Defining Custom Roles With Limited Access To SQL Objects

Jan 29, 2007


I'm assisting in the creation of a development enviroment with SQL Server 2005, and I need to assign some custom roles, in particular, a Stored Developer Role should be able to create, modify and execute Stored Procedures but they should not be able to alter tables or views, but should be able to retrieve/insert data from those tables.

I've tried with the default roles in 2005 to no avail.

Is there a relatively easy way to accomplish this with a database alredy populated with objects of both kinds? (SP's and Tables / Views)


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How To Show Roles With Permissions To Objects

Mar 14, 2007

Hello,I am trying to write a script using SQL Server 2000 to list all of theroles that have any permissions on a specified object (view, table,sp, etc.). Essentially I am trying to script what is displayed whenone selects the 'list only users/user-defined database roles/publicwith permissions to this object' option under 'manage permissions' inEM but without showing individual users, only roles. I've looked atthe system sp's and the information_schema views but none of thoseseem to give this information. Am I going to have to look directly atthe system tables? If anyone has a script that does this for aspecified object or can point me to more specific information on howto do this I'd appreciate it. Thanks!Bruce

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Custom Object Wide Roles

Jan 23, 2006

Can we create custom object wide roles? In the same manner that db_datareader in effect grants SELECT on all tables, can we create roles that affect all objects without having to explicitly grant the permission on every object?

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Custom Role Provider Everthing Working Except Roles???

Apr 25, 2007

Hello Everyone,
I am trying to use a custom role provider, the main purpose so that I don't have to use a database file. My web.config file is posted below. My problem is that I think I have followed all the steps to create a custom role provider using both articles on MSDN and some written by Scott Gu. After Modifying my web.config file I went to the configuration to test the connection. Users are created in the remote database but roles are being picked up and created in the App_Data folder. Can anyone give me a hint at what I am doing wrong? thanks in advance.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Note: As an alternative to hand editing this file you can use the
web admin tool to configure settings for your application. Use
the Website->Asp.Net Configuration option in Visual Studio.
A full list of settings and comments can be found in
machine.config.comments usually located in
<configuration xmlns="">
<add name="MyConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=;Database=MyDataBase;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=user;Password=password" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
Set compilation debug="true" to insert debugging
symbols into the compiled page. Because this
affects performance, set this value to true only
during development.
<roleManager enabled="true"/>
<membership defaultProvider="CustomSQLRoleManager">
<add name="CustomSQLRoleManager"
<compilation debug="true">
<add assembly="System.Design, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B03F5F7F11D50A3A"/>
<add assembly="System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089"/></assemblies></compilation>
The <authentication> section enables configuration
of the security authentication mode used by
ASP.NET to identify an incoming user.
<authentication mode="Forms"/>
The <customErrors> section enables configuration
of what to do if/when an unhandled error occurs
during the execution of a request. Specifically,
it enables developers to configure html error pages
to be displayed in place of a error stack trace.
<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="GenericErrorPage.htm">
<error statusCode="403" redirect="NoAccess.htm" />
<error statusCode="404" redirect="FileNotFound.htm" />

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Users Limited Access By IP

Sep 25, 2007

Hiya - this might be a bit of a simple question but please bear with me! I have looked reasonably hard for this but can not find an answer:

I have an MSSQL 2000 server running on PC-A and would like to limit certain users (e.g. admin) to be only able to logon when using the actual PC-A machine.

I am aware that you can acheive this in MySQL with the "insert into user (host, user, password) values (localhost, username, password);" command. Is there an equivalent way to do this in MSSQL?

Thanks for your help,


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Implement CheckAccess In Custom Security Extension With Non-builtin Roles

Jan 21, 2008

Roles Table:

RoleID, RoleName
<RoleID1>, Allow_ClientFolder
<RoleID2>, Allow_ClientReportA
<RoleID3>, Allow_ClientReportB
<RoleID4>, Allow_CompanyFolder
<RoleID5>, Allow_CompanyReportA
<RoleID6>, Allow_CompanyReportB

UsersInRoles Table:

UserID, RoleID
<UserID1>, <RoleID1>
<UserID1>, <RoleID2>
<UserID2>, <RoleID4>
<UserID2>, <RoleID5>
<UserID2>, <RoleID6>
<UserID2>, <RoleID1>
<UserID2>, <RoleID3>

when the <UserID1> clicks on the "home" link show only "Client" folder and when <UserID1> clicks on the "Client" folder only "ClientReportA" will show.

