Delete An Excel Worksheet Only If It Exists, In A Dts Package

Jun 18, 2007

Hi :

1. I import data into sqlserver, from an excel file, from a worksheet
within it, named 'input_data'
2. then i scrub the data in sqlserver
3. then i export some data into the same excelfile but into another
worksheet named 'output_data'

I have got it working and this is how i am doing it right now. I am
having a problem in the few steps identified below :

1. I delete the worksheet 'output_data' using an execsql task
DROP TABLE `output_data'

2. Then i have another execsql task to create it
CREATE TABLE `output_data`

3. Then i have datapump task to put data into worksheet.

The work fine, but i am running into a problem, when the output_data
worksheet doesnt exist.
So i need to write a query telling
IF `output_data` doesnt exist, then DROP IT

How do i do this
I am open to doing this in ActiveX Script(vbscript) and ExecSQL task

Also i do not have excel dll or runtime in my dbserver.

Please let me know

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Trying To Import An Excel Worksheet To Sql

Jan 7, 2007

I am trying to import data from an excel worksheet to sql mgmt studio express..Everyone has told me to right click my database, select tasks, select import but the problem is there is no IMPORT option..What did I do wrong??

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Return Excel Worksheet Name

Sep 14, 2005

Currently my package contains an Excel Source with a contraint to a SQL Table.  The Excel Connection Manager currently has an expression attached to it which allows it to read the variable value and this in turn loads the correct file.  This all works fine.
The problem I am having is that if the Worksheet name is different to what was previously set a error is thrown.
Is there anyway in SSIS I can retrieve the name of the excel worksheet and pass it into a variable to be used.

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Delete Rows In Excel From DTS Package

Jul 23, 2005

I have a DTS package that needs to refresh data in 3 separate Excelspreadsheets on a daily basis. The problem is that unless I manuallydelete the previous day's data, it appends rather than replaces.I can't delete the excel files on a daily basis, as they have to bethere for the DTS package to be able to export to Excel. What I wantto do is create a VBScript (ActiveX Control) to delete all the rows ofdata except the first row within each spreadsheet as the first step ofthe DTS package. Then the remaining steps would run and thespreadsheets would only have the current day's data at the end of theprocess.Thanks for any help offered.

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Exporting To Excel GridLine,worksheet Name, E.t.c.

Mar 26, 2007

I am Exporting my report to excel.

1, One thing i want's is to have gridlines available when report is exported to excel. {not by setting borderstyle }

2,I am inserting page break after a table to put different data on different sheet.How can i name the resultant work sheet {like table1 should be DATA,table2 should be MYSummary}

3,Can I insert page break after any control like simple textbox or it is necessary to put in a table ?

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Query Result To Excel Worksheet

Jun 29, 2007

hi guys,

How could I export the result from Query? I'd like to run the query and at the same time the result must be saved in Excel Worksheet. is this possible? How?

Thank you very much.

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OLAP Cube In Excel Worksheet

Aug 13, 2007

Lets say i have one analysis server project on server A . I have made an excel sheet on desktop B in which i have inserted a pivot table which datasource is Server A's cube . I then have save this worksheet as webpage and save it on Server A. When i run this webpage on server A its working fine with but as soon as when i run this webpage on other PC it give me the error

"The query could not be processed:

The data provider didn't supply any further error information."

what could be the reason .. Please help me i am going mad....

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Import Excel With Varying Worksheet Name Using DTS

Jun 6, 2007

Hi Everyone,

I'm trying to create a DTS package that will let me import an Excel file. The user will be able to name the file the same name every time. But can the DTS package read a different worksheet name each time? Right now, if I use the Excel connection object in DTS designer, it wants to hard code the worksheet name.



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Exporting To Excel GridLine,worksheet Name,

Mar 26, 2007

I am Exporting my report to excel.

1, One thing i want's is to have gridlines available {not by borderstyle } when report is exported to excel.

2,I am inserting page break after a table to put different data on different sheet.How can i name the resultant work sheet {like table1 should be DATA,table2 should be MYSummary}

3,Can I insert page break after any control like simple textbox or it is necessary to put in a table ?

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Export To Excel, Naming Of Worksheet

Sep 25, 2007

I have a report, which when I do Export to excel it comes in excel in multiple worksheets(because I ahve page breaks in my report), Now I want to name each worksheet programatically and not manually, Any idea how we can name the worksheet through reporting services, so that on export to excel I will get the work sheets with my preferred names

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Exporting To Excel With Worksheet Names

Jun 10, 2007

Hi Guys,

I have a sales report with each item group strating in a new page. When I export this to excel, I get mutiple worksheets (one sheet for each item group). This is fine but only problem is worksheets are not named( in this case name of item group). Has anyone got an idea how to populate worksheet names fro reporting services?



