Design Question For Survey/questionnaire Type Application

Dec 20, 2007

I am a developer and I have a problem trying to design a system to
manage data coming from web surveys. On average each subject will take
part in more than one survey and each survey may potentially have 100+

I am focusing here only on the table(s) that will hold the survey

I'm thinking about having a wide table storing each question in the
survey(s) as a column against the subjects. My main concerns with this

- the "yuckiness" and potentially other performance issues(?)
associated with a table with 100s of columns
- the 8kb size limit per row (unlikely to touch it, but possible)
- 1024 column limit (unlikely to touch it, but possible)

Another approach obviously is to have a single table where we have, in
a simplified version, 3 columns: person_id, question_id and data/
answer. The problem with this is that the "data" column will have to
all types of data, from bits to varchars, and that field validation
seems now impossible jeopardizing data integrity, and most
importantly, you can't easily work with the data in filtering/
reporting etc.

What do knowledgeable designers come up with in this case? Can someone
point me in the right direction?

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Web Survey Database Design

Aug 26, 2005

I am a developer and I have a problem trying to design a system tomanage data coming from web surveys. Each section can potentially havedozens of questions, i.e., fields.I am focusing here only on the table(s) that will hold the survey data.I do not have any DDL as I am still trying to understand this!All the examples I have found so far in books and on the web seem todeal with fairly limited data, that is easily, or so it looks, brokendown in multiple tables.It seems that, from my research, having a wide table per survey sectionwith each field as a column, which has been suggested to me, is notproper design for many reasons - missing values for non-requiredquestions, table with 100s of possible columns, etc... - so I playedwith the idea of a single table where one of the columns would be theforeign key pointing to a questions table and another column would holdthe data (this is a simplified explanation.)The problem with this is that now this column will have to accomodateall types of data, from bits to large varchars, and that fieldvalidation seems now impossible jeopardizing data integrity.What do knowledgeable designers come up with in this case? Can someonepoint me in the right direction?Jerry

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DB Design Question - Survey System

Jul 23, 2005

I've written several survey systems in which the majority of the questionshave the same or similar responses (Yes/No, True/False, scale of 1 - 5,etc).But this latest survey system I'm working on has 8-10 sections, with avariety of question attributes and answer scales. Some items have just adescription and require a Yes/No answer, others have a description and anactive status and require a Yes/No and price answer, some require a comment,etc.Rather than build a separate response table for each survey section, I wasthinking of building one generic response table, and trying to force allsections to fit by adding columns - some of which won't apply to some items.Like this:Survey Category (will apply to all items)Survey Section (will apply to all items)Item Description (will apply to all items)Item YN (will apply to all items)Item Price (will apply to about 10% of the items)Item Points (will apply to about 10% of the items)Item Active YN (will apply to about 10% of the items)Item Fail YN (will apply to about 10% of the items)Item Comment (will apply to about 10% of the items)For instance, in the structure above the field "Item YN" would representmultiple types of answers: is the item in use?, is the item in place?, isthe item given away for free?, is the item on display?, etc. Basically,anywhere a Yes/No answer is used.The advantage is one source table (rather than 8) for storing answers, andit might be easier to query and report on.The disadvantages I see are 1) it's more difficult to understand the meaningof the responses when the answer field is named Item YN, and 2) you have anon-normalized table that's difficult for a 3rd party to understand.If I have the questions and responses in separate tables, I'll use nameslike "ItemComplimentaryYN" and "ItemUsedYN" depending on the question. It'seasier for others to learn the data.I actually don't like the "generic" approach, and probably won't use it, butI figured I'd try to get some input from others who've written surveysystems.Thanks

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Design Responses Table In Survey Database

Mar 23, 2015

I have questions table and answers in survey database. Now I design responses table from users !

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Response](
[ResponseId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[SurveyId] [int] NULL,
[QuestionId] [int] NULL,
[AnswerId] [int] NULL,
[VoterId] [int] NULL,

[Code] ...

My Questions : How can I store data if questions is multiply answers (checkbox type) ?What is best way ?

