names of an another table.for example;Columns Table-A: Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4,Col5Table-B: Col2, Col5 (The selected columns of Table A)Then, in the Trigger of Table-A I use;Select name from syscolumns where id=object_id('Table-A')fetch next from TableA_Cursor into @strColNamethen, I used a statement like this..if UPDATE(' + @strColName + ')But it gives "incorrect syntax" error..How can I write this line?Thanks alot in advance...--Message posted via
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Aug 3, 2005
Hi all,
I have writen a Function which call's the same function it self. I'm getting the error as below.
Maximum stored procedure, function, trigger, or view nesting level exceeded (limit 32).
Can any one give me a solution for this problem I have attached the function also.
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetLegsFor(@IncludeParent bit, @EmployeeID float)
RETURNS @retFindReports TABLE (EmployeeID float, Name nvarchar(255), BossID float)
IF (@IncludeParent=1)
INSERT INTO @retFindReports SELECT MemberId,Name,referredby FROM Amemberinfo WHERE Memberid=@EmployeeID
DECLARE @Report_ID float, @Report_Name nvarchar(255), @Report_BossID float
SELECT MemberId,Name,referredby FROM Amemberinfo WHERE referredby=@EmployeeID
OPEN RetrieveReports
FETCH NEXT FROM RetrieveReports INTO @Report_ID, @Report_Name, @Report_BossID
INSERT INTO @retFindReports SELECT * FROM dbo.GetLegsFor(0,@Report_ID)
INSERT INTO @retFindReports VALUES(@Report_ID,@Report_Name, @Report_BossID)
FETCH NEXT FROM RetrieveReports INTO @Report_ID, @Report_Name, @Report_BossID
CLOSE RetrieveReports
DEALLOCATE RetrieveReports
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Sep 27, 2000
This morning I can not connect to our SQL Server 7.0 whatever from client or server. The error message which I list below:
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
A connection could not be estabished to server--Timeout expired
Please verfy SQL Server is running and check your SQL Server registration properties and try again.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
We use windows NT authentication. We did not do any change on NT. The SQL Server daily schedule job usally stoped at 10:00AM, but today from the Window NT Task Manager, we can see that the SQL Server is still running untill now.
Please help!!!
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Oct 26, 2000
hi, I have settup up sql mail and did the following:
1. created an E-mail account and configured Out look by creating a pop3 mail profile. tested it by sending and receiving mail, that is ook
2. I Created one domain account for MSsqlserver and Sql Agent service. both services use same account and start automatically in the control panel-services
3. I used the profile that I created in outlook to test the sql mail but got an error:
Error 22030 : A MAPI error ( error number:273) occurred: MapiLogon Ex Failed due to MAPI
Error 273: MAPI Logon Failed
I really do not know what went wrong. I followed the steps from bol and still having a problem. Am I missing something.
I do have a valid email account
I do have a valid domain account
I tested outlook using the email account and it worked. so why sql server does not recognise MAPI.
My next question, How to configure MAPI in Sql server if what I did was wrong.
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Mar 23, 2001
Hi, I have 2 windows 2000 server in cluster with sql server 2000 enterprise edition installed.
I have activated the Server-Requested Encryption by using the sql server network utility (Force Protocol Encryption). After this, I have stoped sql server service. But I can't start it at this moment.
The error is:
19015: The encrypton is required but no available certificat has been found.
Please help me to start sql server.
