Deleting Data From Sql 2005 Table But No Resource Released
Mar 7, 2008
I'm Working in a Simple picture Gallery On My web site.
When I add my pictures To the table Using Binary Writer and Delete
WHERE [PhotoID] = @PhotoID
It From My Table this Transact Delete the Pictures
but After some work I found That My database File size is increassing day To day I'm very confused
so please tell me where is the problem ?
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Mar 9, 2007
I have a table where I want to delete some data from but I get this error.
You might have a record that has a foreign key value related to it, or you might have violated a check constraint.
What to do????
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Mar 13, 2014
Is this close to the correct syntax for a stored procedure for deleting all the data from a particular table... or is there a better way?
[Code] ....
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Jan 20, 2014
I have to delete a ton of data from a SQL table. I have a unique identifier called the version. I would like to use if not in these versions then delete. I tried to using the statement below, but learned the hard way that it created an error this is the message I got....
Msg 9002, Level 17, State 4, Line 3...
The transaction log for database 'MonthEnds' is full due to 'ACTIVE_TRANSACTION'.
I was reading about truncate, I am not sure how I would do this or how I would setup the statement.
Delete Products
where versions were not in (('48459CED-871F-4971-B888-5083990332BC','D550C8D3-58C7-4C74-841D-1C1675F19AE3','C77C7817-3F04-4145-98D3-37BB1610DB35',
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Feb 13, 2008
Hi gurus,
The data is automaticaly deleting from one perticular table at every night from last week onwords. I have created a delete trigger to find it out. But Nothing was recorded. There is no jobs except maintainance plans. Nothing in event viewer too. The database recovery model is simple. How can i solve this problem
Please advise me to solve this problem
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Jul 20, 2005
I have an entry form allowing customers to enter up to 15 skus (productid) at a time, so they can make a multiple order, instead of enteringone sku, then submitting it, then returing to the form to submit thesecond one, and so forth.From time to time, the sku they enter will be wrong, or discontiued, soit will not submit an order.Therefore, when they are done submitting their 15 skus through the orderform, I want a list showing them all of those skus that came back blank,or were not found in the database.I'm doing this by creating two tables. A shopping cart, which holds allthe skus that were returned, and a holding table, that holds all theskus that were submitted. I want to then delete all the skus in theholding page that match the skus in teh cart (because they are goodskus) which will then leave the unmatched skus in the holding table.I'll then scroll out the contents of the holding table, to show them theskus that were not found in the database.(confused yet?)So what I want to do is have some sql that will delete from the holdingtable where the sku = the sku in the cart. I've tried writing this, butit dosn't work.I tiried this delete from holding_table where sku = cart.skuI was hoping this would work, but it dosn't. Is there a way for me to dothis?Thanks!Bill*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
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Mar 20, 2008
Hi Everybody,
Kindly let me know if there is a way of deleting data from primary table without deleting data from its corresponding foreign key table.
Thanks & Regards
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May 30, 2006
I can run a select to retrieve data using a prefix 'a' for the specific table involved. However when I try to run a delete using the same criteria it fails telling me
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1,.......Line 1
Incorrect syntax near 'a'
The Select statement looks like:
select count(*) from schema.table a where a.customer_id=1234
The Delete looks like:
delete from schema.table a where a.customer_id=1234
What am I doing wrong here? and how can I prefix the table, because the command I want to run is much more complicated than the example above and it needs the prefix
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Aug 9, 2007
i have to delete the master table data without deleting the child table records,is there any solution for this, parent table has relation with the child table.
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Nov 21, 2013
We have deleted 120GB of data but space did not released even after 2 days. Is there any reason for this? tell me how exactly it releases the space after truncating a 120GB table?
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May 18, 2001
I need to delete data from a particular table which has more than half a million records. The data needs to be deleted is more than 200,000 records from the table. What is the best way to delete the data from the table other than importing into a temporary table and performing the same operation?
Let me know if the strategy to be followed is okay.
1. Drop all the triggers
2. Drop all the indexes
3. Write a procedure with a loop setting ROWCOUNT to 1000 and delete the records. ( since if I try to delete all the rows it will give timeout error )
The above procedure will delete 1000 records for each batch inside the loop till it wipes out all the data for the specified condition.
