Differences Between SQL 2005 Thats Comes With Vs2005 And SQL 2005 Standalone ??

Nov 2, 2005

I just want to run a webiste off my home computer with a dynamic address.It seems I can do all I want with the SQL that comes with vs2005 except being able to backup the DBIs the SQL 2005 that comes with vs2005 good enoh for everything I should want to do?? Is there some chart somewhere that explains the differences ?

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Can I Use Sql Server 2005 On My Standalone Laptop

Aug 13, 2007

Can someone please tell me if i can use SQL Server 2005 on my standalone laptop, and how do i connect, i dont know how to set up the password so i can connect

Many thanks Rob

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What Is The Difference Between SQL Server 2005 Installed With .NET And A Standalone One

Aug 19, 2006

Please could anyone tell me what are the real differences between SQL Server 2005 bundled along with Visual Studio.NET and a standalone one.

Thanks in advance.

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Absolute Beginner - How Do I Carry Out A STANDALONE Install Of MSSQL EE 2005

Feb 19, 2007


I want to install SQLExp2K5 with Advanced Services on a standalone basis on my Dell Inspiron XPS laptop (Win XP sp2, .NET 2.0; 2gb RAM; 8mb broadband; hardware firewall/router) so that I can learn SQL/VB/VWD, and want to use SQL E 2K5 without internet connectivity (at least until I know what the hell I'm doing!)

Really confused as to what component(s), and services I should/should not install - so I've listed my questions below:

1. Service Account: As I'm not on / dont have a domain, i presume using a domain user account is not an option for me. Should I use the Local Service account ? If so, what are/can be the issues in doing so?

2. Authentication Mode: Is Windows Authentication the one to use for a standalone install?; how would I enable the "sa" account and set an "sa" password? In fact, do I even need an"sa" account / password for a standalone, non internet connected install?

3. Components at install: Is it OK to install all components first off?

4. IIS: Is it possible to install IIS and not allow it access to the internet (or is this a stupid question -bearing in mind I dont really know what IIS is/does)

5: Business Intelligence Development Suite: How do I add BIDS once (IF) I manage to install SQLExp2K5-Adv.Ser,?

6. SQLExp2K5 Books on-line: Am I right in thinking that I should install this after installing SQLExp2K5?

7: Visual Basic Express/Visual Web Developer Express: Do these need to be configured seperately to work with SQLExp2K5?

Sorry about the length of this post, but have tried to be as clear as possible. Also apologise in advance for silly/stupid questions :)

All help and advice greatly appreciated.



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Differences Between SQL Server 2005 X64 Vs X86?

Mar 12, 2007

Hi there,

I'm trying to find what are the main differences between SQL Server 2005 64-bits and 32-bits. So far, I've found some articles about TPC-C performance but I would like to know some response time or execution time of a batch or SSIS packages.

Any information about this 2 versions is appreciated.


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Connection String Differences In SQL 2005

Apr 15, 2008


I'm a SQL n000b, and have just joined the forum 5 minutes ago seeking an answer to this problem that I've encountered. It seems that the way connection strings are handled in SQL 2005 have changed. This connection string used to work, but is now borked:

<add key="DBNAME.ConnectionString" value="packet size=4096;integrated security=SSPI;data source='sqlvirdev0035dev35';persist security info=False;initial catalog=DBNAME;connection timeout=60" />

Has something explicitly changed in SQL 2005 that would break this <add key>? Does something need to be set server side in order to handle these connection strings now? I have no idea why this won't work anymore, I just know that it doesn't work.

Ty for any help,

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Differences Between MS SQL Server 2000 And 2005?

Jan 20, 2006

Firslty, my aplogies if this is documented elsewhere - I am a new user to SQL Team and not yet found everything! I hope someone here can help me...

In brief, I am making the foolish mistake of embarking on my third and final year of an MS(c) degree in forensic computing. For my final year project I am intending to study and document (for forensic computing purposes) the forensic capture and investigation of data from a MS SQL Server database.

