Display Date/time That A Snapshot Was Generated?
Nov 20, 2007
I have various reports which have in the header a textbox with a time/date expression.
e.g. =Format(Now, "HH:mm on dddd, d MMMM yyyy")
These reports have a daily snapshot taken so users can look up historic versions of reports. The problem is that if the PDF renderer is used the time displayed is the time now not the time the data was generated. (If I view the snapshot in the browser the correct historic time and date is shown though.)
This is at best confusing and at worst could lead to some bad business decisions being made.
Is there any way I can get it to display the actual time and date the snapshot was generated?
I have tried replacing "Now" with "Globals!ExecutionTime" with no effect.
I have also seen a suggestion to move the header textbox into the report body and then add a new textbox to the header pointing at the textbox in the body
e.g. with Expression =ReportItems("LabelToday").Value
But this does not work either and it is still displaying the time now when viewed in PDF format.
Is there any straight forward way of doing this?
If there is no straight forward way can I somehow access the HistoryID from within Report Code so I can look up the correct value myself in the ReportServer database?
Thanks In Advance,
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Mar 16, 2014
I want to display only the date part of a date field which contains both date & time information.
For example I have the value '2013-11-14 00:00:00.000' in my result set, and ideally I would like to show only '2013-11-14'.
I have looked up the datepart() command, however I can't work out how to return all parts of the date, rather than just the year, month, or day.
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Apr 1, 2004
I just uploaded my tables to sql server, and am using access to run the forms. In one listbox I have a few fields that I want to display only the time ex. (9:00pm) which works good in access, but in sql the listbox displays the date + the time (04/01/2004 + 9:00pm).
The datatype I am using is datetime length 8.
I also have a strange problem with modifying records. In access it takes one click on my "modify record" button I made to change a field in a record, but in sql it now requires two clicks. Anyone know what could cause this?
Any help is appreciated.
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Apr 26, 2006
I have a column with DateTime Datatype. But I want to display just Date , not time.
Like 4/26/2006 not 4/26/2006 9:25:55AM
pls help
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Sep 4, 2015
I am trying to display time difference between an Admission Date and a Discharge date as follows:
Admission Date:8/26/2015 6:59pm
Discharge Date:9/1/2015 6:49pm
Time Display 5D 23H
I used the following expression but came up with an error
Not sure what I am doing wrong or if this is the best expression to use
“d “ &
“h “ &
& “m “ ))))
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Oct 17, 2006
There's operable web sync with parameterized filter.
But sometimes the strange errors appear.
Below the list of the errors I got from ComErrorCollection property of MergeSynchronizationAgent instance:
ERROR: -2147199433
SOURCE: Merge Replication Provider(Web Sync Server)
TEXT: The Merge Agent was unable to start the SQL Server Agent job to generate the partitioned snapshot for this subscription. Verify that the SQL Server Agent service is running at the Distributor.
ERROR: 22022
TEXT: SQLServerAgent Error: Request to run job dyn_HOST3MAIN-Customers-Main-2__20061014_14 (from User distributor_admin) refused because the job is already running from a request by User distributor_admin
ERROR: 20633
TEXT: Failed to start the dynamic snapshot job. Verify that the SQLServerAgent service is running on the distributor.
ERROR: 20628
TEXT: Failed to generate dynamic snapshot.
I'm sure that SQL Server Agent is running...
What is the reason and how it can be solved?
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Sep 15, 2000
Hello !
I just encountered a problem with snapshot replication or, if more detailed, with snapshot agent.
My environment consist of W2K Server (sp1) and SQL Server 7.0 (sp2)
The issue is when I create publication and then start snapshot agent for initial creation of schema and articles, it fail with the error:
"An exception occurred in the Snapshot subsystem. The step failed."
Event Log registers this error with the following message:
"Step 2 of job --- () has caused an exception in the Snapshot subsystem and has been terminated"
the step 2 in REPL-Snapshot job is "Run Agent"
Once more detail. The metter is that this occurs not consistently but from time to time. Some publications succeed in snapshot process but others don't. And else, if I want to manually run snapshot agent for the second time after successful completion for the first, I get the same error.
Any idea?????
Thanks in advance
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Jun 30, 2007
This is driving me nuts..
I'm trying to extract some data from a table in oracle. The oracle table stores date and time seperately in 2 different columns. I need to merge these two columns and import to sql server database.
I'm struggling with this for a quite a while and I'm not able to get it working.
I tried the oracle query something like this,
this gives me an output of 20070511 23:06:30:000
the space in MM : SS is intentional here, since without that space it appread as smiley
I'm trying to map this to datetime field in sql server 2005. It keeps failing with this error
The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data
I'm struck with error for hours now. Any pointers would be helpful.
