Device Activation Error On Sp_attach_db To Local Drive
Apr 25, 2007
Here is the error, I receive:
Msg 5105, Level 16, State 4, Line 1
Device activation error. The physical file name 'L:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLLOGTestDB_Log.LDF' may be incorrect.
Device activation error. The physical file name 'L:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLLOGTestDB_Log.LDF' may be incorrect.
Msg 5170, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot create file 'L:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLLOGTestDB_log.LDF' because it already exists.
Msg 1813, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Could not open new database 'TestDB'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted.
Here is my attach script:
USE [master]
sp_attach_db @dbname= N'TestDB',
@filename1 = N'S:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDataTestDB.MDF',
@filename2 = N'L:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLLOGTestDB_Log.LDF'
This server has a Raid 5 Disk Array partitioned into three Logic Drives C:, S:, L:. Not sure, why the server was configured this way. If I attach the database with the data and log files on the same logical drive, the DB attaches successfully. When I try to put the data and log files on separate logical drives, it fails. Issue seems to be with the drive partitioning. Any Ideas?
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Apr 5, 2007
Hi All,
Currently I have a PC that has MSDE installed on it and is attached to database (MyData.MDF and a log file MYLog.LDF) located on its hard drive at c:data. When I detach from the database, place a copy of the two files noted above on my network drive @ u:data and try to attach I get the following error€™s:
SQL[1] exec error = -1: Changed database context to 'master'.
€œDevice activation error. The physical file name u:dataMyData.MDF may be incorrect.€?
I have done some testing a have found that I can attach to a copy of my database if I move it anywhere on the c: drive, and or even to a 1Gb USB key attached to the system(e:). So far it seems to only be an issue if I move it to a mapped network drive. If anyone could please provide me with any info it would be greatly appreciated.
James D.
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Nov 8, 2006
rajesh writes "Hi All
When i attach my production database i got an device activation Error
attach database."
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Jan 31, 2008
Being a very novice SQL Server administrator, I need to ask the experts a question.
How do I go about moving a database from 1 drive to another? The source drive (C is local to the server, but the target drive (E is on a Storage Area Network (SAN), although it is still a local drive for the server. I want to move the database from C: to E:. Can someone provide me with instructions?
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Mar 1, 2001
I tried to issue:
sp_attach_db pubs,'F:anthonypubs.mdf','F:anthonypubs.ldf'
where the pubs.mdf and pubs.ldf are on a remote mapped drive F:,
I got error:
Server: Msg 5105, Level 16, State 4, Line 1
Device activation error. The physical file name 'f:anthonypubs.ldf' may
be incorrect.
Is attaching a database ONLY supported for local servers ??
What about creating database on remote drive? (I have same error msg back)
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Feb 12, 2007
How do you compare SAN drive vs local drive on a 32 bit server?
Is it good idea to move my DB files to a SAN instead of local?
Canada DBA
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Feb 2, 2004
I entered the following in the Query Analyzer and got the result shown:
EXEC sp_attach_db @dbname = N'DS2004',
@filename1 = N'd:ds2004_data.mdf',
@filename2 = N'd:ds2004_log.Ldf'
Server: Msg 5172, Level 16, State 15, Line 1
The header for file 'd:ds2004_data.MDF' is not a valid database file header. The PageAudit property is incorrect
I can find nothing about PageAudit property.
What is it and how do I need to modify the command?
Many thanks
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Dec 12, 2006
I want to update data on the device which has a sql server mobile database.
the main database is sql server.
I use web services to enable the mobile application to access the server.
Can anyone recommend a way of updating the data on the device without using replication? I basically want to read a dataset from the server via webservice and put this in to local db - but not row by row as too many records.
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Jan 15, 2007
I need help with the setup of my sql server express 2005 and more specifically, with the location of the database files. Normally, database files are located on the c: drive. In my situation, being in a high school environnement, I need to have the database files on the network drive ... lets call it g:drive. The reason why it cannot be on c:drive is because this drive is protected using DeepFreeze. Now, I was able to change the location of the new drive as I went into the properties window of the sql server instance but when I try to create this new database, sql gives me grief ;-|
I am from the group of people that thinks that to anything, there is a solution and am hoping that to this problem, there is hope of a solution.
