Different Behavior Between DTExecUI And Scheduled Job

Oct 31, 2007

I have a very simple SSIS package that reads an environment variable, assigns it to a variable that is sent in an email, and also logs it to a text file. If I execute the package on the server via DTExecUI, it works fine as expected. However, if I schedule it as part of a job, I get the following error:

Code: 0x00000002 Source: Script Task Description: The script threw an exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. End Error DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE (1). Started: 9:08:00 AM Finished: 9:08:01 AM Elapsed: 0.859 seconds. The package execution failed. The step failed.

The script is as follows:

Imports System

Imports System.Data

Imports System.IO

Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime

Public Class ScriptMain

Public Sub Main()

Dim Path As String = "C:TestEnv.txt"

Dim Env As String = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SSISConfig").ToString()

Dim Sw As StreamWriter

Dts.Variables("SSISConfig").Value = Env

If File.Exists(Path) = False Then

Sw = File.CreateText(Path)


Sw = File.AppendText(Path)

End If





End Try

Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

End Sub

End Class

I have puttered with this for a while now and can't figure out what the problem is. Any ideas?

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Odd Scheduled Job Behavior

Jun 30, 2004

I've scheduled a job to run on a certain schedule, but the Last Run Status date comes back very oddly, a couple years out of synch, the other jobs scheduled report back just fine.

Anyone seen this behavior?

Edward R Hunter, Data Application Designer
comScore Networks, Inc.

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Nov 29, 2006

When I try to run a .dtsx file or even the Dtexecui.exe I get following error:System.IO.FileNotFoundException.



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DTEXECUI.exe Not Installed?

Dec 26, 2007

Hi all,

I have a DTEXECUI.exe related question. This util is installed on our QA server, but not our dev-server. Is this optional during installation? I can't ask our admin, he's on vacation.

Maybe important to note, is that the QA-server runs on 64 bit, where as the other servers are only 32-bit..

Regards & Season greetings,


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Taming The UI In DTexecUI

Feb 7, 2007

Is there an option(s) that will allow me to reduce the amount of output to the Package Execution Progress window? My package has a number of steps, but trying to keep track of progress is difficult at best given the deluge of messages this window displays.

I would prefer output similar to the SQL Import/Export wizard, which shows executing tasks on a single line with a status and a link to any error messages off to the side. Is this available somehow, or do I have to build it myself?

Thanks, any help appreciated.

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Problem With SSIS (dtexecui?) After Sp2

Nov 12, 2007

I installed SP2 yesterday on our production server. I had some
problems with that but it seemed to have installed so that the Datbase
engine and the Integration Services is patch at least.

But after the update we can no longer bring up the "properties" of
SSIS packages. If we connect to the integration service and choose run
package the GUI just wait for a while and then nothing happens. We get
an error in the event log thou ..

Event Type: Error
Event Source: .NET Runtime 2.0 Error Reporting
Event Category: None
Event ID: 5000
Date: 2007-11-12
Time: 10:51:07
User: N/A
EventType clr20r3, P1 dtexecui.exe, P2, P3 45cd726d, P4
microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts, P5, P6 45cd7534, P7 21, P8
14, P9 qg0f5oshpmqbs2pm34uokrbhqqrfhscr, P10 NIL.

Anyone can make any sense of that?

If we open a package that we have scheduled in the SQL Agent we get an
error messages saying "No description found" .. really strange stuff
is going on here ..?

Please, any help would be appreciated ..

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Encrypting The DTEXECUI Command

Dec 12, 2006

I am trying to find a feature- that was there in DTS but I can't locate it in SSIS

Using DTSRUNUI, we could generate a encrypted command line for executing the pacakge. Now using DTEXECUI, I can get the command line but is there any way in which I can get it in the encryted format??


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System::InteractiveMode Is FALSE From Dtexecui?

Jun 2, 2006

In a script task, I prompt the user for some parameters. I use the System::InteractiveMode variable to tell me if the package was launched via user interaction or from an automated process such as a file watcher. I display the prompts only if System::InteractiveMode is true. When I run from VS 2005 then I get the prompts, and when the package runs automated (dtexec) the prompts are not shown, so all is OK. However, when the package is run from dtexecui, I do not get the prompts because it seems the InteractiveMode value is false. Shouldn't the InteractiveMode value be true when the package is run from dtexecui since it is a user interface?