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SQL Server ETL Survey: Take The Survey For A Chance To Win A 80GB Zune!

Nov 27, 2007

SQL Server Integration Services team would like to hear from you. Our goal is to understand your current Data Extract, Transform & Load (ETL) practices and prioritize features for future releases.

You will have a chance to win one of five 80GB Zunes. To win a Zune, you must fill out the survey by Dec. 20, 2007.

To participate in the survey, please click here:

Thank you,

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DBA Questionnaire

Jul 10, 2003

Hi Mak,

Can you please send me the DBA questionnaire once again that you sent before?

Thanks Mak,

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Online Questionnaire W Connection To Database

Jul 23, 2005

I'm currently developing an online questionnaire system for mydissertation and I have now come across a few problems. I'm developingan online approach recommendation system. The basic feature is that aclient will answer a number of questions online and based on theresults an approach will be recommended.There will be four pages with 5 questions on each site, this will allbe sent to a database and based on this an approach will be generated.I'm using mysql, php and html w/javascript for developing this but theproblem I have is that I'm not sure how the calculation andsuggestions will be coded. I've though of putting an average result into the database and then retrieve a ‘matching' approach based on thiswith querying using php.Any other recommendation is MUCH appreciated.many many thanks!

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Sql Server + Application Design

Apr 27, 2007

I'm designing an application that will be deployed to 500 users. It is very database intensive (selects, inserts, updates, deletes). One select statement could possibly have up to 20,000 records returned. My question is, where should I put the database? Is this a bad candidate to have the database on one remote server? Or should I install sql server express on each users desktop? Any design issues I should consider?

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Design Question Relating To A Financial Application

May 20, 2008

EDIT: Please skip over this and go to the 2nd post. After writing this, I realized it may be too complicated to comprehend, so I tried to simplify with another example which is found in the 2nd post. Or if you want you can read this one and try to understand it.

I would like to go over a design we came up with to handle a certain reporting requirement from an OLAP cube to see if this is a good approach. Also, I would like to hear about other designs that we can consider.

Here is the condensed version of the requirement.

We are measuring the performance of a bunch of portfolios. So among other dimensions, we have a portfolio dimension that holds the list of portfolios we are tracking. In a typical portfolio analysis, an analyst almost always looks at a portfolio's measures along side a benchmark portfolio's measures. A benchmark is another portfolio against which a selected portfolio is compared. So, for a given portfolio, there is a determined benchmark portfolio.

For example, an analyst might want to look at a measure called Annual_Yield for a portfolio called Portfolio_A. There will be an attribute on the member Portfolio_A that tells us what its benchark portfolio is. That attribute will basically be another member from the portfolio dimension. So, as a function of what an analyst chooses as the first portfolio (the subject portfolio), the cube should be smart enought to know what to select as the second portfolio (the benchmark portfolio).

To implement this, I am proposing the following structure for the table that will create the portfolio dimension.

PortfolioID, PortfolioName, Attr1, Attr2, ..., AttrN, BenchMarkID
1, Portfolio_A, blah, blah, ...., blah, 3
2, Porfolio_B, blah, blah, ...., blah, 3
3, Portfolio_C, blah, blah, ...., blah, null
4, Portfolio_D, blah, blah, ...., blah, 3
5, Portfolio_E, blah, blah, ...., blah, 6
6, Portfolio_F, blah, blah, ...., blah, null

So, the above data says that Portfolios A, B, and D uses Portfolio C as their benchmarks. And Portfolio E uses Portfolio F as its benchmark. Lastly, if a portfolio is used as a benchmark for other portfolios, then its BenchmarkID is null, meaning it doesn't get compared to anything, thus Portfolios C and F have null BenchmarkIDs. With this data, I would create a hierarchy in the portfolio dimension that has two levels. At the top level, there will be a portfolio and if that portfolio has a benchmark, then it will drill down to it.

With a portfolio dimension designed as such, I envision a fact table that looks like the following.

