Difference Between SSIS And Biztalk

Dec 29, 2006


Can anybody please tell me the basic differences between Biztalk and SSIS and when to choose which technology over other?


Sandeep Saran

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Biztalk Vs SSIS As An ETL Tool

Jan 14, 2008


At our company we are considering building an architecture for file
imports and processing and considering both Biztalk and SSIS at this

My understanding from reading the material out there regarding this
subject that Biztalk is more suited for integrating applications and
real time communication of information and SSIS is more suited for
bulk loads into databases/data warehouses and data manipulation.

Currently we are somewhat along the lines described above, but there
is a desire to use one technology over the other for importing files
and data manipulation, and I am not sure that is practical. Also
there is a debate currently as to whether Biztalk does better at
handling logic than SSIS.

I have read through the article on microsoft site that outlines the
above - http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/biztalk/2004/whitepapers...

However, I would like to get some input from people who have actually
used both these tools in the real world for ETL process and could
provide some insight so as to help us make an informed decision.


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SSIS Calling Into BizTalk Business Rules Engine (BTS BRE)

Oct 11, 2007

We are planning to use the BTS BRE for our business rules and calling these from a data flow transformation (e.g. for every row in a flat file during import). One way would be to use a script component.
However, the question is that the script component would have to create and destroy BRE objects (e.g. a BRE Policy object) for every row in the flat file.
Is there a way to instantiate objects and whole on to them for the lifetime of the package or a container within a package?

Any suggestions regarding achieving the above most efficiently would be much appreciated.


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What Is The Difference Between BCP And SSIS ?

Oct 26, 2007

What is the difference between BCP and SSIS ?

Altaf Hussain Nizamuddin

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What Is The Difference Between BCP And SSIS ?

Oct 26, 2007

What is the difference between BCP and SSIS ?

Altaf Hussain Nizamuddin

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SSB BizTalk Scenarios

Aug 18, 2006

What are the specific types of scenarios where we could use SSB and BizTalk in tandem?

I have come across a gotdotnet sample of an SSB adapter for BizTalk. As i understand a Biztalk orchestration could be an end point for the SSB conversation.

But what advantages can be obtained using this as compared to a typical SQL adapter for BizTalk which does CRUD operations on DB.

any pointers in this directions would be helpful



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PMML And BizTalk

Mar 15, 2007

Hello! Anybody know if can I use (and
how can I use) PMML with the rule engine of Biztalk Server, or if there
is some module that translate PMML format to Biztalk. Sorry by my

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Record Difference In SSIS

Jun 4, 2008


when I run this script on SQL Server Management Studio I get 50,000 records. If I run it in an SSIS package, it runs but I get 0 records returned. Why?

Please help.


Declare @year table
([Acreage] [varchar](5) NOT NULL,
[CurrentYr] [varchar](5) NOT NULL)

insert into @year values ('acres', '2008')

SELECT year.acreage, year.currentyr, property_char.property_id, ROUND(property_char.value,0) as PropID

property_char INNER JOIN
property ON property_char.property_id = property.id INNER JOIN
property_char AS pc2 ON property.id = pc2..property_id INNER JOIN
prop_valuation ON property.id = prop_valuation.property_id INNER JOIN
val_component ON property.id = val_component.property_id, @year as year

WHERE property_char.property_id < 81695 AND
property_char.property_id = property.id AND
property_char.prop_char_typ_code = 'SIZE'
property_char.tax_year = '2008'
pc2.prop_char_typ_code = 'USECD'
(pc2.value not in ('85','86','87','88','95')
pc2.tax_year = '2008' AND
pc2.property_id = property.id
property.pact_code = 'REAL'
(property.eff_to_date is null OR property.eff_to_date >= getdate())
prop_valuation.property_id = property.id
prop_valuation.tax_year = '2008'
prop_valuation.local_assed_ind = 'Y'
val_component.value_type = 'MKLND'
val_component.property_id = property.id
val_component.tax_year = '2008'
val_component.modified_value > 0)
AND NOT EXISTS (Select 'z' from parcel_exclude where property.parcel_number = parcel_exclude.parcel_number AND special_assessment = 'CD')

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SQLSERVER Config For Biztalk

May 4, 2007


I have installed SQLSERVER 2005 in Windows 2003 Server with mixed mode authentication.