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Oracle SSIS Runs In DTExecUI, But Not In 32-bit DTExec

Aug 28, 2007

I've worked for awhile to get an SSIS package that connects to Oracle to succesfully run via DTExecUI from a 64 bit SQL Server. I completely understand that DTExecUI runs in 32 bit mode, but I need to initiate the package from a stored proc so I need to be able to utilize the 32 bit DTExec from either a xp_cmdshell call or from an sp_start_job (thanks to MatthewRouche for the suggestion). Both Ora92 and 10g were installed on the SQL Server.

Here's what I've tried unssuccessfully

1. SQL Job - Just calling the package from an SSIS step. I wouldn't expect this to run because it is 64 bit DTExec.
2. SQL Job - A job that calls the 32 bit version of dtexec from cmdexec. Here is 2 examples I have tried, the first is because I came across several postings saying that there is a problem with the "(x86)" for the Oracle driver.

\server_nameE$ProgramFilesLegacyMicrosoftSQLServerX8690DTSBinnDTExec.exe /DTS "PackageName" /SERVER "SERVER_NAME" /SET Package.Variables[PLT].Value;"8H" /CONFIGFILE "\SERVERConfigFile.dtsConfig" /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING EW

\server_nameE$Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server (x86)90DTSBinnDTExec.exe /DTS "PackageName" /SERVER "SERVER_NAME" /SET Package.Variables[PLT].Value;"8H" /CONFIGFILE "\SERVERConfigFile.dtsConfig" /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING EW

Both of these give me the error below:

System.Exception: System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater.

I'm assuming that it is running in 32 bit mode because this was at the beginning of the job history log:

Executed as user: "XXX". ....3042.00 for 32-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved

3. I then tried to call the package from a batch file on a file server that had integration services installed on. Got the same error as above.

I'm obviously missing something if I can get it to work in DTExecUI but not DTExec 32-bit.

Any ideas? Below are some postings I have already visited several times:

Windows 64 bit and Oracle

Connecting to Oracle on 64-bit (x64) machine

One paragraph that stands out on this posting is:

Find the location of the application that is generating the error. Check the path to this location and see if it contains any parenthesis. If so, you must relocate the application to a directory without any parenthesis in the path.
This didn€™t work for me, unless I was doing it wrong.

Error retrieving numeric data from Oracle 10g on 64 bit Itanium SSIS server

Connection Problems to Oracle Database

If this posting was complete, it looks like what I was looking for.

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Problem Setting Package Properties From Dtexecui

May 17, 2007

I want to input a parameter to my package. I have a variable, and I tried changing its value from DTExecUI.

I did everything as mentioned in http://blogs.conchango.com/jamiethomson/archive/2007/03/13/SSIS_3A00_-Property-Paths-syntax.aspx but I still get an error -

Could not set "Package.Variables[User::var_input_step_Name].Properties[Value]" value to "RAW".

The variable was originally read from a XML config file. I stored the package to MSDB. I then ran dtexecui, selected my msdb package, and in Set Values, I entered property path and value. I also tried removing the "", and I even deleted the XML configuration. Still the same error.

What am I doing wrong? Any Package Settings to make?



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DTExecUI - Package Execution Utility Error

Nov 7, 2006


when i deploy my package using the DTExecUI thru the Package Execution Utility.when we execute the package . we are getting the following error.

The Product Levelis insufficient for component "Flat File Source(1)"

the package design is

FlatFileSource ----> OlEDBDestination

what could be the solution for this?



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Odd Behavior

Feb 6, 2007

This was originally posted on DBForums.com, so here is the link:

Since some of the Microsoft staff come around here occasionally, I figured I should at least link to it here. This is the gist of the problem, though. I was asked to come up with a script to create all required data directories in case an emergency was declared, and someone had to rebuild one of our database servers. Most of you are probably thinking of hitting up the sysaltfiles table about now, but this will turn into a cautionary tale. Try it if you dare. The one requirement is that you install the data for SQL Server in a non-standard directory that has a short path (such as C:MSSQL8, instead of the whole C:Program files...).

What I am unclear on is whether this is a problem in the reverse function, the r(l)trim function, or the fixed-width datatype. I have confirmed that transferring the data to a temp table did not eliminate the...oddity.

select filename
from master..sysaltfiles
where dbid = 2
select reverse(rtrim(filename)), filename
from sysaltfiles
where dbid = 2
select reverse(rtrim(filename))
from sysaltfiles
where dbid = 2

I have also had two independent DBAs confirm this oddity exists, so this should be relatively easy to replicate.

