I use SQLServer 2008 R2 Standard Edition.I know there are some triggers in my database that someone else has created, but I can't find their names and also I want to know the definitions of the triggers, if I want to alter or recreate them.
I was wondering if there is an easy way to get a database schema out of a MS SQL 7 database indicating specs on each field (datatype,length,table it resides in, whether it allows nulls, default values, primary keys, foreign keys, etc.)
I am going to start a database and need to know the difference betweenData Modeling, Schema and Database design?I always thought of Data Modeling and schema as defining relationshipsand primary and secondary key?What is mean when someone designs an E-R diagram and a Data FlowDiagram??
I am setting up columns in a data table. Where can I find the definitions and uses for all the items on the DATA TYPE drop down list such as ntext and nchar? The data type list is also found under column properties general section.
Hi all, After installing SP2 for SQL2005, My boss has found new reports when looking for database information. Specifically, the new Reports option when right clicking on a database.
To better streamline our dbs he found a pair of Index reports that he does not know what to do with. Can anyone help us understand the time length for the numbers shown under #User Seeks, #User Scans, #User Updates, Last User Seek Time, Last User Scan Time, etc..? We are unsure if these are daily, or from the last backup, or for uptime since last restart, or collected from the inception of the database.
Any help would be good and very much appreciated as I am VERY new to this and would like to show that I can find information when asked.
Does anybody know where to find out the definition of all the SQL error code For example, What does error code 4002 means ? What does error code 3146 means ? Thanks.
Where can i find more information on the table definitions? I am trying to understand the definition of User.AuthType & User.UserType. There should be some sort of documentation somewhere.
When I add a user to a report or folder it will assign it to UserType = 1, AuthType = 3. I have no idea what that means.
Other than the error log is there an easy way to find the sort order and chracter set of an installed SQL Server. Also after finding the numbers is there a good reference to tell you what these numbers mean. Thanks
Hi All, In SQL Server 7, we had the option of opening a previously saved trace template and running it inorder to run a previously saved trace defintion repeatedly. File > Open > Trace Definition and choosing the Trace Name. Clicking OK would run the trace.
How do we do the same in SQL Server 2000? File > Open > Trace Template opens a Trace template but has only a 'Save' button and I'm therefore unable to run it.
How is it possible to run a previously defined trace repeatedly in SQL server 2000? Thanks in advance, Praveena
HiThis is a question of "what does it cost me".Lets say I have an integer value which would fit into a smallint fieldbut the field is actually defined as int or even larger as bigint.What would that "cost" me ? How would definitions larger than I need forthe values in the field affect me ?Its obvious that the volume of the database would grow but with the sizeof resources etc that we have nowadays disc space isn't a problem likeit used to be and i/o is much faster and many people would tell me "whocares" , or IS it a problem ?How does it affect performance of data retrieves ? Searches ? Updatesand inserts ? How would it affect all db access if tables are pointingat each other with foreign keys ?Thanks !David Greenberg
Let me explain in simplified terms. We have an ETL process:
1) download data from the iSeries table Cust into SQL table Cust. 2) Tran_Cust is a view created FROM Cust 3) Copy from view Tran_Cust to table ods_Cust 4) v_ods_Cust is a view created from ods_Cust
I want to look for inconsistencies in the column definitions as a column moves from iSeries Cust, SQL Cust, view Tran_Cust, ods_Cust, view v_ods_Cust. The columns generally keep the same names except for v_ods_cust. Here a column like CustName will be created with a more meaningful column name - "CustName as 'Customer Name'.
We have hundreds of tables and we have column definition inconsistences where the host changed their column defintion and we made no changes on the SQL side. Or someone made a SQL column change in one table, but not both tables and the views were not dropped and recreated.
I have the list of tables. Think that I can put together some tsql to loop through the list of tables and create a new table based on the iSeries definition, then compare columns defintion across all the tables and views - except for the v_ods. THis is where columns are given new names - such as "CustName as 'Customer Name'". Need the actual view definition to find that CustName is 'Customer Name' and then compare the definition of ods_Cust.CustName to v_ods_Cust.[Customer Name]
How can I find the view definiton of say v_ods_Cust, seperate out the source column names (CustName) and destination column names (Customer Name) so that I can compare the source column names to another table and fine the differences?
My problem is this: How do I dynamically generate a Report Model Definition with c#?
Is there some sort of method I could call from the ReportingService2005 web service? Or some sort of APIs I could use?
If I didn't have a dynamic database structure, I would just create a Report Model Definition with BIS and then deploy the same model to each customer. However, our product creates additional tables in the database, depending on what data users wish to collect.
There are currently 2 solutions for this problem. First, I can manually create a Report Model Definition through the Buisness Intelligence Studio (BIS). However, I wish to be able to dynamically generate the report model without having to go through BIS. Second, I could use C# and manually write the XML of the SMDL. However this seems problematic.
I'm really hoping for some MS API that I'm missing out on here. Thanks for the help.
