We are facing design issues, Could you please advice us how to proceed?
Problem description: Web App will pass a complex dynamic SQL query to
backend and it should return result set as fast as it can
Issue 1: SQL query will have lot of JOINS and WHERE clause
Issue 2: Each Table contain millions of records
Requirement: Turn around time of the SQL query should be as far as
possible minimum.
Could you please advice us which technology we should use, such that
users get the resultset in few seconds.
We are Microsoft Partner. We use only Microsoft technology for our
product development.
I have been asked to design a solution for a client of mine who basically requires the daily analysis and reconciliation of the differences between 2 extremely large text files.
The files are not in an identical format but are both in some form of delimited format (one is CSV, the other is a little more complex). For the sake of this question, let's assume that I can effectively import each file into an MS SQL table.
Each file will have in excess of 100,000 rows each day (new data for each day).
Whilst I know that MS SQL does easily have the capacity to store the data, is there a recommended way to tackle the potential problems (I imagine that performance is important... they will be running the report every day)
Or is building the solution as simple as importing the data into 2 tables, and then querying the differences and outputting as a report using Crystal?
Hi I am working on a community site that pretty much works like anyother community site like orkut or myspace..I have few doubts for which i badly need your help.. if you can point me to some usefully links, articles, pdf or your suggestions..i will surely be obiliged. THE application i am talking about willl be invite only.. and will let the users grow there network of friends.... there will be other data associated with each userid like the profile,bookmarks etc etc.. , also there will be aurthorisation based on who are the members friends are who are not... My problem.. database design though i am planning ot user MS SQLSERVER 2005 ,, i have not finalised yet.. I want to make up my mind on how to structure the database..also,,if you have seen Orkut.com when you visit a cirten persons profile it shows (trhu a breadcrum like view) how you are connected.. ie.. thru what friend of yours you are connected... I want to know ,,what kind of mapping is used here... how can i achive that without sacrifising performance,, coz surely thease kind of applications are to be build for VERY LARGE USER BASE.... Please suggest ....I am fighting my war alone..but i am determind.. you can help though. :)
I have to make a e commerce web site like www.handango.com. I am not getting any idea about it's database design. Can anyone help me in database design for site like handango.com.
VB.NET 2005 Express and SQL Server 2005 Express - NOT saving updates to DB - SOLUTION!
The following article is bogus and confusing:
How to: Manage Local Data Files - Setting 'Copy to Output Directory' to 'Do not copy' http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms246989.aspx
You must manually copy the database file to the output directory AFTER setting 'Copy to Output Directory' to 'Do not copy'.
Do not copy
The file is never copied or overwritten by the project system. Because your application creates a dynamic connection string that points to the database file in the output directory, this setting only works for local database files when you manually copy the file yourself.
You must manually copy the database file to the output directory AFTER setting 'Copy to Output Directory' to 'Do not copy'.
The above article is bogus and confusing.
This is rediculous!
This is the most vague and convoluted bunch of nonsince I've ever come accross!
Getting caught out on this issue for the 10th time! And not being able to find an exact step-by-step solution.
I've tried it and it doesn't work for me.
Please don't try what the article eludes to as I'm still sorting out exactly what is supposed to be happening.
If you have a step-by-step procedure that can be reproduced this properly please PM me.
I would like to test its validity then update this exact post as a solution rather than just another dicussion thread.
Many thanks.
This is the exact procedure I have come up with:
NOTE 1: DO NOT allow VB.net to copy the database into its folders/directorys.
NOTE 2: DO NOT hand copy the database to a folder/directory in your project.
Yes, I know its hard not to do it because you want your project nice and tidy. I just simply could NOT get it to work. You should NOT have myData.mdf listed in the Solution Explorer. Ever.
Create a folder for your data following NOTE 2.
Copy your data to that folder. * mine was C:mydatamyData.mdf
Create a NEW project.
Remove any Data Connections. ( no matter what)
Save it.
