Detect That SQL Server 2005 Is Checking A Specific Database On Its Startup

Oct 3, 2007


is there a way to find out that SQL Server 2005 (Express) engine is performing startup checked of a selected database?

The problem we are faced to is that our users shutdown brutally their laptops running their database. When they start laptops again, they impatiently start the application that tries to connect to the database. However, they get an error message:

Cannot open database XXXXX requested by the login. The login failed.

When they try after a minute or two, it works.

What we would like to do is provide an information message that the SQL server is checking the database and that they must wait for a while. Is there is a specific error code for this, can anyone help? We are using .NET 2.0.

Thank you,

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Server Startup / 100 % Cpu Utilization While Recovering Database @ Startup

Dec 7, 2000

database : MS SQL server ver 6.50.201
problem: server startup / server time out
SQL server shows usage of 100 % CPU utilization, if started automatically / manually. and does not proceed / hangs up(server time out), but win nt operates extremely slow.

The background of the situation in brief is as stated below.
The errorlog was found to have the messages
warning : OPEN OBJECTS parameter may be too low.
Attempt was made to free up descriptors in localdes()
Run sp_configure to increase parameter value.

Error : 644, severity : 21, state; state 1
the non clustered leaf row entry for page 2 row 1 was not found in index page 40 indexid 2 database 'tempdb'

Error : 2620 severity 21 state 3
the offset of the row number at offset 32 does not match the entry in the offset table of the follwoing page : page pointer = 0x1395800, page no= 40, status = 0x2, objectid = 1, indexid = 2

Action taken
I used the sp_option to increase the open objects from default 500 to 1000, and the LE threshold maximum value to 400 from the default 200.
after which I used reconfigure go and restarted the computer to take the effect. The following did work fine and server was working ok. But then from yesterday I am having the problem that the MS SQL sever is utilizing the cpu to 98 - 99 % and I am not able to connect to the server.
I tried to start the server with the minimal configuration by specifying the -f option in the service manager start up options, it showed the following message
00/12/07 10:40:49.73 ods Unable to connect. The maximum number of '5' configured user connections are already connected. System Administrator can configure to a higher value with sp_configure.
00/12/07 10:40:50.02 ods Unable to connect. The maximum number of '5' configured user connections are already connected. System Administrator can configure to a higher value with sp_configure.

afterwhich I tried with the option of starting the sql server with the option -c -f
which in the event detail of the win nt shows
"mesg 18109: Recovery dbid 6 ckpt(55813,8) oldest tras= (55813,0)"

The open procedure for service "MSSQLServer" in DLL "SQLCTR60.DLL" has taken longer than the established wait time to complete. The wait time in milliseconds is shown in the data.
DB-LIBRARY error - SQL Server connection timed out.

and in the errorlog present in MSSQLLOG directory

00/12/07 15:06:43.24 spid1 Recovering Database 'master'
00/12/07 15:06:43.31 spid1 Recovery dbid 1 ckpt (7944,28) oldest tran=(7944,0)
00/12/07 15:06:43.41 spid1 1 transactions rolled forward
00/12/07 15:06:43.49 spid1 Activating disk 'AM'
00/12/07 15:06:43.49 kernel initializing virtual device 1, D:MSSQLDATAAM.DAT
00/12/07 15:06:43.50 spid1 Activating disk 'AMLOG'
00/12/07 15:06:43.50 kernel initializing virtual device 2, D:MSSQLDATAAMLOG.DAT

The dbid is / was 6 for both the instances, the database which is having this dbid is database name "AM" and is having above 1300 tables (approx)
what could be the problem and solution for it?
kindly help me out of this situation.

If any more information is needed please contact me on /


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Checking All Tables That Have Specific Column Name?

Jan 5, 2012

Is there a command I can use to tell me all the tables in my schema that have a column name "Id"?

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How To Detect If SQL Server 2005 Is Installed?