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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: OPENROWSET When Excel Worksheet Name Is Unknown

Sep 7, 2011

I've created a stored procedure that accepts two arguments: the name of an Excel workbook (@workbookBillRun), and the name of the first worksheet found in that workbook (@worksheetBillRun).

Through dynamic SQL, I'm able to construct a statement that pulls out data.

SELECT @sqlBillRun = '
FROM OPENROWSET (''Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0'', ''Excel 12.0;;Database=' +@workbookBillRun+ ';HDR=YES'',
''SELECT * from [' +@worksheetBillRun+ '$]'')'

The workbook name will always be known: when the user uploads the file, I change the name to match a certain pattern. Example: 2011-08 AUG.xlsx

However, I won't always know the worksheet name. The workbook *should* contain just one worksheet; and the worksheet *should* be named identically to the workbook (2011-08 AUG), but it may not be named as such. And if I pass an invalid worksheet name, the code above will fail.

I've created error handling to alert the user of an incorrectly named sheet. However, I was curious whether I could extract the name of the first worksheet in the workbook from within T-SQL.

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Integration Services :: Load Excel File Dynamically With Different Columns And Worksheet Names

Apr 2, 2014

 I have a situation where I want to load the Excel file dynamically, and the excel file have different columns or even worksheet name. How I could approach this? I believe there's no way to modify the meta data (specifically the mapping) in the data flow.

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Export To Excel And Want To Set The Worksheet (print Mode) As One Page (width&&hight) - Landscape

Dec 14, 2007

Hi, This is because there are many columns need to display ,when users export to excel ,now they have to manually adjust the worksheet as one page . Therefore,as the title,can anyone help me?

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Jul 3, 2006

I'm using a stored procedure to perform a complex DELETE. However, I'm having problems understanding how to do it. I'm trying the EXISTS keyword but Visual Studio is reporting the following error when I try to save it:
"The column prefix 'Experimental_Accommodation_Images' does not match with a table name or alias used in the query."
The code causing the problems is this: DELETE FROM Experimental_Images
WHERE Experimental_Accommodation_Images.imageId =
AND Experimental_Accommodation_Images.propertyId = @id)
 What I'm trying to do is delete the correct items in the Experimental_Images table. This table contains image file information. Experimental_Accommodation_Images contains linkage information between the Experimental_Images table and the main data. Experimental_Accommodation_Images can hold up to 5 linkages to images for each 'Accommodation'. The ID of the Accommodation is passed to the SP via the @id.
So, what should be happening is that the DELETE command should be examining the Experimental_Accommodation_Images table, finding all the images that belong to the Accommodation with the ident value @id, and using the link between Experimental_Accommodation_Images.imageId and to delete the file information rows from Experimental_Images. Unfortunately I'm not getting past first base on this one.

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Request For SqlCeEngine.Exists(), .Delete() Methods

Nov 9, 2006

Given a connection string, I can create a database using a SqlCeEngine object and call engine.CreateDatabase().

However, there doesn't seem to be a way to determine whether a database exists, given a connection string. I would need to interpret the connection string myself and extract the file name to use File.Exists() etc.

There should be SqlCeEngine methods to test whether a database exists, test whether it's accessible, and to delete it, given a connection string.

Cheers, Oli

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Excel Destination Appends The Excel File Everytime A Package Is Executed

Dec 18, 2006

i have an SSIS package that exports to an excel file. This works fine. the problem is that it appends the data instead of overwriting the file. Is there any way to overwrite the file like you can with a flat file? I have to email the file everyweek and don't want to have to clear it out manually. Any help would be appreciated

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File Exists Then Execute Package

Jun 23, 2006

I want execute my package when a set of files exists in a
directory. What is the best way of doing this?

I have been successful in creating a WMI Event Watcher Task
that executes when any file (the first file) is added to a directory. But
I can not figure out the WQL for a specific file or set files.

What have you done with in SSIS to trigger the package?


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See If Data Exists, Then Execute A SSIS Package, Else Do Nothing

Apr 24, 2007


I need to create a trigger that whenever there is data found in a certain table it must execute a SSIS package. If there is a process in SSIS or a way to manipulate the process to check if there is data and then schedule the package that would also help.