PortfolioID, SomeOtherDimIDs,....., Annual_Yield
1, , blah, ,....., 10%
2, , blah, ,....., 7%
3, , blah, ,....., 0%
4, , blah, ,....., 15%
5, , blah, ,....., 20%
6, , blah, ,....., 9%

So, going back to the original report which was looking at Annual_Yield by Portfolio_A, I would do an MDX statement such as

With Set [PortfolioAndBenchmark] As

[Annual_Yield], [PortfolioAndBenchmark] On Columns,
Whatever Other Dimension On Rows

Does this make sense? The only concern I have is that I don't want the measures to aggregate along the portfolio hierarchy.

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Help With The Design/creation Of A Database For My Application. [Experts Needed]

Apr 17, 2004

Hello, I was wondering if any of you experts might assist me in properly creating a database for my application. I've been pondering for a few days on how to accomplish this, but it seems that it doesnt have to be as complex as I am thinking...I just have to know how.

First off, I want to populate a dataset from a database in which I can databind to a datalist or repeater control. My datalist or repeater will have the following information in the ItemTemplate. Each ItemTemplate will consist of a table with 1 row with 3 columns cells. In each cell, the data will be laid out as accordingly.

[Unique Number] [Description ][Price ]
1000 XYZ $100.00
1001 ZXY $250.00

When the datalist or repeater is populated, it will need to be tried against a value that the user selects. For instance, the user selects 100,000 from a listbox and fetches the next page which will show the diagram above...he/she will see those results. However, if the user selects 110,000, the diagram above will have for the most part the same Unique Number and Descriptions, but the prices will vary. The reason I say for the most part with the Unique Number and Descriptions, is because I want to later be able to add admin access to add additional rows and appropriate prices to each Unique Number and Description.

Now the tricky part is, I could just add the listbox values to a table as a unique key and associated them with the Unique Number, Description and Price, however there are about 50 different options the user can select from and approx 50 different rows of Unique Numbers, Descriptions and Price . So you can see, I would have to set up the diagram each time for every possible selection from the listbox, which wouldnt really be efficient I presume.

I want to be able to populate the datalist or repeater so it could have say 50 Unique Numbers with Descriptions and Price at selection 100,000. And also that it might only populate with 45 Unique Numbers and Descrptions and Price at selection 110,000 because the 5 missing dont pertain to the selection of 110,000. I am trying to do it this way because at sometime, I want the admin to be able to add/delete a Unique Number, a Description for it and a corresponding price that correlates to the selection from the listbox.

Thanks for all your help guys. I really appreciate it. For the most part I understand what Im doing, I just need to be walked thru it a bit. Thanks again!

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Reporting Services Initial Application Design Question

Apr 26, 2007

I am new to Reporting Services, and I would like to serve up SQL 2005 Reporting Services reports via an ASP.NET web app (possibly using Report Viewer controls in Server mode). The web app will be running on an IIS server outside the firewall.
I would prefer to have the Reporting Services server be inaccessible outside the firewall, but it seems that the client browsers need direct URL access to the Reporting Services server. I guess this means either locating the Reporting Services server outside the firewall, or opening a hole in the firewall for access to the Reporting Services server.
Is there a Microsoft best-practice methodology/white-paper that addresses this scenario (especially as regards security concerns)?
Alternately, would it be possible, and would the same report presentation functionality be available (reports with expanding/collapsing sections, choice of export formats, etc), by calling the Reporting Services web service directly from the ASP.NET app, and manually populating the Response object?
Thanks. Any help would be appreciated.

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DB Design :: Moving All SC Databases From Their Respective Application Servers To A Central One?

May 18, 2015

We are planning to move all of our System Center Databases that reside on front end servers to each system center application to a centrally located SQL 2012 server. We'd like to centralize everything and have our DBA care for the server. here is our setup:

SCOM has 1 monitoring and 1 Data warehouse server. SCCM has 1 server with all roles on it. DPM database is on the same server as Application. Same with SCVMM. I have 2 questions regarding this move:

1. Can I have all these databases running on 1 SQL instance?

2. Is there a best practice document that highlights steps and "gotchyas"

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Application/Security Design: Stored Procedures Versus SQL Queries

Mar 7, 2007

Hello everyone,

I don't know what category would be appropriate for this question but security seems to be close enough.

