Difficult Query: Return Recordset From Concatenated Strings?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,

I have what seems to me to be a difficult query request for a database
I've inherited.

I have a table that has a varchar(2000) column that is used to store
system and user messages from an on-line ordering system.

For some reason (I have no idea why), when the original database was
being designed no thought was given to putting these messages in
another table, one row per message, and I've now been asked to provide
some stats on the contents of this field across the recordset.

A pseudo example of the table would be:

custrep, orderid, orderdate, comments

1, 10001, 2004-04-12, :Comment 1:Comment 2:Comment 3:Customer asked
for a brown model
2, 10002, 2004-04-12, :Comment 3:Comment 4:
1, 10003, 2004-04-12, :Comment 2:Comment 8:
2, 10004, 2004-04-12, :Comment 4:Comment 6:Comment 7:
2, 10005, 2004-04-12, :Comment 1:Comment 6:Customer cancelled order

So, what I've been asked to provide is something like this:

orderdate, custrep, syscomment, countofsyscomments
2004-04-12, 1, Comment 1, 1
2004-04-12, 1, Comment 2, 2
2004-04-12, 1, Comment 3, 1
2004-04-12, 1, Comment 8, 1
2004-04-12, 2, Comment 1, 1
2004-04-12, 2, Comment 3, 1
2004-04-12, 2, Comment 4, 2
2004-04-12, 2, Comment 6, 2
2004-04-12, 2, Comment 7, 1

I have a table in which each of the system comments are defined.
Anything else appearing in the column is treated as a user comment.

Does anyone have any thoughts on how this could be achieved? The end
result will end up in an SQL Server 2000 stored procedure which will
be called from an ASP page to provide order taking stats.

Any help will be humbly and immensely appreciated!

Much warmth,


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Two Strings To Be Concatenated Have Different Collation.

Mar 27, 2007

I'm using SQL Datatype SqlString, so I'm not sure what is going wrong...any help?
Here is a shortened version of the issue: Code and then Full Error Message.

Thanks in advance for any help


Code Snippet

Partial Public Class StoredProcedures
<Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlProcedure()> _
Public Shared Sub MyProc(ByVal cAddress1 As SqlString, ByVal cCity As SqlString, ByRef sName As SqlString)
Dim output As SqlString
Dim space As New SqlString(" ")
output = System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString.Concat(cAddress1, space)
sName = output
End Sub
End Class
Error Message

Msg 6522, Level 16, State 1, Procedure MyProc Line 0
A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user defined routine or aggregate 'MyProc':
System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException: Two strings to be concatenated have different collation.
at System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString.op_Addition(SqlString x, SqlString y)
at System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString.Concat(SqlString x, SqlString y)
at SqlServerProject1.StoredProcedures.MyProc(SqlString cAddress1, SqlString cCity)

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Problem With Two Strings To Be Concatenated Have Different Collation???

Oct 18, 2006

Hi all,
I am having a little problem to use CLR Function inside SqlServer 2005.
I do not see any problem with my code in C# as well as SqlServer sides.
Please help if you know the solution.

/************************C# Codes***************************/
 using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;

public class ClrUDF {
 public static SqlString GetString(SqlString str)
  SqlString tmp = new SqlString("Hello ");
  tmp += str; return tmp;

FROM 'C:ProjectsSqlClrSln..... SqlCrl.dll'

Create FUNCTION dbo.GetString(@str as nvarchar(20))
RETURNS nvarchar(200)

Try to use the function:

Select dbo.GetString('Jame')

and the error is throw

Msg 6522, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user defined routine or aggregate 'GetString':
System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException: Two strings to be concatenated have different collation.
System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException: at System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString.op_Addition(SqlString x, SqlString y)
at ClrUDF.GetString(SqlString str)

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Expression-based Connection Strings Difficult To Manage

Apr 17, 2007

Expression-based connection strings are great but they are specific to each report which makes them difficult to maintain. Shared expression-based connection strings are not supported.

I'm looking for a way around this. I'm hoping to write a custom data extension, and in the custom data extension, do all the "dynamic" logic that sets the connection string (which you normally would be doing in your expression-based connection string).

I know the above can be done. What I don't know is how, inside a custom data extension, to get the value of expressions like User!UserID? (I want the connection to run under stored credentials, but I want to customize the connection string and add a property to it based on the UserID who is logged into Report Manager.)

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How Can I Use The Last Recordset In A SP That Return 3 Recordsets ?

Mar 9, 2005


I have a SP1 that is calling another SP2,
SP2 is using select and returning records

So in SP1 I get 3 different record sets
(as I can see it on Query Analyzer - one after the other)

When I'm trying using the ASP page I get this error:
"Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal."