However, my experience is mostly from MySQL! In other words, I know very little about the internal structure of MS SQL Server 2000 or 2005.

Which leads me to my question....

Can anyone point me in the direction of a technical pagedocumentpdf (whatever) that details what the core fundamental differences are between 2000 and 2005. I'm not talking about an MS publicity paper - no, I need a non-bias technical guide which states the differences as fact.

If the differences in 2005 are mostly just cosemtic (the GUI etc) then I'll study 2000 because lots is already known and documented about it it seems. However, if it's much more than that and the differences are specific to what I'm studying (the forensic capture) then I'll probably have to go with 2005 because that's what we will be encountering more of in the next few years and the differences will effect the investigator.

Your time and responses much appreciated.



(BTW - Having looked at the description of 'Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2000', it seems like it might be a good book for my project (if I do 2000). Would you guys agree?)


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Differences Betwee 2000 And 2005 SQL

Jul 9, 2007


I have a simple sql statement that used to work in SQL 2000 that isn't working in SQL 2005. The order by clause doesn't seem to have any effect on the result set. The sql statement is:




The period end date is appearing in ascinding order on sql server 2005 and in the correct order in sql 2000. Any idea? Thank you for your help

- T.A.

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What Is The Differences Between Having And Where Clause In MS SQL 2000or MS SQL 2005 ?

Mar 11, 2008

Can I know about the above answer with 1 or examples if anybody can ?

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What Are The Differences Between MS SQL Server 2005 &&amp; Oracle 9i ?

Aug 5, 2006

Hi guyz,
I have basic knowledge of Sql Server 2005 and now i wanna move ahead in Oracle 9i !
So, i have 2 questions here -

a)Whats the Difference between Sql Server 2005 and Oracle 9 i ?

Note: Please keep the discussion general so that student like me can understand. I have never seen Oracle but the industry requirements suggest that Oracle is way better than than SQL Server 2005. But thats what i think

b)I am Running Windows XP SP 2 and i would like to practise Oracle 9i. So, Where i can download it for free ? I know i have checked there website but they don't mention the difference between each version. Oracle does't market their products as well as Microsoft.

Please , I am Student .. so i request you to make the discussion general .
Thank you for your time.

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UPDATE Statement Differences Between 2000 And 2005

Jun 21, 2007

I just wanted to post a difference I found between SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 regarding UDPATE statements that are done on a join. I understand that if tables are designed correctly this won't be a problem. But, when you inherit a bad design, you are unfortunately stuck with it. Hopefully this will help ease data differences in your migration from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005.

Run this code on a SQL 2000 connection, then run on SQL 2005. My guess on the behavior difference is strictly performance based since 2005 pulls the top result. Either way it can cause a lot of head scratching if you're not aware of it.

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#UpdateTestA') IS NOT NULL


IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#UpdateTestB') IS NOT NULL



UpdateTestA int identity(1, 1),

FullName varchar(20),

UpdateData varchar(10))


UpdateTestB int identity(1, 1),

FullName varchar(20),

UpdateData varchar(10))



VALUES ('Barney Rubble')




VALUES ('Barney Rubble', 'First')




VALUES ('Barney Rubble', 'Second')

SELECT * FROM #UpdateTestA


SET a.UpdateData = b.UpdateData

FROM #UpdateTestA a

INNER JOIN #UpdateTestB b on b.FullName = a.FullName

SELECT * FROM #UpdateTestA



Hope this solves a problem that you were having too.

