I asked about this a few mos ago over in the CF forum, but I'm hoping there's a better solution someone (Erik?) knows about here.
Is there a "standard" deploy script for SQL Server CE on devices? There doesn't even seem to be one in the d/l from Microsoft. During development, Visual Studio handles the installation of SQL Server CE on the device but deploying it on a device that isn't partnered to a dev box seems to be a matter of "just copy the cab file over".
While I'm willing to do that if I have to, it raises some other questions. How do I know if it's already there? How do I know if what's there is a newer version or not (and if it is, how do I abort this step)? How do I make sure some other application hasn't installed it already? Do I really even need to worry this?
I can just have my installer tell ActiveSync to put it on the device, but without knowing the above I'm kind of nervous about it.
hi, I usually back up the database to a file within the sql server box. then use a tape backup to back up the whole directory of the sql server in the d: drive.
Is this right way to do or there is a better way ?
I know that you need to create a device in 6.5 to do backups, but in 7.0, it seems to take care of this for you. However, there is still a device folder in the Management folder of version 7.0's console tree. Why would it be better to back up to devices, rather than anywhere else on the hard drive. Is there any way to easily schedule the deletion of backups on these devices? I know that with 7.0's Maintenance plans, you can schedule old backups to be deleted. But how do you do that for devices?
I just tried to make a typed resultset from a SSCE v3.5 database, and recieved this message from Visual Studio:
"Typed ResultSets cannot be generated for tables on Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 databases present on devices."
On the device, speed and low memory consumption is important. So it seems to me that this should be present ONLY on devices, because on the desktop we can just use the DataSet generator and not care about the overhead. Anyway, ripped from what would have been a nice feature, the alternatives that comes to mind are:
1. Making my own resultset generator 2. Use typed DataSets 3. Derive from SqlCeResultSet and store the Field names in it, to build my own typed resultset class.
I want to get a list of backup devices for a selected database ex : Northwind Database i need to get the list of back devices for this db any one know how the query could be written
I have taken backups and the backup devices are stored in C: drive and now i want them to be moved onto the other drive.So how can i do it without creating new devices and scheduling them again.
i need to initialise the backup devices as the the backup files have grown so big thats its occupy hard drive space , each device is for @ day for all databse we use , what do i do
Does anyone have experience/advice with large databases (5-10 Gig)? If so, I was wondering about performance/other benefits of spanning a large database across multiple devices (different disks). Would anyone vote for or against doing this?
Hi all I have a raid 5 NT server 4.0 with SQL 6.5 running. I perform backups on tranlogs every hour and db`s every night. I also have another 16G Nt server not raid 5. Can someone tell me if it is possible to mirror a device or a database into the regular 16G NT server from raid 5 server? HOW???
HOw about database mirroring??
And also whats the best solution when it comes to mirrorring in NT server?
I want to know if it's possible for a database on multiple devices to put specific tables on specific devices?? and if this is possible how to do it?? Thanks for help
Also all these databases are running in 'Simple' recovery mode so obviously I need to change this to 'Full' to enable incramental and log backups - is this possible using the same script.
Hope someone can help as the thought of doing all of this individually for each database scares me silly!!! :)
I am using EMS SQL Manager for SQL Server (www.sqlmanager.net). I am trying to learn how to do backups of my database.
I am up to this step -> http://www.sqlmanager.net/products/mssql/manager/documentation/hs21640.html
I don't think I actually understand what a device is, how it's created, where it resides, etc. I would like to backup my remote datasource to my local computer's harddrive.
Can someone please explain how this 'device' works and how I should set up?
I am new to SS7. We are planning to rearrange our system databases so that the logs are on one drive and the data files are on a different drive. I found a really good white paper on this but just want to verify that there is not a problem with doing this. In sybase there were some restrictions on doing this. Any info you have would be appreciated.
Hello, I am using EM to administer SQL 6.5 SP5a and have a few dBs that do not show backup history by expanding the backup device. The server is regestered as SA and MSDB does contain the the correct data in the sysbackuphistory table. MSDB DBCCs OK and other dBs show history. I manage multiple SQL 6.5 servers but this is the first time I've seen this and can find no info in the various KBs or NGs.. Anyone have any clues? Thanks, Jack
Hi am new to this, I am doing some asp development and wanted to know if there is a way of specifying the drive to place log and data devices through sql statments or stored procedures.
