Develop Multiusers Applications With SQL Server Express
Feb 3, 2006
Can I develop applications with SQL Server Express that I have more than one user in several computers working with the same database on a server, or I can only develop applications with only one user with a local database with SQL Server Express?
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Apr 28, 2008
Good morning,After long hours of search on the subject, I could not find a clear answer to my question.I understand what are ths physical limit fo the express version (1Gb or Ram, 4Gb database, 64 bit WOW).My configuration is as follow, windows webserver 64bit, I have 4 database of 10Mb each for 4 web-application. The maximum concurent connection is a total fo about 8 for all the web-application together.Therefore due to the cost of buying a workgroup of standard license, I was hoping to be able to use the express edition.Please let me know your thought.ThanksArno
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Aug 30, 2007
When I registered SQL Server Express I received an e-mail back showing all of the resources available to get started. There were 6 Starter Kits available, Teacher, Colection Manager, Amazon Enabled Movie Collection, and three others. When I click on the links to download the Starter Kits, the link comes back as invalid. Can you provide the correct links to use to get the Starter Applications, or can you e-mail me code? Thanks for you attention to this matter.
Charlie Cappello
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Mar 8, 2008
Is it possible to send message from SQL Server Express to Applications using it on different machines ?
For example When an important record is inserted or updated, a message appears on Application user's screen.
If yes then how ?
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Sep 22, 2007
1. The download links shown below for the Starter Kits found at this URL do not work:
Teacher Starter Kit
Collection Manager Starter Kit
Club Web Site EventCalendar control source code
2. None of the download links shown below for the Sample Applications found at this URL work:
Internet Explorer Favorites Sample
Skills Manager Sample
Survey Manager Sample
Help Desk Sample
Reports for Web Sample
Reports for Windows Sample
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Jun 2, 2006
Hey everyone,First off, sorry if this has been asked and answered before--I've tried searching the forums but may have just not used the right criteria. Anyways, I'm new to .net and all that stuff, and I was wondering if there were any differences (code-wise) between developing on 2005 Express and running on SQL 2000. I know there would be variations in the connection string, but I wasn't sure about anything else--specifically if they both use the sql provider thingy (I forget the name of it, since I don't have my book in front of me). I don't expect there to be many differences, but I wanted to check before I got too deep into coding.Thanks in advance.
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Aug 27, 2007
Now, the developement in SqlServer Clr is obviously different from the develop in normal programs. there are many limitation in Clr develop, and it take many work to use dll alread exsits in Clr develop.
I do know that some limitation is reasonable, BUT much more limitation should be removed.
For example, now in order to use enum that exists in old dll in sqlServer, we have to create a new project and write many similar class to wrap the old enums, it's very troublesomely and slow!
so pls make the develop model consistent as possible.
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May 17, 2006
I have a SQLexpress db that i would like to be able to access from both a windows app and web app (both running on the same machine) at the same time. Is this possible. I've been able to connect either one or the other, but not both at the same time.
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Apr 26, 2006
I have a windows application that uses a small MySql as its data source. I would like to convert it to SQL Express. I would like to continue to manage the data from the windows application, but would like to make it available to the web using Visual Web Developement. I can create the new database in VWD, but how do I access the data from my application? I can use either ODBC or ADO.
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Feb 7, 2007
I have an ASP.NET application with a SQL Express database.Here is the connection string used on the web application:"Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|admindata.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"
Now, i create a Windows application which will run on the server to perform some scheduled tasks, for the Windows application I used this connection string:"Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=D:WebSitesmywebsite.comwwwApp_Dataadmindata.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"The problem is, when the web site is running and using the database, the windows application can't connect to the database and i don't know where i'm doing wrong, if it's the web application connection string or, if it's the windows application connection string.
I hope someone had the same experience and can point me to a direction.
Thank you;Emerson Brito
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May 17, 2006
Hello all,
I would like my newly converted to .NET 2.0 Windows Forms application to use an Sql Express database instead of MSDE. Previously, development was done on the default SQL Server instance using the full SQL Server 7.0. When deployed, MSDE was used with a named instance. The connection string in the application settings needed to be modified as part of the deployment. Now I've converted to .NET 2.0 and to Sql Server 2005, and/or Sql Express.
What I'd really like to do now is have a project within my solution that, when built, creates the database by running scripts, and deploys that database to the output directory of the executable.
I want this to run as part of a continuous integration solution that, so that every so often, the entire project is checked out, built (code and data), all is copied to a bin/[debug,release] directory, unit tests run, etc.
Has anyone done this successfully? Any pointers?