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Odd SQLTrigger Behavior

Aug 29, 2007

I have three tables I am using, aspnet_Users, Stories,
CustomizedStory.  Stories and
CustomizedStory are related via a foreign key StoryID.  I’ve setup the tables so that when I delete a
Story row it cascade deletes the corresponding row from CustomizedStory. 
Each CustomizedStory row has a reference to UserID from aspnet_Users.
Since, I didn’t want to mess with the table definition by adding a cascade
delete option on aspnet_Users, I decide to use a trigger, essentially delete all customized stories and associated stories if a user is deleted:ALTER
TRIGGER [dbo].[DeleteCustomizedStories]     ON [dbo].[aspnet_Users]    FOR DELETEAS
            WHERE StoryID
=   (SELECT StoryID FROM dbo.CustomizedStory WHERE
UserID =     (SELECT UserID FROM deleted))END

The problem I am having is that it deletes all of the
CustomizedStory rows as specified by the cascading option, but doesn’t delete
the Story rows.  I can’t seem to understand
why this is happening, especially when  I
explicitly told it to delete story rows.

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Strange Behavior

Feb 1, 2008

 I've done a new tabel that insert the UserId that in a uniqueidentifier get from Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKeySo if I want to make a select statement threw storedprocedure in codebehind it runs as it shouldCode behindDim GetCustomersCars As CustomerCarByUserId = New CustomerCarByUserId MyCars.DataSource = GetCustomersCars.CarByUserId(Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey)MyCars.DataBind() But in when I use ObjectDataSource it fails<asp:ObjectDataSource id="ObjectDataSource1" runat="server" selectmethod="CarByUserId"                            typename="CustomerCarByUserId">                            <SelectParameters>                                <asp:Parameter defaultvalue="Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey" name="UserId" type="Object" />                            </SelectParameters>                        </asp:ObjectDataSource>I've tried with Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey.ToString(), but that doesnt work. Error message:InvalidCastExceptionI connect to the same source in both cases.Any one with an Idee ?

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Command Behavior

Jan 14, 2005

I get the error " 'commandBehavior' not declared". What does this mean? What is CommandBehavior exactly?

Sub Page_Load(Sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

' Obtain categoryId from QueryString
Dim connectionString As String = "server=(local); trusted_connection=true; database=SalesSide"
Dim sqlConnection As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString)

Dim queryString As String = "Select tblIdent.fldStockNo, tblIdent.fldProgram, tblIdent.fldGenus" & _
"tblIdent.fldVariety, tblIdent.fldSize, tblAvailability.fldQuantity" & _
"FROM tblIdent INNER JOIN tblIdent On tblAvailability.fldStockNo = tblIdent.fldStockNo"

Dim sqlCommand As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(queryString, sqlConnection)


dgAvailability.DataSource = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)


End Sub

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Percent Log Used Behavior

Dec 17, 1999

I'd like to understant the Percent Log Used behavior...
I monitored the Percent Log Used. For a specific database, it was 50 % used. I backup up the transaction log and the Percent Log Used was still 50 % used. For another database, the log was 60 % used. After the backup, it was 80 % used!!!!
Would you help me to understant this situation?
Thank you,

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Xp_cmdshell Behavior

May 28, 1999

Hi all,
I have a question regarding some very odd NT/SQL behavior that is exhibited when running a shell command through xp_cmdshell. If I do a 'net use z: servernamesharename' from the xp_cmdshell, it shows up in Explorer with the icon for a local drive! This would not be more than an ordinary M$ bug, except for the fact if go to a command line, I can't do a 'net use z: /delete' because it says that the network drive isn't there! Can someone shed some light on this?

Ed Molinari
Emerald Solutions

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Strage Behavior When Using TOP

Jun 3, 2004


I'm using MSSQL 2000 (with SP3) on Win2000.