Here is the accessable map for each user:






What is the best way to implement CheckAccess? At first I thought I can access the item names and I can test authorization through that, but AceCollection contains operation permission of the accessing object.

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Limited Remote Login Access

Mar 20, 2007

Hello all,

I'm very new to this so excuse my naiveity...I have connected my desktop and laptop computer at home, on my desktop I have a series of db's under my default named instance <computername>/sqlexpress and I have created access logins using windows auth. When I connect to the desktop from the laptop using tcp:<computername>sqlexpressuserid I can only see the systemdb's...I am trying to view adventure works, just to see how this remote connection stuff works...any ideas?



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Limited Remote Login Db Access

Mar 20, 2007

I have connected my desktop and laptop computer at home, on my desktop I have a series of db's under my default named instance <computername>/sqlexpress and I have created access logins using windows auth. When I connect to the desktop from the laptop using tcp:<computername>sqlexpressuserid I can only see the system db's...I am trying to view adventure works, which I can see on the desktop fine using the same login...any ideas?



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Create User With Limited Access From A Script

Sep 7, 2006

Hi I am using sql express to automatically generate users and logins from t-sql. I seem to be having a problem when it comes to restricting their access though.  I only want them to be able to select on views and execute stored procedures. at the moment I have created a new database role, schema, login, and user, then added the user to the role but how do I restrict access to the above areas?  do the restrictions go on the role, schema, or user?  I must confess I find the whole schema and role issue a little confusing and just when I think I've got it, it turns out I haven't :( thanks 

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Analysis :: SSAS - Roles With Read Definition Access Are Not Able To See Data In Cube

Nov 25, 2015

I am facing a very weird issue in our SSAS database. We have several roles with 'Read definition' access. None of these roles are able to see data in the cubes. I have checked these roles over and over and there is no problem with the definition. Each of the roles have been given read access to Data Source, Cube and Dimensions.

The users are able to access the definition and structure of the cube i.e. they can see the measures & dimensions available but when they drag measures and dimension attributes in the browser (SSMS) OR execute an MDX - they get null values. The roles with 'Full Control (administrator)' access are able to see all the data without any issues.
I have tried the following:

1. Deleted all roles and re-created.
2. Created roles directly on SSAS DB.
3. Deployed all objects and processed the DB.
Each time only the admins are able to see the data.

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I Cannot Get The SQL Server 2005 Roles, Schemas, Users Correctly Setup For Proper Access

May 16, 2008

I have been struggling with this for a while and cannot get it right. I have read countless articles on the internet as well as MSDN documentation about SQL Server 2005 and no success so far.

What I want is a database with multiple SCHEMAS, DATABASE ROLES and USERS in order to have a finer grade of security to access the various objects.

My schemas are (in order to simplify the situation and provide an example of the setup):

- [dbo] the standard DBO schema which is always default. Contains public objects.
- [com] a special module integrated into the system
- [ofc] contains objects used by back-office only
- [aud] contains objects used for auditing, etc.

Each of these schemas has their fair share of tables, views, functions and stored procedures which have been created appropriately (i.e. CREATE TABLE [ofc].[Addresses]), in other words prefixed by the name of the schema to which they belong.

Then I have created various database roles (don't confuse them with SQL2005 application roles) as follows:

- PublicRole mostly used for viewing, no data alterations
- WorkerRole used by front end processes that need write access to data in [dbo] and [aud]
- OfficeRole used by back-office for dealing with backoffice data (basically [ofc], [aud] stuff)
- AdminRole used by application administrator

Each of these database roles has been defined with owner 'dbo', none of them own any schemas. And last but not least to each of these roles I have selected the above named schemas (dbo, ofc, aud) as securables and for each of those securables schemas I have then given the correct set of GRANT/DENY on the Alter, Control, Delete, Execute, Insert, References, Select, Update, Take ownership and View definition.

As an example, the PublicRole role has been given the following permissions (Y=GRANT, N=DENY):

Table #1 of Application Permissions [dbo] [com] [ofc] [aud]Alter N N N N
Control N N N N Delete N N N N Execute Y Y N Y Insert N N N Y References Y Y N Y Select Y Y N Y Update N N N Y Take ownership N N N N View definition N N N N

And I have the following minimum set of database users defined (the server login has the same name):

- upublic, assigned to PublicRole
- uworker, assigned to WorkerRole
- uoffice, assigned to OfficeRole
- uadmin, assigned to AdminRole

As I understand when I assign these users to a particular custom Database Role, the users inherit the permissions granted to THAT role thus liberating me from having to assign the permissions to each and every user account on the same role.

