I have developed an reporting solution for a customer with reporting services and using report builder.
When he connect to http://localhost/reports , he see the page like
I want to make the ReportServer and Reports pages secured i.e not allow anyone to access these pages via browser.
I login to a machine as user ABC. This user does not have permission on reports. if this user accesses ReportServer or Reports, expected is that access should be denied unless I enter an account that has been given permissions. for e.x. following pages should be secured. http://<reportserver>/Reports http://<reportserver>/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=%2f<Report_Project>%2f<Report_Name> http://<reportserver>/ReportServer http://<reportserver>/ReportServer?%2f<Report_Project>&rs:Command=ListChildren
Actual result is that I am able to access these pages. When I click on the report I get the error (this is expected) but then user ABC should be shown error on first page itself.
In short, for all the accounts that do not already have permissions on reports, the server should challenge me to enter an account and password. Is there some setting in the configuration file? Any help would be appreciated Thanks in advance!
I have developed some report in Sql Server Reporting services my Page orientation is portrait that is report height and width are 8.5 and 11 respectively and margins are set to 0.3 in when it is printed the pages are printed more that actually viewed Pages.
I am new to internet development and would like some advice on the technology used to access a SQL database that sits on a network behind a firewall.
** ASP .NET Page ** -> ** Web Server ** -> ** FIREWALL ** -> ** SQL **
So to give an example; from an ASP .NET page on the internet, I would like to populate a DataGrid with the contents of a single table from a SQL database. The SQL database is sitting on our company network behind a firewall.
Could someone please explain / point me in the right direction in how the ASP .NET page / Web Server can securely access the SQL database.
I have a ssrs report having 2 tables in with 4 columns in each. When I go to export option in preview I can see all data coming in one excel sheet, But I am trying to get 2 tables in 2 different pages in Excel when I export.First page of excel comes with first table data with 4 columns and second page of excel comes with second table data with 4 columns .
I am helping a friend with a gamming website. There are pages which displays data from other clans.
Members need to register and login to view full clan details. User who have not logged in can only view partial data about a clan.
I need to keep track of the kind of hits each page received. That is I want to tell say "Clan X" that these particular members viewed your page these many times and on these dates and these members who have not registered have viewed your page these many times and on these dates.
I am using ASP with MS SQL.
I would like some help on designing the table layout that is efficient for keeping track of the visitors for each page.
I have two separate reports, and they work fine. But I noticed that in one report, regardless of length, it will show up in the Report Manager as one page that you just scroll down through. The second report always shows up as more than one page, and you have to click through the pages to see everything. Is this some setting that I am unaware of? I have tried finding a difference between the two reports, but can't see why one would show up as a long continuous report and the other is divided into pages. Any ideas?
I've created a simple .rdl report and seems to show the preview under my visual studio. But, when I add the .rdl file into the server and export them to be a .PDF, The pdf is created with two blank pages for every single page with data. Please comment me to fix this.
I created a report with multiy pages and in between every page of data is a blank page. If the Report is Sixteen pages long i get eight blank pages. The Body size of the report is 8.5in, 25.475in. The Report porperities or 8.5 x 11in. Each page has a table with a page break at start set to true. But I still get blank pages in between the report.
I have a report that pulls a customer balance. In crystal there was a way to have the page not show up if it met a certain criteria(say if the balance was 0 or negative).
I'd rather not filter them in SQL because it takes a few calculations to figure out what their balance is, and I already have SRS doing that calculation. So is there a way to have a report page not print based on a certain criteria?
I have a report that only has one page when previewed but when it's printed there are two pages. This is a problem because I get two printed pages to my report with "1 of 2 pages" on the first page and "2 of 2 pages" on the second but there is only data on the first page and the second has header and footer but no data.
Is there a way to force the report to fit everything on one page? Or some other setting I am missing?
I working on an Invoice report on the last page of each invoice, there is section the client cut off
that section has:
Company Logo
Company Address
Invoice number
INvoice date
Sub total
PSP tax
and Amount due
The Height of the page footer is 1.71823in
This is the work around that I did,
I added a page footer, put a rectangle in it, set the Visibility expression on =Globals.PageNumber < Globals.TotalPages, so it will only show on the last page.
My problem is, on each page I am getting the page footer space, the page footer does not
supress, it's just hidden and every page is having the page footer space in the buttom.
