Difference Between These Two SQL Express

May 17, 2006

Anyone can tell me the difference between

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services


Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Toolkit

I am wondering which one should i install

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Difference Between The SQL Server Express Bundled With C#/VB VS The Downloadable SQL Server Express SP1 With Advanced Services

Aug 31, 2006

What is the Difference between the SQL Server Express Bundled with C#/VB VS the downloadable SQL Server Express SP1 with advanced Services?

I installed C# with SQL Server Express, however I wanted to add the Full Text Searching and the SQL Server Management Studio Express, so I downloaded and installed the SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services SP1. When I installed it over top of my current installation, it complained of version mismatching, and then C# failed to recognize that I had SQL 2005 Express installed at all.

What I'd like to know is, which version is more current (they have to be different, they had different version numbers, one was 9.xx.xxxx the other was 2005.9.xx.xxxx) The one bundled with C#, or the SP1 downloadable one.

Firstly, I want to be up todate as far as security patches, and Secondly, how do I add the full text searching and SSMSE to the one bundled with C# without breaking it.

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How To Tell Difference Between Sql 2005 Express

Oct 15, 2007

HI guys

I installed the SQL server 2005 express edition, but it shows in my add/remove programs as "Microsoft SQL server 2005".

Howcan I tell which version I have installed ?

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SQL Server Vs. Express Behaviour Difference...

Jun 4, 2008

Hi all,
I want to share an experience I made in the last few days and like to hear your comments about it. I am developing an ASP.Net 2.0 Web Application using SQL Server 2005 on my local system. After implementation was done, I had to deploy the application to the production server. Because of license problems, on the server is the express edition of SQL Server installed. The system worked fine for about 2 month. But the last week we noticed, that there was deadlocks in the application. After searching a while I noticed, that there were a lot of open connections. When you open SQL Server Management Studio and look at Management > Activity Monitor, you can see all opened connections in the connection pool.
So the problem was, that with every request, a new connection was created, instead of using the existing ones, even if the state of the connections was sleeping. On SQL Express, if a specific limit of connections is reached, it'll wait for a connection to be released, but there is no release, so it threw a timeout error. But suprisingly, on SQL Server there also were a lot of connections created, but there were never a deadlock, which I can't explain. Also I can't explain, why it also worked for 2 months on SQL Express.
The architecture:
I have data classes, which are implementing IDisposable. In the dispose method, I call Dispose on the connection and set it to null. And in code I instanciate my data classes in using blocks. So on reaching the end of the using block the data class instance is disposed. In the dispose method the connection is disposed. So I thought, that everythink will work fine, but it doesn't.
The problem was solved by calling Close() on the connection in the Dispose method in my data class just before calling conn.Dispose().
So does this make sense to you? The fact, that it solved my problem lets me believe to that solution, but I can't really say why. So if you have any ideas or knowledge, I'd love to hear it.

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Problem: Performance Difference Between MSDE And SQL Express 2005

Feb 4, 2007

Hello, all, I started out thinking my problems were elsewhere but as Ihave worked through this I have isolated my problem, currently, as adifference between MSDE and SQL Express 2005 (I'll just call itExpress for simplicity).I have, to try to simplify things, put the exact same DB on twosystems, one running MSDE and one running Express. Both have 2 Ghzprocessors (one Intel, one AMD), both have a decent amount of RAM(Intel system has 1 GB, AMD system has 512 MB), and plenty of GB offree disk space. MSDE is running on the Intel system, Express isrunning on the AMD system. To keep things fair I use the exact sameDB's and query on both systems. The DB's were created on MSDE so Isp_detach_db'd them from MSDE and then sp_attach_db'd them to Express(this is how MS says to do a "side-by-side" upgrade, so it'sacceptable to do so). After fighting problems in performancedifferences in different situations I have narrowed the problem downto this:Executing a simple select statement with join clause on the databasesyields a difference in execution time that is quite great. Using theExpress Management program I can run the query against either system(MSDE or Express, the two systems are connected via crossover cable toeliminate any network problems/issues). When running the queryagainst the MSDE system (which is over the network) I consistently get<20 ms response times on the query. When running the query againstthe Express installation (which is in shared memory) I consistentlyget 700 ms or longer response times. Both times are for the TotalExecution Time.The query is simply this: select db1.* from db1.owner.tablename as db1inner join db2.owner.tablename as db2 on db1.pkey = db2.someid wheredb1.criteria = 3So, gimme all the columns from one table in one DB (local to theinstallation), matching the records in another DB (also local to theinstallation), where one field in the first db matches a field in thesecond db and where, in the first db, one column value = 3.The first table has a total record count of 630 records of which only12 match the where clause. The second table has a total record countof about 2,700 of which only 12 match up on the 12 out of 630.Even though the data is the same and I've done the detach and attach,and even done the sp_updatestats, the difference in execution time isremarkable, in a bad way.Checking the Execution Plan reveals that both queries have the samesteps, but, on the MSDE system the largest consumer in the process isthe Clustered Index Scan of the 630 record table (DB1 in my queryexample), using 85%. The next big consumer is a Clustered Index Seekagainst the other table (2,700 rows), using 15%.The Execution Plan against the Express system reveals basically theexact opposite: 27% going to the Clustered Index Scan of the 630record DB1, and 72% going to the Clustered Index Seek of the 2,700record DB2.I'm sorry to be stupid but I have this information but I don't knowwhat to do with it. The best that I can tell from this is that thisis the source of my problems. My problems are that on my currentsystems that my clients use the data is returned to them faster thanthey can click the mouse and that the new system (that is, when theychose (or are forced by attrition) to move to Vista and thus Express2005) the screen pop is like 1.5 seconds. This creates poor userexperience. Worse, one process I allow the users to do goes fromtaking 14-30 seconds to over 4 minutes (all on the same machine withthe same OS and version of my program, so it's not a machine or OS ormy app problem).Anyway, I hope someone can shed some light on this now that I've paredit down some.Thanks in advance.--HC

