Display Output Where Integer Value Is Column Data

Dec 1, 2011

I want to display the following output where integer value is column data.


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Convert Column Of Data Alphanumeric To Integer

Nov 14, 2013

I need to convert a column of data from alpha numeric to integer.

I am only querying the tables i.e. i don't have access to actually change the data tables themselves.

CAST or CONVERT throws up an error. Are there any other commands i can use at the query stage?

The data I need to convert is always actually a number. i.e. even though it is recognised as alpha numeric, the figure is a number.

I just need it to be converted to an integer so i can SUM it etc.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Blank Space In Integer Data Type Column View

Apr 4, 2014

I am dealing with what I believe is Oracle that is the source of a SQL View.

I am seeing a data type of Integer in the View, but I am not able to see what makes up that View. When I query the View, I can see that an Integer data type column is storing a blank space. I use ISNUMERIC(ColumnName) = 0 and there are a lot of rows that show as a zero length blank space, or text, or something. I just know that it is not an Integer.

I have attempted to CAST and Convert this value, but it will not. I have changed the data type on the table that is being inserted in too, and it still fails with a Conversion error. I have tried REPLACE(), but still the same conversion error.

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How To Display 2 Columns Of Data In 1 Column?

Aug 16, 2007

How to display 2 columns of Data in 1 column?

If I use like this

Select Names, 'myData' from emp

The output is:
Name1 myData
Name2 myData
Name3 myData

But, I need to display like this


please advise

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Display Column Data In Multiple Lines

Apr 14, 2014

I have data like this


ID JunkData
1 1234jdueakj34jfjj4
2 345j5uttuvj5575jkf
3 sjhsdfk283ncfkjsf9

I need the Result to display like this. Split the JunkData Column Data in multiple lines, each line should contain 5 characters.

ID JunkData
1 1234d
2 345j5

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Transact SQL :: Display Different Table Having Same Column With Different Data

Sep 25, 2015

I am having two table i.e( tbl_oldEmployee , tbl_NewEmployee ),which is having Column name Employee Name and City same in both table but inside column data is different in different table.but i want to view the Employee name and City from tbl_NewEmployee to tbl_oldEmployee which is having EmployeeId common with tbl_oldEmployee extra record also required (i.e  tbl_NewEmployee having 6 record  and tbl_oldEmployee having 10 record,so i need to display data from  tbl_oldEmployee but first 6 record which id match with tbl_NewEmployee id should be replaced and extra data from tbl_oldEmployee also display).

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Execute Sql Task To Set Output Parameter Of Type Integer

Jun 1, 2006

I'm having a heckuva time with creating output parameters based on a query.

Here's what I'm doing. Every day, we copy rows from our mysql table to our sql server table. We only want to copy those rows that are new, so as to not have to recopy the entire table.

So I have a DataReader Source set to Ado.net/odbc provider that connects to the mysql db.
The destination is an OLE connection to the local sql server.

I create an Execute SQL Task.
The connection is set to the OLE connection
The type is direct input
The SQL Statement is "select max(id) from copy_table"

In Parameter Mapping, I create a user variable called maxId that is an int64. That variable is now used as the Variable Name. The Direction is Output. The Parameter Name is 0.

Whatever data type I use for the mapping does not work with the variable type. If the parameter was set to ULARGE_INTEGER, here's the error
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "SELECT MAX(stats_id) AS max_id FROM copy_table" failed with the following error: "Type name is invalid.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

If parameter is set to LONG:
[Execute SQL Task] Error: An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "maxId": "The type of the value being assigned to variable "User::maxId" differs from the current variable type. Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object. ".

I found that if variable and parameter were dates to use datetime for the variable and DBTIMESTAMP for the parameter.

There are an awful lot of combinations between all the possible variable types, and the possible parameter types. Does anyone know the secret combination for your typical integer?


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SQL Server 2012 :: Display Data In Blocks (Column Name)

Jan 29, 2014

I want to display data in block. Below is the Create,Insert Script and format of desired output.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Test_AA](
[CounterpartID] [varchar](2000) NULL,
[CounterpartName] [varchar](2000) NULL,
[SATName] [varchar](2000) NULL,
[NameOfBO] [varchar](2000) NULL,

[Code] ....