I also set the PrintOnLast page on the page Footer, but that did not work as well.
in print on other pages as well.
I also tried to fit that page footer in a very small Height, but that did not work too, the page footer does not auto grow and the info is getting cut.
I have a report that is created that is typically 2-3 pages long. I've tried the "ExecutionInfo.NumPages" but it always results in "1" as the answer. Code is something like this:
Dim reportHistoryParameters As sqlprod1_res.ParameterValue() = Nothing
Dim SessionId As String Dim execInfo As New ExecutionInfo
Dim execHeader As New ExecutionHeader()
Dim result As Byte() = Nothing
Dim format As String = "PDF"
Dim devInfo As String = "<DeviceInfo><Toolbar>False</Toolbar></DeviceInfo>" Dim extension As String = "" Dim encoding As String = "" Dim mimeType As String = "" Dim warnings As sqlprod1_res.Warning() = Nothing
Dim streamIDs As String() = Nothing
result = rs.Render(format, devInfo, extension, encoding, mimeType, warnings, streamIDs)
execInfo = rs.GetExecutionInfo()
Dim Pages As Integer = execInfo.NumPages ============
I created a report that uses a parameter to return a record per page basically, but it doesn't return all records that match the parameter. Thoughts?
Specifically, I have a table that tracks various sites my engineers are responsible for; each have about twelve. The problem is that every time I select an engineer I only see six pages (records). When I select two or three, then I see 12 or 18 pages, but still just six records per engineer.
I have a master report that contains 4 sub reports. The first two subreports contains matrix controls that can (and will) spill over to a second page. With 5 columns of data the matrix subreports fit nicely onto one page, 6 or more columns and they will spill into a second page. The second two subreports will always fit onto one single page. All four subreports are inside a list control which will repeat for each structure. e.g. Each subreport will be rendered once per structure.
The master report renders perfectly (with no blank pages) whenever the two subreports with the matrix controls fit on one page each. However, whenever the matrix control subreports spill into a second page it causes the master report to insert a blank page after subreport 3 and 4, bare in mind subreport 3 and 4 both fit perfectly on a single page. I've check all margins and page widths etc.
The blank page problem only occurs whenever the matrix needs to span two pages.
Anybody encountered this problem or have any ideas how to fix it? I'm beginning to think it is a bug with reporting services.
When viewing a report our users see that it is x number of pages, however when they print the report is actually y number of pages. For example once a report is ran, it says that it is 43 pages, however in actuality it is 62 pages. If they only want to print the last page, they choose to print 43 from the print dialog box, but that gives them a page in the middle of the report not the last page. Is there a way to remedy this?
I'm a new SQL Reporting user and could use some guidance.
Here is a simple explanation of my application: imagine a report which prints out a grade report for each of 10 students. Depending on how many notes a teacher makes on the student's individual grade report, each student's report might be 1 or 2 pages long.
To create this report I just used a List report item and laid out a typical grade report and filled in the appropriate fields (name, teacher, etc.) from my dataset query.
When I run the report, it is running great and the students and their grade reports all print out.
The problem I am running into is I want to make sure each student's name is on page 2 if the grade report for that student goes more than 1 page (so pages aren't separated from each other or mixed up). I tried using a Report Footer, but that just put the first student's name at the bottom of every page. I could put a textfield at the bottom the list control but that would just appear at whatever length page 2 ended up being (basically you could have a "footer" at mid-page if the whole list only took up 1.5 pages).
How can I create a footer for each set of pages? Basically this would be a "footer" to the list control itself.
I am very new to Reporting Services. When I set the report to landscape, either by setting width and height at 11 X 8.5 when in layout, or by setting landscape in page setup when I am in preview, a blank page prints in between each report page. I've checked the forum, and tried setting margins to 0, but have not had any success. I saw this response:
the body width plus margins should be less than the defined page width. but I'm not sure what settings are being referred to
Hello, I printed Browser Report,but it is getting Blank pages in middle, that is header part only visible for 2 pages and then data getting printed, any ideas??
I wrote a report today containing one grouping. Everything appears all right in the report preview, except that every other page is "blank", i.e., shows only the page header and page footer; all grouping and detail information is missing.
The data on the page following the blank page seems to pick up where the previous non-blank page left off, so all information seems to be present within the report.The report width and height properties are typical portrait-style -- 8.5 x 11 inches. The columns do not "run off the edge" of the report page boundary. I haven't selected any page break for the grouping, as the grouping detail is typically only a few rows long, and would otherwise result in a very large number of pages.