What I expected was that when I logged in to the database with the upublic user account I would at least be able to view (SELECT at least) ALL the objects with the exception of those in th e[ofc] schema. Unfortunately the account is not able to access ANYTHING at all, I get an error like

"The SELECT permission has been denied on object XYZ, database DB, schema 'dbo'"

So, when I use Management Studio to look at the properties I selected the PublicRole and it showed the upublic user as a member of the role (Members of this role). So far so good.

Then when I switch to the Securables page for this role it shows all the schemas I defined and for each of them the same list shown in Table #1 except it has two lines for each permission, the first for Grantor dbo and the second for Grantor upublic. The first has the same permissions I assigned to the role (as shown on Table #1) but the 2nd does not show a checkmark on either GRANT or DENY!!! For example ([x] = checked, [ ] unchecked):

Table #2 Explicit permissions for Securable
Permission Grantor Grant Grant-with Deny
Select dbo [x] [ ] [ ] Select upublic [ ] [ ] [ ]

What am I doing wrong here? Apparently I then have to repeat the whole grant/deny for EACH and EVERY USER I define when the idea was that I would grant/deny on the database role and every member of that role would inherit those permissions automatically.

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Schemas, Users, Logins, Database Roles, Application Roles

Mar 5, 2006


I am new user of SQL Server. I have some problems with these words. I want to make my database works in my specified permissions. I will specify permissions with schemas and these schema wants an owner. I want this owner should be my user. When creating a user it needs a valid login. I am selecting my login and it occurs and error says this login has an different user. I am specifying permissions with roles. But i can't make association all of them. I hope i told my problem to you as well. If you explain these words to me and tell me how can i do my database's works with my own schemas, users and roles i'll be grateful. Thanks for advices.

Happy coding...

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Add User/Set Roles In Code And Read Roles

Jan 28, 2004

Can you write a stored procedure to add a user to your DB and set the roles the user belongs to?

I want to write a stored proc. to add users and set roles so it can be used in code instead of doing it manually.

After the user has been added and their roles set, can you write another stored proc. to give you what roles they belong to?

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SQL Server Roles &&amp; ASP.NET 2.0 Forms Authentication Roles

Jun 16, 2006

Apologies if my post does not fit into this forum. I initially tried the SQL Server Data Access forum but I now think my question is more security related.

Is it possible for a web user who has been successfully authenticated with forms authentication to be authorised to use a SQL Server 2000 role depending on a particular ASP.NET 2.0 role that they have been authorised to use? I understand that that I can assign a SQL Server 2000 role to the ASPNET or NETWORK SERVICE account but this will grant access to anonymous web users to the database role. I can ensure that I only call stored procedures which access sensitive data in web pages that are in restricted by ASP.NET roles. However, it would be nice to also restrict stored procedures via the ASP.NET 2.0 Forms Authentication roles.

If this is not possible have you got any bright ideas how I could restrict access to stored procedures who are anonymous web users.

Many thanks,


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SQL Server Roles, Windows Groups &&amp; ASP.NET Allow Roles

May 6, 2007

I'm developing an ASP.NET2.0 application which accesses a SQL Server 2005 Express database. I plan to use integrated security for access to the database.

I'm confused about the relationships between Windows groups, the ASP.NET web.config file <allow roles=.../> and SQL Server roles.

I would like to create a Windows group to which I can assign multiple users and grant that group access to a Web Site using windows authentication and also grant that windows group access to the database my web application uses.

I have gotten the combination of Windows Authentication to the web site and to the database to work for a specific windows user but I am having trouble determining the combination of database security entities I must create to allow access to my database by members of the windows group.

For a Windows user:

1. Create Windows user

In SQL Express




5. EXEC sp_addrolemember <role-name> <user-name>

For a Windows group, what would be the equivalent commands necessary to grant a windows group access to my database? Specifying the Windows Group name in sp_addrolemember does not appear to be sufficient even though the documentation states that a windows group name is a valid value for the member name argument.

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Fixed Database Roles Vs Application Roles

Aug 24, 2006

After reading Books Online, I am still confused with Database Role vs Application role.

My intention is to control the end users' authority on the database, where the end users will access through Winforms client application. With proper assignment of schema and database roles to an user, I believe this will enough to control the permisison of an user.

