Deploy To Production Using Configuration Properties
Jul 2, 2007
When you check out the project properties of a RS project, you can find the deployment attributes like targetdatasourcefolder, etc... There's also a button "Configuration Manager...". Here I can see a column "Platform" which is empty. I got the feeling I should be able to configure different platforms here, select an active environment and deploy to it some how. Is this correct; how does this work, and why not?
I have created an SSIS package which will import data from EXCEL file to SQL server. I had assigned the excel file path using an expression which wil be a combination of the folder path where the excel file resides + file name + date+extension. I also assigned the connection string for the OLEDB using the Expression. I have also exported the Folder path and the eonnection string variables to the package configurations and i have created the deployment project, which contains the package, packagemanifest and the package config file.
Now i need to know the steps to install the package in the production server and the steps to schedule the job in the sql server.
any of you plz give me the link to find the steps or plz tel me the things that i have to do.
I built a SSIS(writing out to a flat file ) in 32 bit machine and it woks fine . But however when I deploy to the produciton server(64 bit) the SSIS writes out garbage data . After some research I found out that the problem with the 32 bit OS and 64 bit OS problem.What is my next step. Am I out of luck that now I will have to redesing the SSIS in 64 bit?
In SSIS package development environment, I was able to connect to an oracle database and pull data into my sql server database. I installed the client tools for oracle and I put an entry into the tnsnames.ora and I was able to connect.
But in production environment, if I deploy the package on sql server, I was wondering if I had to do the same job of downloading the oracle client tools onto my production machine --which creates a tnsnames.ora file to it default location and then edit it with tthe tns entry-- or is there a better way to do this--avoiding the download?
Is there no longer a graphic interface for the parameters that are output with sp_configure? There are many options that are settable that are not in the Sql Server Propreties, but these items were in the 6.5 graphic interface through EM ex. number of open objects. Is there a script to save these settings so the installation can be recreated?
I installed the samples and tutoriales on the same server as SQL Server 2005 and VS 2005 Team Suite. Living in Belgium, the local settings are: language = Duch (Belgium) code page = 850 e.g. in the database samples (AdventureWorks database €“ AdventureWorks Warehouse database) my date notation is: 26-12-2005 my number notation is: 1,0013016921998599
all demo samples and tutorials are developed using language = English (United States) code page 1252 e.g. in SampleCurrencyData.txt the date notation is: 12/26/2005 00:00:00 the number notation is: 1.0013016921998599
I do not have any problems to test the diferent services (Data Base Engine Services, Analysis Services, reporting & notifications services ..) but I do not succeed to deploy any samples of integration services !
e.g. for Integration Services Tutorial - lesson 1: €śCreating the Project and Basic Package€? there are no error messages, 1097 rows are processed but, checking the result in the database, no data is updated in the FactCurrencyRate table of the AdventureWorksDW database !
Why? - is the problem related to the local language settings? how to solve this? - what is the influence of the code page ? is there any compatibility between 1252 and 850 as code page? - Server collation (e.g. Latin_1_General_CI_AS) is reported as key for the Unicode notation for character strings but what about notation of numbers? - when to use float data type DT_R4 or DT_R8? - I have remarked that the DT_DBTimeStamp is undependent from the source time notation €“ Is this correct? - what is the difference between DT_Date and DT_DBDate or DT_DBTime, or DT_DBTimeStamp? - Is Integration Services dependant of the local settings of the database engine? - how to set / modify additional regional properties in a SSIS and SSRS package? - how to change the default setting of the Flat File Connection Manager [starting the wizard, the local setting for the language €“ Dutch appears and this is OK for me but as codepage appears 1252 (ANSI Latin) and this is not OK as my server code page = 850]? - how to work with e.g. US based data as source and Belgium settings for reports?
I would like to deploy several reports to production server, Do i need to install reporting services entire software in order to run the reports or is it possible to just have runtime files installed on it to run the reports.
please help, i have almost 100 reports to be deployed on this server which is located in other country.
Thanks for the helpful information.
(i am using SQL server 2005 / reporting services 2005.)
Am getting errors trying to deploy a dtsx created by ms (the reporting services execution log one) to which I have made zero changes, but it is not working (2 errors shown below)
error from deployment wizard: ===================================
Could not save the package "H:SSISRSlogRSExecutionLog_UpdateinDeploymentRSExecutionLog_Update.dtsx" to SQL Server "xxxxxxxxxxx". (Package Installation Wizard)
The SaveToSQLServer method has encountered OLE DB error code 0x80004005 (Login timeout expired). The SQL statement that was issued has failed.
