Exit it in sqlserver notion of shared connection or dedicaced connection like there is exist in oracle ?
Exit it a part of memory (like PGA in oracle) who exist just for the connections ?
Else what are constitued the memory in sqlserver ?
I'd like to do this:Have a SQL Server database hosted on a public facing web server.I want it to be held at an ISP/Web hosting company. Though I have ADSL hereI don't want to manage a server.I want some ASP pages accessing the database.I would also like for a very small number (probably 2) of users to accessthe database from a richer client. Perhaps Access/VB.I've tried using www.shanje.com, as a test. It seems to work, though thereare worries about security.I want to keep cost down!On 'normal' shared MS hosting, would it be possible to connect to the dbfrom a client like Access. The way most web hosts talk it doesn't look likeit.Is there any way of providing a richer client interface than plain webpages? I want things like autocomplete (beyond the first character) for dropdowns, keyboard shortcuts etc.This would be low volume. Essentially a private database held on theinternet.Yours, Jo
Our 32-bit applications connect to SQL Server 32-bit through OLEDB with Shared memory as preferred protocol. Our client applications and SQL Server generally reside on same machine. We are evaluating possible impact when SQL Server 2008 64-bit is accessed with our 32-bit client applications running on 64bit WindowsServer 2008. Can shared memory protocol will be still used by underlying SQL server OLEDB dll considering the client application is 32-bit where as SQL Server is 64-bit ? Or it will switch to Named pipes or TCP/IP automatically ?
I have a Microsoft Access application which uses linked SQL Server tables. I would like to create an ODBC DSN which would be available to all users so that I don't have to create a DSN on each machine. Can this be done? The Access application resides on a shared drive (Windows). Thanks for your help.
I am having issue in running a ssis package which connects to an excel file from shared location.It works fine on the machine of the person who has developed it as he has access to that shared drive.After deploying the ssis package to SSISDB and creating a proxy account with the developer's credential, and running the ssis package using the proxy under SQL Agent Jobs, it is failing with error :
Load XXXXXXXXXX :Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "XXXXXXXXXX.xlsx"
failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.
XXXXXXXXXX:Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft Access Database Engine" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Failure creating file.".
I have a asp.net 2.0 app that has a sql server express backend. I have been scratching my head for weeks trying to find a good wasy to encrypt my connection string. I store the string in web.config (which in itself is in theory "safe" because it's not servable) and I have scoured the web to try to find a simple way to encrypt the connection string. Even using user store would require running aspreg_iis.exe on the host with a command prompt (which clearly I cannot do). It seems that everyone's solution requires running a command prompt executable on the server.
So I am left to wonder what everyone else does. I am not comfortable using just the web.config because a determined hacker could get to that info. Then again, a determined hacker could get into any system , I guess. There are no credit card #'s stored in this app, but in theory there must be a way. I run all access to the db through stored procedures with permissions, for whatever it's worth.
I am having frustration with issues I'm seeing within Development Studio. Here's the problem:
A fixed-width flat file is to be imported into SQL 2005. I am running from within BIDS on my workstation and send the data remotely to the server. It has over 200 fields, and I am attempting to import them into dimension tables, and one fact table. I had to manually create the columns on the flat file connection manager for this process, since the data file is delimited.
The SSIS solution has one project, and several independent data flow tasks within it. After I set up the fcm, I mapped fields using a flat file source, hooked up a derived column and sort transform. The idea was to use a 3rd party tool, TableDifference, to implement a Type 2 dimension. I was able to successfully build three data flow tasks that ran correctly. Later, as was building new data flow tasks, our project people decided to change the data types of several of the fields from Datetime to character, and also rename another 40+ fields. I dutifully kept my fcm synchronized, since column mappings are automatic when the names match; data type changes were also unavoidable on some of the columns.
The problem was noticed after I changed some of the columns in the fcm. My flat file source adapters on all the tasks needed to resolve changed metadata so I had to 'edit' and save them again. The derived column, sort, and downstream transforms also had to be updated. I saw strange behavior on previously tested data flow tasks. Some of them gave me errors even connecting to their sources. Other times I saw erroneous paths being taken which led to data being changed incorrectly on the dimension tables (new records being added even if there was an existing match, records being marked as expired incorrectly, etc.).