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Mar 21, 2007
Do you believe that SqlServer Express can work absolutely without any administration?
That is to say: my clients are people without any technical knowledge and they usually communicate never with me.
Is SSE the correct database for this status, or should I use a desktop database like VFP or Access?
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Apr 3, 2006
We had a debate on designing a database .The use case is;
an application that we will rent to other companies from our own datacenter on the web.They will all use the same database schema.We found 3 alternatives for our solution.But we are not sure which one is the best.We are expecting 20.000 insurance agencies to use the database composed of 33 tables.And they will all have their unique data but sometimes for reporting we might union their data.ALTERNATIVES1.Make 20.000 database instances.Every agency will have their own database instance.2.Make one database instance , put a database ownerID(int) field to every table.And use appropiate indexes.*or table partioning3.Make one database instance , and create 33 tables for every database owner.So total number of tables in the datase equals to numberofUsers X 33Did anyone tested this situation?
*an article I read on the web said partining is allowed to 1000 per table and it is slow in SQL 2005.(I am confused)
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Apr 4, 2006
We had a debate on designing a database .The use case is;
an application that we will rent to other companies from our own datacenter on the web.They will all use the same database schema.We found 3 alternatives for our solution.But we are not sure which one is the best.
are expecting 20.000 insurance agencies to use the database composed of
33 tables.And they will all have their unique data but sometimes for
reporting we might union their data.
1.Make 20.000 database instances.Every agency will have their own database instance.
2.Make one database instance , put a database ownerID(int) field to every table.And use appropiate indexes.*or table partioning
one database instance , and create 33 tables for every database
owner.So total number of tables in the datase equals to numberofUsers X
Did anyone tested this situation?
*an article I read on the web said partining is allowed to 1000 per table and it is slow in SQL 2005.(I am confused)
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Oct 13, 2007
Just placed the SQL Server 2005 - Developer Edition into my Drive...
I get prompted with the following options..
This DVD contains 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit versions of this edition of SQL Server 2005. Click the link that matches your environment to begin
x86-based operating systems
x64-based operating systems
Itanuim-based operating systems
I'm new to SQL Server... I just need to start learning how to use it... because it is being used at work... Don't need the all the features installed, just the normal table and query for the moment...
I will be installing it on my PC... i
Microsoft Windows XP - Home Edition - Version 2 - Service Pack 2
My local Hard Drive remaining capacity is 12.6GB
External Hard Drive remaining capacity is 11.0GB
Tried looking everywhere for the answer... lol (even looked at YouTube for a simple installation video....
Thanks for your help
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Nov 30, 2006
Hi all,
I've finally received my first official assignment using and SQL Server.
I have been developing / learning with both on the express editions.
I've also just run into some issues trying to access a SQL Server 2005 Express .mdf thru
SQL Server 2005 Pro.
We just couldn't get it to open. Connecting or Attaching etc...
We had to install SQL Server Express on the other PC to get it to open the SQL Server 2005 Express .mdf.
Now that I am ready to develop in ernest, I would like to setup my own controlled development environment.
Our target is a winforms application with a SQL Server 2005 Database for WinXP or Vista.
I'm ready to purchase Visual Studio 2005 Pro once I figure out the best development environment and SQL Server Version.
Specifically, once I've developed my winforms app, what issues do I need to consider to install a SQL Server 2005 database server / engine on a client / users machine?
Can I use the SQL Server 2005 Express?
Or perhaps there is an MSDE equivilant for 2005?
I can't seem to find any info regarding installation procedures for SQL Server in this regard.
(Perhaps its because I'm using the express editions?)
Any positive contructive help would be greatly appreciated.
Barry G. Sumpter
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Oct 27, 2007
Good day community. I have a question about SQL Server 2005 Anywhere edition which i currently installed on my desktop. Does it fit my needs which stated on the subject? If no, what should i select for my projects?
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Nov 2, 2000
If there are 2 different web application connecting to a sql server database through ODBC connection, both of them have full privilege to update , create , add column etc. Would there any issues of SQL server impacts when actually on live.
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Jan 11, 2008
Hi all,
Can anyone tell about impact of SQL server in web applications
Thanks in advance
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Jul 6, 2006
I am running SQL Server 2005 Dev x86 with SSRS SP1 on Windows2003 Svr SP1.
My SQL Server is running and SSRS is working. When I come to run certain installs though, my Server name is not present in the dropdowns or in the browse for installed server lists.
I entered the name of my SQL server manually, but when I ran the application, it gave me an error: 00250 unable to run dtabase locator service.
