Deleting Leading 0's In Numbers Stored In A Text Field.
Jul 25, 2006
I am trying to use several tables that have one 10-character text field in
common. Most of the records have a numeric expression, but some tables have leading
0's, and some don't.
I can't cast the field to numbers because there are some records that have
letters also.
What function can I use to get rid of all the 0s at the left of each record?
(Sort of a LTRIM function that gets rid of 0s instead of spaces).
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Mar 29, 2015
I have run into a problem when searching for a Movie title that is a number (like the movie name 21)
This is an access database and the Movie_Name is a text field
The SQL I am using is
Select * from Movie_Data where Movie_Title = ‘” & Movie_Name & “’”
This works perfectly for everything except when the Movie_Name = a number
Is there a way to make this search work with both characters and numbers?
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Mar 27, 2007
I'm trying to write data to excel from an ssis component to a excel destination.
Even thought I'm writing numerics, every cell gets this error with a green tag:
Convert numbers stored as text to numbers
Excel Cells were all pre-formated to accounting 2 decimal, and if i manually type the exact data Im sending it formats just fine.
I'm hearing this a common problem -
On another project I was able to find a workaround for the web based version of excel, by writing this to the top of the file:
<style>.text { mso-number-format:@; } </style>
is there anything I can pre-set in excel (cells are already formated) or write to my file so that numerics are seen as numerics and not text.
Maybe some setting in my write drivers - using sql servers excel destination.
So close.. Thanks for any help or information.
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Mar 3, 2007
I am totally confused, i have set my data type in the ID field for my database as VarChar (SQL Server Database)
I am confused a have it declared in ASP.NET 2 as a string but it doesnt recognise it when i try and insert the data into a database, what am I doing wrong?
1 <%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master" Title="Untitled Page" %>
3 <script runat="server">
5 Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
7 End Sub
9 </script>
11 <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server">
12 <span style="font-size: 11pt" id="SPAN1">
13 To initiate a new project, Enter details and
14 select <strong>Insert</strong>.
15 <br />
16 <br />
17 <asp:DetailsView ID="DetailsView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AutoGenerateRows="False" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" Height="50px" Width="324px" DefaultMode="Insert">
18 <Fields>
19 <asp:BoundField DataField="ProjectID" HeaderText="ProjectID" SortExpression="ProjectID" />
20 <asp:BoundField DataField="ProjectName" HeaderText="Project Name" SortExpression="ProjectName" />
21 <asp:BoundField DataField="Description" HeaderText="Description" SortExpression="Description" />
22 <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Project Manager" SortExpression="ProjectManagersID">
23 <EditItemTemplate>
24 <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("ProjectManagersID") %>'></asp:TextBox>
25 </EditItemTemplate>
26 <InsertItemTemplate>
27 <asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server" DataSourceID="ProjMan" DataTextField="PMName"
28 DataValueField="ProjectManagersID" SelectedValue='<%# Bind("ProjectManagersID") %>'>
29 </asp:DropDownList><asp:SqlDataSource ID="ProjMan" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"
30 DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [ProjectManagers] WHERE [ProjectManagersID] = @ProjectManagersID"
31 InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [ProjectManagers] ([PMName]) VALUES (@PMName)" SelectCommand="SELECT [ProjectManagersID], [PMName] FROM [ProjectManagers]"
32 UpdateCommand="UPDATE [ProjectManagers] SET [PMName] = @PMName WHERE [ProjectManagersID] = @ProjectManagersID">
33 <DeleteParameters>
34 <asp:Parameter Name="ProjectManagersID" Type="Int32" />
35 </DeleteParameters>
36 <UpdateParameters>
37 <asp:Parameter Name="PMName" Type="String" />
38 <asp:Parameter Name="ProjectManagersID" Type="Int32" />
39 </UpdateParameters>
40 <InsertParameters>
41 <asp:Parameter Name="PMName" Type="String" />
42 </InsertParameters>
43 </asp:SqlDataSource>
