Display 1 Piece Of Data From A SQLDataSource

Jul 23, 2007

I have the following sqlDataSource. I wan't to display one piece of data, not a whole row, from it. I can find lots of information on putting it into a datagrid, but nothing on puttin one piece in a textbox. I cannot use a formview as we are embedding html in  response.write and it breaks in a formview. Thanks. 


<asp:SqlDataSource runat="server"


SelectCommand="Select di.EmpInfo,di.eth,gc.t_level         From tblEmp di

        ,tblMisc gc

Where di.empnum = @empnumand di.empnum = gc.empnum" DataSourceMode="DataReader" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings : myConnectionString %>">



<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="empnum" QueryStringField="empnum"/>




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Read Single Piece Of Data From SqlDataSource To A Variable?

Jan 17, 2006

First I want to say thanks to the folks how have helped me over the past week or two.
I'm missing a crucial piece of insight. How do I read a single piece of data from a SqlDataSource which only hold one row of data into a declared variable?
string zUserName = SqlDataSource.(get the value in the row that is labeled UserName)
It really doesn't matter to me whether it is an SqlDataSource or some other data container that hold the data I've selected. My goal is to be able to read some data from some predefined datasource into a declared variable.
If I am approaching this problem in the wrong way any advice or article links you could give me would be grealy appreciate.
Thanks, Bill

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How To Pull Data Into A Datagrid From The Same Table, 2 Fields, And Display Them As 1 Field In The SqlDataSource?

Jan 9, 2008

Hi, Im trying to pull data from 2 fields in the same table into a SqlDataSource that feeds into a GridView, and display them as 1 field in GridView? I have a database table that has entries of users and their friends. so
this tblFriendUser has a column called UserName and another column
called FriendUserName.
I am trying to get a list of friends for that particular user. Note
that if User1 initiated the friend request, he will be listed as
UserName and his friend as FriendUserName, but if his friend initiated
the friend request, it will be vice versa: him being the FriendUserName
and his friend the UserName. So I want the following 2 queries run and merged into
one query in order to return 2 columns only: UserFriendID & UserName, is that
possible? Is my design bad? Any suggestions/advice would help! Thanks a lot!

SELECT UserFriendID, UserName
FROM tblUserFriends
WHERE (UserName = @UserName);

SELECT UserFriendID, FriendUserName AS UserName
FROM tblUserFriends
WHERE (FriendUserName= @UserName);

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Extract One More Piece Of Data From The Column

Dec 17, 2014

I have a database table that was designed by someone else, and I'm trying to see if I can normalize the pattern. Here's the dummy table:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[BadTox](
[PatientID] [int] NULL,
[Cycle] [tinyint] NULL,
[ALOPECIA] [tinyint] NULL,
[Causality1] [tinyint] NULL,

[Code] ....

All the column names in upper case are actually symptom names, and in those columns are values {NULL, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and they belong in a column, so the normalized structure should be like this:

SymptomName VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, -- from the source column *name*
Grade TINYINT NOT NULL -- from the value in the column with the name in uppercase
PRIMARY KEY (PatientID, Cycle, SymptomName));

I can untwist the repeating groups with the code I borrowed from Kenneth Fisher's article [ here ], but the part I'm having a harder time with is grabbing the information that's still left in the column name and integrating it into the solution...

I can retrieve all the column names that are in uppercase using this:

DECLARE @db_id int;
DECLARE @object_id int;
SET @db_id = DB_ID(N'SCRIDB');
SET @object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'SCRIDB.dbo.BadTox');
SELECT name AS column_name
, column_id AS col_order
FROM sys.all_columns
WHERE name = UPPER(name) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS
AND object_id = @object_id;

but I can't figure out how to work it into this (that I built by mimicking Kenneth Fisher's article...):

ALTER PROC [dbo].[UnpivotMaxGradeUsingCrossApply]
, Toxicity
, MAX(Grade) AS MaxGrade


The problem is that I need to extract the column names (where ToxicityName[n] would be). I can do that by querying the sys.all_columns view, but I can't figure out how to integrate the two pieces. About the only thing I have even dreamed up is to build the VALUES(...) statements dynamically from the values returned by the system view.

So how do I get both the value from the ToxicityName[n] column and the column name into my final data query?

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Display Of SqlDataSource

Mar 5, 2006

 I'm trying to follow along with lesson07 Web Development Express series and when I drag the SqlDataSource tool onto my form I do not see the object on the screen.  I therefore can not configure it until I have placed GridView object onto my form. I hope you can help me in how to view the SqlDataSource or inform me where I can get further information

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Ho To Display SQLDataSource Tasks?