If this is the case, why Application role exists? When and why should I use Application Role? How is it different from Fixed Database Role?

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How To List All The Objects That An User Has Access To?

Aug 27, 2004

Is there anyway, that I can generate a list of all the objects that a given user has access to (including type of access whether select or update etc), by running a SQL command? One of our databases has nearly 40,000 tables (no kidding!) I can always find this out by manually looking into the roles etc on the enterprise manager, but I need a way to find out using a T-SQL query..Thanks for any help!

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Is There Any Way To Access Report Objects At Runtime

May 2, 2007

Hi all,

In my report, I have an image object that I want it to load dynamically at runtime. How can I access it from code.

Many thanks,

Huy Le

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Database Access Via COM Objects - V- Database Access Via Stored Procedures

Aug 17, 2000

We have been asked to look into using stored procedures with SQL Server 7.0 as a way to speed up a clients site. 99% of all the articles I have read along with all the books all say Stored Procedure should be used whenever possible as opposed to putting the SQL in your ASP script. However one of my colleagues has been speaking to Microsoft and they said that that they were surprised that our client wanted to use Stored Procedures as this was the old method of database access and that now he should really consider using COM objects for data access as itis much faster. Has anyone got any views on this or know of any good aticles regarding this matter ?

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SQL 2012 :: Creating A View Which Access Objects In Another Database

Sep 10, 2014

We are running SQL Server 2012 on Windows 2008 Server. In one database, we would like to create a view which access objects in another database without giving the user permissions to the underlying base tables in the other database. The ownership chain is broken in this case. Can this be accomplished (considering the ownership chain is broken)? If so, what is the easiest method to accomplish this task? Or

Example 1 (Works):

In DB1:
--UserA selects from Schema1.View1 (which access tables in DB2).

In DB2:
--UserA exists with select permissions on the base tables accessed by Schema1.View1 (in DB1).

Example 2 (trying to accomplish):

In DB1:
--UserA selects from Schema1.View1 (which access tables in DB2).

In DB2:
--UserA exists (or may not exists) with NO permissions on the base tables accessed by Schema1.View1 (in DB1).

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Access Permissions On Server Scoped Objects For Login

May 17, 2006

We are having problems with the response times from UPS WorldShip after switching from SQL Server 2000 to 2005.

I think that the problem can be fixed from the database end by setting the permissions correctly for the user/role/schema that is being used by WorldShip to connect to the server but, I'm not sure how to do it.

The Setup

UPS WorldShip 8.0 running on XP Pro SP2
Connecting via Sql Native Client via SQL Server Login
Connection is over a T1 via VPN

Server -
SQL Server Standard Edition on Windows Server 2003
2x3ghz Xeon processors w/ 4gb ram

The user that is being used to connect runs under it's own schema and role and only needs access to two tables in a specific database on the server.

What UPS WorldShip seems to be doing is on a continual basis retrieving information about the layout of the database via calls such as the following

exec [sys].sp_tables NULL,NULL,NULL,N'''VIEW''',@fUsePattern=1

exec [webservices].[sys].sp_columns_90 N'CHECK_CONSTRAINTS',N'INFORMATION_SCHEMA',N'webservices',NULL,@fUsePattern=1

exec [webservices].[sys].sp_columns_90 N'COLUMN_DOMAIN_USAGE',N'INFORMATION_SCHEMA',N'webservices',NULL,@fUsePattern=1

This seems to happen whenever WorldShip contacts the database to find out information in order to be able to create a mapping to the database as well as exporting information to it. Because of the VPN connection these calls take anywhere from 20 seconds to 3 minutes.

I am fairly confident that the problem lies with these calls to the database which I was able to capture using the SQL Server Profiler. We have experimented with the following setups.

1. Connecting to SQL 2000 over VPN with SQL Native Client - No noticeable lag
2. Connecting to SQL 2000 over VPN with SQL Server 2000 driver - No Noticable lag
3. Connecting to SQL 2005 locally with SQL Native Client - No Noticable lag
4. Connectiong to SQL 2005 over VPN with SQL Native Client - Lots of lag

Our network admin has been testing the network connections over the VPN and it is very responsive with none of the long wait times found when using UPS WorldShip.

Now for a possible solution other than getting UPS to fix their software. I think that by limiting the tables and views that the login is able to see will cut down significantly on the lag times that are being experienced. The problem is that there were 264 items that were being returned by sp_tables. I was able to cut that down to 154. I am unable to disable access to any of the rest of the items because they are server scoped.