44 </InsertItemTemplate>
45 <ItemTemplate>
46 <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("ProjectManagersID") %>'></asp:Label>
47 </ItemTemplate>
48 </asp:TemplateField>
49 <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Project Type" SortExpression="ProjectTypeID">
50 <EditItemTemplate>
51 <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox2" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("ProjectTypeID") %>'></asp:TextBox>
52 </EditItemTemplate>
53 <InsertItemTemplate>
54 <asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList2" runat="server" DataSourceID="ProjType" DataTextField="ProjectType"
55 DataValueField="ProjectTypeID" SelectedValue='<%# Bind("ProjectTypeID") %>'>
56 </asp:DropDownList><asp:SqlDataSource ID="ProjType" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"
57 DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [ProjectType] WHERE [ProjectTypeID] = @ProjectTypeID"
58 InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [ProjectType] ([ProjectTypeID], [ProjectType]) VALUES (@ProjectTypeID, @ProjectType)"
59 SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [ProjectType]" UpdateCommand="UPDATE [ProjectType] SET [ProjectType] = @ProjectType WHERE [ProjectTypeID] = @ProjectTypeID">
60 <DeleteParameters>
61 <asp:Parameter Name="ProjectTypeID" Type="Int32" />
62 </DeleteParameters>
63 <UpdateParameters>
64 <asp:Parameter Name="ProjectType" Type="String" />
65 <asp:Parameter Name="ProjectTypeID" Type="Int32" />
66 </UpdateParameters>
67 <InsertParameters>
68 <asp:Parameter Name="ProjectTypeID" Type="Int32" />
69 <asp:Parameter Name="ProjectType" Type="String" />
70 </InsertParameters>
71 </asp:SqlDataSource>
72 </InsertItemTemplate>
73 <ItemTemplate>
74 <asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("ProjectTypeID") %>'></asp:Label>
75 </ItemTemplate>
76 </asp:TemplateField>
77 <asp:BoundField DataField="StatusID" HeaderText="Status" insertvisible=False readonly=True SortExpression="StatusID" />
78 <asp:CommandField ShowInsertButton="True" ButtonType=Button />
79 </Fields>
80 </asp:DetailsView>
81 <br />
82 <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"
83 DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [Project] WHERE [ProjectID] = @ProjectID" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [Project] ([ProjectName], [Description], [ProjectManagersID], [ProjectTypeID], [StatusID]) VALUES (@ProjectName, @Description, @ProjectManagersID, @ProjectTypeID, @StatusID)"
84 SelectCommand="SELECT [ProjectID], [ProjectName], [Description], [ProjectManagersID], [ProjectTypeID], [StatusID] FROM [Project]"
85 UpdateCommand="UPDATE [Project] SET [ProjectName] = @ProjectName, [Description] = @Description, [ProjectManagersID] = @ProjectManagersID, [ProjectTypeID] = @ProjectTypeID, [StatusID] = @StatusID WHERE [ProjectID] = @ProjectID">
86 <DeleteParameters>
87 <asp:Parameter Name="ProjectID" Type="Int32" />
88 </DeleteParameters>
89 <UpdateParameters>
90 <asp:Parameter Name="ProjectName" Type="String" />
91 <asp:Parameter Name="Description" Type="String" />
92 <asp:Parameter Name="ProjectManagersID" Type="Int32" />
93 <asp:Parameter Name="ProjectTypeID" Type="Int32" />
94 <asp:Parameter Name="StatusID" Type="Int32" />
95 <asp:Parameter Name="ProjectID" Type="Int32" />
96 </UpdateParameters>
97 <InsertParameters>
98 <asp:Parameter Name="ProjectID" Type="String" />
99 <asp:Parameter Name="ProjectName" Type="String" />
100 <asp:Parameter Name="Description" Type="String" />
101 <asp:Parameter Name="ProjectManagersID" Type="Int32" />
102 <asp:Parameter Name="ProjectTypeID" Type="Int32" />
103 <asp:Parameter Name="StatusID" Type="Int32" DefaultValue=1 />
104 </InsertParameters>
105 </asp:SqlDataSource>
106 </span>
107 </asp:Content>
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Jun 19, 2015
I have the following text field in SSRS report:
I want to sort this field interactively.I have already sorted other fields, but as this field is text but has decimal data, its not sorting properly. How do I do this correctly? Once sorted ascending, report should show
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May 21, 2008
i have an excel sheet
in it there is a column that holds values of item numbers
some of these values are preceeded with zeros E.G "00123" (with out the ")
when i view the data in excel i get this little green corner whice states (when pressed) that these values are numbers stoerd as text.
