Determining If SQL Statement Is A Query
Jul 27, 2007
I have a C# server application which clients can send arbitrary SQL statements to. These can be absolutely anything - creating tables/views, selecting from tables/views, inserts, updates, deletes, you name it.
There are two return parameters from the server method which executes the SQL - a results set containing the data, and a count of the rows that were updated - (either one or the other should be populated depending on the type of command sent to it). To deal with this, what I planned on doing was (pseudocode follows..):
reader = OpenReaderCursor(statement)
updatedCount = ExecuteNonQueryCommand(statement)
Unfortunately this doesn't really work, as OpenReaderCursor is able to execute Non Queries (eg. UPDATE/INSERT/DELETEs etc) but doesn't give me a row count, and trying the other way round, ExecuteNonQueryCommand is happy to execute SELECT statements, but I can't then of course return a results set as I don't have access to it.
My question then, if you will excuse the waffle above, is "Is there a simple way of determining if a string containing an SQL statement is a query?" - or will I have to come up with some way of dealing with this in my application code?
Please don't slate the design (ideally I would have two methods on the server, one for queries which returns results and the other for nonqueries which returns an updatecount) but there's nothing I can do, this is how it must be done (the interface was defined long long ago)
Thanks for your time, all ideas appreciated
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Sep 26, 2006
Hi all,
is there no a way to determine if a SqlCeDataReader has managed to return data (rows) from an executed SQL SELECT statement? I ask this because I have the following problem where I first need to determine if data (rows) are returned, if so, cycle through them and get the data out. But if I do the test to determine if data is returned (like I have in my code below) then the Reader.Read() is classed as reading a row, so when I do my 'while (Reader.Read())' this will then only work with data in the 2nd row.
if (Reader.Read()){ while (Reader.Read()) { //Get data from rows }}
I recall having this issue before as there doesn't seem to be a standard way of testing for data returned from a SELECT statement. I hope you can shed some light on this for me.
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Oct 13, 2006
Dear guys,
Is there a way to determine which partition belongs to which Filegroup name?
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Jun 11, 2007
Is there a quick and easy way to figure out if a server is 64 bit or 32 bit? I have been looking and cannot figure out an easy way. If there is a script that will figure it out could you please tell me. I am a DBA and manage over 100 servers and need a fast and easy way to figure this out. I need to know this to pick the correct upgrade version.
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Jun 11, 2007
Is there a quick and easy way to figure out if a server is 64 bit or 32 bit? I have been looking and cannot figure out an easy way. If there is a script that will figure it out could you please tell me. I am a DBA and manage over 100 servers and need a fast and easy way to figure this out.
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Jun 9, 2006
I'm trying to connect to a sql database, but I don't know what myserver is in the following code.Dim strConn As String = "server=myserver;database=Northwind"I can't get the code to link up with my Northwind database.I'm running everything locally if that helps.Thanks!Jon
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Oct 31, 2001
Is there a system stored procedure that I can execute that will return the actual size of the database you are working with? Any information is appreciated.
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May 2, 2000
How do I find out if a temporary table named '##test' exists? I have a stored
procedure that creates this table and if it exists another stored procedure
should do one thing, if it does not exist I want the SP to do something else.
Any help as to how I can determine if this table exists at the current time
would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance for you help,
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Feb 26, 2002
Can anyone tell me what command/utility i can use to determine the database type (non-unicode or unicode) as well as the supported character set?
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot!!
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Mar 7, 1999
Is it possible to determine when last a DBCC statement was run on a database & what that DBCC was.
Shaun Tinline
Database Administrator
Alcatel Altech Telecoms
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Nov 17, 2005
I need to be able to identify if a parent has the same child names as another parent.
Have a look at my data (in pic)
Can you think of a SELECT that will count for each parent, the number of other parents including themselves with all the same children's names?
So you would get something like:
Bob | 2
Bill | 1
Glen | 2
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May 9, 2008
Forgive the easy question but I'm afraid it might be also a trick question and I'd like to hear the experts' opinion. I am using SQL Server 2005 Express edition and I know the limitation is 4GB per database. So far none of my users is anywhere near the limit but I have to be prepared for when that day finally comes. As it stands, they use a single database through a program so I have full control over it. There are no fancy backup programs on the system so no fancy recovery models and automatic shrinking can be done - data is only inserted in that database.