Result Should be like This :

Name:Scottie Berwick
SATName:Scottie Berwick

[Code] ....

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How To Output Data To Different Column

Mar 12, 2013

l am fresh in SQL...

select hierarchy.hiername,devicefail.deviceid
,sum(DATEDIFF(minute,started,ended)) as duration
,100 - SUM(datediff(minute,started,ended))/(672 * 60.0000)*100 AS Uptime from devicefail
LEFT JOIN device ON device.deviceid = devicefail.deviceid
LEFT JOIN hierarchy ON device.hierlevel = hierarchy.hierlevel
where devicefail.started >= '2013-02-01 00:00:00'and
devicefail.ended <='2013-02-28 23:59:59'
and devicefail.componentid like 201 or devicefail.componentid like 0
group by devicefail.deviceid,hierarchy.hiername,devicefail. componentid
order by hiername

the above output as:

hiernamedeviceidduration Uptime
Airp 95412092548.10267857
Airp 95411891953.07787699
Airp 9542187295.35714286
Airp 9542155296.15079365

How could I achieve the result as following:

hiernamedeviceidduration1 duration2 Uptime1 Uptime2
Airp 954120925 18919 48.10267857 53.07787699
Airp 954218721552 95.35714286 96.15079365

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Query - Select Common Data From One Column And Display In Severalcolumns

Feb 28, 2008

Hello,I have a (big) table which is not normalized, but for i need at themoment i thinkthat's no problem. Indeed, what i would like to do is to select thename field andthe note. The problem is that i want to display the note in 2different columns.the first columns will show the number (count) of time that a certainnote (e.g note=4)appears for a certain name and in the other column the same thing butfor a different note value.so each column noteX will display the number of time that the notewith the value X appears for each namefor example, to the following table:Name | note | job | city | id |----------------------------------------john | 4 | jb1 | hamb | 1 |john | 5 | jb2 | hamb | 2 |john | 5 | jb3 | hamb | 3 |john | 5 | jb4 | hamb | 4 |Mark | 4 | jb1 | mun | 5 |Mark | 4 | jb2 | mun | 6 |Mark | 4 | jb5 | mun | 7 |Mark | 5 | jb1 | mun | 8 |peter | 5 | jb3 | berl | 9 |peter | 5 | jb5 | berl | 10 |frank | 4 | jb6 | v.form | 11 |frank | 5 | jb3 | v.form | 12 |frank | 5 | jb2 | v.form | 13 |the result should be:Name | note5 | note4 |-------------------------john | 3 | 1 |Mark | 1 | 3 |peter | 2 | 0 |frank | 2 | 1 |How should be the right SQL command to show the data i want?Rui DiasJoin Bytes!Thanks a lot

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Reporting Services :: Display Superscript With Bold And Red Colour For One Column Data

Aug 28, 2015

I am new to ssrs super scripts. I want to display superscript as B with bold & red colour for one column data

America B
India B

Here B is super script & red color....

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Analysis :: Calculated Column That Makes Integer In YYYYMMDD Format Form Date Column

Oct 12, 2015

I am trying to create a whole number DAX calculated column that is derived from a date column. Basically it gets the date from the source data column and outputs it as an integer in the YYYYMMDD format.So 01/OCT/2015 would become --> 20151001...I've been fidgeting with DAX but my problem is that I keep missing the leading zeroes for months and days. So 01/March/2015 becomes 201531 which is not what I want (I need 20150301 in this case).

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Error When I Try To Add Output Column In In Data Conversion

Sep 21, 2006

Here is what I get. Is this an install problem or is this how this software works??


Error at Data Flow Task [Data Conversion [720]]: An output cannot be added to the outputs collection.

(Microsoft Visual Studio)


Exception from HRESULT: 0xC020800F (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)

Program Location:

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper.CManagedComponentWrapperClass.InsertOutput(DTSInsertPlacement eInsertPlacement, Int32 lOutputID)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.Controls.ComponentMetaDataTreeView.AddOutput()

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Select Statement That Will Output Related Rows With Different Column Data Per Row?