I have just finished installing SQL 2005 Ent Edition on Win 2000 Adv Server, SQL2005 SP2, and SP2 Hotfix KB934458. After the installation, I could see and configure all services via SQL Configuration Manager and SQL Server Surface Area Configuration tools. This worked for a couple of days and now both configuration tools no longer detect SQL2005 components. SQL Server Surface Area Configuration issued an error that said "No SQL Server 2005 components were found on specified computer. Either no components are installed, or you are not an administrator on this computer. (SQLAC)". SQL Configuration Manager did not list any installed services. I don€™t know what caused this. Anyone has any idea? Please help! Below is the Installation Report which shows installed components.
The following components are installed on this server
Hi --I was wondering if this is a bug when I add new data in my table SSIS Confiurations and give wizard a new Configuration filter the package configuration wizard can not see the new values --the old values from the previous configuration are still showing---is there any known workaround or forced refresh I can do
thanks in advance Dave
SQL Package Configurations are most important because they provide the possibility of a central configuration store for your entire enterprise!!!!!!!! and is in my mind the only way to go
USE [ETLConfiguration] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[SSIS Configurations] Script Date: 05/23/2006 13:34:35 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SSIS Configurations]( [ConfigurationFilter] [nvarchar](255) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL, [ConfiguredValue] [nvarchar](255) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [PackagePath] [nvarchar](255) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL, [ConfiguredValueType] [nvarchar](20) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]
It seems to me, that the best way is to have one Environment Varible containing the name of the SQL Server, so that you can look up the configuration in the SSIS Configuration Table when you run the package.
Is this the preferable way of doing it ? I would like to hear some positive/negative comment of why chosing a configuration type instead of another.
It seems to me that putting all of the configuration in the Environment variable is harder work but most secure (server breakdown vs table corruption/database error...)
I am creating a windows application to manage my ssis packages.
My SSIS packages use package configurations, and by default connect to the "SSIS Configurations" table in sql server.
However, I want it to connect to a view instead of this table, so i create a view "vwSSIS_Configurations" and point the package configuration to use the view in sql server.
The application SHOULD be capable of altering the package configuration's configuration and switch its connection between the default "ssis configurations" table, and the view.
Is this possible? I cannot think of a way which I can have my application switch the package configuration's connection.
How easy it is to deploy a solution that uses SQL Express on Development, but a MS SQL database on the production server (host)I am using the membership provider of 2.0 Many thanks.
Dears,I have devoloped an application ASP.NET 2.0.Before I have builded the aspnetdb throught the command then I built some tables and stored procedures on this db. (My db is sql express 2005 and my hoster db is sql 2005 workgroup)My hoster doesn't allow connection Management studio express, doesn't allow attach or restore functionalities.Than I have built my script db (contains Tables, Views and Stored Procedures), I have substituted the dbo with my user account in the script because my hoster doesn't allow the dbo access.I have also transfered my site files (.aspx, img, etc.) on the server.When I try to access the db I receive this error (for example when I push on the button create user):The SSE Provider did not find the database file specified in the connection string. At the configured trust level (below High trust level), the SSE provider can not automatically create the database file. Please could you help me? Thank you.
Hi All, Can anyone tell me,is it possible to create an exe or msi for sql stored procedures,tables and triggers?I want to deploy the database objects(stored proc,tables,views and functions) as an exe file..just like publishing and deploying the application.Is it possible for sql server database objects.Pls,let me know.
I'm deploying an ASP .Net application on which 20 users will be working at the same time. The database will start at less than 100mb. Is SQL EXPRESS 2005 powerfull enough to use for such an application. Thanks in advance for your answers
Is there such a thing as a Production DBA in the SQL Server world or is this an outdated concept? Is there a market for people who specialize in database administration as distinct from software development or general network admin? I believe there are such people in the Oracle world, is the SQL Server world different in this regard? Can anyone give me suggestions about how to go about filling such a position?
I am a New York City area employer seeking to fill a position that I think would be ideal for a DBA with 3-5 years of experience in a production environment. The salary would be somewhere between $50K and $60K.
The position involves administering a SQL Server cluster and SAN running our core business application, plus several ancillary SQL Server installations. The application that we are implementing is a third-party product, so no real development is being done at our site. It is, however, fairly complex and requires customization and we do have significant reporting and EDI requirements, so strong T-SQL skills are required.
We are a medium-sized operation, with 900 employees and an eight person IT Dept; the organization’s main focus is insurance not IT, so candidates with a lot of experience might not find it challenging enough, but I think it would be an excellent opportunity for a candidate who might be stuck in the back of a large IT Dept. who wants to move up to a more visible position in a smaller organization.