I am currently investigating the best way to handle partition swapping where the partition scheme is built on several file groups. In order to swap partitions, both partitions need to be on the same file group. In addition, the file groups and partitions are automatically updated once a month meaning that there is a scheduled job that adds a new file group, file group files, and updates the related partition objects.If I am forced to create a new non-partition table on the same file group as the partition of the target table, what would be the best way to create the target table without hard coding the full table definition and clustered index? I know that I can query the systables and syscolumns views to reconstruct a basic SQL statement to build the table definition and views Is there a SQL Server function that I can use to just give me the object definitions? Unfortunately, the OBJECT_ DEFINITION function doesn't apply to tables or indexes. URL....
I have merge replication between sql 2005 SP1, and when I disable distribution from my publisher, my tables with identity columns change the property "Not for replication" to "NO", does somebody knows if this is a known problem ?
Other information : the compatibilty level for database is 2000.
I went to look at the connection string previously entered for a dataset created in a new report, and am not seeing anything intuitive for bringing up the associated datasource dialog box that was used to enter name, type and connection string. I'm also noticing nothing intuitive for deleting an existing dataset. How do you do these two very simple things in an existing project? I dont see the dataset in solution explorer, I see it only in the text box on the data tab and in a limited kind of way on the dataset view where the columns show and maint is allowed mostly on the columns only. I tried hilighting the dataset here and hitting the delete key to no avail.
I would like to restore database using RESTORE DATABASE ... REPLACE command. If database exists already and has any open connections this command will fail. I would like to close all existing connections to specific database before running RESTORE DATABASE ... REPLACE command. I can do closing from Management Studio using checkbox "Close Existing Connection" when deleting database. Actually I need to do the same but from script.
Is there a way of uploading column definitions from the Flat File Connection Manager into a SQL Server table definition. Since I have over a dozen data sources to process each with around 200 columns and of course like many BI techies I have little immediate influence over the structure of these flat files. I just know that these data sources are business critical.
Judging by looking at similar threads I can't be the only one who would greatly benefit from being able to upload column definitions from the Flat File Connection Manager into a SQL Server table definition as opposed to doing this manually.
This isn€™t an problem as such, it€™s more of a debate.
If a table needs a number of update triggers which do differing tasks, should these triggers be separated out or encapsulated into one all encompassing trigger. Speaking in terms of performance, it doesn€™t make much of an improvement doing either depending upon the tasks performed. I was wondering in terms of maintenance and best practice etc. My view is that if the triggers do totally differing tasks they should be a trigger each on their own.
Is it possible to achieve this using triggers:When someone tries to delete a row in table A, the trigger should first delete a corresponding row in table B and then delete the row in table A. The reason being that, there is a foreign key set on Table B that references table A. So any attempt to delete a row in table A without deleting the corresponding row from B, throws an error.
Hello All, I have to write Trigger for Update, I have two tables, one is for storing records of current values, and one is for storing history of values. How to Write a Trigger on Main Table. As we have Inserted and Deleted Tables through which we can find Values, We dont have any Table for UPDATED Values. Help me. General Problem
I need to create a set of rows every time a new row is inserted into a table. Example (I think this would work)... select @insertedId = column1 from insertedselect @id = column1 from table1 where column2 in (select column1 from table2 where column2 = @insertedId)insert into table3 values(x, y, @id) Is it possible to do the same kind of thing in a situation where the select statement returns multiple values and execute the insert statement for each of these values? Also, if table3 was in fact the table on which the trigger acts, would it then be executed for every row created by the trigger? Sorry if I sound confused. I am.
hi everybody..i tried to put thios loop in sql server 2000 But it is not taking The @ action taken value ,,it is only taking the default value of @actiontaken value. SET @ActionTaken = 'A' IF (@AType = 'A')IF @Status= 'O' IF (@KAppInd ='Y' AND @DAppInd=null)BEGINSET @ActionTaken = 'O'END
Please tell me other option in sql server 2000 for setting variable value based on conditions
Hi using triggers i try to insert some values in to my 2 tables: But its showing teh error as "The request for procedure 'Triginsert123s' failed because 'Triginsert123s' is a trigger object." This is my code in back end: sqlcon.Open() Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("Triginsert123s '" & txtID.Text & "','" & txtName.Text & "','" & txtRole.Text & "','" & txtDep.Text & "'", sqlcon) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() sqlcon.Close() My trigger is: CREATE TRIGGER Triginsert123s ON [dbo].[EmpRole] FOR INSERT AS declare @Eid as tinyint, @Ename as varchar(50), @Role as char(10) Insert into Emprole(Eid,Ename,Role) values(@Eid,@Ename,@Role) insert into empdep(eid,dep) values(@eid,@Role) Whats the probs?, Plz i am new to triggers help me,
Hi All, I'm using triggers to handle my transaction log to cature inserts and updates. It works fine except if the user clicks on the Save button more than once, the trigger is fired and the record is written to the log even if the record wasn't changed. Does anyone know how to check if the record was actually changed so that it isn't written to the table if it wasn't?
When I execute a stored proc from my asp.net page, will the results of a trigger be returned to my program?