Apr 27, 2008

Is there a way to build a select statement that will output related rows with different column data per row? I want to return something like:

rowtype| ID | value
A | 123 | alpha
B | 123 | beta
C | 123 | delta
A | 124 | some val
B | 124 | some val 2
C | 124 | some val 3

where for each ID, I have 3 rows that are associated with it and with different corresponding values.

I'm thinking that I will have to build a temp table/cursor that will get all the ID data and then loop through it to insert each rowtype data into another temp table.

i.e. each ID iteration will do something like:
insert into #someTempTable (rowtype, ID, value) values ('A', 123, 'alpha')
insert into #someTempTable (rowtype, ID, value) values ('B', 123, 'beta')
insert into #someTempTable (rowtype, ID, value) values ('C', 123, 'delta')

After my loop, I will just do a select * from #someTempTable

Is there a better, more elegant way instead of using two temp tables? I am using MSSQL 2005

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Extract Column Data From Flat File Error Output

Dec 10, 2007

Hi Friend,

I am stuck with a problem and need your help. As we know, all columns that go to error flow of flat file source connection are displayed as a single column e.g. FlatFileSourceErrorOutputColumn, but my requirement is to extract the first column value from this FlatFileSourceErrorOutputColumn, my data is dilimeted by "|" pipe operator. I have created a script component to deal with this. However if we take FlatFileSourceErrorOutputColumn column as input column in script component, it comes as BLOB data. I wrote below code in transformation script component to extract BLOB data from column in string form and then do a Left function search to take first column out.

When I am running this script component I am getting '??????????' question marks as a result in Row.Pname.

Can anyone please help me understand if I am doing anything wrong in this script or suggest a better way to take the data out?

I appreciate your help.

Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)



Dim Error_Data As String

Dim Column_1 As String

Dim Len As Integer

Dim Buffer As Byte()

Buffer = Row.FlatFileSourceErrorOutputColumn.GetBlobData(0, CInt(Row.FlatFileSourceErrorOutputColumn.Length))

Error_Data = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(Buffer)

Len = Error_Data.IndexOf("|")

Column_1 = Left(Error_Data, Len - 1)

Row.Pname = Column_1

End Sub


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Display Output According To It's Date

May 7, 2008

Hello all,

i do have two TABLE's namely AS "Bro1" AND "Tra1"


ID Group_Code Group_Change_Date
212229 10/04/2006
2122 26 01/03/2008


TId Modify_Date
2122 11/06/2007
2122 18/06/2007
2122 03/12/2007
2122 14/12/2007
2122 04/01/2008
2122 24/01/2008
2122 10/04/2008
2122 14/04/2008
2122 24/04/2008

Mine Requirement IS....

TId Modify_Date Group_Code
2122 11/06/2007 29
2122 18/06/2007 29
2122 03/12/2007 29
2122 14/12/2007 29
2122 04/01/2008 26
2122 24/01/2008 26
2122 10/04/2008 26
2122 14/04/2008 26
2122 24/04/2008 26

it means IF Modify_Date IS BETWEEN '10/04/2006 ' AND '01/03/2008'
THEN i need TO show it's Group_Code [29] in my output

Same way the Modify_Date >= '01/03/2008' then i need to show it's Group_Code [26] in my OUTPUT

I hope i am clear WITH my question.

Please help me in writing query....

Prashant Hirani

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How To Display Ranges In Output?

Jul 4, 2006

Hi All,

I have the following table:

Name Age
A 15
B 18
C 22
D 27
E 33
F 42

I need to have the following output:
Range Count
0-10 0
11-20 2
21-30 2
31-40 1
41-50 1

Could anyone let me know how to achieve this in SQL Server 2005?


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Using Output From A Stored Procedure As An Output Column In The OLE DB Command Transformation

Dec 8, 2006

I am working on an OLAP modeled database.

I have a Lookup Transformation that matches the natural key of a dimension member and returns the dimension key for that member (surrogate key pipeline stuff).