Data | View Data Sources
Add New Data Source
select NEW CONNECTION ( No Matter what, do it!
Select the database. * again mine was C:mydatamyData.mdf
Answer NO to the question: Would you like to copy the file to your project and modify the connection? - NO ( no matter what - ANSWER NO ! - Absolutely NO ) Then select the tables you want in the DataSet. and Finish.
To Test ----------
From the Solution Explorer | click the table name drop down arrow | select details Now Drag the table name onto the form.
The form is then populated with a Navigation control and matching Labels with corresponding Textboxes for each field in the table.
Save it.
1) Run the app.
Add one database record to the database by pressing the Add(+) icon
Just add some quick junk data that you don't mind getting lost if it doesn't save.
YOU MUST CLICK THE SAVE ICON to save the data you just entered.
Now exit the application.
2) Run the app again.
And verify there is one record already there.
Now add a second database record to the database by pressing the Add (+) icon.
NOW add some quick junk data that you WILL intentionally loose.
*** DO NOT *** press the save icon.
Just Exit the app.
3) Again, Run the app.
Verify that the first record is still there.
Verify that the Second record is NOT there. Its NOT there because you didn't save the data before exiting the app.
Proving that YOU MUST CLICK THE SAVE ICON to save the data you just entered.
Also proving you must add your own code to catch the changes and ask the user to save the data before exitiing or moving to another record.
As a side note, since vb.net uses detached datasets, (a copy/snapshot of the dataset in memory and NOT directly linked to the database) the dataset will reflect all changes made when moving around the detached datasets. YOU MUT REMEMBER TO SUBMIT YOUR CHANGES TO THE DATABASE TO SAVE THEM. Otherwise, they will simply be discarded without notice.
I hope this saves me some time the next time I want to start a new database project.
Oh, and uh, for anyone else reading this post.
Thanks, Barry G. Sumpter
Currently working with: Visual Basic 2005 Express SQL Server 2005 Express
Developing Windows Forms with 101 Samples for Visual Basic 2005 using the DataGridView thru code and every development wizard I can find within vb.net unless otherwise individually stated within a thread.
Ok, I'm doing a football database for fixtures and stuff. The problem I am having is that in a fixture, there is both a home, and an away team. The tables as a result are something like this:
It's not exactly like that, but you get the point. The question is, can I do a fixture query which results in one record per fixture, showing both teams details. The first in a hometeam field and the second in an away team field.
Fixture contains the details about the fixture like date and fixture id and has it been played
Team contains team info like team id, name, associated graphic
TeamFixture is the table which links the fixture to it's home and away team.
TeamFixture exists to prevent a many to many type relationship.
Make sense? Sorry if this turns out to be really easy, just can't get my head around it at the mo!
I would like to create a table called product. My objective is to get list of packages available for each product in data grid view column while selecting each product. Each product may have different packages type (eg:- Nos, CTN, OTR etc). Some product may have two packages and some for 3 packages etc. Quantity in each packages also may be differ ( for eg:- for some CTN may contain 12 nos or in other case 8 nos etc). Prices for each packages also will be different that also need to show. How to design the table..
Product name : Nestle milk | Rainbow milk packages : CTN,OTR, NOs |
CTN, NOs Price: 50,20,5 | 40,6
(Remarks for your reference):CTN=10nos, OTR=4 nos | CTN=8 Nos
Let say I have a table that is composed of 11 columns - one the Primary Key and the other are keys to rows in another table. Of these 10 column 2-10 are nullable. Can I get all the info in one SELECT? I can't use JOINS because columns 1-10 are keys to the same table. I am not very good at explaining these things but hopefully it makes sense.
Hi folks, guidance required! Clients have an MSDE installed and they need all of their data to be dowloaded for the first time from our website. 30 tables r involved. Can i automate this? I suspect BCP allows only one table to be exported into a text file. Since it's the first time process i don't want to setup replication.