Can anyone help?
Thank you
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Oct 19, 1998
I want to perform backups to a network drive. I need to know if I can access the backup drive via UNC. I have not been able to get it to work and, for now, I would just like to know if what I am trying to do SHOULD work.
For example I want to backup to device mdtnts_prod02LM2BackupNameBack.DAT.
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Dec 19, 2007
I've been working with SQL Server for a few years now and I've had quite a few cases where users cannot backup SQL to a network location or external hard drive. Why can SQL not do this? Is it some limitation of the speeds at which SQL needs to backup the information and the external hard drives/network drives do not meet the requirements?
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Jul 20, 2005
I am attaching a database with 3 data files.When I execute "exe sp_attache_db..." I obtain this error:database 'POINT' cannot be opened because some of the files could not beactivated.I have deleted its LDF file.Usually I detach my db, then I delete transaction log, and reattach 3 datafiles...Now it doesn'work!!!!!!!!!!Someone can help me?Thanks.
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Apr 3, 2004
for example : there is a bitmap file in my harddisk "c:a.bmp".
How can I upload it to the db with the field "image" via mssql command,
my DB is mssql database.
I am now using c# based project
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Aug 16, 2005
I'm trying to build a new cluster with SQL Server 2K Enterprise onWindows 2003 server. When I run the install, I tell it to put theprogram files on the D: (local) drive and the data/log files on shareddrives. However, after the installation is complete, almost all thefiles go in the C: drive in program filesMicrosoft SQL Server, ratherthan the D: drive (it does create a few files on D:). We've experiencedthis on more than one server build.Anyone know any way around this?Post answers publicly, please, or email tosteven.wechsler(at) (the posting email address is hosed).Thanks,Steve
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Sep 22, 2007
I have a 600 gig database that has a mirror. I need to move the databases from local drives to a SAN. Can anyone recommend a document that lists the steps to go through to move both the principle and mirror to the SAN with no down time? or minimal down time?
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May 27, 2007
I have created an sql server 2005 maintenance plan for a daily backup. The plan has two 'Back up database task' i.e. one backup on the local drive while the second on a network drive. When the plan is executed, a backup is created on the local drive but not on the network drive. If i check the log, it says "Access Denied" whereas i have full access to the network drive with complete permissions to read, write and delete.
Can anyone help me understand how to take a backup on both a local and network drive at the same time using a maintenance plan ? I shall be obliged...
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Sep 11, 2014
We are seeing very high Average Disk Queue Length numbers in one of our clusters (both nodes of the cluster are Virtual, but have their own dedicated virtual environments). Our main data drive also houses TempDB, which I would like to move.
Each node in the Active/Passive cluster are running Windows Server 2012 Standard 64bit and SQL Server 2012 Enterprise 64bit. There is a separate drive for Log files and data files.
The data files also have TempDB on them as previously mentioned. I am reading that you can set up a local disk on each node of the cluster, with the same drive letter and path and then move tempdb as you would with a stand alone SQL Server.
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Apr 26, 2006
I am having a problem accessing my local A: drive, using the bulk insert command. The actual sql server pc thinks I am accessing its sql server's A: and not my local a: drive. I am trying to read in a simple CSV delimited ascii file into a sql table. Wow what a nightmare just to read a simple ascii file into a table. Unfortunatley I am writing a program in for an operator to import ascii data from floppy diskettes.
I am using this command below: The command works fine but I have to go to the actual server and put the floppy disk in over there. I want the operator to be able to use there own A: or any location drive for that matter. Sql server over the network is not allowing us to access any local drive to import this data. I get an error 21 because the sql server does not have the floppy in its drive. It seems like some kind of security issue, but I am not sure. Any information would be most appreciated in this matter. Thanks in advance.
Sarah Diane Reid
sample code below:
BULK INSERT Master.dbo.imVBMbAddress
FROM 'a:mbAddressPipes.txt'
WITH (FORMATFILE = 'a:importdatambaddress.fmt',
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May 8, 2008
I have a Windows Internal Database (installed by SharePoint WSS 3.0) and SQL Server Management Studio Express installed on W2K3 Std server. The server has local hard disk drive C, E, F & G. However SQL Server Management Studio Express only recognize C and E drive, for example in the set default database location or in attach database file dialog window only C & E drive are available. Anyone knows why and how to fix the problem?
