Deleting Duplicate Records

Aug 27, 2004

Hi All,
I am having one table named MyTable and this table contains only one column MyCol. Now i m having 10 records in it and all the records are duplicate ie value is 7 for all 10 records.

It is something like this,


Now i m trying to delete 10th record or any record then it gives me error
"Key column information is insufficient or incorrect. Too many rows were affected by update."

What should i do if i want only 4 records insted 10 records in my table?
How do i delete the 6 records from table?

Plz help me.


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Deleting Duplicate Records.

Jul 8, 1999

I need a sql statement to delete duplicate records.

I have a college table with all colleges in the nation.
I noticed that all of the colleges were listed twice.
How do I delete all of the duplicate records.

Here is my table.
schoolID - smallint NOT NULL,
schoolName - varchar(60) NULL

Can someone help me out with the sql statement???
I'm running SQL Server 6.5.

- ted

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Deleting Duplicate Records

Dec 1, 2006

gaurav writes "respected sir
here i have a question
how we can delete duplicate records through query in SQL Server

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Deleting 'consecutive' Duplicate Records Alone

Aug 9, 2006

Rajarajan writes "Kindly don't ignore this as regular case.
This is peculiar.
I need to delete one of duplicate records only if they occurs consecutively.

1. 232
2. 232
3. 345
4. 567
5. 232

Here only the first record has to be delete. Kindly help me out.

Thank you.


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Deleting Duplicate Records From A Table.....

Jul 6, 2006

I loaded one table via SSIS and found that it contained many duplicate records (from the input source). I can create a SQL task to delete them, but I wonder if SSIS offers and task "out of the box" to delete dups?



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Deleting Duplicate Records From Lots Of Tables

Aug 29, 2006

Hi All,

So.. I'm a complete newb to SQL stuff.

I managed to find the 'Deleting Duplicate Records' from (thanks, by the way!!).. I managed to modify it for one of my tables (one of 14).

-- Add a new column

Alter table dbo.tblMyDocsSize add NewPK int NULL

-- populate the new Primary Key
declare @intCounter int
set @intCounter = 0
update dbo.tblMyDocsSize
SET @intCounter = NewPK = @intCounter + 1

-- ID the records to delete and get one primary key value also
-- We'll delete all but this primary key
select strComputer, strATUUser, RecCount=count(*), PktoKeep = max(NewPK)
into #dupes
from dbo.tblMyDocsSize
group by strComputer, strATUUser
having count(*) > 1
order by count(*) desc, strComputer, strATUUser

-- delete dupes except one Primary key for each dup record
fromdbo.tblMyDocsSize a join #dupes d
ond.strComputer = a.strComputer
andd.strATUUser = a.strATUUser
wherea.NewPK not in (select PKtoKeep from #dupes)

-- remove the NewPK column

drop table #dupes

Now that I've got that figured out, I need to write the same thing to fix the other 13 tables (with different column info)- and I'll need to run this daily.

Basically I've put together some vbscript that gathers inventory data and drops it into an MSDE db (sorry - goin for 'free' stuff right now). Problem is it has to run daily so that I'm sure to capture computers that turned on at different times etc which ever-increases my database 'till I bounce off the 2GB limit of MSDE.

So the question is, what would be the best way to do this? Can I put the code into a stored procedure that I can execute each day?

Thanks for your help....

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Deleting Old Records Is Blocking Updating Latest Records On Highly Transactional Table

Mar 18, 2014

I have a situation where deleting old records is blocking updating latest records on highly transactional table and getting timeout errors from application.

In details, I have one table called Tran_table1 in OLTP database. This Tran_table1 is highly transactional table, it will receive data for insert/update continuously

While archiving 2 years old records from Tran_table1 into Tran_table1_archive in batches(using DELETE OUTPUT INTO clause), if there is any UPDATEs on Tran_table1,these updates are getting blocked and result is timeout errors in application.

Is there any SQL Server hints to avoid blocking ..

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For Deleting Duplicate Row???????

Oct 5, 2006


I want to delete duplicate row from a very big table. Actually this table is used by a SP, and it's a very important. Due to duplicate record entry it's falling. I use bellow method for discarding the dulicate record.

PLz tel me it's the most efficent way to this job or u have some other way

1. I drop the primary key

2. Then I let all the duplicate record came into the table

3. then I removed them by using Group by clause and setting rowcount(1 - group by count).