Hello All, I have a transaction table that holds nearly a million records and my master with 60000 records,I want to fetch details based on two dates.
I use Union operator to query the info from a view,is this right or fetch the result into a temporary table and fetch the result from temporary table using the same Union operator.
Which is the better way to fetch details faster.
My SP is pasted below just advice me to execute this more efficiently,cos this SP is called thru a Web application.
CREATE PROCEDURE GL @SDt Varchar(10),@EDt Varchar(10),@Loccode Char(5),@OP Char(4) AS
Select @Cocode=Cocode from Location Where Loccode=@Loccode Select @CashGL=Glcode,@Gldesc=Gldesc from Glmast Where Cocode=@Cocode and Subgroupcode='CASH'
Set @OpBalQry='Select A.Glcode,'''' as Trtype,''' + @SDt + ''' as Refdt,'' Opening Balance'' as Refno, Max(B.Gldesc) as Narration,Case When (Sum(A.Deb)-Sum(A.Cre))<0 Then (-1*(Sum(A.Deb)-Sum(A.Cre))) Else 0 End as Dr, Case When (Sum(A.Deb)-Sum(A.Cre))>=0 Then (Sum(A.Deb)-Sum(A.Cre)) Else 0 End as Cr from ( Select Glcode, (Case When Drcrflag=''D'' Then Opbal Else 0 End) as Deb, (Case When Drcrflag=''C'' Then Opbal Else 0 End) as Cre from Obdata Union Select Glcode, (Case When Drcrflag=''D'' Then Tramt Else 0 End) as Deb, (Case When Drcrflag=''C'' Then Tramt Else 0 End) as Cre from Trans_Journal Where Refdt <Convert(Datetime,''' + @SDt + ''',103) ) A,Glmast B Where B.Cocode=''' + @Cocode + ''' and A.Glcode=B.Glcode Group By A.Glcode Union ' Set @TrnQry='SELECT T.Glcode,T.Trtype,Convert(Varchar,Max(T.Refdt),103) as Refdt , '''' AS Refno, (Rtrim(Ltrim(Max(G.Gldesc))) + '' -- From Sub-Ledger'') AS Narration, SUM(CASE WHEN T.Drcrflag = ''D'' THEN T.tramt ELSE 0 END) AS Dr, SUM(CASE WHEN T.Drcrflag = ''C'' THEN T.tramt ELSE 0 END) AS Cr FROM Trans_Journal T,Glmast G WHERE T.Glcode=G.Glcode and G.Cocode=''' + @Cocode + ''' and (T.Slcode IS NOT NULL AND Len(Rtrim(Ltrim(T.Slcode)))>0) and (T.Refdt>=Convert(Datetime,''' + @SDt + ''',103) and T.Refdt <=Convert(Datetime,''' + @EDt + ''',103) and T.Loccode= ''' + @Loccode + ''' and (G.Subgroupcode<>''BANK'' or G.Subgroupcode<>''CASH'')) GROUP BY T.Glcode,T.Trtype UNION SELECT A.Glcode,'''' as Trtype,Convert(Varchar,A.Refdt,103) as Refdt, A.Refno, B.Gldesc AS Narration, CASE WHEN A.Drcrflag = ''D'' THEN A.Tramt ELSE 0 END AS Dr, CASE WHEN A.Drcrflag = ''C'' THEN A.Tramt ELSE 0 END AS Cr FROM Trans_Journal, Glmast B WHERE (A.Glcode = B.Glcode and B.Cocode=''' + @Cocode + ''') and (A.Slcode IS NULL OR Len(Rtrim(Ltrim(A.Slcode)))=0) and (A.Refdt>=Convert(Datetime,''' + @SDt + ''',103) and A.Refdt<=Convert(Datetime,''' + @EDt + ''',103)) and A.Loccode=''' + @Loccode + ''' and (B.Subgroupcode<>''BANK'' or B.Subgroupcode<>''CASH'') Union Select Glcode,Trtype,Convert(Varchar,Max(Refdt),103) as Refdt,'' '' as Refno,Max(Narration) as Narration,Sum(Dr) as Dr,Sum(Cr) as Cr from (Select