What i've done:

I have an SSIS package that searches for data in a table, copies the data into a flat file and places the file onto a FTP server, which it then renames the file so that the server will accept the flat file once it's in a specific folder, after that it moves the data from the current table to a stage table and truncates the current table.

The Problem:

When there is no data in the table, it creates a 0 bytes file that it puts onto the FTP server which messes things up on that side. All i want to do is put a check on the package to see if there is data before it executes.

Any help or even the slightest bit of information would be of great help.

Kind Regards
Carel Greaves

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Config File Already Exists Error While Building SSIS Package

Jul 2, 2007


While trying to build SSIS Package Project, the following error is thrown. I have added configuration file recently to fetch the dynamic values such as connection string, output path etc.

I tried manually cleaned up the debug folder and tried build but still the error occurs.

Can any one help in suppressing this error?

Error 1 System.ApplicationException: Could not copy file "D:ExportExport.dtsConfig" to the deployment utility output directory "D:ExportinDebug". ---> System.IO.IOException: The file 'D:ExportinDebugExport.dtsConfig' already exists. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.File.InternalCopy(String sourceFileName, String destFileName, Boolean overwrite) at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Project.DataTransformationsProjectBuilder.CopyFiles(ICollection fileNames, String outputPath) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Project.DataTransformationsProjectBuilder.CopyFiles(ICollection fileNames, String outputPath) at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Project.DataTransformationsProjectBuilder.CreateDeploymentUtility(IOutputWindow outputWindow) 0 0

Thanks in advance,


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Use A DTS Package To Create An Excel, Which Has In The Filename The Date The Package Is Ran

Dec 19, 2006

I am trying to create a DTS Package which will run a SQL query and export the results to an Excel file.  I would like to the name of the excel to be "dynamic".  What I would like is for the name to be ChronicDownSiteReport - mmddyy.xls.  The mmddyy is the date which the package is executed.
 How can I do this? 
Also, I want this package to be excuted at 1am every Sunday Morning.  I have attempted to schedule this to run, but when I come to work on Monday, the excel file is not present and the email, which is sent telling me that the file was created is not in my mailbox. 

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SQL 2012 :: Delete Rows If Member Does Not Exists In The Member Table

Sep 24, 2015

I have a table where I need to delete rows if the member does not exists in the member table. Will the following syntax work ?

Delete T
FROM Event_Temp_Lead_Screen T
left join member M on ( M.MemberID = T.MemberID )
T.Gender is NULL

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How To Delete A Row In Excel

Apr 14, 2008

Hi everybody,
i have a package that imports some data into an excel file that has an header section and a data section with different formatting.

I use an excel template file with the header and a blank data row and then a pull my data into a copy of this template, because this is the only way i've found to correct formatting the data row, but it seems to be a problem for my client who want this blank row to be deleted. How can i do this?

Please help me...

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DELETE Rows In Excel

Jan 31, 2008

How to delete rows in an excel worksheet?

I have the following code in the exeutesqltask but i keep getting a syntx error.

'DELETE FROM 4DialMeters'

Remeber that this is an Excel source and I need to find out what the correct syntax is for the DELETE Statement in Excel.

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Delete Excel Destination Rows

May 15, 2008

Hey all

I am exporting table rows (based on a query) into an excel file but I don't want to append to the file. I would like to delete the rows that were previously added and then add the new data. The file has column headings and I would like these to exist all the time.

I know how to export the data but don't know how to delete 'old' data rows from excel.

Any guidance will be highly appreciated.

Many thanks,


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Delete Data In Excel Using Openrowset?

Feb 23, 2008

I would like to delete all data from an excel sheet except the headers row.
Is there any way to do this using Openrowset with JET or something like that?

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Deploy Excel File That Already Exists On Server - File Isn't Replaced

Jan 3, 2007

Dear all,

I am deploying programatically an Excel 2007 file to a SQL Server 2005 Reporting Server. The problem is that if a file with the same name already exists, that file isn't replaced. I would like the opposite to happen. I'm using the following code:


set svr=http://w3sdwsqld1/reportserver
set src_fld="\w3sdwsqld1\deploy\SAD\ECRANS\UPDATES_20061127_190000\Ecrans\AM\Associados\"
set dest_fld="Associados"
set script="\w3sdwsqld1\deploy\SADECRANS\UPDATES_20061127_190000\Ecrans\AM\Associados\PublishReports.rss"
REM Sample: deploy.bat http://w3sdwsqld1/reportserver "\w3sdwsqld1\deploy\SAD\ECRANS\UPDATES_20061127_190000\Ecrans\AM\Associados\" "Associados" "\w3sdwsqld1\deploy\SADECRANS\UPDATES_20061127_190000\Ecrans\AM\Associados\PublishReports.rss"
for /R %src_fld% %%f in (*.xlsx) do rs -i %script% -s %svr% -v ParentFolder=%dest_fld% -v reportP="%%~nf" -v path=%src_fld%

