Decrypting Password Of SysxLogins Table - SQL Database.
Dec 15, 2005Hi,
Is there any way of decrypting password value stored in sysxlogins table of SQL database?
Thx in Adv
Is there any way of decrypting password value stored in sysxlogins table of SQL database?
Thx in Adv
I have a SQL Server Login and I forgot the password for it.
Is there any way I can decrypt the password. I don't want to
change the password.
Hi All Gentleman,
I am writing a script to control rights and privileges regarding roles and login .
I have upgraded my server from sql server 2000 to 2005.I have a script which gives me all the logins that moved from sql server 2000 to sql server 2005 (i.e same instance)or on same server.I have multiple database say for example 5 database.Now my task is to grant all programmers login to programmer role and all logins belonging to this role should be granted only select permission on table on all the databases.
Can anyone help me with the script for my task?
I have observed that sysxlogins table exist in sql server 2000 however it does not exist in sql server 2005.
Can anyone tell me what is the equivalent of sysxlogins system table in sqlserver 2005?
Hi all,
running sql server 2000 sp4, viewing the sysxlogins table data, and am wondering about the three items listed with a <NULL> in the name column, all xstatus = 192, each has a unique srvid value of 0, 2 or 3.
Looking in the MS tables reference book did not help they don't cover sysxlogins, googled around but no luck, searched this forum also.
What are these entries?
i have a ms sql base which contains tables encrypted with EncryptByKey, who knows how to make me a script do save the encrypted tables to clear text pm me in ym : hgfrfv or msn : [URL], i have all the keys used on encryption and all those stuff.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn SQL 2005, I've created a test scenario in AdventureWorks where I:
1.) Create a database master key:
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.symmetric_keys WHERE symmetric_key_id = 101)
2.) Create a certificate:
WITH SUBJECT = 'Comments'
3.) Create a symmetric key:
4.) Add a test column to the HumanResources.JobCandidate table:
ALTER TABLE HumanResources.JobCandidate
ADD Comments varbinary(8000)
5.) Open the symmetric key for use:
6.) Insert and Encrypt values ('Yes') to the newly created column:
UPDATE HumanResources.JobCandidate
SET Comments = EncryptByKey(Key_GUID('CommentKey'), 'Yes')
Great. Now all the textbooks say that, to view the column values in a decrypted state, you should:
SELECT CONVERT(varchar, DecryptByKey(Comments)) AS [Decrypted Comments], *
FROM HumanResources.JobCandidate
Great, I get it. But here's the rub. What is the best way to permanently decrypt the column and keep it in a cleartext state?
Running the following works, but keeps the column values in a varbinary (hexadecimal) state which is what we originally created:
UPDATE HumanResources.JobCandidate
SET Comments = DecryptByKey(Comments)
But if I want to transform this varbinary(8000) column into a human-readable varchar column, the only thing I could come up with was a temp table solution:
UPDATE HumanResources.JobCandidate
SET Comments = DecryptByKey(Comments)
DECLARE @temp varchar(1000)
SET @temp = (SELECT TOP 1 CommentsFROM Human Resources.JobCandidate)
CREATE TABLE #decrypt (Comment varchar(1000))
INSERT INTO #decrypt (Comments) VALUES (@temp)
ALTER TABLE HumanResources.JobCandidate
ALTER COLUMN Comments varchar(1000)
UPDATE HumanResources.JobCandidate
SET Comments = (SELECT Comments FROM #decrypt)
DROP TABLE #decrypt
It works, but seems so inelegant to me.
Is there an easier way?
I am executing a stored procedure in one database (Database1) that pulls data from another database (Database2) that is the back end for a third party application. Some of the fields in that other database are now encrypted. I need to decrypt those fields but since the query is running in a database other than where the data lives (which is also where the symmetric key + cert lives), I am getting the following error: "Cannot find the symmetric key" Below is an example of what I am running in the stored procedure:
FROM Database2.dbo.TABLE1
What do I need to add to Database1 so the stored procedure can decrypt the data it pulls from Database2?