How can I access the last recordset ?

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Return Recordset And A Variable From Procedure

May 28, 2005


I want a functionality such that I want to return a select query resultset and a varchar variable from a procedure. How can I achieve that,and moreover how can I fetch them in ASP??

Waiting for someone to shed a light of hope.
Thanx a lot

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Stored Procedure To Return A Recordset

Dec 7, 2005

In a nutshell, I am trying to set a combobox's row source using a stored procedure. Surely there is an easy way to do that.

I am working with SQL 2000 as my back-end, and my front-end is an Access Project. The stored procedure I am trying to run is on a different database then the one my project is connected to, but from what I can see in my de-bugging efforts, that is not the problem.

The Stored Procedure;

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_eeLinksByName
@EmployerNum char(6)


SELECT dbo.TIMS_eeLinksByName.eeLink, dbo.TIMS_eeLinksByName.Employee FROM dbo.TIMS_eeLinksByName
WHERE (dbo.TIMS_eeLinksByName.eeErNum = @EmployerNum)
ORDER BY dbo.TIMS_eeLinksByName.Employee

returns 169 records when I run it directly from the MS Visual Studio environment.

However whe I try to run it from VBA with the following code;

Dim sp_eeLinksByName As String
Dim ConnectionString As String
Const DSeeLinksByName = "SOS-1"
Const DBeeLinksByName = "Insync"
Const DPeeLinksByName = "SQLOLEDB"

Dim objeeLinksByNameConn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim objeeLinksByNameRs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim objeeLinksByNameComm As New ADODB.Command

ConnectionString = "Provider=" & DPeeLinksByName & _
";Data Source=" & DSeeLinksByName & _
";Initial Catalog=" & DBeeLinksByName & _
";Integrated Security=SSPI;"

' Connect to the data source.
objeeLinksByNameConn.Open ConnectionString

' Set a stored procedure
objeeLinksByNameComm.CommandText = sp_eeLinksByName
objeeLinksByNameComm.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
Set objeeLinksByNameComm.ActiveConnection = objeeLinksByNameConn

' Execute the stored procedure on
' the active connection object...
' "CurrTSCalendar" is the required input parameter,
' objRs is the resultant output variable.
objeeLinksByNameConn.sp_eeLinksByName CurrTSEmployer, objeeLinksByNameRs

' Display the result.
'Debug.Print "Results returned from sp_CustOrdersOrders for ALFKI: "
Select Case objeeLinksByNameRs.RecordCount
Case 0
'Do Nothing
Case Is > 0
'Get the Employee List
Do While Not objeeLinksByNameRs.EOF
MyControl.AddItem (objeeLinksByNameRs.Fields("eeLink") & ";" & objeeLinksByNameRs.Fields("Employee"))
End Select

'Clean up.
Set objeeLinksByNameRs = Nothing
Set objeeLinksByNameConn = Nothing
Set objeeLinksByNameComm = Nothing

I get an "Object Variable or With Blick Vraiable not Set"...... for the life of me I do not know why? Does anyone have any thoughts?

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Can I Return A Range Between Two Integers On A Recordset?

Feb 15, 2008

I have a table where each entry represents a range:
id, num_ini, num_fim
1, 1, 19
2, 20, 39
3, 40, 59

Is there any way to select a recordset on this table with the following format?
id, num
1, 1
1, 2
1, 3
2, 20
2, 21
2, 22

I'm using MSSQL 2005


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Always Return X Number Of Records Even If Less In Recordset

Jun 27, 2015

I am using SQL Server 2008 as a back end for a Microsoft Access front end. I have created a report that is essentially a Bill Of Lading. The detail section lists all the purchase orders that are being shipped on a single load. The problem with the Access Report is that I always need a set number of records (8) so that the layout is consistent. So, if the query returns 5 records, I need an additional 3 blank records returned with the recordset. If there are 2 records, I need an additional 6, and so on. For simplicity sake the query is:

SELECT tblBOL.PONumber FROM tblBOL WHERE tblBOL.BOLNumber=@BOLNumber;Now, I can get the results I want by using a union query for the "extra" records.

For instance, if there are 6 records returned for BOLNumber '12345', I can get the expected results by this query:

SELECT tblBOL.PONumber FROM tblBOL WHERE tblBOL.BOLNumber='12345'
UNION ALL SELECT '12345',Null;

Another solution would be to create a temporary table with the "extra" records and then have only one Union statement. Not sure which is better, but I'm not really sure how to programmatically do either of these. I'm guessing I need to do it in a stored procedure. How do I programmatically create these extra records? One other note.... If there are more than 8 records, I need to return 8 of these "blank" records and none of the real records (hard to explain the reason behind this, but it has to do with the report being only a summary when there are more than 8 records while the actual records will go on a different supplemental report).