Take for example the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CHECK_CONSTRAINTS view. When I try to deny access to it in any way I get the following error:

Permissions on server scoped catalog views or system stored procedures or extended stored procedures can be granted only when the current database is master (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 4629)

Am I able to deny access to these types of object and if so how? Also, what objects should be accessable such as sys.database_mirroring, sys.database_recovery_status, etc?

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Oracle Predefined Roles Vs Ms Sql Roles

May 3, 2005

Hi! Can anyone say which ms sql server predefined roles are similar to the following oracle predefined roles: dba, connect, resource. I already know that sysadmin in MS SQL Server is the same as DBA in Oracle but what about the rest?
Thanks a lot.

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How To Decide On Server Roles And DB Roles

Mar 2, 2006

I am in the process of locking down the SQL Server in an environment that is considered to be in production (pilot stages) and there is no staging or test environment that mirrors it. I need assistance in determining the server and database roles to assign to existing logins, most of which currently have sa and dbowner rights. Because it is not a development environment, I need to be sure that downgrading the server and/or database level permissions will not break any functionality.

I'm starting with the logins that have the SA fixed server role. These logins need to be able to install applications that require the use of a backend database, which will be stored on SQL Server. In addition, through the installation process a new login/password for the newly created database(s) is normally created. For the existing logins with the SA fixed server role, will downgrading to the securityadmin and dbcreator roles be sufficient to facilitate those needs, or are those too much/ too little? And should any user account ever be granted the SA role? If so, what questions could I ask to determine this need?

Since these install process for these applications usually prompt to install using SA or local system account to authenticate to SQL to create the new database(s), that account should have securityadmin and dbcreator roles to create the database and its tables, as well as add a new login to that database.

Please address this question, keeping in mind that the logins will only be performing the described actions, installing apps using SQL Server as the backend database and adding a login to that database (which may or may not be done during the installation process).

Thank you,

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SQL Server 2012 :: Query To Find User Who Last Modified User Roles / Access?

Dec 6, 2013

I would like to know if there is a way to find out who changed a users roles/access WITHOUT using the audit function. For example, if a user account was created and given SA access then changed to read only, how can I find out who made that change? I tried searching for an answer, but kept getting no results. I'm thinking this may tie into the sys.sysusers view?

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What Custom Code Can Access

Jun 8, 2007

I am trying to find ways around the limitation of not being able to resize columns based on the text input. I am dynamically setting what values a column is getting from my query. I am wondering if I can access the table (and thus, the columns) from within the custom code.

For example:

Public Function Whynot() As Integer
Report.table1.TableColumn1.Width = ....
table1.TableColumn.Width = ....
Return 0
End Function

Neither of these seem to work, anyone else have any ideas?


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Access Dataset In Custom Code

Jan 2, 2008

Hi there!

For setting different languages on the column haeders i need to access a dataset from a custom code function call. I want to pass a parameter to the function that will allow me to find a specific item in the dataset - like a lookup function. I cannot find a way to get access to the entire dataset and to iterate through its components.

Is there any solution? Every hint will be helpful!

Thanks, Torsten

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Access To Variables In Custom Log Provider?

Jun 29, 2006


I found one post from the past asking this question, but didn't see an answer, so I am hoping someone can shed some more light on it:

I am writing a custom log provider in C#. Is it possible give this custom log provider access to the variables collection (via a variabledispenser object)? First glance at the log provider classes would tell me that this is not possible, though I would like confirmation. Also, if I am correct in thinking it is not possible, what was the reason for leaving this out?


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How To Access Package Variables In A Custom Task

Jul 3, 2006

Hi Everyone,

I created a script task that uploads a file to a HTTPs site. The script task works well and now I want to turn this script task into a custom component...

I'm having problems on how to call the variables I have in the package, I already locked them for reading, but how am I suppose to access them and how can I put their values into strings so I can easily call them in the WebClient.UploadFile method?

Also, I am very new to custom tasks in SSIS.. and would appreciate if anyone of you can send me something (code, link, etc.) of a very simple custom task without any form or properties, that I can try to study.

Basically, what I want my custom task to do is,

1. Read the varialbes in the package.
2. use the variables values as input in my WebClient.UploadFile("varURLstring", "PUT", "varFilePath")

as you can see, my custom task is really simple... but I'm a noob here and I don't know where to go.

