Designing SSIS Package To Cater To SQL Queries Invloving Multiple Joins
Oct 11, 2006
I have a query that works fine in SQL Server,
FROM [db_db].[dbo].[TEST] TC
[New_DB]..[Method_Master] Mstr
[New_DB]..[TestSource] TS
TS.Name = TC.TestName
basically there is a join between three tables to repalce all the varchars to the corresponding ID.
Please guide me in how should I go about in designing my SSIS package to achieve this requirement.
thanks in Advance
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Apr 4, 2008
Hi guys
I have got a set of queries to run on a table stored in my SQL Database and this query creates a new table which I export to excel for final results.
NOw I need to design an SSIS package for this query to run and to export the result in excel sheet.
I started with the control flow by adding the TSQL statements to it and then in the data flow I connected it with my database.
But when I execute it, it always gives me an error.
I have just started learning SSIS but have not been able to figure it our properly.
Could you please help me out??
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Feb 9, 2007
I have created a package that has
2 SQL Execute Task, One Loop container, 2 Data Flow tasks, 1 Foreach loop container, 1 ftp task. The data flow tasks has 1 oledb source, 1 flat file source, 1 row count transformation, 1 recordset destination and 1 oledb destination.
When I load the package into BIDS it takes 125 MB of memory and then everything is slow, the properties panel slides in slowly and exists slowly. The object is the packages are not painted properly. to make changes and run takes lot of time.
Am I doing anything wrong here? Why is it consuming so much of memory?
Thanks in advance for your help.
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Aug 11, 2005
SQL Server 2000Howdy All.Is it going to be faster to join several tables together and thenselect what I need from the set or is it more efficient to select onlythose columns I need in each of the tables and then join them together?The joins are all Integer primary keys and the tables are all about thesame.I need the fastest most efficient method to extract the data as thisquery is one of the most used in the system.Thanks,Craig
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Jan 26, 2007
Hi there,
I am new to ssis.I need to execute multiple queries to update number of tables in sqlserver.Pleasesuggest me the right way to do this.
Thanks in Advance.
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Jul 12, 2007
Is there any way that I can know the count of queries and queries fired to the database after running a ssis package?
can any one help me out?
Thanks in advance.
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Jan 16, 2008
I recently learnt that there is a different approach to create "Joins" whilst developing an ASP .Net application. Usually i have databases that have relationships (JOINS) created etc so i never did this e.g. if i wanted to retrieve data from another table i would have done something like this:
JOIN - What I use to do....
SELECT Products.ProductID, Products.ProductName, Products.SupplierID, Products.QuantityPerUnit, Products.UnitPrice, Products.UnitsInStock,
Products.UnitsOnOrder, Products.ReorderLevel, Products.Discontinued, Categories.CategoryName, Suppliers.CompanyName,
Categories ON Products.CategoryID = Categories.CategoryID INNER JOIN
Suppliers ON Products.SupplierID = Suppliers.SupplierID
Today i learnt this:
Sub Query without JOINS
SELECT ProductID, ProductName, SupplierID, CategoryID, QuantityPerUnit, UnitPrice, UnitsInStock, UnitsOnOrder, ReorderLevel, Discontinued,
(SELECT CategoryName
FROM Categories
WHERE (CategoryID = Products.CategoryID)) AS CategoryName,
(SELECT CompanyName
FROM Suppliers
WHERE (SupplierID = Products.SupplierID)) AS SupplierName
FROM Products
The second code (Sub query) seems to be easily readable but fairly difficult to create to a certain degree. So my question is which method should i use for development purposes? Is there any real difference or just ok to use whichever im comfortable with?
Thanks in advance
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Apr 27, 2006
I've created an SSIS package that uses parent package variables at several steps in the data flow. However, those parent package variables are only visible during runtime, making debugging the package practically impossible. Let me give you a simplified example:
In the parent package, I have a string variable named "sqlLookup" that looks like this:
"SELECT * from tblTest WHERE city = " + @city
Also in the parent package is a variable named "city" which I can set to the name of the city that I want to query on. This dynamically updates the sqlLookup variable, which is being evaluated as an expression.
In the child package, I have an OLE DB Source control which is using the "sqlLookup" variable for its query. I have set up my parent package variable configuration, and it works when I run the package.
The problem is this...when I open the child package, I get an error on the OLE DB Source control using the parent package variable, "Command text was not set for the command object". Presumably, this is because the parent package variable is only available during run-time, and not at design time. And, if metadata changes (which it has), I can't get into the OLE DB Source control to edit it, because it throws the error.
