Difficulty In Referencing DLLs From Script Task/component When The DLL Relies On A Config File
Jan 22, 2008
Kind of a .Net question, although specifically related to VSA.
We have a script task that references an external DLL. That DLL is a proxy for a web service and it takes its configuration info (e.g. location of the web service) from a configuration file.
We have created a quick-and dirty test harness exe to consume data using the proxy and it works fine. All you need to do is dump the proxy, the config file and the test harness exe into a folder.
This doesn't work so well when you substitute SSIS for the test harness. We are trying to use a script task which references the proxy DLL to get a response from the web service but when we execute we get:
"Cannot find default endpoint element that references contract 'blah blah blah' in the ServiceModel client configuration section. This might be because no configuration file was found for your application..."
[See a screenshot here: http://cid-550f681dad532637.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Public/Misc/ssis_script_task_config_error.JPG]
This makes sense of course, right? The DLL needs the config file. However, where do you put the config file so that the DLL (which, remember, is running inside SSIS) can find it? We've tried putting it in the same folder as the .dtsx file, in the same folder as dtexec.exe...nothing works.
To try and debug we put the following code into the script task:
Code Snippet
Dim rst_Path As String
rst_Path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName.CodeBase)
and the resultant message box was contained "file:C:WINDOWSassemblyGAC_MSILMicrosoft_VsaVb8.0.0.0__<GUID>"
which makes complete sense of course.
So, my question is, how can we configure this whole kaboodle of "stuff" so that it works?
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Sep 2, 2015
Currently have a single hard coded file path to the SSRS config file which parses the file and provides the reporting services web service url. My question is how would i run this same query against 100s of servers that may or may not share the same file path as the one hard coded ?
Is there a way to query the registry to find the location of the config file of any server ? which could be on D, E, F, H, etc.
I know I can string together the address followed by "reports" and named instance if needed, but some instances may not have used the default virtual directory name (Reports).
Am I going about this the hard way ? Is there a location where the web service url exists in a table ? I could not locate anything in the Reporting service database. Basically need to inventory all of my reporting services url's.
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Feb 22, 2007
How do I do this ? Or is there any way to bundle Package with Config file so that they both are deployed in MSDB?
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Feb 28, 2006
I am developing a Script Task for my SSIS package to transfer a file via FTP over SSH (SFTP). I have a nice set of Assemblies/DLLs (purchased from IP*Works) that gives me the added functionality of SSH.
To even get Visual Studio for Applications to see it in the reference list, I copied the DLL (nsoftware.IPWorksSSH.Sftp.dll) to the C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727 directory, added it in the references for the script, and added the Imports nsoftware.IPWorksSSH.Sftp line in the script.
As described in: http://sqljunkies.com/WebLog/knight_reign/archive/2005/07/07/16018.aspx
Yet, when I try to run the SSIS package I get a DTS Script Task Runtime Error:
Could not load file or assembly 'nsoftware.IPWorksSSH.Sftp, Version=7.1.2203.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cdc168f89cffe9cf' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
I tried to move the DLL to the bin directory in the SSIS Package, but that did not help.
Any Ideas?
Thank you for your time,
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Nov 13, 2007
I have deployed to production a number of nested packages (parent packages that call child packages) to the SQL msdb via the Save As option rather than building a deployment utility. These packages reference configuration files in a static location off of the c: drive on the production server. In the development environment, when connection changes are made and I run the Reload with Upgrade option the connection manager takes on the new server and user id settings. However, out on the production side I get the following error from the SQL job log:
Cannot load the XML configuration file. The XML configuration file may be malformed or not valid.
As a result the SQL job uses the default connection information which references the development database rather than the production database. I did research the error but found no good solutions. Is there a way to ensure the configuration files are formed correctly and that the packages are correctly referencing the configuration files? We are trying to run the ETL updates via a SQL job.
Any suggestions? Thanks.
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Mar 16, 2007
In a Data Flow, I have the necessity to use a SSIS variable of type ��Object�? inside Script Component and assign to it the content of 'n' variables of string type.
On exiting from the script the variable of type object should contain something like in the following lines:
On exiting from the data flow I will use the variable of type Object in a Script Task, by reading each element in a cyclic fashion.