Are there known issues with editing a shared file connection manager after it has already been referred to within data flow tasks? It appears that the only way to avoid the problems I've seen is to either:
1. Create separate fcm's for each data flow task. Use 'filler' fields for the ranges of all the columns in between each referenced column. This way if you have to change anything with it, the only rework involved is limited to the data flow task using it.
2. Create one fcm for the entire package and NEVER change anything with it. If a column name is wrong, use a derived column to rename it in the data flow. If a data type changes, try to use a data conversion transform, but be sure to rename its output column so that it is not called 'data conversion.<field name>'. I think that's done in the Advanced Editor for the sort task.
My experience using BIDS has been hot and cold. It's nice to be able to quickly build the tasks you need, but it's as if the metadata (pipeline) is much too sensitive to change and requires a lot of touching up, either upstream at the source adapter level, or across data flow tasks when you make changes to the FCM. Maybe the problem is just limited to flat files...
Are there any tips or lessons learned from anyone on this? I've got another developer willing to create the FCM for other data feeds so I can copy/paste them into other projects. It would just be nice to know there was a bug fix or a good method to avoid all this 'rework' when you have to make changes to the FCM after the fact.
Was wondering if there was a best practice minimum permissions for creating a SQL login to use when setting up a new shared Data source for SSRS report manager?
Something along the lines of them being a data read for the DB and permissions to update tempdb?
Would have thought it not advisable to have the login be able to update the main db...
i'm going nuts with SQL server notification thing. I have gone throigh this artical which tells how to set user http://www.codeproject.com/KB/database/SqlDependencyPermissions.aspx. This article show how to create new user and setup for sql server notification.But In my case user was alredy existing in database. which is very common senario in most cases. So i did following( check the SQL script below) but then i get this error "A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.)" this my sql script use [master]Go -- Ensuring that Service Broker is enabled ALTER DATABASE [DatabaseName] SET ENABLE_BROKERGO -- Switching to our databaseuse [DatabaseName]GO CREATE SCHEMA schemaname AUTHORIZATION usernameGO ALTER USER username WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA = schemaname GO /* * Creating two new roles. We're not going to set the necessary permissions * on the user-accounts, but we're going to set them on these two new roles. * At the end of this script, we're simply going to make our two users * members of these roles. */EXEC sp_addrole 'sql_dependency_subscriber' EXEC sp_addrole 'sql_dependency_starter' -- Permissions needed for [sql_dependency_starter]GRANT CREATE PROCEDURE to [sql_dependency_starter] GRANT CREATE QUEUE to [sql_dependency_starter]GRANT CREATE SERVICE to [sql_dependency_starter]GRANT REFERENCES on CONTRACT::[http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQL/Notifications/PostQueryNotification] to [sql_dependency_starter] GRANT VIEW DEFINITION TO [sql_dependency_starter] -- Permissions needed for [sql_dependency_subscriber] GRANT SELECT to [sql_dependency_subscriber] GRANT SUBSCRIBE QUERY NOTIFICATIONS TO [sql_dependency_subscriber] GRANT RECEIVE ON QueryNotificationErrorsQueue TO [sql_dependency_subscriber] GRANT REFERENCES on CONTRACT::[http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQL/Notifications/PostQueryNotification] to [sql_dependency_subscriber] -- Making sure that my users are member of the correct role.EXEC sp_addrolemember 'sql_dependency_starter', 'username'EXEC sp_addrolemember 'sql_dependency_subscriber', 'username'
I have a shared drive mapped to the h: drive letter on my sql server and I want to create new databases on that drive. Is this at all possible? I try it and I couldn't see h: even if I typed it in.
Maybe someone can suggest me some software which can be used for SQL 2005 shared hosting? With database size limit, user number restriction and other features.
Hi, I am trying to use shared variables in the emebedded code of a report. But when i assign a value to the shared variable in the detail level and access the same from footer it shows different value (0).
I declared an integer variable as a shared variable. And changed its value in the detail level. Then tried to access its value in the table footer.