My question is simply how can I determine programmatically (I use ADO.Net but it can execute SQL commands just fine) the size of the database as it relates to the limitation? That is, I don't know whether it is the amount of data stored - with or without overhead, or it is simply the size of the *.mdf file (maybe together with the *.ldf file), or whether the 4GB is 4 billion bytes or 2^32 bytes - I just want the same method that the SQL Server is using so that, for example, I can bring up a warning at 90% full and lock out the user at 99% full.
I'd appreciate any insights.
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Mar 29, 2012
suppose you have a large table with 2 columns
create table tick
ID bigint identity (1,1) primary key not null
, price money not null
and I want to know 3 things
Starting with ID = 1 through ID = (last)
give me the low and high price (that satisfies the below WHERE clause), and the last ID
WHERE high price - low price = 0.10
and the last ID (last) is the minimum ID to satisfy: high price - low price = 0.10
So the last ID will coincide with the record containing either the low or high price, the problem is you don't know which record in that range has the corresponding high/low price, it could be the first record or the 10,000th record.
I am thinking I need to create two summary tables, maybe calculate the min(ID) that goes down 0.01 then the min(ID) that goes down 0.02, etc...
Then calculate the min(ID) that goes up 0.01 then up 0.02, etc..finally join against these two summary tables to figure out which combination of downSummary and upSummary have a difference of 0.10.
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Jul 6, 2006
Does anyone have a suggestion for how to efficiently determine what columns in a table are NULL for all rows? - Shean
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Nov 17, 2006
Not sure if this is the right place to post this but hopefully someone can help me. I would like to determine what the last automatically incremented ID is in a table I need to return it as a variable to a VB.NET program but I'm not sure what the SELECT statement would look like for this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Feb 1, 2006
can anyone tell me if there is a way to determine with SMO or RMO if a database is a subscriber when using merge replication. If only have the Server and database at this point too!!
I want to provide a small app that creates a merge publication but only if the database isn't a subscriber.
Thanks for your help
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Apr 12, 2007
hi peter... i have a question about, how i can see if my sql server is the version 2005 sp2 and, what is the diference with server and server agent... i've checked the updates and the machine says i have up to date... but i dont know witch is.
thank you for your help
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Apr 30, 2007
I am writing a client application that offers an UI that allows an administrator to remotely add/delete/update user accounts accross many different SQL Servers running on XP and up.
When the operating system is W2K3 or higher I want to take advantage of the "check_expiration, check_policy, must_change' arguments to create login and exclude those features when the host OS does not support them.
Is there an easy way to determine if those arguments are supported?
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Sep 7, 2004
How to find out that there is a null value in a column rather than a valid integer, DateTime or bool value, for strings I use 'as' operator to cast the column value and it returns null when column value is null, but for value types using 'as' operator causes compile error and using simple casting causes runtime error, for example:
int count = (int)row["Count"];
int count = row["Count"] as int;
the first one throws an exception when Count is null and the second doesn't compile at all since 'as' applies to reference types, so what is the way other than exception handling to determine null value in a column?
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Aug 14, 2001
Does anyone have a script that will roll through the tables in a database and identify tables without primary keys defined? I did not see any in the online script database.
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May 28, 2002
I am trying to find a global way of when the last time a row in one of my tables was updated or data inserted. I say global because I don't want to drill down through each table looking for modified rows.
I am a DBA of several hundred databases and want to retire those no longer being used.
Is there a column of a system table that has this info.
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Jun 11, 2007
Is there a way to determine if a local variable exists or not?
There's a parameter I often use in code called @guid_batch that is usually declared in the parameter of a stored proc, but when in debugging it would be nice to have it available without having to change code.
Is there something that I could do similar to the following
IF VARIABLE_ID('@guid_batch') IS NULL
SELECT @guid_batch = NEWID()
Thanks in advance,
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May 14, 2004
I am new to MS SQL 2000 and have a couple of questions. First, how do you check the version of MDAC that Windows 2003 server is running and second, how do you determine what service pack that SQL is at.
I am having issues of extreme slowness using ODBC. I checked to see that tracing was not enabled and found that it wasn't. I am using TCP/IP for the connection.
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Nov 5, 2015
I have a table that contains spatial points and the name of the polygon they belong to (geography and varchar columns). I need to write a function to accept a point and determine which polygon contains that point. How can I write the query so that it will search through each polygon (derived from the geography points found in the table) and return the name of the polygon that contains that point?
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Nov 11, 2007
Hi everybody,
I am trying to determine the optimum amount of server memory that would be required for my SQL Server application. According to a book, it is calculated as follows:
Minimum memory required = System memory + User memory + Database process memory
I have thought about ways to determine each component of memory.