Is there anyone who have experienced something like this? Could anyone provide any example of that?
Thanks in advance!
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Jul 24, 2006
Is there a way you can reference a prebuilt CLR function in a custom dataflow task?
The CLR and the custom dataflow task are one in the same. The reason that I'm designing the custom task is that I find that it's time consuming to make a call to the database to retrieve a function to work on something that's already in memory. Also, another reason is that if the code needs to be updated, it doesn't have to be done in 2 places allowing for less confusion.
I tried adding a reference to the CLR function in my SSIS dataflow task, but when I try running it in SSIS, I get the error saying it cannot use a SQL CLR defined task in the package which I believe is due to this reference in the CLR code:
public static string toCase(string text, string caseType)
Is there a way to circumvent the [...SqlFunction] line of code when the DLL is referenced by an SSIS dataflow task, or do I just have to deal with having 2 copies of the same code?
Thanks in advance!
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Jul 28, 2006
This error occurs when the ActiveX task tries to execute:
[ActiveX Script Task] Error: Retrieving the file name for a component failed with error code 0x001B6438.
Anybody know how to troubleshoot these errors? I can't find anything on this error code. The same script works in DTS.
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Jun 15, 2006
For example, the table below, has a foreign key (ManagerId) that points to EmployeeId (primary key) of the same table.
-------Employees table--------
EmployeeID . . . . . . . . . . int
Name . . . . . . . . . . . nvarchar(50)
ManagerID . . . . . . . . . . . int
If someone gave you an ID of a manager, and asked you to get him all employee names who directly or indirectly report to this manager.
How can that be achieved?
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Sep 21, 2006
Hello All,
I experienced a weird error while deploying my SSIS package. After running the manifest file, i noticed that one of the configuration file's path was not updated in the dtsx file. My solution has 8 packages and almost every package has 2 configuration files. Except 1 file every other config file's path is being updated. Has anybody experieced such a problem?
Thank you in advance for your help
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Apr 24, 2007
Hello,I'm trying to create a simple back up in the SQL Maintenance Plan that willmake a single back up copy of all database every night at 10 pm. I'd likethe previous nights file to be overwritten, so there will be only a singleback up file for each database (tape back up runs every night, so each daysback up will be saved on tape).Every night the maintenance plan makes a back up of all the databases to anew file with a datetime stamp, meaning the previous nights file stillexists. Even when I check "Remove files older than 22 hours" the previousnights file still exists. Is there any way to create a back up file withoutthe date time stamp so it overwrites the previous nights file?Thanks!Rick
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May 24, 2007
Does anyone have an example of a web.config file that works with Dynamic Data controls? I asked because I can't seem to arrange my "config sections" in any working order. I use 1 connection string in the web.config to establish a conversation with the database. Thanks in Advance.
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Feb 21, 2008
Hi the data connectionstring will be generated automatically in web.config file after dragging a data table from database into webpage.for example: <configuration> <add name="SQLProfileConnString" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|MSPetShop4Profile.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/> </> But what if I have to write the connectionString part myself, I mean where I can get the syntax of it? Thanks a lot
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Mar 25, 2008
I have a simple SSIS package which includes one Analysis Services Processing Task. I have created a connection manager object (cmo) and assigned it to the AS task. Within the cmo I selected a specific user name and
password to log on to the server with. Tested this [domain][user account] and it works. Now here is the problem. When I run the package either in debug mode or from a command line, the packages ignores the connection manager and
attemps to use the account I am logged into the server with.
Using a config file to hold the credentials does not work either. When DTEXEC is used, the package attempts to use the credientials used to log in to the server.
Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening?
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Dec 12, 2007
Hi All!
I've been struggling with a problem I have. When I use DTEXECUI to run a package and manually add the config file, it gets ignored and there is no warning as such.
Here's the set up:
1) create SSIS package that uses a DB connection
2) enable config, add XML config, export the connection string, disable config
3) edit config file, change connection string
4) open package from Windows Explorer (double click)
5) add config file created in step 3
All of that works fine, but there are times when it doesn't. I think it depends on the editor used in step 3. If I use textpad and "pretty format" the XML (from the huge one-line built from within Visual Studio), then sometimes the changes aren't picked up. I can tell this because the "default" server in development is not accessable in production. When we "reformatted" the XML back to one line, the correct server was connected to.