I have this case scenario: I am running an automated application that extracts data from a web site and stores the data into a table on SQL server 2005. This information is not confidential in the extreme of social insurance #'s, bank account #s, but should not be seen by a typical employee (it has no use for them). After the data has been stored, it retrieves the data from the same table, processes it, and updates the same table. This application runs every hour infinitely.

Should all the insert, update, and select queries be stored under a stored procedure? I am not concern with performance. My concern would fall under design and security.

Is it worth to hide the details of inserting/updating/selecting behind a stored procedure? Or should I just allow the program to send select/update/insert SQL queries?

No employee (other then the developer and the DB admin) or customer ever access this table (They do not have permission from SQL). The username and passwords were created with security in mind.

Any thoughts or ideas?

Thanks for your time, Adrian

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Design Type Question

Mar 10, 2007

Out of curosity I am asking this design type question because I am curious as to what thoughts you fine folks have on the subject matter.
I have seen many instances of a databse design where there are detail records that have a dollar value associated with them such as an invoice table which holds invoice records.  I have noticed that no where is a total of the invoices stored, causing SQL to have to run through the records each time a total is needed. 
In days gone by prior to SQL, data structures would be such that a total accumulator field in a data file somewhere would be updated as invoices were processed so that the system would not have to run through the individual records to derive the total of them. 
I am familiar with normalization in terms of SQL as I have worked with SQL for years and of course I have work with non-SQL technologies before SQL came onto the scene.  What I am curious to know is that is it such a bad thing in the SQL world to have something like an invoice total accumulator that constantly is updated as invoices are processed and queries can access this total accumulator directly rather than having to gather the individual invoice records and total them up first before presenting the total to the user? 

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SQL 2012 :: Architecture / Design To Maintain Multiple Version Of Application Database

Jun 5, 2014

We have a Silverlight based application which currently supports only one production version. Idea is to support three concurrent versions of the same application and user will switch to the newer versions based on their interest or they can still continue with the older version.

We still have to use the existing database for all these three versions.

What is the best way to architect this so that we can differentiate the code between the versions and still keep the data in sync and run all the versions in parallel.

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What Do You Call This Type Of Design? Is It Evil?

Jun 4, 2007

Hi there,

I am new here, and I've tried to see if this topic has been discussed elsewhere, but since I am not familiar with the terminology, I'll stick my neck out and ask.

Quick background: I am a C# developer with limited exposure to and experience with SQL. I now have to make some design decisions for a newer version of a "legacy" app. Since those of us who are left here basically know how to query the database and do the CRUD work, but don't have a lot of mad skills in the db design department, I am wondering to which degree we should leave things alone.

Ok, so now to the actual issue.

This database is used by an application that registers sales locally for certain types of sales teams. All data is eventually extracted and sent off as ASCII files to central processing, but until then, they are stored in a table for each sales campaign.

Information about campaigns is stored in one table called CampaignSettings. Highlights of this table include a CampaignID (primary key) and some generic sales information, plus a reference to the table that holds customer information. Yep, each campaign has it's own table, as customer registrations (not just for sales, but for information requests etc.) can easily scale into the hundereds of thousands, plus the number of campaigns will eventually reach at least 20-50 active at any given time.

Yep, perhaps it sounds like a huge task for inexperienced db people, that's why we have to learn, and fast! ;)

Ok, so these individual campaign tables is where it gets interesting, and they are the reason I am writing. Each campaign table has the same basic structure - a RecordID, an insertion date, several customer information fields. And then they have two additional sets of fields; The salesinfo "nodes", and the "custom fields".

There is a table called sinode, which pretty much looks like this:

id - int, primary key
campaign - foreign key to campaignsettings campaignid field
field - varchar, the name of the column in the campaign table
desc - a description of what goes in the field (used in the sales registration app)
default - a reasonable default value showing the user what to register

Using this method, the idea is that each campaign can have a different structure (i.e. different product types sold = different information needs to be registered).

