Hi ,
I have some issues with deadlock.I am getting deadlock becuase of two
select on same table. The sql server log is like this ,
Select statements should have always shared lock.I am not getting why
its doing exclusive lock and creating deadlock.
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Deadlock encountered €¦. Printing
deadlock information
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Wait-for graph
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Log Viewer could not read information
for this log entry. Cause: Data is Null. This method or property
cannot be called on Null values.. Content:
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Node:1
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown KEY: 9:72057594050117632 (8d036f07c58f)
CleanCnt:3 Mode Flags: 0×0
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Grant List 3:
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Owner:0×12E9F160 Mode: S Flg:0×0 Ref:1
Life:00000001 SPID:68 ECID:0 XactLockInfo: 0×353D1C54
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown SPID: 68 ECID: 0 Statement Type: SELECT
Line #: 4
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Input Buf: Language Event: (@actDefId
nvarchar(36)@stateList varchar(1)@stateList1 varchar(1)@procRelObjType
smallint@procRelObjIdList varchar(36))
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Requested By:
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown ResType:LockOwner Stype:€™OR€™Xdes:
0×2FBB67F0 Mode: X SPID:112 BatchID:0 ECID:0 TaskProxy0×0792E378)
Value:0×38baa20 Cost0/11888)
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Log Viewer could not read information
for this log entry. Cause: Data is Null. This method or property
cannot be called on Null values.. Content:
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Node:2
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown KEY: 9:72057594049986560 (6f02e1cd37c3)
CleanCnt:3 Mode:X Flags: 0×0
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Wait List:
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Owner:0×12396EE0 Mode: S Flg:0×2 Ref:1
Life:00000000 SPID:90 ECID:0 XactLockInfo: 0×0AA8178C
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown SPID: 90 ECID: 0 Statement Type: SELECT
Line #: 4
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Input Buf: Language Event: (@actDefId
nvarchar(36)@stateList varchar(1)@stateList1 varchar(1)@procRelObjType
smallint@procRelObjIdList varchar(36))
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Requested By:
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown ResType:LockOwner Stype:€™OR€™Xdes:
0×353D1C30 Mode: S SPID:68 BatchID:0 ECID:0 TaskProxy0×13B3E378)
Value:0×12e9e780 Cost0/6164)
5/6/2008 12:38 spid4s Unknown Log Viewer could not read information
for this log entry. Cause: Data is Null. This method or property
cannot be called on Null values.. Content:
If you have any idea regarding this please let me know ASAP.
Anybody know how a SELECT statement can generate an exclusive lock on a table ? I always thought that SELECT's take out shared locks. Is this something to do with temporary tables generated by ORDER BY's and DISTINCT ? Rogue SQL below (from Site Server).
SELECT A.i_Dsid, A.i_Aid, A.vc_Val, A.i_Val, A.dt_Val, A.img_Val FROM Object_Attributes A, ( SELECT DISTINCT L.i_Dsid FROM Object_Lookup L , Object_Attributes OA2 (index = IND_vc_Aid) WHERE ((( L.i_ObjectClass = 9999 )) AND ( OA2.vc_Val LIKE ( '999999999.9999999%' ) AND OA2.i_Aid = 99)) AND (L.i_Container_Dsid = 99) AND ( OA2.i_Dsid = L.i_Dsid )) AS B WHERE B.i_Dsid = A.i_Dsid AND A.i_Aid NOT IN( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ) ORDER BY A.i_Dsid, A.i_Aid
Error: The Script returned a failure result. Task SCR REIL Data failed
OnError - Task SQL Insert Error Msg Error: A deadlock was detected while trying to lock variable "System::ErrorCode, System::ErrorDescription, System::ExecutionInstanceGUID, System::StartTime, User::FEED_ID, User::t_ProcessedFiles" for read access. A lock could not be acquired after 16 attempts and timed out. Error: The expression ""EXEC [dbo].[us_sp_Insert_STG_FEED_EVENT_LOG] @FEED_ID= " + (DT_WSTR,10) @[User::FEED_ID] + ", @FEED_EVENT_LOG_TYPE_ID = 3, @STARTED_ON = '"+(DT_WSTR,30)@[System::StartTime] +"', @ENDED_ON = NULL, @message = 'Package failed. ErrorCode: "+(DT_WSTR,10)@[System::ErrorCode]+" ErrorMsg: "+@[System::ErrorDescription]+"', @FILES_PROCESSED = '" + @[User::t_ProcessedFiles] + "', @PKG_EXECUTION_ID = '" + @[System::ExecutionInstanceGUID] + "'"" on property "SqlStatementSource" cannot be evaluated. Modify the expression to be valid.