--rss Code

' Script Variables
' Variables that are passed on the command line with the -v switch:
' (a) parentFolder - corresponds to the folder that the script creates and uses
' to contain your published reports

' (b) reportP - corresponds to the report to publish

Dim ROOT As String = "/SAD/Ecrans/Ecrans/AM"

Dim definition As [Byte]() = Nothing
Dim warnings As Warning() = Nothing
Dim parentPath As String = ROOT + "/"+ parentFolder
Dim filePath As String = path
Dim report As String = reportP

Public Sub Main()

rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials

'Create the parent folder
rs.CreateFolder(parentFolder, ROOT,Nothing)
Console.WriteLine("Parent folder {0} created successfully", parentFolder)
Catch e As Exception


End Try

'Create shared data source
'CreateSampleDataSource("Solucao_Integrada", "OLEDB-MD", "Data Source=dwareas1;Initial Catalog=SAD_Solucao_Integrada")

'Publish the sample reports

End Sub

Public Sub CreateSampleDataSource(name As String, extension As String, connectionString As String)
'Define the data source definition.
Dim definition As New DataSourceDefinition()
definition.CredentialRetrieval = CredentialRetrievalEnum.Integrated
definition.ConnectString = connectionString
definition.Enabled = True
definition.EnabledSpecified = True
definition.Extension = extension
definition.ImpersonateUser = False
definition.ImpersonateUserSpecified = True
'Use the default prompt string.
definition.Prompt = Nothing
definition.WindowsCredentials = False

rs.CreateDataSource(name, parentPath, False, definition, Nothing)
Console.WriteLine("Data source {0} created successfully", name)

Catch e As Exception
End Try

End Sub

Public Sub PublishReport(ByVal reportName As String)
Dim stream As FileStream = File.OpenRead(filePath + reportName + ".xlsx")

definition = New [Byte](stream.Length) {}
stream.Read(definition, 0, CInt(stream.Length))

Catch e As IOException
End Try

rs.CreateResource(reportName + ".xlsx", parentPath, True, definition, "application/x-excel", Nothing)

Catch e As Exception
Console.WriteLine("Failed to publish report")
End Try
End Sub

Any thoughts? Many thanks,

Pedro Martins


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Delete Records In SQL Table, Which Are Present In Excel

May 5, 2006

Hi everyone,

I have a task to create a dts package, which will delete records in a SQL table, which are present on a sheet tab in Excel. I know how to transfer records from Excel to SQL table and vice versa, but not sure how I can delete the records in SQL table, which are present in Excel. Note that there are just 2 columns - one is a key and the other name.

Thank you all in advance,

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Integration Services :: How To Delete Excel Sheets

Oct 15, 2015

I am getting 3 sheets in an excel file. But only the sheet1 contains data and the rest are blank. I want to delete Sheet2 and Sheet3 from excel file using SSIS.

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Script Task To Delete Some Rows From Excel?

Oct 2, 2007

I have an excel sheet and I want to transfer data from this sheet to a table.But the sheet has some irrelevant rows at the beginning,I want to delete them.How do I do this using script task or any other task?
Since I am just a beginner,it would be nice if you could provide some code samples or a helpful link
Thanks in advance.

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How To Get Worksheet Name

Sep 25, 2007


I know no one helped me in the previous post but I pray this time someone can help me on this regard. I am developing through VB ActiveX Script using DTS SQL Server Enterprise Manager. I have one question, I wanted to get the woorksheet name for an excel file but I do not know how to do that. Can you help in this regard? Thanks in advance.

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Can't Delete DTS Package

Aug 23, 2001

When I right-click a DTS package stored in Meta Data Services Packages and "delete" the package, there is a pause and high CPU usage for about 30 seconds. Unfortunately, the package doesn't get deleted. I've tried this on other packages and they delete fine. Any suggestions?

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Integration Services :: Delete Row 2 From Excel File In SSIS?

Apr 27, 2015

I need to delete the second row in an excel file in my SSIS package. Is that possible to do?

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