I have no idea what the problem with the formatted XML was. I thought it was CRLF vs LF, but I have at least one config that formatted that way and it works fine. My current thought is character encoding when using TextPad.
My biggest problem is that DTEXECUI doesn't tell you that the config file isn't going to be used. It just ignores the "bad" config format and goes on its merry way using the information in the package itself. That really scares me.
Has anyone else seen this? What is the problem being introduced into the config file?
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Feb 1, 2008
I've been using SSIS for a few months now, and am comfortable with most of the tools, except for the script task and script component. I don't remember any VB code from college - is that the best place to start in order to fully understand how to code the script task and component? I need to understand the situations where/when I would use scripting, why, etc. I've used a few examples on the internet to do some simple tasks, but need to understand the code I'm implementing. Any direction would be much appreciated.
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Jun 15, 2006
How to debug a Script Component task?
For instance, I��ve got a Input0_ProcessInputRow procedure and I��d like to see what happen when compiler reach this line:
dFecha = Left(Row.Column19, 4) & "-" & Mid(Row.Column19, 5, 2) & "-" & Right(Row.Column19, 2)
I��ve put a toogle breakpoint there and then saved but when I run the package to ignore at all.
This topic has been already discussed in these newsgrups but I still have doubts.
Thanks a lot for any advice or clarification
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May 23, 2006
Hi all of you,
How to debug a script component task made in .Net? I've got a Inmediate Window, Start Without Debugging, Toggle Breakpoint, etc but nothing works. When I press Start nothing happens. I suppose that anything very very of paramount importance I'm forgetting but I haven't any clue
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Jan 3, 2007
I think I've read to many post and now I'm confused on what the exact syntax should be and where in the web config file for connecting to my remote database on the web. I have a SQL Server 2005 database on the web. It was imported by the host from the members ID and passwords database created in Express 2005 from the ASP.Net configuration
Here's the portion of the config file:
Here is the sample connection string my host provided:
DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=sqlserver5.loosefoot.com;UID=myadmin;PWD=Your Password;database=eldersmembers
Would someone show me exactly what and where the syntax for the connection string goes?
Thanks in advance
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Mar 1, 2008
how to solve error SQL server does not allow remote connection
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Nov 6, 2006
Config files doesn't seem to work for me :( i want to make a common config file for all of my packages but it is giving me error
Validation error. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager failed with error code 0xC0202009
I have placed pasword in my config file too. Following is config file which i m using, server name n password are masked.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<DTSConfigurationFileInfo GeneratedBy="SSBKD955688" GeneratedFromPackageName="DTS_ACPM_MarkIT_Indices_Composites_TRAC_X_Asia_Index" GeneratedFromPackageID="{CB3660A1-5E6C-4D08-A7F5-4D6CE83578E2}" GeneratedDate="2006/10/19 14:05:20"/>
<Configuration ConfiguredType="Property" Path="Package.Connections[ssmgn838.ACPM.acpmuser].Properties[ConnectionString]" ValueType="String">
<ConfiguredValue>server=########;user id=sa;password=******;database=ACPM;
<Configuration ConfiguredType="Property" Path="Package.Connections[Text File (Source)].Properties[ConnectionString]" ValueType="String">
<ConfiguredValue>C:acpmfiletouploadCopy of ACPM_MarkIT_Indices_Constituents_Composites_1_ITRAXX_ASIA.tab
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Mar 25, 2008
Hi to all
i have sql-clr function written in C#.
i am performing data access opertaion using ado.net with in this function.
what i want ,to store connnection string inside config file.(appesettings)i got one article about this which is bellow
i follow all steps given in article.
but still getting error when executing function
A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user-defined routine or aggregate "Amex":
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at UserDefinedFunctions.CreateExpense()
can anybody help me....
thanks in advance,
Chetan S. Raut
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Jun 11, 2007
I am using package configurations to store connectionstring for my database.
While moving the package from development to production, I used the same configuration files (without changing the connection string to point the database to production one). I ran the package in production and it updated the development database.
Then I changed the config files in production to point it to the production database.
However, the packages are still pointing to dev. database.
