Default Value For A Feild

Nov 19, 2006

I would like have the default value for a feild to be the result of a call to


How do I implement this?

In a trigger? Do you have sample code?

Thank you very much

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Password Feild As Passwordchar

Jun 5, 2007

Hi,I want to put passwords in my sql table not in clear text  but in password char.  Pls help me

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Taking The First 100 Characters From A Feild.

Jul 2, 2007

 I dont know what this is called in the technical world. But you know when you do a search on amazon or and the search results contain the first sentance or so of the items describtion rather than the whole thing. How is this done? thanks si!

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Text Feild In SQL Server

Jan 12, 2004

when i inserted a large amount of text into a text type field through form but only some of it shows up in SQL server.
can u please help me how to handle this problem? so all the text entered in text feilt can be handled.

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Devide 1 Feild Into 3 Feilds!

Oct 22, 2004

Hi there!

There is a feild in my table that contains the city, state and zip, all in the same feild. I was wondering how would be the best way to devide all that info up into 3 feilds? i really don't know how I would go about it since there are cities that can be comosed of 2 or more words. Here is some sample data. I hope someone can help.

GARDENA CA90249107

PORTLAND OR972028901
ANAHEIM CA928071735
KENT WA98032

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Creating A Feild When Selecting

Mar 25, 2008

I have a database with tables with the following schema...

Articles) ArticleID, Version
ArticlesVersions)ArticleID Version Title Body etc...

I use the articles table to simply map to a version. This allows for me to revert the article to a earliar version.

I want to cache all the articles including the versions, but with another feild that needs to be created durring the select to determine wether the article version is the active version. The feild needs to be a bit (boolean).

I was thinking maybe SELECT (IF test = test THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as IsCurrent.

I've tried doing this but I can't get it to work.

Any help would be appreciated!

SELECT dbo.mw_Articles.ArticleID, dbo.mw_ArticlesVersions.Version, dbo.mw_ArticlesVersions.Body, dbo.mw_ArticlesVersions.Title, dbo.mw_ArticlesVersions.ParentID,

dbo.mw_ArticlesVersions.Approved, dbo.mw_ArticlesVersions.UserName, dbo.mw_ArticlesVersions.UserID, dbo.mw_ArticlesVersions.Importance, dbo.mw_ArticlesVersions.EditNotes, dbo.mw_ArticlesVersions.TIME

FROM dbo.mw_Articles INNER JOIN

dbo.mw_ArticlesVersions ON dbo.mw_Articles.ArticleID = dbo.mw_ArticlesVersions.ArticleID AND

dbo.mw_ArticlesVersions.Approved = 1

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Index Question In Date Feild

Feb 26, 2003

I have a stored procedure and using various where condition and all have proper index(clustered).
All columns are doing clustered index seek but only the date column doing index scan.
If I forcing(hint) the index and getting better performance but still that doing cluster index scan.

Why I am having problem whith this date field?
and How can able to make it index seek instead of clustered index scan?.

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When A Feild Is Null I Do Not Want To See The Empty Cell And Titel In A Report?

Mar 29, 2007

Let's say I have three fields in a table like this...


Tell us about cats

Tell us about dogs

Now I have two records.

Name Billy Bob

Tell us about cats I do not have any Cats

Tell us about dogs "null"

Name Joe Slick

Tell us about cats "null"

Tell us about dogs they sure chase Cats a lot.

I want my report to generate like this:

Name Billy Bob

Tell us about cats I do not have any cats

Name Joe Slick

Tell us about dogs they sure chase cats allot.

How do I omit null fields in a report including the field description? I am pretty flexible and I am willing to explore using ASP.Net, asp, html, VS2005 ? Or please tell me a program to use. I have a lot of reports to create. The data base is MS SQL 2005. The reports need to be published to the web. Can anyone suggest the best method?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Use Of Default Keyword As Parameter Default - What Value Is It

Aug 11, 2015

@pvColumnName  VARCHAR(100) = Default,  

However, I am unable to determine what is the value for Default. Is it '' ?

Default is not permitted as a constant - below fails to parse:

AND (@pvColumnName = Default OR t1.[COLUMN_NAME] Like @vColumnName)

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Date Picker Bug - Drops The Default Value And Displays Default Value As Todays Date

Apr 3, 2008

Does anyone have a workaround or know of a fix to this problem:
Default value set to 'date pick' from date currently within field by setting value equal to that field . ie if date is 01/01/2010 date picker opens in Jan 2010 - works ok.
However, once published to Sharepoint and run through browser the Date Picker ignores the default value and the date picker opens for today. ie April 2008.