4. Put primary key back and update the statistics.

Code is

 If Exists (select * from SYSINDEXES where name='PrimaryKey' and id=Object_id('AdjustmentTransactions'))
 DROP INDEX AdjustmentTransactions.PrimaryKey

Insert into AdjustmentTransactions
(UrnABS, UrnBar, .................Description)
Select a.UrnAbs,
from TxnProcess a
where a.InsUpFlag = 'I'
  and a.Processed = 'N'
  and ASCII(b.TxnType) = 65
Set @row_count=0
Declare dup_cursor cursor for
 Select UrnBAR,TxnUrnBarPat,count(*) counts from AdjustmentTransactions
 group by UrnBAR,TxnUrnBarPat having count(*) > 1
Open dup_cursor
Fetch next from dup_cursor into @VUrnBAR,@VTxnUrnBarPat,@count

While (@@Fetch_Status = 0)
 Select @row_count=@count-1
 Set rowcount @row_count
 Delete from AdjustmentTransactions where UrnBAR=@VUrnBAR and TxnUrnBarPat=@VTxnUrnBarPat
Fetch next from dup_cursor into @VUrnBAR,@VTxnUrnBarPat,@count
Set rowcount 0
Close dup_cursor
Deallocate dup_cursor
If not Exists (select * from SYSINDEXES where name='PrimaryKey' and id=Object_id('AdjustmentTransactions'))
   CREATE  UNIQUE  INDEX [PrimaryKey] ON [dbo].[AdjustmentTransactions]([UrnBAR], [TxnUrnBarPat]) ON [PRIMARY]
Update Statistics AdjustmentTransactions




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Deleting Duplicate Rows

May 6, 2008

I have a csv file that I need to import daily into a SQL Server 2005 table. Much of the table contents could just be overwritten with the new csv file, however there are a set of Rows within the table that need to be appended to , rather than overwritten. 
There is no Primary Key in the csv file that can be used.  
I'm not sure this is the best approach, but what I have been trying to do, is append the entire csv file to the existing table, and then go back and delete the duplicates.
When I run the Delete, it does delete the majority of the records, but leaves a couple hundred behind. The number left behind varies with each run, can't seem to identify a pattern here. Running the Delete a second time does clean up the rows left behind in the first execution of the Delete, and gives the result I want.
Any thoughts as to why this needs to be run twice? Or is a better approach available?
Here is my code -
SELECT [Pkg ID], [Elm (s)], [Type Name (s)], [End Exec Date], [End Exec Time], dupcount=count(*)
INTO temppkgactions
FROM pkgactions
GROUP BY [Pkg ID], [Elm (s)], [Type Name (s)], [End Exec Date], [End Exec Time]HAVING count(*) > 1
DELETE TOP (SELECT COUNT(*) -1 FROM dbo.temppkgactions WHERE dupcount > 1 )
FROM dbo.pkgactions
DROP TABLE temppkgactions

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Deleting Duplicate Rows

Feb 11, 1999


I have problem in deleting duplicate rows. I have a identity column in my table, if I try to use correlatted sub query with Delete command it gives error.

The other problem I have is I have a date column in my table and update that column with current date and time. If use a query to fetch a records on a particular day , it does not return any rows

select * from rates where ch_date >='02/11/99' and ch_date<='02/11/99'

If I use convert also there is some other problems. Is there any way to force date checkings to be done excluding time.


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Deleting Some Of Duplicate Rows

Nov 17, 1998

This is an imaginary problem while discussing ROWID in ORACLE.

Consider a table without primary key, unique key, uniuqe index.
A row has inserted into the table many times.
I want to delete all but one dulicated rows. With any 'where' clause all rows(duplicated)
will be deleted. In ORACLE i can achieve this using ROWID as follows:

Delete from Table_name
where < all column values >
and ROWID <> ( Select max(rowid) from Table_name where < all column values > )

How can this be achieved in MS SQL Server 6.5 ?

According to Dr. Codd's Golden rules for RDBMS one is that
One should be able to reach each data value in the database by using
table name, row idenfication value and column name.

Does MS SQL Server 6.5 satisfy this requirement ?

Also How many of Dr. Codd's 13 Golden Rules for RDBMS does MS SQL Server 6.5
Satisfy? Which doesn't ?

Any discussion about Codd's Rules is welcome.

- Gunvant Patil

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Deleting Duplicate Record

Nov 19, 2004

hi to all,

How to delete duplicate record in the recordset?


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Deleting Duplicate Rows

Feb 27, 2014

In my database, I have a table "tbl_c_extract" that consists of 4 columns that look the following. I'm looking at a daily batch of around 4000 records, of which 150 are likely to be duplicates.

