Deleting Duplicates From Around 25 Tables
Jan 6, 2014
I need to remove duplicate data from around 25 tables. I want to use a while loop to go through all tables. If I list out all of the column names the query runs fine, but since there are 25 tables some with 50 plus columns I was hoping to use something like the following, which errors out because my sub queries return more than one result.
SELECT q.* from
(Select ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( Partition BY (SELECT [name] AS [Name] FROM syscolumns
WHERE id = (SELECT id FROM sysobjects
WHERE type = 'U'
AND [Name] = 'Orders')
Order by (select top 1 [name] AS [Name] FROM syscolumns
[Code] ....
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Apr 17, 2001
does anyone out there know how to delete dulicate records in a table? I've looked in BOL and I can't seem to find it. Please advise.
thanks, mark
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Sep 21, 2004
Hey all.
I have a table with 100,000 plus records in it, and some are duplicates. Is there any way to delete one of them and not the other. For instance, if I duplicate the table I could run this query.
<cfquery name="query1" datasource="datasource">
FROM tablename
WHERE FirstName in ( SELECT FirstName from tablename1 where tablename1.FirstName = tablename.FIRST_NAME AND tablename1.LastName = tablename.LAST_NAME AND tablename1.State = tablename.STATE)
However, it doesn't work. I know the distinct is not correct. But does anyone know how to achieve this, I have looked all over, and everything I try deletes both records. I was thinking of using some kindof count statement, but it still deletes both of them. Please help. Thanks
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Jul 25, 2006
Hello,I have a stored procedure that deletes duplicatesin one table:.....ASBEGINDELETE FROM mytableWHERE Id IN(SELECT Max(id)from mytablegroup by date, idsenshaving count(*) >1)ENDsometimes it happens that I have >2 rows with duplicated values.How can I write a new stored procedure that delete all rows withduplicated infomrations (leaving only one row with those values)?ThanksM.A.
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Jul 20, 2005
Suppose that I have a table that contains a lot of records that areidentical except for an id field and a date-time-stamp field. ForexampleId Unit Price DTS1 A 1.00 Date 12 A 1.00 Date 23 A 1.00 Date 34 B 1.25 Date 45 B 1.50 Date 56 B 1.50 Date 67 C 2.75 Date 78 C 2.75 Date 89 C 2.75 Date 910 C 3.00 Date 10I want to cull out records that are duplicates in the units and pricefields. I want to use the max DTS as the criteria for which record ina set of "duplicates" will remain. So, If I get the right query, Ishould return withId Unit Price DTS1 A 1.00 Date 14 B 1.25 Date 45 B 1.50 Date 57 C 2.75 Date 710 C 3.00 Date 10Is this possible using a single query? If so, how? I am sure that Ican do this using code, but it will involve a bunch of loops andprocess time. I would prefer a cleaner, more elegant way. Thanks forany help.Jerry
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Aug 9, 2006
Hello all. I have a table with two coulmns CODE and DESCRITPION. Can anyone suggest how i can go about deleteing the entire record where two or more codes are the same?
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Aug 22, 2006
I know how to detect & delete dups/or >dups in test with a select clause, this works fine in a small table, but if the table has a million rows say, it sounds like a proc would be faster: my question is: How do I display those rows in a proc for detecting what the problem is. The print stmt. doesn't seem to work and I wondered if I had to go through the process of building an output stream. The proc creates okay but I'm stuck after that part.
Kat -- very rough code below
create proc dupcount
@count int
set nocount on
select categoryID,
Count(*) As Dups
from Categories
group by Categoryid, CategoryName
having count(*) >1
set @count = @@Rowcount
print convert(varchar(30),CategoryID) + ' ' + convert(varchar(30),@count) + CategoryName
/*set @count = @@RowCount
IF @count > 1
print convert CategoryID, CategoryName, convert(varchar(30),@count)*/
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Jul 27, 2015
How would you differentiate duplicates in a table without deleting.
I have a table name ANGEL that contains duplicate value and i want to append a letter V to the duplicates instead of deleting them.