no inside the excel sheet i have no problem with that
but when i try to import the excel sheet into ssis using an excel source task
all these values are imported as nulls!!!
i am lost
i tried converting the format of these cells to numbers but then i loose the leading zeros
what i done temporarly to solve this problem is to accept excel's suggestion and turn these values into numbers
i then import them and convert them to strings in ssis and then ad dthe zeros.
now althouge this works, this isnt realy a solution.
i canot manualy correct each excel file each time i get a new copy
and in the future i will not have the luxuery of having fixed lenght values (so i wont be able to know how many zeroe i"d need to add)
there must be a better way
please help
thanks in advance
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Aug 8, 2002
I have two identical databases. I need to delete the even customer numbers from the first database and the odd numbers from the other database. I know I can do this writing a delete statement for each table. However there are a total of 54 tables.
Does anyone know a faster way to write the script without writing 54 scripts?
I would appreciate your help.
As always you guys are the greatest.
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Aug 20, 2007
Hi All,
I want to add a leading zero to a field based on a param that I create on the fly in my stored proc. I have a @month which is created from my datetime param @date.
@Month needs to be char(2) but if the month is inputted as '04' I get '4 ' in the table (note the space after 4)
How can I add a leading zero to this field?
Set @Year = right('0',1)year(@Date) is spitting it's toys out.
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Feb 25, 2008
I have a numeric data field called Price and this has a value of 0.000 in the db. when i create a package to extract this data to a flat file, the value is displayed as .000
what should i do to make it appear as 0.000 in the flat file.
I tried using a derived column expression where i check if the db value is 0.000 and display it as a string "0.000". this works fine if the OLEDB source is a sql command but fails if the OLEDB source is a sql command from variable.
any help would be appreciated.
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Apr 28, 2008
I searched the forums for 'Retain leading 0 in datetime field' and received 0 hits.
I have a client who needs me to export SQL data as a txt file. All of the varchar fields are working well. I am having a problem with the datetime field. In my SQL table, I have a datetime field named 'Date_Acquired'. I enter the date as 04/28/2008 but it shows up in the table as 4/28/2008 and exports to text as 4/28/2008. Is there an easy way within my export Stored Procedure to reformat the datetime field to retain the leading zero? I have explored the CAST and CONVERT statements but have been unsuccessful so far.
Can anyone help?
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Mar 19, 2001
I want to sort a stored procedure based on a variable passed to it... what is the easiest way to do this? Here's an example of what I want to do:
sp_select_thing 10, 'thing_name', 'asc'
It would run the query then somehow evaluate parameters 2 and 3 to be placed in the ORDER BY clause. I'm not sure if they should be quoted as strings or not, I don't have an idea how to pass a "reference to a variable" as a parameter to a stored procedure... or even if such a thing is possible
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May 5, 1999
I need to dynamically construct sql script for procedure/trigger of the SQL
Server 6.5 database. Because of length, I need to store it in a text field
of the temporary table. Now I need to execute it.
I see only two choices:
1. Use bcp utility to pass text of procedure/trigger to the text file on
hard drive and the use isql utility to execute that text.
Drawbacks of this way: bcp and isql must be in place, need to write to the
use's hard drive, overhead for large number of modifying objects
2. Declare up to 255 (this is the max number of colid column in the
syscomments table) local variables of varchar(255) type, get sequential
chunks from that text field and build final statement like this:
exec(@var1 + @var2 + ... + @var255)
Drawbacks: need to keep truck of length of the text field to calculate
right number of local variables, and it looks a little bit ugly
While both ways work, I am looking for more nicer way to do this job.
Does anybody know another way to do this?
Thank you in advance,
Oleg Cherkashin
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Jan 1, 2008
Hi, I have a question regarding inserting numbers automatically. For example, there are 2 fields. One is CountryID and other is CountryName. From Front-end I'm entering the Country Name "India" alone and in my table the CountryID "1" or what ever the sequence should be entered. I believe this can be done using Triggers. I read on KB article in Microsoft website. But didn't get clear idea. Is that the correct way?Can any one show me a small example of this? Or give an idea for this?