Warning: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (4) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.
And how did I get 4 errors? - I only set my script task result to failure
Hello All! I want to perform 4 or 5 statements as a transaction but I need to make sure that during this complete transaction no one else inserts or deletes records from a table named SomeTable. So how can I lock MyTable at the beggining of the transaction so that during my transaction no one else can insert or delete anything in table SomeTable? Thanks! David
Is it possible to place an exclusive row lock when running a SELECT query by using a lock hint (or otherwise).
Basically, when a select statement is run against a table I don't won't any other users to read that row until it has been updated - at some later stage.
Any suggestions on whether this is possible would be welcome.
I'm relatively new to SQL and I've come across something that doesn't seem quite right. When an insert becomes part of an transaction I notice an exclusive KEY lock in Enterprise Manager. The table in question was using a Clustered index but I changed that, dropped the table and brought it back in but I still get the lock which keeps all others out of the table. Is this the expected behavior or is there something I am missing? Could the size of the tabe affect things? This is a very small table currently. I'm using MSSQL 7 sp3.
We currently use SQL Serv 2000 with an ERP application and VB applications.
Both system work with the same database & tables but the ERP application seems to put exclusive lock on all tables it needs during processes. So our VB applications are not able to read these data and we receive TIMEOUT error.
I have a small database and a smalll table ( Table ID=565577053,with two indexes on this table). when more than one user connected, I got the deadlock on the index KEY and PAGE lock. I setup index with "DisallowRowLock" and "DisallowPageLock" , seems kill the index KEY and PAGE lock problem, but I got this TAB lock situation instead as following:
How can I get rid of this deadlock without changing the application code(without using set the isolation level or NOLOCK hint). When I load more data, will this problem goes away? Any kind of help will be appreciate.
I have scheduled a job using Job Agent in SQL2K (Management). Every once in a while i get an error when i view job history:
Executed as user: xxx. Transaction (Process ID 53) was deadlocked on lock | communication buffer resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. [SQLSTATE 40001] (Error 1205). The step failed.
The process ID changes for every error. Sometimes its 51, 56, or 54 as well.
I have checked several times, but there is no other process that runs at that time. I even rescheduled it for a different time, but even then it fails about once every week or two.
How can i check what is the other procedure it is deadlocking with, if it is? OR what exactly is the problem, if it is not with any other process?
I have a deadlock that I can't figure out. Both processes are doing a select from the same table. The owner mode on both is IX and the request mode is S. The lock is a Page Lock.
I have a problem to read varibale inside script. the error discription is following-
Error: A deadlock was detected while trying to lock variables "User::FilePath" for read/write access. A lock cannot be acquired after 16 attempts. The locks timed out.
this is my code. i my code i am using two variables, but i can access only one . i have to retrive file directory and file path is generated by other system.
I was trying to extract data from the source server using OLEDB Source and SQL Server Destination when i encountered this error:
"Transaction (Process ID 135) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.".
What must be done so that even if the table being queried is locked, i wouldn't experience any deadlock?