Public Shared testVal As Integer
Function testValFunc() testVale = 25 End Function
In detail level i call Code.testValFunc() In footer -> Code.testValFunc() gives 0
Any Idea??? Is it because the header/footer is computed first and then the detail? - HelpSeeker
Ok, got an assignment from my boss.. Need shared storage for a 2 node cluster, with main focus on MSSQL DB Failover. We won't be storing alot of data, speed it not really an issue, just availability..
As far as I know I need 2 SCSI cards, 1 for each node. Node1 has to have ID7 and Node2 ID6 (for example)
this is it.. what's next? what's the best way to configure all this? Do I need a special box for all hard drives to be with certain controller?
But I wanted to run some sort of RAID on disk, mirroring is fine.. Anyone can suggest me what parts I should get for this setup? my servers don't have 64bit PCI too
Hi, I have noticed the the cubes that we have here use shared dimensions. For almost all cubes(5-6) there are at least 4-5 common dimensions. According to what I have been preached so far, the shared dimensions are so that you can reuse them. That is not what is practised here. for example. cube1 has somedim1, dim2_c1, dim3_c1... cube2 has xyzdim1_c2,xyzdim2_c2,dim3_c2..
dim3_c1 and dim3_c2 are the same dimensions, one for each cube. I don't know if I am missing something. Shouldn't the use the same dimensions? Could there be any reason for this. pls. advice.
I have several packages, one parents and several childs. I want to define just one connexion for all theses packages, so I used a Data source. But I had several problem with that object. So I'm looking for the best way to define one working database connexion for all my packages.
currently two people(with different username and password) are using a shared workstation, where in the sql server is installed. so i just wanted to know that whether two people could use the sql server at the same time. please note that the two people have different username and password to enter to log in.
We've been running a database on a shared server. The traffic on oursite has been picking up steadily and it seems as though we're runninginto sporadic downtime on the database. Sometimes when we do largedata imports, the transaction log fills up and the schema somehowfails to truncate it when asked to back it up. So we run the explicittruncate statement and that usually seems to fix the problem. A fewdays ago a single stored procedure started to block, but inexplicablyonly when called by our .NET server. When called by hand fromEnterprise Manager, it executed fine. I was at my wits end when Ijust recreated it with the same exact code and it magically startedworking again. What gives? Is this at all indicative of a shareddatabase, or are these known SQL Server issues?
I am new to setting up SQL Server and would greatly appreciate ifsomeone can help me out with this issue:I have successfully set up SQL Server but want to be able for clientsof mine to be able to connect to it via the web through enterprisemanager. I have tried everything I could think of to get it to work. Imade sure the correct ports where open in the firewall (1433,1434).Everytime I try to connecting using the IP of the box that the SQLServer resides I get SQL Server does not exist or access denied. Iverified that the login credentials being used for the database I amtrying to correct to are correct. Still the same error message.How I would like to set it up would be to create a subdomain on thebox and point it to SQL Server so that is what would be entered whenregistering the group in enterprise manager.I am currently running all my sites through vhost on a single IP usingIIS 2003. SQL Server is installed on the box where all of the sitesare being served up.Is it impossible to set-up SQL Server to allow connections over theweb when using a Shared IP?I have been researching this for over a week now and hope someone outthere can help me.Thanks in advance!!
I have a couple of questions on the nature of shared and private deployment of SQL Server CE 2005 on mobile devices:
1. I've read that with a shared install, SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition files are automatically updated and serviced by Microsoft Update. I take it that this only applies to installations on desktop computers -- if you're installing on mobile devices, there IS no automatic update. Right?
2. I've also read that in order to do a shared install of SQL Server 2005 CE, the user must have administrative rights. How does this apply to installs on a mobile device? There is no such thing as an administrative user on a mobile device. However, mobile devices CAN require different levels of privilege to install certain programs -- do you need something like an application signed for privileged execution (via a M2M certificate) in order to do a shared install of SQL Server 2005 CE on a mobile device?
Or is the shared versus private deployment only an issue when deploying to a desktop?
I experimented a strange behavior using connections for data source inside packages in vss 2005.