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Aug 9, 2007
i have to delete the master table data without deleting the child table records,is there any solution for this, parent table has relation with the child table.
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Dec 16, 2007
Hi all,
I have 10 tables with unique values such as mobile no: and message in each table.But now the problem is that this same mobile no: may be there in other tables.How can i eliminate the records from other tables.Can anyone tel me a suggestion.
Thank U.
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Nov 26, 2007
hi all
I have been posting in VB.NET forum ,but i am new to this forum.
I am working on an application using vast amount of data . So we get data in flatfiles. We used to get data for two or three months in more than three or four flat files .Some time we try to load the same files more than once .So it leads to duplicates in tables
I heard that there is some settings in table , so that it will not allow the same data once it is imported .
if anybody knows about this please help me
thanks & regards
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Sep 6, 2006
I currently have two tables called Book and JournalPaper, both of which have a column called Publisher. Currently the data in the Publisher column is the Publisher name that is entered straight into either table and has been duplicated in many cases. To tidy this up I have created a new table called Publisher where each entry will have a unique ID.
I now want to remove the Publisher columns from Book and JournalPaper, replace it with an ID foreign key column and move the Publisher name data into the Publisher table. Is there a way I can do this without duplicating the data as some publishers appear several times on both tables?
Any help with this will be greatly appreciated as my limited SQL is not up to this particular challenge!!!
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Jul 13, 2015
I have 2 tables below:
Table 1:
Product No Quantity
A 1
B 2
C 3
Table 2:
Product No Grade Quantity
A Good
A Normal
A Bad
B Good
B Bad
C Good
C Normal
C Bad
In Table 2, Product No divided by Grade. I want to lookup the Quantity from Table 1 to Table 2. The same Product No will have 1 value, the other value is 0. The result for Column Quantity should be like this:
Table 2:
Product No Grade Quantity
A Good 1
A Normal 0
A Bad 0
B Good 2
B Bad 0
C Good 3
C Normal 0
C Bad 0
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Jul 21, 2005
Hi, I am pretty new to SQL and know that I am probably going around this the wrong way.
I want to make a stored proc that deletes rows from table 1 and delete rows from table 2 where the common link is the id.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Many thanks
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Feb 21, 2001
How can I delete two tables with a WHERE condition.
That is I can't do this -What can be an alternate of this statement -
Delete from Tab1,Tab2,Tab3
where = Tab2.Name and =
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Aug 24, 2005
Does anyone know why it takes a long time (Approx 10 minutes) to delete a DB. I have 2 identical environments for test and prod. I can delete DBs from my test environment quickly but it takes forever to delete a DB from the production environment. I am running SQL2000 SP3a. There are about 25 DBs in the environment with their sized ranging from 100meg to 2 gig. The only differnece in the environments is all test DBs are simple recovery mode and modt prod DBs are full.
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Apr 22, 2008
Hello everyone,
I have to delete some rows from three different tables. My tables are:
- ID
The 3 tables are related to each other by the VERSION_1 ID.
what i have to do is deleting first from VERSION_3, then from Version_2 and finally from VERSION_1. This is what i got so far:
I cannot make it work, could someone please help me? i am stuck at this.
Thanks in advance
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Aug 12, 2005
How do I delete from multi tables?
There are no issues with keys.
Will this work?
DELETE MC.Document
FROM dbo.dw_MasterClaim MC, dbo.dw_MasterClaim_Checks CHK, dbo.dw_MasterClaim_ChgDate,dbo.dw_MasterClaim_Diagnosis, dbo.dw_MasterClaim_InsNo, dbo.dw_MasterClaim_Pay, dbo.dw_MasterClaim_ProcLine, dbo.dw_MasterClaim_ProcLine2, dbo.dw_MasterClaim_ProcLine3, dbo.dw_MasterClaim_RiskPool, dbo.dw_MasterClaim_SuspHist
WHERE MC.Document IN
(Select Document
FROM fl1stDwImport.dbo.raw_MasterClaim
WHERE Document = MC.Document)
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Mar 25, 2008
I am new to SQL server and have just installed SQL Server 2005 (came withOffice 2007- think it's Express edition).I am trying to get my head around this.Just been working on an Access data base and have upsized to SQL.Having made several changes I have done this a number of times - linkingboth direct to file and creating a new application Access SQL project.Now I would like to know how to delete any tables or databases I have placedon the SQL before my system gets too messy.Furthur information - This is on my personal computer and is not shared orused by other people.Any ideas?Scott
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Sep 13, 2007
I'm triyng to delete from three tables.