Now, before installing the service pack I encountered with several strange bugs in the MSSQL mostly in queries that used TOP, gladly they were all fixed when installing the service pack... or so I thought...
So yesterday while trying to optimize a heavy query (7 joins - 2 of them are left joins from different tables crossed to the same table) I encountered yet again and with the latest service pack with an even stranger bug.
First the returned records are just not always the same, meaning, for example when I use TOP 465 in the SELECT statement, the last record which is 465 contains some value, when using TOP 466 the record before the last which is record 465 contains different value!... of course both with the same ORDER BY clause.
Also when I view the execution plan it's also not same in both cases, with TOP 465 it's one way (and much much faster) and with TOP 466 the plan is completely different and much slower...

Does anyone encountered with this phenomenon? Any suggestions?
BTW, don't pay too much attention to the number 465, in my case this is the border of the problem, after trying this query on different tables I found that each has it's own border that after it the TOP starts to freak out.

Thanks for the help!


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Strange Behavior

Nov 29, 2005

I have a SP that usually works fine (0-16 CPU time, 40 ms Duration), but from time to time the server hangs with apparently no reason. The SP has a lock timeout set to 500, so it should abort if a lock timeout error (1222) occurs but it doesn't. The Profiler reports very long execution time (over 30 sec), and because of that all other SP calls are blocked, 'cause the transaction opened by the first sp execution is not finished yet.
Any other attempts to identify other blocking queries did not show me anything suspect (sp_lock, dbcc opentran) other then the usual blocked chain. I'm starting to think about an IO bottleneck, or IO failure, that could block the disk access and cause the delay. The status of RAID 5 is healthy.

The server is used as storage system for a website (approx. 2000 concurrent users), and occasionally I noticed an ASP queue, but this strange behavior occurs even during the peak-off hours.

Any thoughts ?
HP Server - 2 CPU @ 3,4 ; 4 GB RAM; SCSI - RAID 5
Windows 2000 Advanced Server - SQL Server 2000 SP4

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Different Behavior In Dynamic Sql

Feb 18, 2008

I would like to ask for help. We had no problems with dynamic queries in SQL 2000, which were very fast. But when we ran the same queries in SQL 2005, it was many times slower lasting several seconds. I guess it has something to do with creating execution plan, because when I run it second time, it is suddenly extremely fast. But after just a little change (like adding space character), the speed is very slow again. If it is caused by execution plan in SQL 2005, is it somehow possible to change its settings so that it will behave like in sql 2000?

Thank you for answers!

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Strange Behavior

Jul 23, 2005

Hi folksI have an C# app. connecting to a MS-ACCESS database with several tables.In a specific situations I have problems with a DateTime type in a table.The problemis when I want to select records from a table in a specific period the dayand monthseems to be swapped in the query, but it only happens when the swappinggives avalid date eg.12/10/2005 (12. Oct. 2005) returns records on 10/12/2005 (10. Dec. 2005)23/05/2005 (23. May 2005) returns records correctly since 05/23/2005 is nota valid date with danish regional settings.The query is:"SELECT [ID], [Activity], [BeginDate] FROM TimeReg WHERE [BeginDate] >= #" +_start + "# " AND [BeginDate] <= #" + _end + "#"_start and _end are of type DateTimeMy PC in running with danish regional settings and if I shift to en-USsettings in the control panel, thisfixes the problem, but that is not a solution for me.Any suggestions to solve this problemThanks in advance.Kim W.

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Unexpected LIKE Behavior

Apr 22, 2007

SQL Server 2000 SP4.Running the script below prints 'Unexpected':-----------------------------DECLARE @String AS varchar(1)SELECT @String = 'z'IF @String LIKE '[' + CHAR(32) + '-' + CHAR(255) + ']'PRINT 'Expected'ELSEPRINT 'Unexpected'-----------------------------If the @String variable is set to 'y' (or in fact any ANSI character otherthan 'z'), the result is 'Expected'. The comparison also evaluates asexpected if CHAR(255) is replaced with CHAR(254). The server collation, ifthat matters, is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.It would be helpful to find the explanatin of this behavior. Thanks.--(remove a 9 to reply by email)

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Strange SMO Behavior

Nov 1, 2007

I am have the following code below on a standalone computer and it worked perfectly. Suddenly, without any significant changes to the code there were no Servers instances found on my local computer. I know there are several server instance on the computer. Why is it acting so unpredictable? The same thing happened when I tried SQLDMO.