Mar 13, 2008

I need to be able to programmatically detect whether or not SQL Server 2005, anything from Express on up to the full package with all the bells and whistles, is installed on the computer regardless of which service pack (if any) is installed. I found a forum article that provides a Registry setting that I could look at, but in the reply to the original post, it recommends using WMI instead of Registry keys. Also, I don't know whether or not the Registry key given for SQL Server 2005 would be present for even the minimal package. (Our requirements are for at least the Express package, and I understand that there's an even more basic package than that.) I'm maintaining a couple of installers that use 5-year old InstallShield technology (and Visual Studio 6 for any C/C++ code that I have to create) that have to check whether or not SQL Server 2005 Express (or a fuller package) is installed. I have done no SQL Server programming, so I've never even heard of WMI. Also, because these are installers, they have to work out of the box with no requirements to install anything beforehand to allow the installer to work. (We are working on an MSI-based installer with a bootstrap executable (the latter built using Visual Studio 2005) that will replace the older installers in the next version of our software, but we still need to support the older installers for now. Therefore, an out of the box solution that works with the older technology that we are still using for the older software is imperative. As the older software supports Win2k, the SQL Server detection solution must do so, too.)

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SQL Server 2005 - Change Startup Parameters

Oct 6, 2007


I installed SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition and then executed SP2. So, when I try to move master database to another place, I don't obtain to change the Startup Parameters, because the instance SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) in SQL Server 2005 Services in the SQL Server Configuration Manager isn't shown. I observed that if not execute the SP2 the instance SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) is shown.
What it can is happening ?
Somebody knows some thing on this?

Please, somebody could help me ?



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How Can I Detect Changes Automatically In The SQL Server Database When Anything Is Updated..?

Mar 13, 2007

I been asked recently in the interview thatHow can I detect changes automatically in the SQL Server Database when anything is updated, deleted or inserted?if anyone can help me in this that will be really great.
I dont actually know whether I can ask this here but I wanted to know the answer for this and thought this might be right place to ask?
sorry if I am wrong?
Thanks in Advance

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Checking Specific Columns Were NULL On Previous Insert (Using If EXISTS)

Aug 3, 2007

Thanks for your time:

Background: After Insert Trigger runs a sproc that inserts values into another table IF items on the form were
populated. THose all work great, but last scenario wont work: Creating a row insert based on Checking that all 22 other items from the prior insert (values of i.columns) were NULL:

IF EXISTS(select DISTINCT i.notes, i.M_Prior, i.M_Worksheet, ...
from inserted i
WHERE i.notes IS NOT NULL AND i.M_Prior = NULL AND i.M_Worksheet = NULL AND...)


Insert into dbo.Items2Fix ...

From inserted i


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Database 4 Cannot Be Autostarted During Server Shutdown Or Startup. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 904)

May 5, 2008


I'm from Argentina, I'm running SQL Server 2005 Express. I can connect to SQL Server via Management Studio and see all my db but I don't have acces to them !!

The system gives me the following error when trying to expand all folders:

Database 4 cannot be autostarted during server shutdown or startup. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 904)

Any ideas??

Thanks from Argentina

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Query To Get User Database Startup DateTime When It Started?

Feb 12, 2014

I would like to find Query to retrieve User DataBase Startup Time from SQL server that we see in the Sql Server Log.

I was able to find the Server Startup Time but not the individual Databases .

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Linked Server To Text Files: Is Possible To Detect Changes Made To Those Files? (SQL Server 2005)

Sep 3, 2007

Hi gurus,

I've created a linked server (and set up the corresponding schema.ini file) in order to perform bulk-inserts from some CSV text files into SQL tables (from my standpoint the text files are just for reading purposes). The linked server works fine (I can select the data in the files without a problem).

Now the question: is possible to automatically detect when one or more of those files change in order to start the import process automatically? Something like having a trigger created on the CSV files Or there's no easy way to do that so I have, to say something, to create a Job that periodically checks if the files have changed programatically (say, recording each file's timestamp everytime is imported and comparing the recorded value with the current one, or whatever)?

Thanks a lot in advance!