Issue Table:
Column Name
Data Type
Allow Nulls
Outlook Table:
Column Name
Data Type
Allow Nulls
Links Table:
Column Name
Data Type
Allow Nulls
Issue table contais all the magazine issues. Outlook table contains all the pages of the Issue table. And the Links table contains the links or connection between parent page and child page. So here's what I wanted to do. When I click the delete issue button, I want to delete any pages, links, and issue from three tables that matches the issue ID that I wanted to delete. So for example, if I wanted to delete issueID 2, all the pages in the Outlook table and any links of those pages(lnkFromID) that are in the Links table should be deleted too. The lnkFromID and lnkToID are foriegn key of Outlook.ID table. The lnkFromID is the parent and lnkToID is the child.
I was wondering that maybe I can three delete statements for three tables. Is this a possibility? So any help is much appreciated.
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Aug 22, 2007
My basic situation is this - I ONLY want duplicates, so the oppositeof DISTINCT:I have two tables. Ordinarily, Table1ColumnA corresponds in a one toone ratio with Table2ColumnB through a shared variable. So if I queryTableB using the shared variable, there really should only be onrecord returned. In essence, if I run this and return TWO rows, it isvery bad:select * from TableB where SharedVariable = 1234I know how to join the tables on a single record to see if this is thecase with one record, but I need to find out how many, among possiblymillions of records this affects.Every record in Table1ColumnA (and also the shared variable) will beunique. There is another column in Table1 (I'll call itTable1ColumnC) that will be duplicated if the record in Table2 is aduplicate, so I am trying to use that to filter my results in Table1.I am looking to see how many from Table1 map to DUPLICATE instances inTable2.I need to be able to say, in effect, "how many unique records inTable1ColumnA that have a duplicate in Table1ColumnC also have aduplicate in Table2ColumnB?"Thanks if anyone can help!-- aknoch
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May 19, 2006
What I'm trying to do is delete a user and all their related information within the other tables. I'm not wanting to delete the table, just one column with that user and their related information. So my Primary_Key is UserID within the table [alumni] and my three Foreign_Keys are CommentID, PhotoID, and AlbumID within the tables [comments], [photos], and [albums]. Here is some of the code that I have:
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:SoderquistString %>"
DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [alumni] WHERE [UserID] = @UserID"
SelectCommand="SELECT [UserID], [UserName], [FirstName], [LastName], [State] FROM [alumni] WHERE ([State] = @State)">
<asp:Parameter Name="UserID" Type="Int32" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="DropDownList1" Name="state" PropertyName="SelectedValue"
Type="String" />
The users are set up in GridView form. Is there some type of DELETE command that I need to be writing that is different than the one above? I have tried adding onto the following DELETE statment:
DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [alumni] WHERE [UserID] = @UserID
DELETE FROM [photo] WHERE [UserID] = @UserID;
DELETE FROM [album] WHERE [UserID] = @UserID;
DELETE FROM [comment] WHERE [UserID] = @UserID;
...but that doesn't work...and doesn't look right. I would really appreciate anyones suggestions or help that you may be able to provide. Thank you!
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Aug 2, 2000
Is there a way to automatically delete tables in a database? I want to delete tables with a specific prefix in their names (that I assign to them) based on their age. Is there a way to do this automatically while keeping the tables that I don't want to touch?
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Apr 9, 2006
Hi how can I delete a local temp table?