A.Glcode,A.Trtype,A.Refdt,B.Gldesc as Narration, CASE WHEN A.Drcrflag =''D'' THEN A.Tramt ELSE 0 END AS Dr, CASE WHEN A.Drcrflag =''C'' THEN A.Tramt ELSE 0 END AS Cr from Trans_Journal,Glmast B WHERE (A.Glcode=B.Glcode and B.Cocode=''' + @Cocode + ''' and A.Refdt>=Convert(Datetime,''' + @SDt + ''',103) and A.Refdt<=Convert(Datetime,''' + @EDt + ''' ,103) and A.Loccode=''' + @Loccode + ''') and (B.Subgroupcode=''BANK'' or B.Subgroupcode=''CASH'') Union Select ''' + @CashGL + ''' as Glcode,Trtype,Refdt,''' + @Gldesc + ''' as Narration, CASE WHEN Drcrflag =''C'' THEN Tramt ELSE 0 END AS Dr, CASE WHEN Drcrflag =''D'' THEN Tramt ELSE 0 END AS Cr from Trans_Transnarr WHERE (Trtype=''CPM'' or Trtype=''CRT'') and Loccode=''' + @Loccode + ''' and Refdt>=Convert(Datetime,''' + @SDt + ''' ,103) and Refdt<=Convert(Datetime,''' + @EDt + ''',103)) TT Group By Glcode,Trtype) X'
Set @MainSQry='Select Glcode,Trtype,Refdt,Refno,Narration,Dr,Cr Into #Gltmp from ('
Declare @Fullqry NVarchar(4000)
If @OP='WOB' Begin Set @TrnQry = @OpBalQry+@TrnQry End
Set @FullQry = @MainSQry+@TrnQry
Exec sp_executesql @FullQry
Select Glcode,Trtype,Refdt,Refno,Narration,Ltrim(Rtrim(Str(Dr,14,2))) as Dr,Ltrim(Rtrim(Str(Cr,14,2))) as Cr from #Gltmp SQL2XML Where Dr+Cr<>0 Order By Glcode,Trtype,Refdt,Refno for XML AUTO
i want to get following output: id_order | type | number ------------------------- 1234 | A | 1 1235 |A | 0 1235 |B | 0 1236 |B | 1 1237 |C | 0 1237 |D | 0
create table tbl_order ( id_order int ,type nvarchar(40) )
insert into tbl_order (id_order, type) values (1234, 'A' ) insert into tbl_order (id_order, type) values (1235, 'A' ) insert into tbl_order (id_order, type) values (1235, 'B' ) insert into tbl_order (id_order, type) values (1236, 'B' ) insert into tbl_order (id_order, type) values (1237, 'C' ) insert into tbl_order (id_order, type) values (1237, 'D' ) insert into tbl_order (id_order, type) values (1238, 'A' ) insert into tbl_order (id_order, type) values (1239, 'D' ) insert into tbl_order (id_order, type) values (1239, 'B' ) insert into tbl_order (id_order, type) values (1239, 'A' )
select id_order ,type --,isnull(orderX,'') as number ,case when orderX > 1 then 1 else 0 end as number2 from tbl_order left join (select t2.id_order as orderX from tbl_order as t2 where (select count(t1.id_order) from tbl_order as t1 where t1.id_order = t2.id_order) = 1 )as x on tbl_order.id_order = x.orderX
Is there any better/faster select sentance to do this? i'm using sql2000.
Hi, i am not sure if i can solve the problem with SSIS. I wanted do do it hardcoded with C# or so.
So, for my project I need to download zip-files on a daily-base. In these zip-files are xml-Files. And in these files is information stored for inserting or updating tables on a MS-SQL-Server.
So, my question, is it possible to solve that with SSIS? And if, is it easy to understand and to learn within a few days?