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View SELECT Differences Between SQL 2000 &&amp; 2005

Apr 8, 2008

I have the following a view on a SQL2K box that uses the following SELECT statement:


SAT.PublicationDate AS SATPubDate,
SAM.PublicationDate AS SAMPubDat
FROM SkuFlags SF
LEFT OUTER JOIN SpringArbor_music SAM ON SF.ISBN = SAM.PrimaryKey
( SAT.PublicationDate IS NOT NULL ) AND
( SAT.PublicationDate <> '010001' ) AND
( GETDATE() <= DATEADD(day, -1, ( CAST(LEFT(SAT.PublicationDate, 2) + '/01/' + RIGHT(SAT.PublicationDate, 4) AS DATETIME) )))
OR (
( SAM.PublicationDate <> '010001' ) AND
( SAM.PublicationDate IS NOT NULL ) AND
( GETDATE() <= DATEADD(day, -1, ( CAST(LEFT(SAM.PublicationDate, 2) + '/01/' + RIGHT(SAM.PublicationDate, 4) AS DATETIME)))

The view works in SQL2K. When I try to run it under SQL2K5, I get a "The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value." error. I know what the error is, the SAM.PublicationDate field has NULL values in it (and this is vendor supplied data that is updated frequently, so not dealing with NULL values isn't an option), so during the CAST function it's try to CAST NULL + /01/ + NULL into a DATETIME value and crashing.

My question is why this works in SQL2K and not SQL2K5?


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Merge Replication Differences Between SQL 2000 And SQL 2005

Jun 27, 2006

We have developed a mobile system that uses merge replication for SQL Mobile to SQL 2005. Previously we have developed mutliple mobile systems using merge replication for SQL Ce to SQL 2000.

Based on the knowledge we had gathered over about 4 years, we applied the synchronisation parameters for the SQL 2005 solution as we would for the SQL 2000 solution.

We have found there are some differences. Not too surprising I suppose, only some of these have us a little baffled.

For instance, there was a little flag called keep_partition_changes in SQL 2000 that is supposedly superceded by the use_partition_groups flag. However, if you don't set up your filtering to conform to the standards required by the use_pre_computed_partitions flag if you want it set to true, then the use_partition_groups flag gets set to false - also the @partition_options falg gets set back to 0 (static or non-unique data) when we want it at 3 (Single Parition, One subscriber).

To top it all off, when you get the use_partition_groups flag working, there are restrictions on which columns you can update on the device. WTF? This seems ludicrous, to be unable to update data at the subscriber - particularly information that allows you to effectively "delete" data from your subscription.

Examples of the current behaviour are as follows,

On initialize for a subscriber, the subscriber will receive their own data as inserts, plus exact multiples of that data as updates. Say there are 100 rows in TableA, the subscriber gets 100 inserts, plus 6000 updates. TableB has 20 rows, the subscriber gets 20 inserts, 1200 updates.

Further to this, performance goes out the window when synchronising changes. Typically the data flow will be between 5 and 200 changes in both directions for a synchronisation. We are seeing sync times in the replication monitor of over 20 seconds per user. Surely the calculations do not take that long. The tables in the database are not very large.

This behaviour gets significantly worse as we load the system. The application has an auto sync function which is timed to operate evry 10 minutes. However, now that there is in excess of 50 or so users on the system, those synchronisation times blow out to multiple minutes and the server starts to thrash. We have looked at indexing and maintenance but to no avail.

Everything still points to the merge replication setup.

So, it seems obvious to me that we are mising some key information about how to set up merge replication in SQL 2005. We woudl be very gratefull if someone could point out the errors of our ways.

Sorry for the convoluted post. Hope someone can help us.


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Differences Between 2005, 2000, And Express - Documentation, Whitepapers?

Apr 27, 2007

Can anyone point me in the direction of some NON-sales documentation on the differences between these product? I am sure, especially with Express, there are considerable functionality and architecture differences.

I've looked in BOL, and I've done searches online.

All i seem to get is sales related stuff.

I'm curious about the architecture of SQL 2005, SQL express. In 2000, there was some fairly detailed documentaiton on this subject, but 2005 BOL seems REALLY diffucult to find things.

I may just need to try different keywords...