I know a golbal is deleted by
if exists(select * from tempdb..sysobjects where name='##MyTemGlobalTable' and type='U')drop table ##MyTemGlobalTable'
but how do I drop a #MyTemGlobalTable' ?
thank you
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May 17, 2013
I'm joining several tables and when I add the last one I get duplicate results. How can I get just one for each?
select a.field, b.field, c.field
from atblname as a inner join btblname as b on = b.parent_id
left outer join ctblname as c on = c.parent_id
There are more than one result when joining tbl a and c, but I'm getting a reult for each of them for all results from joining a and b.
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May 29, 2008
Hello all,
I have a DTS package set up to import a text file on a daily basis. I need to dump the data in 2 table after 7 days of the last import .this is the code that I have
Delete From TblTemp
date(Day(-7), CurrentStamp).
But for some reason it deleting the data right after it imports it. And it doesn't delete anything out of the other table.
Thanks in advance
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Apr 19, 2005
want to delete rows from two tables after a join.
in Access, here's something we can do:
delete table_A.*, table_B.*
from table_A left join table_B on ...
but in ms sql, it appears (to me) that you can only delete from one table at a time. how would i accomplish what i want to do?
also, is there a distinctrow equivalent in ms sql server? thanks
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Apr 2, 2006
Hello I have 16000 tables in a sql database and I need a sql query command to delete empty tables from that sql database please help.
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Jan 10, 2007
I have 3 tables . iwant to delete rows from all the three tables at same time using single statement.All the 3 tables have a unique column which will be supplied ny the user.
DELETE FROM T1,T2,T3 WHERE column1='1'
how do i do it.
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Dec 12, 2007
How can I prevent a colleage to delete tables in a specific database.
Yes he has access to Enterprise Manager. We would like to allow him read only to the live databases.
Is this possible?
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Aug 9, 2007
Hi,How can i reset to zero, deleting all the users who are in the aspnet_* tables in my production 2003 server?Thanks
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Mar 1, 2005
I'm using ASP with a JScript variant and MSSQL Server 2000. I would like to write a script that basically erases all data except for a few things.
Is there a way to update multiple tables at once without having to write lines and lines of code? I tried UPDATE tbl1,tbl2 SET uid='asc', but to no avail. It gave me a syntax error. My thinking behind it is something like... UPDATE dbo.* SET uid='mferguson' and after that I can delete stuff like DELETE dbo.*... Any ideas?
I know the above is ASP, I've tried this thread in the ASP forum with no avail... they referred me to this forum.
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Aug 29, 2006
Hi All,
So.. I'm a complete newb to SQL stuff.
I managed to find the 'Deleting Duplicate Records' from (thanks, by the way!!).. I managed to modify it for one of my tables (one of 14).
-- Add a new column
Alter table dbo.tblMyDocsSize add NewPK int NULL
-- populate the new Primary Key
declare @intCounter int
set @intCounter = 0
update dbo.tblMyDocsSize
SET @intCounter = NewPK = @intCounter + 1
-- ID the records to delete and get one primary key value also
-- We'll delete all but this primary key
select strComputer, strATUUser, RecCount=count(*), PktoKeep = max(NewPK)
into #dupes
from dbo.tblMyDocsSize
group by strComputer, strATUUser
having count(*) > 1
order by count(*) desc, strComputer, strATUUser
-- delete dupes except one Primary key for each dup record
fromdbo.tblMyDocsSize a join #dupes d
ond.strComputer = a.strComputer
andd.strATUUser = a.strATUUser
wherea.NewPK not in (select PKtoKeep from #dupes)
-- remove the NewPK column
drop table #dupes
Now that I've got that figured out, I need to write the same thing to fix the other 13 tables (with different column info)- and I'll need to run this daily.
Basically I've put together some vbscript that gathers inventory data and drops it into an MSDE db (sorry - goin for 'free' stuff right now). Problem is it has to run daily so that I'm sure to capture computers that turned on at different times etc which ever-increases my database 'till I bounce off the 2GB limit of MSDE.
So the question is, what would be the best way to do this? Can I put the code into a stored procedure that I can execute each day?
Thanks for your help....
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