Also, for the "custom fields" stuff, something similar is employed. There is a scriptvariables table, similar to the sinode one, which contains custom fields that campaigns contain - when they feel like it, they can for instance find everyone with a certain value in a custom field and send them some sales propaganda by snailmail, with some of these script variables used in the letter. The difference between salesinfo columns and custom field columns is basically that only salesinfo columns (plus a few of the standard ones present in all tables) are reported to central processing.

QUESTION #1: Is there a name for such a table structure, where the very definition of tables themselves are somewhat dynamic and applications need to query support tables in order to know the customer table structure for each campaign. Is the name "Brain Dead Design"? ;) Or is this an acceptable way of doing things?

Since we're now upgrading things a little, among other things we're considering moving from "old fashioned" ADO.NET to LINQ or some kind of O/R mapping application, so that we'll cut down on the maintenance of the database <-> object layer.

QUESTION #2: Will an O/R Mapper or LINQ (when Orcas goes RTM) be able to handle the kind of tables we're talking about here, considering that the structure of the individual customer table is not known at compile time, but depends on the database?

And then, there's the question that has been haunting me for a while now..

QUESTION #3: If you, the reader, who with great probability knows a lot more about database design than I do, were put in charge of such a project - how would YOU design it? Keep it like today? Create a huge normalization table for sales items and custom fields? What kind of architecture would be "correct" in this case, considering that our customers scale from the very small with few campaigns to the relative large with big, nasty customer tables.

I will be extremely grateful for any replies, and I promise to read many heavy SQL books as penance, and spend 10% of my work day helping newbies for several weeks once I attain enlightenment! :)

Thanks in advance,


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Database Data Type Design (Strings Vs. 1's And 0's)

Mar 17, 2008

 Hello guys, I am a hobbyist programmer and now that I have started, I was wondering about the correct way to enter data into a table.  For example, i have a table called players with a field called status.  What should I code the status as?  "Active" or "Retired" or 1 and 0? I thought using 1 and 0 would be better as far as database size, but it is pretty difficult to understand how to modify the gridview.  I come from PHP and everything is a lot more accesible there as far as modification of output.  Thanks in advance! 

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Power Point :: HTTPS Web Application - Could Not Load Type

Jul 17, 2015

I have a Web application in SharePoint 2013 which is HTTPS. I have powerpivot installed and it is working fine when I try to access the PowerPivot Gallery with the port number.For e.g. URL...Everything is working fine.

But when I try to accesss the same URL...without port number I am getting the error. something went wrong Could not load

type 'Microsoft.AnalysisServices.SPAddin.ReportGallery.ReportGalleryView'.

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DB Design :: Cannot Change Datetime Default Data Type

Nov 17, 2015

Ilve install sql server 2012 in my pc and i want to change datetime default format. How can i do this and please i dont want to take the result from select convert() or select cast or something like this. I ve want to take the format i want writing query select datecolumn from table. 

Now the format i have is: 2015-11-16 09:04:00.000

And i want this format: 16.11.2015 09:04:00

Is any way to convert automaticaly by select only column? or can i change at all once? or must write function to when i select the column can change automatic ? or another thing, i ve see in column properties something like formula. In computed column specification in formula i wrote this: 

((CONVERT([varchar](10),getdate(),(104))+' ')+CONVERT([varchar](10),getdate(),(108)))

And I take the format i want automaticaly but i get the current date for all rows and i cant edit or insert that column anymore. So, how to change the format of date time but no from select query.

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Convert Data Type In SSIS Design Time

Oct 2, 2007

Hi, all experts,

Is there a way in SSIS dev environment that will let you convert/cast data type at desing time?

Under data flow mappings, there are so many things you can do, but why I did not find any easy way to convert?

I got this validation warning about not supportng converting type DT_STR to DT_I4, or something like that on many occassions..

I am using OLEDB Source as source and SQL Server Destination as destination.

Am I missing something obvious?