Jun 21, 2007

I have a problem with my Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, since I try to click and drag SQLDataSource to design page, it won't display  SQLDataSource tasks as usual so that I have a problem to configure SqlDataSource. Any help pls? Is there any way to solve this, since I'm not interesting to reinstall again.My specification computer : Pentium IV 2.00 GHz and Memory 512 MB.Best Regards,Aries  

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Display Return Value From Sqldatasource In Textbox

Feb 26, 2007


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Getting The List Of Connection Strings To Display In The SqlDataSource Wizard

May 15, 2007

I've added an SqlDataSource control to my web page and selected "Configure Data Source" on it.  This brings up a "Choose Your Data Connection" wizard, and it asks you to select from a dropdown list of presumably pre-existing connection strings in my web.config file.  However none of my connection strings will display in that dropdown list.  The only thing i can do is hit the "Create New Connection" button and this adds yet another connection string to my web.config file. I've already ran through the wizard once, created a new connection string, but when i run through the wizard again, even the new connection string - the one created by the last wizard will not appear in the dropdown list. Any suggestions? Jason 

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Can I Bind A Label Control To A SqlDataSource To Display One Field From A Table?

Feb 5, 2006

Hi,What's the 'new' declarative way to fetch one field from a SQL table and display the result in a Label control?I have a users table with a fullname field.  I want to query the table and retrieve the fullname where the usertable.username = Session("loggedinuser")I can make the SqlDataSource ok that has the correct Select query, but not sure how to bind the label to that.thanks,Bruce

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Reporting Services :: Display Columns When There Is No Data To Display

Apr 30, 2015

I would like to display a portion of report where there is data or no data

There is data subreport  display   

     Product Name Latex Gloves  
     Product ID      

 There NO data in the subReport
  Product Name                          
   Product ID    

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SSMS Is A Piece Of....

Apr 2, 2008


OK, I have all of my SS2k sproc scripts saved as


Because EM scripted them out that way

Now that we are using MS, it doesn't recognize the script, it doesn't highlight the code, and doesn't connect to a server

Can a change this somewhere?

I've got all of my scripts in pvcs as *.prc and I'd rather not have to change it

Any ideas?

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Is This Piece Of Code Dangerous?

Jun 26, 2006

I'm building a site, and while stress testing it I received a few exceptions when the SQL Server was under relatively high load. Originally I was opening the connection when required in a particular Sub as follows (and then closing it when I was finished with it):
If Not MyConnection.State = ConnectionState.Open Then MyConnection.Open()
The probelm however was that from time to time the connection state was Opening instead of Closed or Open. So I am considering using the following piece of code instead:
            If MyConnection.State = ConnectionState.Connecting Then                Do Until MyConnection.State = ConnectionState.Open
                Loop            ElseIf MyConnection.State = ConnectionState.Broken Or MyConnection.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then                MyConnection.Open()            End If
I'm a little worried about the Do...Loop in there, but I don't see how it should be a problem. Any thoughts?

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Selecting A Piece From A Colum

May 20, 2008

Hi All,
I have a column called TIER in my database which is a long string. There are piece of these strings that are separated by spaces like this:
'A3A00 A2B00 B1A00 C2C06 C3A06 C5A00 D2C00 G6B00 M2B00 M3B00 P7A00 T2A00 G4C00 G3C00 T5A06'
How do I select the last 2 characters of the piece of string when the first 2 chacters are M2?
I have the following:
This is retruning me all the rows that have 'M2'.
declare @code varchar (2)set @code = 'M2'select tier from companywhere tier like '%'+@code+'___ %'
 Any help is appreciated.
Thank you in advance.

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What Is Wrong With This Piece Of Code?

Feb 7, 2007

select sub1.*, case sub1.mdiff when sub1.mdiff<12 then 1 else 0 end as flag

error msg by query analyser
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '<'.
Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 12
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'as'.



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Sorry: Trying To Understand This Piece Of Code

Jul 20, 2005

I have this piece of script and I'm trying to understand what the'SET t.Z_ASSOC_ROW = (t.rowid - m.MinRowID) + 1'and the 'INNER JOIN' line is doingUPDATE tSET t.Z_ASSOC_ROW = (t.rowid - m.MinRowID) + 1FROM tassoc tINNER JOIN (SELECT Booking,MIN(rowid) AS 'MinRowID'FROM tassocGROUP BY Booking) mON m.Booking = t.Bookingtable 'tassoc'rowid booking z_assoc_row1 38 02 40 03 41 04 42 05 43 06 44 07 53 08 53 09 102 010 103 011 103 0

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Compare 2 Piece Of String In A Column

May 30, 2008

Hi All,
I have a column in my table like so:
'D4B00 L2A00 L3A00 L6C00 P1C00 L2A28 P4B00 '
How do I check in SQL if any pieces have the first 3 character the same.  In the above case, L2A is present twice.  I need to do this because I need display disctinct items, therefore L2A needs to be displayed only once.
Any help is appreciated.