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Transact SQL :: Return Recordset From Dynamic Table

Sep 25, 2015

I tried to create a dynamic table, fill in it and return it as recordset. The codes as this:

Declare @tbl Table(id int, name varchar(100), age int) 
Insert Into @tbl(id, name, age)
Values(1, 'James, Lee', 28),
   (2, 'Mike, Richard', 32),
   (3, 'Leon Wong', 29)
Select * From @tbl Order By age

It works well in "SQL Query Ananizer". But return no records in ASP page.

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Concatenated String For Each Row In A Query...

Mar 31, 2008

So I've run into another problem. I've figured out how to concatenate multiple rows into a single string my only problem is using that on another query with multiple rows...Basically what I'm trying to do is pull up information for each class a student has in his/her profile and while at it pull up any prerequisite classes that are associated with a certain class. So the final query would look something like this...

StudClassID Completed Class ID Name Description Credits Prereq... rest are insignificant...
0 0 CSC200 Cool prog... blah.... 3 CSC160, CSC180

I get the concept of the coalesce and cast just i'm not understanding how to get it to work with each return on the main select...anyways below are the tables and my current query call...

Code Snippet

/****** Object: Table [dbo].[Student_Classes] Script Date: 03/31/2008 01:32:22 ******/
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Student_Classes](
[StudClassID] [int] IDENTITY(0,1) NOT NULL,
[StudentID] [int] NULL,
[ClassID] [varchar](7) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[CreditID] [int] NULL,
[Days] [varchar](6) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[Time] [varchar](30) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[Classroom] [varchar](255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[Grade] [varchar](3) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[Semester] [varchar](40) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[Notes] [varchar](255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[Completed] [tinyint] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Student_Classes_Completed] DEFAULT ((0)),
[StudClassID] ASC

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Student_Classes] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Student_Classes_ClassID] FOREIGN KEY([ClassID])
REFERENCES [dbo].[Classes] ([ClassID])
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Student_Classes] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Student_Classes_ClassID]
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Student_Classes] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Student_Classes_CreditID] FOREIGN KEY([CreditID])
REFERENCES [dbo].[Credits] ([CreditID])
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Student_Classes] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Student_Classes_CreditID]
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Student_Classes] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Student_Classes_StudentsID] FOREIGN KEY([StudentID])
REFERENCES [dbo].[Students] ([StudentID])
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Student_Classes] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Student_Classes_StudentsID]

/****** Object: Table [dbo].[Prerequisites] Script Date: 03/31/2008 01:32:33 ******/
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Prerequisites](
[PrerequisiteID] [varchar](7) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[ClassID] [varchar](7) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[PrerequisiteID] ASC,
[ClassID] ASC

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Prerequisites] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Prerequisite_ClassID] FOREIGN KEY([ClassID])
REFERENCES [dbo].[Classes] ([ClassID])
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Prerequisites] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Prerequisite_ClassID]
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Prerequisites] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Prerequisite_Prereq] FOREIGN KEY([PrerequisiteID])
REFERENCES [dbo].[Classes] ([ClassID])
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Prerequisites] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Prerequisite_Prereq]

/****** Object: Table [dbo].[Credits] Script Date: 03/31/2008 01:32:43 ******/
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Credits](
[CreditID] [int] IDENTITY(0,1) NOT NULL,
[ClassID] [varchar](7) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[Credits] [tinyint] NULL,
[CreditID] ASC

REFERENCES [dbo].[Classes] ([ClassID])
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Credits] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Credits_ClassID]

SELECT sClass.StudClassID
,sClass.ClassID AS 'Class ID'
,c.LongName AS 'Name'
,(SELECT COALESCE(@prerequisites + ', ', '') + CAST(PrerequisiteID AS varchar(7))) AS 'Prerequisites'
FROM Student_Classes sClass
INNER JOIN Prerequisites preq
ON preq.ClassID = sClass.ClassID
INNER JOIN Classes c
ON c.ClassID = sClass.ClassID
INNER JOIN Credits cred
ON cred.CreditID = sClass.CreditID
WHERE sClass.StudentID = 0

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Difficult Query

May 29, 2008

Hey i have a query i need help with.