// Get a list of SQL servers available on the networks
DataTable dtSQLServers = SmoApplication.EnumAvailableSqlServers(false);

foreach (DataRow drServer in dtSQLServers.Rows)
String ServerName;
ServerName = drServer["Server"].ToString();

if (drServer["Instance;] != null && drServer["Instance"].ToString().Length > 0)
ServerName += " + drServer["Instance"].ToString();

if (cmbServer.Items.IndexOf(ServerName) < 0)

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Odd Null Behavior

Jul 20, 2006

I am writing an upsert proc that should detect the change in state for a record. The change in state happens when a particular date field (default null) is populated. However, I can not get a record set that detects the changes properly.

Here is an example
create table #t1
ID int,
DateField datetime

create table #t2
ID int,
DateField datetime

insert into #t1 (ID, DateField) values (1, '7/20/2006')
insert into #t2 (ID, DateFIeld) values (1, null)

select * from #t1 join #t2 on #t1.ID = #t2.ID where #t1.DateField <> #t2.DateField

drop table #t1
drop table #t2

The select should return a record because NULL does not equal '7/20/2006' but it doesn't.
What am I missing?

Thanks in advance.

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Is_member Behavior

Dec 11, 2006

Hi All -

I am running sql2005 on windows 2003 all with uptodate SPs

Im sure this has been discussed somewhere, but I just dont understand why its behaving this way.

my issue is that if a 'db_owner' is a member of another db role then the is_member('some_other_role') always returns 0


dbrole: testrole
ntuser: joeuser
ntgroup: testgroup
ntgroup: grpsysadmins

joeuser is a domain login.
testgroup and grpsysadmins are both nt groups.
joeuser is a member of both testgroup and grpsysadmins
grpsysadmins is a member of administrators grp on the sql server machine
testrole is a sql role
testgroup is a login into sql
testgroup is a member of testrole

1) when I do select is_member('db_owner') I get 1
2) when I do select is_member('testrole') I get 0 <== this is the wierd one
3) when I do select is_member('machinename estgroup') I get 1

I am expecting all 3 to return 1. now if I am logged as a user that is not sysadmin then select is_member('testrole') returns 1.

this behavior seems to be by design, but for the life of me i have no idea why?

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Weird BIT Behavior...

Aug 29, 2007

I'm seeing some strange behavior from a stored procedure of mine. It essentially grabs a bunch of rows using a fairly simple JOIN....here's the from statement:

Code Snippet
ON (SQ.AccountPaymentId = PY.AccountPaymentId)
Party PT ON PE.PartyId = PT.PartyId INNER JOIN
Distribution DS ON PY.DistributionId = DS.DistributionId LEFT OUTER JOIN
Account AC ON DS.AccountId = AC.AccountId INNER JOIN
clm CM ON PE.clm_no = cm.clm_no LEFT OUTER JOIN
PartyAddress PA ON PY.PartyAddressId = PA.PartyAddressId AND
PT.PartyId = PA.PartyId
WHERE RowNum BETWEEN (((@Page * @PageSize) - @PageSize) + 1) AND ((@Page * @PageSize) - @PageSize) + @PageSize
and ((@PayeeName IS NULL) OR (PT.[Name] LIKE '%' + @PayeeName + '%'))
AND ((@AccountId IS NULL) OR (AC.AccountId = @AccountId))
AND ((@DistributionId IS NULL) OR (DS.DistributionId = @DistributionId))
AND ((@PaymentDate IS NULL) OR (DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, PY.PaymentDate), 0) = DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, @PaymentDate), 0))) -- Ignores the time
AND ((@PaymentNumber IS NULL) OR (PY.AccountPaymentId = @PaymentNumber))
AND ((@IsReconciled IS NULL) OR (PY.ReconciledInd = @IsReconciled))
AND ((@AmountIssued IS NULL) OR (PY.PaymentAmount = @AmountIssued))
AND ((@AmountPaid IS NULL) OR (PY.AccountPaidAmount = @AmountPaid))
AND ((@IssueStatus IS NULL) OR (PY.PaymentStatusEnumItemId = @IssueStatus))
AND ((@AccountStatus IS NULL) OR (PY.AccountStatusEnumItemId = @AccountStatus))
AND ((@IsReissued IS NULL) OR (PY.ReissuedInd = @IsReissued))
ORDER BY AccountPaymentID ASC

When I pass a 1 for the @IsReconciled parameter, I get the right number of rows back - 9779. But when I pass a 0 (zero), i get no rows back, although there are 222 rows which satisfy the condition.