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Aug 26, 2007
How can I, with TSQL script, know when a snapshot run last time?
Thank You.
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Jan 17, 2013
I have been searching for a means to change the System Failure Error Check policy that comes as part of the Best Practice policies. I want to look back 24 hours. The WQL query shipped with the policy doesn't have a WHERE clause component that looks at TimeGenerated. That query looks like:
IsNull(ExecuteWql('Numeric', 'rootCIMV2', 'select EventCode from Win32_NTLogEvent where EventCode=6008 and Logfile="System"'), 0)
After searching for an example of how to do this and not finding any that are specific to PBM, I decided to fall back to a very basic approach - use wbemtest.exe to try out where clause additions and see how they work, then plug the result into the policy and see if it works. As a start, I tried the following query using wbemtest.exe:
select Event Code
from Win32_NTLogEvent
where EventCode = 6008
and Logfile = 'System'
and TimeGenerated > '20130101010000.000000–000'
This works great in wbemtest.exe. My next step was to plug this into the policy condition expression as follows: IsNull(ExecuteWql ('Numeric', 'rootCIMV2', 'select EventCode from Win32_NTLogEvent where EventCode=6008 and Logfile="System" and TimeGenerated > "20130101010000.000000–000"'), 0)
When I try to manually evaluate this policy in SSMS, I receive an "Invalid Query" error message.I assume that SWbemDateTime isn't available to use inside Policy Based Management policies. All the examples of how to handle the kind of dynamic date creation I have seen are for use in PowerShell, VBScript, or SSIS. I've played with using DateDiff, DateAdd, and GetDate inside the query string, with no success.
Why does the ExecuteWql above fail?Is it at all possible to dynamically generate a datetime (say, 24 hours ago) as part of the query string parameter of the ExecuteWql call?What might that look like?
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Aug 5, 2015
I'm looking for a way of taking a query which returns a set of date time fields (probable maximum of 20 rows) and looping through each value to see if it exists in a separate table.
Query 1
Select ID, Person, ProposedEvent, DayField, TimeField
from MyOptions
where person = 'me'
Select Person, ExistingEvent, DayField, TimeField
from MyTimetable
where person ='me'
Loop through Query 1 and if it finds ANY matching Dayfield AND Timefield in Query/Table 2, return the ProposedEvent (just as a message, the loop could stop there), if no match a message saying all is fine can proceed to process form blah blah.
I'm essentially wanting somebody to select a bunch of events in a form, query 1 then finds all the days and times those events happen and check that none of them exist in the MyTimetable table.
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May 17, 2015
I have below SQL. When I run it I get the 'Each GROUP BY expression must contain at least one column that is not an outer reference' error. The date and string expressions are generated dynamically and need to be grouped upon if possible. What am I missing?
INSERT INTO tblStaffPayrollHistory (StaffID, FromDate, ToDate, PayrollNo, EventID)
SELECT DISTINCT tblStaffBookings.StaffID, CONVERT(DATETIME, '2015-05-17', 102), CONVERT(DATETIME, '2015-05-17', 102), 'tree', tblEvents.ID
FROM tblStaffBookings INNER JOIN tblEvents ON tblStaffBookings.EventID = tblEvents.ID
GROUP BY tblStaffBookings.StaffID, CONVERT(DATETIME, '2015-05-17', 102), CONVERT(DATETIME, '2015-05-17', 102), 'tree', tblEvents.ID
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Apr 5, 2006
We have transactional replication running with a seperate publisher/distributor/subscriber. I want to add a couple of articles to the publication, and then initialise them. I have added the articles and run sp_refreshsubscriptions
I now want to refresh the subscriptions. I have selected not to lock the tables on the snaphot tab of the publication properties, but whenever I run the snapshot agent it locks the application solid! Its odd, as soon as I run the snaphot agent, the phones start ringing within minutes. The application is Great Plains and I have set the snapshot agent to run nightly anyway.
Is there any way I can run the snapshot agent during working hours to refresh this one article? Once I have successfully done this, I have a number of articles want to add - but I can't lock the tables when refreshing the initial snaphot.
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Jan 7, 2015
I have a temp table that I would like to only display the Qty of 4 one time
The total Qty is 4
Part Fac Loc Lot Qty
===== === === === ===
8793 07 FG 111 4
8793 07 FG 122 4
8793 07 FG 113 4
8793 07 FG 144 4
I want to display Qty 4 so when I do a sum I do not get qTY 16
Part Fac Loc Lot Qty
===== === === === ===
8793 07 FG 111 4
8793 07 FG 122 0
8793 07 FG 113 0
8793 07 FG 144 0
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Oct 22, 2015
I am trying to load previous days data at 3 am via a SSIS job.
The Date variable is initiated as DATEADD("dd",-1, GETDATE()) in the for loop.