We have a report that has been working fine for almost a year and just recently we found a bug that when we print, the 1st 3 pages each have a single line from the table header and then the details of the table print.
The report table does have 2 subreports in detail rows. We have diligently checked to make sure that the sizes fit in both the main report and the subreports and we know that the report version did not change.
After a little digging we discovered that we recently patched RS to be version 9.2.3042. When we run the report on another RS server that is running 9.00.1406.00, it works fine. Do you know if this could be the cause? If so, is there another patch that addresses the issue?
I have a report that looks and works fine in the native 'screen layout' but when I select the Print Layout option, a blank page is inserted after each page. These blank pages contain the header and footer, but not the body section of the report. Has anyone else seen this sort of thing? Is there something in my report layout causing this, or is it a bug in the Print Layout rendering?
in microsoft doc there is written on the topic of BP Extensions with SSD's in SQL Server 2014: only clean pages are written to disk... does this mean data pages that have not been modified yet? or also those data pages that have already been modified, and where log has finished writing and the transaction has been marked as commited??
why are there clean data pages being written to L2 cache to make space for other not modified pages? I mean, shoudnt they be modified first, before letting other unmodified data pages into the Cache? I mean they have still to be modified..that makes no sense to me to page them out and page them in again just for other data pages...
Hi, I am using SSRS to generate a 4 page statement... So i have a plan whose no. of Participants is 3271 rows... so While we try to export them to a PDF we will have around 13084 pages... but we cannot export so many pages at one time (it craps out). so right now we are breaking it up by start part and stop part and creating a pdf..
Is there a way that SSRS can handle so many pages at one go without any problems... if so how ??
Hi every one, I am facing problem in printing the reports from browser and also when i export it to pdf,the problem i am facing is blank pages are coming when report column getting the large amount of text around 2500 characters into column value. can any one help me in this issue?. if the report is getting acceptable amout of data it is printing in proper way i.e no balnk pages at all.i maintained all properties like margins+body size < page size.
I have a couple of reports that I created within the SQL Report Designer, I would like to give the ability to the end user of C# Winform application to be able to make modification to this .rdl file using the Report Builder, however when I try and launch the report that I created within the Report Designer using the Report builder I get the following error..
Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportBuilder.ReportModel.Report: The report 'http://localhost/ReportServer/MyReport)' cannot be opened because no data source is associated with it. Associate a model data source with this report and try again.
How can I resolve this situation.
I'm not sure if my approach is the best or if I'm I should be looking at the solution from another approach
So I have been asked by our sustainability person to create report from our printing data that actually shows the number of pieces of paper used. This is easy enough for single-sided printing, but when printing in duplex the software does not take into account that 3 printing pages actually equates to 2 pieces of paper. I know this sounds simple, but say I have a print job record that looks like this:
This is a print jobs that if done correctly is actually 21 pages( duplex printing). If the job is say total_pages =5 I cant just divide by 2 because its actually using 3 pieces of paper ( yes they are wanting this data don't ask why). How can I adjust some sql to accurately depict 5 pages, front and back, as 3 pieces of paper?
I'm trying to create a report like following format. Any idea how can I design it? 'ID', 'Title', 'Answer' and 'Comment' have to span multiple rows which will list 'Response'.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Title Answer Response Comment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 | Q1 | B | A | aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | | | B | aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | | | C | aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | | | D | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 | Q2 | C | A | bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb | | | B | bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb | | | C | bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb | | | D | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I've got this data source that returns member information.. great.
I've got a function that when passed the member number and a month/ year returns days participating in the club.
I need to build a report that will output some of the columns for the member, but then report other information for 6 months for each member that all calulated based on days particpating for that month. Which 6 months will be dertimed by a single parameter passed to the report for starting month/year... basically the next 6 months.
Is a matrix report a good option for this? Or should I just have the function called 6 times in my data source? Ideally I layout the report for one month and then *somehow* join in my data source for 6 iterations where month is 1 through 6.
Right now I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around how and where to join the data? Especially if matrix and I have two data sources. I'm also not sure I can call my function from cells in the matrix or if I can even have mulitple data buckets in the matrix. I'm tempted to do this the only way I know how, but I suspect there is a better way.