Thanks in advance,

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Custom Security Extension: How To Give Access To Everyone

May 29, 2007

Hi All,

My application is currently integration with reporting services using custom security extension. I have my own USER and ROLE database to determine who/which role can access certain reports.

My question is how to give access a report to be viewable by everyone? I dont want to assign all users or all roles to achieve this.

The other thing that I found out is, let say I change the name one of the user/role. Because of this, the authorization will fail because the old name/role is not in the DB anymore. Is this expected? or is there a workaround it?

Your help is appreciated.


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Cannot Deploy Reports Using Custom Assembly - Access Is Denied

Aug 10, 2007

We have a custom assembly that worked fine with SSRS 2000. Now that we have upgraded to SQL 2005 we get an "Access is denied" error when attempting to deploy reports that reference this assembly. I could swear that when we first attempted it it worked. We decided to make a minor change to the assembly code and that's when the problem started, even though I've since reverted back to the original code to make certain that the minor change wasn't the issue. The assembly is in the proper folder - C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2Reporting ServicesReportServerin - and the reports are referencing the current version. I've searched high and low on the web for an answer but have found nothing even remotely helpful. All this code does is return a's not doing anything that should require any additional security; and even then I doubt if there would be a problem when deploying.

The full text of the error is:
Error while loading code module: €˜Reporting, Version=1.0.2778.12272, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null€™. Details: Could not load file or assembly 'Reporting, Version=1.0.2778.12272, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. Access is denied.

Any ideas? Anyone? I'm at my wit's end on this!



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Stand Alone Custom Dataflow Component Trying To Access MainPipe...

Feb 4, 2008


I've created a stand alone custom dataflow component in VB and I need to set up the connection to the Input and Output components and instantiate it. The only way I've seen this done is to create an entire package and Task then use the TaskHost wrapper object to instantiate the Mainpipe (IDTSPipline90 interface) so that you can create the IDTSPath90 interface and setup the connection to the input and output components...

After all that, all that I would like to know is whether it is possible to instantiate the mainpipe interface without creating a package programmatically? I've seen something Darren Green put in an answer to a thread, about accessing the Mainpipe interface in the UI, to the effect that you can access it through IServiceProvider using the interface IDTSPipelineEnvironmentService - I think that's it... But I'd like to know if there is a more straightforward route to instantiating and accessing the Task or data flow directly?

Thanks in advance,

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Custom Task: How To Access/modify The Variables Of A Package

Feb 1, 2007


I'm trying to simplify the deployment process of my project. I already had some troubles with the config files but lets say I solved that issue. I'm going to read a flat file and set the variables of my packages from this file. I was thinking to use a Script Task to do that but I will need to copy this task in every package (I have at least 30). So if I want to make some change this will be painful.

Then, I came up with the idea of creating a Custom Task called Config File Task. I'm working on this but I got stuck trying to get the variables from the package that is running my Config File Task.

This is the code I had in the Script Task:

Dim streamReader As New StreamReader(Dts.Variables("ConfigFilePath").Value.ToString)
Dim line As String
Dim lineArray As String()
Dim variableName As String
Dim variableValue As String
Dim readConfigurations As Boolean = False

While (streamReader.Peek() <> -1)
line = streamReader.ReadLine()
If line = "[CONFIGURATIONS]" Then
readConfigurations = True
ElseIf line = "[/CONFIGURATIONS]" Then
readConfigurations = False
If readConfigurations And line <> "" Then
lineArray = line.Split("|".ToCharArray())
variableName = lineArray(0).Trim()
variableValue = lineArray(1).Trim()

If Dts.Variables.Contains(variableName) Then
Dts.Variables(variableName).Value = variableValue
End If
End If
End If
End While
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

All I want to do is set the variables that exists in each package from the config file. In my UI Class (ConfigFileTaskUI.cs) I can have access to the variables via the TaskHost which is passed as an argument of Initialize() method.

Any thoughts? I'd really appreciate some help!

P.S. I've been working on this for 2 days!

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Custom Task: How To Access/modify The Expression Collection Of A Package

Feb 6, 2007


I created a Custom Task which it has a Property called ConfigFilePath. I'm overriding the Validate() method from Task. I want to throw an error if my property ConfigFilePath is empty and if the expression for this property is empty. So far, I can check if the property is empty but I don't see how I can access the Expressions Collection of my Custom Task.

Any thoughts? I'd appreciate your help.

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