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Feb 4, 2006
I have a decimal field in SQL Server 2000 which has a precision value of 3 and scale 1. I will be storing values ranging from 0.5 to 10.0 in there. However, in my web form, if I select the value 2.5 from the DropDownList, SQL Server stores it as 3.
Can anyone tell me why this is happening and give me some pointers on what I can do to fix it? Your help is much appreciated.
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May 13, 2014
Large design flaw, I know, but we have a table with a varchar field which contains alpha - numeric values. I need to change just the numerics, which can be in an position on the field:
Sample data of the field:
Rec1: Sally Morgan 201-555-1212
Rec2: 555-4040 John Smith
Rec3: Jane Houstin 201-555-6452 ext1223
Desired result:
Rec1: Sally Morgan 999-999-9999
Rec2: 999-9999 John Smith
Rec3: Jane Houstin 999-999-9999 ext9999
There's a bunch of UDFs out there for selecting just the numerics, but I'm having trouble throwing it into a viable script for repeatable execution.
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Jul 18, 2013
I have a text where it is mix up of all alphanumeric values... For example like this
So my requirement is i need to add comma (,) before every number value in this text.The text is different from each other.But main one what ever the number is there need to add comma before that one (decimal,numeric etc)
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May 16, 2007
Does Full text search have problems with numbers?
I have a text field in a table that has been full text indexed. Some of the data in some of the fields start with numbers.
For Example
"123p45 the bla bla bla"
When I run a standard SELECT statement on LIKE '%p4%' it returns the above record.
If I run a full text query using CONTAINS(fieldname,'"*p4*"') it returns nothing.
After much head banging I was able to get the CONTAINS to work when I used *123p4*
I figured since there are alpha characters after the p4 the second * works however since there are no preceeding alpha characters before the p4 it fails.
I would like to be able to do a "full text" search for the "p4" and get the record above.
Any feedback would be appreciated..
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Aug 25, 2015
I'm new to SQL and I'm trying to write a statement to satisfy the following:
If [Field1] contains text from [Field2] then return [Field3] as [Field4].
I had two tables where there were no matching keys. I did a cross apply and am now trying to parse out the description to build the key.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi,This is driving me nuts, I have a table that stores notes regarding anoperation in an IMAGE data type field in MS SQL Server 2000.I can read and write no problem using Access using the StrConv function andI can Update the field correctly in T-SQL using:DECLARE @ptrval varbinary(16)SELECT @ptrval = TEXTPTR(BITS_data)FROM mytable_BINARY WHERE ID = 'RB215'WRITETEXT OPERATION_BINARY.BITS @ptrval 'My notes for this operation'However, I just can not seem to be able to convert back to text theinformation once it is stored using T-SQL.My selects keep returning bin data.How to do this! Thanks for your help.SD
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Jun 22, 2002
I need to delete 1st and last lines of text from a text file in an automated process,and save the file with the same name or a different name at the same location. How is that possible?Any help is greatly appreciated.
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May 29, 2007
I have a flat file that look like this
# Market Issue Lookup
# Applies to: Muni,Pfd,Govt,Corp
# Maturity Type Lookup
and i want it to look like this
Basically remove any line that start with a "#" or any blank lines..
I am assuming you can do this only using a script component and not directly through ssis..but i am not too familiar with some code would be helpful
Thanks for any help in advance.
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Jan 28, 2015
Need to know if the varchar datatype field will ingore leading zeros when compared with numeric datatype ?
create table #temp
code varchar(4) null,
id int not null
insert into #temp
[Code] .....
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May 25, 2005
Hi,Please can you let me know the best solution for creating a primary key which automatically increments by 1 each time a record is added. My current Primary key is of type "Int" which increments by 1 each time, but I would like my primary key to contain "ABC" before the 1. So each time a record is added I would like to see:-ABC000001 ABC000002ABC000003Etc, EtcI am using SQL Server 2000 and creating an ASP.Net application, will I need to write code in a Stored Procedure to do this?Regards,Brett
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Oct 20, 2014
I have a field which contains something like prj(5616) .