I've never built a matrix report in ssrs, any information or help is appreciated.
I have a report for a Quote print that has 1 table with 1 group in it by Quote #. The detail level is showing the line items on the quote and a second detail line for a sub report to show any notes. If the quote has 1 line on it, I am always getting a page break after the sub report even if it doesn't display anything.
The report shows the following:
Note each of these will contain a rectangle that the text boxes are displayed in unless it is a sub-report then no rectange.
Group header 1 - Address information Group header 1 - contains a sub report for some notes Group header 1 - Opening paragraph Group header 1 - Blank line Group header 1 - contains the line headings Detail - contains the line details Detail - contains the sub report for line notes Detail - blank line for spacing Group footer 1 - hidden based on expression Group footer 1 - hidden based on expression ** One of these 2 lines will print based on the expression Group footer 1 - sub report for more notes Group footer 1 - Closing paragraph Group footer 1 - Signature area Group footer 1 - sub report for last page of terms / scope notes. NOTE: This sub report also contains a table and the table has a page break before so that I can get these on another page.
So, after # 8 above there is a page break. The remaining footers before # 14 easily fit on the rest of the page. The group 1 also has a page break at the end so it breaks between quotes. I have tried to insert a page break on the rectangle for # 13 and remove the page break on the sub report in # 14 but although everything fits it doesn't page break before the sub report.
It looks like it always page breaks after the last page in the sub report.
To maximize the number of names and phone numbers we can fit on a page, we'd like to have three or four columns of LastName, FirstName, Number on each page. The first column starts with the A's and goes down until the bottom of the page then goes back up to the top of the page in the second column. When the maximum number of columns (probably 3 or 4) is reached for one page, it starts again in the first column of the second page.
Any design suggestions for the best way to architect this report using SQL Reporting Services 2005 are appreciated!
My website features a catalog of roughly 50,000 items, each of which may be appear in a list of search results or in a detailed view. There are counters on the pages that update totals for such appearances and track other item-specific information in several tables in a SQL database. The catalog of items changes frequently, so the list of item IDs is never exactly the same from month to month.
I've been asked to produce a monthly report of this data for each of the items in the catalog, with reports for the current and previous months (for many years) accessible at all times. Some -- but not all -- items are useful for one purpose or another and so can be considered as belonging to a group of items. Although I have not yet been asked to create a report that aggregates the values for all Group members into a single report for that Group, I can clearly see it would be valuable and will be requested soon.
To ensure the report captures the data for an entire month, it must be run at the very end of each month. That means I will need to run the report using a Schedule that kicks off the process at 12:01am every 1st of the month. The report must be processed and stored for later retrieval and rendering on demand.
Considering the number of items and the indefinite length of time the report data must be retained, my question is really what's the best way to set all this up?
Should I create a report for each item separately? That would mean the scheduled task would have to somehow discover the current list of item IDs (which is available via query from the database) and create and process (but not render) a report for each (passing the item ID as a report parameter?), adding it to the report history. Although each report would be small take only a short time to run, overall that seems like it would take a long time to run and create a huge number of reports to store each month.
Or should I create a single 'master' report that contains all the data for every item for the month, and then use the item ID as a filter on the data when it is rendered? While that means only one report is created each month and added to the history, it would be a much larger report and take much longer to run (with more potential for timeouts and errors to scuttle the whole report). It also means all the data for the entire report has to be loaded every time the report is rendered, even though only 1/50,000 of the data (the data for 1 of the 50,000 items) will actually be viewed with any given rendering. But that would seem overly cumbersome, slow, and wastefully band-width intensive.
Any alternatives, suggestions, considerations, etc. -- all welcome!
Does anyone else have problems with the speed of the design environment for SSRS reports? We are using visual studio to create and manage hundreds of production reports (Oil and Gas).
It literally takes 5 seconds for the design environment to react to each change in the report layout. For instance, a common change is to reposition a text box, change the length, text, font size, font weight etc...:
Grab the text box - 5 seconds until designer responds - then reposition
Grab the edge to change the length - ditto
change text - 5 seconds for designer to "save" the change and allow next action....
blah - blah - blah.... So, performing the simple change above takes at least 30 seconds in addition to whatever time it took to edit the text box.
I've talked to the other developers using SSRS here and they all report that's "just the way it is".
Is this normal or is there an environment issue/setting we are overlooking.