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DB Design :: How To Format Bit Data Type For Gender Field

Jun 23, 2013

I'm designing a database that stores personal details of students and teachers for a school. I, wish to know if a there is away of formatting the bit data type to male/female. Cause i am only able to achieve 0 and 1 in this data type. So is there any way to change it, or is there any other data type suitable to provide only two options Also the database should be protected in a way that students may not be able to view or change. Only teachers/admin have the right to access/modify the data.

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Message Make Sure The Application For The Project Type (.rptproj) Is Installed.

Oct 3, 2007

We are running :
- Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Software Developers
- SQL Server 2005 Express (SQLEXPR32.EXE)
Installed :
- SQL Server with Advanced Services (SQLEXPR_ADV.EXE) incl. Reporting Services

We have a VS Solution with a Reporting Project

When opening Visual Studio, the following message appears :

"Make sure the application for the project type (.rptproj) is installed."

I have no idea why this message appears.

Is this a known problem/bug ? Anybody any idea how I can solve this ?

Many thanks in advance.


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Message : Make Sure The Application For The Project Type (.rptproj) Is Installed.

Oct 3, 2007

We are running :
- Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Software Developers
- SQL Server 2005 Express (SQLEXPR32.EXE)
Installed :
- SQL Server with Advanced Services (SQLEXPR_ADV.EXE) incl. Reporting Services

We have a VS Solution with a Reporting Project

When opening Visual Studio, the following message appears :

"Make sure the application for the project type (.rptproj) is installed."

I have no idea why this message appears.

Is this a known problem/bug ? Anybody any idea how I can solve this ?

Many thanks in advance.

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Could Not Load Type 'System.Data.Sqlserverce.sqlcecommand' Error In A PDA Application

Dec 25, 2007


I am developing a Application using SQLCE Database & VS 2005 for Intermec CN3 PDA
It is having Windows Mobile 5.0 OS and ARM920T PXA27x Processor.

I have already installed
Microsoft .NET CF 2.0,
Microsoft SQL Client 2.0 ( using %Program Files%Microsoft SQL Server Compact Editionv3.1SDKinwce500armv4isqlce30.wce5.armv4i.CAB file) in PDA

I could able to run the application in the development environment which is having
Windows XP OS.
Microsoft .NET Compact framework 2.0,
SQL Server 2005 Compact edition

But when I deploy the application in the PDA thro' cab file and try to run the application I am getting the below error at run time.

Could not load type
'System.Data.Sqlserverce.sqlcecommand' from assembly System.Data.Sqlserverce, version=,culture=neutral,PublickeyToken=8984...'

I have added the SQLCE.dll from the below location

%Program Files%Microsoft SQL Server Compact Editionv3.1System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll

Anybody can suggest me to solve this issue.

Thanks in advance

With Regards,

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Using User Defined Data Type (UDT) In A Sql Server 2005 Database + Window Application.

Feb 18, 2006


I am using VS2005 C# + sql server 2005 Express edition.

I need to using a database that uses my own defined data types to define its tables columns.

I already have designed a Database projact and create the new UDT as follows:

Create a new Database project in the Visual C# language nodes.

Add a reference to the SQL Server 2005 database that will contain the UDT.

Add a User-Defined Type class.

Write code to implement the UDT.

Select Deploy from the Build menu.

Now I need to ask some quistions:

1- When I try to add a new query to a table that contains my new data type in its columns,if I try to exexute the query the next message appears:

'Execution of user code in the .Net framework is disabled. Enable "clr enabled" configuration option'.

How can I doing that??

2- I need to use that database - which has the new data type - in a traditional ' Visual C# Windows Application' instead of 'Database', but:

when I try to add a new Data Source that contains the tables that have the new data types in its definitions, the next message appears:


User-defined types(UDTs)are not supported in the Dataset Designer.'

So, how can I resolve that problem??

please help me.

Thanks in advance for any help.


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Survey DB Schema

Dec 12, 2004

I am trying to modify a survey DB schema created by OOP(Object Oriented Programming) snobs who had their heads so far up their butts(in my opinion).
This is current schema created by them.