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SQL Server 2005 Startup Error - TDSSNIClient... Error 0x5... Code 0x51

Jul 13, 2006

Hi,My SQL Server 2005 won't start - can anyone provide some help? Thisseems to be the most significant error:- TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x5, status code 0x51.There was some info here, but the reg key described looks okay:- am running SQL Server 2005 64-bit Standard Edition. The server inquestion is the first node of an Active/Active Cluster. This firststarted happening while I was trying to add a share as a clusteredresource of the other node (not to this node's resources).I have not yet reinstalled SQL Server 2005 because I am hoping for moreexplanation of the problem and a possible fix.Thanks,Tom

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Cache Database Structure (How To Detect If Database-design Has Changed..)

Feb 24, 2006

Hello everyone,I have a webcontrol that uses database-structures alot, it uses the system tables in SQL to read column information from tables. To ease the load of the SQL server I have a property that stores this information in a cache and everything works fine.I am doing some research to find if there are anyway to get information from the SQL server that the structure from a table has changed.I want to know if a column or table has changed any values, like datatype, name, properties, etc.Any suggestions out there ?!

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Database Startup

Mar 28, 2007

in sql server (re)start where does it find the location of Master.mdf file .

In Oracle, there is control file where the location of *.dbf file is stored and Instance find the location of dbf file from that location

In sql server where it finds the location of Databases as master, msdb etc..

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Trigger On Database Startup

May 2, 2007

Hi, I'd like to create a trigger to fire it when database starts up. Is there any way to do it? If yes, would you be able to provide me with an example?

Thanks in advance.

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Why Can't Add A Specific Group As A Login To SQL Server 2005

Jan 19, 2006


I am trying to add "Remote Desktop Users" as a login group to SQL Server 2005 (i.e. so they can log into management studio). I get a "Not Found Error" (see below). But it is of course found, because I selected it :-) What is going on here? I see the "Administrators" group and various SQL Server groupls added automatically there, so there must be a way, right?

I know I can add each user in the group individually, but that seems overkill when I can just use the group in which they are contained.

Here is the error I get:

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Create failed for Login 'TESTSERVERRemote Desktop Users'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

For help, click:


An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


Windows NT user or group 'TESTSERVERRemote Desktop Users' not found. Check the name again. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15401)

For help, click:



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Best Way To Detect If SqlServices Has Been Installed On A Given Database

Feb 2, 2008

I am currently writing an install wizard for my web application.  One of my steps is Installing membership, roles, and session state to the new database.  My wizard detects if this step has already been completed through the page_Load event.  Currently I am writing makeshift code just to see if the tables exist.Does ASP.Net provide a way to detect what services have been installed on the database?  So far I have only found Install and uninstall functionality in the System.Web.Management Namespace.I have been searching for this for a while, I am sure this question has been answered somewhere, but there is so much base information on how to initially set up membership that I cant seem to find the answer. 

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Database Off Line; How Do I Detect With A Query

Jul 20, 2005

How do I detect with a query which database is off-line.And how do I detect with a query the recovery model of a database.ByeArno de Jong

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SQL 2012 :: Create Database For TempDB On Startup

Aug 10, 2015

While trying to move the tempdb log file to a different disk, I mistakenly executed the following and then stopped and restarted SQL Server.

USE master
(NAME = tempdev, FILENAME = 'L:MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLData emplog.ldf')

Now I can't start SQL Server and see this error in the log files:


2015-08-10 15:28:42.55 spid7s Error: 5171, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2015-08-10 15:28:42.55 spid7s L:MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLData emplog.ldf is not a primary database file.
2015-08-10 15:28:42.55 spid7s Error: 1802, Severity: 16, State: 4.
2015-08-10 15:28:42.55 spid7s CREATE DATABASE failed.

Some file names listed could not be created. Check related errors.


I did not have remote connections enabled yet, so the resolutions I have found that include sqlcmd or starting in single user configuration are not working. Any way that might allow me to restore the usual tempdb settings, which I think would allow SQL to start again?

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Sending Email On Some Specific Event (was Sql Server 2005)

Apr 19, 2007

I need a help from you all on Sending Email on some specific event from SQL SERVER 2005. Any Idea how Do I proceed?

Any help will be appreciated.....

Rahul Jha

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How To Get The Week Number Of A Specific Date In SQL Server 2005

Jan 10, 2008


Can anybody tell me to How to get the week number of a specific Date in SQL Server 2005.