I have an encrypted column of data that is encrypted by a passphrase. The passphrase was encrypted by a symetric key in a key pair. The passphrase also is stored in a table. I can get the passphrase as needed to encrypt/decrypt the columns. I copied the production database to a new database for development. Subsequently I had to create a new symmetric/asymmetic key pair and recreated my passphrase with the new key pair. Now the passphrase will decrypt a text column but it will not decrypt two other columns which are of type varchar in the database. Here is an example:
DECLARE @pss varchar(30)
EXEC [dbo].[uspPassPhraseGet] @pss OUTPUT
SELECT DISTINCT contactid, uissueid, createdby, created_dt
,CONVERT(varchar(max),DecryptByPassPhrase(@pss, CONVERT(varchar(max),dbo.tbl_msg_app_legislativeinquiry.title), 1, CONVERT(varbinary, 23))) as title
,CONVERT(varchar(max),DecryptByPassPhrase(@pss, CONVERT(varchar(max),dbo.tbl_msg_app_legislativeinquiry.description), 1, CONVERT(varbinary, 23))) as description
,CONVERT(varchar(max),DecryptByPassPhrase(@pss, CONVERT(varchar(max),dbo.tbl_msg_app_legislativeinquiry.shortdesc), 1, CONVERT(varbinary, 23))) as shortdesc,
closed_dt, confidential, statusid, due_dt, deleted_dt,deletedbyid, highrisk, dbo.tbl_msg_app_legislativeinquiry.designator, dbo.tbl_ref_sys_status.description AS statusdesc
FROM dbo.tbl_msg_app_legislativeinquiry INNER JOIN
dbo.tbl_ref_sys_status ON statusid = dbo.tbl_ref_sys_status.ustatusid INNER JOIN
dbo.tbl_gbl_lkp_security ON uissueid = dbo.tbl_gbl_lkp_security.msgid AND
dbo.tbl_msg_app_legislativeinquiry.designator = dbo.tbl_gbl_lkp_security.designator
Like I said I can execute the uspPassPhraseGet stored procedure and I get my passphrase. It will correctly decrypt the dbo.tbl_msg_app_legislativeinquiry.description field which is great but the other two fields will not decrypt. When i copied the database over the encrypted fields do not display the same on the new database. The old database shows a box character followed by a bunch of junk (as expected). The new copied table on the new database shows only a single box (not the same as the original). Is there a known bug with copying a table with varchar fields that are encrypted to a new database? I tried to run a test and got the same result. I also tried to convert the varchar columns to text to see if that solved the problem and it didn't. The description field however is a text type column and it reads exactly as the original. The problem I think is that the Copy Database didn't actually copy my data correctly. How can I get the original encrypted data from the production into my development. I also tried just dropping the table and reimporting the table but that didnt take either. Scratching my head on this one.
I have tried to synchronize master..sysxlogins table from production server to
a testing server. All the databases in the testing server will be loaded from the production server. In order to save drop and recreate the database's users in every database restore, I have tried to find out a quick way to synchronize the sysxlogins table. However, when I load the sysxlogins from the production server onto the tempdb in the testing server, I get the following error :
Server: Msg 213, Level 16, State 5, Line 1
Insert Error: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.
Any comment and suggestion is highly appreciated.
The table structures (output of sp_help) of the temporary table and master..sysxlogins are as follows :
1. sp_help testjoe4
Name Owner Type Created_datetime
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- ---------------------------
testjoe4 dbo user table 2002-02-19 15:27:31.930
Column_name Type Computed Length Prec Scale Nullable TrimTrailingBlanks FixedLenNullInSource Collation
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------- ----- ----- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
srvid smallint no 2 5 0 yes (n/a) (n/a) NULL
sid varbinary no 85 yes no no NULL
xstatus smallint no 2 5 0 no (n/a) (n/a) NULL
xdate1 datetime no 8 no (n/a) (n/a) NULL
xdate2 datetime no 8 no (n/a) (n/a) NULL
name sysname no 256 yes (n/a) (n/a) SQL_Latin1_General_Pref_CP1_CI_AS
password varbinary no 256 yes no no NULL
dbid smallint no 2 5 0 no (n/a) (n/a) NULL
language sysname no 256 yes (n/a) (n/a) SQL_Latin1_General_Pref_CP1_CI_AS
isrpcinmap smallint no 2 5 0 yes (n/a) (n/a) NULL
ishqoutmap smallint no 2 5 0 yes (n/a) (n/a) NULL
selfoutmap smallint no 2 5 0 yes (n/a) (n/a) NULL
Identity Seed Increment Not For Replication
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------
No identity column defined. NULL NULL NULL
No rowguidcol column defined.