I haven't found good sources for information on how to get the data out of XML-Files.
I've got a .dts which load data to several Sql2k servers by Copy SQL Server Objects Task. I'd like to add another task for a Sql25k but I can't because of it's requesting SMO.
It seems that such task need DMO. I know that there are other ways for do such stuff in that DTS but I wonder if there is any trick or shortcut for to avoid this barrier.
I think i have a quite specific problem that we have to resolve with replication. however, i don't know which type of replication to use and how to configure it for this:
To simplify the case a bit: We have one central server which has a table Sales(id, shopid, article). Also our 50 shops have the same table Sales(id, shopid, article).
spec 1: When a shop sells an article, the row of the Sales table at the local shop has to be replicated to the central server. This way, the central server its Sales table has all sold articles from all shops.
spec2: But now we have also an internet shop. All e-orders arrive immediately in the table Sales at the Central Serve with a specific shopid where the article will arrive. Now i have to find a way to replicate the new rows from the Central Server to the specific Shop.... Remark: the other shops should not have rows of other shops.
which type of replication would i use the best and how?
The encrypted value for the "LogonCred" configuration setting cannot be decrypted. (rsFailedToDecryptConfigInformation) (Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics)
I'm running VS 2005 Enterprise, and SQL Server 2005 Developer / workgroup edition.I'm trying to follow a few online examples to play around, and some of these examples require that you add a SQL DB to your solution by going:-right click on website-Add new Item-Add SQL DataBase.WHen I do that, I get the error that SQL Express isn't installed. Now the question is, why would I want SQL Express installed when I have SQL server 2005 already installed? My Machine can support it, but it's sort of a waste when I need to run SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005 and then SQL Server express all at the same time.Any advice?
I'm new in SQL Server 2000. Anyone has a good materials or sites to recommend which talk about Multidimensional Expression? Especially MDX work in "Analysis Manager".
You information are highly appreaciate. Thanking you in advance.
Thought I'd got my head round using a set-based approach but my brain's gone dead on this one
INSERT #mytable (swid , t , DateA , DateB)
SELECT 63967 , 1 , CAST('31-Mar-2006' AS DATETIME),CAST( '01-Aug-2006'AS DATETIME) UNION ALL SELECT 63967 , 1 , CAST('31-Mar-2006' AS DATETIME),CAST( '01-Feb-2007'AS DATETIME) UNION ALL SELECT 63967 , 0 , CAST('15-Mar-2006'AS DATETIME) , CAST('01-Aug-2006'AS DATETIME) UNION ALL SELECT 63967 , 0 , CAST('15-Mar-2006'AS DATETIME) , CAST('01-Feb-2007'AS DATETIME) UNION ALL SELECT 63967 , 9999 ,CAST( '28-Feb-2006'AS DATETIME) , CAST('01-Aug-2006'AS DATETIME) UNION ALL SELECT 63967 , 9999 ,CAST( '28-Feb-2006'AS DATETIME) , CAST('01-Feb-2007'AS DATETIME) UNION ALL SELECT 63967 , 9999 , CAST('31-Jan-2006'AS DATETIME) , CAST('01-Aug-2006'AS DATETIME) UNION ALL SELECT 63967 , 9999 ,CAST( '31-Jan-2006'AS DATETIME) , CAST('01-Feb-2007'AS DATETIME) UNION ALL SELECT 10051 , 1 ,CAST('31-Mar-2006'AS DATETIME) , CAST('01-Aug-2006'AS DATETIME) UNION ALL SELECT 10051 , 1 ,CAST( '31-Mar-2006'AS