Like : say Date "03/01/2008" belongs to the 1st week of the year 2008, same way "21/02/2008" is 8th week of the year 2008.

So, the same way I need to know the week number of a given (variable) date.

I need to write / use a Function in SQL server which will return the Number (INT) (i.e. 1 or 8 or 10 etc...) against a specific (Parameter) date.



Note : Please feel free to write me if my question is not clear.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Replicate Only Specific Data To Specific Subscriber?

Jun 30, 2015

We have a "main" SQL 2014 server who imports XML files using SSIS in a datacenter. In remote sites (which are warehouses), there is an instance of SQL 2014 Express. A merge replication is setup, as every operations done on each site must be "forwared" to the main database, as some XML files are generated as output for an ERP system.

Now, the merge replication replicate all the data to the server on each sites. But a specific site don't need the data of every other sites, only the data relevant to itself (which is the warehouse code). Is there a way to replicate only the data relevant to each individual sites to the subscribers? Or is there a better way than replication to accomplish this?

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Should SQL 2005's BPool Reservation Size Vary With -g Startup Parameter?

Oct 17, 2007

Hello, all

We are trying to work out a memory problem associated with a SQLCLR procedure we have developed.

This procedure will run properly on a SQLExpress box, but fails with an Insufficient Memory error (701) when run on our 32-bit enterprise edition server on W2K3 Enterprise Server. The server has 3.25 GB of RAM, and does *not* have the /3GB switch enabled; AWE is *not* enabled on SQL Server.

I initially suspected the problem was due to the idiosyncracies of how the BPool is allocated on SqlExpress and its 1GB buffer pool limitation, giving a 1GB MemToLeave region for SQLCLR allocations -- substantially larger than the default available on the server with it's default 256MB allocation (+128MB for thread stacks). That seemed to explain why a memory problem might not manifest itself on the client, but would on the server. I then altered the server to include an explicit "-g" parameter at startup, reserving 512MB for MemToLeave, but the query still fails with the same memory errors. I've tried values as high as 1GB (-g1024), but none have worked Our DBA has installed a recent hotfix associated with certain memory errors, to no avail.

It appears that the server will max out the CLR allocations at 102MB, regardless of the presence of the -g parameter. Could it be that the MemToLeave region really is that severely fragmented? There are still log messages indicating failures to reserve virtual memory...

One thing I notice is that the buffer's VM Reserved value never seems to change regardless of the value of the "-g" option. I would expect to see it decrease by the amount specified as reserved, eg -g 768 should leave, for example, something like 1.2GB VM Reserved for buffer pool allocation, but it doesn't. That tells me I'm not really establishing a larger MemToLeave area. Is this expectation incorrect?

Bottom line, we don't know why this procedure is running on the server, but not in SqlExpress. It is a procedure that connects to a remote Oracle database and collects about 14,000 records, but dies after sending about 7,000 or so records when run on the server. Again, the same query running against the same code on a SqlExpress box works perfectly.

Any thoughts or suggestions welcomed and greatly appreciated.


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Permit To Connectting SQL Server 2005 Express Only At Specific Client Ip.

Dec 17, 2006

Hi, how can I set SQL Server 2005 Express to permit only specific client ip? Is this possible using T-SQL?

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DB Engine :: Migrating Logins Related To Specific Database Not Whole Server Level?

Aug 25, 2015

<g class="gr_ gr_78 gr-alert gr_gramm Punctuation replaceWithoutSep" data-gr-id="78" id="78">Friends,</g>
<g class="gr_ gr_78 gr-alert gr_gramm Punctuation replaceWithoutSep" data-gr-id="78" id="78">I</g>

i am migrating one database from SQL Server 2008 where I have around 20 databases to SQLServer 2012. To migrate the login I was thinking about to use SP_Help <g class="gr_ gr_114 gr-alert gr_spell ContextualSpelling ins-del multiReplace" data-gr-id="114" id="114">revlogin</g> store procedure but now what I believe is this SP scripts out whole server level login and I don't need all the logins in the server except related to the database that I am migrating to.