The object does not have any indexes.
No constraints have been defined for this object.
No foreign keys reference this table.
No views with schema binding reference this table.
2. sp_help master..sysxlogins
Name Owner Type Created_datetime
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- ---------------------------
sysxlogins dbo system table 2000-08-06 01:29:12.500
Column_name Type Computed Length Prec Scale Nullable TrimTrailingBlanks FixedLenNullInSource Collation
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------- ----- ----- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
srvid smallint no 2 5 0 yes (n/a) (n/a) NULL
sid varbinary no 85 yes no no NULL
xstatus smallint no 2 5 0 no (n/a) (n/a) NULL
xdate1 datetime no 8 no (n/a) (n/a) NULL
xdate2 datetime no 8 no (n/a) (n/a) NULL
name sysname no 256 yes (n/a) (n/a) SQL_Latin1_General_Pref_CP1_CI_AS
password varbinary no 256 yes no no NULL
dbid smallint no 2 5 0 no (n/a) (n/a) NULL
language sysname no 256 yes (n/a) (n/a) SQL_Latin1_General_Pref_CP1_CI_AS
isrpcinmap smallint yes 2 5 0 yes (n/a) (n/a) NULL
ishqoutmap smallint yes 2 5 0 yes (n/a) (n/a) NULL
selfoutmap smallint yes 2 5 0 yes (n/a) (n/a) NULL
Identity Seed Increment Not For Replication
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------
No identity column defined. NULL NULL NULL
No rowguidcol column defined.
index_name index_description index_keys
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ncsysxlogins nonclustered located on PRIMARY srvid, sid
sysxlogins clustered, unique located on PRIMARY srvid, name, sid
No constraints have been defined for this object.
No foreign keys reference this table.
Table is referenced by views
It seens that a simple script:Update sysxlogins set name = 'AA001' + substring(name, 9, LEN(name)-8)where name like 'ILLINOIS%'Will replace the SQL2000 domain name correctly in sysxlogins:ILLINOISJonesP becomes AA001JonesPBut for some strange reason via ILLINOISJonesP can still logon viaQueryAnalyzer although he is no longer in the sysxlogins tableanymore? SQL has been stop/started, server even rebooted, yet BOTHthe new and old logins seem to both allow QA login, any thought howthe old one is getting thru SQL security?thanks in advance for any help...
View 2 Replies View RelatedHi there,
I am having a table in Sql which has 2 columns which has data in encrypted format. It shows data in junk format (ascii format). But in frontend (tht is in software)it shows data in proper format. Can any one help me in decrypting data.
id int identity (1,1),
NonEncrField varchar(30),
EncrField varchar(30)
CREATE CERTIFICATE my_cert with subject = 'Some Certificate'
CREATE SYMMETRIC KEY my_key with algorithm = triple_des encryption by certificate my_cert
INSERT INTO TabEncr (NonEncrField,EncrField)
VALUES ('Some Plain Value',encryptbykey(key_guid('my_key'),'Some Plain Value'))
SELECT NonEncrField,CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),DecryptByKey(EncrField))
FROM dbo.TabEncr
What is the problem with this code. It works fine , inserting the value encrypted but when i try to decrypt ,it returns a null value. What is missing. I also tried with symmetric key encryption with asymmetric key. Result is same, returns NULL value. I am using SQL 2005
Happy Coding...