I have a table where i have 4 columns in it which i need to group together and then sum up a cost column also. I want to sum up the columns where i have a parent and and child and then i want to sum up the other column where i have only a child.
Example of the data is below. I think i need to do this in a sub query

ID Ind Parent Child Cost

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Difficult Query Help

Jul 20, 2005

I have a table that stores billing rates for our employees by client.Each employee can have a different billing rate for each client for aspecified period. Here are the columns in the table.eid - Employee ID#cid - Client ID#startdt - start date of billing rateenddt - end date of billing ratebrate - billing rateI need to create a script that will verify that for a given eid, and cidthat either the startdt or enddt for one billing rate, the periods donot overlap.For example, I need to be able to detect overlaps such as this:eid cid startdt enddt brate001 001 1/1/2003 12/31/2003 $50001 001 11/01/2003 04/01/2004 $75*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Difficult Query: Is This Possible In SQL?

Jul 20, 2005

suppose I have the following table:CREATE TABLE (int level, color varchar, length int, width int, heightint)It has the following rows1, "RED", 8, 10, 122, NULL, NULL, NULL, 203, NULL, 9, 82, 254, "BLUE", NULL, 67, NULL5, "GRAY", NULL NULL, NULLI want to write a query that will return me a view collapsed from"bottom-to-top" in order of level (level 1 is top, level 5 is bottom)So I want a query that will returnGRAY, 9, 67, 25The principle is that looking from the bottom level up in each columnwe first see GRAY for color, 9 for length, 67 for width, 25 forheight. In other words, any non-NULL row in a lower level overridesthe value set at a higher level.Is this possible in SQL without using stored procedures?Thanks!- Robert

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Difficult T-SQL Query (for Me Anyways)

Nov 13, 2006


I am developing for a system that receives an input from an external modem.

The Transaction is split into 2 sections,

Section 1 = grants the transaction ID,

Section 2 = deliver the transaction Data.

I have 2 corresponding tables,

One called tblremoteunitrequestID (Where the transaction ID is granted)

The other called tblremoteunitrequests (Where the transaction is completed, about 1 second later)

I am writing a diagnostic report that determines if the first part of the transaction completes but the second part fails.

I am having difficulties designing the SQL for this.

Here is some sample data for tblremoteunitrequestID: (The first stage of the transaction)

RecordDate | Serial

13/11/2006 14:00:36 0000-0000-0000-0006
13/11/2006 14:00:30 0000-0000-0000-0004
13/11/2006 13:59:04 0000-0000-0000-0092 (This didtn transaction didnt complete)
13/11/2006 12:15:22 0000-0000-0000-0092 (nor did this one)
13/11/2006 10:31:54 0000-0000-0000-0092
13/11/2006 10:00:29 0000-0000-0000-0006

Here is some sample data for tblremoteunitrequests: (The second stage of transaction, 1st stage has to be completed beforehand)

DateReceived | Serial

13/11/2006 14:00:37 0000-0000-0000-0006
13/11/2006 14:00:31 0000-0000-0000-0004
13/11/2006 10:31:56 0000-0000-0000-0092
13/11/2006 10:00:31 0000-0000-0000-0006
13/11/2006 10:00:25 0000-0000-0000-0004
13/11/2006 07:19:13 0000-0000-0000-0020

From this data I can see that serial number 0000-0000-0000-0006 Successfully completed part 1 and part 2 of the transaction, as did serial number 0000-0000-0000-0004.

Serial number 0000-0000-0000-0092 had trouble, it connected at 13:59:04 (tblremoteunitrequestID) but part 2 didnt complete, so it wasent saved in tblremoteunitrequests. The same happened at 12:15:22 but at 10:31:54 it was successful so it was saved.

I Only want to display the transactions that didnt complete, sounds easy huh?

This is what I hope to get in my Results table:

DateReceived | Serial

13/11/2006 13:59:04 0000-0000-0000-0092
13/11/2006 12:15:22 0000-0000-0000-0092

I was experimenting with T-SQL today, this is what I have done so far:

TBLRemoteFeildUnitRequestID.Serial, TBLRemoteFeildUnitRequestID.RecordDate,

CASE WHEN TBLRemoteUnitRequests.DateReceived BETWEEN DATEADD(SECOND,-1,TBLRemoteFeildUnitRequestID.RecordDate) AND DATEADD(SECOND,10,TBLRemoteFeildUnitRequestID.RecordDate)

THEN ' Ok'

ELSE ' Not ok'


TBLRemoteUnitRequests ON TBLRemoteFeildUnitRequestID.Serial = TBLRemoteUnitRequests.Serial
WHERE TBLRemoteFeildUnitRequestID.RecordDate BETWEEN DATEADD(WEEK, - 2, GetDate()) AND GetDate()


This kinda worked, but it caused records that satisfied the between condition to be displayed twice, once as "Ok" and once as "Not ok".

