Disable Drill Through In Model Designer

Apr 24, 2008

Does anyone know how to disable the auto click through functionality in Model Designer?

Does anyone know how to prevent the "drill throught url on the cell value" to export to excel when exporting a Report Builder report with drill through enabled?

Any help on these topics would be greatly appreciated.

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Analysis :: Disable Drill Down On Calculate Member

Jun 3, 2015

In one of the business requirement, we need to disable a particular drill down on a calculated member, Is it possible?

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How To Create Matrix Drill Down On Report Designer

Apr 24, 2008

i'm trying to create a drill down matrix in report designer because the Chat System, i've a char in the upper region of the RDL and i want to put in the lower region a Matrix with drill down capabilities, but i don't know how to do it.

need help please

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Prompts In Model Designer

Oct 19, 2006

I would like to set up a prompt / filter as part of the model that carries through to the report builder. I have a query where I would like to force a prompt on the user as part of any report they create. Ideally, I would like to have it default as well.

I noticed that there is a prompt attribute in model designer. When I go to add the filter attribute in model designer, I get the same dialog box I get in the report builder - except it does not have the prompt as an option. Is there a way to accomplish this?


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Enabling Automatic ClickThrough/ Drill Into For Report Builder Reports Against A Model

Apr 4, 2007

Hello - I am having difficulty enabling the automatic click-through functionality for my model. I have two entities - Customer & Incident. Incident is a role/FK/OptionalMany relationship to customer.

I've read through earlier postings on this subject (below) and have verified that the #Incidents attribute in my incident entity has the EnableDrillThrough=true.

My test report is simple - Customer Name (from customer) and #Incidents (from incident). When I run it, the click-through option is not available (the cursor stays as an arrow and doesn't change to a finger).

Are there other properties or settings that I need to be working with? I have SP2 (9.0.3042) installed on our Standard edition of SQL 2005. I know Infinite Click-Through is not in Std edition, but a few levels should be, correct?

Thanks in Advance,


Other related postings -



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Report Model: Drill On Calculated Field In Report Builder

Feb 11, 2007


I've created dsv that contain all fields from table database. in the smdl I've remove some fileds due to security. All fields in the smdl do not contain drill.

Issue: When I created calculated field in the report builder the field has a link. When I clicked the drill I saw all the record data including field that not in the smdl.


1) Can I remove the link from the calculated fields?

2) Can I prevent from users drill to fields that not in the smdl?



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Report Designer Report That Queries A Cube Model

Jun 15, 2007

In Report Designer I am able to create a Model data source and see my entities/fields.

But when I run the report I get a "Failed to execute Query" message.

I know in the past this was an issue because Designer doesn't allow you to specify a perspective.

Does anyone know if this has been resolved?

I'm using SP2

Thank you,


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Report Model Deployment : The Model ID Of The Submitted Model Must Match That Of The

Dec 5, 2005

Running 2005 Beta 3 Refresh.  When I first deploy, it works fine. Subsequent deployments yield the following error:

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Drill Down In Excel -- I Know What Drill Through Is!!

Oct 28, 2005

Can anyone help me with this?

This is my problem:

I have a cube that I created in AS2005, I have a hierarchy and drillthrough action defined. When I create a pivot table in Excel based on that cube and I try to drill down on the cell in the pivot table I can not drill down to the next level. I get an error message: Cannot show or hide detail for
this selection. My hierarchy is based on Dimension Facility. Facility State is root level, facility zip is next level. When I'm in AS2005 and browse the cube, I'm able to drill down and drill through and see the hierarchy just fine. (Also, I find interesting that when I create a cube in excel, based on a two relational tables, I'm able to drill down. ) I have the Analsysis Services Add-on installed on my machine, so I have the Cube Analysis Menu item. But I can't seem to even drill-through. So, for now all I want to know is why can't I drill-down (i.e. double clicking on a cell and having the data related "explode" in the spread sheet) like it shows in the article written by William Pearson, titled September 12, 2005
Introduction to MSSQL Server Analysis Services: Reporting Options for Analysis Services Cubes: MS Excel 2003 and More. Any help is greatly appreciated!!

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Difference B/w Drill Through And Drill Across.

Feb 26, 2008

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Power Pivot :: Building A Model Based On Multinational Model With Different Languages?

Oct 19, 2015

I need to develop a language specific dwh, meaning that descriptions of products are available from a SAP system in multiple languages. English is the most important language and that is the standard. But, there are also requirements of countries that wants productdescriptions in their language. 

Productnr Productdesc Language
1            product       EN
1            produkt       DE

One option is to column the descriptions, but that is not very elegantly. I was thinking of using bridge tables to model this but you have to always select a language in a filter (I think)..

I'm thinking of a technical solution, such that when a user logs on, the language is determined and a view determines whether to pick a certain product table specific for a certain language. But then I don't have the opportunity to interchange the different language specific fields in a report (or in my case PowerPivot).

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Can We Pause Log Shipping, Bring Primary Db To Simple Recovery Model And Then Back To Full R Model?