So, my question is this: are there any workarounds for this problem? Is there a better way to do this? This seems like such an obvious problem that I'm wondering if I either missed a step somewhere, or if I'm just doing it the wrong way.
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Jul 9, 2004
Fan of Sub's and I feel more comfortable doing them, I've been told they aren't as efficient as JOIN's by another developer. Is this true?
Also, does one or the other perform better on SQL Server vs. Oracle? I'm more seasoned as an Oracle developer and have learned to avoid JOIN's when ever possible. So I guess my real question is have I been led astray?
Thanks in advance, DBA's Rule!
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Nov 7, 2007
I am asking something very basic and theoretical, here.
Are there any design tools available in the market for designing SSIS packages?
By "design tools" I mean tools which enable us to "plan" or "design" the architecture of a SSIS Solution that will be implemented later, using SSIS, of course.
We have several design tools available for designing a Web Application solution, for example. Similarly do we have something for SSIS?
Are there any design approaches, best practices and/or design techniques published for designing a SSIS solution?
Please note that I am not talking about the SSIS Designer or the BIDS. I am talking about a tool/approach for designing the SSIS solution which can be delivered as a project artifact before the actual coding phase starts?
Well, I have tried to express myself as best as I could.
If someone can help me with this, it will be really great!
Thanks in advance.
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Feb 9, 2008
How do I create, say an "update statistic" maintenace package that works on multiple servers and databases?
For example, how do I get the package to operate on the following servers and tables:
ServerA, tableX, tableY, tableZ
ServerB, tableM, tableN
Also, I would like to save the package configuration and store it on SQL Server. So if I want to add more servers or tables to the list, the SSIS package will pick it up at run time.
Is this possible?
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Jan 30, 2008
Two Questions.
1.) I have developed some SSIS packages that are currently out in production. We are on to the next phase of development and enhancments to the packages are being developed as a phase 2 release. I can push these changes to a QA setup for testing. But I also need to do fixes to the existing packages out in production and run them through testing. Unfortunatly I do not have an extra server to have a QA and a QA Current Production setup for seperate testing. So is there any way to run two versions of the same package on one (the same) server? I presently store the packages in the MSDB. Can I have or specify which version of package to run?
2.) Additionally, can you run multiple configurations for a single version of a package but only call one of them? For example can I create two configurations and then specify which one to use when calling the package to run? So that I could have code pass which configuration to load which would change connection strings and such. Any examples would be awesome.
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Dec 28, 2007
Can we execute multiple instances of the same SSIS package simultaneously??
If yes, how?
If no, what is the work-around to simulate such a functionality?
Thanks in advance.
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Jul 25, 2007
What are the advantages and disadvantages of having multiple data flow tasks in one SSIS package?
Is this a good idea at all considering the workflow may be similar now but may change in the future? Should it be left as one data flow per package?
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Oct 22, 2015
I need to export multiple tables from a database to multiple csv files (one for each table).
Rather than use SSIS and have multiple OLEDB sources and destinations (one for each table), is there a way to have a generic package that will export all the tables in the database ?
One way I can see is to use BCP in a loop - with the loop powered by a select statement that links to something like sys.tables etc, (or another table that i prepped with just the tables I want if I dont want them all).
i.e I would use a stored procedure that uses BCP (called via XPcmdShell) - so not via SSIS - although I could wrap up the whole thing in SSIS - but there is no realy need.
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Oct 4, 2007
Hi all,
I just want to know if SSCE 3.0/3.5 can cater for Multi-user instances? I have a desktop application that I want to allow multiple Windows-user accounts to access. basically I need a datastore that can be lightweight (which SSCE is) and support "User Instances" (like in SQL Server Express)
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Jul 9, 2015
we can assign one parameter value for each excecution of [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value] by calling this catalog procedure..
Example: If I have 5 parameters in SSIS package ,to assign a value to those 5 parameters at run time should I call this [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value] procedure 5 times ? or is there a way we can pass all the 5 parameters at 1 time .
1. Wondering if there is a way to pass multiple parameters in a single execution (for instance to pass XML string values ??)
2.What are the options to pass multiple parameter values to ssis package through stored procedure.?
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Sep 1, 2005
Hi All,
Im having a problem with a statement i cannot seem to get 2 left joins working at the same time 1 works fine but when i try the second join i get this error:-
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'children_tutorial.school_id=schools.idx LEFT JOIN regions ON children_tutorial.region_id=region.idx'.
My SQL statment is as follows :-
SELECT children_tutorial.*,schools.schoolname,regions.rname FROM children_tutorial LEFT JOIN schools ON children_tutorial.school_id=schools.idx LEFT JOIN regions ON children_tutorial.region_id=region.idx
I am using an Access database i have tried all sorts to get it working and its driving me mad!! any help would be really appreciated.
