I have a report I'm writing and have got a problem that has stumped me.
The data the report is based in is in this format:
Date Type
1/1/08 A
1/3/08 B
3/1/08 C
3/5/08 B
3/10/08 A
3/12/08 C
3/20/08 A
Management wants a report showing a line chart that summarizes the data by Month and by Type. So, there are 2 series depending on the Type and data values are based on the count of each Type. So, in the example above the x-axis group would be month, the values would be count(Type) and there would be 2 series �� Series 1. A, B and Series 2. C
I��ve defined the x-axis to be Month(Fields!DateOccured.Value). However, they want the x-axis to show every month for the entire year not just what is in the database. So, I defined the x-axis to have a scale of 1 to 12 and the major interval is set to 1. This displays 1 through 12 on the x-axis.
The problem is when there is no data (null) for a particular month. Instead of showing 0, the line chart does not plot anything and the line is drawn to the next displayed point. So, for example on the data above the line chart would plot:
Series 1 �� Qty. 2 Series 2 �� Qty. 0
Series 1 �� Qty. 3 Series 2 �� Qty. 2
The line chart would draw a line from January to March skipping February. I need to display the null values as 0 and not null indicating no occurrences for the month rather than no data present.
I can't figure out how to get my line chart to break when there isn't a value. For example, I have a trend line over 4 time periods. The 3rd time period is missing a value. Instead of the line ending at the 2nd period and picking up again at the 4th time period, it's connecting the line 2nd to the 4th period. I'd like it to break and for there to be no line appearing in the 3rd period. I bet that's as clear as mud, but let me know if you have any questions.
Hello, I need to know what means are available to change the Minimum and Maximum Y-Axis scale values rather than leave them simply as they are in the properties. Right now whatever min/max values I enter into the scale for the Y-Axis are unchangeable. I need to be able to change the min/max scale values based on the value of the data at run time.
I am facing some problems in displaying data in a chart on a report. Let me give you a background on the report
The report has 8 parameters, Industry,CType,PType, S#, ECode, Start Date, End Date and Trend.
The layout of the report has a table and a chart.
Both the table and the chart need to display Normalized Value ( count of ECode / count of PType that are closed in the date range selected) and the Trend ( where the trend can be Weekly, Monthly, Yearly or Quarterly).
Both the chart and the table should display the data for the entire date range i.e if the Trend is Month and the Date Range is Jan 2007 Jan 2008, then the table and the chart should display months from Jan 2007, Feb 2007 .... Jan 2008 irrespective of whether or not there are error codes present for that month.
In order to satisfy the point 4 mentioned above, we have created the main dataset in such a way that it would have one row for each day between Jan 2007 to Jan 2008. Any fields that do not have data corresponding to a date will come up as NULL in the dataset.
Now, we need to display a chart in the report which would be a Trend v/s the Normalized Value chart for each ECode. So, we have put in the Normalized value in the 'Value' field of the chart, Trend group in the 'Category' field of the chart and ECode in the 'Series' group of the chart. The chart displays fine except for one extra series for the NULL values in the Error Code ( the one in green below). Is there any way in which we can do away with this NULL series without changing the dataset? I tried using filters for the 'Series' but it doesn't work ( used filters like <>NULL, <> "" , <>Nothing, cstr(ECode) <> NULL/"" etc ).
I have created different tables in my database with descriptions in from other tables (example : a table named errors with errorid and errordescription as fields in it)
In a report i want to display the total nr of errors during a certain period for a certain department.
i have created that report with a list (by department). in this list i have a table where i group my errors.
until here all ok. when i display my report it shows all the errors.
but what it doesn't show is all the errors who have value 0 (or errors that didn't occur during that period i defined)
how can i display all my errors, even if they did not occur (0 times)
I am stuck on a query where I need to display all the month year values even if the corresponding count_booking values are NULL. The requirement is to display the 13 month year period from current date.
For e.g. if the date exists in the current month then starting from May 15 go all the way back to Apr 14.
My current query works in terms of displaying all the 13 months if the count_booking values exist for all the months. However, if some months are missing the values then those months don't show up.how to display all the months even if the values are NULL ? Query below:
I need to create a chart with the following features
1) Bar chart that has data for 3 years (3 series) 2) Line chart that has the same data as per the above points on the bar chart but this is a running total. (3 series) 3) These data points are for the 12 months 4) there should be a secondary axis for the cumulative one
I need the Trend line for the following data in Line chart they are the following data. The following are the graph are my output and i need the trend line for these Key_gap value.
This is the link [URL] ....
I need the same trend line for the Bar-Chart in SSRS 2005.
We have a line graph which plots the actual data points (x,y), everything is working fine with this graph. Now we need to add a trend line to this existing graph after going thro. the articles we came to know that there is no direct option in SSRS to draw a trend line. So we need to calculate the trend values ourselves which we need to plot as atrend line. This trend line is similar to the trend line which comes in Excel chart, do anyone know how to calculate the trend values from the actual data points. We got through several formulas, but were not clear, have anyone tried out exactly the same, if so please help us out by providing an example to calculate the trend values.