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Can Anyone Give Me A Layman's Explanation Of The Difference Between CURRENT_TIMESTAMP And GETDATE() (if There Is A Difference)?

Oct 24, 2007

Question is in the subject.

Thanks in advance

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Wots The Difference B/w SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition And Express Edition

Sep 23, 2006

Hello!M a newbie.. I just want to know, that wots the difference b/w SQL Server Standard Edition and Express Edition.?And can I use Visual Studio 2005 (Professional Edition) with SQL Server Express Edition.?

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What Are The Difference Between SQL Server 2000 And SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

Mar 3, 2006

What are the difference between SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 Express Edition.?

Or where i can find the list of differences. ?

Can SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 Express Edition can be used interchangeably for basic database operations?

Hope to get some response soon.



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Difference Between MS Sql Server Management Studio And MS Sql Server 2005 Express?

May 30, 2008

What is the difference between MS SQL Server Management Studio Express and MS SQL Server 2005 Express Edition? i download SQLEXPR.EXE, do i also need to download the other?

thank you.

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If All What I Used Is The Express Version - Is It Possible To Connect And Use The Sql.s Express Form The Vs. Express

Apr 14, 2008

I got a sql server express that i am trying to connect form win or web forms(2.0) €“ express as well.

My problem:
Can not connect to the server in any way!
Even the designer cont find any sql server on my machine; for example "the data source configuration manager" (gui) in enyn way its can not find the sql server express (2005)

So my question is:
if all what i used is the express version - is it possible to connect and use the sql.s express form the vs. express

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What Is The Difference Between

Feb 28, 2007

What is the difference between below? And how can I make GETDATE() the same as System.DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()?

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What Is Difference?

Feb 5, 2008

Hi all,
What is the difference between SQL Server 2000 & SQL Server 2005?

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Jul 7, 2000

Can anybody tell me what is the difference between backing up database to a file and backing up to backup device.

Thanx in adv.

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Difference Between BCP And DTS

Dec 16, 2002

I am transfereing Data into text format.
The datas are about 5 table and has almost 50000 to 2 million rows.
I am using the same query for BCP and DTS. But I find the dreference between those. I mean DTS is taking less memory and more time than BCP to complete the process .
Anybody can share any comment for this issue ?.

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Difference Between SP's

Aug 18, 2004

Can somebody tell or may refer to a site that show the differences between SQL Server 2000 SP2 and SP3a.


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Is There A Difference?

Mar 10, 2004

Is there really a difference of approach?

I have several things to consider in an estimating database. Production, Shipping, Field Work, Field Hardware, etc...

All of the above have account numbers. Now I was wondering, would there be any benifit to having one table or several tables?

One Table Example

Account (PK) | Category | Description


Multiple tables

Account (PK) | Description

Account (PK) | Description

Account (PK) | Description

I like having the tables split up and/or all in one.

Any thoughts, pros / cons?

Mike B

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What's The Difference ???