4. Recreate Indexes and Triggers.
Please let me know if there are any other optimal solution.
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Mar 16, 2004
I have a huge table with 4 primary keys on it. I need to delete the data from this table ( approx. 5.6 millions records to be deleted). It takes a hell lot of time to delete it by normal query.
Can someone please suggest me a better way?
Any help will be appreciated.
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Jul 20, 2006
We are using SQL Server 2000 Standard ed, sp4 on Server 2000 Advanced.We have one table that is three times as large as the rest of the database.Most of the data is static after approximately 3-6 months, but we arerequired to keep it for 8 years. I would like to archive this table (A), butthere are complications.1. the only way to access the data is through the application (they areimages produced by the application-built on Power-Builder)2. there are multiple tables refrencing this table and vise-versa3. we restore the entire db to two other servers for testing and trainingregularly4. there might be more complications that have not been thought ofCurrently, our only plan is to setup a seperate server with a copy of this dbon it and the application. Leave only the tables necessary to access the data,and if this 'archive' works, remove from production the data from the table Aand all references to the table A from rows on the other tables.I mentioned #3 because someone mentioned a third party tool that may be ableto pull the data from the table, archive it elsewhere, and at the same time,place a 'pointer' in the table to the new storage location. The tool theymentioned only works on Oracle and we have not explored beyond that yet.I am ready to explore ideas and suggestions; I am still new to the DBA world,I am out of ideas.Thank you!--Message posted via SQLMonster.com
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Oct 18, 2007
I am trying to delete a row in excel [Sheet1$], where this data in that row is used in a pivot table in same excel [Sheet2$] which should also get deleted, when i try to delete that row using "delete ... from [Sheet1$] " it is throwing an error message "Deleting data in a linked table is not supported by this ISAM. (Microsoft Office Access Database Engine)"
Can you please guide me in overcoming this error...........
Thanks in advance,
Warm Regards,
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Feb 11, 2015
I have a table 300+GB. it holds 10 years of Data. I need to delete 5 years of data and put it to another server so I can have more space.
If I delete 5 years of data, Transaction log gets so huge and size of the database even gets bigger because of the .ldf file which even gets bigger! I think I can shrink the log file and the data file. Is this the best way to do it?
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Sep 21, 2015
I have deleted nearly 30 million rows from a table. But however when I used the sp_spaceused command to calculate the data occupied by the table I don't see any difference in the data size of the table. In fact the data has increased to few MBs after the deletion, but not much.
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Aug 30, 2007
I am going through the BOL for Sql Server 2005 and i came across the topic of RESOURCE DATABASE.
But when i checked in the system databases in the object explorer there was no resource database can anybody tell me where can i find the resource database
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Feb 20, 2008
I need to reinstall the Master and MSDB databases on a server that already has SP2 installed so I am hoping to find an ISO for SQL Server 2005 that has the SP2 installed. Is there such a resource? So far I have only found the July 2005 version of the Server installation media (pre- service pack) and the 11 month old service packs separately.
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May 21, 2006
Are there any good resources for data mirror in SQL 2005 SP1?
I tried to search on, there is an article, but it is outdated, it only described data mirror in SQL 2005 RTM.
appreciate any links or input.
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Jun 12, 2015
I have a requirement to delete 1 Million records from a table having 10 Million data and it's being queried on 24/7 basis (don't have a downtime). how can I achieve that?
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Feb 26, 2007
Frank writes "Any suggestion on the best design to store data for resource management so that data can be displayed afterwards in something like a gantt chart.
For example, you have to asign resources, say personID 1 to 100 to fill positions A, B, C, D, E and F
A position must always be filled. A person can only fill one position at a time. You want to be able to detect overlaps when you do your planning.
So if person 2 is in position B from 1 Jan to 15 March, he is currently unavailable, but he should be availabe in my planning for any position from 16 March onwards etc.
Possible queries -
1) list all positions not filled during period XXXX to YYYY
2) List all persons available to fill a certain postion during period XXXX to YYYY
3) List any overlaps where a person is assigned to different postions during overlapping time frames..."