I am using an OLE DB Command as the Error flow of the Lookup Transformation to insert an "Inferred Member" (new row) into a dimension table if the Lookup fails.

The OLE DB Command calls a stored procedure (dbo.InsertNewDimensionMember) that inserts the new member and returns the key of the new member (using scope_identity) as an output.

What is the syntax in the SQL Command line of the OLE DB Command Transformation to set the output of the stored procedure as an Output Column?

I know that I can 1) add a second Lookup with "Enable memory restriction" on (no caching) in the Success data flow after the OLE DB Command, 2) find the newly inserted member, and 3) Union both Lookup results together, but this is a large dimension table (several million rows) and searching for the newly inserted dimension member seems excessive, especially since I have the ID I want returned as output from the stored procedure that inserted it.

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.

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Excel Destination Data Flow Component Shows No Sheet Name Or Output Column Names For Mappings

Mar 8, 2008

I have a data flow that consists of

OLE DB source which calls a stored proc that returns a result set

data conversion

Excel destination
I am in design mode in Business Intelligence studio. My excel destination (with an Excel Connection) shows no sheet name though I have an execute SQL task before the data flow to create the excel table called SHEET1. Needless to say, there are no output columns visible to do any mappings. I did go to the ExcelConnection to set the OpenRowset Property to SHEET1 but it seems to have no effect.

I can do the export in SQL Server Management studio and that works fine, but it is basic and does not meet my requirements. I have to customize the package to allow dynamic Excel filenames based on account names and have to split my result set into multiple excel sheets because excel 2003 has a max of 65536 rows per sheet. Also when I use the export wizard, I have the source as a table and eventually the source has to be a stored proc with input parms.

What am I missing or doing wrong? Thanks in advance

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Integer Column With Min / Max Value

May 6, 2015

Can I put a constraint on an integer column that will only allow a certain range of numbers to be entered, or do I have to put that into the application layer only?

I'd like the range to be 0 to 30 as the only allowable values. The only thing that I could think of was to create another table and populate with 0,1,2...,30 and put a foreign key on the new column that wouldn't allow anything not in that list but I was wondering if there was a better way.

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Reporting Services :: Display Columns When There Is No Data To Display

Apr 30, 2015

I would like to display a portion of report where there is data or no data

There is data subreport  display   

     Product Name Latex Gloves  
     Product ID      

 There NO data in the subReport
  Product Name                          
   Product ID    

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SQL Server 2008 :: Display Output Of Table In Given Format?

Aug 19, 2015

I have a table Test123 having three column EmpID,AttribName,AttribValue.

run the below query to generate table structure and data.

Create Table Test123(EmpID int,AttribName varchar(50),AttribValue varchar(50))

insert into Test123 values(1,'Name','X')
insert into Test123 values(1,'Age',50)
insert into Test123 values(1,'Salary',1000)
insert into Test123 values(2,'Name','Y')
insert into Test123 values(2,'Age',30)
insert into Test123 values(2,'Salary',2000)
insert into Test123 values(3,'Name','Z')
insert into Test123 values(3,'Age',35)
insert into Test123 values(3,'Salary','One Hundred')

And I want output in below format.


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Can I Return Output From Stored Procedure Into An HTA To Display In Browser?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi all. I have a stored procedure on my sql server that returns asimple informtation about that tim a database was backed up. I owuldlike to create an HTA that operator types can look at to make surethat the backups finished, can someone help me do this?The stored procedure in called sp_lastback and the output looks likethis:database days since backup timestamp of backupdbase1 0 2004-10-14 00:41:21.000dbase2 0 2004-10-14 00:08:36.000dbase3 1 2004-10-13 22:46:57.000Can this be done? If someone could help me with this simple problem, Icould probably reuse the same method a 100 useful ways.Thanks in advance!

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Could A Datatype Of A Column Be Like Integer Array?

Aug 7, 2004

Hi everyone....
I need a column in my table that its DataType should be as integer arrays how can I implemant it in my sqlserver table.
Any help appreciated.