I have been assigned to display the actual name and not the text with the number.
Example: if prj(8616) is called Soccer , then I want display Soccer instead of prj(8616).
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Dec 11, 2007
Hi all,
I'm having an issue with data from an OLE DB source being converted from numeric [DT_R8] to text when I export it to Excel. I had the column in the spreadsheet formatted as Numeric, but when I set it up as the data destination, it is showing in SSIS as [DT_WSTR].
The SSIS job runs OK, it just converts my numeric data to text in the spreadsheet. I'm surprised that the job actually runs, since I have to do explicit data conversions for my OLE DB string data in order to convert it to unicode. From what I have read elsewhere, the decision was made in SSIS not to use implicit data conversion, but to require explicit conversion. Yet this export is converting my numeric data to text.
I would appreciate any information on how to set up the Excel Destination to properly handle numeric information.
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Apr 22, 2008
I have a report, a matrix as always, were the numbers are text when I save the report to Excel. What did I do wrong or what properties do I have to change?
Kind regards
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Apr 4, 2007
is there a way to force the numers to show in excel as numbers, not as text?
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a feeling I'll be forced to use a script and a trigger for thistype of field format but I'm wondering if any of your wizards couldpoint at a simple way I could do something like this:For example, if I want to be able to keep track of new orders followingthis incrementing convention:ORD100000001ORD100000002ORD100000003.... etc ...Does MSSQL2000 have features that I can simply set for this kind offield or will I be resorting to writing up a SQL script and a trigger?
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May 15, 2006
Im a programmer for an university webportal which uses php and msssql.
When an user creates a new entry and his text is too long the entry is cut short and weird characters appear at the end of the entry.
For example:
How can I set the text limit to unlimited?
Could it be something else?
Is there a way of splitting an entry to several text fields automatically?
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me,
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Oct 8, 2015
The following works just fine. The table tmpMHPCLMDET does have a column ADMTDT ( varchar(8) ).
While I am adding the sequence of numbers I like it to be sorted based on ADMTDT column.
What that means is the row with the earliest ( smallest ) ADMTDT will get 1 and the next 2 and so on.
Declare @ID int
If Exists ( Select from sys.columns c where object_id = object_id('tmpMHPCLMDET') and = 'ServiceLineID' )
--Adding a sequence of numbers to the ServiceLineID column.
SET @id = 0
SET @id = ServiceLineID = @id + 1;
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Jul 31, 2007
I have a question on autogenerating numbers for a primary key field, "studyID," in a tablebut with a few twists.
We want studyID to be automatically generated as a 5-digit number. Additionally, we have two study sites and would like the studyIDs pertaining to the first site to begin with a 1 and StudyIDs associated with our second site to start with a 2. When we begin entering data, we will enter either a 1 or 2 in a field called, "Site." Upon entering that 1 or 2, we would like at that moment for Access to instantly autogenerate the appropriate studyID for that site and put it in the "StudyID" field. We want the very first number generated for each site to end in a 1 (10001 and 20001).
Heres the range of values we want our StudyIDs to be (this is to be our validation rule as well):
10001-19999 for Site 1
20001-29999 for Site 2
Your suggestions are VERY VERY WELCOME! THANKS!
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Mar 12, 2015
In SQL 2005 if i was trying to insert some data with a text qualifier inside a text qualified field, it would work, for example:
"Name","ID ","Location","","Comany",""House Name" Road",
In SQL 2012, this fails with the error message, cannot find the text qualifer for field.
To get around this, we are having to import the data into a Dirty Data column of aTEMP table, ID, Dirty Data, Clean data - perform multiple updates and change the text qualifier and ensure they are only changed in the right places so we can keep the ". In this example, we changed the text qualifier to PIPES.
After these updates, we then export the data from CLEAN data back out to CSV, then reimport it into the origional destination table with a new text qualifer.
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Apr 21, 2015
I have a column in a table that has a type TEXT,when I pull the length of a row it returns 88222 but when I select from that column it dows not show all the text in the result set.
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