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Apr 26, 2008
Hello everyone,Can you please help me on the following problem that i have.I am using the microsoft web stress tools to simulate 100 concurrent users for one min, and the database will go into a deadlock for large part of the 100 concurrent users.Please help...i've been stuck for many days already. Thanks...Error 5: Transaction (Process ID 497) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction..Here is my code.My connection string:<connectionStrings><add name="Connection_String" connectionString="Data Source=;Initial Catalog=DBName;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;User ID=uname;Password=upass;connection timeout=60" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/> </connectionStrings>My web apps will call the below function. And the deadlock always occurs at the update statement (error 5). I believe it's probably the select statement above locked up the row. I've put in (UPDLOCK) for the select statement, and it still didn't work.private void UpdateLogTables(string Station_ID, string ContentFileName, string FileSize, string IP){ContentFileName = Regex.Replace(ContentFileName, "'", "''");string AdFileName = "";string AdFileNameClause = "";string DownloadCount = "";string TotalFileSize = "";string DownloadDate = "";string currentDate = "";string tempDate = "";string MyString = "";SqlConnection MyConnection = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationMa nager.ConnectionStrings["Connection_String"].ConnectionString);SqlCommand myCommand = null;SqlDataReader myReader = null;try{MyConnection.Open();MyString = "SELECT AdFileName FROM tblContentRef WHERE Station_ID = '" + Station_ID + "' AND ContentFileName = '" + ContentFileName + "'";myCommand = new SqlCommand(MyString, MyConnection);myCommand.CommandTimeout = 60;myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader();if (myReader.Read()) {AdFileName = myReader["AdFileName"].ToString();} }catch (Exception e){Response.Write("Error 2: " + e.Message + ".<br><br>Please email<br><br>Thank you.");} finally{if (myReader != null){myReader.Close();}}if (AdFileName != ""){AdFileName = "'" + AdFileName.Replace("'", "''") + "'";AdFileNameClause = "AdFileName = " + AdFileName;}else{AdFileName = "NULL";AdFileNameClause = "AdFileName IS NULL";}InsertDetailsLogTable(Station_ID, ContentFileName, AdFileName, FileSize, IP, MyConnection);SqlDataReader myReader2 = null;SqlCommand myCommand2 = null;bool Readable = false;try{MyString = "SELECT DownloadCount, TotalFileSize, DownloadDate FROM tblSummaryLog (UPDLOCK) WHERE Station_ID = '" + Station_ID + "' AND ContentFileName = '" + ContentFileName + "' AND " + AdFileNameClause + " ORDER BY DownloadDate DESC";myCommand2 = new SqlCommand(MyString, MyConnection);myCommand2.CommandTimeout = 60;myReader2 = myCommand2.ExecuteReader();if (myReader2.Read()){DownloadCount = myReader2["DownloadCount"].ToString();TotalFileSize = myReader2["TotalFileSize"].ToString();DownloadDate = myReader2["DownloadDate"].ToString();currentDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("M/d/yyyy");string[] inDate = DownloadDate.Split(new char[] { ' ' });tempDate = inDate[0];Readable = true;}if (myReader2 != null){myReader2.Close();} if (Readable){if (tempDate == currentDate){DownloadCount = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(DownloadCount) + 1);TotalFileSize = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(TotalFileSize) + Convert.ToInt32(FileSize));UpdateSummaryLogTable(DownloadCount, TotalFileSize, Station_ID, ContentFileName, AdFileNameClause, DownloadDate, MyConnection);}else{InsertSummaryLogTable(Station_ID, ContentFileName, AdFileName, FileSize, MyConnection);}}else{InsertSummaryLogTable(Station_ID, ContentFileName, AdFileName, FileSize, MyConnection);} }catch (Exception e){Response.Write("Error 3: " + e.Message + ".<br><br>Please email<br><br>Thank you.");}finally{ if (MyConnection != null){ MyConnection.Close();} }}private void InsertDetailsLogTable(string Station_ID, string ContentFileName, string AdFileName, string FileSize, string IP, SqlConnection MyConnection){string MyString = @"INSERT INTO tblDetailsLog ( Station_ID, ContentFileName, AdFileName, FileSize, IP, DateTime ) VALUES ( '" + Station_ID + "', '" + ContentFileName + "', " + AdFileName + ", '" + FileSize + "', '" + IP + "', getdate() )";try{ SqlCommand MyCmd = new SqlCommand(MyString, MyConnection);MyCmd.CommandTimeout = 60;MyCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); }catch (Exception e){Response.Write("Error 4: " + e.Message + ".