DATETIME) , CAST('01-Feb-2007'AS DATETIME) UNION ALL SELECT 10051 , 0 , CAST('15-Mar-2006' AS DATETIME), CAST('01-Aug-2006'AS DATETIME) UNION ALL SELECT 10051 , 0 , CAST('15-Mar-2006'AS DATETIME) , CAST( '01-Feb-2007'AS DATETIME) UNION ALL SELECT 10051 , 9999 ,CAST( '28-Feb-2006'AS DATETIME) ,CAST( '01-Aug-2006'AS DATETIME) UNION ALL SELECT 10051 , 9999 ,CAST( '28-Feb-2006'AS DATETIME) , CAST('01-Feb-2007'AS DATETIME) UNION ALL SELECT 10051 , 9999 ,CAST( '31-Jan-2006'AS DATETIME) , CAST('01-Aug-2006'AS DATETIME) UNION ALL SELECT 10051 , 9999 ,CAST( '31-Jan-2006'AS DATETIME), CAST('01-Feb-2007'AS DATETIME) UNION ALL SELECT 10051 , 9999 , CAST('31-Dec-2005'AS DATETIME) , CAST('01-Aug-2006'AS DATETIME) UNION ALL SELECT 10051 , 9999 ,CAST( '31-Dec-2005' AS DATETIME), CAST('01-Feb-2007' AS DATETIME) UNION ALL SELECT 10051 , 9999 ,CAST('30-Nov-2005'AS DATETIME) , CAST( '01-Aug-2006' AS DATETIME) UNION ALL SELECT 10051 , 9999 ,CAST( '30-Nov-2005' AS DATETIME), CAST('01-Feb-2007' AS DATETIME) select * from #mytable order by SWID desc, DateA desc
The Columns where T values are 1 and 0 are OK having already been derived. I need to UPDATE the remaining rows from the Default T Value of 9999 to Decrementing values (starting at -1) commencing at the highest remaining (ie non 9999 T Value) DateA value and working 'backwards' 'grouping' on SWID
tblClientsCities ID (primary key identity/autonumber) clientID (int) cityID(int)
A client can be located in more than 1 city so i have tblClientsCities (think thats the right way to do it). Say i add a new client and the autonumber changes to "10" which is that client's identifier. How do i then add that identifier to tblClientsCities? I mean it could have been 3,7,205 absolutley anything.
I thought is would be easier to make up a unique key for each client with a script eg
Now that the primary key is known in advance it can be added to tblClients and then tblClientCities. But! i was reading around and many seem to think primary key's like this will slow things down.
So my question is what's the best way of accomplishing this?
What is the best Backup plan that can be give for a sql databse that is on a very high usage. Will a six hour backup will decrease the performance of the SQL server...
UCOA is to be updated with the average of all previous transactions where the climstid and isin_id are the same.
take case where holdid(transaction no) in the sample data is 14. What i need is a query which will sum up the data in the tran_value column upto holdid 5.
Again I need a set based solution. Gurus .. please help
Goal:Off-site backup of database without onsite tech intervention
Obstacles: * Webhost does not want SQL Server Agent running for fear of viruses * Database is 3.4GB, LDF is 3.7GB, and a Full Backup is 3.1GB.
Connection / Access:Enterprise Manager, RDP and FTP all work to access data and backups.
I have looked into doing a full backup then differential backups, doing transaction replication, and log shipping. The client doesn't really need replication, he just wants to know that if his server with the production database goes up in flames he has a way of getting back in business without losing more than one day of data.
I am hoping there is a method of "restoring" on his off-site server the data that is "backed up" on the production server. Is that possible if we're doing differential backups?
Is that the best solution or is there a better way?
