Debugging / Breakpoints
Jan 13, 2006
I didn't play around with breakpoints to much, yet. So today I created a package with 2 variables, which both raise their change event. I added a event handler for that just to show the name of the variable which initiated that event (system::variablename) in a messagebox. I added two scripts to the main workflow, one changes one variable, one the other.
To see what's happening I placed a breakpoint on the script in the event handler. I start the package, the first script is executed, the event is fired and the script is started. The breakpoint stops executing the package. So good so far. When I now click on "continue" the script task in the event handler changes to "yellow" and I hear a beep. That's all. I don't see any other action in the package, the second script is not started and the run seams to be locked.
What's wrong? Is the problem sitting in front of the monitor? Am I the 1000th person hitting that bug?
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Jul 9, 2006
I have found that when I'm debugging a custom component in BIDS that I've created in another instance of Visual Studio, every time I rebuild the component I have to shutdown and restart BIDS and then reattach to the BIDS process. Which is pretty time consuming... And if I find a small error in my custom component when debugging then I don't seem to be allowed to make any changes to the code unless I stop debugging and go through the process above.
Am I missing something here? Or do I really have to manually go through these steps every time I want to change code in the component I'm debugging?
Can I automate the process with MSBuild or NAnt? If so, is there an example of this anywhere?
Thanks in advance,
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Jul 21, 2006
Does anybody know if the breakpoints are supported in the script component?
I've got a script that I want to debug and make sure it's doing what it should be but everytime I set a breakpoint it loses them when I click ok on the script editor. I've tried setting precompile to false but thats not working. What do I need to do to be able to use breakpoints?
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Aug 17, 2007
I can not debug any of my scripts. They execute just fine, but if I have a breakpoint set in the script code (in VSA), I get the message:
SQL server integration services script task has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
If you were in the middle of something, the information you were working on might be lost.
Debug Close
When I choose "Close" I get this:
sMicrosoft Visual Studio for Applications has lost the link to .
Your work will be exported to <<my Local Settings My Documents path>> when you quit the application.
When I click "OK" my package executes normally, but no breakpoints will fire from that point on.
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Nov 28, 2007
When i want to debug the stored procedure in SQLServer2000 query analyzer
the stepInto button gets disabled so it executes sp rather than debug.
Exec sp_sdidebug 'legacy_on' is not working.
Thanx in advance
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Feb 23, 2006
In the code behind the Script Transformation component, neither the MsgBox nor any of the breakpoints seem to work. Am I missing to do something in order for these to get executed?
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Dec 28, 2004
I need to step into a SP on my SQL server. However, I get "Security hasn't been setup correctly on server RADU. SQL debugging terminated."
I read the docs, and I did exactly this (as per the help files):
To configure DCOM on the server for SQL debugging
You may need to download and install DCOM first. If so, go to for the latest version.
You must have administrator privileges on the machine where you are configuring DCOM.
From the Start menu, choose Run.
In the Open box, type dcomcnfg.exe.
Click OK.
The Component Services dialog box appears.
In the left pane of the Component Services dialog box, expand the Component Services node and find Computers.
Expand the Computers node and find the computer for which you want to configure DCOM.
Right-click the computer and choose Properties from the shortcut menu.
In the Properties dialog box, select the Default COM Security tab.
Under Access Permissions, click Edit Default.
The Access Permission dialog box appears.
If the group or user who needs access does not appear in the list of permissions, click Add.
The Users, Computers, or Groups dialog box appears.
In the Enter the object names to select box, type the name of the group or user who needs access.
Click OK.
The user is now added to the list.
If SYSTEM does not appear in the list of permissions, click Add.
The Users, Computers, or Groups dialog box appears.
In the Enter the object names to select box, type:
Click OK.
SYSTEM is now added to the list.
In the Access Permission, select Allow for each user you added.
Click OK to close the Properties dialog box.
If you changed any settings in this procedure, restart SQL Server.
However, from inside VSnet IDE. I get the same message ("Security hasn't been setup correctly blah-blah-blah").
I have tried with users 'ASPNet' and 'VSDevelopers'. Which user should I choose ? Is there something else I should do ?
Sure, this is not the end of the world, I can still do the debug from within Query Analyzer, but still, it would be nice not to have to do this.
Thank you.
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Aug 15, 2005
Hi,Is there a way to debug an SQL Server stored procedure? I call a number of sp's from my .net app and need a way to step through them.Thank you,
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Dec 8, 1998
Does anyone use SQL debugging? I write pocedures in SQL server useing Developper studio, but i do not find any means to debug stored procedures.
Though i can place a break point to source code of sp_procedure, code is runned a whole.
