Hye Friends,
I'm using a DMX query to get some predictions out of my MiningModel
my DMX query is as follows :
predict([x SalaryPredictor].[Emp Gross],20),predict([x SalaryPredictor].[Emp Basic],20)
[x SalaryPredictor]
This query is returning me 2 objects of type expressions in my Dataset.
The problem is when I try to drag these 2 fields in my Table i get a "#Error" value
I executed the query in 'Data' tab and found that data is getting returned is a tree like format where "Expression" is at top & values expected ar its child nodes.
I also found out that the returned objects are actually AdomdDataReader , but i'm not able to write a expression to get its values in my tables....
I want to display the values in the following format....
I've got a union query (below)and it returns rows that have duplivate itemno's, descrip's, imsrp3's, and imsrp4's, while the remaining columns are not duplicate for the same row. An Excel report uses this query to populate itself and for a more visually appealing look, I'd like to skip the duplicated columns in the display. I'm not sure how to use the Distinct or Group by in this case, since technically I'm dealing with two separate queries, neither one separately returning any duplicate rows. thanks for any suggestions...
~ select itemno,descrip,imsrp3,imsrp4,qoh,border,wadcto,wad oco, watrdj,wapddj,wauorg,wauser from nowo where nowo.wasrst <='40' union select itemno,descrip,imsrp3,imsrp4,qoh,border,wadcto,wad oco, watrdj,wapddj,wauorg,wauser from nopo where nopo.wasrst <='499'
I have a query where I have customers, date they ordered a swatch, date they ordered an item, and eh date diff between the two. I want to show the MIN date diff for each customer, and also show the swatch date and item date as well. But to use the MIN aggregate, it forces me to group everything, where I just want to group by customer, and have the 2 dates tag along, because i only want one record per customer. What is the easiest way for me to accomplish this?
I have a problem... I have a SELECT query I have used in my PHP report. It is as follows:
SELECT DISTINCT callref, CASE WHEN (stage.due_date < stage.completed_date) THEN 'SLA Breach' ELSE ' In SLA' END AS sla FROM tableX.... WHERE call_status=open.....
I wish to search through all stages (i.e response, fix, end) of the calls logged in our database, & then return 'In SLA' for each call that had all its stages completed within the SLA, & 'Breach' for all calls that had even one of its stages completed outside its SLA.
At the moment the SELECT query above gives me the following results:
Call Ref sla
10001 In SLA 10002 Breach 10002 In SLA 10003 In SLA 10004 In SLA 10005 Breach 10005 In SLA ... ...
What it should look like is this....
Call Ref sla
10001 In SLA 10002 Breach 10003 In SLA 10004 In SLA 10005 Breach ... ...
Please let me know if anyone has the answers or any clues to this! thanks.
Hi All, I have a stored proc which is executing successfully...but the results of that stored proc are displaying in the Messages Tab instaed of results Tab. And in the Results Tab the results shows as 0..So, Any clue friends..it is very urgent..I am trying to call this stored proc in my Report in SSRS as well but the stored proc is not displaying there also...Please help me ASAP..
I am trying to create a user permission system that is stored in a database. What is the best table structure for accomplishing this? How could I display the permissions in a grid? Currently I have a users table and a permissions table. I created a map between the two. However, I don't see how this allows me to display a grid. All my "columns" for permissions are actually rows from the permissions table. So ideally my grid would look something like this. User | P1 | P2 | P3 |A | T | F | T |B | T | T | T |Thanks for any help. I am relatively new to SQL so please explain gently.
I want to return a table that shows each toy and what colors it is available in. Column1 - Toys | Column2 - Comma separated list of colors Ball - Green, Blue Kite - Red Frisbee -
I have absolutely no idea how to do this even after googling all morning. Please help if you can. There must be a way to do this!
I have the following select statement on my page: <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:prbc_hrConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT emp_lname + ', ' + emp_fname + ' ' + emp_minitial + '.' AS emp_fullname FROM employee WHERE (emp_username = @emp_username)"> <SelectParameters> <asp:SessionParameter Name="emp_username" SessionField="Username" Type="String" /> </SelectParameters>I want to say "Welcome, emp_fullname" at the top of the page, but can't figure out how to write the results to the page. I am moving to ASP.NET 2.0 from PHP and am banging my head against the wall trying to figure out how to do these little things. I appreciate any help you can give.
Hey All, This is really simple basic question, and it's just so I can start to learn about MVS. I have a sql-database called "Test" with a Table called "Agents" with just three colulms "ID", "FNAME" and "LNAME". On the Default Page I have three Textboxes and a submit Button, All I want to do is type "Select" criteria in Textbox1 and have Textbox2 Display the "Fname" and Textbox3 Display the "Lname". (Using VB in ASPX) Dim i As New SqlDataSource() i.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Test").ToString() i.SelectCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text i.SelectCommand = ((((((Now What???)))))))
I am designing a database to store data from a leak tester.
We want to display the results between dates, I mean, the results of the leaking test are going to be stored as well as the datetime in which they have been performed.