Heres a sample of the result I got:

Serial | RecordDate (1st part of transaction) | Status

0000-0000-0000-0006 2006-11-13 14:00:36.000 Ok (Duplicated)
0000-0000-0000-0006 2006-11-13 14:00:36.000 Not ok
0000-0000-0000-0004 2006-11-13 14:00:30.000 Not ok (Duplicated)
0000-0000-0000-0004 2006-11-13 14:00:30.000 Ok
0000-0000-0000-0092 2006-11-13 13:59:04.000 Not ok (Correct) (Not duplicated)
0000-0000-0000-0092 2006-11-13 12:15:22.000 Not ok (Correct) (Not Duplicated)
0000-0000-0000-0092 2006-11-13 10:31:54.000 Not ok (Duplicated)
0000-0000-0000-0092 2006-11-13 10:31:54.000 Ok
0000-0000-0000-0006 2006-11-13 10:00:29.000 Ok (Duplicated)
0000-0000-0000-0006 2006-11-13 10:00:29.000 Not ok

I have just about had enough, I have wasted an entire day on this

Someone please Help


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Simple Or Difficult Query

Jul 6, 2005


I could need some help with a little query.

table "acme"

name1 varchar(128)
name2 varchar(128)
idate datetime



I want the following result (for 'A'):


I want to filter for Column "Name1" and cumulative count the entries grouped by date.

what's the simplest solution?

best regards, thilo.

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Difficult Query With Many-To-Many Relationship

Sep 20, 2007

I'm writing a workflow management application for my work, and its somewhat complicated, here's a general idea of how it works:

- Anything that a company does is defined by a workflow.
- A workflow consists of tasks.
- Some tasks in a workflow can't be started until other tasks have been completed. If task A can't be started until tasks B and C are finished, then task A depends on B and C.

You might imagine that a bank has a workflow for handling a house loan. Before a bank could sign a contract with an applicant, they'd need proof of house ownership, but before they could get proof of house ownership they need an applicant's proof of identity like a driver's license or military ID.

Here's an oversimplified visual:

Each arrow points to its dependency. Each task can have multiple dependencies.

The setup above is represented in the database by a Tasks and a Dependencies table. Tasks has an ID field, and Dependencies has a TaskID and DependencyID field which are both foreign keys to Tasks.ID.


ID Status Name
-- ------ ----
1 Done Start Processing Loan Application
2 Done Photocopy applicant's driver's license
3 NotDone Photocopy proof of house ownership
4 NotDone Get a copy of applicant's W-2 forms
5 NotDone Perform credit check on applicant
6 NotDone Sign loan contract

TaskID DependencyID
------ ------------
1 0
2 1
3 1
4 2
5 2
5 3
6 4
6 5

Tasks has a many-to-many relationship with itself.

Here's the hard part:
- A task can't be started until all of its dependencies have been completed.
- after a task is completed (meanings its status is marked "done"), I need to return a list of all the new tasks that are ready to be started.

When TaskID 2 is marked "Done", then TaskID 4 is ready to begin; however, TaskID 5 is not ready to begin since it depends on 2 and 3, and 3 hasn't been completed yet.

The requirements of the query are very simple, but the implementation is difficult.

I'll post a prelimenary solution in the next post:

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Difficult Summing Query

Nov 23, 2005

Hello,Here is a brief summary:Table 1 = All Accounts- with fields such as Customer ID and Account #Table 2 = Deposit Balance Table- with fields such as Account #, BalanceTable 3 = Loan Balance Table- with fields such as Account #, BalanceAll accounts are either deposit accounts or loan accounts. What I needto do is to gather information about total balances in both depositsand loans for each customer. I haven't been able to hit the right queryfor doing this. I can easily get information about one or the other,such as the following:SELECT All_Accounts.Customer_ID, COUNT (DISTINCT(Deposit_Balance_Table.Account_Number)), Sum(Deposit_Balance_Table.Balance)FROM Product_Table, Deposit_BalanceWHERE (Product_Table.Account_Number=Deposit_Balance.Acco unt_Number)GROUP BY Product_Table.Customer_ID ORDER BY 1Which will give me one row for each user, and show me the total numberof deposit accounts each customer has and a sum of the balances in eachof those accounts. I can make a similar query involving Loan Accounts.As soon as I try to draw both, however, I wind up below my depth.Something to do with the handedness of my joins, I believe. Often Iwill get one column of information (either deposits or loans), or thequery will fail because the join I'm attempting is invalid, etc. I needto take every row in the All_Accounts table, match each one to itsbalance in either the Deposit or Loan table, and then group them all bythe Customer ID and sum them, so that I can find out the totalrelationship balance per customer. Any help would be appreciated.