My SQL Server has kicked out a deadlocked process, which should only berunning a select statement, though there is another select on one ofthe tables in the WHERE clause (see code below). Can anyone tell mewhether this is possible, or is it that my system, which is re-usingconnections, is trying to complete an earlier statement? I've lookedthrough the system and think I'm committing all transactions.The query I'm running (simplified, I don't use daft names like 'table1'or 'date_col', honest :) is:SELECT table1.*, table2.*, table3.*FROM table1, table2, table3WHERE table2.col1 = table1.col1 AND table3.col1 = table1.col2AND table1.col3 = 'xyz'AND (table1.date_col >= '2006-02-01' OR table1.date_col IN(SELECT date_col FROM table1 WHERE (col4 = 'A' OR col4 = 'B') AND col3= 'xyz'))ORDER BY table1.date_colThanksJ
I have a simple select query that selects data from a view. I consistently get a deadlock exception when running this query:
Server: Msg 1205, Level 13, State 2, Line 1 Transaction (Process ID #) was deadlocked on thread | communication buffer resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.
The view is a simple select statement that has WITH (NOLOCK) as a hint on all tables. I thought I understand how deadlocks worked, two threads are holding a lock and request the other's item. How does a read uncommitted select statement participate in this?
If I look at the other processes in the current activity and run sql profiler, there is no other activity and no existing locks at the time the statement is run.
Can anyone explain this? Or should I bounce my server and hope it never happens again?
I've got a view that creates a parent child relationship, this view isused in Analysis Services to create a dimension in a datastore. Thisquery tends to deadlock after about 10 days of running smoothly. Onlyway to fix it is to reboot the box, I can recycle the services for aquick fix but that usually only works for the next 1-2 times I call theview.This view is used to create a breakdown of the bill-to locations fromContinent-Global Region-Country-Sub Region-State/Province- City-ZipCodeYes, I know that sounds crazy, but it was a requirement.So why would I get a deadlock on a SELECT Query? Is there a way to setthe Isolation level to Repeatable Read for a view?Here is the view code:CREATE View dbo.vwBillToas-- US ZipCodeSelect 'Parent'=z.City+' ('+ ISNULL(RTRIM(z.State_shrt), '0') +cast(IsNull(z.US_Region_wk,0) as varchar) + ')',z.Zipcode_WK as 'Child',z.ZipCode_WK as 'Child_ID'Fromdbo.DIM_POSTAL_CODES_US zinnerjoin dbo.FACT_SALES fonz.ZipCode_WK=f.Bill_ToWherez.US_Region_wk IS NOT NULLGroupby z.City,z.ZipCode_WK,US_Region_wk, z.State_shrtUnion--CitySelect 'Parent'=z.State_Long+' ('+cast(IsNull(z.US_Region_wk,0) asvarchar)+')',z.City as 'Child',z.City + ' ('+ ISNULL(RTRIM(z.State_shrt), '0') +cast(IsNull(z.US_Region_wk,0) as varchar) + ')' as 'Child_ID'Fromdbo.DIM_POSTAL_CODES_US zWherez.US_Region_wk IS NOT NULLGroupby z.State_Long,z.City,z.State_shrt,z.US_Region_wkUnion-- Canada ZipCodeSelect 'Parent'=z.City+ ' ('+ ISNULL(RTRIM(z.province_shrt), '0') +')',z.Zipcode_WK as 'Child',z.Zipcode_WK as 'Child_ID'Fromdbo.DIM_POSTAL_CODES_CAN zinnerjoin dbo.FACT_SALES fonz.ZipCode_WK=f.Bill_ToGroupby z.Province_Long,z.ZipCode_WK, z.City, z.province_shrtUnion--CitySelect 'Parent'=z.Province_Long,z.City as 'Child',z.City+ ' ('+ ISNULL(RTRIM(z.province_shrt), '0') + ')' as'Child_ID'Fromdbo.DIM_POSTAL_CODES_CAN zinnerjoin dbo.FACT_SALES fonz.ZipCode_WK=f.Bill_ToGroupby z.Province_Long,z.ZipCode_WK, z.City, z.province_shrtUnion-- Canada ProvinceSelect 