Apr 9, 2008

What is the difference between stored procedure and functions ?

thanx in advance

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May 16, 2006

What is the difference between Inline-table value function and multi statement table value function?
Thanks In Advance

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Difference Between BCP And DTS

Sep 4, 2006

Hi Experts,
please tell me the difference between BCP and DTS

provide me links if possible.

thankyou very much

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Why The Difference In DTS?

Sep 8, 2006

hello friends,
i've bee working in DTS just from 2 days.

i've one database like 'x' and now i've exported the data to a newly created database 'y'

but in this y database i got much memory like around 30 mb.
why this happend?

sorry if this is a small question.

thankyou friends

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Jan 16, 2007

I want to know the difference between
SQL server Express and
SQL server 2005 Express Edition.


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Set Difference?

Feb 6, 2007

hi, i'm having difficulty figuring out how to implement a set difference between two queries. the only set operator i've been able to come across is union. thanks in advance!

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Difference Between T-SQL SP And CLR SP

Dec 21, 2007

Hi all,

May any one tell the differnce between t-sql Stored procedure and the same SP written in CLR compatible?.Will CLR SP really improve the performance?

Your response will be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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Difference Among Them

Jul 6, 2006

Hi everyone,
What is the real difference among them ?
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_devamsizlik


CREATE FUNCTION sp_devamsizlik
CHAR(20) )

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Apr 24, 2007

Are SQL Server Express & SQL Server 2005 one & the same thing? Or is the former a part of the latter? Actually when I was downloading Visual Web Developer 2005 Express, I was given the option to download Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition as well; so I am getting confused between SQL Server Express & SQL Server 2005.

I installed SQL Server 2005 in my WinXP Pro m/c. from the Microsoft website (after re-installing WinXP Pro since XP became corrupt). Earlier I used to login to Management Studio Express using my m/c. name followed by a followed by SQLEXPRESS as the server name. So if my m/c. name is MyPC, then I used to login to Management Studio Express using MyPCSQLEXPRESS as the server name but now when I try to login to Management Studio Express using the above server name i.e. MyPCSQLEXPRESS, then an error gets thrown saying

Cannot connect to MyPCSQLEXPRESS.

Now how do I find out what's the server name so that I can login to create & manage databases in Management Studio Express?

Please note that after re-installing WinXP Pro, my m/c. name has remained the same; I didn't change it.



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Difference Between CONTAINS And LIKE

Sep 29, 2007

I want to know what are the differencve between CONTAINS and LIKE, Which is better to use and in which condition.????
I searched on google but can't able to find out major differnces or any good article realted to this,

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Sep 7, 2007

I want to know what is the difference between views and joins. why we are going for views in sql server.

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Difference Between Variables

Feb 22, 2008

I have two numeric variables in T-SQL - @Var1 and @Var2These variables can be positive or negative. I want to find the difference between the two variables, eg:@Var1 = -50@Var2 = 25Difference = 25 @Var1 = -50@Var2 = -40Difference = 10 @Var1 = 60@Var2 = 10Difference = 50 Is there a function in SQL Server to carry this out? 

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Month Difference

Mar 11, 2008

How to find a month difference using sql query?               

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Whats The Difference

Feb 2, 2004

Between having SQL and using SQL server enterprise manager with MSDE

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Difference Between SP And Function

Nov 29, 2004

Hi All,

It may be sound weird. I want to find the difference between SQL Stored procedure and functions. I knew a couple one is for function, parameter is must where as in SP its not, second is function would return a value whereas procedure wont.

Is there anythign else???

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Time Difference

Aug 19, 2005

I want to create a View, which contains columns from two tables, and an additional column, which should calculate the difference between two dates.01/05/2005 7:30 AM - 01/05/2005 8:00 AMThe column should be a calculated column,Can I assign the value of a column to a user defined function?In the UDF, how to get the difference between those two dates to be: "00:30"Are there SQL Server functions to time and date that allows me to do so? I have dateadd, datediff, but I am unable to figure out the 2 problems above.thank you,

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Avg Time Difference

Aug 21, 2005

In my table i have two cols and datatype datetime, for example they has the values,--------StartDate --------------------------------------- StopDate ------______________________________________________01/05/2005 7:30 AM ------------------------ 03/05/2005 10:00 AM13/05/2005 2:30 PM ------------------------- 01/08/2005 8:00 PM_____________________________________________How do I find out the avg time difference between StopDate and StartDate? I tried AVG(StopDate - StartDate ), but it's giving me the following error message. "The average aggregate operation cannot take a smalldatetime data type as an argument."Thanks for any reply.

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