It seems that after running the package one in Production, it is not reading the updated config file for subsequent runs.
How to I make sure that the packages now read the latest config files.
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May 17, 2006
Hi All,
I am looking for help trying to configure an XML dtsconfig file, I am using different connection managers for my Source and Destination Databases, I am also using an XML dtsconfig file to set these parameters dynamically, however I dont want to use userid/password to connect to my source/destination databases and instead use trusted connection or windows authentication, I remember we had an option in earlier DTS where we could set it up as 0 or 1and use windows authentication, I cannot find this in the new SSIS package properties.
Appreciate your help in advance.
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Aug 9, 2007
In my SSIS packages I'm adding a config file that is storing only the connection strings to the database. Though most of my packages are reading or writing out flat files as well as connecting to a db. Do I need to put both db connection string and flat file connection strings in the config file? I'm currently adding only the db connection due to that will change depending which environment its ran in, unlike the flat file location will always remain the same.
I just want to be sure I don't need both for my package to run successfully.
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Feb 15, 2006
Hi all
This is the situation: I've a dtsx package wich creates a tab delimited txt file from a sql server 2005 databasetable. Now this all works just fine. But what I want to do is that the user can choose the destination path of that created txt-file. Right now I've declared the path when I created the flat file source.
On the net I found that a config file for a dts package (sql server 2000 - Dynamic Property Task) could do the trick...
Any help plz?
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Oct 26, 2007
I have a package that has a data lfow task. this task imports data from a db2 database (using the IBM Ole DB provider fro db2) and adds it to sql server database table. This package was created on the server. then though version control (using TFS source control) I check out the package on my local machine. and when I open the package I get the foll 3 errors.
Error 1 Validation error. Import Account Num from BMGP_BDR: DTS.Pipeline: The component metadata for "component "DataReader Source" (1113)" could not be upgraded to the newer version of the component. The PerformUpgrade method failed.
Error 2 Error loading BMAG Download Xref Tables - bmag.dtsx: Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ComponentVersionMismatchException: The version of component "DataReader Source" (1113) is not compatible with this version of the DataFlow. [[The version or pipeline version or both for the specified component is higher than the current version. This package was probably created on a new version of DTS or the component than is installed on the current PC.]] at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostCheckAndPerformUpgrade(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper90 wrapper, Int32 lPipelineVersion)
Error 3 Error loading BMAG Download Xref Tables - bmag.dtsx: The component metadata for "component "DataReader Source" (1113)" could not be upgraded to the newer version of the component. The PerformUpgrade method failed.
Please advice.
Thank you.
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Feb 14, 2007
How could I remark my script component, It is isolated, I just wanna check something without losing the long script written inside.
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Feb 6, 2007
Dear Colleagues,
I'm trying to develop a custom Data Flow Transformization component in SSIS.
I compiled it without errors, installed it in the GAC and in the Pipeline Components-folder however I always get the following message when I'm trying to drag the component onto the designer surface:
The component could not be added to the Data Flow task.
Please verify that this component is properly installed.
The data flow object "RisikoKennzahlenKomponenten.MarktwertTransformation,
RisikoKennzahlenKomponenten, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=cfa8722b8086ac2d" is not installed correctly on this computer.
Program Location:
Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.DtsBasePackageDesigner.GetPipelineInfo(String creationName, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
parentCollection, String clsid, IDTSComponentMetaData90 componentMetadata,
PipelineComponentInfo& pipelineComponentInfo)
Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.PipelineTaskDesigner.AddNewComponent(String clsid, Boolean throwOnError)
This happens with EVERY custom component on my computer. The same components work fine on other machines.
Does anyone have an idea?
Arne Janning
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Jun 13, 2006
I was just trying to add COM reference but I don't see how.
Let me know any info about this.
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Feb 8, 2006
Near the end of 2005 Microsoft made available some sample C# apps that implemented custom SSIS tasks and components. I think Doug Ladenshlager may have had a heavy hand in building them.
Does anyone know where they are? I can't darned well find them!
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Nov 13, 2007
I have a component who's OnPreExecute event handler contains a Script Task. I would like to use this Script Task to access the component's properties. Can anyone provide script examples for doing this if this is possible?
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