'CANADA',Province_Long,Province_LongFromdbo.DIM_POSTAL_CODES_CANGroupby Province_LongUnion-- CountrySelect t.Region_NK,c.Country_Name,c.Country_NameFromdbo.DIM_COUNTRY cInnerJoin dbo.DIM_WORLD_REGION tOnc.Region_WK=t.Region_WKWherec.Country_Name Is Not NullGroup by t.Region_NK, c.Country_NameUnion-- SubRegionSelect c.Country_Name,sr.US_Region_Name,sr.US_Region_NameFromdbo.DIM_US_REGION srInnerJoin dbo.DIM_COUNTRY cOnsr.Country_wk=c.Country_WKGroupby c.Country_Name, sr.US_Region_NameUnion--RegionSelect sr.US_Region_Name,c.State_Long,c.State_Long+' ('+cast(c.US_Region_wk as varchar)+')'Fromdbo.DIM_US_REGION srInnerJoin dbo.DIM_POSTAL_CODES_US cOnsr.US_Region_WK=c.US_Region_WKGroupby sr.US_Region_Name, c.State_Long,c.US_Region_wkUnion-- ContinentSelect Null,Region_NK,Region_NK[color=blue]>From dbo.DIM_WORLD_REGION[/color]WhereRegion_NK Is Not Null
There are a series of traces of transactions for essentially the same units of work. Each includes a retrieving the same table "Select" from the database. The first 4 transactions ran concurrently. The last one ran about 7 minutes later with no other concurrent transactions.
The elapsed times for the database accesses for each of the first 4 is significantly higher than the last one. Can you think of any database optimazation that might improve this?
Are there any utilities available than can be used for stand-alone testing of SQL Server database performance? E.G. they would measure response time for reading/writing large/small amounts of canned data once/multiple times with concurrent/nonconcurrent access.
SQL Server Database is on 2000.I am not sure about the ISOLATION level in the Java code.
Basically I am new to SQL Sever....Please ans the above questions and provide me the direction to proceed on these questions
hi I want to lock the record on select query so that no other user can update this record, is it possible and i want to unlock record when use stop view this record.
Is there a way to send out an email woth deadlock information (victim query, winner query, process id's and resources on which the deadlock occurred) as soon as a deadlock occurs in a database or at instance level?I currently has trace flag 1222 turned on. And also created an alert that send me an email whenever a deadlock occurs. but it just says that a deadlock occurred and I log into sql server error log and review the information.
Here is the situation i am stuck with, see the example first and below explained the problem:
create table foo (
id integer,
pid integer,
data varchar(10)
begin transaction
insert into foo values ( 1, 1, 'foo' )
insert into foo values ( 2, 1, 'bar' )
insert into foo values ( 3, 1, 'bozo' )
insert into foo values ( 4, 2, 'snafu' )
insert into foo values ( 5, 2, 'rimrom' )
insert into foo values ( 6, 2, 'blark' )
insert into foo values ( 7, 3, 'smeg' )
commit transaction
create index foo_id_idx on foo ( id )
create index foo_pid_idx on foo ( pid )
begin transaction
insert into foo values ( 9, 3, 'blamo' )
begin transaction
select id, data from foo with ( updlock, rowlock ) where id = 5;
-- Problem:
-- Uncommitted transaction in session A, with insert into table FOO, aquires lock on index foo_pid_idx which BLOCKS select with ( updlock, rowlock ) in session B.
-- Insert should aquire only exclusive rowlock. Why does insert block select with ( updlock, rowlock )?
Hi We are facing an acute situation in our web-application. Technology is ASP.NEt/VB.NET, SQL Server 2000.
Consider a scenario in which User 1 is clicking on a button which calls a SQL stored procedure. This procedure selects Group A of records of Database Page1.