Apr 25, 2008

We have the following scenario,

We have our Production server having database on which Few DTS packages execute every night. Most of them have Bulk Insert stored procedures running.

SO we have to set Recovery Model of the database to simple for that period of time, otherwise it will blow up our logs.

Is there any way we can set up log shipping between our production and standby server, but pause it for some time, set recovery model of primary db to simple, execute DTS Bulk Insert Jobs, Bring it Back to Full recovery Model AND finally bring back Log SHipping.

It it possible, if yes how can we achieve this.

If not what could be another DR solution in this scenario.

Thanks Much

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MS Time Series - Quick To Process The Model But Takes Very Long Time To Open Mining Model Viewer

Oct 27, 2007

Hi all,

I have MS Time Seeries model using a database of over a thousand products each of which has hundreds of cases. It amazingly takes only a few minutes to finish processing the model, but when I click Mining Model Viewer to view the models, it takes many hours to show up. Once the window is open, I can choose model for different products almost instantly. Is this normal?

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Connected Model Vs. Disconnected Model

Aug 10, 2005

hi !!i have a question about the connected and disconnected model to access the Sql server DB.......i know that there is better to choose one rather than the other in some situantions and there is no better model in all cases...... os i hope you can help me to decide what shall i choose...i will use the DB to connect to Web services and read data from the DB and wrtie some data back.......i do not know that to use ..... i hope you advise me and tell me about the rules that will allow me to choose  what model to choose .... i appreciate your help!!Thanks !!!

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Error While Trying To Load The Mining Model In The Mining Model Viewer

Nov 15, 2006

I get the following error when I try to load the mining model in the mining model viewer

Query (1, 6) The '[System].[Microsoft].[AnalysisServices].[System].[DataMining].[NeuralNet].[GetAttributeValues]' function does not exist.

I get a similar error when I try to load the Load Mining Accuracy Chart

Failed to execute the query due to the following error:

Query (1, 6) The '[System].[Microsoft].[AnalysisServices].[System].[DataMining].[AllOther].[GenerateLiftTableUsingDatasource]' function does not exist.

I have OWC 11 installed. What am I missing here?


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Drill Down

Jun 22, 2005

hi Guys

I want to allow users to have the ability to drilldown. But it doesn't seem possible outside AS ? am I wrong ? As I have built a cube with drilldown enabled and have tested and is working within AS. However after I've opened it up in excel I and tried to drill down it wasn't actually possible. I could only increase / decrease the report's hierachy and that was all.

Anyone know how I can allow my clients to view drill down values ?

any help is appreciated :)

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Sep 8, 2005

Does anyone know if it's possible to use drill-through function, liked it's used in cubes in Analysis Manager, in a webreport in Reporting Services? With drill-through i mean the functionality to see individual rows from the database for a single cell in the web-interface.

Anders from Sweden

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Using Drill Through

Apr 10, 2007

Hi !
I use a OLAP data Source (Analysis Services)
I have a problem, I have a bar chart, where I put an action on the data Properties to move to another report B if there is a clik on.
My report B need a parameter to execute it self.
So In my report A, I add an action which pass the good parameter to the report B.
In my report B, I add a parameter (via report menu, reportParameter item), but I don't how link the two (grid and parameter)...
because, in my report display, I display a grid, and a text area, in the text area I display the parameter which is pass by the drill through, and when I preview it, the value is ok, but not in my table (grid),
I try to add a dimension with ... but I have always an error, and if I put a dimension who is a parameter it is not ok...
I don't understand,
could you help me !?
Thank you

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How To Drill Down On Fields

Apr 14, 2007

Hi All ,

I am new to Sql Server and Reporting services ..

I was trying to make a drill down report

I have created Grooup on detail row and set the Visibility with one of the group rows just above ..

But when preview the report I cannot see any data ..

How ever If I Delete the Groups I can see the data ..

Is there anything that I am missing Please help

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HOW TO: Enable Drill Down

May 28, 2007

I have a problem on creating a report using Microsoft SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio. I am new to this environment, anybody here can help me on how to enable the "DrillDown" on the table?

When I am using the wizard, the option to enable the drill down will appear, but when I am using "Report Server Project", I really don't know how to enable it, and theres was no table properties on how to enabled it.

Could you help me please


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Drill Through Report

Jun 5, 2007

Hi All,

I have one dotnet applciation in that i am viewing the report in report viewer. In the same report if the user clicks on one field another report will open. I got a problem with this second report. the image placed on the second report is not coming and if the user clicks on the print button which is on the report viewer the first report is only getting printed. How can I print the second report.

Thanks In Advance

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Drill Down From A Graph

Apr 4, 2007

Hello everybody,

I have a small challenge for you.

I'm developing an application using SQL Integration Services and SQL Reporting Services. I need to have the ability to drill down from a graph created with Reporting Services.

Let me explain: If I have a pie chart, I want to be able to click in one of the slides and see the information details that could be in another graph or in a table.

Somebody know how to do this?