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Change The Color On A Piece Of Text

Jun 1, 2007

Below is the pice of code that I use to produce results that look like this

[4] [5] [1]

what I would like to do is is make it look like this:

[4] [5] [1]

Basically anything that >3 = Green

= "[" & CStr(Count(IIf (Trim(Fields!NOB_Pickup_L_D_T.Value) = "Y", 1, Nothing))) &

"] [" & CStr(Count(IIf (Trim(Fields!NOB_Pickup_L_D_T.Value) = "N", 1, Nothing))) &

"] [" & CStr(Count(IIf (Trim(Fields!NOB_Pickup_L_D_T.Value) = "NA", 1, Nothing)))& "]"



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Exclude Piece Of Code From Transaction

Mar 20, 2008


I have created a procedure with several SQL statement, all are included in a transaction.
Some of the code are "insert" in tables that are in remote server.
for example:

procedure sp1 is on SERVER B.
From SERVERA by linked server we have:

exec serverB.db_B.dbo.sp1 (from serverA the procedure sp1 is called)

CREATE procedures sp1
insert into T1 (col1) values (1)
insert into serverA.db_A.dbo.T2 (col1) vales ('8vhrfvrf')
insert into T3 (col1) values (3)

I would like to make that these piece of code (
insert into serverA.db_A.dbo.T2 (col1) vales ('8vhrfvrf')
) is out of transaction.
My question is: Is it possible to exclude piece of code from a transction?

You ask me why this: because SQL server do not allow loopback transaction


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In The Pie Chart,how To Change The Color For Every Piece?

Jul 2, 2007

I work with .NET 2005.

thank you ...

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Transact SQL :: REPLACE Part Of String With Different Piece Of Text

Apr 20, 2015

I have a string column in a DB where it's values contain the following midway through the string ([DOCUMENTGUID] is a uniqueidentifier that is different for each row):

<a href="../downloadDoc.aspx?dg=[DOCUMENTGUID]" target="_blank">

I would like to replace this part of the string with a different piece of text.

I know that I should be using PATINDEX and REPLACE functions but I don't know how to utilise.

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Retrieving A Piece Of Datalogged Equipment By Most Recent Time

Jun 22, 2006

The TSQL below all works except the bolded part at the end. I'm want to grab only the most recently logged piece of equipment not the most recent and all past ones as well which is what I've got doing minus the bolded part below. But I don't know how to say get this Equipment ID etc and only the most recently logged one to find its present location. The bolded part below is just there to show what I want it to do I know you can use an aggregate in a where clause. So in the first table listed tblRdrLog there is a column Time that I want to do this on so a.Time. I don't want to display a.Time just reference.

String dbsql = " SELECT a.EquipmentID " +
" , f.Subcategory " +
" , c.Area " +
" , d.Room " +
" FROM tblRdrLog a " +
" JOIN tblRdrInfo b ON a.ReaderID = b.ReaderID " +
" JOIN tblRdrArea c ON b.AreaID = c.AreaID " +
" JOIN tblRdrRm d ON b.RoomID = d.RoomID " +
" JOIN tblEquipInfo e ON a.EquipmentID = e.EquipmentID " +
" JOIN tblEquipSubcat f ON e.SubcategoryID = f.SubcategoryID " +
" WHERE a.EquipmentID IN (SELECT a.EquipmentID " +
" FROM tblEquipInfo a " +
" JOIN tblEquipCat b ON a.CategoryID = b.CategoryID " +
" JOIN tblEquipSubcat c ON a.SubcategoryID = c.SubcategoryID " +
" LEFT OUTER JOIN tblEquipMake d ON a.MakeID = d.MakeID " +
" LEFT OUTER JOIN tblEquipModel e ON a.ModelID = e.ModelID " +
" JOIN tblStatus f ON a.StatusID = f.StatusID " +
" WHERE b.CategoryID = '" + this.ddlCategory.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' ";

if (!"".Equals(this.ddlSubcategory.SelectedValue.ToString()))
dbsql += " AND c.SubcategoryID = '" + this.ddlSubcategory.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' ";

#region Advanced Search Criteria

// Check whether advanced search submitted
if (adv)
if (!"".Equals(this.tbSerialNo.Text.ToString()))
dbsql += " AND a.SerialNo = '" + this.tbSerialNo.Text.ToString() + "' ";
if (!"".Equals(this.ddlMake.SelectedValue.ToString()))
dbsql += " AND d.MakeID = '" + this.ddlMake.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' ";
if (!"".Equals(this.ddlModel.SelectedValue.ToString()))
dbsql += " AND e.ModelID = '" + this.ddlModel.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' ";
if (!"".Equals(this.ddlStatus.SelectedValue.ToString()))
dbsql += " AND f.StatusID = '" + this.ddlStatus.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' ";


dbsql += " ) " +
" AND a.Time = max(a.Time) " +

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Display Hirearchy Data Using Data Region

Jul 9, 2007

I am trying to display hirearchical data using data region. For eg. the first level will be a list of customer names. The second level will be a list of Invoices under each customer. The third level will be a list of product names that were sold under each invoice.