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A Challenge: Need To Write A Difficult Query

Aug 18, 2007

 CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Product]
  [ProductId] [smallint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT PkProduct_ProductId PRIMARY KEY,
  [Name] [varchar](52) NOT NULL,
  [Type] [smallint] NOT NULL,
For this table
I have to write the querywhich willget the TOP 1 Row of each Type.
I know the alternate way of doing this by union.
But this is not professional.
Can anyone resolve this issue?

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Difficult Select Distinct Query

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I have a table as followingaa Text1 aa, Join Bytes!, 15267aa Text1 aa, Join Bytes!, 16598aa Text1 aa, Join Bytes!, 17568aa Text2 aa, Join Bytes!, 25698aa Text3 aa, Join Bytes!, 12258I have to write a query as follows ...SELECT DISTINCT TOP 500 fldText, fldContact, fldItemidFROM tableWHERE fldCat = 10 AND CONTAINS (fldText, 'Text1')In the example you can see the table has rows in which text and contact ordouble but with different itemid's. Now my employer wants me to show only 1row when text and contact or the same. He doesn't mind which itemid I show.... but I have to show one.I've an idea of how to do this using a cursor and a temporary table but Iguess that will be fatal for the performance because then I have to loopthrough all selected rows, check each row with all other rows and store theprimary key in the temporary table if dedected it isn't double. AfterwardsI can execute ... SELECT ... FROM TABLE where primary key in (selecttemp_primarykey from #temptable).I hoped I could do everything in 1 "easy" SELECT but I should not know how?Any ideas are much appreciated.Thanks a lot.Perre Van Wilrijk.

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Concatenated String Of Comma Separated Values (was Help With Query)

Nov 21, 2006

I have following 2 queries which return different results.

declare @accountIdListTemp varchar(max)
SELECT COALESCE(@accountIdListTemp + ',','') + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),acct_id)
FROM (SELECT Distinct acct_id
FROM SomeTable) Result
print @accountIdListTemp

The above query return the values without concatenating it.

declare @pot_commaSeperatedList varchar(max)

into #accountIdListTemp
FROM SomeTable

SELECT @pot_commaSeperatedList = COALESCE(@pot_commaSeperatedList + ',','') + CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),acct_id)
FROM #accountIdListTemp
print @pot_commaSeperatedList
drop table #accountIdListTemp

This query returns result as concatenated string of comma separated values.

If i want to get similar result in a single query how can i get it?

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Learning SQL: Rather Difficult Query Needed: And If You Know This With Explanation What You're Doing If Possible :)

Jan 7, 2008

If you know the answer please explain what you're doing if possible, that'll help me :)I have the following tables:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblUserData](    [UserCode] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,    [UserName] [nvarchar](50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,    [DisplayName] [nvarchar](50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,) ON [PRIMARY]CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblFriends](    [UserCodeOwner] [int] NOT NULL,    [UserCodeFriend] [int] NOT NULL,    [createdate] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_tblFriends_createdate]  DEFAULT (getdate())) ON [PRIMARY]in tblFriends relations are stored twice, so for a relation between user 5 and 6, there will be 2 rows: 5-6 and 6-5Now, I want to get the columns (UsercodeOwner,UsercodeFriend,createdate,username,displayname) for relations that were created in tblFriends in the last 10 days for the FRIENDS of a person with usercode 5.Example:tblUserdata5 peter Petertje6 john Johnny11 simon SimonSays15 monique MontjetblFriends5 6 'createdate 30 days ago'5 11 'createdate 5 days ago'6 5 'createdate 30 days ago'6 11 'createdate 3 days ago'6 15 'createdate 7 days ago'11 5 'createdate 5 days ago'11 6 'createdate 3 days ago'15 6 'createdate 7 days ago'The resultset for a query on usercode 5 would now be (usercode1, username1, displayname1,usercode2, username2, displayname2,createdate):6 john Johnny 11 simon SimonSays 'createdate 3 days ago'6 john Johnny 15 monique Montje 'createdate 7 days ago'As you can see each relation is only returned twice even though there are always two entriesWhat would be the SQL statement, if possible without temp table..Thanks!

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Query With Recordset

Jun 22, 2004


I am connecting to the database as following:
set con = server.createobject("adodb.connection")
con.open "connectionstring"
set rs = con.execute("select * from tablename")

I am able to display the records but if I want to give adopenstatic to the above connection, how can I do so?