Any ideas?
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Feb 5, 2002
Our company wants to run web based application
in folowing way.
Browser --> WebServer -->Sql Server
Sql server is part part of corporation domain and has about 25 more databases
Should we dedicate extra SQL server to run Web apps , or it would be safe to run web apps on corporation Sql Server?
If any one can point on links on this subject?.
Thank you
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi All,During the past couple of years I have been maintaining the company'sAccess databases, in the coming weeks I will be migrating data to SQLserver, I will be using the Access forms as a frontend to access datawhile we developed a new front end through VB.Net.I was wondering if anyone will recommend an application that makes anexact replica or backup of the SQL server in the case the SQL serverfails. With MS Access, if a record is corrupted we needed to go backto the previous day backup of the database, we cant afford to havethis issue any longer.Regards,John
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Jun 10, 2015
I need to get the application lists calling our DB. I need both dormant and current. I thought profiler can give only active ones.
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Aug 17, 2000
Does anyone know if two different database belong to two different applications stay in the same physical SQL server 7.0 with one server license would affect their performance?
Would the performance be better off if each database stored in different physical SQL Server 7.0 with different server license?
Thank you in advance!
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Jan 3, 2007
Is it ok to use SQL Server 2005 CE as an embedded DBMS inside a desktop (Windows XP / w2k3 / Vista) application?
The whitepaper available here: describes this as one of the primary usages of the product. However, I've seen information elsewhere on this forum that seems to imply that SQL Server 2005 CE is not allowed in desktop applications.
Can you please clarify this, and specify any limitations of this usage?
Also, the whitepaper refers to an online redistribution agreement that needs to be signed in order to freely redistribute SQL Server 2005 CE inside a commercial application. Can you please point to this agreement?
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Apr 19, 2007
I have 2 questions about Sql Server 2005.
1. I have 2 sets of CDs, one is called Sql Server 2005 Developer Edition, Applications Developer Tools, and another one called Sql Server 2005 Developer Edition Servers Server Applications.
I installed the Applications Developer Tools on my development pc, and I was able to use create and populate a database, and use Sql Server Management Studio fine. I wonders what 's the Servers Server Applications set of cds for.
2. I just like to install Sql Server 2005 on a test pc also. Can I use my Developer Edition Applications Developer Tools to install it ?
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Nov 13, 2007
Hi ,
We want to install 2 applications that run on SQL server 2005 but the requirement of database installation are different Collation setting ( One require Dictionary order, case-insensitive, for use with 1252 Character Set and other require Dictionary order, case-sensitive, for use with the 437 (US English) Character set).
So the question here could I install both two applications successfully on same platform ? and if yes how?
Thanks and regards,
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May 29, 2007
Is it advisable to use full text search on live applications? Will live database servers allow full text search?. If so what are the problems we could face in future.
My DB server is SQL Server2000 and ASP version is 1.1.
Thanks in advance
Hamlin Stephen
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Feb 16, 2001
I have to design, load and write scripts for a remotely hosted SQL 7.0 Server.
My desktop computers are both Windows 98. What do I need to develop and publish databases from my desktop to the remote host? I have always had the luxury of having direct access to the SQL Server and cannot find any conclusive guidance at Microsoft's site.
Thanks so much for your help.
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Jul 26, 2007
Hello all,
I've looked through this forum and haven't found an answer to my question, but I'll make this short and sweet, as I know your time is valuable.
I've taken a MS Access database and turned it into an SQL database for our server, it works. However, I want to make an identical database (to distribute to 30-40 employees) in SQL CE, so that employees can work on their laptops offline and sync their data to the main database when they return to the office. Am I going in the right direction, or is there a better way to do this?
I won't bother you for a step-by-step, but any and all info/guidance you could provide would be of great use to me.
Thanks for your time!!!
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Sep 7, 1999
I have a table which stores the following data:
Col1 Col2
A Apple
A Orange
B Pear
C Banana
C Tomato
C Apple
C Pear
I want to display it in the following manner using a SELECT statement.
Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5
A Apple Orange
B Pear
C Banana Tomato Apple Pear
Can anyone help me figure out this SQL Statement.
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Sep 16, 2015
I am trying to develope a authorization matrix for cpmpany of 75 employees, with different roles and permissions for roles to some applications like CRM , diiffrent folders,databases etc. I tried to find some informaton about this auhtorizaion matrix.
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Mar 12, 2008
I heard from someone that sql procedure can be created by some sql server tool. So if i am using a sql 2005 or 2000 , how i can create a custom stored procedure. ?
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