I used a list for the data region and in each hireachy, there is a textbox in each list to display the data. I am trying to associate each data region with a datatable (I will provide the logic to populate the datatable with appropiate data). I do not want the ReportViewer to interact directly with a database because this is a 3 tier design and I am using the ReportViewer in local mode. I couldn't find any example of these. Can anybody help? Also I would like to see an example of the .rdlc file in these situation. Thanks very much.


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Display Data From Database

Oct 10, 2006

  I've always bound data to a dataset...how do I display data without a dataSet? This is how i usually display data...                 SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(conn);                string sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM questions";                SqlDataAdapter myCommand = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlQuery, myConnection);                DataSet ds = new DataSet();                myCommand.Fill(ds, "questions");                MyDataGrid.DataSource = ds.Tables["questions"].DefaultView;                MyDataGrid.DataBind(); <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "answer3")%>  

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Display Data Without Binding

May 26, 2006

Hi All
I am new to VS 2005 and ASP.NET. I used to use Dreamweaver to design but now I am trying VS.
What I want to do is to display data retrieved with a SqlDataSource in a web page. I know how to do it by binding it to the various controls (Grid, DataList, DetailsView, FormView, Repeater.) available but how can I display it without using any of the mentioned (Grid, DataList, DetailsView, FormView, Repeater)?
Any help apprecited.

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How Do Not Display Data With FETCH NEXT FROM

Apr 2, 2001

I have stored procedure with cursor
I have to use following
step 1 fetch RateValidDates into @Id_RateCode, @TheValidDate
.... get data

step 2 fetch prior from RateValidDates
... condition

step 3 fetch NEXT FROM RateValidDates into @Id_RateCode, @TheValidDate
... go to next record

Sql query analyzer output result of fetch NEXT FROM on the screen
What seeting should i use to avoid output on screen
(The reason My cursor takes about 8000 - 10000 rows when it's open)

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Cannot Display The Data In My Tables.

Dec 22, 1999

When I select a table and try to view the data I take the return all rows or return top option. However nothing is displayed. These options worked before and I don't understand why it's not working now. Can anyone help?

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Text And Sum Display Data

Jan 28, 2015

I want to output this result. how to write this query? "This is new amount 1000" select "This is new amount "+@sum(amt) as amount from table

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Change Data Display

Sep 28, 2005

I have a db; that stores a company name; if the end user types in
The Stoneware Jar Company

I would like to display:
Stoneware Jar Company

All company names entered like that with no preceding "The"

How can I display something diff on my ASP Page? Possible?

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Display Row Data As Cols

Jun 6, 2006

I have data in rows that I need to aggregate and display in a columnar fashion and I haven't been able to figure out how to do it. A simplified version of the data as it is stored in the table:

Station Month Day Reading

1 1 1 100

1 1 2 200

1 1 3 300

1 2 1 400

1 2 2 500

And I would like to create a query that returns:

Station Month Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

1 1 100 200 300

1 2 400 500

Any help you can provide or tips to steer me in the right direction are much appreciated.

Dianne Siebold

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Data Display In Table

Apr 4, 2007


I have a result set from a store procedure which looks like this.

Column1 Column2 Column3

A 1 lit1

A 1 Rep2

A 1 Reg3

B 2 ram1

B 2 lim2

I want to show data in my table like this:

Column1 Column2 Column3

A 1 lit1; Rep2;Reg3

B 2 ram1;lim2

Can anyone tell me how I can do this?



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Checking For No Data To Display

Oct 30, 2007

I am using a filter in a matrix control. I would like to display a "No data" type message if no data is present. The problem I'm running into is the base query is returning data, but the optional filter is removing all rows from display.

So using CountRows in the base dataset doesn't quite cut it. Is there an alternative?

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Matrix - No Data Display NaN

May 6, 2007


I have matrix object in reportin (SQL 2005 reporting services)

When in some field have no data it display NaN.

How can I change it ?

I try to use iif(my function = nothing.....) but didn't help

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Table Display If No Data?

Jan 6, 2008

I have a fairly complicated report consisting of numerous datasets and numerous tables.

In one of my tables I want to display the message "No data to display" if nothing comes back from the query. Currrently the table just disappears if there is no data. Is there a way to display the table if there is nothing in the query?

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