1) I could determine the System memory utilized from the Task manager (Total - Available), when the SQL Server service has been started, and no applications are running.
2) I could determine User memory by ascertaining the number of concurrent users during peak usage time of the application and then multiplying it with 0.5 MB.
3) I could determine Database process memory by summing up the "memusage" column in the SysProcesses table, at the time of
peak usage and multiplying it with 8.
Please let me know whether they are correct.
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Jul 20, 2005
I am using and the myoledb provider.I've run into a problem where what I need to do is open a databaseconnection to a mysql server, easy. The problem arrises in that I wantto, if the server cannot be found, open from a locally storedencrypted XML file.Works fine when the sever is present, but when I go to open theconnection and the database cannot be found, a dialog box pops up as tofill in the connection string information. I do not want this, is thereany way I can intercept this dialog or skip past it so my try/catchhandles it?Thanks.--Posted via
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Jul 20, 2005
I am trying to use MDX to dynamically determine which hierarchy of thetime dimension is selected. I have a calculated member which is usingthe last non-empty descendant of the [Time].[Calendar] dimension, butI want it to work even if Fiscal is selected instead of Calendar.Here is the codeSUM(Tail(Filter(Descendants([Time].[Calendar].CurrentMember, [CalendarDate]), isEmpty([Measures].[Employee Count]) = False), 1),[Measures].[Employee Count])What can I put in place of [Time].[Calendar].CurrentMember to take thecurrent hierarchy of the time dimension instead of the Calendarhierarchy? Thanks!
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Jul 20, 2005
Hello,I'm working with a number of databases. I need a way to determine if aforeign key with given name exists and determine what tables andfields are linked to it. Any ideas?I know I can issue the following statement to get a list of the fieldsthat are constrained by a foreign key constraint.SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGEHow can I get a list of fields pointed to by the constraints?Thanks,WillJoin Bytes!
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Oct 4, 2007
I am building code to look into the database and create "CRUD" stored procedure scripts automatically for each table.
I am in the finishing stages as my procedures take into consideration all necessary parameters and keys wheter they are natural or identity. It also takes into consideration User Defined Types.
I am working on the section which defines the parameters and their default values. ie.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[TransactionHistoryInsertOne]
@ProductID Int = 0,
@ReferenceOrderID Int = 0,
@ReferenceOrderLineID Int = 0,
@TransactionDate DateTime = '1/1/1900', <-- Possibly arbitrary
@TransactionType nchar(1) = '?' <---- How to get this.
@Quantity Int = 0,
@ActualCost Money = 0,
@ModifiedDate DateTime = '1/1/1900'
I have three problems remaining.
1. Using the AdventureWorks database as a data model, I run into the TransactionType field in the TransactionHistory table, a non-nullable nchar(1). How do I determine and use any default values that may be defined for this object?
2. Do UDTs have default values already defined?
3. How do I make sure I am not arbitrarily setting the default values?
Here i my select statement into the system tables:
SELECT C.*, as xtypename, as xutypename, S.*, so.*
FROM syscolumns C
left join systypes T on (C.xtype = T.xtype) and (T.xtype = T.xusertype)
left join systypes U on C.xusertype = U.xusertype
left join sys.all_columns S on ( = S.object_id) and ( =
left join sysobjects so on S.default_object_id =
WHERE ( = [TableId])";
Thanks for any help
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Dec 5, 2007
I'm trying to find out how to determine the Server name of the server that a stored proc is running on.
Something that is similar to DB_NAME()
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Nov 2, 2005
How can a program reliably determine the current version of SQL installed? And how can you get the path to the ToolsBinnOSQL.exe?
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Aug 13, 2007
I apologize in advance if this is something obvious I've missed ... fresh eyes/brain and all that.
If I have a table that is using a particular partition scheme/function, is there a quick and easy way to determine which column of that table is being used for partitioning? We're examining a number of legacy structures and we're hoping to reduce the time it's going to take us to get the report management wants.
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Oct 1, 2015
I have a report that I want to render in different languages. Easy enough. However, the way I want it to work is for the user to go to a particular URL, and depending on whether the URL is, say, .fr for France, or .uk for the UK, it will recognize the URL and render the report in the correct language.The problem is, in testing, I've been trying to use the global &ReportServerURL but it does not seem to work.
Do I take it, then, when I put the report live, it will not recognize the URL that appears in the browser, and so won't be able to tell whether the URL is .fr or .uk and so forth?
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