Now I am unable to connect it from my windows Xp client system. When I specify the credentials the following error msg displays

"Specified Database cannot be reached Incorrect Server name or login. User may not be associated with trusted sqlserver connection"

My Server Config as follows

servername :vijay

login details:


In Biztalk server 2006, Cofiguration wizard I gave server name as "vijay"


username : sa ; pwd : sa;

Kindly help me in getting it right.



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Biztalk 2004, One Stored Procedure For 2 Tables

Dec 15, 2006


I have an orchestration that recieves a pricelist flat file and it must insert into 2 tables - article, articlePrice(for each LotSize) into sql server using a sql adapter. I also want it to check if a record exists for that lotSize and update it if it does. The records are indentified with a uniqueidentifier. So I have 3 if statements:
1 - if (<the article does not exist(checks SupplierArticleNumber)>)
<insert a record into article table>
<insert a record into articlePrice table>

2 - else if(<the article exists but not for that lotSize>)
<insert a new record in articlePrice table>)

3 - else
update the corresponding ArticlePrice row.

My problem is in writing the sp, first it checks if the article exists, if it does then it creates a row in the article table and then one into the articlePrice table. My question is how do I get a hold on the "articleGUID"(pk - uniqueidentifier) that was created on the first table on insertion in order to create the row in the second table(fk)?

And is this possible with one stored procedure? If not does anyone know in Biztalk what other way to do this?

I am new to both Biztalk and sql, so I don't really know what I am doing? I would really appreciate any suggestions!


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Integration Services :: How To Get MM:SS When Doing Difference Between Start And End Dates In SSIS

May 28, 2015

I need getting the HH:MM:SS format when we do datepart.

For example, am using a variable to capture the time taken to execute the package using Start and End time stamps captured.

I would like to get the HH:MM:SS format of the datediff.

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Which Edition And Build Of SQL Server 2005 To Use For Biztalk 2006?

Oct 12, 2007

Hi all -

We are planning to use a 2-node SQL Server 2005 cluster as part of a new Biztalk 2006 project, and I would like some advice regarding SQL Server service packs and editions.

Testing has already been running for some time without problems, but the test environment (a) is not clustered, (b) is using SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition rather than Enterprise and (c) has neither of the SQL Server service packs installed.

As this is a major project for us, my instinct would be to use Enterprise Edition (maximise performance and scalability)
and to apply SP2 (because I thought it was best practice to be up-to-date). I would have liked to do this before we go Live so we don't run the risk of having to change afterwards if we hit a problem.

Understandably, the project guys' perspective is this: testing so far has not been affected by SQL Server bugs, and we should go Live with the environment we have tested in, albeit with the planned 2-node cluster which is seen as a 'must have'.

I have trawled Books Online, Technet and other resources without success, so any thoughts or info on required, recommended or preferred combinations of Biztalk 2006 with SQL Server 2005 editions and service packs in a clustered
environment would be greatly appreciated - thanks!


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XML Request (send) And XML Response (receive) Data Thru BIZTALK 2006.

Oct 2, 2007

I am new to BIZTALK 2006; Please help me get started as below>>
I have XML Request (send) and XML Response (receive) data;
What are the steps needed for this to be accomplished in BizTalk to create webservice for this?

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Integration Services :: SSIS 2012 ISPAC And Project Naming Difference

Nov 29, 2013

We are using MSBuild with a custom activity to build and deploy ISPACs from SSDT BI 2012.  We are building the ISPAC by calling the invoke process activity which inturn performs a build of the solution using devenv.exe.

All of this is working fine until we have solutions/ projects (dtproj) with complex names.  We have a solution named Company.Project.SSIS.Package.sln when we do a build it creates an ISPAC as expected however it is named incorrectly - Company.Project.ispac. 

When we subsequently deploy the ISPAC, it creates a project in the catalog called Company.Project.SSIS again this is wrong.  This also happend if i perform a manual build in VS2012. 

The issue is, the automated deployment of the ISPAC fails as it is looking for a file with a different name. Is there a way of changing these settings?