<g class="gr_ gr_418 gr-alert gr_gramm Grammar multiReplace" data-gr-id="418" id="418">please</g>

best way to migrate logins only related to the specific database to the new server. 

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SQL Server Startup Procedures

Apr 4, 2002


I've 10 Production Servers, which is rebooted every month by NT guys, The MS SQL Server Services & MS SQL Agent starts automatically when the Windows 2000 Advanced Server starts, I would like to create that when the MS SQL Server starts it pages me that Services started successfully, or the other way is to see the Windows Event viewer error logs to see if there is any SQL Server errors at NT server startup so that it would page me Problem starting MS SQL Server.

Would anyone please help me with this
Is there any startup procedure I could generate every time MS SQL Server is started.
How could I scan NT error logs to see the error logs for MS SQL Server and send the page.



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SQL Server Startup Procedures

Apr 4, 2002


I've 10 Production Servers, which is rebooted every month by NT guys, The MS SQL Server Services & MS SQL Agent starts automatically when the Windows 2000 Advanced Server starts, I would like to create that when the MS SQL Server starts it pages me that Services started successfully, or the other way is to see the Windows Event viewer error logs to see if there is any SQL Server errors at NT server startup so that it would page me Problem starting MS SQL Server.

Would anyone please help me with this
Is there any startup procedure I could generate every time MS SQL Server is started.
How could I scan NT error logs to see the error logs for MS SQL Server and send the page.



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SQL Server Startup Issue

Jan 21, 2008


I am getting issue while Starting SQL Service.
Error started since I rebooted the server without stopping SQL Services.

Below Errors Observed.

1. Server named pipe provider failed to listen on [ sqlquery ]. Error: 0x57

2. TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x57, status code 0x50.

3. TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x57, status code 0x1.

4. Could not start the network library because of an internal error in the network library. To determine the cause, review the errors immediately preceding this one in the error log.

5. SQL Server could not spawn FRunCM thread. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows event logs for information about possible related problems.

Kindly Suggest.

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Run Batch File At Server Startup

Oct 10, 2014

how do I schedule a batch file I've created to run at the startup of the server? Windows 2003 server.

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Sql Server Timeout During System Startup

Jan 31, 2008

the system i'm running is a windows 2003 sp2 r2 dc with sql server 2005 sp2 installed

i get the follow error in the event id logs regarding a few of the sql server nt services

Timeout (30000 milliseconds) waiting for the SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) service to connect

i already tried to set the registry values for ServicesPipeTimeout to 60000 thinking this should solve the problem...

however the event id errors still persist and say that 30000 is the timeout value...

how can i make it so that the start time is either delayed or the timeout value is increased?

currently my only workaround is to manually restart the services

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SQL Server Takes So Much Time To Startup

Oct 3, 2006


I have SQL Server 2005 Standard edition with SP1. Whenever I start the Management Studio, it takes for ever to come up. It will take atleast 30 Sec to 1 min every time I start SQL Server. Is this some thing we have to live with in SQL Server 2005 or do I need to tweak any thing? Pls let me know.

One more thing, in the SQL Server logs I see the following message every day -> Source - spid36s, Message - Starting up database 'dbname'. Why do I get this message?


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Checking If Somthing Is In A Database?

Apr 22, 2008

I am very VERY new to using Visual Studios...
I have a SQL database with a table in it "table1" inside the table there is a field "ID"
 I have made a new website project thing, and I have a textbox and a submit button
What I want to do is make a function that will check if what the user has typed into ID is valid, e.g. it exists in the database
 Can anyone point me in the right direction about how I could do this?
Thanks very much

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Checking Database Size From T-SQL

Jan 26, 2007

Which is the best way to check the size of a database from Transact SQL ? (Selecting from Sysfiles gives a totally different result compared to right-clicking a database and selecting Properties. It's the result from the latter than I want to obtain through Transact sQL.)

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Checking Permissions To A Database

Sep 2, 2014

I have written some code that selects all the databases on our server then uses a while loop to execute some dynamic sql to query a table in each database. The problem is some of the databases dont have the correct permissions so the query breaks. Is it possible to check to see if the database has the correct permissions before I execute the dynamic SQL and if it doesn't move onto the next one in the list?

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