Any words of wisdom gratefully recieved,

Howard Stiles

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Default Value

Aug 15, 2007

is it possible to give a default value for a column which is generated as a result of left outer join...
when there is no value for a particular column it shows null is it possible to change give a default value based on its data type?

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Default Value For SUM

Jan 26, 2004

I have a sql query that sums a database column. When the data in the column in '0' it prints out to my datagrid nothing, blank.

Is there a way in the SQL statment to somehow assign a default '0' value so that it prints out to my datagrid. Here is the SUM part of my sql code

SUM(nonconformance.nc_wafer_qty) as 'wafers'

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Default Value?

Jan 26, 2006

Hi, I'm creating a dynamic group of values using SELECT and UNION Example: (SELECT Description = 'Changed PhoneNumber from ' + @old_PhoneNumber + ' to ' + @PhoneNumber WHERE @PhoneNumber <> @old_PhoneNumber UNION ALL SELECT Description = 'Changed FaxNumber from ' + @old_FaxNumber + ' to ' + @FaxNumber WHERE @FaxNumber <> @old_FaxNumber UNION ALL SELECT Description = 'Changed EmailAddress from ' + @old_EmailAddress + ' to ' + @EmailAddress WHERE @EmailAddress <> @old_EmailAddress) The problem here is that SQL Server thinks "Description" is an int (by default probably) and gives me an error when I try to assign a string to it. I'm taking that information and using it as a field in a INSERT INTO ... SELECT statement, so I don't think I am able to use a DECLARE statement or if that would even work. Does anyone know how I can make it so that Description is always a varchar?

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Default Value

Mar 1, 2001

When creating a table the default value field how do I input a default value into this field so when the user does his input it is automatically displayed. I have a yes/no user defined data type and I want the default value to be no.

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Default Value

Jan 4, 2005

i want a defauld vaule in my query to come for each row(50 row)

say i have address table with column name,street1, state,pin but no column for city---

How do i return a query for each name(50 row) which has a default value of city as 'Miami' for all 50 rows
the city name is not there in databse at all

any help will be appreciated

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How To Set The Default Value

Nov 7, 2005

I have database in sql server. One field called datesent, i would like to set the default value as now(), i just type in the default value in database design, it didn't work. Please help, many thanks.

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Default A Sum Into Else

Jan 8, 2013

I find myself coding the following quite often:

SELECT M.District,
SUM(case when P.PropType = 'T' or M.Status = 'SA' then
V.CurrentTaxable else 0 end),
SUM(case when SUBSTRING(P.Code,1,1) = 'P' then
V.CurrentTaxable else 0 end),
SUM(case when P.PropType <> 'T' and M.Status <> 'SA' and SUBSTRING(P.Code,1,1) <> 0 then
V.CurrentTaxable else 0 end)


In other words, I am trying to sum 1 variable into 3 categories depending upon certain conditions. I have to explicitly negate all the conditions from the first 2 SUM's to simulate a default ending else condition. Is there any construct in SQL that will me to do the last SUM if the first 2 SUM's fail without all the negation conditions?

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Default Value

May 19, 2004

How do you give a Column a default value when creating a DB Table?

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Default Value In SQL Db

May 11, 2008

I am using SQL Express and Expression Web. A table in my db records holiday requests and has a status field. I want this field set to a default value of 1. The field in SQL (Default Value/Binding) is set to 1 and displays ((1)). If I enter a row manually, it works fine. However, the web form posts data to the database but this particular field results in NULL? I've had to allow NULLS on this occasion to troubleshoot to this point whereas normally for this field NULLS would not be allowed. Any idea why this is behaving as so?

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Default Value

Mar 23, 2007

How to set default value(0) in particular column

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Default Value

Jul 20, 2005

How do i setup the table so that the default date enters the currentdate whenever someone enters a record.vj

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How Do I Get The Value Of A DEFAULT

Jun 29, 2006


We have a default defined in our database

CREATE DEFAULT [ schema_name . ] default_name
AS constant_expression [ ; ]

How can I ge the value of the constant using SQL ?

Also - anyone know why this is going to be removed from a future version of SQL - we use it for partitioning with replicated clients (long story) - but every table has one column which is bound to this default. We find it *very* handy.