Is this means only for C++?
Can anyone help me?
I have very large procedures and someteimes it is hard to find an error.
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Aug 13, 2007
if(acr_application.appStatus = 'AOO' then acr_application.appDt,
if(acr_application.appStatus = 'A01' then acr_application.recvdDt,
if(acr_application.appStatus = 'A02' then
(select A.payDt from acr_payment A, acr_reference_no B
where A.refNo = B.acrReferenceNoId and B.refType = 'ACF' and B.appNo =
if(acr_application.appStatus = ('A03', 'A08'),
(select C.updatedBy from acr_insp_sched C
where C.appNo = acr_application.appNo and C.seqNo =
(select max (D.seqNo) from acr_insp_sched D where D.appNo = C.appNo)),
if (acr_application.appStatus = ('A04', 'A05', 'A06', 'A15'),
(select E.updatedBy from acr_inspection E
where E.appNo = acr_application.appNo and E.seqNo =
(select max (F.seqNo) from acr_inspection F where F.appNo = E.appNo)),
if(acr_application.appStatus = 'A07',
(select G.payDt from acr_payment G, acr_reference_no H
where G.refNo = H.refId and H.refType = 'REI' and H.appNo =
if(acr_application.appStatus = ('A10', 'A11'), acr_application.approvedDt,
if(acr_application.appStatus = 'A13', acr_application.updatedBy,
if(acr_application.appStatus = 'A14',
(select H.payDt from acr_payment H, acr_reference_no J
where H.refNo = J.refId and J.refType = 'CSB' and J.appNo = acr_application.appNo), null)))))))))
from acr_application
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Aug 21, 2007
In SQLServer 2000 I could easily debug a stored procedure from QA. But I dont know how to debug a sp in SQLServer 2005. I could find nothing to deal with it in SQL Server Management Studio. Can anybody tell me how to do it?
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Dec 10, 2007
acr_application.appNo as 'applicationNo',
acr_application.facilityName as 'nameOf DrugTesting',
acr_application.adr as 'address',
acr_reference_no.refNo as 'referenceNo',
ref_charge.chargeDesc as 'charges/fee',
acr_reference_no.amount as 'amount',
ref_settings.earlyFileDiscnt as 'pdiscount',
((ref_settings.earlyFileDiscnt / 100) * acr_reference_no.amount) as 'discount',
case when acr_reference_no.earlyFileDiscntDt is not null then acr_reference_no.earlyFileDiscntDt
case when '2007-09-29' <= ref_facility.validToDt then date_sub(ref_facility.validToDt, interval (ref_settings.earlyFileDiscntValid + 1) day)
end as 'discountValidity',
ref_settings.lateFileDiscnt as 'psurcharge',
((ref_settings.lateFileDiscnt / 100) * acr_reference_no.amount) as 'surcharge',
case when acr_reference_no.lateFileSurchargeDt is not null then acr_reference_no.lateFileSurchargeDt
case when '2007-09-29' <= ref_facility.validToDt then ref_facility.validToDt, select a.validTodt from acr_application a where a.appNo = (select max(b.appNo) from acr_application b where b.appNo < acr_application.appNo)
end as 'surchargeValidity',
'0012 2222 20' as 'accountNumber',
concat('DOH-',acr_reference_no.refNo, '','-85619') as 'accountName',
concat(if(acr_application.ownerTitle is null or acr_application.ownerTitle='','', concat(acr_application.ownerTitle, '')),
acr_application.ownerFname, ' ',
if(acr_application.ownerMname is null or acr_application.ownerMname='','', concat(substr(acr_application.ownerMname,1,1),'.', ' ')),
acr_application.ownerLname, '', '',
if(acr_application.ownerSuffix is null or acr_application.ownerSuffix='','', concat(' ', acr_application.ownerSuffix))) as 'nameOfRepresentative'
case when acr_application.appType = 'INA' then acr_reference_no.amount
case when acr_application.appType = 'RNW' then
(if(acr_reference_no.earlyFileDiscnt is not null
and acr_reference_no.earlyFileDiscnt <='2007-09-29',
acr_reference_no.amount + (acr_reference_no.amount * (ref_settings.earlyFileDiscnt / 100))))
case when acr_reference_no.earlyFileDiscntDt is not null
and acr_reference.earlyFileDiscntDt > '2007-09-29'
and '2007-09-29' <= ref_facility.validToFt
then acr_reference_no.amount, acr_reference_no.amount + (acr_reference_no.amount * (ref_settings.earlyFileDiscnt / 100))
end as 'totalCashDeposit',
case when acr_application.appType = 'INA' then date_add(acr_applicationappDt, interval ref_settings.validityAfterAppDayy)
case when acr_application.appType = 'RNW' then acr_reference_no.earlyFileDiscntDt
case when acr_reference_no.earlyFileDiscntDt is not null and acr_reference_no.earlyFileDiscntDt > '2007-09-29' and '2007-09-29' <= ref_facility.validToDt then ref_facility.validToDt, date_add(ref_facility.validToDt, interval ref_settings.validityAfterAppDay)
end as 'bankValidity'
from acr_application
left join ref_facility on acr_application.appNo = ref_facility.appNo
left join ref_settings on ref_settings.service = acr_application.service and
ref_settings.ownType = acr_application.ownType and
ref_settings.facilityType = acr_application.facilityType and
ref_settings.institutChar = acr_application.institutChar
left join (acr_reference_no left join ref_charge on acr_reference_no.chargeId = ref_charge.chargeId and acr_reference_no.paid <> 'Y')