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Dec 6, 2006
Is there a general date when SP2 will be released?
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May 3, 2015
I am trying to delete tables from data where the ModifiedDates older than 9 years in AdventureWorks2012 database . I get console notified that foreign keys are dropped but the delete statement is throwing errors. I am sure that somewhere the key constraints are not getting altered, but i'm not able to figure it out as i'm a relative beginner to T-SQL. The error and code:
The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason_SalesReason_SalesReasonID". The conflict
occurred in database "AdventureWorks2012", table "Sales.SalesOrderHeader
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO") | Out-Null
$option_drop = new-object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ScriptingOptions;
$option_drop.ScriptDrops = $true;
[Code] ....
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Sep 10, 2013
I don't know if the question has been nailed down. Aside from deleting tables, can we delete the *content* of data within the tables. It doesn't seem crazy that, if you can pull in data from a feed then you should be able to remove the content out again (without also destroying the user's meta-data work ). Reasons for this include:
- Security (a user may not have rights to see *my* data and should go refresh their own)
- Size (workbook doesn't need to have GB's of irrelevant data saved to disk in a workbook if it was just useful during development phase to a pre-production data feed)
- Bad data (pre-production data feed is not good data)
- User-friendliness (data feed was refreshed 2 years ago and workbook was saved to file server. Users shouldn't be presented with irrelevant data, but should get empty pivot tables until they go do their refresh)
Obviously Excel internally knows how to clear out PowerPivot data, given the prompt shown here: [URL] ....
But how does a user initiate this on their own (corruption aside)?
Previous time this question was asked, without a real resolution: [URL] ....
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Mar 21, 2008
Has SQL Server 2008 been released already? If not, what is the expected date?
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Oct 1, 2004
I have had trouble with maintenance plans not deleting expired backups, & this filling the hadrdisk. i have now done an agent job using tsql backup with init/skip, so it just overwrites. problem now is that it fails saying the backup device isnt available (cant delet the file from OS either) - so this was obviously the prob with the maintence plans too - sql/os doesnt seem to be releasing the file after it is completed and a server restart is needed to release it...
anyone know how to sort this?
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Sep 8, 2006
Hi everybody
Help me, Help me.
When I backup the MSSQL databases using ARCServe 2000 in the server, the memory of sqlserver.exe is 1.5G in task manager. After backup was finished, the memory of sqlserver.exe cannot released. It is still 1.5G. Our users can get the resource of that server but they get it slowly. I need to stop and restart the MSSQL service. The server can back to normal.
Can everyone fix it ?
My server is
Windows 2000 Server Standard Edition with SP4
Windows SQL 2000 Standard Edition With SP3
Memory is 2G RAM
Pls Help.
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Mar 14, 2008
We are running SQL Server 2005 express on Windows 2003. The database server gets significant amounts of data.
Because of the 4GB data limit we have a daily cron task which goes through and deletes data older then 90 days.
We would like a way to archive this data instead of deleting it. Is there any way to take data and compress it and store it in a different way, so that if needed, customers can query directly out from the compressed data? Cleary querying from compressed would be slower but that is ok.
Any other solutions that would allow us to archive data instead of deleting it? Thanks.
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Nov 30, 2007
Lots of new pain easing tools to work with SQL Server, Activity Monitor, Unicode support and much more:
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Nov 7, 2006
Dear Community,
The SQL Server Compact Edition RC1 has been released and is now available at download center
Please note that the RC1 page link is the same as CTP page link, we have updated it for RC1. This doesn��t have ClickOnce files (Zip file) as the same is available with Tools for VS 2005 sp1 beta at download center at
We have blogged about it at .
Please check out the RC1 bits.
Sachin, Program Manager, SQL Server CE Team
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Jul 14, 2007
Released a new beta of SSIS+ 1.1 library. It includes a new SSIS Zip Control Flow Task for compression and decompression of Zip, GZip, BZip2, Unix, Tar archives.
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Nov 17, 2007
The BIDSHelper team are please to announce that we have just release v1.2 which includes a number of new SSIS features. BIDSHelper is a free add-in for the BI Development Studio that adds a number of useful features.
For any current users of BIDS Helper, you can see a list of the new features on the download page for this release
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