Thanks for your help

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About Drill Down Reports(on 7th)

Mar 7, 2008

Hi all,What is Drill Down Reports in Reporting Servies.How can i design Drill Down Reports.
Give me any example to desing Drill Down Reports.

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Drill Down Formating

May 22, 2006

Does anyone know what code I'd use in an expression to conditionally format based on if the drill down is expanded or collapsed?


in an
Revert to "inan"conditionally
Revert to "conditionaly"

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Drill Down Performance

Sep 25, 2007

I was wondering if when you click on the + in a drill down report, does the report requery the database, or is the report just re-rendered without having to query again?

depending on the answer, performance considerations would be different.

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Drill Down In Table

May 2, 2007


I have created a drill down using a table. The drill down has 13 levels in it which causes a big vacant space between the top level and the mesures on the right hand side. I would like to hide the columns so that when i drill down the measure columns should dynamically move towards the right (as i keep on going to the next level) . I have tried using inscope for hiding that particular column by refering to the previous level group in it but it doesn't seem to be working.

Kindly suggest if anyone has done this before.



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Drill Through Reports

Feb 21, 2007

Any way to have the drill through report open in a new window on the web?

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Drill Down Reports

Sep 11, 2007

Hi all

is it possible make drill down reports in crystal
my requirement is like
i have n rows in my report
if am clicking the first column in first row it will list details of that row in between first and second row
Same for all the rows

Quick reply is appreciated


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Drill Down Slow

Aug 13, 2007

Hello everyone

For starters i'm using Microsoft analysis services, integration services and reporting services.

All goes well when creating some general overview reports.

Once i get to making drill down reports with only 2000 rows of data is already starts to work very slow (sometimes takes hours). It seems a data cube is only fast for calculations like SUM, PARALLELPERIOD, ... but if it comes to amount of data it is extreemly weak! 2000 rows is not even alot, i've seen reporting tools beeing able to handle a million rows with drill down function.

I'm thinking that this microsoft tool is just not able to handle reports bigger than 100 rows in it combined with drill down. Please proof me wrong because we already paid for the microsoft tools and it would be a shame if we were not able to use them because of bad functionality...

The machine we work on is quite strong (dual core 2.4 ghz, 4 gig ram, ...)

And yes i know you can make reports clickable so they take the value with them to a next report as a parameters but thats not what we are looking for, we need this drill down to work properly with larger amounts of data.

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MAtrix Report With Drill-through

Mar 13, 2007

Hi All,

I have a table which has a country, division, category, product, Valuetype, value

data looks like this:

Country division, category, product, Valuetype, value

UK Division1 Food Pizza Volume 10000
UK Division1 Food Pizza Revenue 2000
UK Division1 Food Pizza ROI 4.5

UK Division2 Food Pizza Volume 14000
UK Division2 Food Pizza Revenue 2400
UK Division2 Food Pizza ROI 4.1

UK Division2 Drinks Cola Volume 14000
UK Division2 Drinks Cola Revenue 2400
UK Division2 Drinks Cola ROI 4.1

I want to build a drill-through report to be grouped on country, division, category and product.

Can someone help me with some suggestions?


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Drill Through For Visualization Control

Nov 3, 2006

Is there a way to get the Drill through to work with model viewer controls? Any workaround?

Also, where would I find more complex data mining models for review? SQLServerDataMining site, Microsoft data mining tutorial site, and Data Mining with SQL 2005 book, all checked. Anything else?

-Young K

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Drill Through Works Eradically

Feb 1, 2007

I've got a report that drills through to itself, passing different parameters when drilling through. The report work flawlessly in development, flawlessly when you call the report server directly via url, but doesn't always drill through correctly when the report is called using the report viewer on web site. I've gone as far as to create a single aspx page web site that only has this report on it and it still doesn't work.

The drill through works about 1/2 of the time when viewing through the report viewer. But the other half of the time it takes you back to a previously visited parameter, instead of the parameter you clicked on.

So a series of clicks might work like this:

Parameter Clicked - Resultant page

A - Correct "A" page
B - Correct "B" page
C - Correct "C" page
D - Incorrectly taken to "B" page.

It seems to be worse if you throw in any click of the back button.

We thought at first it might be a parameter caching issue, but we turned off all caching and even created a time-stamp parameter to force no caching.

Any thoughts are appreciated.


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How Are The Drill Details Determined?

Apr 4, 2007

Hello - I am using report builder against models.

Which attributes or properties determine what is shown when you do click/drill into the details? I'm using the adventure works database as my guide and expected the (default,Identifying or Aggregate ) attributes to control it, can you summarize how the drill details are determined? My test from adventure works sample:

Pull Territory Name and #customers into the report
Run it and drill into the details on one of the #customers
It returns Acct#, CustType, CustName, #SalesOrders, Sum of a bunch of sales order fields and # customer addresses.
The first three are the default attributes for a customer and the last sets look to be the default aggregates for the other relations to customer - Sales Order & Address.

Is it safe to say that it pulls in the default attributes of the immediate child and then aggregates of it's children? Does it go recursively?

Thanks in advance,


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