Thanks in advance,

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Use A Whole Recordset For A 'LIKE' Query (was Quickie)

Jan 16, 2007

trying to search a DB for all records within a range.
I have a recordset containing about 10 postcodes and I need to find all the records containing any one of those postcodes
currently I have:
sqlString= "SELECT aucTitle FROM tblAPAuctions WHERE aucPostalCode LIKE '%" & left(rsPostcodeResult, 4) & "%'"
but I am getting 'type mismatch' error.

Thanks for looking

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Cursor, Query, View And Recordset

Jul 20, 2005

Could someone help me by answering the questions below?What's a cursor?What's difference between Query and View?Is a RecordSet just part of a table? Can it be part of a query of view?If the content in a table changed, is it necessary for a old recordset torenew itself by do "Requery()"?Thanks for your help!

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Help With Query Strings

Feb 7, 2007

I am using query strings to pass data from web form to web form and I have two questions.  First if i use a asp:sqldatasouce to fill up a grid view and I have my select command set to a paramater that get whatever is in the query string it will not work because whatever is in the quers string gets a " ' " put in front and in the back of it.  So if the query string was 5 whene it does the sql statement it sets my paramater = '5' not just 5 so its wont work.  How can I fix this using the asp:sql datasource my aspx code looks like
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Rental PropertiesConnectionString %>"
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="PROPERITY_ID" QueryStringField="key" Type="Int32" />
Also since i have not been able to get around this so i have been wrting code in vb.net to attact a dataset to a grid view to populate it based on the query string i would do the following in vb.net to get ride of the ' in front and behind the query string
Dim y as string  = "'" // " ' "
key = Request.QueryString("key").trim(y.tochararray)
But now i am doing another project in C# and I have re-written the above code in C# it will run but it will not take the " ' " out form infront or behind key.  How does this need to be changed up?
string y = "'";
key = Request.QueryString["key"].trim(y.tochararray());

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SQLDataSource With Query Strings

Mar 16, 2007

Hi, I have a SQLDataSource binding to a GridView and can come to the page either with or without a query string attached:
When it comes with a query string, I can see in SQL Server profiler it executes and I get all the right data. When it is an empty string, or with no "?portfolio=" on it, it won't even execute against SQL server. Any ideas?
<asp:GridView ID="grid" runat="server" Width="600px"
AllowSorting = "true"
AllowPaging = "true">
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="DSportfolio" ConnectionString="<%$ AppSettings:SQLConnection1 %>"
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="p_PORTFOLIOID" QueryStringField="portfolio" />

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Getting SQL To Lookup Query Strings

Jun 10, 2008

Hi, I am having a problem looking up querystrings in my DB, I have the following code
   <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlData_products" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ProductDatabaseConnectionString2 %>"         SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [tbl_subProduct],[tbl_subCategory],[tbl_topCategory],[tbl_Material],[tbl_topLevelProduct] WHERE numSubCategoryID = @Category OR numMaterialID = @Material OR txtOrderCode = @Keyword OR txtMovexCode = @Keyword OR txtUKMapCode = @Keyword">           <selectparameters>           <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="Category" QueryStringField="SearchCatString" />           <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="Material" QueryStringField="SearchMatString" />           <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="Keyword" QueryStringField="SearchKeyString" />           </selectparameters>    </asp:SqlDataSource>
 My Querystrings are in the VB file:- SearchCatString = Request.QueryString("txtSelCat")
SearchMatString = Request.QueryString("txtSelMat")
SearchKeyString = Request.QueryString("txtKeyword")These come from a previous page, where a dropdown list copies the ID of the selected item into a text box. My problem is that this is not working please help

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Concatenate Strings After Assigning Text In Place Of Bit Strings

Feb 19, 2007

I have a whole bunch of bit fields in an SQL data base, which makes it a little messy to report on.

I thought a nice idea would be to assigne a text string/null value to each bit field and concatenate all of them into a result.

This is the basic logic goes soemthing like this:

select case new_accountant = 1 then 'acct/' end +

case new_advisor = 1 then 'adv/' end +

case new_attorney = 1 then 'atty/' end as String

from new_database

The output would be

Null, acct/, adv/, atty, acct/adv/, acct/atty/... acct/adv/atty/

So far, nothing I have tried has worked.

Any ideas?

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Data Access :: Recordset Returned By Query Have A Status Of Closed?

Oct 8, 2015

I'm running the following SQL query from LabVIEW, a graphical programming language, using the built in capabilities it has for database connectivity:

    DECLARE @currentID int
    SET @currentID = (SELECT MIN(ExperimentID) FROM Jobs_t WHERE JobStatus = 'ToRun');
    UPDATE [dbo].[Jobs_t]
    SET [JobStatus] = 'Pending'
    WHERE ExperimentID = @currentID;
    SELECT @currentID AS result

This is the analogous code to main() is a C-like language. The first block, which has the "Connection Information" wire going into it, opens a .udl file and creates an ADO.NET _Connection reference, which is later used to invoke methods for the query.