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Apr 14, 2006
Hi to All
when i m trying to execute following code
backup database web
to disk = 'c:inetpubwwwrootackupmybakup.bak'
with format
I m Getting Error like :
Server: Msg 3201, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot open backup device 'c:inetpubwwwrootackupmybakup.bak'. Device error or device off-line. See the SQL Server error log for more details.
Server: Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
This error is Generated only when i m trying to access folders within "wwwroot" but not in any other folders , even command runs success fully for "wwwroot" folder . !!
but not for any subfolders of wwwroot.
Can Any One Help Me ??
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Aug 1, 2007
We are attempting to restore one of our databases from a backup that went to a local drive on the server.
We see the backupset in the list but receive an error that it is not available when we try to use it. When we try to restore from device and select the files the drive letter is not available. When we attempt to enter the path to the file it can't locate it. We don't have space on our SAN to copy the backup there and we can't add the local drive to the cluster resources.
Is there a way to get this backup done?
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May 23, 2007
I am kinda curious how the rest of you are doing your error handling inside your activation stored practices says you should not rollback the part of your transaction that receives the record off of the queue...but using a try...catch block will only allow you to rollback the entire transaction. I tried using savepoints and starting the try...catch after the savepoint and the proc still gives me the error: "
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot be rolled back to a savepoint. Roll back the entire transaction." when the error scenario is encountered.
I tried using @@Error and checking for errors at the statement level which would allow me to do a partial rollback, but the type of errors I receive (i.e. invalid data types etc) are aborting the entire batch instead of passing the error and continuing.
Can other people on this forum using service broker give me an idea of how you are getting around this issue?
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Jul 20, 2007
Hi All,
I'm having some issues getting Database Mail to work with SQL Agent Job's which is doing my fruit !
I'm configuring the server using the following script:
@DataFile varchar(1000),
@LogFile varchar(1000),
@BackupFile varchar(1000),
@cmd Varchar(8000),
@ServerName varchar(1000),
@AccountName Varchar(1000),
@EmailAddress Varchar(1000),
@MailSubject VARCHAR(500),
@FullPath varchar(400),
@Drop varchar(100)
--Configure SQL Server DBMail
@AccountName = (SELECT REPLACE(@@ServerName, '','-') + ' Email Profile')
@EmailAddress = (SELECT REPLACE(@@ServerName, '','-') + '')
@ServerName = (SELECT REPLACE(@@ServerName, '','-'))
(SELECT Name FROM msdb.dbo.sysmail_profile WHERE NAME = @AccountName)
PRINT 'Database Mail Profile Already Exists - Skiping Step'
EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_account_sp
@account_name = @AccountName,
@description = 'Mail account for administrative e-mail.',
@email_address = @EmailAddress,
@replyto_address = '',
@display_name = @ServerName,
@mailserver_name = '' ;
-- Create a Database Mail profile
EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_profile_sp
@profile_name = @AccountName,
@description = 'Profile used for administrative mail.' ;
-- Add the account to the profile
EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_profileaccount_sp
@profile_name = @AccountName,
@account_name = @AccountName,
@sequence_number =1 ;
-- Grant access to the profile to the DBMailUsers role
EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_principalprofile_sp
@profile_name = @AccountName,
@principal_name = 'Public',
@is_default = 1 ;
msdb.dbo.sp_set_sqlagent_properties @email_save_in_sent_folder=1
master.dbo.xp_instance_regwrite N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'SOFTWAREMicrosoftMSSQLServerSQLServerAgent', N'UseDatabaseMail', N'REG_DWORD', 1
master.dbo.xp_instance_regwrite N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'SOFTWAREMicrosoftMSSQLServerSQLServerAgent', N'DatabaseMailProfile', N'REG_SZ', @AccountName
@MailSubject = 'Database Mail Test Message from ' + @@SERVERNAME
'Created DBMail Profile'
DECLARE @MailSubject VARCHAR(500)
DECLARE @AccountName Varchar(1000)
@AccountName = (SELECT REPLACE(@@ServerName, '','-') + ' Email Profile')
msdb.dbo.sp_set_sqlagent_properties @email_save_in_sent_folder=1
master.dbo.xp_instance_regwrite N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'SOFTWAREMicrosoftMSSQLServerSQLServerAgent', N'UseDatabaseMail', N'REG_DWORD', 1
master.dbo.xp_instance_regwrite N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'SOFTWAREMicrosoftMSSQLServerSQLServerAgent', N'DatabaseMailProfile', N'REG_SZ', N'Default Email Profile'
@MailSubject = 'Database Mail Test Message from ' + @@SERVERNAME
--Check if DB Operator alredy exists; Create if not.