Thanks for any recommendations or advice, Alec Sherman
These two queries when executed seperately give results in under 10 secs A union between these two does not give results even after 20 minutes ... Any idea why this is happening SELECT T001W.NAME1, t25a5.bezek SKU, QTY = SUM(CASE MSEG.BWART WHEN '101' THEN MSEG.ERFMG WHEN '102' THEN (-1)*MSEG.ERFMG END), YPLNT.VKGRP FROM MARA ,MSEG, MKPF,YPLNT,T001W,t25a5 WHERE MSEG.MANDT = MKPF.MANDT AND MKPF.MANDT = MARA.MANDT and mkpf.mandt =yplnt.mandt and mkpf.mandt = t25a5.mandt AND MKPF.MBLNR = MSEG.MBLNR AND MARA.MATNR = MSEG.MATNR AND YPLNT.PPLNT= MSEG.WERKS AND MSEG.WERKS = T001W.WERKS and t25a5.ww004 = SUBSTRING(MARA.PRDHA, 10, 3) AND MARA.PRDHA <> '' AND MKPF.VGART IN ('WR','WF') AND MKPF.MJAHR=YEAR(@BUDAT1) AND MSEG.AUFNR IS NOT NULL AND MSEG.BWART IN ('101','102') GROUP BY t25a5.bezek,T001W.NAME1,YPLNT.VKGRP SELECT T001W.NAME1, t25a2.bezek SKU, QTY = SUM(CASE MSEG.BWART WHEN '101' THEN MSEG.ERFMG WHEN '102' THEN (-1)*MSEG.ERFMG END), YPLNT.VKGRP FROM MARA ,MSEG, MKPF,YPLNT,T001W,t25a2 WHERE MSEG.MANDT = MKPF.MANDT AND MKPF.MANDT = MARA.MANDT and mkpf.mandt =yplnt.mandt and mkpf.mandt = t25a2.mandt AND MKPF.MBLNR = MSEG.MBLNR AND MARA.MATNR = MSEG.MATNR AND YPLNT.PPLNT=MSEG.WERKS AND MSEG.WERKS = T001W.WERKS and t25a2.ww001 = SUBSTRING(MARA.PRDHA, 1, 3) AND MARA.PRDHA <> '' AND MKPF.MJAHR=YEAR(@BUDAT1) AND MKPF.VGART IN ('WR','WF') AND MSEG.AUFNR IS NOT NULL AND MSEG.BWART IN ('101','102') GROUP BY t25a2.bezek,T001W.NAME1,YPLNT.VKGRP
I am trying to return a result from a select statement where I want unique (distinct) records but i want to return other columns as well as the distinct column. for example
select distinct field1, field2 from mytable
I want unique records for field1 but for those records returned I also want their field2 value. It seems distinct is not the correct choice for this. I have a hard time imagining there is not a standard solution for this. Can anyone tell me? Thanks in advance!!!!
I have a project named MF_SQL and i have created packages, config files for it, now I need to change the name of the project from MF_SQL to OLF_STG_ACC. So what should i do now to change this. If i change the name what are all the objects affected and what should i do to correct those?
I volunteer for a non-for profit group and they have alot of names in amultiple databases. the problem is that some people are in multipledatabases. and if they send out a mailing from multiple databases somepeople get 2 and 3 of the same thing. my idea was to either make or find aprogram that has everyone is 1 database and then make the people part ofmultiple groups. (ex: bill is part of group a and b and im doing a mailingfrom both group i only want 1 piece of mail to go to him).It can be a separate program or with access. that use access now but i cantfigure out how to make my idea work.any question please ask.tiaStephen
Let me know what you think about the following code:DECLARE @MaxIdValue intDECLARE @MaxSortFieldValue nvarchar(50)SELECT TOP 1 @MaxIdValue = [id], @MaxSortFieldValue = [SortField]FROM (SELECT TOP PageNumber*RowsPerPage [id], [SortField]FROM MyTableWHERE (FilterCondition) ORDER BY [SortField], [id]) TORDER BY [SortField] DESC, [id] DESCSELECT TOP RowsPerPage * FROM MyTableWHERE ([SortField] >= @MaxSortFieldValue) AND (([id] > @MaxIdValue) OR([SortField] <> @MaxSortFieldValue)) AND (FilterCondition)ORDER BY [SortField], [id]This is a dynamic SQL and it should be easily fixable.PageNumber, RowsPerPage, FilterCondition and SortField are going to bethe variables and will be based on the user's searchcondition/criteria.-----------------------------Thanks for you attention.