ID (int) RESULT (float) TS (datetime)
The query will be, of course:
This table is growing by 10000 rows a day, it is possible that in a year getting the values between two dates became impossible.
Using a index with a datetime field sounds like a crazy idea.
I have created a new reports application project in VS 2008. I have a dataset with 2 tables: Customer and CustomerAddress with one to many relationship. I want to have a simple table in my report which displays data in the following format: Customer Name Address ---------------------------------------------------------- ABC Add1 ABC Add2
XYZ Add1 XYZ Add2
Here Address is obviously from CustomerAddress table. I have tried few options but it's mainly disgusting to work with Reports Application project when there was an amazing Busines Intelligence Reports project available in VS 2005 and equally good designer interface (Dataset, Design and Preview tabs for each report). Please give me a solution to this.
Im trying to display all twelve results from a dataset in reporting services. On the layout tab I can get the first and last record in my dataset to display by using the commands:
I have created a view thats pulling data from two different tables to combine them into one report.
table 1 lists the client code and table 2 lists the client partner and they're linked by a variable.
When running the report the result shows the client codes with their respective partner however any client codes that didn't have a partner are not displaying in the report and I need all client codes to be displayed even if there's no partner.
Is there a way I can make this display all results and if the client partner doesn't exist for it to still display as 'Null' for the partner but still display the client code?
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT C.cltCode AS ClientCode, C.cltSortName AS SortName, C.cltTerminationDate AS [Term date], dbo.vcltAttrib6.ainTVal AS Department, C.objInstID AS ClientID FROM dbo.cdbClient AS C INNER JOIN dbo.vcltAttrib6 ON C.objInstID = dbo.vcltAttrib6.ainObjectInstID GROUP BY C.cltSortName, C.cltTerminationDate, dbo.vcltAttrib6.ainTVal, C.objInstID, C.cltCode ORDER BY ClientID
I am wondering if tempdb stores all results tempararily whenever I query a large fact table with over 4 million records which joins another dimension table? Since each time when I run the query, the tempdb grows to nearly 1GB which nearly runs out all the space on my local system drive, as a result the performance totally down. Is there any way to fix this problem? Thanks a lot in advance and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly for your kind advices.
I have a view I've created which displays client sortname, partner and date added which displays 7 results.
When I add another table to this view to display the Industry it then only gives me 4 results as the other 3 results have no Industry instead of giving me the 7 results and showing the Industry column as empty for the other 3.
Is there a way I can make it show all 7 results and havethe column where the industry is empty display the other results instead of not displaying any results at all for them?
Script: SELECT dbo.cdbClient.cltSortName AS ClientName, dbo.vcltAttrib4.ainTVal AS ClientPartner, dbo.vcltAttrib422.ainDVal AS [Date Added], dbo.cdbAttribInst.ainTVal AS Inudstry FROM dbo.cdbClient LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.cdbObject ON dbo.cdbClient.cltCategoryID = dbo.cdbObject.objID LEFT OUTER JOIN
[Code] ....
In the above script the cbdAttribInst table has the Industry column I need which is 'ainTVal'...
Declare @SQuery nvarchar(3000) set @TblName1 = '[' + @TblName1 + ']' set @TblType = '[' + @TblType + ']'
SELECT @SQuery = 'select top 10 a.commodity1 as HS4, b.descrip_1 as Description, sum(a.all_val_mo) as [Amount],
(sum(a.all_val_mo)/(select Sum(a.all_val_mo) FROM ' + @TblName1 + 'a where a.stat_month <=' + @Month + ' and a.district=' + @District +'))*100 as [% Share]
FROM ' + @TblName1 + ' a left outer join ' + @TblType + ' b on a.commodity1=b.commodity1 where a.stat_month <=' + @Month + ' and a.district=' + @District +' Group by a.commodity1, b.descrip_1 order by [Amount] desc'
i want to select the results from the querys into one table how would i do this ?
I have written several scripts to pull in nested info to the analyzer window. How do I get this data to write to the new table I have created in the database? here is the current script:
select Hierarchy_List.Hierarchy_Label as Hierarchy_Name, Hierarchy_List.hierarchy_ID as Hierarchy_ID, Hierarchy_List.Parent_ID as Parent_ID, frequency_item.manufacturer as Motor_Make, frequency_item.model as Frame from hierarchy_list full outer join Frequency_item ON HIERARCHY_LIST.HIERARCHY_ID = frequency_item.HIERARCHY_ID where parent_id in (select hierarchy_id from hierarchy_list where parent_id in (select hierarchy_id from hierarchy_list where parent_id in (select hierarchy_id from hierarchy_list where parent_id in (select hierarchy_id from hierarchy_list where parent_id=0) and parent_id<>0) and parent_id<>0) and parent_id<>0) and parent_id<>0 and frequency_item.description = 'motor'
I need to move this data to the VAER.Al_Machines and the column names are the same. I can move data via DTS, but it won't work on this because the nested info. Is there a script addendum I can add to this to execute both the search and the transfer in one job so I can automate it? Thanks for any help.