Just wondering - on a straight RAID 5 system is there any advantage, performance or otherwise, to splitting a SQL 6.5 database over multiple database devices? Or for simplicity's sake am I just further off creating a single device and manually extending it as the database grows?
I am trying to backup a VLDB (800+gig) to multiple devices. I am using 4 disk drives. Assuming all devices have the same performance, should the 4 devices fill equally? (IE 200gig per drive) If so, what would might happen if one of the 4 drives only has 100 gig free with the other 3 having 300 gig free each?
Hi there,I need to take a backup with the following scanerio in mind:At T1 I take the FULL BACK UP of the database called BACK_1_FULL.BACK inc:Then at T2 I would like to take only the differential BACKUP of theTransaction log called BACK_1_TRANSLOG.BACK and at T3 I would like totakeonly the differential BACKUP of the Transaction log calledBACK_2_TRANSLOG.BACK. At T4 my system fails and I need to bring thedatabaseto a point where my T3 state is in. I tried taking the backups in DEVICEbutI always get an error from SQL Server Enterprise manager such asVolume on Device 'Device2' is not part of a family media set. BACKUPWITH NOFORMAT can be used to form a new media set. BACKUP LOG is terminatingabnormally.If someone can give suggestions on how to backup and restore in thissituation it will be really helpful.ThanksJohn*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***
Hi, I've to restore a bk into a new DB, because the old one has a lot of devices created on different places and phisical disks. Im not sure to do that, cause Ive heard some problems with this action.
The old Db has 10 devices of data and 10 devices of log, and I want to create only one device of data (sum of all the data devices) and only one device of log (sum of all log devices) Is it possible or not?
I Have a smart device application developed in VS 2003 (VB.Net) and Sql server ce 2.0. Now I have upgraded the application to VS 2005 (VB.Net). My question is, Can the Application developed in VS 2005 can communicate with Sql server ce 2.0 and Sql server 2000 sp4 or Do I need to change the Sql server ce 2.0 to sql server 3.0 to work with windows Mobile 5 and Pocket PC 2003 SE devices ?
I have a database size of 9.8TB and I backup it to 30 backup devices. Each one has 110GB after backup compression.I tried to restore these files to standby server via 100MbE network but it always failed. My colleague told me this never happen before and I said yes because I have done this before a lot of times when backup devices are significantly smaller.He said the only way is to copy backup files locally and restore locally. But I am trying another method, I create more: 64(maximum) backup devices and try to restore via network again.SQL server version is Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1)
- 11.0.3401.0 (X64) Jan 9 2014 13:22:15 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition: Core-based Licensing (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7601: Service Pack 1) .
I am getting an error, "Set property Devices to accomplish this action." when doing a backup with SQL Server 2005 Express when I try to do a full (or Differential) backup through the SQL Server Management Studio. I'm using the backup defaults in the GUI and was able to back up the database a couple of days ago without any problem. Today (second time) it just comes up with this error and I have been able to find anything that talks about what it might be.
I tired to look at the script by using the "Script action to new query, file, clipboard, etc." but it fails before it creates the script in any destination. I've rebooted the server and that didn't help.
I found one similar post on this forum but it had no resolution. Any direction on this problem would be greatly appreciated.
I'm trying to restore a database using SSMS GUI. In "Select backup devices" window if I click the Add button there the window and the whole process hangs like it will never work.
I tried to clear backup history, but that didn't solve it.
I tried with a couple of other databases, but same thing. It was working fine!
Please add some more substantial needed info in ALL the web pages of "SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition RC1, Release Candidate 1", like at:
for: 1) Clarifying the confusing name changes of the Mobile Edition to Everywhere Edition then to CE, 2) Giving installion instructions of the RC1 for mobile devices
I got a quick question. My database size has reached the limit of the drive, one option is to add a new database device on a different drive, then expand in across 2 drives. Anything I have to concern for a database on 2 database device on 2 logical drives (recoverability or ...?) compared to maybe another option:
reformat the whole disk and allocated more space to the original drive and recover (since in my case, all disk space have been formated) from backup....
I'm trying to test my ASP.NET application. Everything is working to the point of getting to my login page to open. When I try to login I receive and error that the database does not exist or access is denied. I used the developer version of SQL Server to create the database and installed the MSDE on my test PC. Then I copied the mdf and ldf files to the new PC. Is there something else I should be doing? Or any suggestions?