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AVG Function On An Integer Column- Truncation

Oct 25, 2006

When I use the AVG Function on an integer column, the result is truncated


Select AVG(field1) from table1

Field1 is an int field and has 4 rows with the values 114,115,115 and 115. This will return 114.

I can get the correct result by using the following SELECT:

SELECT CAST(AVG(CAST (field1 as decimal(18,1)))+ .5 as int) from table1

Am I missing something here? Is there an simpler way to do this?

Any help will be appreciated.

Steve D.

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Query: Getting AVG() Of An Integer Column As A Floating Point

Feb 12, 2004

I have the following query:

SELECT AVG(respondent_question.answer)

Now, the 'answer' column is an integer. However, I want the query to return a floating point number with one decimal place (i.e., 5.4, 2.3)

Since the column is an integer, the query returns only an integer by rounding to the nearest integer. How can I do this? Thanks!

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Adding An Identity-based Integer Column

Jul 3, 1999

I need to add a column that has the datatype of integer with a seed and identity increment to a table that already exists and has data in it - and can't all NULLs. I have heard that this not possible if the table already exists.

I have downloaded the demo's of SQL Programmer and a couple of Embarcadero programs to see if that would help, but have had no succes to date.

Thanks for any help,


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SQL 2012 :: Integer Column Shows 5.00000000000000000 As Value

Sep 4, 2015


Treats the column as if it were formatted decimal !!

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Duplicating Rows Based On A Integer Column

Dec 17, 2007

I have a table that holds a number of offers made to a orginization for placements at a lecture. what im wanting to do is have each of the rows for a orginization repeated so that the names of people attending can be put into the database.

The first table would looks something like this:

id___|__orginization_| lecture | offers
1 | orga | lec1 | 5
2 | orgb | lec1 | 3
3 | orga | lec2 | 3

the result im looking to get is something like this where the name of the attendess would be inputed in an application.
id | orginization | lecture | nameofattende
1 | orga | lec1 | j. blog
2 | orga | lec1 | s. smith
3 | orga | lec1 | h. samual
4 | orga | lec1 | j. sams
5 | orga | lec1 | b.j. james
6 | orgb | lec1 | m. curry
7 | orgb | lec1 | k. murry
8 | orgb | lec1 | g. hansen

Can anyone help with this



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SQL Server 2008 :: Display A Column Alias As Part Of The Result Set Column Labels?

Feb 26, 2015

Is there a way to display a column alias as part of the result set column labels?

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How To Display Return Value From Stored Procedure Output Parameter In Query Analyzer

Jul 20, 2004

I tried to display return value from stored procedure output parameter in Query Analyzer, but I do not know how to do it. Below is my stored procedure:

@Email nvarchar(100),
@Password nvarchar(50),
@UserName nvarchar(100) OUTPUT

SELECT @UserName = Name FROM Users
WHERE Email = @Email AND Password = @Password

If I run the query in Query Analyzer directly, I can display @UserName:

DECLARE @UserName as nvarchar(100)

SELECT @UserName = Name FROM Users
WHERE Email = @Email AND Password = @Password

Select @UserName

But how can I display @UserName if I call stored procedure:

exec UserLogin 'email', 'password', ''

I believed it return int, right?

Thanks in advance for help.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Display Stored Procedure Output In Html Table Format

Mar 16, 2014

i m creating one google map application using asp.net with c# i had done also now that marker ll be shown from database (lat,long)depends on the lat,long i wanna display customer,sales,total sales for each makers in html table format.

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Transact SQL :: How To Identify When There Is A Break In Continuity Of Integer On A Column

Jul 16, 2015

I have two columns, one column has a document ID and a given document can have many pages. The second column has the pages. Now I want to find out when the page number is broken. For example, if doc ID 1 has 3 rows and each of the three has 1,2,3 and then the fourth row has document 1 but the value jumps from 3 to 7 and then goes to 8,9,10 and then jumps again and starts from 17, i want to have the ranges identified.

DocID Page Number 
1    1
1 2
1 3
1 7
1 8
1 9
1 10
1 17
1 18
1  19
1    20

The result should look like :

DocID Page Number 
1   1-3
1     7-10
1   17-20

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