Emp_No varchar(255), Proprietary_ID varchar(255), LeaveDateActual datetime
123456, E123456, 2014-09-27 00:00:00.000
213832, E123456, 2099-12-31 00:00:00.000
213836, E123456, 2014-01-31 00:00:00.000

In the example above, I need to remove 2 of the entries, leaving only the one that with the maximum leave date. In this case, those without a leave date have the 2099 entry.

Using CTE works exactly as I want it to, however SQL Server Agent doesn't seem to like the use of CTE..

WITH CTE (Proprietary_ID, LeaveDate, RN)
SELECT Proprietary_ID, LeaveDate,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY Proprietary_ID ORDER BY Proprietary_ID, LeaveDate) AS RN
FROM tbl_c_extract

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Urgent - Deleting Duplicate Rows

Apr 5, 2001

Hi folks,

I need to delete the duplicate rows from a table. How to do that in SQL server 7.0 ? If possible write an example, so that it will be much useful for me..

Thanks for ur help..


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Deleting Duplicate Rows In SQL Table

Nov 16, 2007

I have an SQL tables [Keys] that has various rows such as:
[ID] [Name] [Path] [Customer]
1 Key1 Key1 InHouse
2 Key2 Key2 External
3 Key1 Key1 InHouse
4 Key1 Key1 InHouse
5 Key1 Key1 InHouse

Obviously IDs 1,3,4,5 are all exactly the same and I would like to be left with only:
[ID] [Name] [Path] [Customer]
1 Key1 Key1 InHouse
2 Key2 Key2 External

I cannot create a new table/database or change the unique identifier (which is currently ID) either. I simply need an SQL script I can run to clean out the duplicates (I know how they got there and the issue has been fixed but the Database is still currently invalid due to all these duplicate entires).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Deleting Duplicate Rows In SQL Table

Nov 16, 2007

I have an SQL tables [Keys] that has various rows such as:
[ID] [Name] [Path] [Customer]
1 Key1 Key1 InHouse
2 Key2 Key2 External
3 Key1 Key1 InHouse
4 Key1 Key1 InHouse
5 Key1 Key1 InHouse

Obviously IDs 1,3,4,5 are all exactly the same and I would like to be left with only:

I cannot create a new table/database or change the unique identifier (which is currently ID) either. I simply need an SQL script I can run to clean out the duplicates (I know how they got there and the issue has been fixed but the Database is still currently invalid due to all these duplicate entires).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Deleting The Duplicate Record From Table

Mar 26, 2008

Hi ,
i am using sql server 2005.
i have one table where i need to find records that have same citycode and hospitalcode and doctorcode then delete the record keeping only one record of them
my problem is table structure have idendtity column which is unique.
that is m table structure is something like

recid citycode hospcode doctorcode otherdesp
1 0001 hp001 d0001 ...
2 0002 hp002 d0002 ...
3 0001 hp001 d0001 ...
4 0002 hp002 d0002 ...

please suggest

thank you

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Problem Deleting Duplicate Data

Sep 27, 2006

I have a table that contains more than 10,000 rows of
duplicate data. The script below copies the data to a temp table then
deletes from the original table. My problem is that after it runs, I now
have 122 rows of triplicate data (but dups are gone). If I rerun the script, it doesn't see the
triplicate data and returns 0 rows. I've use three different versions of
delete dup row scripts with the same result. There are no triggers or
constraints on the table, not even a primary key. What am I missing?-------------------------------------------------------------------

Delete Duplicate Data

--Create temp table to hold duplicate data
CREATE TABLE #tempduplicatedata
[student_test_uniq] [bigint] NULL,
[test_uniq] [int] NULL,
[concept_id] [smallint] NULL,
[test_id] [varchar](12) NULL,
[questions_correct] [smallint] NULL,
[questions_count] [smallint] NULL,
[percentage_correct] [decimal](6, 3) NULL,
[concept_response_count] [smallint] NULL

--Identify and save dup data into temp table
INSERT INTO #tempduplicatedata
SELECT * FROM crt_concept_score
GROUP BY student_test_uniq,

--Confirm number of dup rows
SELECT @@ROWCOUNT AS 'Number of Duplicate Rows'

--Delete dup from original table
DELETE FROM crt_concept_score
FROM crt_concept_score
INNER JOIN #tempduplicatedata
ON crt_concept_score.student_test_uniq = #tempduplicatedata.student_test_uniq
AND crt_concept_score.test_uniq = #tempduplicatedata.test_uniq
AND crt_concept_score.concept_id = #tempduplicatedata.concept_id
AND crt_concept_score.test_id = #tempduplicatedata.test_id
AND crt_concept_score.questions_correct = #tempduplicatedata.questions_correct
AND crt_concept_score.questions_count = #tempduplicatedata.questions_count
AND crt_concept_score.percentage_correct = #tempduplicatedata.percentage_correct
AND crt_concept_score.concept_response_count = #tempduplicatedata.concept_response_count