I have a pivot transform that pivots a batch type. After the pivot, each batch type has its own row with null values for the other batch types that were pivoted. I want to group two fields and max() the remaining batch types so that the multiple rows are displayed on one row. I tried using the aggregate transform, but since the batch type field is a string, the max() function fails in the package. Is there another transform or can I use the aggragate transform another way so that the max() will work on a string?
My line chart displays all lines in a single color (the series color). I'd like a single color per item in the series just like the bar chart. Is there a way to change this? Or is the only differentiation the markers?
I have an average that changes based on the date ranges that the user selects, for some reason it always shows up at 0 value even though i tied the value directly to the textbox, ive tried just about every trick i know. Here is what it looks like.
I want the top level AHT the first chart should be 13.66 the second one should be 8.01.
I can enter a hard value but i need it to change based on what the user enters.
Is there anyway that I can have a multi-line chart title? I have even tried placing a text box over the title part of the chart that is multi-line, although this appears to work once the report is deplyed and viewed in a web browser the text box appears below the chart and the chart then has no title.
I create a rdlc file that contains a line chart with 3 lines that will plot in it. I put the proper data field in "series" and everything plots fine, except I get a spurious line that goes from the end of one line to the start of another line (or possibly back to itself, I can't tell). In another line chart I have 3 lines but get 2 spurious lines.
Anyone know how this happens or how I can fix it? The data is ordered and I don't see anything that would cause this..
Two questions both on Line charts: Is it possible to give the marker of a line chart a different colour from that given to the line? Is it possible to make only the line in the line chart invisible? My requirement is to keep only the markers.
So I have created a chart in my report that counts the number of transactions by day. Each day in a month is a series. Now when I view the report, the series line is different color as expected until I hit the 17th, then the color associated with the line repeats. I.e. the 1st and the 17th are the same color line, the 2nd and the 18th are the same color...etc.
Does anyone know how to break the color limitation quandry?
I want to create a line chart showing the bases, split by 6 month periods, on the X axis and a count on the Y. I have tried but am well and trult stuck!
series group : city (DimGeography.City) filtered by (DimGeography.StateProvinceName = "London")
I am getting different lines for different cities of London. That's working fine. But the requirement is i need to display one more line in the same line chart depicting/showing the sales for the "London" state as well.
I am creating a simple line chart using SSRS 2005. The chart will display date vs. cumulative enrollment. In the line chart I want to display two lines. One line represents expected enrollment data and the other represents actual enrollment data. I would like the expected data line to be a dashed line and the actual line to be a solid line. I have a single dataset that contains data for both lines. I have added a column to the dataset that acts as a flag to indicate whether the data point is expected or actual. I have dropped the enrollment field from my dataset into "Drop data fields here". I have dropped the date field from my dataset into "Drop category fields here". I have dropped the flag field from my dataset into "Drop series fields here".
When I change the style of the series it changes the styles of both lines. How can assign a different line style to each line? Is this even possible with the way I have set up the chart? Is there another way to set up the chart to accomplish what I am trying to do?
Is there a possibility in SSRS to have One stacked bar of cumulative sum of different ID's and and Line Chart at left hand of the Bar which will show the Progress as soon as the ID turn to Competed status.
I have been trying to do this , however there is huge problem of scaling:
The line should be finished at all the completed ID's SUM which is the lowest stack of the Bar.
However , the bar gets stretched to all of the space.
I have tried to place it into Tab lix, But it doesn't work.
I developed the following T-SQL query that runs successfully, but I was looking for a more efficient and concise way to do this. Is there a CTE that can replace all of these case statements? I've updated my query as below. Although this sample query works, it's not working for my real data. Instead, I get an error. At the bottom is the error part of my real query.I copied all of the tables from the first query block below. But when I wrote the bottom query block, it underlined in red the words "answer" and "question." It says "Invalid column name".
if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects o where o.xtype in ('U') and o.id = object_id(N'tempdb..#hard_values') ) DROP TABLE #hard_values; if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects o where o.xtype in ('U') and o.id = object_id(N'tempdb..#dummy_data') ) DROP TABLE #dummy_data; if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects o where o.xtype in ('U') and o.id = object_id(N'tempdb..#temp')
I have a table in the report. One of the columns is the result of a variable. It is the maximum value of a field that is grouped.I need to chart the maximum values and use a different group for the values.
For example: In the data set is the following information: Furnace # Heat # Frame Avg Window Avg
then the table has the following: Heat # Max Frame Avg Max Window Avg
I need to graph the Max Frame Avg and the Max Window Avg on separate graphs.
Why the lift chart for my mining models evaluation does not have a random guess model line there? As normal, there should be lines like trained models, ideal model, and random guess model? Why is that? What did I miss? Could any experts here shed me any light on that.
Thanks a lot in advance for your advices and help and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.