I want to encrypt a whole column in my table and I do this with this SQL code:
OPEN symmetric key Sym_Key DECRYPTION BY certificate My_Cert
UPDATE [My_demo].[dbo].[My-DemoList]
SET [Test_crypt] = encryptByKey(Key_GUID('Sym_Key'),[Test])
CLOSE all symmetric keys
And this seems ok but when I want to decrypt it with the view I have created it seems that I get a "rubbish" character between each "real" character.
So my questions is: What am I doing wrong?
Because if I do an insert like this
OPEN symmetric key Sym_Key DECRYPTION BY certificate My_Cert
INSERT INTO [My-DemoList] (Test_crypt) VALUES(encryptByKey(Key_GUID('Sym_Key'),'1234567'))
CLOSE all symmetric keys
And then use my view to look at the decrypted value that I put in its ok.
Many thanks in advance!
I find it weird when decrypting a column from a baked up database and restoring it to another database. Here's the scenario:
Server1 has Database1.
Database1 has Table1 with two columns encyrpted -- Card Number and SS Number
Encryption and decryption in this Database1 is perfectly fine. Records are encrypted and can be decrypted too.
Now, I tried to backup this Database1 and restore it to another server with SQL 2005 instance called Server2. Of course the columns Card and SS Numbers were encrypted. I tried decrypting the columns using the same command to decrypt in Database1, however, it returns a NULL value
Here's exactly what I did to create the encyprtion and decryption keys on the restored database:
-- Create the master key encryption
-- Create a symetric key
ENCRYPTION BY Password='myPassword';
-- Create Card Certificate
CREATE CERTIFICATE myCert WITH SUBJECT = 'My Certificate on this Server';
-- Change symmetric key
-- I then verified if the key is opened
SELECT * FROM sys.openkeys
If I create a new database, say Database2 from that Server2, create table, master key, certificate, and symmetric key. Encrpytion and decryption on Database2 will work!
Any suggestions gurus? I tried all searches and help for almost 2 weeks regarding this issue but nobody could resolve this.
Thanks in advance!
3 Posts
I have a OLE DB Source that has a varbinary column of encrypted data. The sorce table is on a hosted SQL Server database where I cannot install a asymetric key. The SSIS package is running on a local SQL Server box that does have the asymetric key installed and working. Can you recommend the best way to transform this column is SSIS using a connection to the local SQL Server box that has the installed public key?
select @encryptedstuff = 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
SELECT CONVERT(nvarchar(50),DecryptByAsymKey(AsymKey_ID('rsakey'), REVERSE(@encryptedstuff), N'P4ssw0rd'))
Each row of the OLE DB Source contains a varbinary column with the ecrypted data. I need to to transform that one column and end up with a new record set that contains all of the columns from the OLE DB Source plus a new decrypted column.
I have following problem. I would like to provide to my STP encrypted data and decrypt them inside it. To decrypt the data I'd like to use DecryptByKey. Encryption should be made on the Win32/.NET client.
Unfortunately I cannot find the way to make the data understable between the both worlds. First how to assign the same key on the both side? Do I get the same key from
Code Snippet
create symmetric key MyKey with
encryption by password='aaa'
and from
Code Snippet
string Key = "abrakadabra";
byte[] bKey = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Key);
byte[] salt = new byte[8];
RNGCryptoServiceProvider rnd = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
PasswordDeriveBytes pdb = new PasswordDeriveBytes(bKey, salt);
TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider prov = new TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider();
prov.Key = pdb.CryptDeriveKey("TripleDES", "SHA1", 168, prov.IV);
I have read somewhere that create symmetric key calls CryptDeriveKey, but I'm not sure.
The next point is the format of the output data. I have noted, that the output from EncryptByKey is 16 bytes longer (after stripping key guid and fixed 0x01000000) than the one from Win32/.NET application. I assume, that it can lie in the inserting of IV as the first block, but should not IV be only 64 bit long in the DES family of algorithms?
Neverthless I have not magaged to perform encrypted communication such way between SQL Server 2005 and client application. Is it possible at all?