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Trouble With VS2005 And MS SQL Server 2005

Mar 25, 2007

HiI recently installed MS SQL Server 2005 Developer Ed. w/ SP2 on my XP... I use VS2005 to create personal websites. I was previously using SQL Server Express, and things worked fine by default settings. I am a beginner to web development and I really don't know anything about SQL Server. I'm guessing it needs to be configured somehow to work with VS, but I have no idea how to do that. I have an existing Web App which uses a database for login functionality, and everytime I try and log on I get this message:An error has occurred while establishing a connection to
the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be
caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not
allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26
- Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)I made sure that the Server's database engine accepts remote connections but that didn't help. Does anyone have any suggestions?~Miro  

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Connecting VS2005 To SQL Server 2005

Sep 5, 2006

When I try to attach an ".mdf" to a project by right clicking on the project name the software looks for an instance of SQL Server 2005 Express. How do I alter this behavior to have it look to my full copy of SQL Server 2005 which appears to be working correctly?

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Upgrading Standalone 2005 Server To A Clustered Server

May 15, 2007

I have attached the SAN, configured the Windows Clustering and I'm ready for SQL. SQL Server 2005 was already on this machine as a stand alone. I removed all of the software and I'm reinstalling SQL. The cluster option is not enabled. Any ideas why?

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What Are The Differences Between CD1 And CD2 Of The SQL Server 2005 Enterprise? And Can I Just Attach The Sql2000 MDF File Into Sql2005?

Feb 4, 2006

I have new bought the SQL server 2005 enterprise, but it have 2 CDs, so what are the differences between CD1 and CD2? and so which one should i install first? or is it necessary to install both two or just need to install one of them?
And about my original sql 2000 database, can i just attach it's MDF file into the sql 2005 engine, or which import wizard can load the sql 2000 MDF into sql 2005? or do i need to keep the sql 2000 engine before do this?

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SqlServer 2005 Express Edition Under Vs2005 How Can I Install

Mar 4, 2008

hi Champion,
My machine is already having vs2003 with sqlserver 2000. Now when I have installed vs2005 that time I have not loaded sqlserver 2005 express edition.
But now when am trying to install the same i.e sqlserver 2005 express edition its unable to install/update this database.
the error coming as "None of the selected features can be installed or upgraded. Setup cannot proceed since no effective change is being made to the machine. To continue click Back, and then select features to install. To exit sql server setup, click cancel"
pls help

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Creating Sql Server 2005 Express Databases Via VS2005 Std.

Dec 5, 2007

This post is an extension onto the one below....
Please read my question at the bottom... cheers

Sept. 26th 2006

Hello all,

I use Visual Studio 2005 Standard. I would like to know the best way that I can create Sql Server 2005 Express databases visually since VS2005 Std. does not allow me to do it.
Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance,

- Noble Bell

I'd be interested in knowing how VS doesn't allow you to create a database. What error are you getting?
There are two ways to create databases, depending on your goal:

To just create a database on your server, do the following:

Open the Server Explorer
Right-click on Data Connections
Click Create New SQL Server Database
Specify Server Name and Database Name

Your database will be created and you can start working with it.

Embed a database in your project:

On the Project menu, click Add New Item.
Select SQL Database from the list and give it a name.
Click OK

This will run you thorugh a wizard to create the database.
If your having problems doing either of these, you may not have SQL Server installed on your computer or VS might be pointing to the wrong Instance Name. Check out the Option dialog under Database Tools:ata Connection and verify that the correct instance is specified.

- Mike Wachel - MSFT


I am trying to create a similar project and I also recieve an error while trying to create a database...

"An error has occured while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this
failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.
(provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could Not Open A Connection to SQL Server."

Now let me explain what i am trying to do ...
I am trying to create a web interface for the data that I want to store in the SQL database. I have installed VS2005 & SQL Server Express 2005 on my local machine. I want to develope this project on my local machine and then transfer it to a server once i have finished the project.

If i am doing this all wrong, please let me know !

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Localize Web ReportViewer Control In VS2005 / SSRS 2005 / ASP.net 2.0???