Is there any way i could take the first 50 results of a sql query and store them into 1 table in access and take the next 50 and store them into a second table in access? Is there any SQL statement that will direct where the output gets directed to?
OR is there a way to have the sql reults paird up with a autonumbered ID?
How do I save my query results into new table.... The ORIGINAL COLUMN Of course before parsing--- But the only data I want is in the three no name columns---(NO Column Name),(NO Column Name),(NO Column Name)I don’t want the original column saved back but I think it existing in the final query is blocking my Insert Into---
select c.name FROM sys.tables AS t INNER JOIN sys.columns c ON t.OBJECT_ID = c.OBJECT_ID where t.name= 'Hosea_tblDATA_NOTES'and c.is_identity = 0 order by column_id
I was thinking if it is possible to create a table from the results of this query, my table name(in this case 'Hosea_tblDATA_NOTES') will be a parameter, that whatever table name I pass, with the results I get I will be able to create another table, assuming all data types are varchars, but it should be generic.
I want to create a new table with the about of that query, that output has to be my columns.
I am trying to do a select statement and input the result to a different table how can this be done in one step? Now I am just coping to excel and importing back in this is a real pain.
Can anyone show me how to run a prediction query and save the results to a sql table without using the T-SQL OPENQUERY tip here http://www.sqlserverdatamining.com/DMCommunity/TipsNTricks/3914.aspx? I am looking for an example in vb.net that I can use in a SSIS script task.
I would like to perform a large query operation (which takes many seconds), and store that into a designated table which will act as basically a cache for that query. Is there a way to achieve this just using SQL, as opposed to using a data reader, then inserting that back into the designated table with a sqlceresultset.
I have cubes that hold quite a few calculations and so creating Excel pivot table views from it take a long time. This is even true for Excel 2007.
Now I wonder if it would be possible to write back all the calculation results to a relational table - maybe one that exactly matches the report format - so creating another report would be much faster?
SSRS seems to be a way to go but it does not speed up my Excel case.
I read about write-back in ROLAP and MOLAP but I don't think any of these concepts help me to really speed up my reports.
The closest thing I was able to find so far, which besides seems to do exactly what I want is Microsoft's new PerformancePoint 2007. It's just it seems overkill for my projects and the price is at $20K.
I have a query that returns the following date interval (int) calls (int) 2008-01-07 00:00:00 700 0 2008-01-07 00:00:00 730 0 2008-01-07 00:00:00 800 0 2008-01-07 00:00:00 830 9 2008-01-07 00:00:00 900 8
I am looking for a way to get my table mentioned above to look like this row_date [700] [730] [800] [830] [900] 2008-1-7 0 0 0 9 8
does anyone have any slick ideas on how I can accomplish this task?
I have created a table(T1) from select query result, that Select query is parameterised. Now I need to update the select query table(T1) based on the result every time.
Below is my Query:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[RPT_Cost_copy] SELECT MEII.*, SIMM.U_SP2DC, UPPER(SIMM.U_C3C2) AS GRP3,sb.cost, PREV.Z1, PREV.Z3, SB.Z2, SB.Z4,SIMM.U_C3DC1 AS FAM INTO T1 FROM (SELECT a.meu, a.mep2, SUM(a.mest) as excst FROM mei as A WHERE a.myar=@yr and a.mprd=@mth AND LTRIM(A.MCU) <> '' AND LTRIM(A.MRP2) <> ''
I pulled some examples of using a subquery pivot to build a temp table, but cannot get it to work.
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Pyr') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Pyr GO SELECT vst_int_id, [4981] AS Primary_Ins, [4978] AS Secondary_Ins,
The problems I am having are with the integer data being used to create temp table fields. The bracketed numbers on line 7-10 give me an invalid column name error each. In the 'FOR', I get another error "Incorrect syntax near 'FOR'. Expecting '(', or '.'.". The first integer in the "IN" gives me an "Incorrect syntax near '[4981]'. Expecting '(' or SELECT". I will post the definitions from another effort below.
I am attempting to sort the results of a query executed against a table variable in descending order. The data is being inserted into the table variable as expected, however when I attempt to order the results in descending order, the results are incorrect. I have included the code as well as the result set.
DECLARE @tblCustomRange AS TABLE
RangeMonth INTEGER,
-- Initialize month and day variables.
SET @Month = 8
SET @Day = 11
-- Insert records into the table variable. INSERT INTO @tblCustomRange
(RangeMonth, RangeDay) VALUES (1,2)
INSERT INTO @tblCustomRange
(RangeMonth, RangeDay) VALUES (1,27)
INSERT INTO @tblCustomRange
(RangeMonth, RangeDay) VALUES (6,10)
INSERT INTO @tblCustomRange
(RangeMonth, RangeDay) VALUES (9,22)
INSERT INTO @tblCustomRange
(RangeMonth, RangeDay) VALUES (12,16)
-- Select everything from the table variable ordering the results by month, day in -- descending order
I believe saving prediction query results to relational tables is possible (the BI studio does it!). I am not clear on how to do this w/o the BI studio, which means if I write a DMX query and want to store its output to a relational table, how do I do it?