Hi all,As all of you are aware you can Encrypt your Triggers/Stored Procedures/Views And Functionsin Sql Server with "WITH ENCRYPTION" clause.recently i came across a Stored procedure on the Net that could reverse and decrypt all Encrypted objects.i personally tested it and it really works.That's fine (of course for some body)Now i want to know is it a Known Bug for Sql Server 2000 and is there a permanent solution for Encrypting mentioned objects.Thanks in advance.Best Regards.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHi all...
Im wondering how do you encrypt and decrypt a stored procedure within sql server 2000 ?
i want to be able to encrypt data been inserted / updated using triple des algorithm and then on select / read - decrypt it.
Does anyone know a solution / stored procedure on how to do this? any ideas.
Im also wondering if there is a away of doing this on the code side without using stored procedures ( c#) i have been able to encrypt and decrpt to a string but unable to do it through the datagrid object (dataset) or a datareader..
Any tips / help would be helpful
Thanks..'s possible without any third party application?I need to recover some encrypted user functions but the sources have beenlost long time ago, someone can help me?--Lav.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHello,
In SQL 2000,
I have created a Stored Procedure as follows,
Code Snippet
Select * From Customer
Then after this when i run this sp it giving me the perfect results wht i want, BUT when i want to change something in sp then for I am using the below line of code.
Code Snippet
sp_helptext mytest
But its displaying me that this sp is encrypted so you can't see the details and when i am trying to see trhe code of this sp from enterprise manager then also its not displaying me the details and giving me the same error,
So i want to ask that if there is a functionality of enrypting the sp code then is there any functionality for decrypting the Stored Procedure also,
or not,
If yes then wht it is and if NO then wht will be the alternative way for this,
Hi,I have a "password" field in a Table. How should I define it, that itsoutput is showed like "******"?Thanks,Faezeh
View 1 Replies View Relatedhi,
i am new to programming...
when i do a project in MS Access , i have the option of password , which doesnot allows unautorized users to see the database design..
But in SQL server 2000 , is there any option to set password for the database...???
Thanks in advance....
I want to protech a particular database in SQL server with Password.
Can it Possible..
I created a sql database with no password and now want to add one. Does anyone know how I can do this ?
I am creating a new application and just created a new database
Application: 2005/
Database: Sql Server 2005 with four tables
I need to set the userid and password on the database. How do I do that?
I want to be able to create a SQL connection object in my code and I have something like the following:
Dim objcon As New SqlConnection("server=serverName;uid=;pwd=;database=SomeDatabase")
but the "uid" and the "pwd" are not set on my database. what is an easy way to do this? thanks
Hi all,
Is it possible to recover or find the password of database or resetting is the only option? I have a database that has a two users in the Users tab. How to find out the password for these?
I have a SQL database hosted on a server. This server supports SQL Sever 2000. How do I change the password to the password?Thanks in advance,
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a database installed on my server, and i have put a database on user "sa" , so when any user wants to view the database he must enter the password to view its content. But i have dicover that if the user make the authentication "Windows Authentication" and opened the database it will be opned without the need to enter the password !!! and for this i cant restrict the access for my database from un-authorized people.
Can any one tell me how i can restrict view database content unless entering the password?
I have tried every SA password in our documentation and I cannot get into the database. I want to dump the database and clear up the transaction log. Can anyone help me?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI Forgot for my longtime used home expense update application password which has backend sql expressedition database.
i was used the application before 3 years, unfortunately i stopped updating my home expendature to the software.and now i require to login the application but i dont how reset the password in db, i have open database include tables of users profile. and password, but its encrypted.
how to make my sqlserver 2005 database password protected.i make a database and i want to make a password protected.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHi,When I create a new database from Enterprise Manager (right click ondatabases > New Database) I noticed that I am not prompted to create apassword or user name. Can I take it then that all databases under thesame local group will have the same password and user name?I have tied to access the newly created database using the samepassword and username but haven't had any luck.Thanks
View 3 Replies View RelatedHi..
I try to develope an Application with .NET C# 2.0, which uses a SQL Express Edition Database. As you know, I can give the SQL Server a password an username (or Windows auth.).
Wenn the user has already installed SQL eXpress Edition, he can access to database and change the data manual.
Is there anyway to set password to a database in SQL Server (Express)?