For instance say my stored proc is:
Update Employees set (Lastname = @Lastname) where ID = @ID
And my trigger is:
CREATE TRIGGER tr_Employees_U on Employees FOR UPDATE AS IF UPDATE(lastname) BEGIN RAISERROR ('cannot change lastname', 16, 1) ROLLBACK TRAN RETURN END GO
It seems like since this is an AFTER trigger that my webpage would actually get a valid return code from my stored procedure however the trigger would rollback those changes correct? Or would the trigger get fired and send it's return code to my webpage?
I'm trying to write an instead of trigger for a view in SqlExpress...the table and views are defined as such:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Work]( [WorkID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) Primary Key, [ResourceID] [int] NOT NULL, [TaskID] [int] NOT NULL, [WorkDate] [datetime] NOT NULL, [WorkQuantity] [float] NOT NULL, [IsEstimate] [bit] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0)), [Project] [int] NOT NULL,);CREATE VIEW [dbo].[ActualWork]ASSELECT WorkID, ResourceID, TaskID, WorkDate, WorkQuantity, ProjectFROM dbo.[Work]WHERE (IsEstimate = 0);CREATE VIEW [dbo].[EstimatedWork]ASSELECT WorkID, ResourceID, TaskID, WorkDate, WorkQuantity, ProjectFROM dbo.[Work]WHERE (IsEstimate = 1);Given that, what is wrong with the following create trigger statement:Create Trigger trg_InsertActualWork ondbo.ActualWork Instead of InsertasBEGIN Insert into dbo.Work( ResourceID, TaskID, Project, WorkDate, WorkQuantity, IsEstimate ) values ( inserted.ResourceID, inserted.TaskID, inserted.Project, inserted.WorkDate, inserted.WorkQuantity, 0 );END
l'm trying to build a trigger on a table. The reason for the trigger is to check a certain field for the first three characters if it has ie abc it must update another field in this case loanbook to newabc.How do l write the trigger so that it also check if exists and perform the updates. Please help its Urgent. l've listed the trigger below.
CREATE TRIGGER UpdTest_TRGData ON Test_TRG FOR insert,Update AS
IF left('Loan_No',3)='ABC' update Test_TRG set loanbook = 'NEWABC'
IF left('Loan_No',3)='DEF' update Test_TRG set loanbook = 'NEWDEF' where loanbook is null
update Test_TRG set loanbook =left('Loan_No',3) where loanbook is null
I'm a bit confused on this bit please elaborate : " FROM Test_TRG t INNER JOIN inserted i ON t.PK = i.PK ". The PK is on which field? Basically this trigger should ensure that on insertion of o new loan if The left(loan_no,3)=MCG and its null then NEWMCG left(loan_no,3)=MCG and its null then NEWMCG left(loan_no,3)=KVS and its null then NEWKVS left(loan_no,3)=MFS and its null then MFS left(loan_no,3)=TCR and its null then TCR left(loan_no,3)=ABL and its null then ABL
Listed below is what l've tried to do but l'm missing the PK part.Otherwise everything else you explained in the script is clear. Thanks man its urgent. When l parse the query its fine , but When l run it l get an error.
UPDATE Test_TRG SET LoanBook = CASE WHEN LEFT( i.Loan_No, 3 ) = 'MCG' THEN 'NewMCG' WHEN LEFT( i.Loan_No, 3 ) = 'KVS' AND i.LoanBook IS NULL THEN 'NewKVS' WHEN LEFT( i.Loan_No, 3 ) = 'MFS' AND i.LoanBook IS NULL THEN 'MFS' WHEN LEFT( i.Loan_No, 3 ) = 'ABL' AND i.LoanBook IS NULL THEN 'ABL'
WHEN i.LoanBook IS NULL THEN LEFT( i.Loan_No, 3 ) END FROM Test_TRG t INNER JOIN inserted i ON t.PK = i.PK -- Fill in Primary Key or other Join Column(s) WHERE LEFT( i.Loan_No, 3 ) = 'MCG' OR ( LEFT( i.Loan_No, 3 ) = 'KVS' AND i.LoanBook IS NULL ) OR i.LoanBook IS NULL
====== Error message =================
Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 3, Procedure UpdTest_TRGData, Line 11 Invalid column name 'PK'. Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure UpdTest_TRGData, Line 11 Invalid column name 'PK'.
I an loading records from a flat file into a table, which is done everyday by a scheduled job in SQL Server 7.0.
How can I make sure that if the job is run twice in a day for some reason that the same rows are not inserted into the table again? Do I have to write a insert trigger on the table ??? If so how can I achive the objective ??
I'm working on trying to figure out how to update the child table from the parent via a trigger. This works fine as long as the value is in the child table. If it's not, then I get my foreign key violation. So, My next thought was to simply put in a begin tran / rollback tran within the trigger... My question is this : If I have multiple triggers on the parent table all based on the update of the key field (and the child tables... some 7 of them) all have FK's, if I rollback one trigger does it rollback the entire transaction? Or just the functionality of that trigger? From what I've read, it appears as if it's the entire transaction... if so, how do I get a trigger to 'ignore' itself or not fire based on a select criteria that i have within that same trigger...