At the same time if User 2 also clicks the same button which calls same SQL stored procedure. This procedure selects Group B of records of Database Page1.
So, its the same Page1 but different sets of records. At this moment, both the calls have shared locked on the Page1 inside the procedure.
Now, in call 1, inside the procedure after selecting Group A of records, the next statement is and update to those records. As soon as update statement executes, SQL Server throws a deadlock exception as follows :
Transaction (Process ID 78) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction
We are able to understand why its happening. Its because, Group A and Group B of records are on the same Page1. But both the users have shared lock on the Page1. So, no one gets the exclusive lock in records for update, even though, the records are different.
How can I resolve this issue? How can I get lock on wanted rows instead of entire page?
Hi, I have set of 2 DTS packages, one of which calls the other by forming a command-line (dtexec) using a Execute Process task.
From the parent package-> Execute Process Task-> dtsexec /F etc... /<pkg variable> = "servername"
Each of the parent and the called package have a variable: "User::DWServerSQLInstance" which is mapped to the SQL server connection manager server name property using an expression. The outer package has the above variable and so does the inner called package (which gets assigned through the command line from the outerpackage call to inner)
I "sometimes" get the following error:
OnError,I4,TESTDOMAdministrator,ACDWAggregation,{A1F8E43F-15F1-4685-8C18-6866AB31E62B},{77B2F3C7-6756-46EB-8C01-D880598FB4B3},5/22/2006 5:10:28 PM,5/22/2006 5:10:28 PM,-1073659822,0x,The variable "User::DWServerSQLInstance" is already on the read list. A variable may only be added once to either the read lock list or the write lock list.
Help would be appreciated!
I have seen other posts on this but, not able to relate the solution to my scenario.
Package works fine when run from BIDS, DTExec, dtexecui. When I schedule it, It get these random errors. (See below)
The main culprit is a variable called "RecordsetFileDIR" which is set using an expression. (@[User::_ROOT] + "RecordSets\")
A number of other variables use this as part of their expression and as they all fail, pretty much everything dies.
I have installed SP1 (Not Beta) on server. Package uses config files to set the value of _ROOT.
The error does not always seem to be with this particular variable though. Always a variable that uses an expression but errors are random. Also, It will run 3 out of 10 times without a problem. I am the only person on the server at the time.
Any ideas?
Error log:
OnError,,,POSBasketImport,,,10/05/2006 12:03:34,10/05/2006 12:03:34,-1073659822,0x,The variable "User::RecordsetFileDIR" is already on the read list. A variable may only be added once to either the read lock list or the write lock list.
OnError,,,POSBasketImport,,,10/05/2006 12:03:34,10/05/2006 12:03:34,-1073639420,0x,The expression for variable "rsHeaderFile" failed evaluation. There was an error in the expression.
OnError,,,DF_Header_Header,,,10/05/2006 12:03:34,10/05/2006 12:03:34,-1071636247,0x,Accessing variable "User::rsHeaderFile" failed with error code 0xC00470EA.
OnError,,,Move All Data,,,10/05/2006 12:03:34,10/05/2006 12:03:34,-1071636247,0x,Accessing variable "User::rsHeaderFile" failed with error code 0xC00470EA.
OnError,,,Load Open Batches and Process Files,,,10/05/2006 12:03:34,10/05/2006 12:03:34,-1071636247,0x,Accessing variable "User::rsHeaderFile" failed with error code 0xC00470EA.
OnError,,,POSBasketImport,,,10/05/2006 12:03:34,10/05/2006 12:03:34,-1071636247,0x,Accessing variable "User::rsHeaderFile" failed with error code 0xC00470EA.
OnError,,,DF_Header_Header,,,10/05/2006 12:03:34,10/05/2006 12:03:34,-1071636390,0x,The file name is not properly specified. Supply the path and name to the raw file either directly in the FileName property or by specifying a variable in the FileNameVariable property.