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Inserting A Default Value

Sep 3, 2006

I have populated an SQLdata table from an XML datasource usinmg the bulk command. In my SQL table is a new column that is not in the XML table which I would like to set to a default value. Would anyone know the best way to do this. So far I can's see how to add this value in the Bulk command. I am happy to create a new command that updates all the null values of this field to a default value but can't seem to do this either as a SQLdatasource or a APP Code/ Dataset. Any suggestions or examples where I can do this.Many thanks in advance

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Is It Possible To Set The Default Database

Oct 4, 2007

In SQL Server Management Studio (Express), when you create a new query the database defaults to "Master", and you either have to select the database that you want or write "USE databasename" at the start of your query.Is there any way of setting the default database?  I can't seem to find any option to change this from "Master" to the name of the database that I am using all the time.Thank you, Robert. 

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Default Database

Apr 23, 2008

 I am working on a single server on two databases. whenever i open new query it uses one of the databases out of it i have access to.
but i want other database to be default whenever i open new query as i work on it mostly.
 how can i do that?

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Dropdownlist -default Value!!

Feb 3, 2004

hi ,

need your help please

I have got a dropdownlist which is getting it's items and values from the table with in SQL server , everything works fine.

I just want to be able to select default item , so when the page is loaded the dropdown list default will be that selected item.

as an exmple if the drop downlist items and values are as follow

item ----> value
city -----> 1
tokyo -----> 2
london ------>3

these info is imported from the database
and I want by default tokyo to be selected

many thanks


here is my code:

Dim sqlConnection As SqlConnection
Dim sqlDataAdapter As SqlDataAdapter
Dim sqlCommand As SqlCommand
Dim dataSet As DataSet
Dim dataTable As DataTable

sqlConnection = New SqlConnection("user id=sa;password=testfirm;database=ken_live;server=csfirm03")

'pass the stored proc name and SqlConnection
sqlCommand = New SqlCommand("Select * From _aci",sqlConnection)

'instantiate SqlAdapter and DataSet
sqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlCommand)
dataSet = New DataSet()

'populate the DataSet
sqlDataAdapter.Fill(dataSet, "AA")

'apply sort to the DefaultView to sort by CompanyName
dataSet.Tables(0).DefaultView.Sort = "bsheet"
city.DataSource = dataSet.Tables("AA").DefaultView

city.DataTextField ="bsheet" ' what to display
city.DataValueField ="bsheet" ' what to set as value


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Default Value For A Image

Mar 24, 2005

Hi, i would like to insert a default value for a image column in sql server express. is this possible?

I would like to do this so that when users pull up a record in my web forms there is something to see.

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Set Default To Blank

Apr 6, 2005

I am writing a two step process where the record is created and half of the fields are populated. The second step will populate the remaining fields. Between steps they will run queries against the table and the empty fields are <NULL>.When the field is <NULL> it won't return data on "WHERE Field LIKE '%'". I could just pass "" as data to the remaining fields however since MS SQL allows you to set a default value on a field. Is it possible to set the default value to a blank instead of <NULL>. This would help keep my code a little more streamline.
Or is there an easy way to write a fuzzy search that will include <NULL> fields.

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I Want A Default Value Of 'space'

Oct 31, 2005

I'm using  MSDE and I'd like to set a default value of a space (or spaces), and in design-view, it lets me enter a space.  But  it is interpreted as an empty-string "" which gets converted to Nulls when it is moved to another string field?  I'm not sure why.    Is there any way around this?   

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How To Set Date As Default

Dec 7, 2005

Hi, I probably do something stupid, but I cannot figure out how to set the date as deault when
inserting a record in a table. I have created a Default in the database, giving it a name and the Value = GetDate() and bind it to the desired column.
When I insert a record without filling in a value in this datefield, the table shows me "01/01/1900" in stead of Today.
What am I doing wrong ?
Help is appreciated, Ger.

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T-SQL Setting Default Value

Feb 2, 2006

I have the following to create a new table....
CREATE TABLE dbo.test (Id varchar(20) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,    Name varchar(256) NOT NULL,    visible bit NOT NULL                                          )
I need to set the default value of the bit visible to 1.
How can this be done using a T-SQL statement?

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Default Values

Mar 2, 2006

I need to set the default value of a field in my table to 'Regular' if nothing is inserted to that field. Is it not as easy as putting ('Regular') in Default Value?

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Default Date

Jan 11, 2002

I am trying to insert a row in a table. One of the column has been defined as smalldatetime datatype.
The insertion is successful but some default date is getting inserted in the date field. The default date is 1/1/1900.
I haven't given any default date.
I want to insert null in that field. I don't want any default date to get inserted.

If you have any solution to this please reply urgently.

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