Is there somethig I'm overlooking (I don't think I am...)? I don't know whay 1 works and 0 wouldn't...

FYI - the @IsReconciled parameter is set to NULL at the outset of the procedure -

@IsReconciled Bit = Null

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Is This Expected Behavior?

Aug 8, 2007

I posted this at the asp.net forums but somone suggested I post it here. So:

Try this in sql server:

select COALESCE(a1, char(254)) as c1 from

(select 'Z' as a1 union select 'Ya' as a1 union select 'Y' as a1 union select 'W' as a1) as b1

group by a1

with rollup order by c1

select COALESCE(a1, char(255)) as c1 from

(select 'Z' as a1 union select 'Ya' as a1 union select 'Y' as a1 union select 'W' as a1) as b1

group by a1

with rollup order by c1

The only difference is that the first one uses 254 and the second one uses 255. The first sorts like this:


The second one sorts like this:


Is this expected behavior?

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JOIN Behavior

Aug 29, 2007

I'm seeing mixed results when I run a certain JOIN query...

Here's the original query:

Code Snippet
, PY.PayeeId
, PY.PartyAddressId
, PY.DistributionId
, PY.EntitlementId
, PY.DeliveryTypeEnumItemId
, PY.AccountPaymentId
, PY.ParentPaymentId
, PY.PaymentAmount
, PY.PaymentDate
, PY.PaymentStatusEnumItemId
, PY.PaymentStatusDate
, PY.ReleaseRunId
, PY.ReleaseDate
, PY.AccountTransactionLogId
, PY.AccountStatusEnumItemId
, PY.AccountStatusDate
, PY.AccountPaidAmount
, PY.ReconciledInd
, PY.ReissuedInd -- Added 8/15/2007 AMR
, PY.UndeliverableInd
, PY.ReissueNote
, PY.CreateDate
, PY.CreateId
, PY.ModifiedDate
, PY.ModifiedId
, DS.Description
, AC.Description
--Removed 8/14/2007 AMR , AC.AccountProvider
, AC.AccountId
, PT.Name
, PA.AddressLine1
, PA.AddressLine2
, PA.City
, PA.State
, PA.Zip5
, PA.Zip4
, PE.clm_no
, CM.clmnt_idno FROM Payment PY (NOLOCK)
LEFT JOIN (SELECT PY.AccountPaymentId, PA.AddressLine1, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY PA.addressline1 ASC) AS RowNum
Payee AS PE ON PA.PartyId = PE.PartyId INNER JOIN
Payment AS PY ON PE.PayeeId = PY.PayeeId
ON (SQ.AccountPaymentId = PY.AccountPaymentId)
Party PT ON PE.PartyId = PT.PartyId INNER JOIN
Distribution DS ON PY.DistributionId = DS.DistributionId LEFT OUTER JOIN
Account AC ON DS.AccountId = AC.AccountId INNER JOIN
clm CM ON PE.clm_no = cm.clm_no LEFT OUTER JOIN
PartyAddress PA ON PY.PartyAddressId = PA.PartyAddressId AND
PT.PartyId = PA.PartyId
WHERE RowNum BETWEEN (((1*1000) - 1000) + 1) AND ((1*1000) - 1000) + 1000

This query numbers rows based on the PartyAddress. When I keep the WHERE clause in the query, it returns 810 rows. There exists a relationship between PARTY and PARTYADDRESS. There are 10001 rows in the PARTY table and 810 corresponding rows in the PARTYADDRESS table. Not every PARTY will have a corresponding PARTYADDRESS.

What the query SHOULD do is return all rows from PARTY and it's corresponding PARTADDRESS entry, if there is one.

When I take the WHERE clause out, I get back all 10001 rows - what I'm expecting.

Why would the "WHERE RowNum" clause affect the wuery? How can I get around that?


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Strange Behavior

Mar 5, 2008

I have 2 packages that for ease I'll call Parent & Child. The Parent package calls the Child package as the 4th step in the process. Once the Child has completed, the Parent has a few more imports that it does.

The Portfolio table is loaded in the Child package which is step 4 in the Parent package. Then in step 5 a few tasks utilize that Portfolio data for lookups.

The strange part is that there are probably 4 or 5 data tasks that do lookups against the Portfolio data in Step 5 (step 5 is a container). All but 2 of the data tasks retreive data from the Portfolio data. The other 2 don't find any data and just move on. Once the package stops, if I simply execute those tasks they run and load the data correctly.