OnError,,,Move All Data,,,10/05/2006 12:03:34,10/05/2006 12:03:34,-1071636390,0x,The file name is not properly specified. Supply the path and name to the raw file either directly in the FileName property or by specifying a variable in the FileNameVariable property.
OnError,,,Load Open Batches and Process Files,,,10/05/2006 12:03:34,10/05/2006 12:03:34,-1071636390,0x,The file name is not properly specified. Supply the path and name to the raw file either directly in the FileName property or by specifying a variable in the FileNameVariable property.
OnError,,,POSBasketImport,,,10/05/2006 12:03:34,10/05/2006 12:03:34,-1071636390,0x,The file name is not properly specified. Supply the path and name to the raw file either directly in the FileName property or by specifying a variable in the FileNameVariable property.
OnError,,,DF_Header_Header,,,10/05/2006 12:03:34,10/05/2006 12:03:34,-1073450901,0x,"component "rsHeader" (365)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".
OnError,,,Move All Data,,,10/05/2006 12:03:34,10/05/2006 12:03:34,-1073450901,0x,"component "rsHeader" (365)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".
OnError,,,Load Open Batches and Process Files,,,10/05/2006 12:03:34,10/05/2006 12:03:34,-1073450901,0x,"component "rsHeader" (365)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".
OnError,,,POSBasketImport,,,10/05/2006 12:03:34,10/05/2006 12:03:34,-1073450901,0x,"component "rsHeader" (365)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".
A problem about many to many relationships from an SQL beginner. Here's a contrived abstract example, as I'd prefer not to give away specifics.
Imagine I have two tables: users, food The relationship (to like) is many-to-many so I've got a link table, which might look like the below:
andrew, apples bob, banana bob, apples chris, carrots chris, apples chris, banana
I want to select users who like bananas and apples exclusively.
The answer should be 'bob' ONLY. select * from users inner join food on <IDs> where food in ('bananas','apples') isn't suitable , because it'll also return 'chris' who should be disqualified (because he also likes carrots).
Apart from potentially being bad DB design (although this is an abstract example; I do have ID numbers), can anyone suggest how to get this in a scalable way?
i need to run a restore of a database overnight onto a different server using the live data .bak file. however the job failed on the first run (last night) with the error:
"Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use. ...."
how do i gain this Exclusive use via an SQL statement please?
I have created a SQL Agent job that is supposed to essentially duplicate a production database to another database. The code I am using is:
step1 __________________________________________________ ______ declare @sql varchar(8000) set @sql='' select @sql=@sql+'kill '+cast(spid as varchar)+char(13)+char(10) from sysprocesses where dbid=12
RESTORE DATABASE HIWDYNARPT FROM PRDBACKUP WITH REPLACE __________________________________________________ ______
This works when I test it during the day, however when it runs at night I get the following error in the job log:
Database in use. The system administrator must have exclusive use of the database to run the restore operation. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3101) Backup or restore operation terminating abnormally. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3013). The step failed.
I'm not sure why this happens because I have killed all open threads in step 1, and then create my own new thread in step two. Maybe someone else is initiating a new thread to quickly between the steps???
Anyway, I am trying to use: __________________________________________________ __ ALTER DATABASE HIWDYNARPT RESTRICTED_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE __________________________________________________ ____
...as an alternative to the T-SQL killing PID's, but SQL 7.0 SP4 does not seem to support restricted user like 2000. It keeps giving me a syntax error. Does anyone have any suggestions?
If I bring step 1 and step 2 together, separated by "GO", could this fix the problem?
Could anybody give a lead as to what I can do get rid off this error please.
I alread tried following: use master go Alter Database dbname set single_user with rollback immediate; go
Still have the issue. SQL 2005 Server actually did lock the db. So ran Alter Database dbname set multi_user; go and refresh Query and it switch back to multi user. But I can't restore db yet.