--Insert the delete data back
INSERT INTO crt_concept_score
SELECT * FROM #tempduplicatedata

--Check for dup data.
SELECT * FROM crt_concept_score
GROUP BY student_test_uniq,

--Check table
-- SELECT * FROM crt_concept_score

--Drop temp table
DROP TABLE #tempduplicatedata

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Deleting Duplicate Rows Within A Single Table

May 14, 2004

I was wondering if anyone had a suggestion as to how to delete duplicate rows from a table. I have been doing this:

SELECT * INTO TempUsersNoRepeats
FROM TempUsers2
SELECT * FROM TempUsers3

This way I end up with a total of four tables (the fourth table being the original Users table) and I was hoping that there was a way that I could do this all within the the original Users table and not have to create the three TempUsers tables.


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Scheduling An Upload And Deleting Duplicate Rows

Nov 5, 2006

New to this Database and this forum as I am I would like to ask for a couple of prompts. My SQL2000 tables are ready and I need to schedule Daily upload of .txt files. These contain a rolling 7Days of Stats.
Q1: How best to schedule the automiatic uploading of this data to the respective Tables in SQLServer.(Field names are identical), and
Q2: How to schedule a Daily Deletion of those rows which are in the tables already (Each day 6 Days must be Deleted and 1 kept)

Appreciate your help,


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For Deleting Duplicate Rows Subquery Or Cueser Is Better In Performance????????????

Sep 26, 2006

For deleting duplicate rows, i can use cursor and subquery.

cursor code

Declare dup_cursor cursor for
select acctnumber from LinkUrnABSADMBAR
group by acctnumber
having count(*) > 1

Open dup_cursor

Fetch Next from dup_cursor INTO @acctnumber

While (@@Fetch_Status = 0)

Delete from LinkUrnABSADMBAR
where acctnumber = @acctnumber

Fetch Next from dup_cursor INTO @acctnumber

Close dup_cursor
Deallocate dup_cursor

Subquery code

delete from galupload2000..test where id in (select id from galupload2000..test group by id having count(*) >1)

My question is which one is Better in performance????????????



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Deleting Records That Get Too Old

Jul 12, 2004

I must admit I dont know all that much about SQL, which is why I hope someone can show me the light. I have a script almost finished, however I have no idea how to have it trim database entries that are older than, say, 90 days. Any ideas?

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Deleting Records

Feb 25, 2005

I have a table with a load of orphaned records (I know... poor design)
I'm trying to get rid of them, but I'm having a brain cramp.

I need to delete all the records from the table "Floor_Stock" that
would be returned by this select statement:

(PRODUCT_MASTER.PROD_TYPE IN ('f', 'n', 'k', 'b', 'l', 's'))

I was thinking along the lines of:

(PRODUCT_MASTER.PROD_TYPE IN ('f', 'n', 'k', 'b', 'l', 's'))) F ON

... but Sql Server just laughs at me: "Incorrect Syntax near the keyword INNER"

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Deleting Records

Mar 3, 2004

How do I delete one record from one table and cascade down all related tables?

Mike B

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Deleting Records

Aug 14, 2006

Hey all,

Here is the scenario. I'm working with two tables:


Contact1 contains basic contact information and conthist contains history records for those contacts. Conthist can hold many records related to a single contact1 record.

The link between the two tables is a column called accountno.

I'm trying to delete any records in conthist that have an accountno that does not exist in contact1. The queries that I've tried keep returning conthist records that do actually have a matching accountno.

Any help would be appreciated.



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Deleting Records

Apr 12, 2007

Whenever I try to delete records from a table joined to another table, like so:

DELETE [tblTransaction Detail Local] FROM [tblTransaction Detail Local], [tblTransaction Header] WHERE ([tblTransaction Detail Local].[Transaction ID] = [tblTransaction Header].[Transaction ID]) AND ([tblTransaction Header].[Computer ID] = 3)

I get the error:

Major Error 0x80040E14, Minor Error 25501

> DELETE [tblTransaction Detail Local] FROM [tblTransaction Detail Local], [tblTransaction Header] WHERE ([tblTransaction Detail Local].[Transaction ID] = [tblTransaction Header].[Transaction ID]) AND ([tblTransaction Header].[Computer ID] = 3)

There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 1,Token line offset = 38,Token in error = FROM ]

This is an SQL CE database, and SQL Server Management Studio. Any ideas?