It seems to me to be a caching or an isolation problem but I can't find a solution.

Any ideas?

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Backup, Truncation, Behavior

Mar 22, 2005

I have a database in SQL Server 2000 with 90gb of data. It is growing every day with a some millions records. In order to get superior performance I rebuild the indexes every night. The job takes about 1.5 hours, and sometimes causes to the log file to grow to 30-40 gigs. I do a backup of the log files every 20 minutes, and this causes an log truncation to happen automatically (according to the MS documention).
The log files makes the disk goes full. I cannot insert new disks at this point.
When rebuilding the indexes takes 1.5 hours, and I do a log backup (which also does a truncation) every 20 minutes, will the log backup ever get to do something with the transaction log while its still working on a transaction (doing the rebuild of index)?
It seems like the 20 minute log backup is of no help because I see the log files grows so big.


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Puzzling NOT EXISTS Behavior

Aug 10, 2005

CASE CLOSED: removing the FROM clause noted below handles the problem ....I've used "NOT EXISTS" in inserts before and thought I understood how they work, but I'm puzzled why I get three rows from the following sub-query, which I want to use to prevent errors from duplicate keys. Since it gives me three rows, it will actually try to insert three duplicate records and cause a primary-key fault, which is a twin to the very thing I'm trying to avoid. (of course, there are three records already in the table, none having the key of 20050810)The sub-query is acting like it's using "WHERE DemoDate <> 20050810" instead of a "NOT EXISTS".Attempts to use this statement causes a termination with no records inserted.DemoDate is the primary key and an INT field in SQL Server. Four other int columns for this table have default values.<code>INSERT INTO DemoStats (DemoDate)SELECT     20050810 AS Expr1FROM         DemoStats         <-- remove this line so the effective table has only one row, when the NOT EXISTS is TRUEWHERE     (NOT EXISTS                          (SELECT     *                            FROM          DemoStats                            WHERE      DemoDate = 20050810))</code>

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Odd Sqldatasource Insert Behavior

Jan 20, 2006

I have a sqldatasource (code listed below) whose insert Paramaters are control parameters.  My aspx page has a textbox and a submit button.  the button onclick runs the sqdatasource1.insert.
What I get is every other insert inserts the text in textbox2 and every other insert enters nothing for the namecust value.  I have a required field validator which correctly prevents submission if textbox2 is empty. 
How do I fix this?
<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" Height="50px" Width="548px">
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="New Prospect" ValidationGroup="insertCust" />
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator1" runat="server" ControlToValidate="TextBox2"
ErrorMessage="Prospect Name can not be blank" ValidationGroup="insertCust"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox2" runat="server" Width="330px" ValidationGroup="insertCust"></asp:TextBox></asp:Panel>
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:AccPac2ConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT DISTINCT CODETERR FROM dbo.F_arcus() AS F_arcus_1 WHERE (DATEINAC = 0) AND (rtrim(CODETERR) <>'')">
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:AccPac2ConnectionString %>"
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO dbo.BudgetProspects(NameCust, CodeTerr) VALUES (@Namecust, @codeterr)"
SelectCommand="SELECT CustomerID, NameCust FROM dbo.BudgetProspects WHERE (CodeTerr = @codeterr)"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE dbo.BudgetProspects SET NameCust = @namecust">
<asp:Parameter Name="namecust" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="RadioButtonList1" Name="codeterr" PropertyName="SelectedValue" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="textbox2" Name="Namecust" PropertyName="text" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="RadioButtonList1" Name="codeterr" PropertyName="SelectedValue" />
codebehind button_click:
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If Not TextBox2.Text Is Nothing Then
TextBox2.Text = ""
End If
End Sub

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Very Strange Behavior Of SS2K...

Aug 2, 2005

Hi all,
I face a problem as follows: We have an application runnig on SS2K.We log every delete of

documents(from Archive table) in another table.Now it seems some of the rows have deleted strangely

without any delete log by our application.We assumed there is somebody who has direct access to

database and delete them manually(obviousely our app does not generate any log in this situation)But

there is no people.We check that with admins many times.
Does SQL Server itself deletes rows for any reason? How can I know what is happening?Do you think

our app flaws somewhere?
Thanks a lot for your attention.

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