<br><br>Please email<br><br>Thank you.");}finally{} }private void UpdateSummaryLogTable(string DownloadCount, string TotalFileSize , string Station_ID , string ContentFileName , string AdFileNameClause, string DownloadDate, SqlConnection MyConnection){string MyString = @"UPDATE tblSummaryLog SET DownloadCount = '" + DownloadCount + "', TotalFileSize = '" + TotalFileSize + "', DownloadDate = getdate() WHERE Station_ID = '" + Station_ID + "' AND ContentFileName = '" + ContentFileName + "' AND " + AdFileNameClause + " AND (CONVERT(CHAR(19), DownloadDate) = CONVERT(CHAR(19), CAST('" + DownloadDate + "' AS datetime)))";try{ SqlCommand MyCmd = new SqlCommand(MyString, MyConnection); MyCmd.CommandTimeout = 60;MyCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); }catch (Exception e){Response.Write("Error 5: " + e.Message + ".<br><br>Please email<br><br>Thank you.");}finally{} }private void InsertSummaryLogTable(string Station_ID , string ContentFileName , string AdFileName , string TotalFileSize, SqlConnection MyConnection){string MyString = @"INSERT INTO tblSummaryLog ( Station_ID, ContentFileName, AdFileName, DownloadCount, TotalFileSize, DownloadDate ) VALUES ( '" + Station_ID + "', '" + ContentFileName + "', " + AdFileName + ", '1', '" + TotalFileSize + "', getdate() )";try{ SqlCommand MyCmd = new SqlCommand(MyString, MyConnection);MyCmd.CommandTimeout = 60;MyCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();}catch (Exception e){Response.Write("Error 6: " + e.Message + ".<br><br>Please email<br><br>Thank you.");}finally{} }
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Jul 9, 2005
In a high traffic environment, deadlocks eventually occur as number of data processes increase. How can deadlocks be avoided, minimized and resolved. Please kindly provide scenario examples and samples of T-SQL code. Thanks much.
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May 7, 2001
SQL 7.0
Hi All
Iam trying to bcp a table(residing on my prod server to my local machine from command prompt) .Actually the table iam trying to bcp has heavy updates and selects, from users (70 users).
The users complain that system becomes slow.Is it got anything to do with my trying to bcp the mentioned table(table has 170,000 records).Also whenever i try to bcp this table, only after being chosen as the deadlock victim by Sql server,for 3 or 4 times that iam able to bcp the table.
Any help regarding this will be very much appreciated
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Jul 27, 2000
I am unable to control the granularity of locks in our queries.
We are running queries through MTS and are getting deadlocks.
The batch includes two inserts and one select query - all are hitting on
only one table. This table has a unique clustered and a unique nonclustered index as well
as a primary key.
Within the batch, I have given a table hint to set transaction isolation level
to READCOMMITTED, ROWLOCK for the insert statements, like this
and the same for the Select statement.
SELECT retail_price, price_status_id FROM ib_price with (READCOMMITTED,ROWLOCK)
When I run sp_lock on the spid, I get output indicating that
SS7 is placing a IX lock on the table. I'm pretty sure this is
a big contributor to the deadlock.
I get the deadlock when I try to run more than one client with similar insert parameters.
How can I control the granularity to just rowlocks?
All help is appreciated.
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May 12, 2000
How can I reproduce a deadlock in 7.0?
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Nov 4, 2002
I am getting deadlock running a stored procedure from two machines. Looking at the error log (generated using trace flag 1204 and 3605), it seems the deadlock is on a key. But what I fail to understand is how come sql server granted exclusive lock on the key to both connections. The grant list shows that lock with Mode X is granted to both connection.