Diagram 1 (OOP snobs version)

Actually there aren't a several foreign keys as they are shown in the picture, but that's what they(OOP snobs) are doing to the table "Response". They are inserting question_collection_id and its name as well as question_id and its name to Response table. However, it was not ill-intended, "We just wanted to load the report quickly"(OOP snobs).
But I really recommend this schema, Because of its simplicity.

Diagram 2 (My version)

Yet I haven't proven that my schema will provide report just as quickly as OOP snobs' version. As mentioned earlier, since they don't have foreign key constraints accordingly, I do find quite number of discrepancy on values of "question" columns between "Question" and "Response" tables and "question_collection" columns between "question_collection" and "Response" table. I can provide schedule task to eliminate those problems. But I really prefer my schema than theirs. So far, I can explain mine is better just because of its simplicity and DBA's gut instinct. I'd like to hear Superior Expert's opinion which schema is better and why one is better than the other.

Attached is also zip files of schema images if you can't see them by those URL.

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Would You Like To Participate In The BI Survey?

Jun 16, 2007

The BI Survey is the largest independent survey of BI technology users worldwide. (It used to be known as the OLAP survey, but has expanded to cover a broader array of BI technologies.) The survey analyzes people's buying decisions, BI implementation cycles and business results achieved.

The BI Survey is strictly independent --- they ask vendors like us to ask our customers like you to participate, but we don't have any other involvement --- except closely reading the results, of course. The Survey will send all participants a summary of the full survey results and place them in a drawing for ten $50 Amazon vouchers.

You can complete the survey on-line by following these links:

English version - website:

German version:

Let your voice be heard!

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SQL Server DBA Salary Survey

Aug 29, 2006

I am going into salary negotiationyearly review next month after my week off and I am trying to determine what to ask for. I am thinking another 10K and an extra week off would not be unreasonable, but I wanted to get some idea of what you guys think I should ask for in terms of pay.I have been developing software for seven years and I have been a dba for a little over five. I live in pricey northern Virginia. On a fairly regular basis I do about 55 to 60 hour weeks. On my DBA team, I am the only one who can handle both development and production tasks. The others are strictly developers. Although I have been relieved of most of my customer support tasks by our newbie, the customer support manager still brings the nastier bits to me. It is my perception that the more complex tasks get assigned to me. I get told on a regular basis that I am the best dba this place has ever had and other embarrassing accolades are regularly thrown my way. After a year, other than my boss I am the dba that has been here the longest in high turnover high burnout company. This year as we try to move to a SAP model, it looks like we will be going to 24/7 support on a disaster recovery model I am designing and implementing, so I guess I am getting the pager.So how much money should I be asking for?you can PM me with a number if you want.

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Survey Statistic Query

Feb 5, 2007

Is there a possibility to express the text column with SELECT SQL command, to get AS column which will represent all values in the field?

I mean - to convert:




Can SQL do that?

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Calculating Survey Scores

Oct 16, 2007

I have surveys that I need to add weights to and was wondering if there was a way to convert the contents of a column.

select empid, ans_for_ql,
(if ans_for_ql = A then 0, B then 3, C then 5) as weightscore,
(if ans_for_q2 = A then 8, B then 4, C then 2, D then 1, E then 0) as weightscore

Here is what the table looks like:

empid | Ans_for_Q1 | Ans_for_Q2
1001 A C
1002 B E

And these are the possible answers and what they need to be converted to:

Weights for answers to Question1
Q1_A = 0
Q1_B = 3
Q1_C = 5

Weights for answers to Question2
Q2_A = 8
Q2_B = 4
Q2_C = 2
Q2_D = 1
Q2_E = 0

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Group Data For Survey

Feb 5, 2008


i'm having following data:

create table survey
clientID int not null,
questionID int not null,
Answer int not null