on acr_application.appNo = acr_reference_no.appNo
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Jul 20, 2005
My colleagues and I have not been able to successfully set up SQL debugging on a SQL 2000 instance running on Windows 2000.Is there a checklist posted somewhere? We have verified that the SQL Server is not running with System Account Credentials. It runs as a Domain Administrator. We have also verified that everyone has permission to run sp_sdidebug. Does it matter that the Win2K machine is a Domain Controller? Any help would be appreciated.
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Feb 14, 2008
Hi -
I am new to SSIS but not new to ETL. Is there a way in debugger to debug but not actually update the target table ? In other tools I€™ve used, there was an option setting to not allow update/inserts into the actual table, but would provide a visual dataset so you could see & test with. I haven€™t been able to find this feature in SSIS & was wondering if there is a way to do this.
Thanks -
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Jan 11, 2008
Is there a way to step through sql when designing a query the way you can step through VB code in the IDE?
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Oct 1, 2007
Hi, I am new here.
I tried to debug stored procedures in the Visual Studio and you know… it was a real shock. Like going in time 10 or 20 years back.
The stored procedures I deal with contain a lot of @tab and #tab, but it appears that I can not evaluate the values of these objects! The only type of object I can evaluate is a variable. But SQL is designed for the table data, right? So the most important type of data is not accessible!
How can I understand, what records have been affected by Update or inserted by Insert? Using prints or debug selects? Is it an era of FORTRAN or ALGOL???
To make it worse, to enter a debugger, I need to provide values of all parameters. It might be simple for the outermost procedure, but for inner stored procs, and where some parameters are some short-living identity values of some records, created in a transaction, it is very difficult to prepare all conditions to make a correct run.
So my question is, may be I had overlooked something? Is it a real debugger or just a joke from Microsoft? Sorry, but I am really angry after wasting a lot of time last week on it.
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May 30, 2002
Does anyone know of any good debugging tools for transact sql? I know there is one by compuware called dbpartner but was looking for other options.
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Nov 5, 2001
I have a script that works in works in Query Analyzer, but when I try to put it in a DTS package, it fails. I have the database set properly in the data source. Can someone give me direction to figure out what is going on?
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Nov 23, 1998
I'm looking for leads on any T-SQL / Trigger / Procedure editing and debugging tools for MSSQL 6.5 .
Any and all information would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Paul Gaynor
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May 2, 2001
I'm kind of new to SQL Server 2000, I've heard about debugging tools in Query Analyser
where can I find this tools?
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Jan 20, 2006
I was wondering if it is possible to pop up a dialog box from a SQL trigger.
This would be a great way to debug triggers as you could report variable values in the dialog box.
If not, does anybody have any suggestions as to the best way of reporting out variable values whilst a trigger is running?
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Aug 1, 2006
From this msg im guessing that SQLE.DLL nee to be installed on my SQLServer box, is that correct? Where would i find this dll?
Server: Msg 508, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_sdidebug, Line 1
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Unable to connect to debugger on APOLLO-ClintonSQL (Error = 0x800401f3). Ensure that client-side components, such as SQLLE.DLL, are installed and registered on PUR-CO-Clinton2. Debugging disabled for connection 59.
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May 29, 2008
Ok, I am aware of the process to debug a stored proc for SQL 2005. I have never done anything in the Visual Studios 2005 so have had no reason to have it but now that I am pretty much forced into using SQL 2005, I have been deprived of the easy system of debugging stored procs from query analyzer. My question is...with the Visual Studios 2005 that was included with the SQL 2005 install, why does it not allow me to debug? I am aware of the whole Pro, Standard, etc of VS, but why not offer any way to debug? Am I missing something here? What options do I have to debug a stored proc other than running it over and over and over and over again to pinpoint an issue without getting VS2005 Pro or something?