IF EXISTS (Select Name FROM MSDB.dbo.SysOperators WHERE NAME = 'SQL Notify')
PRINT 'Database Operator Already Exists - Skipping Step'
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_operator @name=N'SQL Notify',@enabled=1, @pager_days=0, @email_address=N''
@profile_name = @AccountName,
@recipients = '',
@subject = @MailSubject,
@body = 'This is a Database Mail Test Message'
OK - I get the test message, however when I setup a SQL Agent job later in the same script to alert me on failure; I dont get any mails through.
When I check the SysMail Event Log; I see the followign error:
error 2007-07-20 15:58:07.623 Activation failure. NULL NULL NULL 2007-07-20 15:58:07.623 sa
The SQLAgent is running under the same account as SQLServer; neither are local admin's on the machine. I've restatred SQLAgent using SSCM a number of times yet nothing comes through.
Mail Profile is started; Service Broker is enabled in MSDB
SQL Agent is configured with the correct profile; an operator is set as a failsafe operator.
Does anyone have any suggestions?????
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May 23, 2007
We are using sql server 2005 Enterprise Edition with service pack1
I got the following error messages in the SQL log
The operating system returned error 21(The device is not ready.) to SQL Server during a read at offset 0x00000000090000 in file '....mdf'. Additional messages in the SQL Server error log and system event log may provide more detail. This is a severe system-level error condition that threatens database integrity and must be corrected immediately. Complete a full database consistency check (DBCC CHECKDB). This error can be caused by many factors; for more information, see SQL Server Books Online.
fcb::close-flush: Operating system error 21(The device is not ready.) encountered.
I got these errors for about 2 hrs and after that I see these messages in the sql log
Starting up database ' '
1 transactions rolled forward in database '' (). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
0 transactions rolled back in database ' ' (). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
Recovery is writing a checkpoint in database ' ' ( ). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
CHECKDB for database '' finished without errors on (local time). This is an informational message only; no user action is required.
Can anyone please help me in troubleshooting this issue. Why this migh have happened.
any help would be appreciated.
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Nov 17, 1998
I have a database in development in SQL Server 6.5 that needs to be occasionally deleted and rebuilt from a script when table structures are changed. I found that when very complex queries were performed, the 2 MB default size of tempdb filled up and returned errors, so I went to the Enterprise Manager to expand tempdb, learned that I had to first expand a device to expand tempdb into, and foolishly chose to expand tempdb into the same device space used by my application, instead of into one of the system databases. Now when I try to delete the device in preparation for its rebuild, the Enterprise Manager responds with an error message saying the device can't be deleted because it contains system tables. Is there any way to get the expanded portion of tempdb out of my application device so that the device can be deleted, without reinstalling SQL Server?
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Nov 25, 2007
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: Cannot open backup device '\.Tape0'. Operating system error 5(error not found). (
i have only one sql instance and tape is istalled successfully.
please help me to find solution for this error.
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Jan 26, 2004
I am using 6.5 .
Here is the error that i get
Think that tempdb is small how do i change that or what is this error about'
Application-defined or object-defined error 40002
37000: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Can't allocate space for object '##RevByNetSALIMJUMMA' in database 'tempdb' because the 'default' segment is full. If you ran out of space in Syslogs, dump the transaction log. Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE or sp_extendsegment to increase the size of the segment.( 1105)
I only have data and log device how do i increase the tempdb device
let me know
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Sep 18, 2007
hi, I have a customer that I look after the server for, they have a scanning system that runs with sql server they have started getting the message below despite 30gb of free space any ideas on a fix?
Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: No space left on device in C:InetpubwwwrootDMSadd_external_file.php on line 38
Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: No space left on device in C:InetpubwwwrootDMSadd_external_file.php on line 45 Unable to upload file:C:/office files/Scanning/119129/Estate Agents/SP.pdf
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Jul 14, 2015
I am trying to take backup on network folder but I am getting below error:
Msg 3201, Level 16, State 1, Line 9
Cannot open backup device 'xyz.xy.z.xyabcdexyxyzarchive_2015_7_14_11_14_58.Diff'. Operating system error 1326(Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.).
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 9
BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
NOTE:- The folder abcde is protected by password , When I try to open the xyz.xy.z.xy, I provide password to connect.
I am using the below script :
DECLARE @filename VARCHAR(255)
SELECT @filename ='xyz.xy.z.xyabcdexyxyzarchive_' +Â
 LTRIM(STR(DATEPART(year, GETDATE()))) + '_' +
 LTRIM(STR(DATEPART(month, GETDATE()))) + '_' +
[Code] ...
How to troubleshoot / resolve this error permanently?
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Sep 19, 2007
We are getting an extremely strange SQL CE error 25955 when running some queries on a specific Windows Mobile 5 device in a .NET CF2 application. The app has been tested on a wide range of devices (both WM5 and WM2003), but this error only happens on one of them (details follow).
Error details (SqlServerCeException)
NativeError = 25955
Message = "Unknown error [ float,numeric ]"
(HResult = -2147467259)
SQLCE books online say: token: SSCE_M_QP_BAD_BOOL_OP_TYPE, description: The data type is not valid for the Boolean operation., string parameters: Data type (if known), Data type (if known)
Query details
The following query text fails:
Code Snippet
select X, Y, Z from TableName where KeyValue1 = 79.3 and KeyValue2 = 0This one works (note the absence of decimal):
Code Snippet
select X, Y, Z from TableName where KeyValue1 = 70 and KeyValue2 = 0
DB table details
Column types: X, Y, Z and KeyValue1 are float, KeyValue2 is bit
Composite PK on columns KeyValue1 and KeyValue2
So it seems the SQLCE query processor has trouble matching 79.3 with the float type column, considering the value to be a numeric instead... while that works perfectly on every tested device except this one.
Device model: Mio DigiWalker A701 (WM5 with phone - other tested WM5 devices with phone do work fine)
SQL version: SQL CE 3
Anyone with an idea/suggestion will be most welcome.
Thanks in advance!
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Apr 16, 2007
New to VS2005 and I've got a simple WM5 app that runs fine on the emulator, but when I do a deploy to the device and try to run it I get:
'System.Data.SqlServerCE, Version = 3.0.3600.0, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 3BE235DF1C8D2AD3' or one of its dependencies, was not found.
I have added the *.sdf to the Deploy project and in the dependencies portion of the Deploy project it has the "System.Data.SqlServerCE.dll" listed.
Appreciate any comments or suggestions.
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May 16, 2000
Can anyone spread any light on the following.
I've created a database of 2 tables which exists over 2 drives. I had a 6 Gig log file on one drive and a 1 Gig log file on the other so I used sp_detach_db to detach it. I then deleted the log files and attempted to sp_attach_db with the following:
"sp_attach_db @dbname =N'cwc_load', @filename1 = N'f:cwc_loadcwc_load_data.mdf', @filename2 = N'e:cwc_loadcwc_load_data2.mdf'"
which are the locations of the .mdf files.
I get the error messages 5105 and 945 (which cannot be tracked down using either the Microsoft site or on-line help) but the messages are "Device Activation error. The physical file name 'F:cwc_loadcwc_load_log.ldf' may be incorrect"
"Database 'cwc_load' cannot be opened because some of the files cannot be activated"
which to me tends to suggest that the database is looking for the log files (now deleted).
I've tried forcing a new log file I created using the same locations for the mdfs. I've tried using create database cwc_load on primary (filename = 'etc) which gives the same error message, please tell me someone out there has a resolution for this.
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Aug 6, 2002
As part of moving to SQL2K from SQL7 I'm doing sp_detach_db and sp_attach_db on the source server. For those databases that have multiple .ldf files do I need to add a separate filename= line to the sp_attach_db command for each .ldf, or only reference the original .ldf in a single filename?
P.S. Given that I've done a few databases already, what's the effect of entering only the single filename line if multiple filename lines were required?
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