Apr 24, 2006

Is it possible to translate the web report viewer control to another language (german, french...)? I need to integrate the control in a multilingula website.

I need also to change the messages from the report during the rendering "Report is being created".

And is it possible to change the little green animated icon during the process of creating a report?


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Creating Sql Server 2005 Express Databases Via VS2005 Std.

Sep 27, 2006

Hello all,

I use Visual Studio 2005 Standard. I would like to know the best way that I can create Sql Server 2005 Express databases visually since VS2005 Std. does not allow me to do it.

Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance,

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SSIS 2005 Dependency For VS2005 Setup With Packages

Dec 14, 2006

I need to deploy some SSIS packages onto a remote Integration Server machine. Hence
I wrote a VS 2005 Setup with Custom Action (C# Installer class) which uses the
SSIS DTSX Dlls to deploy the Packages onto an Integration Server. I am shipping
all the necessary DLLs in the MSI itself, so that the MSI can run on any client
machine having just .NET 2.0 Framework installed.

When I run the Setup on a Machine having Integration Server, the Setup works
fine and the Packages are deployed.

However, if I try to run the MSI on a machine which just has the .NET 2.0
Framework installed, I get the following error.

SqlServer.DTS.Runtime.Application could not be created. Retrieving the COM
class factory for component with CLSID
{E44847F1-FD8C-4251-B5DA-B04BB22E236E} failed due to the following error.

I am not sure whether any of the DLLS are COM components. I believe all are
Managed DLLs.I believe SSIS 2005 looks like a pre-requisite but I don't need that.

Please help. I am posting this query here, as I believe ppl writing SSIS Packages may have faced this issue.

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Does VS2005 Need To Remain Installed With Most Editions Of SQL Server 2005?

Aug 24, 2007

My understanding is that at installation of all but the Express edition, there is no choice but to have VS2005 installed as well. If this is true, can VS 2005 at least be uninstalled after a different debugger is enlisted?

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Uninstallation Problem Of Beta VS2005 MSDN And SQL 2005

May 5, 2006

Problem 1 > Manual uninstalltion of Beta VS MSDN 2005 .

Throwing error ...

Unable to install (Internal fault occured)

Problem 2 > Uninstallation using Microsoft uninstller of Beta (VS, SQL etc)

Throwing error ...

"MS SQL Server 2005 Ex CTP

The set up ha sencountered an error in datsource Error in installds

XMLrw error : failure looking xmlrw.dll. check procedure () return 2"

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[SQL 2005 Express] Question On Business Intelligence Development Studio (VS2005)

Jan 6, 2007

I am trying to create a report using BI Development Studio.In Pivot Table, I can change the presentation of the data area to align with row or column, just like this:http://img164.imageshack.us/img164/2055/untitledsi4.pngHowever, I can't seem to do that in BI Development Studio while designing the report. Does any of you know how to change the presentation of the data area of a report?This is how it looks like now, the data area is sticking to the COLUMN, but I need them to stick with ROW so that I can handle more columns....http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/4066/untitlednc8.png

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MS Sql 2005 Beta 3 Installation Errors..Can This Version Coexist With VS2005 Beta 2

Apr 27, 2005

When i tried to install the beta 3 above I encounter the following problems ;-
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Beta 3 Setup----------------------------------------
Setup configuration check cannot be executed due to WMI configuration on the computer D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBinnetwcls.mof. For details, see the Sqlrunxx.log file or call Microsoft Product Support.
A seach in the net has the followings help link
For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkID=20476&ProdName=Microsoft%20SQL%20Server&ProdVer=9.00.852&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=29535&EvtType=sqlca%5Csqlmofca.cpp@Do_sqlMofcomp@Do_sqlMofcomp@x8007735f
Can this version coexist with VS2005 beta 2 because before i can install visual studio 2005 beta 2 I need to uninstall the dot net framework 2.0 beta which come together with the beta 3 sql 2005 installation.
Hey I link this editor, Where can I get this beautiful forum message editor  ?.