Now, as this job runs at 3 am, and I set the variable as GETDATE() - 1, it excluded the data from 12 am to 3 am in the resultset as Date is set as YYYY-MM-DD 03:00:00:000 I need this to be set as YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00:000
How can i do this?
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Apr 21, 2006
hi all,
Im running a snapshot replication on table.
first, i gonna copy the entire table with a regional filter other than date
second i'm going to replicate a days worth of data by using both the regional filter and date filter (getdate) to capture a days wordth of data.
the publication are working fine.
my question is how am i going to accumulated the result of
the filtered snaphot replication in a single table in my db.
many thanks,
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Jan 18, 2008
This one I hope is easy, but I've been working late and it seems to be aluding me. I have a field called time_in which is a char(6) field type. This field holds time elements such at 10:57
My query below is substracting one hour from Time_In and returning it as Hold_Time. I only want to return the time element without the date portion or the milliseconds, etc.
Code Block
select substring(cu.time_in, 1,5) as time_in,
DATEADD(hour, -1, substring(cu.time_in, 1,5)) as hold_time
from reports.careunits_hold_hours cu
[Current Result Set]
Time_In hold_time
10:57 1900-01-01 09:57:00.000
[Desired Result Set]
Time_In hold_time
10:57 09:57
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Jun 13, 2002
In SQL Server 2000:
How do I convert a Julian date to a Gregorian date?
How do I convert a Gregorian date to Julian?
Examples please.
Many thanks in advance.
Gary Andrews
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Sep 25, 2015
The stored procedure takes ~ 10 seconds every call. The execution plan is Index seek or clustered index scan almost everywhere . No table spools or lazy loads or key lookups. Cannot share the code or execution plan due to company rules and regulations.Issue is that i am dealing with result set of around 50,000 records . Out of these i have to return 20 records at a single time (which is also customizable i.e 40 / 60/ 150 records in a page). Application cannot handle all 50k records so i have to return 20 records for every stored procedure call.
The result set changes as per the start date and end date which i recieve as parameters. In application there are few Column filters namely- Country(around 50 countries), Outcome(around 6 to 10 values ) . These filters will values in drop down( as excel ) depending on the distinct values in that columns. These filters will be populated on every page, if no filter value is selected.Issue is if user does sorting or filtering any records , this stored procedure is called and every time i have to deal with ~50000 records.
Current Code :
Step 1 ) Get the required result set in temp table .
Step 2) Compute the results on some business rules . (Outcome and SharesAvailable calculation - see attachment)
Step 3) populate filter Columns (Country,Outcome) these values will be comma seperated.
Step 4) Dynamic query to get required result set i.e if user wants only 10 records in single page then TOP 10 . Sorting can be applied on any column mentioned in screenshot.
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Oct 16, 2007
I know I can display the time that the report was generated, but can I display how LONG it took for the report to complete?
From when the first query was executed to the time all the data was returned and/or the time it took for the report to be rendered back to the end user?
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Mar 18, 2014
I have the following
Column Name : [Converted Date]
Data Type : varchar(50)
When I try and do month around the [Converted Date] I get the following error message
“Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.”
My Query is
month([Created Date])
FROM [FDMS_PartnerReporting].[Staging].[Salesforce_MarketingReporting]
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Nov 16, 2015
SELECT * ,[Due]
FROM [Events]
Where Due >= getdate() +90
This returns the error: Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string
Why would this be? How to cast or convert this so that it will work?
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Nov 13, 2007
Hi there.
I'm trying to extract data from my SQL server & everything in the script I've got is working (extracting correct data) except for one field - which is for the most part it's off by +2 days (on a few occasions - I see it off by just +1 day or even +3, but it's usually the +2 days).
I'm told that it's due to the conversion formula - but - since SQL is not my native language, I'm at a bit of a loss.
The DB table has the date field stored as a type: CHAR (as opposed to 'DATE')
Can anyone out there help?
Please advise. Thanks.
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Sep 5, 2007
Dear Expert!
A server with SQL 2005 sp2, Reporting Services and Sharepoint services (ver 3.0) (in integrated mode) gives an odd error. When viewing a Reporting Services report with a Date Time Picker, the date chosen is wrong. The preferred setting is Danish with the date format dd-mm-yyyy. The date picker shows the months in Danish but when selecting a date, and clicking on the Apply-button, the date reformats to US (mm-dd-yyyy).
When choosing 5th of September 2007 and clicking apply, it shows in the picker, 9th of May 2007.
When choosing 26th of September 2007 and clicking apply, it shows, again in US format, the RIGHT date but adds a timestamp ��12:00 AM�? in the end, making further enquiries to fail.
The report itself receives the right date and shows correctly. The only case it fails is, when the time stamp appears.