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Feb 3, 2004
After writing a Stored Procedure(which is giving correct reasult) how can I go for optimizing it?Is there any tool to debug a stored procedure?
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Jun 5, 2008
I have been trying to debug a simple CLR function in VS2008 without any luck. I have searched Google and gone through several walk throughs without any luck. The function builds, deploys, and works from SQL fine but I cannot debug in VS. I created a new SQL login for a new user with SysAdmin privileges, and even set the permission level to "unsafe". Still, no debugging. The results in the output window of VS is "Canceled by user". I feel like this may be a permissions issue but I'm not sure. Can someone point me in the right direction to correct this? I use to debug CLR stored procs at another place of employment using VS all the time. Unfortunately, I wasn't involved with configuring it.
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Jul 23, 2005
Greetings: I have a question about debugging or stepping through DTSpackage Active X scripts. When I hit a bug Microsoft DevelopmentEnvironment pops up the script and highlights where the error occurred.I can use the Immediate pane to find out the values in the variables,but I can't set breakpoints or step through or out of or back into thescript or even change it. Is this possible? I am having troublefinding references to this. I appreciate any help.Thanks!--Rowan
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Dec 9, 2005
I am an old guy that comes from the large IBM 370 generation, at that timewas very easy for me to debug programs using cedf tool., even if theprogram was object code with this tool you were able to intercept CICScommands and sql commands.I have a delphy application., only object code., that has access to a sqlserver.., what tool may I use to intercept the sql commands released fromthis application ?? I know this is not a particular question regarding mssql server, but for sure you guys knows a lot more than me about thisenvironment.RegardsJCortes.
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Oct 2, 2006
Hi All,
Could you please help me?
I have a problem with T-SQL stored procedure, which call the CLR Stored Procedure, and when it runs into it my Visual Studio gets berserk, looping like crazy, eating 100% CPU and gobling off more and more memory. The Visual Studio out into the the Output window the following message over and over again:
WARNING: Debugger was accessing T-SQL variables while managed code was not suspended. Waiting until the access is done to continue T-SQL execution.Continueing T-SQL execution.
WARNING: Debugger was accessing T-SQL variables while managed code was not suspended. Waiting until the access is done to continue T-SQL execution.Continueing T-SQL execution.
The only way to stop it is by killing the Visual Studio process. Then I have to stop, or sometimes even kill the SQL server to bring the CPU down from 100%.
What should I do to avoid this problem? Thank you very much for the help.
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May 12, 2006
I've added some breakpoints to a script task. When I right click and execute the task the breakpoints are honored but there's nothing in the call stack, autos, or locals windows and I'm not able to add variables to the watch list. Is there something that I need to enable?
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Apr 28, 2006
Does anyone now the minimum permissions to debug SQLCLR. I have a friend trying to develop as a non-admin and he finds that it doesn't work even if he launches Visual Studio to run as an admin account.
Is it possible? Are there certain rights required?
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Oct 26, 2006
I have an OLE DB destination which should insert data into a table named in an SSIS variable. When I run the package, I don't get any errors and I have a data viewer which shows that the data is reaching the OLE DB destination. However, the data isn't being inserted into the destination table.
Can someone suggest how I should go about debugging this?
Thanks in advance.
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Apr 10, 2008
I apologize for coming into this old thread. I'm having a serious problem with the UpdateLastActivity date method from this class on our site. First of all, do you know when and how that code is being called? I suppose it's automatically called from the Login control, but I was unable to trace it down so far.
The problem I discovered is that instead of updating just one particular user information (the currently logged user) all users with the same SiteID (profile property) get updated. The procedure is getting called repeatedly, but how can I find out what is calling it from the VS 2005?
I didn't know about Messagebox.Show method - would it work in ASP.NET?
Can you please help me with this problem? BTW, I found this thread when I was searching for UpdateLastActivityDate within MS website.
I also posted this question on ASP.NET forums.
Thanks in advance.
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Oct 13, 2007
I have run into a weird issue, and am not sure what's going on. I have a simple clr scalar function that I am trying to debug. Every time I try to step into it, I hit the first breakpoint (which is the first line of the function), and as soon as I hit F5/F11, the debugger exits with the following message:
.NET Framework execution was aborted. Another query caused the AppDomain "DBNAME".dbo[runtime].45 to be unloaded or an unhandled .NET exception happened.
Can please someone try and shed some light on this? Thanks. I am using the VS2005 Pro with SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition.
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