<execute query.img>

This is the inside of the second block, the one with "EXE" and the pink wire going into it. The boxes with the gray border operate much like "switch" statements. The wire going into the "?" terminal on these boxes determines which case gets executed. The yellow boxes with white rectangels dropping down are invoke nodes and property nodes; they accept a reference to an object and allow you to invoke methods and read/write properties of that object. You can see the _Recordset object here as well. <fetch recordset.img>

Here's the next block to be executed, the one whose icon reads "FETCH ALL". We see that the first thing to execute on the far left grabs some properties of the recordset, and returns them in a "struct" (the pink wire that goes into the box that reads "state"). This is where the code fails. The recordset opened in the previous VI (virtual instrument) has a status of "closed", and the purple variant (seen under "Read all the data available") comes back empty.

The rest of the code is fairly irrelevant, as it's just converting the received variant into usable data, and freeing the recordset reference opened previously. My question is, why would the status from the query of the recordset be "closed"? I realize that recordsets are "closed" when the query returns no rows, but executing that query in SSMS returns good data. Also, executing the LabVIEW code does the UPDATE in the query, so I know that's not broken either.

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Building Dynamic SQL Query Strings

Jan 17, 2008

Let me start by asking that no one try to convince me to use Stored Procs.  The examples below are a lot more simplistic then my real world code and it just gets too complicated to try to manage the quantity of SPs that I would need.
I have an application that displays a lot of data and I've created a system for users to filter the data using checkboxlist controls, dropdown controls, etc.  From this, I have a "core" query that selects the fields that display in my GridView.  It has a base Select clause, From clause and Where clause.  From this I then add more to the Where clause to apply these filter values.
Here's an example "core" query:
SELECT Profile.FirstName, Profile.LastName, Project.ProjectNameFROM Profile, ProjectWHERE Profile.ProjectCode = Project.ProjectCode
From this if a user want's to only display profiles from NC, they could select that from the CBL and the query would be modified to:
SELECT Profile.FirstName, Profile.LastName, Project.ProjectNameFROM Profile, ProjectWHERE Profile.ProjectCode = Project.ProjectCodeAND Profile.State IN ('NC')
My code would add the last line above since the user specified that they only wanted NC profiles.
This is very simple and I have this already going on with my application.  Here's the problem.  In order to accommodate all of the various filters, I have to inner join and left join a bunch of various tables.  Many times I include tables that have no data to display or filter on and therefore impacts performance.  Here's an example:
SELECT Profile.FirstName, Profile.LastName, Project.ProjectNameFROM Profile, Project, AgentWHERE Profile.ProjectCode = Project.ProjectCodeAND Profile.AgentID = Agent.AgentID
From the query above, I have included the Agent table that holds the agent's contact information.  One of my filters allows the user to type in an agents name to find all profiles assigned to it.  Here's what that would look like:
SELECT Profile.FirstName, Profile.LastName, Project.ProjectNameFROM Profile, Project, AgentWHERE Profile.ProjectCode = Project.ProjectCodeAND Profile.AgentID = Agent.AgentIDAND Agent.Name = 'Smith, John'
You can see now that it was necessary to have the Agent table already joined into the query so that when I used the agent name filter, it wouldn't crash out on me.
The obvious thing would be to only include the Agent table when searching for an agent name.  This is ultimately what I'm looking to do, but I need a solid method to go about doing this.  Keep in mind that I currently have 16 tables in my "core" query and many of those are not needed unless the filters call for it.
If anyone has any ideas on how to simplify this process I'm selcome to suggestions.  We're using SQL 2000, but are looking to upgrade to SQL 2005, if that makes any difference.  I know that the way I do table joins is compliant with SQL 2005 and I'm certainly open to suggestions that will make it forward compatible.
This app is using .NET 2.0 and written in VB.NET.  Thanks for any help!

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Variables In Query Strings (that Are Stored In A Db)

Oct 28, 2004

Hi all,

If I have a query string that is to be stored in a database, for example


SELECT prod_id, prod_name, prod_desc FROM products WHERE prod_id = 'variable'

how can I put a variable identifier into this string so that when I need to run the query I call it from the database and simply insert the relevant variable in the correct place.

Is there an appropriate way of doing this in MS SQL Server?



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Query On Empty Strings In A Table

Oct 25, 2007


Is it possible to search for a column without a value?

$query="select id from table1 where col2=''"; (this didnt work, but how do I do it??)

I need the id for the row that has the col2 empty.


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