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Can Anyone Give Me A Layman's Explanation Of The Difference Between CURRENT_TIMESTAMP And GETDATE() (if There Is A Difference)?

Oct 24, 2007

Question is in the subject.

Thanks in advance

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Difference With SQL Server 2k5 SSIS Dev Edition Vs SQL Server 2k5 SSIS Enterprise Edition

Nov 16, 2006


Just want to ask if there will be any difference if I start to develeope a a package from the SSIS dev? rather than the enterprise edition?

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How To Create A Trigger Such That It Can Delete The Rows Whenever Any Other Application Such As Biztalk Had Read The Rows ?

Mar 12, 2007

I had created a trigger which sees that whether a database is updated if it is its copy the values of the updated row into another control table now I want to read the content of control_table into BIzTalk and after reading I want to delete it.Can any one suggest the suitable ay to do this?

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Difference Between The Fuzzy Lookup And Fuzzy Grouping In Ssis

Aug 14, 2007

Dear Friends,

i think fuzzy lookup


what is fuzzy grouping ???? please explain


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SQL Server To BizTalk Server

Apr 25, 2003

We are evaluating BizTalk as an "hub" in our integration strategy. Does anyone know how (or if it is possible)to place transactions from SQL Server (f.ex. by using triggers) into a message queue which BiZTalk can receive from ?
Any other suggestions on how to connect SQL Server and BizTalk ?

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What Is The Difference Between

Feb 28, 2007

What is the difference between below? And how can I make GETDATE() the same as System.DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()?

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What Is Difference?

Feb 5, 2008

Hi all,
What is the difference between SQL Server 2000 & SQL Server 2005?

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Jul 7, 2000

Can anybody tell me what is the difference between backing up database to a file and backing up to backup device.

Thanx in adv.

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Difference Between BCP And DTS

Dec 16, 2002

I am transfereing Data into text format.
The datas are about 5 table and has almost 50000 to 2 million rows.
I am using the same query for BCP and DTS. But I find the dreference between those. I mean DTS is taking less memory and more time than BCP to complete the process .
Anybody can share any comment for this issue ?.

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Difference Between SP's

Aug 18, 2004

Can somebody tell or may refer to a site that show the differences between SQL Server 2000 SP2 and SP3a.


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Is There A Difference?

Mar 10, 2004

Is there really a difference of approach?

I have several things to consider in an estimating database. Production, Shipping, Field Work, Field Hardware, etc...

All of the above have account numbers. Now I was wondering, would there be any benifit to having one table or several tables?

One Table Example

Account (PK) | Category | Description


Multiple tables

Account (PK) | Description

Account (PK) | Description

Account (PK) | Description

I like having the tables split up and/or all in one.

Any thoughts, pros / cons?

Mike B

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What's The Difference ???

Apr 9, 2008

What is the difference between stored procedure and functions ?

thanx in advance

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May 16, 2006

What is the difference between Inline-table value function and multi statement table value function?
Thanks In Advance

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Difference Between BCP And DTS

Sep 4, 2006

Hi Experts,
please tell me the difference between BCP and DTS

provide me links if possible.

thankyou very much

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Why The Difference In DTS?

Sep 8, 2006

hello friends,
i've bee working in DTS just from 2 days.

i've one database like 'x' and now i've exported the data to a newly created database 'y'

but in this y database i got much memory like around 30 mb.
why this happend?

sorry if this is a small question.

thankyou friends

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Jan 16, 2007

I want to know the difference between
SQL server Express and
SQL server 2005 Express Edition.


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Set Difference?

Feb 6, 2007

hi, i'm having difficulty figuring out how to implement a set difference between two queries. the only set operator i've been able to come across is union. thanks in advance!

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Difference Between T-SQL SP And CLR SP

Dec 21, 2007

Hi all,

May any one tell the differnce between t-sql Stored procedure and the same SP written in CLR compatible?.Will CLR SP really improve the performance?

Your response will be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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Difference Among Them

Jul 6, 2006

Hi everyone,
What is the real difference among them ?
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_devamsizlik


CREATE FUNCTION sp_devamsizlik
CHAR(20) )

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