insert into survey (clientID, questionID, Answer) values (1, 1, 1)
insert into survey (clientID, questionID, Answer) values (1, 1, 2)
insert into survey (clientID, questionID, Answer) values (1, 1, 4)
insert into survey (clientID, questionID, Answer) values (1, 1, 5)
insert into survey (clientID, questionID, Answer) values (2, 1, 1)
insert into survey (clientID, questionID, Answer) values (2, 1, 5)
insert into survey (clientID, questionID, Answer) values (2, 1, 8)
insert into survey (clientID, questionID, Answer) values (3, 1, 2)
insert into survey (clientID, questionID, Answer) values (3, 1, 4)
insert into survey (clientID, questionID, Answer) values (3, 1, 6)
insert into survey (clientID, questionID, Answer) values (3, 1, 9)
insert into survey (clientID, questionID, Answer) values (4, 1, 8)
insert into survey (clientID, questionID, Answer) values (5, 1, 1)
insert into survey (clientID, questionID, Answer) values (5, 1, 5)
insert into survey (clientID, questionID, Answer) values (5, 1, 9)

and i want to get it out like this:


but i get the following output:

clientID Q1_1 Q1_2 Q1_3 Q1_4
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
1 12 12 12 12
2 14 14 14 14
3 21 21 21 21
4 8 8 8 8
5 15 15 15 15

(5 row(s) affected)

with this code:



,sum(case when QuestionID = 1 and Answer in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) then Answer else 0 end) as Q1_1
,sum(case when QuestionID = 1 and Answer in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) then Answer else 0 end) as Q1_2
,sum(case when QuestionID = 1 and Answer in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) then Answer else 0 end) as Q1_3
,sum(case when QuestionID = 1 and Answer in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) then Answer else 0 end) as Q1_4


group by clientid) as x

group by

order by clientID asc

what am i doing wrong? Thank you

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Database Administration Survey

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,We are a systems research group at the Computer Science departmentatRutgers University, and are conducting a survey to understand detailsabout network, systems and database administration. We hope that thisinformation would help us recreate a realistic environment to helpresearch in 'systems management'.We request network, systems, and database administrators to take thissurvey. As an incentive, all surveys completed in their entirety willbeentered into a drawing of a number of $50 gift certificates ( hope you have a few minutes to take the survey which is located at: in our group:The goal of our research is to improve the overall availability andmaintainability of services. Since administrators form an integral partof these services, a key aspect of this work is to build environmentsand tools that ease the task of service administration. In particular,environments which would help administrators know how their actionsmight impact the real service (before performing them for real), webelieve would be useful in preventing inadvertent actions. This surveytries to understand the existing environments, what administrators docurrently to test the 'validity' of their actions, and the difficultiesthey face in doing so. The two specific systems we are looking at arenetworks and databases, as we believe these are important components ofmany services.If you have any questions regarding this survey or our work, feel freeto email us:Fabio Oliveira (fabiool at cs || rutgers || edu), orKiran Nagaraja (knagaraj at cs || rutgers || edu)Thanks for your time,Fabio OliveiraPhD student, Vivo Research Group ( University

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International Motivation Survey

Jul 23, 2005

Dear Madam/Sir,You are invited to participate in an international research study. Thisresearch project is headed and led by Cambridge student Nico Baumgarten.What is it all about?It is a well-known fact that there exist many differences between cultures.However, how these differences effect motivation if there are effects atall is not yet clear. This survey is set out to change this. With yourhelp, it will be possible to achieve this.Therefore, we kindly ask you to spare only 10 minutes of your time andvisit the survey home page.Go to the survey http://crosscultural.research.yi.orgor if this does not work the direct link participates?All over the world, people are chosen to participate in the survey.Although the survey is completely anonymous, each person is arepresentative of his/her country. Hence, it does not matter, which job aperson has, whether he/she is male or female, old or young. The more peoplechoose to participate the more accurate this survey is going to representand show cultural influences as well as similarities.So if you want to tell your friends about this survey - Please Do So! Justforward this email to your friends or use the feature on the survey homepage.What is in it for you?With your help your country will be represented in the survey.Of course, you can opt-in to receive the results of the study at the end ofthe survey.Any information you provide will be kept strictly confidential andanonymous.Thanking you in advance for you support I remain withKind regardsNico Baumgartenhttp://crosscultural.research.yi.orghttp://

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