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VS2005 Error: Connection To SQL Server Files (*.mdf) Requires SQL Server Express 2005 To Function Properly.

Mar 6, 2008

Good Evening All,

I've serached this forum and Google'd for a resolution to this issue, to no avail. Here's the scenario:
I'm running VS 2005 on Windows Media Center laptop and need to create ASP.net membership for my web application built using VB. I have SQL Server Developer installed with instance name MSSQLSERVER. Previously, I uninstalled SQL Express and installed Developer edition and can now open and utilize Management Studio.

Now, when I try to create a new SQL Server database in my solution's App_Data directory, I receive the above error. I already changed instance name in VS2005 per Tools-Options-Database Tools-Data Connections to MSSQLSERVER.

Could someone provide me with a list of procedures to ensure proper setup of VS2005 with SQL Server Developer Edition?

Thanks much for your help.

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Is Sql Server 2005 A Standalone Install? Or Do You Have To Install Windows Server

May 26, 2006

I have never installed sql server before and I didnt know if I just take the sql server 2005 standard edition media and boot off it and do a fresh install that way or do I have to install Windows server

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Standalone Server 6.5

May 12, 2000

Yesterday I asked question to make a copy of the server but actually I want to make a Standalone server 6.5.
Please Advise.
How to create the DB and How to restore. Even I want to restore master but for restoring master how to start sql server in single user mode. If any body has document please post me.

Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!

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Standalone SQL Server Access Via ASP.NET

Jun 27, 2004

I have a need to demonstrate an application I built in ASP.NET with SQL Server as the back-end database. The problem is when I don't have a network connection, I get an exception thrown..."SQL Server does not exist or access denied." This is the connection string I use (via ASP.NET/ADO.NET): "server=localhost; uid=xxxx; pwd=xxxx; database=mydb"
I've tried Query Analyzer and it too, doesn't work - I get an error message that reads: "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]SQL Server does not exist or access denied." However, via SQL Server Enterprise Manager, I can connect and do what I want to the database.
As soon as I connect my laptop to any network, the web application works fine (no errors), as well as the Query Analyzer.

Any insights are greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Vbs Script Runs As Standalone, But Not In Dts Or Sql Job

Jun 19, 2001

I have a vbs script to try to prove that I can perform vbs scripting in either a job step or a dts package
The script is

dim rs, sql,adoconn, adocommand, dataconnstring

set adoconn = createObject("ADODB.CONNECTION")
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
set adocommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
adoconn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=myserver;Database=pubs;U id=myuser;Pwd=mypass;"

sql = "select * from import"
rs.Open sql, adoconn,adOpenForwardOnly
while rs.EOF = false
sql = "insert into zz default values"
adocommand.ActiveConnection = adoconn
adocommand.CommandText = sql


set adoconn = nothing

when I run this from windows explorer it works fine,
but when I try to run it as an activeX script, I get the error ActiveX scripting: Function not found

As a cmdexec step in a job, I use the line c:inetpubwwwrootvbsvbstest1.vbs
It failed with the error
The process could not be created for step 1 of job 0x119BDBD264AD9B4597A9302786F0E250 (reason: %1 is not a valid Win32 application). The step failed.

What is wrong with the vbs script ?, or do I need to invoke it a different way ?

thanks in advance

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BCP Slower Standalone Vs. A/P Cluster ???

Aug 24, 2004

I have an issue with the BCP util, it is extremely slow when running a BCP in to the same database on an A/P cluster vs. Standalone system. It is a vendor application, so I have little control as to what I can do. The BCP runs from a jobserver (remote) through the network, but it runs the same way in the standalone system, yet the process is about 10X as slow with the cluster, and the only diff is cluster vs. standalone.

SQLClusterName is specified in -S, not the active node, and it uses a trusted connection, not a local account. Is there anything about a cluster config that would cause the BCP to run slower ?

Any thoughts ??


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