The server is a 32-bit one with 4 GB RAM. A testserver with identical collation on the Reportserver database cannot recreate the error. The site containing the reports has been set to Danish in the regional settings. To Reinstall is not an option.
The test report has no database connection whatsoever.
When setting the site to US, the timestamp won��t appear at all.
The server has been restarted and the installation procedure was of the simple kind. No special tweaks at all.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards
Johan Rastenberger
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Jan 15, 2002
we need to track date/time of last update for each record in a table.
As we understand it, we can't use field type Timestamp as this type does
not use dates/times.
Is there any SQL function available which we can bind to a column or
do we really have to use triggers?
Greetings from Mannheim, Germany
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Jan 15, 2002
we need to track date/time of last update for each record in a table.
As we understand it, we can't use field type Timestamp as this type does
not use dates/times.
Is there any SQL function available which we can bind to a column or
do we really have to use triggers?
Greetings from Mannheim, Germany
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Nov 11, 2013
I want to update the time in a datetime field with the current time.
Fields current value is:
2013-11-11 00:00:00.000
I want to insert this into another table and when I do I want to grab the current time and update that field.
field name: picked_dt
Table: oeordlin
or is there a way through sql to update the time when the picked_dt is updated?
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Jun 12, 2007
i have the following situation. in my database i have a datetime field (dd/mm/yy hh:mms) and i also have a field timezone.
the timezone field has values in minutes that i should add to my datetime field so i have the actual time.
afterwards i split the datetime into date and time.
the last part i can accomplish (CONVERT (varchar, datetime, 103) as DATEVALUE and CONVERT (varchar, DATETIME, 108) as TIMEVALUE).
could anybody tell me how i can add the timezone value (in minutes) to my datetime value ?
i do all the calculations in my datasource (sql).
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May 23, 2008
I tried the Beta 1 of the service pack 1 to .net 3.5. If I try to add an entity (and try to save this), I get the Exception "No support for server-generated keys and server-generated values".
How can I add entities to my Sqlce- database?
I tried to give the id- column (primary key) in the database an identity, another time without identity, only primary key --> none of them worked. I always get the same error.
What do I have to change to make successfully a SaveChanges()?
Thanks for your help,
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Apr 23, 2006
I have the following code
<title>Eye Contact - Century to Century</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="eye01.css" type="text/css" />
<form name ="" method = "post" action="">
<table width="100%" border="1" height ="85%">
<tr height = "15%">
<th>Year Left</th>
<th>City Origin</th>
<th>Country Origin</th>
<th>Year Arrived</th>
<th>City Arrived</th>
<th>State Arrived</th>
$db = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");
if (!$db)
print "error - Could not connect to MySQL";
$er = mysql_select_db("touch_art1");
print "error - Could not select the database";
$query = "SELECT date, yr_left, city_origin, country_origin, yr_arrival, city_arrival, state_arrival, filename FROM story WHERE country_origin = '$search_country' AND pamapproved = 'Y' ORDER BY yr_left";
$result = mysql_query($query);
while($column = mysql_fetch_object($result))
print "<tr align ='center'>";
foreach($column as $colval)
print "<td>$colval</td>";
print "</tr>";
print "Error on Query";
<input type="hidden" name="" value="none">
</table><table height = "15%" width = "100%" border = "0">
<tr height="100%">
<td align="left" valign="top" width="50%" >
<embed src="images/home.svg" width="100%" height="100%" wmode="transparent" type="image/svg+xml" />
<td align="right" valign="top" width="50%" >
<embed src="images/back.svg" width="100%" height="100%" wmode="transparent" type="image/svg+xml" />
I need to display the date as in MM-DD-YYYY. Can anyone help?
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Nov 30, 2007
How would I display just the date in the dataset if I have the data with date and time like this 2007-05-02 07:14:48.000
I want to truncate/or something to the time and just display the date. How would I change my query.
SELECT usr_end_date,date_exp,usr_last_name, usr_first_name, usr_login,employeeid, displayname
WHERE USR_login = CAST(b.employeeid AS varchar)and
usr_end_date <> date_exp
currently it is returning the full date and time like this
2007-05-02 07:14:48.000
I want just the date like this 2007-05-02
I am using sql server 2005
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a table in SQL Server 2000 with have date/time columns anddisplays the dates as : 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000 which is fine, but whenI select the column through dreamweaver for an asp page to date isshortened to 1900-01-01 but I need to see the whole date / time fieldfor conversion purposes.Can anyone help ?Thanks in advance.
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May 19, 2008
I am getting a StartDate and a end date from sproc as a char(10) as 20080101 is there a way i can format to MM/DD/YYYY
And Can i give a Calendar control i have a calender control for For the that column??
Any help will be appreciated.
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