I would think that there would be a lot of people in this category and, indeed, we have received a lot of resumes, but few of them are from the type of candidate that I had in mind. Most of the resumes are from people whose main focus is development or, if they have had experience in a production environment, have had 10+ years and are seeking salaries way beyond what we can pay. As for the former, I would not automatically reject someone whose prior experience was as a developer—and these skills would certainly be useful to us--I would just be worried that they wouldn’t be happy if they weren’t spending all of their time developing.
I just deleted a stored procedure in order to replace it with a corrected version (DotNetNuke). Now I had the following problem : When I try to create the SP with the following :
IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'{databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}GetUserRolesByUsername') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) DROP PROCEDURE {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}GetUserRolesByUsername GO
IF @UserName Is Null BEGIN SELECTR.*, U.DisplayName As FullName, UR.UserRoleID, UR.UserID, UR.EffectiveDate, UR.ExpiryDate, UR.IsTrialUsed FROM{databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}UserRoles UR INNER JOIN {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Users U ON UR.UserID = U.UserID INNER JOIN {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Roles R ON R.RoleID = UR.RoleID WHERE R.PortalId = @PortalId AND (R.Rolename = @Rolename or @RoleName is NULL) END ELSE BEGIN IF @RoleName Is NULL BEGIN SELECTR.*, U.DisplayName As FullName, UR.UserRoleID, UR.UserID, UR.EffectiveDate, UR.ExpiryDate, UR.IsTrialUsed FROM{databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}UserRoles UR INNER JOIN {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Users U ON UR.UserID = U.UserID INNER JOIN {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Roles R ON R.RoleID = UR.RoleID WHERE R.PortalId = @PortalId AND (U.Username = @Username or @Username is NULL) END ELSE BEGIN SELECTR.*, U.DisplayName As FullName, UR.UserRoleID, UR.UserID, UR.EffectiveDate, UR.ExpiryDate, UR.IsTrialUsed FROM{databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}UserRoles UR INNER JOIN {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Users U ON UR.UserID = U.UserID INNER JOIN {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Roles R ON R.RoleID = UR.RoleID WHERE R.PortalId = @PortalId AND (R.Rolename = @Rolename or @RoleName is NULL) AND (U.Username = @Username or @Username is NULL) END END GO
I get the following error :
"Syntax error, permission violation, or other nonspecific error"
I have a report that I am trying to deploy. I right-clicked my report in the solutions explorer, then select "deploy" but then I get the following error:
Microsoft Report Designer The project cannot be deployed because no target server is specified. Provide a value for the TargetServerURL property in the property page for this project.
So then I go to the properties page but there isn't a TargetServerURL field! There is only a file name and full path field. Does anyone know what is wrong? Could it be that I need IIS installed on my machine?
More info: Software installed from -Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition -SQL Server Management Studio Express -Install Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services -Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Toolkit
Hi all,I'm new to SQLServer (Express edition) so I was wondering: if the webhost supports SQLServer 2005 do I just need to move the .MDF file to mydirectory on the web host to be able to use it?Thanks,Lorenzo
Hi all, I have created a database in MS-Access. I want to deploy that database on the local server, how can i do it?
Let me clear, i have created a DSN for my database. I want to deploy a report on RServer(on SQL Server2005). This DSN will be the datasource for the report. When i am trying to deploy this report with this DSN i am getting an error message "Cannot create a connection to data source 'DataSource2'. (rsErrorOpeningConnection)". Could any one help me?
I have created a report project file on my local machine.Now I'm trying to deploy those reports to a development server. I have installed sql server and tools in my local machine but never configured reporting services. When I try to deploy those reports, it asks username and password for reporting services login. But usually as far as I know, i should be able to deploy my reports without entering password etc. Even if I enter username and password, still they dont work. Is that becase I install SQL server in my local machine? Does anyone know why?
I am trying to deploy a project to localhost, but I get the following error. I have only one package in this project.
"Could not save the package "C:......lah.dtsx" to SQL Server "localhost".
I tried deploying other projects that I've successfully deployed before and those also fail with the same message. Am I missing something really basic here?
I have a web project and created a setup project for it. And I have to create reports using sql server reporting services. For this I have created an reportserver project and created two reports.
I have to create a setup file to install these reports in a remote machine.
How to do this?
where this .rdl and .rds files will be stored in the reportserver.
We have developed a project with many SSIS packages. Now we are in a stage where we are deploying this into production.
The operaitons team has asked us what are the things they need to known and do to make sure that the production system of SSIS keeps running.
Can you help me in comming up with a detailed list which I can give to the operations/admin folks so that they can ensure that this project keeps running?
I must release a new Db on 4/1 into an isolated small network (pier workgroup) and my choices are MSDE or Express. I'm new to both (MSDE yesterday, Express today). I am familiar with SQL Server and prefer using the tools with Express, but is it stable enough to use in this type of production environment?