Suppose we have a tab1 in a develpment source db and in a test source db:
tab1 dev db contains 100 records tab 2 test db contains 200 records
I start developing a package using an 'ole db data source' task inside a data flow. When I change the data source from dev to test, strange thinks happens.
The 'ole db source task' retrieve only 197 records ... but if I open the connection inside the connection manager pane and only after i click on the 'test connection' button tI get 200 records.
The source db is a sql 2000 db server and I use ole db provider for sql server.
I have created a few packages which uses shared 2 data sources called source and desitination. When i change the server in the datasource file manuallyprogramatically, it is not reflecting in all the packages. Ideally all the packages should refer to this shared datasource,but i found out that the server name is hardcoded in each and every package which destroyes the concept of shared data sources in SSIS packages.How ever if i change the server name in the data source from the SSIS environment itself then all packages using the shared datasource are updated.Is there a work around for this apart from changing the server in every package.
Anyone know what or how to calculate how much bandwidth I may use during replication. I have done this with large pipes with out a problem, just concerned I may need to change the interval to something else.
Using Vista, when I start Outlook 2007 I get the following message:
Business Contact Manager for Outlook could not connect to the shared database.//looking for msslbiz Do you want to work offline?
I click Continue and get the messagebox:
Business Contact Managerdatabase cannot be loaded
This action cannot be completed because Business Contact Manager cannot access the database. The database is currently stopped.
Do you want to change the database configuration?
i say Yes and the messagebox says
Microsoft Windows Search Protocol Host has stopped working. A problem cause the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.
I close program (no choice) and message says:
Cannot find the selected database. Verify that the network and the computer on which the databases are located are available, and that you have permission to access the database, and then retry.
Connect to computer name prompt does not work
Create new database does not work
Database creation was unsuccesful
Using MS SQL Server Management Studio Express) to connect to msslbiz
SQLServer does not allow remote connections (when trying to conect to
Note that SqlServer Express is started and running on the Vista machine, and the databases I create are available to other machines on my lan. I cannot find a way to enable remote connections on msslbiz. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Ive tried searching but nothing came up specific to my problem.
I currently have all the reports separated into separate folders, such as Finance, HR etc, and the datasources in a datasources folder at the root level. My problem is that when i upload reports into their appropriate folder, the shared datasource information gets deleted, and i need to re-map it everytime.
Is there anyway to have the specific reports point to specific shared datasource folders on the report server when i upload them?
Hi, We are using Shared Schedule to trigger reports at a particular time. We are invoking the SQL Job associated with the shared schedule. How to identify when the shared schedule gets completed i.e. all the associated reports with the shared schedule are generated. We need to trigger other external processes once all the reports are generated. Kindly help me in this. Subash
Hi guys, I hope this is the correct place to post this question. 1) My website makes use of the Membership and Roles of asp.net 2. 2) I have uploaded my website to a shared hosting server, which doesn't support sql express (mdf files). It does support mysql, so I used a custom Membership provider for MySql. 3) It worked greate on my local computer, however (!!) it still creates a aspnetbd.mdf file in the AppData folder. 4) Obviously, when I tried to run it on the website, I got an error. My questions: Why my website still creates a aspnetbd.mdf file even if I am not using it anymore for the Membership ? How can I disable it, in order for it to run on a server which does not support it ? Thanks, Itye.
I've created a new website using the new Visual Studio 2005 Express edition. This site uses SQL Server Express (free software) as a storage for personalization data, etc. Now I want to deploy my site, but here it ends for me:My web site hoster does not support the SQL Express edition in a shared hosting environment. I think most people have a website running in a 'shared hosting' plan. How can this large group enjoy the new Express line when SQL Server Express is not supported? "SQL Server Express is not a part of the SPLA SPUR (Services Provider License Agreement)", they all say. Here it ends for me, my ISP and their licence supplier. Even at Microsoft's Response Management Team, 'no' is the answer. What to do now? Move on to an expensive 'dedicated hosting' plan? Write a membershipprovider for MySQL?I feel as if I was given a free ticket for a nice journey but there's no traffic possible. Who can help me out here? What can I do...