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Aug 23, 2007
have the following code for ONE Inner Join, but I want to add another join for another Table and Fields.... can you help me with the syntax:
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Feb 19, 2008
I cant find the problem with this query for the life in me
SELECT ForumTopic.*, websiteinfo.shortdomainname AS author, MemberInfo.postcount AS pc, MemberInfo.joined AS jd FROM ForumTopic INNER JOIN websiteinfo ON ForumTopic.domaininfoid=websiteinfo.domaininfoid INNER JOIN websiteinfo websiteinfo2 ON MemberInfo.domaininfoid=websiteinfo2.domaininfoid WHERE = 1
the error message is:
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The multi-part identifier "MemberInfo.domaininfoid" could not be bound.
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The multi-part identifier "MemberInfo.postcount" could not be bound.
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The multi-part identifier "MemberInfo.joined" could not be bound.
Can anyone help with this error? Thanks for any responses
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Feb 3, 2006
I need to create a view which links 5 tables as follows:
I have a Header Table which is keyed on Product and Year which I want to join to a Detail Table which is keyed on Product and Year and Week. I want to see all of the rows from each table, which I think is a FULL OUTER JOIN.
I then have three subsidiary tables for Sales, Orders and Deliveries which are all keyed on Product and Year and Week - I want to join each of these tables separately to the Detail table above so that again I see all of the rows from the Detail Table, the Sales Table, the Orders Table and the Deliveries table. For any Product/YearWeek there may or may not be a row on any of the Sales, Order or Deliveries table, but there will not be any rows on these tables which are not on the Detail Table.
Can I do this in the FROM clause andnif so how, or do I need to do a series of separate SELECTs for the Sales, Orders & Deliveries table with UNION clauses.
Best regards
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Mar 28, 2012
Application called Filemaker, I'm now trying to use that experience to teach myself SQL (using Microsoft SQL is SQL 2008 r2).My question is can you have multiple self joins.
I have a table which has two columns (for this example)
spell | spellindicator | episode
the spell is not unique e.g. there could be several records with the spell 'A1234' the spellindicator column will contain a number 1 or 2. the data could look like
I want to create two left self joins:
1) to count the records that have the same order number with the spellindicator being 1.
2) to find the max and min episode
For 1) I've created two keys:
pk_indicator = spell +':1'
fk_indicator = spell + ':' + spellindicator
example data:
B5674:1----------- B5674:2
For2) The join is on the spell
Part 1) works fine on its own
Part 2) works fine on its own
But put both joins in the same statement and the count function no longer works correctly. I realise that there is an issue with the self joins but I thought it would be possible to have multiple self joins.
use leis
select l1.spell, l1.spellindicator, l1.episode, l1.pk_Indicator, l1.fk_indicator
,maxepisode = MAX(e2.episode)
,minepisode = MIN(e2.episode)
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Oct 23, 2007
I have a customer table which has customer billing addresses; an orders table which has payment and shipping method info; and an items table which has line items for each order. The customer table has a custnum index field. The orders table has a custnum and orderid field. And the items table has an orderid field.
I'd like to be able to retrieve, in one query, the customer's billing address, all of their orders, with each of their order's line items.
What would the query look like in order to accomplish this?
Thanks in advance.
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Aug 30, 2006
Hey, I've a few jobs which call SSIS packages. If I run the SSIS package, it runs fine but if I try to run the job which calls this package, it fails. Can someone help me troubleshoot this issue? None of my jobs that call an SSIS package work. All of them fail.
Thank you
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Mar 7, 2001
Here is what I am currently doing:
SELECT Hours.Hours, Hours.Comments
FROM Hours INNER JOIN Employee
ON Employee.UserID = Hours.UserID
ON Hours.TaskID = Task.TaskID
ON Hours.ProjID = Project.ProjID
WHERE Hours.Date <= EndDate
AND Hours.Date >= StartDate
AND Hours.Date <= EndDate;
Am I doing something wrong here?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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Oct 29, 2006
I'm trying, with little success, to achieve something that should be quite easy (I think!) and any advice would be appreciated.
I have a leagues table structured so:
LeagueID | Name | Player1 | Player 2 ... Player6
and the data in the player columns is a userid from the users table and I'm trying to display the Leagues but with the player names rather than player IDs.
I'm working along the lines of
u1.displayname as Player1,
u2.displayname as Player2
from DCMLeagues as L
inner join Users as u1 on L.player1 = u1.userid
inner join Users as u2 on L.player2 = u2.userid
but with little success so far. Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks very much in advance.