Deadlock encountered .... Printing deadlock information
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 Wait-for graph
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 Node:1
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 KEY: 11:1205683443:11 (da00d1f77328) CleanCnt:1 Mode: X Flags: 0x0
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 Grant List::
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 Owner:0x2ffa89c0 Mode: X Flg:0x0 Ref:0 Life:02000000 SPID:179 ECID:0
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 SPID: 179 ECID: 0 Statement Type: SELECT INTO Line #: 44
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 Input Buf: Language Event: EXEC dbo.PROC_RVM_CALCULATE 22567, 'centreAVashista'
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 Requested By:
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR' Mode: S SPID:166 ECID:0 Ec:(0x6f02568) Value:0x85146480 Cost:(0/14E0)
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 Node:2
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 KEY: 11:1205683443:11 (df001773794a) CleanCnt:1 Mode: X Flags: 0x0
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 Grant List::
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 Owner:0x85147ee0 Mode: X Flg:0x0 Ref:0 Life:02000000 SPID:166 ECID:0
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 SPID: 166 ECID: 0 Statement Type: SELECT INTO Line #: 44
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 Input Buf: Language Event: EXEC dbo.PROC_RVM_CALCULATE 22562, 'centreJTtest4'
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 Requested By:
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR' Mode: S SPID:179 ECID:0 Ec:(0x7dd0568) Value:0x3a24f920 Cost:(0/39BC)
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 Victim Resource Owner:
2002-11-04 14:34:26.33 spid4 ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR' Mode: S SPID:166 ECID:0 Ec:(0x6f02568) Value:0x85146480 Cost:(0/14E0)
Any pointer is much appreciated.
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Dec 10, 1999
Help !!
How would you handle the deadlocks that happen often? Since the victim users complained about the disconnection.
Thank you ahead of time
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Apr 27, 2004
Can anyone help me resolve deadlock with following text
Parallel Query worker thread Involved in deadlock.
I am particularly interested in resolving details of above mentioned line,as I started getting dead lock
more frequently now and when I look
into query involved blocking and victim
I see nothing that can cause deadlock
they are update insert and select statement which were fine for long and all of sudden started giving problem.
Thanks in advance,
for any knowledge share
my mail id
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Aug 4, 1999
When many users run some stored procedures I 've got some deadlocks. How to avoid that?
We run large stored procedures code which are using sometime the same table.
What is the best way for using the transaction isolation level, fillfactor indexes, procedure cache configuration ...etc to avoid that.
In addition, I am using MTS and sometimes the Tempdb is also locked, is it a Microsoft bug (again) ?
Herve Meftah
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Mar 30, 2001
We had a dead lock every night 9:00pm. I found out Server/Current Activity --Object Locks :
The error log showing error 17824, severity:10, state 0 DNCC TRACEON 208, SPID 28 DBCCTRACEOFF 208, SPID 28 In current activity --object locks and reapetedly showing "tempdb.dbo.sysobjects/sysindexes/syscolumns" 28:sa.master.dbo /INSERT /SQL_servername (MS SQLEW)
Any help will be appreciated.
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Apr 1, 2004
Sorry for bombading the forum with all these questions, but i am relatively new to sql 2000.
I am getting dead lock on the following procedure.
important background information
1. this is a multi user web-based call centre application
2. this procedure loads up a new contact based on priority
I see no reason how a dead lock could occur.
does any one have any idea. could it be something else that is locking up resource used by this procedure?
CREATE PROCEDURE topcat.getNewContactInfo
@contact_id int
begin transaction
declare @id int
set @id = (SELECT TOP 1 _id FROM class_contact WHERE (status IS NULL OR status='New Contact' OR status = 'No Connect' OR status='callback') AND (checked_in IS NULL OR checked_in <> 1) AND (callback_date >= (getdate() + 1) OR callback_date IS NULL ) ORDER BY priority DESC)
UPDATE class_contact SET checked_in = 1 WHERE _id = @id
SELECT TOP 1 * FROM class_contact
WHERE _id = @id
wat i dont' get is that, this procedure only has one update statement, this is the only statement that could possibly hold a lock on another resource (i think) , i can't see how a dead lock can happen in this case since this procedure doesn't hold up 2 resources at a time.
James :(
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