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Deleting Records

May 18, 2006

I have a couple SQL tables that have been appended to daily over the last two years. There is now about 50,000,000 records in the table. Does anyone know the fastest way to delete records before a certain date to shorten these tables? Delete queries and everything else I've tried is taking way too long.

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Deleting Lots Of Records

May 21, 2004

Apparently, deleting 7,000,000 records from a table of about 20,000,000 is not advisable. We were able to take orders at 8:00AM, but not at 7:59.

So, what's the best way of going about deleting a large number of records? Pretty basic lookup table, no relationships with other tables, 12 or so address-type fields, 4 or 5 simple indexes. I can take it down for a weekend or night, if needed.

DTS the ones to keep to another table, drop the old and rename the new table?
Bulk copy out, truncate and bring back in?
DTS to text, truncate and import back?
Other ways?

Never worked with such a large table and need a little experienced guidance.

Thanks for the help

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Deleting Numerous Records

Jan 5, 2002

My Web Host does not provide administrative privilages to the SQL server I have access to. I would like to delete tens of thousands of records from two of my tables without writing to the Transaction Log. Is what I'm trying to do is delete these records quickly without utilizing any of the alotted space my web host has set aside for my transaction log (they give me 50 mb and I go way over that when I run a DELETE statement)

What is the best way to do this?

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Sql Keywords Deleting Records?

Jun 3, 2008

I have a problem where records in underlying tables of a dataview are being deleted (seemingly at random)

For example.

CREATE TABLE [Employee] (Id int, Name varchar(50))
CREATE TABLE [Company] (Id int, Name varchar(50))
CREATE TABLE [EmployeeCompany] (CompanyId int, EmployeeId int)

CREATE VIEW [dvEmployee]
FROM [Employee] INNER JOIN [EmployeeCompany]
ON [Employee].[Id] = [EmployeeCompany].[EmployeeId]

CREATE TRIGGER [dvEmployeeUpdate]
ON [dbo].[dvEmployee]
UPDATE EmployeeCompany
SET Status = INSERTED.Status
FROM EmployeeCompany, INSERTED
WHERE EmployeeCompany.CompanyId = INSERTED.CompanyId
AND EmployeeCompany.EmployeeId = INSERTED.EmployeeId

Because the column [Status] is a t-sql keyword, does the fact that the trigger contains the line "SET Status = ..." without saying "SET [Status] = ..." mean that I could lose records in the EmployeeCompany table?

Reason I'm asking is we have an already designed database that is littered with columns named the same as sql keywords (almost every table has a [Status] column, and there are many [Password] columns). When using a dataview on these tables, triggers exist that aren't putting the [] around these column names (the same as my dvEmployeeUpdate trigger above), and somehow we are seemingly randomly losing records. It is very rare, and they are getting completely deleted, and it seems to be the tables that contain the keyword columns and are used in dataviews with instead of triggers that don't put [] around the column names. Nowhere in any trigger or stored procedure is there a DELETE FROM on these tables, and the software running on the database uses only the data views, and doesn't directly access the underlying tables.

I've been going through all of the code adding the [], but my question is simply whether or not anyone has heard of this causing the deletion of any records, or whether there may be something else going on that I should be looking into?

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Problem In Deleting Records

Jan 15, 2006

help me out on this one.
i have 2 text boxes in my page.
user enter any number in those two text boxes.
i slect that many record randomly from my main table, and put it into two another tables.
now the problem is coming in how to delete those records which were randomly selected from main table in main table.
for eg
main table contains
srNo. UswerID
1 abcd
2 trtr
3 tret
4 yghg
5 jjhj

user enters in text box1 '2' and in text box2 `1'
so total of 3 random records are selected
and put it into two another table say

table1 UserID
2 trtr

and table2 contains userid
3 tret
5 jjhj

now i want to delete these records which are 2,3,5 from the main table.
how do i do it as user can enter any number in the text writing multiple delete statements would not be possible.
how do i write statements or help me with logic.

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Deleting Related Records.

Oct 17, 2007

I wanted to do a delete rows from a group of table. These tables have a common column UserID. I heard that there is something called ondelete cascade. But I don't know how to set it up and utilise it. Could someone tell me how to do it. Or point me to a tutorial which shows how to do it.

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Deleting Records In The Logfile

Jul 20, 2005

I have a database that is used to store a lot of data. We load the data on adaily basis, several thousand records per day. The Log file is not needed,so whats the best way to delete the records in it and reduce the sizeThanksDerrick

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