-- Chris
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Apr 9, 2012
I'm putting together the site for a local darts league, essentially each of the teams completes an 'e-scorecard' for that particular game. This is then stored in a table named 'scorecardIndex' :
scxUID(PK)scxTeam1(int)scxTeam2(int)scxTeam1Capt(int)scxTeam2Capt(int)scxDate(nvarchar 50)scxSubmitBy(int)
So each 'index' points off to the UID of the player who was captain, and the UID of of each team.
What I'm struggling with is joining this all together, as I'm joining both scxTeam1Capt and scxTeam2Capt to the same columns in the 'players' table (plFirstName, plSurname)
plUID(PK)plFirstName(nvarchar 50)plSurname(nvarchar 50) plTeamUID(int)plEmail(nvarchar80)plPassword(nvarcharMAX)
And equally joining scxTeam1 & scxTeam2 to the Teams table to pull back the teams actual name.
Using several inner joins I can pull back the entire row for each team, but the columns have the same name..
FROM scorecardIndex AS S
ON T1.teamUID = S.scxTeam1
ON T2.teamUID = S.scxTeam2
I'm using MS SQL Server 2008 R2.
I've tried to be as detailed as possible without overdoing it.
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Apr 27, 2004
Could somebody tell me what is the secret of being able to write a SELECT statement having mulitple LEFT or RIGHT joins, I seem to get in trouble as soon as I add the second LEFT join, as I am obviously doing it wrong.
These are my tables, would somebody mind having a go,or explaining what do i need to be aware of in a case like this
emailDetails table ( emailID_PK,emailName,emailText,emailSubject,emailN otificationTypeID)
emailRecipients table (emailID_PK, RecipientID, SentToEmail)
luEmailNotificationTypes look up table (emailNOtificationTypeID_PK, emailNotificationTypeName)
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Dec 7, 2013
Table 1:
id amount
1 100
2 200
3 300
4 400
Table 2:
id amount
1 100
1 100
2 200
3 300
4 null
Table 3:
id amount
1 null
2 200
2 200
3 300
3 200
4 null
id is common for each tables , how can i get output like this:
Collapse | Copy Code
id t1 t2 t3
1 100 200 null
2 200 200 200
3 300 300 500
4 400 null null
I am stuck with this query .
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Aug 21, 2014
In the below query
with cte1
as (select siteid
,sum(isnull(netsales,0)) as netsales
from dbo.vw_sv_invoicedetail
where invoicedate>=dateadd(dd,-90,getdate())
[Code] ....
I need to add routeid column so that i can finally display sum of sales grouped by routeid in addition to the siteid that i am already displaying.
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Feb 4, 2015
I have a general question concerning joins. Below is a table scenario:
INNER JOIN TABLE_B T1 ON T1.[Some_Column] = T0.[Some Column]
LEFT JOIN TABLE_C T2 ON T2.[Some_Column] = T0.[Some Column]
Does the above indicate that all records in common between TABLE_A & TABLE_B will be returned, then the records from TABLE_C will be joined to the initial 'result set' (that is the result of joining TABLE_A & TABLE_B), or will TABLE_C simply be joined to TABLE_A regardless of the inner join between TABLE_A & TABLE_B?
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Jan 4, 2008
Hi I have a requirement where in i haev to convert the SQL from Oracleto the one which will run on the SQL the Oracle Query i am doing multiple joins, between some 13 tables.and some of these joins are inner joins and some are Left outer joins.table1 inner joined with table 2table2 inner join with table3table2 inner join with table4table2 left join with table5table5 left jin with table6table6 left jin with table7table7 left jin with table8table8 left jin with table9Any idea how to achieve this??Tianaren
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi All Database Gurus,I am trying to write code which will produce all the possible validqueries, given tables and join information for tables.Right now i am just trying to construct all the sequential if i have 4 tables A, B, C, D and the join conditions areA Inner join B,B Inner Join C,C Left Outer join Dthen i am constructing joins as :1. A IJ B IJ C LJ D2. B IJ A IJ C LJ D3. B IJ C IJ A LJ D4. B IJ C LJ D IJ A5. C IJ B IJ A LJ D6. C IJ B LJ D IJ A7. C LJ D IJ B IJ AI am not placing any paranthesis to specify the join order. And manyof them are giving me same output.Can anybody tell me how to detect the joins which will give the sameoutput ?here in this case the number of combinations are 7 but for 8 tables iam getting 420 combinations and many of them are please help me to reduce the number of combinations.eagerly waiting for suggetions.Thanking you.Prem.(
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